TYPEVMXA 10.163 Candle's VCOLLECT 5.1.0 still writes invalid "VVBs".
TYPEVMXA 10.244 Support for VM/ESA Release 2.0.
TYPEWSF 10.081 Support for RSD's WSF/WSF2 Release 3.4.1.
TYPEWSF 10.150 WSF 3.3.6 caused error (no problem with 3.4.1).
TYPEXAM 10.231 Support for Velocity Software's XAMAP History files.
TYPEXCOM 10.165 Support for XCOM 6.2 Version 2.2.2G SMF record.
TYPEX37 10.013 STOPX37 Release 3.4 is supported.
TYPEX37 10.276 Support for Empact's STOPX37 Release 3.5.
TYPE102 10.072 DB2 SQLCODE can be negative, MXG read as positive.
TYPE102 10.170 DB2 Trace IFCID 172 and 177 now tested and supported.
TYPE102 10.174 DB2 optimizer's cost estimate was incorrect.
TYPE102 10.183 DB2 Trace statement Numbers now print as decimals.
TYPE102 10.281 DB2 T102S044 lock fields were incorrect.
TYPE110 10.017 Invalid type 110 subtype 2 could cause MXG to loop.
TYPE110 10.038 Omegamon error causes INVALID DATA FOR SMFPSRSN.
TYPE110 10.059 Type 110 STOPOVER due to bad record eliminated.
TYPE110 10.061 Support for CICS/ESA 3.3.0 monitor (CICSTRAN) data.
TYPE110 10.062 Support for CICS/ESA 3.3.0 statistics datasets.
TYPE110 10.234 Enhanced CICS error messages for EXCLUDE/INCLUDE.
TYPE110 10.278 OMEGAMON/CICS V550 DATACOM SPE is incompatible.
TYPE110 10.280 Fourth TCBs CPU time was not included in CICINTRV.
TYPE24 10.037 Spool off-load type 24 can cause STOPOVER abend.
TYPE28 10.095 Blue Line's Vital Signs for VTAM type 28 supported.
TYPE28 10.106 NPM 1.5.1 NPMEVX25 (subtypes 144-150) error fixed.
TYPE28 10.134 Line PCTBUSY in each direction measured separately.
TYPE28 10.155 NPM variables LLBSSTIM/LLBSPTIM incorrect.
TYPE28 10.264 Support for NPM Release 1.6
TYPE30 10.031 Variables ACTDLYTM, RESDLYTM, DSPDLYTM created.
TYPE30 10.108 Some APPC variables in TYPE30 have wrong value.
TYPE30 10.325 Support for OpenEdition/MVS type 30 enhancements.
TYPE30OM 10.325 Type 30 support for OpenEdition/MVS
TYPE33 10.232 Error in processing SMF type 33 (APPC) records.
TYPE37 10.098 System Center's NETMASTER type 37 SMF record support.
TYPE37 10.167 Support for Type 37 Network Alert APAR OY49717.
TYPE39 10.040 INPUT STATEMENT EXCEEDED for subtype 5.
TYPE40 10.065 New dataset TYPE40_D can be created for tape analysis
TYPE41 10.015 DIV type 41 SMF record timestamps misdocumented.
TYPE42 10.005 Type 42 SMF record causes STOPOVER ABEND.
TYPE6 10.003 PSF type 6 record had FORM truncated.
TYPE6 10.124 Incompatible change to type 6 SMF record by PSF.
TYPE6 10.139 PRUWTR type 6 SMF record has incorrect READTIME.
TYPE6156 10.255 VSAM Data and Index component names & SMS data added.
TYPE70 10.256 TCP/IP SMF record defaults to type 70!
TYPE70 10.260 Negative CPUACTTM/PCTCPUBY in TYPE70 with PR/SM/
TYPE70x 10.320 Support for OpenEdition MVS, OMVS, RMF records.
TYPE7072 10.010 TYPE70PR variable NRPRCS corrected.
TYPE7072 10.042 PCTRDYWT variable now created.
