TYPENETP session logon, logoff, and disconnect/reconnect times.
Aug 13, 1991
Thanks to Nancy Ayers, General Electric Lighting, USA.
Change 09.117 Minor. Variables DLYCHATM and DLYDIRTM in TYPE74 were
VMAC74 not formatted as TIME12.2, but now they are.
Aug 9, 1991
Thanks to Chuck Hopf, Primerica, USA.
Change 09.116 NPM 1.4.1 support was not complete in MXG 9.3. The code
VMAC28 does not fail, but messages (NON-ZERO COF, UNEXPECTED
Aug 9, 1991 SUBTYPE, CALL HOME) are printed, and not all of the new
Aug 12, 1991 subtypes were output. Several changes were required.
Thanks to Jim Shumaker, American Express, USA.
Change 09.115 SAS 5.18 compatibility. Step TESTIBM2 of JCLTEST needs
TESTIBM2 a 6000K region under 5.18 because TYPE102, instead of
Aug 8, 1991 TYPE102A,TYPE102B are included in MXG 9.3's TESTIBM2.
This change uses a %MACRO to detect which SAS version
is used and includes TYPE102 if under 6.06+, or includes
the pair TYPE102A, TYPE102B if under 5.18.
Thanks to Diane Eppestine, Southwestern Bell, USA.
Change 09.114 The VM/XA utility UTILGEVX to create VB records for test
UTILGEVX referenced the non-existent member (MACROS) and had the
Aug 8, 1991 wrong macro names. The INCLUDE for (MACROS) should have
been for (VMACVMXA), the _INFILE should be _MWINPUT, and
the _ENFILE should be _MWENDIT. The comments should say
the input comes from fileref MWINPUT and VB records are
written to fileref OUTFILE.
Thanks to Jay Cicardo, Southwestern Bell St. Louis, USA.
Change 09.113 The VSAM Sharing Options in the VVDS were not fully
VMACVVDS decoded in the two flag variables VVRA2REG/VVRA2SYS.
Aug 8, 1991 Two new variables with values 1, 2, 3, or 4 for both
the cross-system and cross-region share options now are
created with:
Thanks to Jeff Fox, SKF USA, Inc, USA.
Change 09.112 In analysis of ESA benchmark data, I discovered PERFGRP
VMAC30 and MULTIDD was not kept in TYPE30_D and PDB.DDSTATS.
Aug 8, 1991 Now they have both been added to the KEEP= list.
Thanks to Chuck Hopf, Primerica, USA.
Change 09.111 MXG recommended half-track BLKSIZEs of 23040/27647 for
CONFIG 3380/3390s but did not realize SAS 6.06+ has an option
CONFIG07 specifically for DASD, and there is also a TAPE option.
Aug 7, 1991 Now, MXG CONFIG/CONFIG07 contain
Thanks to Chuck Hopf, Primerica, USA.
Change 09.110 Landmark CICS added the 8-byte APPLID in their 8.1. MXGs
ASUMCICS 7.1 summarization code had stored SYSID into APPLID to
Aug 7, 1991 create APPLID, but that line now causes APPLID to be
truncated to 4 bytes with 8.1. Change line 008700 from
to read
and add APPLID to the KEEP= in line 006200.
This change will only work with Landmark 8.1 data; the
datasets built from 7.1 data records does not contain
the variable APPLID, so the change must coincide with
your implementation of TYPEMON8 processing of 8.1 data.
Thanks to Freddie Arie, Lone Star Gas, TEXAS.
Change 09.109 The BLKSIZE of the MXG 9.3 tape was increased to 32720.
CHANGES The 9.3 label printed on the tape was correct, but the
INSTALL change from 6160 was not stated. Worse, a note in the
Aug 7, 1991 Installation section of Newsletter TWENTY said the tape
BLKSIZE was 23440, which it never has been! The tape
blocksize had to be increased so that MXG 9.3 would fit
on a 600-foot 3420 reel, but it also reduced the time to
create 3420 or 3480s. The BLKSIZE=32720 will now be used
for all future MXG Versions. Sorry for my carelessness!
JCLPDB6 pointing to your format library because Change 9.094 now
JCLTEST uses the MXG MGBYTES format. In JCLPDB6, a // is needed
JCLTEST6 before the OPTIONS= parameter on the EXEC statement.
Aug 7, 1991
Thanks to Mark Delorme, Minnesota Power, USA.
