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Thanks to Bruce Widlund, Merrill Consultants, USA.

Change 10.020 Landmark CICS records may produce ERROR. INVALID OFFSETS

TYPEMON8 message with LENGTH=0 in the message. The first two bytes

TYPEMONI of the Landmark record contain zero, instead of the actual

Apr 6, 1992 record length. (When/Why Landmark made the change is not

known). Change member TYPEMON8: Change "LENGTH" in lines

064700 and 064900 to "LENMONI" so that the field in these

two bytes no longer overrides the LENGTH=LENGTH value that

is captured in the INFILE statement. Archaic TYPEMONI for

Landmark Version 7 was similarly changed for consistency.

Thanks to David Bane, Jefferson County (Colo) Public Schools, USA.

Thanks to Chun-Heng Liu, Bellcore, USA.
Change 10.019 Cosmetic cleanups. Hex dumps produced when MXG finds data

VMAC110 invalid in type 110 records are now only printed for the

VMACSMF first two records. MXG notes of bad records are still put

Mar 27, 1992 on the log for the first 20 occurrences of a bad record.

Apr 20, 1992 Back-to-back type 02 or 03 (dump header/trailer) records

were not expected by VMACSMF's new messages, and the time

of the FIRST RECORD IN GROUP message was not correct.

(I wondered why SMFDUMP output would begin with a pair

of type 02 records, and with the first record's timestamp

several hours later than the second record, but realized

the output was first dumped by SMFDUMP and was then later

copied by SMFDUMP which added the 02 at the beginning and

the 03 at the end of the copy too!).
Change 10.018 Very obscure problem. DASD VTOCs with datasets defined to

VMXGVTOC have a "Standard User Label" (DSORG=PS-SUL) cause an MXG


Mar 27, 1992 PS-SUL datasets have NREXTNTS=1 in their DSCB1, but two

extents are contained in DSCB1: extent #0 with EXTYPE=40x

for the one track Standard User Label, and extent #1 with

the real file. MXG now captures this extra track/extent

and includes it in TRKSALOC and TRKSUSED (note, however,

ISPF and LISTVTOC do not properly count this SUL track).

The change is in the FMTID='1' logic in members VMXGVTOF

and VMXGVTOC. The changes to VMXGVTOF are:

a) Move lines 042900 and 043000 (OUTPUT VTOC1/DSNAMES)

to after 044400.

b) Delete line 044000 (IF FIRST EQ 0 THEN DELETE).

c) Change line 044300 (OUTPUT EXTENT;) to now read


d) Insert four lines after 044300 reading:





The same changes need to be made to VMXGVTOC. Line numbers

are: a) 055700 and 055800 to after 057200, b) 056800,

c) 057100, and d) after 057100.

The only PS-SUL datasets found thus far are the log files

created by Omegamon/CICS Version 500!

Thanks to Mike Jacques, Best Products, USA.
Change 10.017 Invalid CICS/ESA Type 110 Subtype 2 Stats records can

VMAC110 cause MXG to loop. MXG detects the bad record and PUTs a

Mar 25, 1992 note on the log "UNEXPECTED STATISTICS SUBTYPE", but MXG's

attempt to skip over an unexpected segment fails when the

segment is corrupted (i.e., it has STILEN=0). Line numbers

408200 and 408300 currently read:



but they must be changed to read:



The cause of the single occurrence of this type of

corrupted record is still under investigation.

Thanks to Jim Gilbert, Texas Utilities, USA.

Change 10.016 Documentation note for TYPE6 (and PDB.PRINT) datasets.


Mar 25, 1992 were added by PSF to type 6 SMF records do NOT exist in a

type 6 record created by JES. Those fields exist only in

the PDDB built by PSF and are not in the JOE built by JES.

The variables exist, but their values are blank for DDname

DSname, Procname and Stepname if JES did the printing.

IBM APAR OY48265 documents their omission by JES.

Thanks to Marcia Ketchersid, Price Waterhouse, USA.
Change 10.015 Support for NETSPY Token-Ring records create the new MXG

EXNSPYTR MXG dataset NSPYTR, thanks for this significant user

VMACNSPY contribution.

