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replaced an equivalent algorithm.

Thanks to ???, Alm. Brand, DENMARK.
Change 09.204 Dataset RMF72D NOT SORTED message can result if IMACRMFI

RMFINTRV has been used to re-define the startime of your RMF data,

Jan 14, 1992 since STARTIME is both being changed and in the BY list.



immediately before the PROC MEANS NOPRINT DATA=RMF72D;

to ensure that RMF72D is always sorted.

Thanks to Bill Stoneberg, National-Oilwell, USA.

Change 09.203 CA7 corruption of TSO/MON READTIME was only partially

VMACTSOM corrected in MXG 8.8 by Change 8.209. That change should

Jan 14, 1992 have also been applied to the second correction of the

CA7 corruption, lines 076500 and 076800.

Thanks to Paul Hill, Midland Bank, ENGLAND.
Change 09.202 Preliminary support for JES3 Monitoring Facility (JMF)

FORMATS type 84 SMF record. There are nine subtypes, and only

TYPE84 subtype 5 has been addressed thus far, and not even all

VMAC84 of the sub-subtypes are yet coded. This change will

Jan 13, 1992 extend over time.

Thanks to Jonathan E. Paley, Massachussets Mutual, USA.

Change 09.201 A cosmetic change. Variable RECNR should have been

VMAC6156 RECNR156 in line 013400.

Jan 13, 1992

Thanks to James F. Cook, CocaCola Company, USA.

Change 09.200 Support for Emc2/TAO (Fischers Totally Automated Office)

FORMATS Release 3.3.0 SMF record. The new release switched the

VMACTAO database reads and writes, but was otherwise implemented

Jan 12, 1992 compatibly. This support also added format MGTAOTC and

decoded three bitstrings into new variables.

Thanks to Joe Aldrich, Army and Air Force Exchange Service, USA.

Change 09.199 This member creates reports for use at IBM's SNAP/SHOT.

ANALSNAP The SNAP/SHOT report is created from MXG's TYPE30_5 data.

Jan 11, 1992 A DASD farm report was created from DMS DSINDEX report.

A report from CA-11 (JEHF Version 2) was developed.

Mantissa run tracking file formats for RMS/BASIC are

provided, and the TMC file was used for tapes (MXG's

TYPETMS separately processes that data). These reports

could save you lots of time if you plan to model your

workload with SNAP/SHOT (and look at TYPETPNS which will

analyze the TPNS log produced by SNAP/SHOT!)

Thanks to John Leath, Fleet Real Estate Funding, USA.
Change 09.198 IMS Fastpath transactions are now supported, thanks for

TYPEIMS the diligent research of the three authors of this very

VMACIMS significant contribution. VMACIMS now creates temporary

VMACIMS datasets IMS5901,03,36,37, and 38 from those subtypes of

Jan 11, 1992 the 59x log record, and TYPEIMS has additional logic at

the end to sort and combine these to create the IMSFASTP

fastpath dataset (and IMS5838 with syncpoint failures.

Not only has this code been in production (IMS 2.2 & 3.2)

for over a year, its output has been validated with IBM's

DBFULTA0, and these author's comments in member TYPEIMS

are an excellent mini-tutorial on IMS Fastpath.

(Usually ANY activity in IMS makes my stomach hurt, as

there just isn't any documentation or help from IBM.

This contribution was done so well that my stomach

feels like it just received a piece of cake! Thanks!)

Thanks to Lars-Olof Thellenberg, Forsta Sparbanken, SWEDEN

Thanks to Goran Zebuhr, Forsta Sparbanken, SWEDEN

Thanks to Sven Agrell, Forsta Sparbanken, SWEDEN

Change 09.197 A sample report using TYPE30_4, TYPE30_5, and TYPE30_D

ANAL30DD datasets to report on all your active ddnames by job.

Jan 10, 1992 The comments in the member describe how to use ANAL30DD.

Thanks to Phil Mason, ANZ Bank, AUSTRALIA

Change 09.196 Support for LLA exits CSVLLIX1 and CSVLLIX2 are added in

ANALLLA this significant user contribution. Member ASMLLA is the

ASMLLA ASM source for the two exits that will capture LLA module

IMACLLA accesses and create a user SMF record. Members IMACLLA,

EXLLAEX1 EXLLAEX1,TYPELLA, and VMACLLA are the MXG members to read

TYPELLA those SMF records and create dataset LLAEXIT. The final

VMACLLA member, ANALLLA, provides some sample reports on LLA. Be

Jan 10, 1992 very careful as these exits can create many SMF records!

