SYSPLEX names, ANALZPCR sometimes accidentally had the
right SYSTEM in the right SYSPLEX, but not always.
Now, PDB.TYPE70, whose SYSTEM-SYSPLEX pairing is always
right, is read to create a format mapping SYSTEM to its
SYSPLEX (in addition to the existing format that maps the
SYSTEM to MVSLEVEL). Then, PDB.TYPE70PR is read, values
of MVSLEVEL/SYSPLEX are set from SMF70STN format lookups,
and the WORK.TYPE70PR dataset has correct SYSPLEX and
MVSLEVEL for LPARNAME, so ANALZPCR now always is right.
-zPCR load fails with MXG-created .zpcr file if incomplete
SMF/PDB data input was read and SCP created.
The input SMF or PDB must have TYPE70 observations for
every SYSTEM to get the MVSLEVEL, which is used to set
the SCP tag from SMF70STN in TYPE70PR. If a system's
data doesn't have TYPE70 data and is only in the TYPE70PR
LPAR data, the SCP tag value 'z/OS-MXG**' has always been
created in the .zpcr file, but not documented, and that
tag value must be changed for zPCR to load the text file.
Now, there are ERROR messages when you have missing data
telling you MUST change those SCP tag values before using
the .zpcr file. Output reports also are enhanced to show
the MVSLEVEL and SMF70STN for each LPAR.
-ANALZPCR program fails with overlapping FORMAT values if
the SMF/PDB input has data with multiple MVSLEVELS from
the same SYSTEM. ANALZPCR will now detect and continue
to execute, and will use the LAST MVSLEVEL for SCP tag,
but will also print ERROR messages when this is detected.
ANALZPCR can't easily be redesigned to support this
multiplicity, but you can split your input and run the
ANALZPCR twice to create each of the two .zpcr files.
-When ANALZPCR is run on ASCII, to read a PDB.TYPE70 that
was CIMPORTed from z/OS and that had been created on z/OS
"before" the TRANSCODE attribute was added by MXG 27.01
(Change 27.014) to all HEX-containing-$CHAR-variables,
variable CPUTYPE will have been converted to '886D'x for
a true CPUTYPE='2094'x. ANALZPCR now tests CPUTYPE for
these "wrong" values: 886D/886F/8870/8871x in CPUTYPE
and corrects them to: 2094/2096/2097/2098x so that the
NAME tag that zpcr expects is created in the .zpcr file.
-When PDB=SMF was used, DASDIORT counted only DASD I/O by
selecting only DEVCLASS=20X when SMF was read. But when
PDB=PDB was used, but only if your PDB.TYPE74 dataset had
other DEVCLASS's captured, DASDIORT was the total I/O.
Now, the PDB=PDB logic selects only DEVCLASS=20X counts.
-MXG uses LCPUSHAR, the Initial Shared LPAR Weight, but if
IRD is active (LPARWLMG='Y'), zPCR expects SMF70ACS, the
Current Shared Weight.
-The message for Linux LPARs that you have to manually put
the SCP type printed the SYSTEM instead of the LPARNAME.
-When PDB=CECTIME was used, specialty engine and ICF's
could have been miscounted.
and they do NOT contain IFLs, nor ICF partitions, and
thus are unlikely to be used. CECTIME is DEFAULT.
-Mar 4, 2010. zPCR Release 6.3a failed to load a model
with CPUTYPE 2094-722; IBM zPCR support
created an updated zPCR program with same-day-service!
With that new release, the Book Configuration, which is
now VERY important, can be specified in the pull-down.
Thanks to Frank Bereznay, IBM Global Services, USA.
Thanks to Raff Rushton, IBM Global Services, USA.
Thanks to Karl Lasecki, Chemical Abstracts Service, USA.
Change 28.020 Variable QAQSGDSP, Sharing Group Dispositions, in dataset
FORMATS TMMQQAA is now decoded by new FORMAT $MGTMQDI.
Feb 12, 2010
Thanks to Paul Volpi, UHC, USA.
Change 28.019 INVALID DATA FOR RVTRERR in EDGHSKP records is caused by
VMACEDGR IBM writing a question-mark character instead of a count
Feb 10, 2010 of errors as an &NUM4. field. This change eliminates
that NOTE and the HEX record dump for all four xxxxERR
variables (by changing the INPUT to use ?? &NUM.4.), but
IBM will be contacted for an explanation; perhaps they
store a question mark when the error count is larger than
the maximum of 99999 that fits in that 4-byte field.
These instance of invalid data values can be identified
because RVTRERR will be a missing value in the EDGRXEXT
or EDGRVEXT dataset.