Mar 25, 1992

Thanks to Lois Robinson, M & I Data Services, Inc, USA.
Change 10.014 The four new swap events (SWAPIC, SWAPIP, SWAPMR, SWAPAW)

VMAC71 always had missing values because the test in line 084500

Mar 25, 1992 IF LENSWAP GE 360 THEN DO; must be changed to read


Additionally, variables SWAPSHRT (logical swap candidates)

SWAPLGPY (logical swaps actually swapped) and PCTLSWAP

(pct logical swaps that swapped) used to be MVS/370 only,

but are now calculated for XA and ESA environments by the

addition of these three lines after line 091400:




Thanks to Lois Robinson, M & I Data Services, Inc, USA.
Change 10.013 STOPX37 Product's SMF Record for Release 3.4 is supported

VMACX37 by changing EQ 'X37 33' THEN to GE 'X37 33' THEN

Mar 24, 1992 because the record format was (apparently) unchanged. The

variable STEPCPU must be changed to STPCPUTM in two places

so the CPU time will be kept by MXG.

Thanks to Mike Jacques, Best Products Co., Inc, USA.

Change 10.012 MVS/ESA V4.2 Dynamic I/O Reconfiguration is now supported

ASMTMNT in these "monitor" programs provided by MXG. The MXG Tape

ASMVTOC Mount Monitor, ASMTMNT, the MXG Fast VTOC Reader, ASMVTOC,

ASMVVDS the MXG VVDS Reader, ASMVVDS, and the MXG SAS Function to

FMXGUCBL Dynamically Allocate All Disks, FMXGUCBL (now redundant in

Mar 13, 1992 purpose with the ASMVTOC program), all use the new UCBSCAN

service so these programs will recognize new devices that

were added by MVS/ESA after IPL.

Thanks to Bill Fairchild, Royal Software Associates, USA.

for enhancement.

Thanks to Guy Garon, Verstand, CANADA.

for review of Bills' work

Change 10.011 SPMS writes invalid record if a volume is deleted

VMACSPMS or renamed, without first changing SPMS parameters. The

Mar 13, 1992 resultant SMF record contains a value of 1 for SPMSREXT,

but sections 3/4 do not exist in the record, causing MXG

to STOPOVER abend. This is really an Amdahl problem, but

this circumvention protects their error. Change

DO _I_=1 TO SPMSREXT; to read


(Note: NL 22 misspelled as R2.1.4).

Thanks to Peter Evans, Inland Revenue, Worthing, ENGLAND.

Change 10.010 TYPE70PR variable NRPRCS, number of logical partitions

VMAC7072 is still incorrect after the PR/SM Effective Dispatch Time

Mar 12, 1992 APAR is installed. Change 9.179 subtracted one for the

pseudo partition "PHYSICAL", but since that partition

segment is last in the actual record (even though it has

the Logical Partition Number LPARNUM of 0), only the

observations in TYPE70PR for LPARNAME of PHYSICAL have the

correct number of logical partitions! Line 131110,


must be deleted, and a new line must be inserted after

line 133220 (SKIP=SKIP-16;, inside the DO group to read

LCPUEDTM) containing:


(yes, the variable on the right does have an extra 'S').

Thanks to Bruce Widlund, Merrill Consultants, USA.
Change 10.009 Datasets TYPE70PR, DB2STAT0 and DB2STAT1 were added to

WEEKBLD BUILDPDB/3 in MXG 9.9, but were not added to WEEKBLD or

MONTHBLD MONTHBLD. Now they have been added, with these BYs:

Mar 10, 1992 WEEK.TYPE70PR:






But what about DB2ACCT; wasn't it added to BUILDPDB? Yes,

but, since Change 10.053 now gives you the choice of the

destination of the DB2ACCT dataset, and since I don't know

if you really want to put your detail DB2ACCT data in the

weekly PDB, I can't automatically add it to your weekly

PDB for you; you'll have to do that yourself, (with no BY

statement, since it is no longer sorted), if you really

want detail DB2ACCT data weekly!
Change 10.008 Sites that had added DB2ACCT to their PDB under MXG 8.8

WEEKBLD may get a NOT SORTED condition in WEEKBLD under MXG 9.9,

Mar 10, 1992 because your previous sort order might be different than

Apr 20, 1992 the sort order used by MXG 9.9. Simply remove the BY

May 5, 1992 statement from your WEEKBLD and the daily datasets will be

concatenated instead of interleaved in sort order.

This is not only a circumvention to this specific problem,

but in fact is the way of the future, as DB2ACCT is no

longer built in sort order; see Change 10.053!
Change 10.007 Variable TPXELAP has wrong value. Line 052200, which is:


Feb 27, 1992 must be deleted. The value is correct without conversion.