Thanks to Ken Williams, ANZ Bank, AUSTRALIA

Thanks to Peter Beer, Amdahl AUSTRALIA

Change 09.195 SAS can write zero-length VB or VBS records to a FILE

IMACFILE statement, and files containing zero-length records may

VMACSMF cause other programs (specifically, DFSORT) to fail. The

Jan 10, 1992 problem was precipitated by MXG's change in VMACSMF to

Feb 9, 1992 PUT a new message to the SAS LOG telling you how many

megabytes of SMF data had been read. In that message

there is // (two skip to the next line on the log).

The site had used IMACFILE to write selected SMF records

to an external file using FILE SMFOUT; PUT _INFILE_;

The SAS log showed "minimum record length 0" to SMFOUT!

The FILE SMFOUT had changed the destination for all PUTs

from the LOG to SMFOUT, causing the MXG message and its

// to be written as a length zero record to SMFOUT!

The real error was in not recognizing that any FILE

statement changed the destination for all subsequent PUT

statements, and the moral therefore is to ALWAYS follow

any FILE/PUT statement that you add to MXG with a FILE

LOG statement to reset the destination for PUTs. The real

error was MXG's failure to reset the log in VMACSMF; that

has been done. Change 9.087 originally discussed the need

for the FILE LOG; statement, and the new "megabytes" note

was added by Change 9.094.

Thanks to Keith Stout, City of Anchorage, USA.
Change 09.194 Support for NOMAD Session Manager SMF record is added by

EXNSMCON this significant user contribution. Three datasets are

EXNSMPRC created: NSMCON, NSMPRC, and NSMTRM, and you specify the





Jan 9, 1992

Thanks to David B. Adams, National Life of Vermont, USA.
Change 09.193 Three occurrences of $CHARZB43. should be $CHARZB44. so

VMXGHSM all 44 bytes of the dataset name are captured in the

Jan 9, 1992 MCDDSN variable.

Thanks to Ray Dickensheets, Yellow Freight System, USA.

Change 09.192 User of Amdahl Cache Controllers will thank Dick Sziede

ADOCSPMS for his excellent paper "A Look at Cache Performance Data

Jan 9, 1992 for the Amdahl 6100" which is contained in this ADOC.

The member is not complete, but his discussion of what's

good and what's bad is must reading for SPMS users.

Thanks to Richard R. (Dick) Sziede, PRC Inc, USA.

Change 09.191 Members ADOCDB2 and ADOC102 completely describe each of

ADOCDB2 the variables created by VMACDB2 and VMAC102 in DB2ACCT,

ADOC102 DB2STAT0, DB2STAT1, and all 200 of the T102.... datasets.

ANALDBTR The variable-level documentation is complete, but there

FORMATS is still substantial writing to finish before theses two

VMACDB2 ADOCs are completed. It is the process of documentation,

VMACDB2H however, that uncovers inconsistency in formats, names,

VMAC102 labels, etc., and that has been completed. Additionally,

Jan 12, 1992 some datasets that formerly created multiple observations

per SMF record were revised to create a single obs with

multiple variables, so that the SQL trace logic to match

begin and end would be more straightforward. These notes

identify the highlights of this significant enhancement:

1.Variable QWHSIID was added to DB2ACCT/STAT0/1 datasets to

eventually replace incorrectly spelled QWHSSIID. MXG will

now use QWHSIID for IFCID variable in 100,101 and 102.

Both variables continue to exist in DB2ACCT/DB2STATn for

backwards compatibility.

2.Format MGDB2ID replaced with MGDB2II.

3.DB2 database "Object IDs" (PSID,OBID,DBID,ISOBID) are all

now consistently $CHAR2 with format $HEX4, and the labels

are now consistent and accurate. Seven variables had to

be changed from numeric to character: QW0023PD,24PD,25PD,

44KD,44KP,143PS, and 144PS.

4.SQL statement type exists in two different formats. A one

byte character value is found in IFCIDS 59-62 and 64-66

that is decoded by an expanded MGD062S format. A four

hex digit numeric value is found in 124, 145, and 145

IFCIDs that is decoded by an expanded MG145S format.

5.Variable QW0032AR should not have existed; QW0032FT is

the name of the field (QW0032AR is an EQU value!).

6.Variable QW0145TS was changed from numeric to $CHAR8 and

formatted $HEX16 so all 'PRECOMPILER*TIME*STAMP' fields

(in IFCIDs 53,58,59,60,61,64,65,66)are now character.

