OUTDEVCE to create variable DEVICE in TYPE6, setting
DEVICE='PRINT' (if OUTDEVCE starts with 'PRINT' or 'PRT'
or contains '.PR', or UCS starts with 'VPS, or setting
DEVICE='PUNCH' (if OUTDEVCE starts with 'PUN' or
contains '.PU'). If no match is found in OUTDEVCE, then
MXG sets DEVICE='EXT WTR'. The APAR not only changes
the contents of variable DEVICE in TYPE6, but BUILDPDB
uses the value of DEVICE to decide if NRLINES are put
in variables PRINTLNE, PUNCHCRD, OR EXTWTRLN in both the
PDB.JOBS and PDB.PRINT data sets. The total of those
three variables will still be correct, but you cannot
trust PRINTLNE to contain print lines; all of the lines
printed could end up in variable EXTWTRLN.
If the breakout is important to your site, you will have
to first create a table look up mapping VTAM LUNAME to
the type of device, and use that table in member EXTY6
to set DEVICE= to the correct device type for your site.
for TYPE6 or PDB.PRINT analysis/billing, there is no
Thanks to Susan Marshall, SAS Institute Europe, GERMANY.
Change 09.082 Interlink's product SNS/vt is actually the ANET product
VMACILKV from Teubener Associates, and is also marketed by Mitek
Jul 17, 1991 (now Open Connect Systems) as Telenet Client Fullscreen!
By whatever name, however, the disconnect record has a
bug (CONECTIM does not contain a date) that is now fixed
in their release 322.
Thanks to Dan Barbatti, Southwestern Bell St. Louis, USA.
Change 09.081 EPILOG CICS CL1000 records, by default, are dumped by
IMACEPIL Candle's utility as RECFM=U, even though the records are
Jul 16, 1991 actually internally VB, with BDW=600 and RDW=LRECL=596.
The only problem with RECFM=U is that when written to a
tape data set, lots of space is wasted between these
600 byte records. Sites have, therefore, chosen to
change the output RECFM of the Candle dumping program to
specify VB, reducing storage on tape from 5 volumes to a
single volume, but this creates an additional BDW/RDW on
the tape, a "VVBB" RECFM! MXG has always handled these
two formats; if the output is dumped with RECFM=U then
OFFEPIL=0 is specified in IMACEPIL, and if the output is
dumped with RECFM=VB, then OFFEPIL=4 handles the extra
four bytes on each record, but only now do I realize in
which case which offset is specified in IMACEPIL!
Thanks to Myron Highfield, Square D, USA.
Change 09.080 Some new DB2 variables in DB2STAT0/DB2STAT1 were not
DIFFDB2 deaccumulated. QLSTx, QWTRx, QW2x-QW5x, Q9STCTRI,J,K,L
Thanks to Elliot Weitzman, Orxy Energy Company, USA.
Change 09.079 Data set TYPE30_D can contain duplicate observations, if
BUILDPDB the same DDNAME appears multiple times in a step record.
BUILDPD3 The NODUP option was removed from the PROC SORT of the
Jul 11, 1991 TYPE30_D into the PDB.DDSTATS to prevent unintentional
Change 09.078 SAS 6.06 circumvention. In SAS Version 5, a DO variable
VMACCMF could be missing, and SAS treated the value as zero. In
VMXGHSM SAS Version 6, however, a missing value for one of the
Jul 10, 1991 DO loop variables raises a syntax error and terminates
execution. This problem was simultaneously encountered
in two unrelated members on the same day!
a.In VMXGHSM, before the DO C= 1 TO MPCDGNCT; insert
Unrelated VMXGHSM corrections were also made.
MCDCLU should have been spelled MCDDLU. INPUT
MCTFRAG PIB2 should have been PIB2. (with a period).
DCRDATEX should have been DCRDATE.
MCVLSPCT should have been INPUT as PIB4.2, and the
subsequent DMS function deleted, as it was not PK4.
DSRTIME should have been INPUT as PIB4.2, and the
subsequent DMS function deleted, as it was not PK4.
b.In VMACCMF, before the DO on _I_, insert
and four lines later, change IF CMFCHKRM NE 0 ....
to read IF CMFCHKRM GT 0 ....
Thanks to Ray Dickensheets, Yellow Freight System, USA.
Thanks to Bill Dempster, UOP, USA.
Change 09.077 The macro _CICEXCL referenced at the end of IMACCICS was
IMACCICS only used in MXG testing and should have been removed.