Thanks to Sam Sheinfeld, Kraft General Foods, USA.

Change 10.006 Cosmetic change. Variable SMFT0BST should have format of

VMACCMA DATETIME21.2 and should have LENGTH of 8.

Feb 27, 1992

Thanks to Ken French, Wisconsin Gas, USA.

Change 10.005 Type 42 SMF record causes STOPOVER ABEND. One ABEND is

VMAC42 because APARs OY48288 and OY39393 incompatibly re-format

Mar 9, 1992 the record, and require a new VMAC42 member to process the

Mar 14, 1992 completely restructured record. However, MXG could also

fail on records created before the above APAR, because the

NRSTOR in line 020300 should have been (NRSTOR-1). Since

the original records were not correct, the only thing that

makes sense, if you want to process the type 42 record,

(it contains 3990 cache statistics if you have SMS volumes

behind the cache) is to install the above APARs and to ask

for MXG PreRelease 10.1, because these two APARs correct

the errors previously reported (but not fixed) in APAR

OY36035 and OY39393. MXG circumvention for those two

earlier APARs was removed in this almost complete rewrite

of VMAC42. However, users with IBM's Cache RMF Reporter

or Legent's DASDMON/ASTEX products have said they found

TYPE42 added nothing useful to those two products.

Revision 1MAR94: New subtypes of the type 42 record added

great value to the type 42 record! See later changes!

Thanks to Greg Scriba, Budget Rent-A-Car Corp, USA.

Thanks to Glenn Hanna, Textron Defense Systems, USA.
Change 10.004 The value of offset P3 had previously been hardcoded to a

VMXGHSM value of 297 or 405 depending on the release of HSM, but

Mar 9, 1992 it now can be calculated independent of release. In lines

152300 and 153000, replace "405" with "MCDNVSNO+65".

Additionally, MCDMCNAM in lines 140500 (label=SMS...) and

141600 (... $HEX2.) should have been MCDSMSFG. Without

this change, MCDMCNAM printed funny because it was given

the $HEX2. format.

Thanks to Roger Edwards, South Carolina Electric & Gas Company, USA.
Change 10.003 PSF type 6 records had FORM truncated to four bytes. The

VMAC6 original PSF record did not contain the 8-byte FORM name,

Mar 9, 1992 and old MXG code that bypassed inputting the 8-byte field

should have been removed when PSF added the longer field.

Lines 026000 thru 026300 need to be replaced with:



since the 8-byte form name is now in all type 6 records.

Thanks to Lars Hylin, TryggHansa-SPP, SWEDEN.
Change 10.002 Line 184600 changed to _IMSTRAN.IMSTRAN instead of

TYPEIMS IMSTRAN._IMSTRAN, but using MXG's suggested DDNAME of

Mar 9, 1992 IMSTRAN for the _IMSTRAN value caused no error condition!

Only if you used a different DDNAME did an error occur.

Thanks to Richard S. Ralston, Rochester Telephone, USA.
Change 10.001 DB2 Reports truncated values for eight character values,

ANALDB2R and the System Parameter Report ABENDs with "Variable Not

Mar 9, 1992 Found" due to inadequate testing of the final 9.9 code.

a.Insert the following line in two places, after line 016050

and after line 025220:



b.Replace all occurrences of SM102SSI with QWHSSSID. These

are the lines: 088580, 088620, 093840, 095140, 096260.
LASTCHANGE: Version 10


This is the Production Version MXG 9.9, dated March 1, 1992.
All Changes listed in this member have been installed in MXG 9.9.
Several new changes were added after NEWSLETTER TWENTY-ONE went to

press; see the Change Log, below, for Changes 9.236 thru 9.245.

The library now has more members, lines, datasets and variables than

was stated in the newsletter. This final MXG 9.9 library contains

1,605 members, 388,651 lines of code, builds 1,093 datasets with

41,332 variables documented in DOCVER with delta-doc in DOCVER09.

Over 800 sites have installed a PreRelease of MXG Version 9!
The installation instructions for MXG 9.9 were contained in NEWSLETTER

TWENTY-ONE, which is contained in member NEWSLTRS, repeated also

below in this member.
I. MXG Version Status.
1. Production Version is now MXG 9.9, dated March 1, 1992.
MXG Version 9.9 was accompanied by Newsletter TWENTY-ONE.
All Changes in this newsletter have been installed in MXG 9.9.
The MXG 9.9 library contains 1,605 members, 388,651 lines of code,

and builds 1,093 datasets with 41,332 variables that are documented

in member DOCVER. Datasets changed between MXG 8.8 and MXG 9.9

are documented in member DOCVER09.