Thanks to Paul Volpi, UHC, USA.
Change 28.018 All of the duration/clock values are in 1024 microsecond
VMACTMVT units and not the 64 microsecond units MXG had coded; the
Feb 10, 2010 correct 1024 multiplier is now used. The FORMAT TIME13.3
will still display decimals the maximum resolution of one
millisecond (0.001 seconds), since 1024 microseconds is
just at teeny bit more than one millisecond.
Thanks to Paul Volpi, UHC, USA.
Change 28.017 CICS Optional 'PSB SCHL', a mis-spelling of the expected
UTILEXCL 'PSB SCHD' field name, is now recognized and supported.
Feb 8, 2010
Thanks to Thomas E. Porta, TYCO Electronics, USA.
Change 28.016 SAS Version 9.2 changed the PROC GCHART's PATTERN default
DOC to a terrible choice that produces unreadable patterns.
Feb 6, 2010 Feb: Investigating alternatives.
Aug 9, 2010 Aug: Better definition of color/patterns now defined as
default in VMXGINIT, but if you choose your own,
yours will instead be used.
Change 28.015 Support for z/TPF SMF 89 record; z/TPF put the subtype in
VMAC89 byte 19 rather than bytes 19-20 as documented for z/OS.
Feb 3, 2010 MXG protects either z/OS or z/TPF SMF ID=89 records now.
Thanks to Paul J. Westerhout, KLM, THE NETHERLANDS.
Change 28.014 MXG 27.10-MXG 27.27. The wildcard colon-suffix in the
VGETDDS DDNAMES= argument, to allocate all DDNAMEs starting with
Feb 3, 2010 those characters (%VGETDDS,DDNAMES=PDB:); worked ONLY for
DDNAMES=PDB:). Any OTHER prefix characters ahead of that
colon caused syntax errors. And, DDNAMES=ALLDAYS or even
a list of specific DDNAMES=MON TUE WED names also failed,
with LIBNAME PDBx NOT ASSIGNED because a separate error
sent VMXGDDS to try to allocate LIBNAMES starting with
PDBn, no matter what names you used in your DDNAMES=.
Note: If the DATASET you will look for in VMXGSET might
not exist in all of the LIBNAMES you specify, you
can use OPTIONS NODSNFERR; and only the found
datasets will be read by VMXGSET, and the SAS log
will indicate which DDnames had the DATASET.
Thanks to Paul Naddeo, FISERV, USA.
Thanks to Jim Horne, Lowe's Companies, USA.
Change 28.013 Variables QW0127FG/QW0127PG/QW0128FG/QW0128PG are INPUT
FORMATS and kept in T102S127 and T102S128 datasets. The "PG"
VMAC102 variables are four-byte replacements for the three-byte
Jan 30, 2010 existing "PN" page number variables.
Thanks to Chuck Hopf, Independent Consultant, USA.
Change 28.012 Very kewl tool, %VMXGFIND searches a SAS data library to
VMXGFIND FIND all observations in all datasets that meet your test
VGETVAR criteria, outputs those selected obs into a separate SAS
VMXGPRNT data library, and prints all selected obs (all variables,
Jan 31, 2010 with the variable's name AND label as heading).
For example:
finds all obs with JOB='MXGBUILD' in all of the datasets
in the PDB input library, and outputs those obs into
their datasets in the PDBOUT data library, and prints.
In your KEEPIN= argument, you list all of the variables
that will be used in the SAS code in your FIND= argument.
Only the datasets with one or more of those variables are
read, and the FIND= logic is used to output the selected.
You can test with complex logic with multiple variables
that don't exist in all of the dataset. For example:
FIND= IF ('31JAN2010:15:00:00'DT LE STARTIME LT
'31JAN2010:16:00:00'DT )
OR ('31JAN2010:15:00:00'DT LE STRTTIME LT
'31JAN2010:16:00:00'DT )
OR ('31JAN2010:15:00:00'DT LE INTBTIME LT
'31JAN2010:16:00:00'DT ) ;,
selects all interval observations that started in the 3PM
hour, from RMFINTRV plus all detail RMF datasets, from
CICINTRV and any other CICxxxxx interval datasets, from
DB2STATx interval datasets, from the SMFINTRV dataset,
and from ANY other PDB dataset with ANY of those three
variables meeting the test. There will be log messages
UNINITIALIZED VARIABLE printed when a dataset being read
doesn't contain all KEEPIN= variables, but they are
harmless and unavoidable.
Or, this example
will find all observations from user "JOE".
determines if variable VARNAME exists in DDNAME.DATASET.
