Jun 19, 1991 although SAS option NOCHARCODE could probably been used.
Thanks to Willie Antman, Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, USA.
Change 09.051 Shared Medical System's CICS application creates its own
IMACEXCL header segment with an unexpected MNSEGCL value, which
VMAC110 caused MXG to fail. These segments were detected and
Jun 19, 1991 skipped over with the first part of this change, but MXG
Jun 27, 1991 still failed with SMS CICS records, because they use the
CICS EXCLUDE option to exclude some fields from their
transaction record.
You can tell a region has EXCLUDEd fields if the value
of MCTSSDRN in the MXG error message is 60 or less;
a minimum of 61 fields are in non-EXCLUDEd CICS data.
The previous "support" in MXG for EXCLUDE/INCLUDE was
marginal at best, was not externalized, and actually
required you to create a modified copy of VMAC110!
Because MXG promised to fix every Error condition, the
second part of this change completely redesigned the MXG
support for CICS EXCLUDEd fields, and now provides an
externalized tailoring member, IMACEXCL, that permits
processing a multiplicity of different CICS regions that
can even have different EXCLUDEs. IMACEXCL not only is
the documentation for this MXG support, it also contains
the code to read the SMS transaction records and shows
how changing only one line in your IMACEXCL will enable
SMS record processing for two specific APPLIDs.
Thanks to Phil Shelley, Jewish Hospital HealthCare Services, USA.
Thanks to Tim Cartwright, University of Wisconsin - Madison, USA.
Change 09.050 WEEKBLD job failed when automatically submitted by a job
Submitting but ran without error when submitted from TSO. Adding
Jun 19, 1991 DCB=(RECFM=FB,LRECL=80,BLKSIZE=8000) to the DDNAME in
the submitting job that points to the INTRDR solved the
problem. Without that DCB, the SYSIN dataset that SAS
tried to read had VBA or VS attributes, and SAS failed
with "Undetermined I/O Failure". By the way, that I/O
error from SAS always means the error is in a "flat"
file (SYSIN, or INCLUDEd, or FILE/INFILE), and is not
related to I/O to/from a SAS data library.
Change 09.049 Execution of MXG 8.8 under SAS 6.06 under MVS/370 (i.e.,
SAS 6.06 pre-MVS/XA) is possible for BUILDPDB, but testing and
Jun 19, 1991 validation is still on-going. This note identifies the
current recommendations for SAS 6.06 under MVS/370.
-Use maximum REGION size you can possibly get.
-Specify OPTIONS BLKSIZE=1024 BUFNO=1; to minimize the
virtual storage (but at the cost of additional I/O and
CPU time).
-Change CONFIG member to specify MEMSIZE=6M (because SAS
will try to get more, even when it doesn't exist on your
370 system).
-Add SAS option MINSTG to the CONFIG member (to free up
storage after each PROC/DATA step).
-Let me know if it works. Last site testing got through
to building the SPUNJOBS before memory failure, and has
not yet reported if MINSTG solved their problem.
Thanks to Moji Varian, Congressional Information Services, USA.
Change 09.048 The MXG circumvention for IBM's DFP type 42 records in
VMAC42 Change 9.024 protected the STOPOVER condition, but the
Jun 19, 1991 MXG test for wrong record length was invoked first, and
the bad records were thrown away instead of processed
(after a message was printed on your log, however).
This enhancement protects the STOPOVER and prevents the
MXG message on the log. In addition, the PIB8. fields
in the subtype 1 (written only if you have PDSE enabled)
are now input as ?? 8. instead of PIB8. There is still
a long series of questions at IBM DFP, because some of
the statistics (but not all) appear to be accumulated
across records, and the "Current" time stamp is several
minutes earlier than the SMF timestamp. Two APARs now
exist for the type 42, OY39393 and OY44995, and when
PTFs exist, they should be installed.
Thanks to Joseph J. Faska, Depository Trust, USA
Change 09.047 TYPE78CU IO Queuing data will be missing if microcode
VMAC78 level CP HH0124 has been installed. The fix to IBM's
Jun 19, 1991 firmware is microcode level CP HH0130.