Jul 9, 1991 All of the installation controls for EXCLUDE processing
are contained in member IMACEXCL.
Thanks to Tim Cartwright, University of Wisconsin Madison, USA.
Change 09.076 Option NOTEXT82 was never in SAS 6.06, and is removed
CONFIG from MXG's CONFIG member. It caused no execution error,
Jul 4, 1991 but confused users who tried to figure out what it was.
It should not have been in CONFIG in the first place!
Change 09.075 This is a document change, pending IBM answers. The two
VMAC42 fields SMF42LFW and SMF42CFW are now acknowledged by IBM
Jul 4, 1991 to be accumulators and not counts for the interval. They
have not yet acknowledged this as a bug or a feature!
Thanks to Joseph J. Faska, Depository Trust, USA
Change 09.074 Boole's unique CMF record processing member needs a
VMACCMF RETURN; statement inserted immediately before the label
Jul 4, 1991 CMFCKSM: statement.
Thanks to Bill Dempster, UOP, USA.
Change 09.073 Change 8.213 gave an example for using INSTREAM DDNAME
CHANGE08 to create the _DAY macro for copying yesterday's PDB to
Jul 4, 1991 the correct day-of-week PDB, but the example failed to
execute. First, the OPTIONS NOTITLE; statement should
be deleted (that options no longer exists). Second, the
PRINT option in the FILE INSTREAM statement should be
NOPRINT. Third, a blank is required after _DAY in the
quoted string: 'MACRO _DAY ' to be written to INSTREAM.
The example has been corrected in member CHANGE08 so you
could copy it for execution. Finally, under SAS 6.06+.
is required because the PUT function returns mixed case.
Thanks to Mark Steeley, Anthem Insurance.
Change 09.072 TYPE70PR data for DEDICATED='Y' LPAR's LCPUADDR 2 and 3
VMAC7072 incorrectly subtracted CPUWAIT0 in lines 134620,134660.
XMAC7072 The obvious typing error should have subtracted CPUWAIT2
Jul 4, 1991 and CPUWAIT3 respectively, and came in MXG 8.8.
Thanks to Helmut Kirrmaier, Comparex Mannheim, GERMANY.
Change 09.071 VLFHITPC hit percentage was conditionally calculated if
VMAC41 SMF41SRC was non-zero, but should also have been set to
Jul 2, 1991 missing with an ELSE clause. Without the ELSE clause, if
the record had classes with no activity, the prior class
value for VLFHITPC was carried forward.
Thanks to Dan Squillace, SAS Institute Cary, USA.
Change 09.070 TYPE72 new CPU variables CPUHPTTM,CPUIIPTM CPURCTTM,
VMAC7072 added by MVS/ESA 4.2, are wrong. Lines 157900-158200
XMAC7072 must INPUT these three variables as PIB4.6 instead of
Jul 2, 1991 PIB4., and then each variable must be multiplied by
1.024 after the input statement. This error also made
the variable CPUTM, as it includes these three. Note:
see revision in Change 9.120.
======Changes thru 9.069 were on MXG 9.2 built July 1, 1991=============
Change 09.069 Candle's External Security Audit SMF record needs a ZAP
VMACOMAU from Candle, OB270S10 to capture the DB2 Subsystem ID if
Jun 30, 1991 an Omegamon DB2 command is being audited; otherwise you
will not know which DB2 subsystem was the object of the
Candle command that was issued. Even with the ZAP, the
subsystem ID is not put in the right place; instead of
in being in MXG variable OMSUBSID where it belongs, the
ID value is stored in MXG's variable OMSTEP. No change
was made to MXG to move it to the right field, Candle
has not called, and the zap and this note may be enough.
Thanks to Wayne Cope, Belks Stores, USA.
Change 09.068 CA's IDMS Performance Monitor SMF records appear to be
VMACIDMS in error. TASPAGRD contains 'FFFFFFFB'x, which MXG sees
Jun 30, 1991 (inputing at PIB4.) as 4,294,967,040, and the Cullinet
report (no, they have not changed the report header yet)
shows a negative 4. Separately, the TASIMWT wait time
duration is sometimes greater than the delta between the
STARTIME and ENDTIME. No MXG change was made to deal
with what appear to be IDMS errors. Stay tuned.
Thanks to Elizabeth Stronge, Michelin Tier Corp, USA.