TYPE7072 10.317 GMT Offset, GMTOFFTM, available in MVS/ESA 4.3.
TYPE71 10.014 SWAP counts corrected.
TYPE73 10.179 ESCON converter flag variable ESCACVC not set.
TYPE73 10.247 MVS/ESA 4.2.2 EMIF Feature corrupts TYPE73 data set.
TYPE73 10.259 Only real channels create TYPE73 observations now.
TYPE75 10.099 MVS/ESA 4.2.0 changed format of DEVNR/UNITADR.
TYPE78 10.201 CMF Type 78 incorrect R783CPDN value causes 0 obs.
TYPE79 10.123 Type 79 subtype 1 corrections.
TYPE79 10.283 RMF 79 records appear to be un-deaccumulatable.
TYPE80A 10.251 RACF events consolidated in new TYPE80A dataset.
TYPE84 10.224 JES3 type 84 INPUT STATEMENT EXCEEDED error.
TYPE94 10.285 Support for IBM 3495 Tape Library Dataserver SMF.
VMXGHSM 10.254 HSM dates TTOCDLR and TTOCXPDT were wrong.
VMXGSUM 10.089 MINTIME=,MAXTIME= parameters added to VMXGSUM.
VMXGVTOC 10.054 ISAM index space not recognized in VTOC.
VMXGVTOC 10.243 SAS 6.07 ZAP V6-SYS-FILE-4673 required.
VMXGVTOF 10.125 Variable DS4VTOCE input but not kept.
VMXGVTOF 10.171 VTOCs with freespace starting in track 1 missed it.
WEEKBLD 10.008 NOT SORTED when implementing MXG 9.9
WEEKBLD 10.009 TYPE70PR,DB2ACCT/STAT0/STAT1 added to weekly/monthly.
WEEKBLD 10.206 All JCLPDB6 PDB & ASUM.... datasets are in WEEKBLD.
WEEKBLD 10.225 BY list for WEEK.ASUM70PR wrong.
XMAC7072 10.023 344 Compiler circumvention causes UNINITIALIZED msg.
XUNIX 10.076 Support for ULTRIX UNIX iostat and vmstat commands.
Inverse chronological list of all Changes:
NEXTCHANGE: Version 10
Change 10.336 The sample JCL Procedure MXGSAS is now provided in member
MXGSAS MXGSAS, and is now used in MXG JCL examples. The PROC is
Mar 11, 1993 simply an extension to the SAS607 JCL Proc, with the MXG
data sets and options provided to minimize your JCL.
Using MXGSAS, it is no longer necessary to override the
BLKSIZE on the //WORK DD, because there is no BLKSIZE
specified on that DD in the PROC, which permits the MXG
CONFIG07 default of BLKSIZE(DASD)=HALF to control the
blocksize. (Previous JCL examples showed the override
because the SAS607 JCL Proc had hardcoded BLKSIZE). These
symbolic parameters are provided in MXGSAS:
MXGHLQ= The highlevel qualifier of your MXG data sets,
defaults to MXGHLQ='MXG'
SASHLQ= The highlevel qualifier of your SAS data sets,
defaults to SASHLQ='SAS.SAS607'.
CONFIG= Can be used to override, but the PROC itself
so there is no requirement to specify CONFIG=
WORK = Cylinders of work space. Default is (30,10)
SORT = Cylinders of sort work space in each of three
//SORTWKnn DDs. Explicit DDs are included to
prevent dynamic allocation; historically, SAS
and SORT packages have ABENDed when dynaloc was
used and there are multiple sorts of datasets of
different sizes (large, then small, then large
dataset sorting is common in BUILDPDB).
However, this is an example JCL PROC, and you are free to
modify it to meet your installation's JCL requirements.