Thanks to Miller Dixon, Continuum, USA.
Change 09.046 TYPE6156 variable ACTION is not consistent with the type
VMAC6156 of function creating the respective record, according to
Jun 19, 1991 IBM APAR OZ82412 (1985!). MXG variable ACTION decodes
SMF6xSUB into INsert, DElete, or UPdate, but the APAR
says the field is valid only in the type 60 VVDS record
and is invalid in type 61, 65, or 66 records. Sister
APAR OZ82414 also claims that SMF6xFNC and SMF6xTYP are
equally invalid (which MXG decodes into FUNCTION and
ENTTYPID respectively). In MVS/ESA 4.2 SMF manual, the
SMF6xFNC is now a reserved field, but both SMF6xSUB and
SMF6xTYP are still documented. Your guess is as good as
mine, but beware!
Thanks to Dan Kaberon, Hewitt Associates, USA.
Change 09.045 NETSPY accounting record offset cause INPUT STATEMENT
Jun 10, 1991 @OFFNSPY+OFFSMF+169 to read @OFFNSPY+OFFSMF+168
Thanks to Doug Drain, National City Bank, USA.
Change 09.044 An interesting change in Connect Time ("IOTM") measures
IOTM was observed in GTF traces. The instance was 4K I/O, and
Jun 8, 1991 the normal connect of 2ms per I/O was observed most of
the time, but occasionally the connect time was 18ms!
The device was a 3390 DASD behind a Model 2 3990 (i.e.,
non-cached CU). The additional connect time was traced
to a change in IBM's handling of missed RPS reconnects.
Previously, IBM would simply try, and try, and try again
to reconnect, recording 16ms (one revolution) disconnect
time for each miss. IBM has apparently implemented the
same scheme that other vendors use to limit reconnects:
after some number of misses (perhaps 2?), IBM now tries
continually to reconnect, and when it is finally able to
connect to the channel, it now SEARCHes to find the
desired sector and record. SEARCH, of course, records
not disconnect time, but now records connect time, for
the device in type 74 and for the job in type 30. In
principle this is probably good, since it limits how
long your I/O can sit waiting for reconnect, but it
could lead to problems in repeatability of connect time
for I/O measurement and accounting, because now the
connect time is a function of channel and path conflicts
rather than just the amount of I/O transferred. Since
multiple paths are typically available to devices, there
is much less probability of RPS misses now than in the
past, and the variability in connect time will not be a
significant factor in the absence of RPS misses.
Thanks to Bill Fairchild, Landmark, USA.
Change 09.043 The link edit step in ASMVTOC specifies AC=1, but later
ASMVTOC comments in the program state that authorization is NOT
Jun 8, 1991 required. The comments are correct, and the AC=1 has
been removed from the LKED step.
Thanks to David Ehresman, University of Louisville, USA.
Change 09.042 SAS 6.06 and MXG JCLTEST6 will fail in REGION=2048K with
JCLTEST6 The REGION=4096K is required, but MXG JCL comments were
Jun 8, 1991 incorrect and implied 2048K was enough. It isn't.
Thanks to David Ehresman, University of Louisville, USA.
Change 09.041 Sites with TLMS may encounter 713-04 ABENDS when putting
TLMS SAS datasets on tape, if the TLMS installation Option
Jun 8, 1991 named DBLTIME is set to 0! If DBLTIME=0, TLMS does not
Feb 25, 2006 permit "double opens", but when you build your PDB on
tape, SAS opens and closes each SAS dataset, which OS
sees as multiple opens, and TLMS inhibits. You can set
DBLTIME=1 and TLMS will let the same jobname open the
same tape data set multiple times, as long as the time
between is less than one hour (DBLTIME=2 give 2 hours!).
Unfortunately, DBLTIME is an installation-wide option.
Feb 25, 2006: Using DISP=(MOD,CATLG) instead of using
DISP=(NEW,CATLG) eliminated the ABEND!!!
Thanks to Nancy Vance, ???.
Thanks to Terry Poole, SAS Institute Cary, USA.
Thanks to Carol Arnold, BBH, USA.