If I can find out how to decode this timestamp (a hex

value of '148CDFEF19AC29AC'X, for example), all these

variables will be decoded into numeric datetime values!

7.Variable QW0063HL was not kept but should have been, and

is formatted by new $MGD063H.

8.Variable QW0063OT is now formatted $HEX2. The MGD060O

format formerly used did not correctly decode the multi

valued bit fields, and is no longer used.

9.MXG 9.5 created observations for new IFCIDs 126-139 and

170-194 even without any 102 records because the OUTPUT

statement for these IFCIDs was missing in VMAC102.

10.Datasets T102S018,T102S053,and T102S058 formerly had one

or two observations per SMF record, one for index and one

for data. This change eliminates the second record by

putting the data portion counts in QW00.... variables,

and by putting the index portion counts in QW0I.... names

so that pairing these three records with their partners

in ANALDBTR can be more easily/accurately accomplished.

Variable SDSNUM, a sequence counter, is thus no longer

required in these datasets and has been dropped.

11.ANALDBTR was revised to pair 044/045 data, to create

additional datasets (S018S018 and S058S058) for unpaired

ends, and to keep only the first segment of 063 data,

all in support of SQL trace reporting.

12.VMAC102 was revised to create single observations for

IFCIDs 13,15,and 17. Previously, one observation for each

predicate was created. Now, the up-to-ten predicates are

stored is sets of variables. The first set is prefixed

QW0013, the second set QW0A13, the third QW0B13, etc.

13.VMAC102 was revised to create single observations for

IFCIDs 58-62 and 64-66; previously they could have one

or two observations describing DATA and/or INDEX activity

due to SQL statements, but now the QW00nn variables have

the data activity, while new variables QW0Inn contain the

index activity. This made matching begin and end of SQL

events much simpler in ANALDBTR.

14.The only IFCIDs that create multiple observations now are

22 (one miniplan per table per subselect block), 63 (one

per each 200 bytes of SQL statement text), 126 (one per

each index used to obtain candidate RIDs, up to 16), 145

(one per Audit Log Table), 148 (only for distributed

allied agents, R8O one per conversation, R9O, one per

location), and 191 (one per parse, up to 5).

14.VMAC102 and VMACDB2 labels and formats were revised to

be consistently spelled, etc.

15.ANALDBTR, the routine which matches pairs of trace data,

is now a %MACRO which invokes the old-style _nnnPAIR

macros. This change added flexibility to its use and its

invocation inside %ANALDB2R reporting.

16.VMACDB2H now creates variable QWHDYES, indicating that

there was a distributed header, and which is now used in

VMACDB2 to create new variable THREADTY (formatted with

$MGDB2TT) to describe the type of thread (Allied, Allied-

Distributed, DBAT (Database Access) or DBAT-Distributed).

Thanks to Debby Meister, Loews Corporation, USA.
Change 09.190 -CICS 3.2.1 statistics records were not fully supported.

VMAC110 STID=63 (CICTM) record contains sixteen tables, but only

Dec 27, 1991 the first twelve were kept by MXG prior to this change.

Seven records (that contained only totals) are no longer

created by IBM (because they are redundant with their

corresponding detail record) and thus these MXG datasets

always contain zero observations: CICTST(STID=5),CICTCT


CICFCT(68),CICCONMT(77). (Their detail dataset names

are minus the ending "T".)

-IBM added two undocumented bytes in the STID=57 (CICSDS)

record, which corrupted the CPU times in CICSDS dataset,

and in the CICINTRV, etc., datasets created from it. The

two bytes added for alignment (immediately before the

repeating DSECT) are not documented in DFHGSGDS. And in

an unrelated change, CICS APAR PN02625 removes two filler

bytes following DSGNTCB, but did not update the STIVERS

version indicator, so there is no direct way to know what

length record to expect! As a result, MXG protects for

none, two, or four filler/alignment bytes in this record.

-IBM documentation for statistic record STID=49 is wrong.

DSECT DFHA13DS describes STID=49 as containing 39 bytes,

but actual data records have STILEN=40; a one-byte field

(reserved) following A0013BFC is not described in that

DSECT (the only IBM documentation of the record!). IBM

will correct their error (eventually) with a doc APAR.

How can the record disagree with the DSECT you might ask?

Because IBM records are built by PL/S DSECTS, but IBM

documents with ASM DSECTS that are never actually used!

-Two occurrences of broken CICS 3.2.1 records were found

with only 80 bytes of data. MXG new detects the short

record, messages to the log, and avoids STOPOVER ABEND.