Change 10.335 Program ASUM70PR enhanced to merge PR/SM data into the
ASUM70PR RMFINTRV and added these three new variables:
Mar 11, 1993 PLATCPUS - Number of CPUs in the hardware platform
PLATBUSY - Total "platform" CPU busy of the PLATCPUS
PCTOFHDW - Percentage of platform busy in this MVS system
RMFINTRV describes each MVS system in a PR/SM partition,
while ASUM70PR describes the whole box. The RMFINTRV
variable PCTCPUBY is the percentage of the interval during
which the NRCPUS in this MVS system were dispatched.
Assume a 100 second interval, and assume that you have a
3090-600 with two partitions, a "test" partition as a
3090-300 that can use three CPU engines, and a "prod"
partition as a 3090-600 that can use all six engines, and
assume you have Capped the test partition at 33%. At full
utilization, then, PLATBUSY would be 100% (of PLATCPUS=6
engines), the test partition RMFINTRV PCTCPUBY would be
66% (of NRCPUS=3 engines) and the prod partition RMFINTRV
PCTCPUBY would be 66% (of NRCPUS=6 engines). There were
600 seconds of total hardware platform CPU busy
(PLATCPUS=6)*(PLATBUSY=100%)*(DURATM=100) = 600, and
there would have been 200 seconds in test partition busy
(NRCPUS=3)*(PCTCPUBY=66%)*(DURATM=100) = 200, and there
would have been 400 seconds in prod partition busy
(NRCPUS=6)*(PCTCPUBY=66%)*(DURATM=100) = 400 seconds,
and PCTOFHDW can be calculated for the test partition:
= 100*(3*66)/(6*100) = 100*(1/3)= 33%
which shows that while PCTCPUBY=66% in RMFINTRV, in fact,
the test partition was using the full 33% of the hardware
platform that capping allowed it to use; arguably the test
partition is at 100% of the capacity you gave it!
Unfortunately, the Capping Target value is not stored in
the type 70 record, but PCTOFHDW may be a better measure
of processor utilization in a PR/SM environment with
shared processor engines.
Thanks to Gene Fernando, American Honda Motor Co, USA.
Change 10.334 FOCUS SMF record processing code caused INPUT STATEMENT
VMACFOCU EXCEEDED RECORD length (because MXG did not protect for an
Mar 20, 1993 82-byte short record); the change was made in MXG 10.3,
but not entered in CHANGES, and thus I do not know to whom
to give thanks. (If it's you, let me know!).
Change 10.333 DB2ACCT fields ACCOUNTn were not input. The test for the
VMACDB2 existence of account fields (IF QWHSNSDA GE 6) should have
Mar 20, 1993 been GE 7, and needed to be relocated until after IMACDB2H
had been included (since that's where QWHSNSDA is input!).
Finally, the offsets for the QMDA triplet should have been
73, 77, and 79 instead of 75, 81, and 83!
Thanks to Linda Thomas, Alberta Government, CANADA.
Change 10.332 Many new ADOCs members were added to MXG 10.10. Some are
ADOCx completed, but many are still work in progress, with new
Mar 9, 1993 text and discussion to be added. Nevertheless, since all
of the "variable descriptions" have been reviewed, the
usefulness of the information justified baring my soul, as
there's clearly still a lot of writing to be done. Most
now have PROC PRINT and PROC MEANS examples, which I still
find to be the best tool in SAS to learn about new data.
I intend to concentrate more on writing now that 10.10 is
done and looks so robust. Our next newsletter will keep
you informed of my progress toward the consolidation and
rewrite of both MXG books and all Newsletters, but I still
will provide all text in the MXG Source Library first, and
then will concern how much of it is put on paper!
Change 10.331 NETSPY Type "U" record sometimes produced negative value
VMACNSPY for TRANSNO when LUFDRSEQ='.1......'B because I did not
Mar 9, 1993 verify that TRANSNO was non-zero before subtraction. Now,
TRANSNO=TRANSNO-1 is executed only if both the bit is on
Thanks to Jan-Ake Christoffersson, GotaData, SWEDEN.
Change 10.330 Variables UBRELBK and UMRELBK should have been spelled as
VMACDCOL UBREBLK and UMREBLK, and now they are.