--Changes thru 9.107 were contained in MXG PreRelease 9.3, Aug 1, 1991--
Change 09.107 MONITASK variable TATASKNR contains transaction counts
TYPEMON8 for history records, but Landmark's Release 8 relocated
Jul 30, 1991 the field to what MXG read as TASINTL1 $CHAR4. Now, that
input is TATASKNR PIB4., the original TATASKNR is now
unkept variable TATASKNN, and TASINTL1 was never kept.
Thanks to Annette Miller, Dale Electronics, USA.
Change 09.106 IMS multiple-message transactions resources were wrong.
TYPEIMS Lines 145300-148400, which calculate the average DL/I,
Jul 30, 1991 CPU, etc., must be moved to after line 144200, so that
the average is calculated only once, instead of being a
moving average.
Thanks to Russell Dewar, NM Computer Services, AUSTRALIA.
Change 09.105 Change 9.100 discussed the new DROP,KEEP,RENAME warning.
DOC While initially I did not like the default of warning,
Jul 30, 1991 it appears to be worthwhile; it uncovered many cases of
misspelled variables in KEEP lists that were not being
output, and some cases of variables that should have not
been in the KEEP list, when I ran the MXG 9.3 QA runs.
All members that could be corrected were, but some MXG
members intentionally contain unreferenced variables,
and these members may produce warnings (which have no
real impact, except for the condition code four!):
The protection in BUILDPDB/BUILDPD3 was extended to
suppress warnings for the entire member.
--Changes thru 9.104 were printed in MXG Newsletter TWENTY Aug 1, 1991--
Change 09.104 DB2 102 Trace Data causes ANALDB2R to fail with DATA SET
ANALDBTR NOT SORTED error in S008S009, S0015S018, or S059S058 due
Jul 28, 1991 to a misspelling in ANALDBTR. The error occurs only if
a one of these trace events was incomplete, i.e., when a
start event or end event record was not in the input.
These three sets of variables were reversed:
Line Now Should be
049000 IF E008TM=. IF S008TM=.
049400 IF S008TM=. IF E008TM=.
068100 IF E015TM=. IF S015TM=.
068500 IF S015TM=. IF E015TM=.
164500 IF E059TM=. IF S059TM=.
164900 IF S059TM=. IF E059TM=.
Thanks to Bob Farrell, Sun Alliance, ENGLAND.
Change 09.103 -A minor revision to ANALPATH was provided by its authors
ANALPATH to deal with a divide by zero if no prime shift data was
IMACPDBX used for the analysis.
Jul 28, 1991 -The new member IMACPDBX will undoubtedly replace the MXG
IMACPDB, but is placed in a separate member for sites to
validate its architecture. Dan Kaberon has implemented
a slick technique that lets you trivially change the
variables that are sum/min/maxed from the steps data to
PDB.JOBS, and you no longer have to count and set up the
"dummy" X variables in the original IMACPDB. The new
member also added three variables, PGSUSED PGSGLOAD and
SHEETPRN to the PDB.PRINT data set.
Thanks to Dan Kaberon, Hewitt Associates, USA.
Change 09.102 -Multiple type 30 records will be written for each step,
BUILDPDB interval, or job, if more than 1476 DDs are in the task.
BUILDPD3 MXG has always created separate observations for each of
IMACPDB these "Multi-DD" records, which contain only EXCP/IOTM
VMAC30 resource fields. However, several elapsed time measures
Jul 28, 1991 calculated by MXG from timestamps (ALOCTM,DSENQTM,EXECTM
RDRTM,SELAPSTM) should not have been calculated, and are
now set missing. A new variable, MULTIDD='Y' is created
to flag these records in TYPE30_4, TYPE30_5, TYPE30_6,
and TYPE30_V datasets. If the need is demonstrated in
the future, MXG may add logic to sum the MULTIDD type 30
into a single record, but the cost of double processing
does not seem necessary at this time. For now, flagging
these "pseudo-step" records and ensuring there is no
duplication of these elapsed time measures is enough.
MULTIDD was also added in IMACPDB to the _PDB30_4 list.
-The MULTIDD records for TYPE30_V intervals have another
problem; the begin of interval INTBTIME does not exist
(has missing value) in the second and subsequent MULTIDD
record (because IBM puts it in the processor accounting
section, which is not created in MULTIDD records!). The
INTBTIME cannot be retained from the first record to the
subsequent records while processing SMF data, because
other SMF records from other tasks can be sent to SMF in
between the first and subsequent intervals of our job.