Thanks to Lee F. Johnson, Talbots Systems Center, USA.

Thanks to Bruce W. Galle, Talbots Systems Center, USA.

Change 09.189 Processing VVDSs previously failed with a USER ABEND 666

ASMVVDS when ASMVVDS tried to read a VM system volume that was

Dec 20, 1991 online to MVS (because the volume does not have a normal

VTOC/VVDS). Now, instead of the ABEND, the program puts

out a message that the OBTAIN macro failed for that UCB

(DEVNR), and then continues to process additional UCBs.

Thanks to Chris Taylor, First Wachovia Bank, USA.
Change 09.188 VVDS support skipped over VVRTYPE='D5'X because the test

VMACVVDS in line 017100 was mistyped as ='D5' instead of ='D5'X.

Dec 20, 1991

Thanks to Chris Taylor, First Wachovia Bank, USA.

Change 09.187 Support for ASTEC Version 1.5. Several new fields were

VMACDMON added (incompatibly) to the SMf record. This support was

Dec 16, 1991 actually shipped in MXG 9.5, but this change was not in

member CHANGES of that library.

Thanks to Joseph J. Faska, Depository Trust, USA
Change 09.186 VPD type E records caused STOPOVER ABEND because variable

VMACVPD VPDRSVR2 should have been input as $CHAR11. instead of

Dec 16, 1991 $CHAR12. (line 014200).

Thanks to Jim Nicholas, Mead Data Central, USA.

Changes thru 9.185 were contained in MXG PreRelease 9.5, Dec 1, 1991
Change 09.185 Change 9.164 was a major restructuring of ANALDB2R, and

ANALDB2R had not been sufficiently tested for all DB2 reports.

ANALDBTR Using SAS 6.07 (and reading all of the SAS messages on

Dec 1, 1991 the log!) not only corrected UNINITIALIZED variables, but

the 6.07 feature which warns of unreferenced variables in

the KEEP= list caught a number of mispellings in some of

the type 102 trace reports. SAS 6.07 furthermore found

a syntax error that SAS 5.18 had accepted! This was an

another superb contribution from Koln.

Thanks to Siegfried Trantes, Gothaer Versicherungsbank VVAG, GERMANY.

Change 09.184 Several important variables have now been added to the

EXRMFINT TYPE70 and RMFINTRV datasets for MVS/ESA and PR/SM data.

EXTY72 1.If PR/SM data section is found in type 70 (PR/SM, MLPF,

RMFINTRV or MDF) records, both the Partition Dispatch (PDTM) and

VMAC7072 Effective Dispatch (EDTM) are carried into the TYPE70

Nov 28, 1991 dataset. MXG continues to calculate PCTCPUBY based on

Sep 21, 1994 Partition Dispatch Time for consistency, but now provides

PCTCPUEF, based on Effective Time, which matches the RMF

reported "CPU Busy" under PR/SM. The individual LCPUs

times are in new variables CPUPDTM0-8, CPUEDTM0-8, and

totals across all LCPUs are in CPUACTTM and CPUEFFTM.

2.RMFINTRV was enhanced to provide the three new CPU times

(HPT,IIP,RCT) in each set of workload variables and their

total for each workload. New variable BATCPU is the sum


Total CPU times are also kept in CPUTM, CPUHPTTM,CPUIIPTM

and CPURCTTM variables.

Next paragraph revised in 1994:

ACTFRMTM replaced MSOUNITS as a metric in 1994:

Additionally, in each workload, the memory is now

calculated (Central+Estore) from ACTFRMTM in bytes in

BATMEMR, CICSMEMR, etc. (but recall that ACTFRMTM does

not include logically swapped pages nor the nucleus, LPA,

nor CSA). This is a much better indicator of memory

utilization than AVGMEMSZ, which is based on MSOUNITS as

discussed in prior newsletters. And the total memory of

all workload's memory is variable TOTMEMR.

3.See the MVS Technical Note on CPURCTTM in Newsletter 21.

It is unmodified in the TYPE72 dataset, so you can see

how wrong it is, but it is now subtracted from CPUTM in

EXTY72 (temporarily, until a PTF exists). This will

prevent negative overhead calculations in RMFINTRV due

to the wrong value of CPURCTTM until fixed by IBM.
Change 09.183 DB2 variable QWHSSTCK is now formatted DATETIME22.3 so as

VMACDB2 to show the milliseconds. Sites using DB2 trace found

VMAC102 the increase in printed resolution useful for tracking

Nov 28, 1991 detail event sequences.