2. Major enhancements and new products supported in MXG 9.9.
Support for SAS 6.07 (new options).
Support for Amdahl's SPMS Release 1.2 SMF record.

Support for Boole & Babbage CONTROL-D SMF record.

Support for CA-1 (TMS) Release 5 complete rewrite.

Support for CADAM's Statistics Data File.

Support for CICS/ESA 3.2.1 product.

Support for Codework Software's SNAPAD-MVS user SMF record.

Support for Database 2 Release 2.3.

Support for DCOLLECT APAR OY36364 change in track capacity.

Support for Fischer's Totally Automated Office TAO.

Support for HSM 2.6 SMF record.

Support for Interlink's SNS/SNA Gateway SMF record.

Support for Interlink's SNS/TCPaccess SMF record.

Support for Interlink's SNS/TCPvt SMF record.

Support for LEGENT's MIM Multi-Image Manager

Support for LEGENT's LANSPY component of NETSPY (4.1).

Support for LEGENT's BUNDL product modified type 6 SMF record.

Support for MVS/ESA 4.2.2 (RMF 4.2.2) changes.

Support for NetView NPM 1.5 release.

Support for NetView FTP SMF record.

Support for Omegamon for CICS/ESA Version 550 ESRA user SMF.

Support for Omegamon V550 SMF 110 EMPs (Basic, DB2, DL/I).

Support for SCA's CMA-SPOOL user SMF record.

Support for Shared Medical Systems CICS exclude logic.

Support for Softtool Corporations's CCC (Change and Control).

Support for Software AG's NET-PASS user SMF record.

Support for Type 30 APARs OY33312 and OY25606 (no changes).

Support for 3490E (Serpentine) tape device.

Support for 9345E DASD device.

Addition of DB2ACCT,STAT0,STAT1 datasets to your PDB.

Error in VMXGVTOF/VMXGVTOF (only 3 extents kept) corrected.

Revision of BUILDPDB to eliminate SAS 5.18 Compiler Error 344.

Cache RMF Reporter support enhanced, decoded, and documented.

DB2 Reports corrections and enhancements in ANALDB2R.

Fujitsu FACOM MSP and FSP supported in XPDLPDA.

IMS Input Queue time, resources, CONDCODE corrections.

PR/SM Trend Data Base implemented.

VM/XA Trend Data Base implemented.
Each of these enhancements are described in the Change Log, below.

alphabetical list of the most important changes precedes the

V. Installation Instructions for MXG Version 9.9.
Over 800 sites have installed a PreRelease of Version 9, with almost

no reported problems. Sites migrating from MXG Version 8.8 or later

have found installation of MXG 9.9 was smooth and easy. The only

known incompatibilities are listed below, before the instructions.

Under ALL SAS Versions:
BUILDPDB/3 sites who have added DB2 processing to their PDB must now

"back-out" their exit code as described in Change 9.175; MXG now has

added DB2ACCT/DB2STAT0-1 datasets automatically to your PDB, and

a syntax error in BUILDPDB will occur if you fail to heed this note.

Only under SAS Version 6.07:
Use new member CONFIG07 instead of CONFIG. No error will occur, but

several unnecessary WARNING messages will be eliminated by use of

the new CONFIG07 member for 6.07.
Only under SAS Version 5.18:
BUILDPDB/3 under SAS 5.18 ONLY (not required with SAS 6.06/SAS 6.07)

sites must add a new temporary DD card in their JCL for BUILDPDB:


This inconvenience may help eliminate SAS 5.18 compiler 344 errors.

If you encounter SAS 5.18 errors 344 or 160 see Change 9.175.

A syntax error in BUILDPDB will occur if you fail to heed this note.

However, if you have NOT installed MXG 8.8, you MUST note:
a. See SAS Notes section of this newsletter. The SAS options that

are required by MXG were changed between MXG 7.7 and MXG 8.8.

b. Execution under SAS 6.06 is different than under SAS 5.18. See

SAS Notes section of newsletters 17-21.

e. To write your PDB directly to tape, IMACCICS must be changed as

described in comments in the member. Although MXG does support

creation of the PDB directly to tape, most sites find it better

(especially elapsed time) to create the PDB on temporary disk and

then use PROC COPY to copy from disk to tape. (BUILDPDB re-reads

PDB datasets to build RMFINTRV, and this can cause lots of tape

spinning when the PDB DDname points directly to tape.)
Always read comments in the CHANGES member for compatibility issues, as

well as for any last minute changes added after Newsletter composition.