Change 09.067 Trending TYPE72 data did not contain PERFRPGN, so you
TRND72 could not know which performance groups were control and
Jun 30, 1991 which were report (unless you resorted to an external
table or format). This change added PERFRPGN to the ID
statement so it will now exist in trended TYPE72 data.
Thanks to Seymour J. Metz, EDS, USA.
Change 09.066 SAS 6.06 does not support concatenated Format libraries
FORMATS (since they are now SAS datasets, which still cannot be
IMACFMTS concatenated). New tailoring member IMACFMTS is created
Jun 30, 1991 to allow you to put your installation's VALUE statements
in this separate member of your USERID.SOURCLIB. The
member IMACFMTS is %INCLUDEd at the end of MXG's member
FORMATS so that your formats will be placed in the same
data library as the MXG formats. One suggested use was
to define performance group mapping in this member.
Thanks to Seymour J. Metz, EDS, USA.
Change 09.065 DASDMON/ASTEC load counts RLDCNT and RDLCNT in VMACDMON
VMACDMON should have been input PIB4.2 instead of PIB4., though
Jun 30, 1991 there was no clue in the DSECT documentation. Only the
observed very large values and comparison with Legent's
reports uncovered their documentation error.
Thanks to Greg Scriba, First National Bank of Chicago, USA.
Change 09.064 This significant user contribution is a 15-member PDS in
ANALRACF member ANALRACF that will analyze the use of MXG TYPE80
VMAC80 observations for the use of RACF commands with SPECIAL
Jun 30, 1991 or OPERATIONS authority. Documentation and flow of the
programs are contained in member ANALRACF. Three new
variables were added to the TYPE80 KEEP= list, NRSET,
RACFDAT1, and RACFVRMN, to support these reports.
Thanks to Duncan McKellar, Inland Revenue (UK), ENGLAND.
Thanks to Neil Campbell, Inland Revenue (UK), ENGLAND.
Thanks to Dave McLaughlin, Inland Revenue (UK), ENGLAND.
Change 09.063 Yet another problem with IMS Input Queue time was found.
TYPEIMS Out of 22,000 transactions, type 35x log records for 18
VMACIMS transactions contained the LTERM value in the NODENAME
Jun 29, 1991 field, causing the 35x (ENQTIME) to not be matched with
the 01x (ARRVTIME) record. These 18 records all have an
ENQFLAG=0Cx and FLAG2=ACx, and had CLBNAME=LTERM and 16
bytes later, the NODENAME needed was found in the "Input
subpool name" part of IBM's QLNQLNID (and, as usual for
IMS, there is no indication in the IBM IMS DSECT of this
condition). MXG has again been patched to support this
IMS variation. Another change, unrelated, had been left
out of the MXG 8.8 changes; for Multi-Transactions per
schedule, the CONDCODE was propagated into all IMSTRAN
observations; now it is blank until the final one. And
occasional negative service times for Multi-Trans and
WFI transactions were corrected by not re-setting the
ENDTIME to an incorrect earlier value. I always want
to think each IMS fix is the last one, but I have little
doubt that there will be future discoveries. But then
even IBM's IMSPARS is frequently unable to correctly
count transactions, and frequently can't figure out the
time stamps that MXG can locate in the log records, so
it is clearly not straightforward to decode the IMS log,
in which the records are written out of order by time!
I do believe there have never been errors in MXG's IMS
resource capture (CPU, DLI, counts, etc.), and only in
the Input and Output Queue times have there been wrong
calculations, and statistically few in number. This does
suggest STRONGLY to avoid using average values for the
analysis of IMS response, service, and queue times. One
large value can completely distort the average value,
but counting the percentage that completed in a specific
duration will not be so affected, and is much safer to
report. Even at its very best, though, the IMS log is
NOT the recommended source for IMS analysis; at best it
provides only one single measure of CPU time for each
program schedule (which might represent hundreds of real
transaction), and that CPU time cannot be subdivided
into Message Region, DB2 services, DL/I services, etc.,
which can and are captured currently by third-party IMS
monitors which write discrete transaction records for
analysis. Sites to whom IMS is a significant workload,
and especially sites with WFI, Fast Path, or lots of
multi-trans per sked activity should invest in an IMS
monitor until IBM decides to provide transaction-level
resource and response time recording in the IMS log.
Thanks to Lindsay Dawe, Mobil Oil, AUSTRALIA.