It was necessary to modify the logic of BUILDPDB/3 to
add an extra PROC SORT and logic to fill in the missing
INTBTIME, so that sites who wish to account using their
interval records can cluster the MULTIDD records. If
your site creates interval records, you probably want to
have this corrected, and if there is no interval data,
there is no cost to this enhancement of PDB.SMFINTRV.
Note this change does not correct the TYPE30_V data set
built by member TYPE30, but only the PDB.SMFINTRV data
set built by BUILDPDB/BUILDPD3.
-Two other problems with MULTIDD records were corrected
in BUILDPDB/3. The variable STEP was a counter of step
records found, but it was also being incremented for
each of the MULTIDD records. STEP is now incremented
only for the actual step record, not for the MULTIDDs.
The variable RESTART was a counter of job restarts, but
it too was being incremented for each MULTIDD record.
Now it only counts real job terminations as RESTARTS.
Thanks to Diane Eppestine, Southwestern Bell, USA.
Change 09.101 DOS/VSE Landmark CICS records are non-standard formats.
TYPEMOND Each block begins with 2-byte block length, followed by
Jul 27, 1991 two 4-byte length fields, the second of which contains
the data-length of the following data record. The 4-byte
pairs and data records are then repeated. This format
can be read with the following changes to TYPEMONI for
Landmark 7.1 records. The new member TYPEMOND contains
this change, but the logic has not been data-tested yet.
Replace With
Immediately before the
percent sign before
Thanks to ???, ???, EUROPE.
Change 09.100 SAS 6.07 compatibility. SAS validation of variables in
BUILDPDB KEEP, DROP, or RENAME statements or options was never
BUILDPD3 consistent; an unreferenced variable in a "D,K,R" could
CONFIG07 print an error, a warning, or no warning, depending on
Jul 27, 1991 whether the "D,K,R" was an option or a statement and/or
whether the "D,K,R" was for input or output. SAS 6.07
now consolidates the action by input or output and has
two new options, DKRICOND and DKROCOND which can set the
action to be taken to ERROR, WARN, or NOWARN. By design,
MXG has unreferenced variables in KEEP= lists for output
and since the SAS 6.07 default is WARN, many unnecessary
WARNING message will be printed on the log, and the step
will end with condition code 0004. These warnings can
be eliminated by adding DKROCOND=NOWARN to the CONFIG
member of MXG, but then SAS 6.06 will fail because this
option is unknown to SAS 6.06! As a result, there is a
now a new member, named CONFIG07, for SAS 6.07 which has
DKROCOND=NOWARN specified. Just in case you miss this
note, however, BUILDPDB/3 are specifically protected by
the addition of %MACRO VMXGDKRN to set NOWARN during the
SMF processing phase under 6.07 or later:
and after the DATA step there is a %MACRO VMXGDKRW to
reset the option to DKROCOND=WARN. This may change as
more experience with these new options accumulates.
Thanks to Rick Langston, SAS Institute Cary, USA.
Change 09.099 Dataset VTOCINFO's variable TRKSALOC contained only the
VMXGVTOC number of tracks allocated for the VTOC; not the total
VMXGVTOF tracks on the volume. This change summarizes the detail
Jul 27, 1991 information into VTOCINFO, correcting TRKSALOC, and adds
dataset more meaningful for DASD capacity analysis.
Additionally, in the VMXGVTOF member only, each volume's
now added to the VTOCINFO dataset. These fields were at
the end of the record created by ASMVTOC, but were not
kept in MXG's processing.
Thanks to John Mattson, National Medical Enterprises, USA.
Change 09.098 The original members WEEKBLD and MONTHBLD contained both
JCLWEEK JCL and SAS code, which required unnecessary JCL changes
JCLMONTH due to SAS or SAS changes due to JCL. This change puts
WEEKBLD the sample JCL in members JCLWEEK and JCLMONTH and has
MONTHBLD only SAS code in WEEKBLD and MONTHBLD. The JCL examples
Jul 27, 1991 in these members (an in all future JCL examples) will be
only for the SAS Version 6 environment.
Change 09.097A -The optimal BLKSIZE for MXG's SAS Data Libraries is half
CONFIG track (See SAS Notes in Newsletter TWENTY). Since these
Jul 26, 1991 libraries are RECFM=FB,LRECL=512, the correct half track
data library block sizes are
Data libraries:
3380 BLKSIZE=23040
3390 BLKSIZE=27648
Member CONFIG now specifies BLKSIZE=23040 as default.