Change 09.040 Reading VTOC records created by ASMVTOC with VMXGVTOF,
VMXGVTOF even after Change 9.035 (MXG 9.1), was still incorrect.
Jun 7, 1991 The logic of VMXGVTOC was not properly migrated into
VMXGVTOF, and the first extent on each volume was lost.
You might not have noticed the loss, if the first extent
was free space, but if the first extent was a real
dataset, the entire dataset record could have been lost.
The simple fix is to change VMXGVTOF as follows:
was: must be:
Thanks to Roger Edwards, South Carolina Electric & Gas, USA.
Change 09.039 MVS/ESA 4.2 was still not fully validated, even in 9.1.
VMAC74 Yet another error slipped thru, causing STOPOVER on type
XMAC74 74 subtype 2 RMF records:
Jun 7, 1991 -Find the following statement and changes as shown:
was must be
-There are three lines containing SKIP=OFFDDSS that must
be changed as follows:
was must be
Thanks to Tom Elbert, John Alden Life Ins, USA.
Thanks to Dan Barbatti, Southwestern Bell, USA.
----Changes thru 9.038 were included in MXG 9.1 dated June 3, 1991------
Change 09.038 Support for Boole and Babbage's CONTROL-D SMF record
ANALCTLD is added by this user contribution. Release 1.6.4 has
EXTYCTLD been processed with this data, which creates the
IMACCTLD CONTROLD data set. Member ANALCTLD provides examples
TYPECTLD of potential reports.
Jun 3, 1991
Thanks to Brian Cobb, Credit General Industriel, FRANCE.
Change 09.037 Variable FCOTHCN was not kept in CICSTRAN dataset, for
VMAC110 no good reason, but now it is!
Jun 3, 1991
Thanks to Herr Weismann, Zurich Versicherung Frankfurt, GERMANY.
Change 09.036 Variable APPLID in NSPYVIRT was not kept, causing later
VMACNSPY report programs to fail. Add APPLID to KEEP= list.
Jun 3, 1991
Thanks to Chris Morgan, Post Office (UK), ENGLAND.
Change 09.035 A SAS 5.18-only problem caused when SYMPUT references an
VMXGVTOF unreferenced variable caused VMXGVTOF to not process all
Jun 3, 1991 extents. The MXG circumvention is to insert the line
LENGTH NOBS 4; ahead of the CALL SYMPUT line,
which satisfies the 5.18 compiler and makes the %DO loop
iterate. In addition, there was a redundant PROC SORT
of the EXTENDS data set preceding the %DO which did no
harm, but did no good, and which has been removed. This
was a combined discovery of several SAS folks:
Thanks to Susan Marshall, SAS Institute Europe, GERMANY.
Thanks to Jan van Lent, SAS Institute, NETHERLANDS.
Thanks to Waldemar Schneider, SAS Institute Europe, GERMANY.
Change 09.034 Two exits enhance BUILDPDB tailoring so that changes to
BUILDPDB are externalized for sophisticated users. Exit
BUILDPD3 EXPDB304 is taken so TYPE30_4 step variables can be
EXPDB304 changed/added into PDB.STEPS or summed into PDB.JOBS.
EXPDB6 is taken so TYPE6 print variables can be changed
May 31, 1991 into PDB.PRINT or summed into PDB.JOBS. Comments in the
exit member describe how it can be used. Complete tests
have not been completed; use with caution until this
note is replaced with validation results. At worst, you
may have to modify SPUNJOBS if you use these exits!
Thanks to Jane Graffum, Blue Cross Blue Shield of Massachussets, USA.
Change 09.033 Invalid NETSPY records are now protected from STOPOVER
VMACNSPY by comparing the expected length ENDREC to LENGTH and
May 31, 1991 deleting bad records. LEGENT is investigating the data
(NSPYREC='C' with ENTL=288 and ENTN=216-->62208 bytes
in a record only 21,000 bytes long)!
Thanks to Wilson Wong, Salomon Technology Services, USA.
Change 09.032 DB2 Audit Reports (PMAUD01, PMAUD02, or PMAUD03 were not
ANALDB2R produced if PDB=SMF was specified on %ANALDB2R. These
May 31, 1991 reports ARE produced if instead you use TYPEDB2/TYPE102
to build the datasets first, and then invoke ANALDB2R
with the PDB=PDB option to generate the Audit reports.