Change 09.062 CICS/ESA 3.2.1 became available today. MXG now supports
VMAC110 all releases of CICS from 1.5 thru CICS/ESA 3.2.1.
Jun 28, 1991 In fact, due to IBM's ETP program, MXG 8.8 contained
support for CICS/ESA 3.2.1, and thus you do NOT need to
install a new release of MXG just for CICS/ESA if you
have already installed MXG 8.8. Versions of MXG before
MXG 8.8 will fail with CICS/ESA 3.2.1 records, because
3.2.1 records were changed incompatibly (CICS version
SMFPSRVN was changed from an EBCDIC field containing 31
to a PK2. field containing 321). That incompatibility
is actually beneficial; finally we can recognize the
version, release, and modification-level of CICS. The
other changes between last fall's CICS 3.1 and 3.2.1
are minor, but a new timestamp, taken at CICS startup,
was added to the type 110 record, used to collect all
records from a specific execution of a CICS region. It
would really been useful if IBM had stored, not the STCK
value when CICS started, but instead had copied the
READTIME of the CICS job (which already exists) because
then CICS SMF could be directly MERGED/JOINED with the
other SMF records (like 14,15, and 64 I/O records) that
have contained READTIME for the "Job Log" since day 1
of SMF data! Oh, well, something's better than nothing!
Change 09.061 Support for NetView Performance Monitor NPM 1.4.1 is
EX028INA added by this last-minute change (the product became
EX028INB available today, and I received the IBM documentation
EX028INC two days ago!) which has been syntax tested, but has
EX028IND not actually read any SMF records with the new data
EX028EV3 segments. Prior versions of MXG should not fail with
EX028EV4 the new records, but the SAS log will contain many
EX028EV5 MXG notes that unexpected subtypes 0B, 72-77x, 90-96x,
EX028NTN and FAx were found. Eight new NPM datasets are created,
VMAC28 but none of the existing data sets appeared to have been
Jun 27, 1991 changed after a brief review of the new documentation.
MXG documentation of the new datasets is in comments at
the beginning of member VMAC28. IBM's documentation is
on pages 285-411 of NPM Installation and Customization,
Change 09.060 This graphic analysis program failed if you specified
GRAFTRND SASGRAPH=NO and SASSTAT=YES. Line 038700 should be
Jun 27, 1991 DATA=PERCENTS instead of DATA=PRED1, and line 044800
should be DATA=TIMES instead of DATA=PRED1.
Thanks to Jim Ray, National Council on Compensation Insurance, USA.
Change 09.059 The two PROC SUMMARYs in this analysis of TMS catalog
ANALTMS5 records worked fine in small shops, but with a large
Jun 26, 1991 number of devices and volsers, they ran out of virtual
addressability (i.e., virtual memory), because a CLASS
statement was used. The CLASS statement needs storage
in virtual memory for every possible combination of the
class variables data values; it creates all possible
answers in virtual memory, and then decides how many of
the answers you really wanted. With three variables in
a CLASS statement, if each variable has 100,000 unique
values (e.g., a TMC catalog of 100,000 tapes VOLSERs),
there are 10**15 cells needed per statistic calculated!
One of the historic virtues of the SAS System, in my
opinion, was that by being what I called "data driven",
SAS could solve problems that broke the back of these
"memory driven" algorithms. As long as you could first
afford to PROC SORT your data, you could summarize and
analyze any number of groups with a PROC MEANS with a
BY statement. Being "data driven" is the solution to
this ANALTMS problem. By changing the "CLASS" to "BY"
following the two PROC SUMMARY statements you change the
architecture from "memory driven" to "data driven", and
the virtual memory is now independent of the number of
by groups in your data. Although the TMS.TMS dataset
was already built SORTed, so in general you do not need
an extra sort to summarize, I chose to ensure the sort
order by inserting PROC SORT before the PROC SUMMARY.
However, a PROC SORT was required for the second PROC
SUMMARY, but its input dataset was already a summarized
temporary data subset of the original TMS.TMS dataset.
Since PROC MEANS now actually invokes PROC SUMMARY, this
reminder is not about PROC SUMMARY itself, but rather it
contrasts the "in memory" CLASS statement algorithm to
the "data driven" BY statement implementation. For MXG
data, the BY statement implementation is recommended, as
we DO have many possible unique values, and being "data
driven" not only uses fewer CPU and I/O resources, but
of perhaps even greater importance, being "data driven"
means that your daily production reports use exactly
the same amount of virtual memory every day, and they
will not awake you at 3am because today's data happened
to have more unique values then your test job (you know,
the one you tested in a 4MB region yesterday afternoon!)