VMXGPRNT now deletes WORK.TMPPRNT (previously WORK.SP_L).
Thanks to Chuck Hopf, Independent Consultant, USA.
Change 28.011 Reading VSAM SMF for type 119 records failed; the OFFSMF
VMAC119 was not added to all of the offsets.
Jan 29, 2010
Thanks to Kim Westcott, State of New York, USA.
Change 28.010 Variable SHIFT is created from the QWHSSTCK (END TIME) in
VMACDB2H the DB2 Header for all DB2 records, and SHIFT is now kept
VMACDB2 in all of the datasets created from SMF 100 and 101 data.
Jan 28, 2010
Thanks to Atle Mjelde, ErgoGroup, NORWAY
Change 28.009 INVALID DATA FOR CVTTZ in z/OS 1.11 Type 0 record is due
VMAC0 to absence of &IB.4. in its INPUT statement, but as this
Jan 28, 2010 new variable is not used elsewhere, this had no impact,
except the waste of your time chasing this message down.
I missed this because there were no IPL records in any of
my z/OS 1.11 test SMF data, and because the absence of an
INFORMAT in an INPUT statement is not a syntax error.
Thanks to Jim Horne, Lowe's Companies, USA.
Change 28.008 The SPIN.SPINMOUN and SPIN.SPINSYSL dataset could grow to
ASUMTAPE massive size (1.8 million obs in SPINSYSL) because there
Jan 26, 2010 was no test to stop their spinning after some number of
days. Now, IMACSPIN is read and its value of _SPINCNT is
used to determine when a still-unmatched syslog message
should be "spun" again. When observations are deleted
due to their age, the count is printed on the SAS log.
The default IMACSPIN has _SPINCNT of zero, because if
you failed to read INSTALL's instructions on how to
EDIT your IMACSPIN member, at least then when you run
your first BUILDPDB, all of the jobs in SMF are output
to the PDB library, with none output to SPIN, so you
will find all your jobs, complete and incomplete, in
that first PDB. Then, when you ask about all those
incomplete jobs, tech support will point you back to
But for ASUMTAPE, I will always spin the incomplete
mount events at least one day, using _SPINCNT+1, which
should allow most incomplete mounts today to match up
tomorrow, even if you haven't changed IMACSPIN.
Thanks to Jim Horne, Lowe's Companies, Inc, USA.
Change 28.006 An example Ranking analysis, a PROC RANK on steroids.
Jan 25, 2010
Change 28.005 -Support for Sun StorageTek Enterprise Library Software
VMACSTC Version 6.2 and Version 7.0. Version 6.2 adds new field
Jan 25, 2010 STC14N4K, the number of 4K blocks, used to re-calculate
Feb 2, 2010 STC14VSZ, which was previously limited to a max of 4GB.
Sep 16, 2010 Variables marked with * below, are only in Version 7.
-New variables added to STCVSM13 dataset;
-New variables added to STCVSM14 dataset;
-New variables added to STCVSM16 dataset;
-New variables added to STCVSM17 dataset;
-New variables added to STCVSM18 dataset;
-New variables added to STCVSM19 dataset;
-New variables added to STCVSM25 dataset;
-New variables added to STCVSM26 dataset;
-New variables added to STCVSM27 dataset;
-New variables added to STCVSM28 dataset;
-Sep 16: No code change, but with this change there were
obs created from subtype 7 records in STCHSC dataset
with the Oracle SL8500 hardware, whereas MXG 27.05
created zero observations in STCHSC.
Thanks to Davide Marone, SGS S.p.a. ITALY
Thanks to Carlo Gavinelli, SGS S.p.a. ITALY
Thanks to Gianvittorio Negri, SAS Institute, ITALY.
Change 28.004 The EXTREMELY DETAIL DB2 Trace Report PMTRC01 is revised
ANALDB2R for efficiency, keeping track of which of 350 possible
Jan 25, 2010 trace datasets are actually populated, and only using
Feb 22, 2010 their variables. Some uninitialized variables messages
and character to numeric conversions were eliminated.
Note that your DBA needs to enable all of these IFCIDs to
cover all I/O and SQL calls:
IO 6 7 8 9 10 29 30 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 105 107
114 115 116 119 120
SQL 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 15 16 17 18 19 20 22 44 45 53 55
58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 68 69 70 71 73 74 75 76
77 78 79 86 87 88 89 95 96 105 107 125 157 158 159
160 163 174 175 177 183 ACCOUNT
With CONNTYPE=4 in the argument list, only records from
CICS Connection will be reported, so if both I/O and SQL
traces are enabled, you can see what DB2 Tables/DBIDs are
touched for each transaction, and can what types of SQL
calls were made for each transaction. Unfortunately, you
can NOT map SQL calls to each DB2 Table that was used.