-The MXG Default BUFNO=2 is now specified in CONFIG. With
a half-track BLKSIZE, transferring one track of data per
SSCH results when BUFNO=2 is specified. The incremental
gain of additional buffers above 2 does not seem needed
and I have always felt righteous if I transferred data
for 1 revolution and then freed the device to other
users. Since the virtual storage required for each SAS
data set is BUFNO*BLKSIZE, reducing BUFNO from 3 to 2
concomitant with the above BLKSIZE increase will
mitigate MEMSIZE. I plan further benchmarking to see if
there really is a value in increased BUFNO (only even
values make sense), but early results show half track
and BUFNO=2 gives very good performance and minimized
resources reasonably.
-The increased BLKSIZE value has increased the virtual
storage required for the INFILE processing parts of MXG,
so MEMSIZE=24M is now specified (increased from 12M) to
ensure unnecessary "out-of-virtual-memory" ABENDs. Since
MEMSIZE is above the line virtual storage, I don't think
this increase will affect any real resources, and SAS
only gets what it needs anyhow.
-The option ERRORS=2 was added, so that if you get any
invalid data hex dumps, only the first two will be on
your log, instead of the SAS default of the first 20.
Change 09.097 HSM 2.6 SMF records were changed INCOMPATIBLY. The DSR
VMACHSM and VSR have new fields, VSR fields (VSRTBAK,VSRTALC,
Jul 24, 1991 VSRNDSV, and VSRTCPU), are now reserved, and bit fields
are now decoded into new variables. MXG supports not
only HSM 2.6, but also HSM 2.4 and 2.5 SMF records.
Thanks to Joseph J. Faska, Depository Trust, USA
VMACVMXA incorrectly printed on the log. The error was introduced
Jul 22, 1991 by Change 8.244; line 005970 must be (COL-5+MRHDRLEN).
Fortunately, the datasets built were valid, but the MXG
messages sure filled pages of your log!
Thanks to Rob Owens, SAS Institute Europe, GERMANY.
Thanks to ???, ???.
Change 09.095 BUILDPDB is enhanced by the automatic addition of the
BUILDPDB dataset TYPE0203 in your PDB, so you can keep track of
BUILDPD3 when SMF data was dumped; a type 2 record is written at
VMAC0203 the start of each SMF dump (IEASMFDP) and a type 3 is
Jul 21, 1991 written at the end of each dump. Back to back type 2s
indicates probable duplicate data, because a dump was
started but failed to complete. Member VMAC0203 was
also changed, to create variable RECNUM, the record
number of each 2 or 3 record, in case you need to strip
out duplicated records.
Change 09.094 The _SMF macro, used by all SMF processing programs, now
VMACSMF prints a message on the log "MXG SUCCESSFULLY READ SMF"
Jul 21, 1991 with the number of records AND the number of megabytes
of data that was found in your SMF file.
Change 09.093 This revision of existing TRND72 member adds several new
TRND72 MVS/ESA 4.2 variables to the TREND.TRND72 dataset.
Jul 20, 1991
Thanks to Chuck Hopf, Primerica, USA.
Change 09.092 Trending of TYPE71 data is added by this change, using
TRND71 the WEEK.TYPE71 dataset as input. (Since the TYPE71
Jul 20, 1991 data already exists as one observation per interval,
there is no need for an "ASUM71" member.)
Thanks to Chuck Hopf, Primerica, USA.
Change 09.091 Trending of PR/SM, MLPF or MDF data in TYPE70PR is added
ASUM70PR by this change. Member ASUM70PR creates PDB.ASUM70PR by
TRND70PR summarizing TYPE70PR into one observation per interval
Jul 20, 1991 for each system. (If you have more than one MVS system
running, remember that each one creates observations in
TYPE70PR for each SYSTEM. Either SYSTEM or LPARNAME has
to be used to avoid duplication in your reporting. MXG
keeps all SYSTEMs found in TYPE70PR). Member TRND70PR
takes the WEEK.ASUM70PR, and adds its new data to the
TREND.TRND70PR data, which can be used for tracking the
utilization of all your LPARs.
Thanks to Chuck Hopf, Primerica, USA.