Change 09.058 The sample code in comments that could be used to build
RMFINTRV RMFINTRV directly from SMF records did not have the BY
Jun 26, 1991 list correct for TYPE70PR dataset, causing SAS to think
there were duplicate records. The BY list now matches
its BUILDPDB counterpart.
Thanks to Chuck Hopf, Primerica, USA.
Change 09.057 Semicolons were missing at the end of lines 032300 thru
VMACTMS5 032500 in VMACTMS5 and lines 019700 thru 019900 in
VMACTMS, after support for CA/1 Release 5 was added.
Jun 26, 1991
Thanks to Chuck Hopf, Primerica, USA.
Change 09.056 Support for the eleven subtypes of the NETVIEW FTP (file
EXFTP01X transfer program) User SMF record creates eleven FTP...
EXFTP02X MXG data sets, one per subtype, from FTP R1.0.
EXFTP03X The FTP support uses the new "subtype-level-processing"
EXFTP04X MXG architecture, which will be used for all future
EXFTP11X development, and eventually will be retrofitted into all
EXFTP12X of the existing products which create record subtypes.
EXFTP21X The specification and naming conventions of this new MXG
EXFTP22X architecture is presently contained in member VMACFTP,
EXFTP23X but these initial descriptions will be elaborated into
EXFTP24X a formal MXG architecture specification member later.
EXFTP25X "Subtype-level-processing" is completely compatible with
FORMATS the existing MXG "record-level-processing" architecture,
IMACFTP and most sites won't even notice the difference, but for
TESTUSER records with lots of subtypes, the change is required to
TYPEFTP maximize the flexibility and optimize the construction
VMACFTP of MXG programs in the future.
Jun 24, 1991 FTP just happened along at the right time!
Thanks to Stephen Bell, Bunchungszentrale der westfalisch, GERMANY.
Change 09.055 Another MXG error caused STOPOVER with MVS/ESA 4.2 type
VMAC78 78 subtype 3 records because line 171600 should have
Jun 23, 1991 been @; instead of just a semicolon. At the same time,
the ?? format modifier were added to the input for the
IODFDATE/IODFTIME variables to eliminate the INVALID
DATA messages. Mini-tutorial on SAS hex dumps:
The hex dump produced by this error was not for a type
78 record, but instead contained a type 74 record.
The PUT _ALL_ list of variable=value after the dump
showed the _N_ value of 4, but the number on the hex
dump CHAR line was 5! The _N_= value is the accurate
indicator, and shows when the error occurred, and only
if the _N_= value equals the hex dump's record number,
do you know the dumped record is the problem record.
Why did SAS dump the next record? I don't know why,
but for some logic errors, SAS reads into the next data
record before realizing it has switched records, and so
when it goes to dump the record currently in its buffer
it has already gone past the problem record.
Thanks to Tom Parker, Hogan Systems, USA.
Change 09.054 MXG 9.1 corrections for MVS/ESA 4.2 in Change 9.001 were
VMAC7072 inconsistent. Part b was in XMAC7072 but not VMAC7072,
XMAC74 and parts d and e were in VMAC74 but were incorrect in
Jun 23, 1991 XMAC74. Only MVS/ESA 4.2 records were affected.
Thanks to Diane Eppestine, Southwestern Bell, USA.
Thanks to Dan Barbatti, Southwestern Bell, USA.
Change 09.053 The PROC DATASETS DDNAME=VMXGVVDS ... should have been
Jun 21, 1991
Thanks to Ray Dickensheets, Yellow Freight System, USA.
Change 09.052 SAS 6.06 Usage Note 2066 discusses an unfixed error that
VMAC37 causes the SAS CHARCODE option (see SAS 6.06 Language
ANALDBTR guide page 741) to unexpectedly replace characters that
ANALPDSM are inside a comment block. In VMAC37, a ?- inside a
BUILDPDB comment block was replaced by an underscore, reducing
BUILDPD3 the source line by one byte, which moved the line number
TESTUSER from column 73 to column 72, causing a syntax error!
VMACACF2 MXG did not know of this vulnerability and just happened
VMACTEST to have the ?- in a comment. Nine other MXG members had
VMAC110 either ?- or ?) pairs in comments, and all have been now
VMXGHSM changed to avoid the exposure until 2066 is fixed,
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