The PDB=SMF problem can be corrected by inserting:
two lines prior to each of the following lines:
(The omission of these three lines testing if you had
requested an Audit report caused the PDB=SMF option to
generate the above Macro line, thereby causing MXG to
create 0 observations in the datasets needed by the
audit report.
Change 09.031 The example JCLDASD had incorrect DDNAMEs, and ANALVVDS
ANALVVDS had conflicting DDNAMEs.
JCLDASD -In ANALVVDS both occurrences of PERM should be MXGVVDS,
May 31, 1991 and the OPTIONS statement was deleted (it did not cause
a real problem, but it did not belong there, since it
would prevent you from controlling options externally).
Comment preceding step VTOC should state
MXGDASD should replace PERM as the DDNAME for the SAS
data set to be built,
DISK should replace MXGDASD as the DDNAME for the
*.ASMVTOC.VTOCDUMP dataset, and
Comment preceding step VVDS should state
Change 09.030 DB2 Reports have several values that are incorrect by a
ANALDB2R factor of two. The error only affects these variables:
The correction (fortunately) is simple. Delete all
15 occurrences of 2* in member ANALDB2R! I am really
embarrassed by this error due to incorrect testing.
Thanks to Siegfried Trantes, Gothaer Versicherungsbank VVAG, GERMANY.
Change 09.029 The MXG PDS Printing utility ALWAYS printed the SOURCLIB
VMXGPPDS PDS because "PROC SOURCE INDD=&PDSIN ..." should have
May 31, 1991 been used instead of INDD=SOURCLIB!
Change 09.028 Preliminary trend data base support for VMXAINTV dataset
TRNDVMXA has been added. Note that the trending supports only a
May 31, 1991 single VM/XA system. If you have multiple VM/XA systems
they must be separately processed and trended; I am open
to suggestions for the creation of a "SYSTEM" variable
that would allow separate VMXAINTV datasets to be added
to a common VM/XA trend data base. The TRNDVMXA member
existed in MXG 8.9, but had warnings not to use, because
of Variable Not Found messages. If you remove variables
PFXIDSER and PFXIDMDL from the SUMBY= statement in 8.9,
you will then have the MXG 9.1 version of TRNDVMXA!
Change 09.027 Complete online documentation of MXG datasets has begun!
ADOCACHE I plan to provide "Chapter FORTY" style documentation of
May 31, 1991 each data source that MXG supports and each dataset that
MXG builds, as members of the MXG library, so that they
can be viewed and searched online with your text editor.
Since most data sources have a VMACxxxx member that is
the actual processing code, I have decided on the naming
convention that VMACxxxx member's data will be described
in member named VDOCxxxx. A completed VDOCxxxx member
will contain these sections:
a. Data source description. Who, what, when, writes
the raw data records, vendor, releases supported
by which version of MXG, etc. How to process this
data source with MXG (members, IMACs, etc.).
b. MXG Data Set Documentation. For each MXG data set
built, there will be these sections:
1. Description of data set itself, usage, etc.
2. Alphabetic description in detail of every MXG
variable, including usage notes, caveats, etc.
3. Clustering of similar variables.
4. PROC PRINT with variable name of sample data.
5. PROC PRINT SPLIT='*' with label of sample data.
6. PROC MEANS of sample data.
The member VDOCACHE is incomplete, but contains CACHE90
sections b.2, b.4, b.5, and b.6 for starters.
This work will extend over time. Initial estimates of
the number of pages for MXG's 900 datasets and 36,000
variables are from 8 to 13 800-page volumes! How much
will actually be printed, in what form, when will it be
completed, etc., are still under consideration. However,
as individual VDOC.... information is completed, it will
be added to the MXG SOURCLIB (even if not finished) so
the information will always be available online.
Change 09.026 Changes in 8.293 to CACHE90 dataset in VMACACHE have now
XMACACHE been implemented in XMACACHE, the SAS 5.18 member used
May 31, 1991 to circumvent the 344 compiler error.