See correction in Change 28.083.
Thanks to Paul Volpi, UHC, USA.
Change 28.003 Summary of (archaic) SMF 118 records in ANALTCP and of
ANALTCP current SMF 119 records failed if PDB was on TAPE.
Jan 21, 2010
Thanks to Chuck Hopf, Independent Consultant, USA.
Change 28.002 Variables CPUZIPTM and CPUIFATM added to this example
ASUMSMFI summarization of PDB.SMFINTRV.
Jan 21, 2010
Thanks to Frank Lund, EDB Business Partner Norge AS, NORWAY
Change 28.001 Unused Change.
LASTCHANGE: Version 28.
MXG Version 27.27 is dated Jan 20, 2010, thru Change 27.361
MXG Version 27.27 is the 2010 "Annual Version".
MXG Newsletter FIFTY-FIVE is dated Jan 20, 2010
MXG Version 27.11 is dated Dec 31, 2009, thru Change 27.337
MXG Version 27.10 is dated Dec 6, 2009, thru Change 27.325
MXG Version 27.09 was dated Oct 14, 2009, thru Change 27.283
MXG Version 27.08 was dated Sep 1, 2009, thru Change 27.229
MXG Version 27.07 was dated Aug 11, 2009, thru Change 27.195
MXG Newsletter FIFTY-FOUR is dated Aug 10, 2009
MXG Version 27.06 was dated Jul 20, 2009, thru Change 27.167
MXG Version 27.05 was dated Jun 29, 2009, thru Change 27.145
MXG Version 27.04 was dated May 27, 2009, thru Change 27.107
MXG Version 27.03 was dated May 4, 2009, thru Change 27.083
MXG Version 27.02 was dated Apr 13, 2009, thru Change 27.066
MXG Version 27.01 was dated Mar 17, 2009, thru Change 27.042
MXG Version 26.26 was dated Feb 12, 2009, thru Change 26.326
MXG Version 26.26 was the 2009 "Annual Version".
MXG Newsletter FIFTY-THREE was dated Feb 3, 2009
Instructions for ftp download can be requested by using this form:
Your download instructions will be sent via return email.
Contents of member CHANGES:
I. Current MXG Software Version 27.27 is available upon request.
II. SAS Version requirement information.
III. WPS Version requirement information.
IV. MXG Version Required for Hardware, Operating System Release, etc.
V. Incompatibilities and Installation of MXG 27.27.
VI. Online Documentation of MXG Software.
VII. Changes Log
Member NEWSLTRS contains Technical Notes, especially APARs of interest
and is updated with new notes frequently. All Newsletters are online
at in the "Newsletters" frame.
Member CHANGES contains the changes made in the current MXG version.
Member CHANGESS contains all changes that have ever been made to MXG.
All MXG changes are also online at, in "Changes".
I. MXG Version 27.27 dated Jan 20, 2010, thru Change 27.361.
MXG Version 27.27 is the "Annual Version" for 2010.
Major enhancements added in MXG 27.27, dated Jan 20, 2010
VMXGCNFG 27.356 The standard SAS JCL Proc can be used for MXG.
TYPE112 27.358 Support for OMEGAMON ONDV SMF 112 SUBTYPE 0100X
TYPEEDGR 27.349 Support for RMM APAR OA24025 RDDESKEY.
TYPEEDGR 27.339 RVTxERR RVPxERR variables now numeric, incompatible.
TYPE1415 27.361 MXG 27.06-27.11. BUFNO always zero due to typo.
TYPESRMH 27.340 SRM Thales Security PTF SL24010 INCOMPATIBLE support.
VGETDDS 27.359 WAIT=N option protects for DSNAME already in use.
VGETDDS 27.330 New DATEJUL= correctly generates julian dsnames.
VMXGALOC 27.355 NOWAIT added, create/allocates are now conditional.
READDB2 27.351 READDB2 didn't always invoke its EXdddddd members.
TYPE80A 27.357 TYPE8066 dataset enhanced.
TYPETMVT 27.347 TMON/VTAM "SI" record Interval variables now INPUT.
ANAL307X 27.346 Analysis compares Hourly CPU in 70, 72, 30 interval.
JCLCIDB2 27.345 UTILBLDP JCL example for CICS, DB2, and ASUMUOW+.
ASUM70PR 27.344 Variables LPCTBY/PCTLPBY missing for PHYSICAL LPAR.