Thanks to Siegfried Trantes, Gothaer Versicherungsbank VVAG, GERMANY.
Change 09.182 Heavy validation of TYPEIMS from MXG 9.2 uncovered still

VMACIMS additional idiosyncrasies and undocumented Enqueue record

TYPEIMS flags in this significant contribution. In VMACIMS,

Nov 28, 1991 35x records with ENQFLAG=04C or 08C and FLAG2=08 are now

added to IMS35P. This site uses Terminal-Databases with

SPA-information and a Code-Information in the INPUT msg

to jump from one transaction to another, which are now

supported by additional logic, even when outputs do not

match inputs. Compare criteria using LOGONID and ODEST

do not work if there is no external LOGON-processing,

(DEQTIME was always equal to OGUTIME), but by using

CLINENR instead, and revising the MERGE logic, this

case appears to be now protected as well. However, as

past history indicates with IMS, what works at several

sites may not always work at all sites, so please verify

your output if you must process IMS log data.

Additional cosmetic changes were a new message that tells

you how many megabytes of IMS log data MXG read in, and

if invalid 035x records are found, a hex dump of the

record is printed on the log for Merrill debugging!

Thanks to Siegfried Trantes, Gothaer Versicherungsbank VVAG, GERMANY.
Change 09.181 -IBM APAR PL83370 adds new field STATCTM1 to CICS/ESA type

IMACICDB 110 DBCTL segment. However, since the APAR does not say

VMAC110 where the field was added, I had to assume it's at the

Nov 27, 1991 end of the known fields (in the 96 skipped bytes).

This new field captures the IMS CPU time in DRA thread

TCBs (but not time spent in the control region, as DBCTL

cannot capture that CPU time). Originally, IMS 3.1.0 did

not provide CPU time for threads because the original

design provided for an alternate method called "commit-

continue"; late in the release, a decision was made not

to support the commit-continue, and nothing was provided

in its place. Now, STATCTM1 has been provided to capture

the CPU time spent in the DRA thread TCB from the begin

of schedule request to the release of the PSB (any SYNC

POINT that also says 'TERMINATE TCB'), using existing

STIMER and TTIMER cancel code in DRA.


-This APAR also corrects the value in STATDBIO: IBM code

existed to catch the SLOG22/SLOG23 pair (OSAM buffer

handler) and count it as one Database I/O, but there was

no code to catch the SLOG24/SLOG25 pair (VSAM buffer

handler). The DBIO field is also copied into the IMS 07

log record, so now that field will also be valid.

-The APAR text also states that the new CPU time, STATCTM1

is added to the IMS log Type 07 record as field DLRTIME,

but I need DSECTS to find out where, before I can update

TYPEIMS (and there'll be a change for TYPECIMS too!).

Thanks to Philip Schwartz, United Parcel Service, USA.

Change 09.180 A volume with 1,260,487,800 bytes capacity (tracks times

VMACDCOL formatted track capacity) was reported by DCOLLECT as

Nov 26, 1991 having a capacity of only 1,260,487,680, a loss of 120

Feb 10, 1992 bytes. The error was thought to be truncation because

the variable was stored in 4 bytes, and in Nov, these

variables were changed to be stored in 8 bytes:



Now, the truth is known, and there was no MXG error. The

DCOLLECT data field is in kilobytes and not bytes, and

thus the values reported by DCOLLECT will be the nearest

multiple of 1024 bytes that is smaller than the true

value. The extra 120 bytes exist on the volume, but will

never be reported by DCOLLECT!

Thanks to Terry Duchow, Minnesota Mutual Life, USA.
Change 09.179 PR/SM TYPE70PR summary PDB.ASUM70PR and trending TRND70PR

ASUM70PR datasets were correct if NRPRCS (number of partitions

TRND70PR running or defined) was equal to PARTNCPU (number of

Nov 25, 1991 physical processors), but PCTLnBY calculations were wrong

otherwise, and produced logical busy percentages instead

of percent of physical busy that was intended. Now, the

calculations use PARTNCPU so the PCTLnBY measures real

hardware CPU utilization of your PR/SM or MLPF box.

Thanks to Diane Eppestine, Southwestern Bell, USA.
Change 09.178 DB2 2.3 SMF type 102 records were changed incompatibly on

VMAC102 Nov 12. (DB2 2.3 just became available Oct 28!). Fields

Nov 25, 1991 were added to IFCIDs 28, 96, 140-142, and 145 (and are

now supported by MXG). IBM provided documentation that

was good and timely for this change.

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