Change 09.025 TPX variable TPXELAP should have been INPUT as PIB4.2
VMACTPX instead of PIB4.
May 31, 1991
Thanks to Seymour J. Metz, EDS, USA.
Change 09.024 Type 42 subtype 2 SMF records (DFP 3990 SMS cache stats)
VMAC42 are invalid until module IGDDCFSR is at OY39393. The
May 30, 1991 APAR OY39393 which fixed the subtype 3 record last year
didn't get on subtype 2! Without OY39393, the CU and VOL
segments are both mis-located by their offset triplets,
and the final VOL segment is actually truncated by two
bytes). This change enhances MXG to detect and process
both corrected and incorrect format records; since the
truncated bytes happen to be reserved it could be done!
You should still install OY39393 in case IBM makes any
other change to the DFP record. But there's more. In
every other relocatable SMF record, the length triplet
value is the length of a single segment, but the DFP
developers decided to be different and store the total
length of all VOL segments in SMF42VLL (and not only do
they claim there is no standard and that the format of
the length field is up to the creator, they haven't even
said they will issue a document APAR telling you!). MXG
corrects the length value in processing. And then there
are the LTM and CTM time stamps that don't contain the
HHMMSSTH that is documented, but instead contain the
seconds since midnight! And finally, the LYY and CYY
year values contain x'005B' = decimal 91 now, but do not
document what will happen in 2000 - is the format really
0cyy where c is the century bit and the 2000 will be the
x'0100', or is the format the number of years since 1900
so that the 2000 year value will be x'0064'? I have put
code in place that assumes the century bit format, but
am checking with IBM for the actual format.
Thanks to Joseph J. Faska, Depository Trust, USA.
Change 09.023 EXD Release 3.0 added EXDRTECD (EXD/SAR Route COde) to
IMACEXD the additional EXD variables in the type 6 record, and
May 30, 1991 now MXG creates that variable if optional EXD support
is enabled in member IMACEXD. I failed to note which
bright MXG user notified me of this omission.
Change 09.022 SAS 6.06 option VERSIONLONG was added to MXG's list of
CONFIG default options, so that SAS will print the date of the
May 30, 1991 maintenance library on your log (
Change 09.021 Support for CADAM, Inc.'s Statistics Data File, written
TYPECADM to their DDNAME STATSEQ, provides response averages and
VMACCADM counts of function key activity for CADAM end users. The
May 30, 1991 vendor's documentation warns that the data structures
are not supported by CADAM as user-accessible data and
are subject to change without notice (but the document
is dated 1988 and MXG has decoded data from the current
CADAM version 20.12). Function key use is recorded in 32
function key slots (but note that many CADAM products
(AEC, 3D) use multiple function key tables, redefining
the slots each time, and these re-uses are NOT reflected
in the function key slots.) For each function key slot,
CADAM records the number of uses, the total service time
and the sum-of-squares service times; MXG converts the
total service time to the average service time for each
function key slot. Additionally, CADAM captures the
arrival, service, and response time statistics (average,
minimum, maximum, and distributions of these three "wall
clock" durations in 44 buckets from .01 to 120 seconds.
Service is the duration from when CADAM selects an
attention to process to the point that the operating
system has reported that the display has been updated.
Response time adds to the service time the additional
duration that an attention waits to be selected for
processing (i.e., response is from arrival of an
attention to when the display is updated after
processing the attention).
Arrival time is the interval between the arrival of
attentions at the scope. Since attentions may be
"stacked" this value forms a measure of the "human
factor" in scope usage. Arrival times significantly
lower than response times imply that scope operators
are "getting ahead of the system," and that system
performance is poor.
Thanks to Emery Johnson, Allied Automotive Data Center, USA.
Change 09.020 Support for Interlink's products (used to interchange
EXILKA20 data between IBM, DEC, Internet, etc. platforms) has
EXILKA21 been added. The products each create user SMF records
EXILKGAB which are processed into multiple MXG datasets:
EXILKGCO Product MXG Acronym Datasets Created
May 29, 1991
Thanks to Diane Eppestine, Southwestern Bell, USA.
Change 09.019 The CICS Dictionary Printing Utility added support for
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