Mar 9, 1993
Change 10.329 MXG 10.10 has been tested under both SAS 6.07 & SAS 6.08,
CONFIG08 and there are no external changes to your MXG jobs when
Mar 9, 1993 you migrate to SAS 6.08. Member CONFIG07 works with 6.08.
However, there is a new CONFIG08 member in MXG 10.10, just
for consistency in naming conventions, and just in case it
turns out that it is needed when 6.08 becomes production.
Because SAS 6.08 is currently a Beta release, benchmarks
of MXG under SAS 6.08 will await the production 6.08.
Change 10.328 MXG 10.10 has been tested under SAS 5.18, but this is the
DOC last MXG version that will completely support that archaic
Mar 9, 1993 version! Future MXG enhancements will now exploit new SAS
Version 6 features, which may cause incompatibility.
Change 10.327 CONTROL-D Release 2.0.0 is also supported by MXG as there
VMACCTLD were no changes to their SMF record in that release.
Mar 9, 1993
Thanks to Brian Cobb, Credit General Industriel, FRANCE.
Change 10.326 NETSPY dataset NSPYLU average host response time AHOSTRSP
VMACNSPY was slightly off if the number of transactions terminated
Mar 9, 1993 at the host (LUNRSPSS) was different than the number of
transactions input (TRANSNO), because MXG incorrectly used
TRANSNO in the denominator; now LUNRSPSS is used.
Thanks to Bob Hursch, Lockheed Information Technology, USA.
Change 10.325 Support for OpenEdition/MVS OMVS, section in type 30 adds
EXTY30OM new dataset TYPE30OM, which will contain one observation
VMAC30 for each process segment in each type 30 record. There
Mar 9, 1993 can be many process segments in a type 30 interval or step
termination record, and TYPE30OM will contain observations
from both step term and interval records. In addition,
type 30 pseduo step termination records are created when
an OMVS address space is "dubbed", indicating a change of
in state of that address space. The pseudo termination
record is identified by ABEND='OMVSEX' (because an OMVS
EX() was issued). Each "dub" creates a separate type 30
step record, which are identified within each STEPNR by a
new sub-step number, SUBSTEP. This support has only been
coded and syntax checked.
Change 10.324 Variable RMLFLAG2 was not kept in ASTEX dataset DMONVOL,
VMACDMON but now it is and it is formatted $HEX2.
Mar 8, 1993
Thanks to John Rosza, Depository Trust Company, USA.
====Changes thru 10.323 were printed in MXG Newsletter TWENTY-THREE====
Change 10.323 The PDB data sets listed in the Weekly and Monthly jobs
JCLMNTH were not in synchronization; some were in the weekly but
MONTHBLD not in the monthly, and TYPETMNT was copied twice in the
WEEKBLD weekly and monthly examples. Now, all data sets created
Mar 7, 1993 by the JCLPDB6 example will be copied to WEEK & MONTH.
Thanks to Barry Lampkin, Polaroid, USA.
Change 10.322 Significant progress has been made in MXG documentation,
ACHAP31 as there are now many new ADOCxxxx members, but it's still
ADOCxxxx a long way from completion. Most ADOCs now contain sample
Mar 6, 1993 PROC PRINTs and PROC MEANS, and variable definitions have
been revised, but some of the text has not been updated.
Change 10.321 This is the "all-your-data-sets-tracking-system" to keep
ADOCDSNS track of storage of all data sets, combining DCOLLECT data
DAILYDSN (all of your online volumes as well as information on
JCLDAYDS HSM migrated datasets, HSM backups, DASD volume capacity,
TRNDDSNS HSM tape capacity, and VSAM clusters) with data from the
WKLYDSNS TMS (CA-1) product's TMC tape data set catalog. It is
Mar 6, 1993 described in member ADOCDSNS and in comments.
Thanks to Chuck Hopf, Primerica, USA.