1. Installation, re-installation, and Space Requirements.
The MXG Installation instructions are found in Chapter 32 of the MXG

Supplement for both new installation and for version replacement, and

those instructions, as modified herein, are still valid.
The MXG tape is distributed as a Non-Labelled (NL) tape containing a

single file with DCB=RECFM=FB,LRECL=80,BLKSIZE=32720. The MXG tape is

an unloaded Partitioned Dataset in IEBUPDTE format. Note that the tape

blocksize was changed to 32720 (it had been 6160 in prior versions). You

will receive I/O errors if you specify the incorrect blocksize.
Under MVS use IEBUPDTE utility to build the MXG.SOURCLIB PDS library.

Under CMS use TAPPDS command to build the SOURCLIB MACLIB library.

Allocate the MXG.SOURCLIB for MXG 9.9 with SPACE=(CYL,(50,1,299)), using

DCB=(RECFM=FB,LRECL=80,BLKSIZE=23440) on 3380 devices, or

DCB=(RECFM=FB,LRECL=80,BLKSIZE=27600) on 3390 devices.
Under CMS, approximately the same space (50 cylinders) will ultimately

be required by the MXG SOURCLIB MACLIB, but during the CMS installation

process you will need at least 100 free cylinders on your minidisk.
MXG is tailored and extended by "Installation Macro" members (members

beginning with IMAC....), and by "MXG Exit Facility" members (members

beginning with EX....) that are copied and edited into the installation

"USERID.SOURCLIB", the name of the "MXG Tailoring" library, that you

create and concatenate ahead of MXG.SOURCLIB to the SOURCLIB DDNAME:
//SOURCLIB DD DSN=USERID.SOURCLIB,DISP=SHR --> site tailoring (yours)

// DD DSN=MXG.SOURCLIB,DISP=SHR --> never changed (mine)

If this is an MXG re-install, there should already be a USERID.SOURCLIB.

If not, then allocate one using the same attributes as the MXG.SOURCLIB,

with SPACE=(CYL,(1,1,99)). Under CMS create an equivalent MACLIB.
Tailor by editing members that you copy from my library to your library.
IMACXXXX members are self-documenting, and member IMACAAAA indexes all

IMAC members. Most MXG sites have only a few tailoring members in their

VMACXXXX members contain the actual processing code, and normally should

not exist in your USERID.SOURCLIB, and should always be removed when you

install a new version of MXG. However, if you have installed printed

Changes from an MXG Newsletter, you might have copied VMAC member(s)

from MXG.SOURCLIB into your site's USERID.SOURCLIB and then modified the

VMAC member. (Alternatively, you could have created an MXG.CHANGLIB in

which you put those in-between-version changes.) In either case, if

you made temporary changes, they must be removed now. Delete all of the

VMACs members from your USERID.SOURCLIB (or delete the MXG.CHANGLIB).

Otherwise, your modified VMAC member would be used instead of MXG's.

You should record all tailoring changes in your USERID.SOURCLIB so the

next MXG technician will know what you have done. You should create a

member named CHANGES in your USERID.SOURCLIB, similar to member CHANGES

in the MXG.SOURCLIB which documents all MXG changes.

If there are IMAC.... members in your USERID.SOURCLIB, you must look at

the alphabetic list of changed IMACs in the Change Log, below, and must

retrofit your tailoring on the new member in this library. In MXG 9.9,

only IMACACCT was changed (Change 8.290, in member CHANGES).

Whenever you install changes or test a new version of MXG (or even your

own reports), be extra careful to look on the SAS log for any real error

conditions. Search for all occurrences of "ERROR:" and "ERROR :" and

"UNINITIALIZED" and "NOT CATLGD", as they may indicate a serious error.

A PROC PRINT and a PROC MEANS of each new MXG-built SAS dataset can help

you to understand their contents, and should be used to examine any

unusually large, negative, or suspicious values. Print all variables in

the dataset, and read the variable's descriptions in Chapter FORTY.

Summary of critical actions to be taken in installing new version:
a. All VMAC.... members in your USERID.SOURCLIB must be examined

and, in general, must be deleted.

b. All IMAC.... members in your USERID.SOURCLIB must be compared

with the IMAC.... members that have been changed in this MXG

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