VMXGSET 27.343 VMXGSET permits multiple datasets with APPEND=YES.
VMACSMF 27.341 WARNING: SUBTYPE GT 255 message now not defaulted.
TYPEIMSA 27.354 MXGNOTE now prints the value of _IMSVERS on the log.
Major enhancements added in MXG 27.11, dated Dec 31, 2009
EXPDBINC 27.334 MXG 27.10 ONLY. %UTILBLDP option USERADD= fails.
(Must remove &EPDBINC from EXPDBINC if you used the
%UTILBLDP to create your BUILDPDB source SYSIN code.)
TYPETMNT 27.336 SYSLOG message text size increased to 32384 bytes.
ANALRMFR 27.333 RMF Summary Report (REPORT=SMRY) was incorrect.
ANALJOBE 27.332 Analysis of Job Events revised, JESNR test removed.
TYPE80A 27.331 Protection for unknown TOKDANAM eliminates STOPOVER.
TYPE82 27.330 SMF82PDK, SMF82RKN, SMF82PTA increased, corrected.
TYPE110 27.329 MXG 27.10, CICIDNNR NOT FOUND, only if _S110ST used.
ASUMMIPS 27.327 DUR70 created with actual vs expected DURATM.
TYPEDB2 27.326 Variable QDSTQCIT now not deaccumulated.
Major enhancements added in MXG 27.10, dated Dec 6, 2009
TYPE0 27.325 Updated Support for z/OS 1.11, ID=0 now supported.
TYPECDC 27.324 Support for IBM's InfoSphere Change Data Capture CDC
TYPEDB2 27.319 Support for QMDAPTYP='JCC' (Type 4 JDBC Driver).
TYPE7072 27.317 Support for APAR OA28670 RMF 70 Crypto Express3
VMACORAL 27.306 Support for restructured ORACLE SMF records.
TYPESYNC 27.289 Support for CPUZIPTM added in SYNCSORT SMF records.
READDB2 27.322 IFCIDS= features (STATS, DB2ACCT, Dataset Name, etc)
JCL40GIG 27.316 JCL example to split/parallelize BUILDPDB job.
VGETDDS 27.310 New DATEJUL= created DSNAMES with Julian YYYDDD.
VMXGDUR 23.308 SYNC59-NO/VMXGDUR/VMXGSUM (final?) enhancements.
ASUMMIPS 27.305 ASUMMIPS now inflates MSU by system CAPTURE RATIO.
TYPE110 27.303 CICS Total I/O and Total Other Wait updates.
ALOCGOVO 27.299 Allocate GDG's with GOOVOO to minimize DSENQUEUE.
TYPETIMS 27.298 Expensive algorithm to uncompress ASG/Landmark data.
TYPENTSM 27.312 MXG 27.09 only. NTSMF Processing failed, RECFM.
DAILYDSx 27.287 MXG 27.09 only. TMC= should have been TAPEDATA=.
TYPE74 27.287 MXG 27.09 only. DEBUGGING PUT statement removed.
CONFIGxx 27.294 MXG 27.08-27.09 only. Option MAUTOLOCDISPLAY removed.
TYPEPROS 27.295 PRO/SMS SMF record misalignment corrected.
ASUM70PR 27.294 IFL obs in ASUM70LP/ASUMCELP missing STARTIME fixed.
ASUM70PR 27.292 First LPAR had missing values in LPSHAR/TOTSHARE.
TYPE42 27.291 Variable S42DSRDD incorrect by factor of 10**6.
ASMTAPEE 27.300 ASMTAPE ML-45 enhancements to TMNTnnnn messages.
Major enhancements added in MXG 27.09, dated Oct 14, 2009
This means you do NOT have to assemble and install
the EXITCICS "infile" exit.
MANY 27.277 Support for USER=DDNAME, "WORK" now "&MXGWORK".
TYPE110 27.274 SORT Order for CICFCR changed, A17DSIXP/DTRDS fixed.
READDB2 27.272 READDB2 support for WANTONLY now works.
TYPE110 27.270 CICS STID=115 should not exist.
ASUM70GO 27.268 Example summarizes PDB.TYPE72GO, changing interval.
TYPEVMXA 27.264 z/VM MONWRITE example processes only USER domain.
TYPE74 27.263 R744FNAM not in TYPE74DU, ITRM sites need update.
ASUMMIPS 27.262 MSU/MIPS for zIIPs and zAAPs added to CPs summary.
TYPE120 27.255 WAS SMF1209FI/EV (CPU/Elapsed Times) corrected.
RMFINTRV 27.252 Format missing for many duration variables, fixed.
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