Change 10.320 Support for OpenEdition MVS, OMVS, in RMF records. TYPE70
FORMATS contains counts for OMVS address spaces (OMVS00-OMVS11 and
VMAC7072 OMVSAVG,OMVSMAX,OMVSMIN). TYPE71 contains six destination
VMAC71 counts for two new OMVS Swap Reasons, SWAPOI=OMVS Input
VMAC74 Wait, SWAPOO=OMVS Output Wait. New TYPE74OM dataset from
Mar 6, 1993 Monitor III captures OMVS Kernel Activity: TOT/MIN/MAX for
System Calls, CPU time, Fork/Dub Fails because of either
max users, max processes, or max processes per user, count
of users, count of processes, and the defined maximum
number of users, processes, and processes per user.
Change 10.319 Very preliminary support for RS6000 AIX commands VMSTAT,
VMACRSIO IOSTAT, and PS, with this user contribution. VMACRSCR
VMACRSPS is the script used that adds the data/time that is not in
VMACRSCR the command output! Not all fields are decoded, variables
VMACRSVM are not labeled, etc., but this is a start if you have the
Mar 6, 1993 need to look at AIX on your RS6000. The next release will
enhance and document, probably rename datasets and members
and add support for the AIX accounting file as well.
Thanks to Rachel Quiroz Holt, Neiman Marcus, USA.
Thanks to Andy Rockwell, Neiman Marcus, USA.
Change 10.318 TYPE42VL variables SMF42DB1 & SMF42DB2 are now formatted
VMAC42 as $HEX2. so they legibly print their bit values.
Mar 6, 1993
Thanks to Stephen W. Sweely, NM, AUSTRALIA.
Change 10.317 The GMT Offset, GMTOFFTM, is now available in RMF records
VMAC7072 under MVS/ESA 4.3, if Global Synchronization is enabled.
VMAC70s By comparing SYNCTIME with ENDTIME and using fuzzy logic,
Mar 3, 1993 MXG now creates the RETAINed variable GMTOFFTM from the
type 70 record, that may be useful in converting other SMF
records that contain GMT instead of local. This work is
not complete, since it only protects records written after
the first type 70 is found in your SMF file. I intend to
enhance the SPIN logic in BUILDPDB to keep the GMTOFFTM
from each SYSTEM to protect those early records!
Change 10.316 MXG formats contain the data value, a colon, and the data
UTILFMTX description, but for some report users (notably auditors)
Mar 5, 1993 the data value and colon confused them. This utility will
create an alternative format library for reports that has
removed the data value and colon. You can then point the
//LIBRARY DD in your report programs to the alternative
format library, or use SAS's FMTSEARCH option in reports.
Thanks to Joseph J. Faska, Depository Trust, USA
Change 10.315 TCP/IP allows for two different SMF record IDs for TELNET
VMACTCP and FTP, but some sites assigned only one record ID. This
Mar 5, 1993 is now supported, as MXG reads inside the record to decide
which dataset is to be output. See also Change 10.256.
Thanks to Kurt Karlsen, NIT.
Change 10.314 MXG 10.1+ only, for JES3 BUILDPD3, "WORK.TAPEMNTS.DATA"
BUIL3606 error message results because the _VARTMNT and _CDETMNT
Mar 5, 1993 macro invocations were not in BUIL3606. Now they are!
Thanks to Hanno Bresch, SAS Institute, GERMANY.
Change 10.313 Variable ZDATE was not in the KEEP= list for TYPETAO data
VMACTAO set, but it is now!
Mar 5, 1993
Thanks to Sharon O'Daniel, Blue Cross Blue Shield of Kentucky, USA.
Change 10.312 The paper "An RMF Bigots View of Measuring UNIX Systems,
ADOCHPCS or how i learned to type in lower case", presented at
Mar 3, 1993 CMG and SHARE by Chuck Hopf, is now contained in ADOCHPCS.
Change 10.311 This is a preliminary change created for initial testing.
BUILD001 BUILDPDB was split into six members:
BUILD002 BUILD001 - Reads SMF and creates all WORK data sets,
BUILD004 PDB.DB2STATn data sets.
BUILD005 BUILD002 - SORT some WORK datasets into PDB library.