Change 09.090 ASUMCICS used more temporary work space than needed, as
ASUMCICS some variables were not dropped, and no LENGTH statement
Jul 20, 1991 was used. After line 003400 (DATA NULLCICS;) insert
After line 009199 (END;) insert
Change 09.089 VM/XA Trending variables PFXUTIME and PCTCPUBY were not
TRNDVMXA correct. PFXUTIME was wrong because it should be in the
Jul 18, 1991 NORM13 list instead of NORM1. PCTCPUBY was wrong because
it is recalculated and uses PFXUTIME!
Thanks to ???, 3M Europe, GERMANY.
Change 09.088 Amdahl's Cache DASD SPMS Release 1.2 completely rewrote
EXTYSPMC their user SMF record. The original VMACSPMS supported
EXTYSPME SPMS Release 1.0, but that code was temp VMACSPM0, and
VMACSPMS VMACSPMS now contains support only for SPMS 1.2. There
are two data sets created now, SPMSCED "Cache Extent
Jul 18, 1991 Definition" statistics, for each CED (which might be an
entire volume, or just a data set), and SPMSEXT "Cache
Extent" statistics, for each EXTent (which will normally
contain one observation for each CED, unless the dataset
in the CED is itself in extents). Although statistics
can be captured in the CED part of the record, there is
an option to disable statistics in the CED, so MXG will
create the sum of the EXT data and store into the CED
dataset, which seems to be the most likely dataset of
general interest, and by summing the EXT data into the
CED, either data set will be valid. Note that some of
the fields may not be valid; SPMSATBC contains negative
values. Amdahl is investigating.
Thanks to Elliot Weitzman, Oryx Energy Company, USA.
Change 09.087 Only comments were changed in IMACFILE, but the example
IMACFILE showing how to write SMF records out to an OS file now
Jul 18, 1991 has a FILE LOG; statement after the PUT _INFILE_ so that
and error messages PUT by MXG will be sent to the log.
Without the FILE LOG; statement, error messages were
written to the output SMF file!
Thanks to Brenda Rabinowitz, Prudential-Bache Securities, USA.
Change 09.086 ACF2 records with ACSMFREC='L' and ACSMFCN GE 3 were not
VMACACF2 processed. They are now output in the ACF2JR dataset.
Jul 18, 1991 The LID at the end of these records is not currently
decoded; since the records themselves were not output,
it is not clear the contents of the LID are needed, but
that will change if users request it! The change was to
to ELSE IF ACSMFREC='L' THEN DO; in line 049400, and
to IF ACSMFFCN GE 2 THEN DO; in line 050200.
Thanks to Rachel Bromage, L.O.L.A., ENGLAND.
Change 09.085 Early Address Spaces (Started Task ASIDs that come up
VMAC6 before SMF is fully up) have no JES number and their
VMAC26J2 JCTJOBID variable contains job name. The logic added in
VMAC26J3 MXG 8.8 to support the APPC TYPETASK tested JCTJOBID to
VMAC30 see if it started with an "A", but this caused "Invalid
VMAC32 Data Error" for JESNR if the STC happened to start with
Jul 18, 1991 an "A" (like ACF2!). This change reorders the logic to
first recognize an early address space (JCTJOBID=JOB)
to set TYPETASK='STC ' and JESNR=., or otherwise use the
original logic to determine TYPETASK and JESNR. The only
impact were messy record dumps on the log when MXG tried
to read characters as numbers!
Thanks to Stephen Tull, State Energy Commission of W.A., AUSTRALIA.
Change 09.084 For consistency in CICS, variable PCLOADCN was changed.
VMAC110 Its old contents, the count of load requests, was moved
Jul 18, 1991 to new variable PCLOADCT, which will be non-missing in
all CICSs, and the old variable PCLOADCN contains the
count of actual loads. The change occurred in MXG 8.8
but was not documented.
Thanks to Ms. Ericson, EDV Gmbh, Vienna, AUSTRIA.
Change 09.083 In Newsletter SIXTEEN, I made mention of APAR OY16896,
BUILDPDB but did not elaborate on its significant effect on lines
VMAC6 printed counting in MXG. The APAR changes the variable
Jul 17, 1991 OUTDEVCE (SMF type 6 field SMF6OUT). Formerly, OUTDEVCE
was the name of the output device to which the print was
sent, e.g., PRINTER1, PUNCH2, or R196.PR1 for a remote
printer, R196.PU1 for a remote punch (remember, external
writers for microfiche and other devices often "punch").
The APAR changed OUTDEVCE to contain the VTAM LUNAME of
the printer, which no longer contains indication of the
type of device to which print was sent. MXG still uses
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