BUILD006 BUILD003 - SORT RMF datasets into PDB and then build
Mar 3, 1993 PDB.RMFINTRV dataset.
BUILD004 - Combine CICS Statistics datasets and create
four PDB.CICxxxRV datasets.
BUILD005 - (For JES2).
Sort TYPE30xx, TYPE6, TYPE26J2, interleave
with SPIN library, create PDB.JOBS,PDB.STEPS
PDB.JOBS, update SPIN library, copy SPIN
datasets into PDB (for backup), and create
BUILD006 - (For JES3).
Sort TYPE30xx, TYPE6, TYPE26J3, interleave
with SPIN library, create PDB.JOBS,PDB.STEPS
PDB.JOBS, update SPIN library, copy SPIN
datasets into PDB (for backup), and create
This may permit improved run time of the BUILDPDB process,
because once BUILD001 has run, the remaining four phases
may be executable in parallel. However, there will be JCL
constraints, and SAS/SHARE may be required for concurrent
update from parallel steps, and there may be additional
design changes before this becomes a recommended process.
Thanks to Dan Squillace, SAS Institute Cary, USA.
Change 10.310 For interval observations most MXG datasets have STARTIME
VMACNSPY and DURATM variables for the interval start and duration,
VMAC38 but in some datasets STARTIME does not exist or it has a
VMAC39 different name, and similarly for DURATM. It is now my
VMAC110 intention that STARTIME and DURATM variables will exist
VMACTSOM consistently in all MXG interval data sets, by creating
Mar 1, 1993 them where necessary (and without changing existing names
of their counterparts, so your reports won't break). The
members listed in this Change have all had either STARTIME
or DURATM or both added to their interval data sets,
except for TYPE39FF (NETMASTER), which does not contain
the DURATM and hence STARTIME cannot be determined. Let
me know if you find others that should be updated.
Thanks to Dan Squillace, SAS Institute Cary, USA.
Change 10.309 Very archaic EPILOG 451 code missed three undocumented
VMACEPIL bytes. Insert +3 after BIODISP PIB1. to correct the
Feb 28, 1993 BIO..... variables after BIODISP.
Thanks to Chris Spikings, Deutsche Bank AG, ENGLAND.
=Changes thru 10.304 were included in MXG PreRelease 10.6, Feb 23, 1993=
Change 10.308 OPC data apparently can be dumped in different formats.
VMACOPC If "OPC" starts in the 1st byte of the logical record, MXG
Feb 25, 1993 default is valid, but if "OPC" starts in the 4th byte of
the record, you must change to OFFSMF=-3 to OFFSMF=0 in
print the first record to find the location of "OPC".
Thanks to Fulvio Robbiani, Banca Commerciale Italiana, ITALY.
Change 10.307 MXG no longer sets ABEND=NOTP in PDB.JOBS & PDB.SPUNJOBS
BUILDPDB because it was overlaying the ABEND value from the job
BUILDPD3 termination record. This will help in counting job-level
SPUNJOBS events, but for analysis of CONDCODE within ABEND, you
Feb 24, 1993 must use the PDB.STEPS data (CONDCODE in PDB.JOBS is wrong
if a flushed step followed the abending step).
Thanks to Steve Talley, Department of the Army, USA.
Change 10.306 Type 0 SMF record processing now checks record length and
VMAC0 deletes invalid records, after putting a message on the
Feb 24, 1993 SAS log. Occasionally, SMF records are created with the
record ID of 0, due to coding errors, but they looked like
IPL events. If you detect bad records, and know what the
true ID is, you can convert the bad record ID in member
if the bad record to be converted was actually a type 42.
Change 10.305 DCOLLECT has been enhanced in DFP 3.3 by APARS OY59795 &
EXDCODAG OY60048 with nine new datasets describing SMS constructs
EXDCODBC and control information. Even more significant, DFSMS 1.1
EXDCODDC adds long-needed VSAM statistics (including space used!).
EXDCODDR Two existing datasets are enhanced with new variables:
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