EXOMCBOT are three different subtypes (100,101,102) of the user
EXOMCDCT SMF record, and each subtype has sub-subtypes, and the
EXOMCDLI subtype 100 sub-subtype 4 has still additional subtypes.
EXOMCENQ This code has been compared with hex dumps of subtype 100
EXOMCFCT records, but only syntax checked in execution as no data
EXOMCFIX records have yet been received for testing.
Nov 8, 1991
Change 09.146 This change significantly enhances MXG's processing of
IMACICDA optional CICS data gathered with EMPs. Previously, MXG
IMACICDB member IMACICDL decoded IBM local DL/I counters, member
IMACICDL IMACICDB decoded IBM DBCTL counters, and member IMACICUS
IMACICDU was used to set the length of any remaining user data.
IMACICOB The MXG order of processing those segments was not under
IMACICOC user control. This change externalizes the processing
IMACICOL into new member IMACICDA, which can be used to match the
VMAC110 MXG order with the order your CICS programmer set in her
Oct 3, 1991 CICS MCT table. IMACICDA can also be used to identify
which APPLIDs have which data segments, if not all are
the same. Comments in IMACICDA describe how to use the
enhancement, but this change did NOT change the previous
MXG order (DL/I, UserChar, DBCTL). The change should be
transparent to users already using the existing IMACIC..
members to decode those data.
The real reason for this enhancement now was that it is
now used to add support for additional CICS data that is
created by Omegamon for CICS Version 550. The additional
data are now supported by the new IMACIC.. "Omegamon"
members listed below.
IMACICDL IBM Local DL/I counters.
IMACICDU User counters/clocks/character data.
(Note that the length of the user data is still
defined, and can be decoded, in IMACICUS).
IMACICOC Omegamon OMEGBSC (Basic) segment, CICS/ESA only.
IMACICOL Omegamon OMEGDLI (DL/I) segment, CICS/ESA only.
IMACICOB Omegamon OMEGDB2 (DB2) segment, CICS/ESA only.
Note that while the order of segment processing is now
set in IMACICDA, it is still required that you remove the
comment block in each member you want to enable. See the
comments in each member itself.
Thanks to Barry Pieper, First Bank Services Minneapolis, USA.
Change 09.145 Support for Omegamon for CICS Version 550 type 110 SMF
IMACEXCL record EXCLUDE logic (used ONLY by Omegamon for non-ESA
VMAC110 CICS, e.g., CICS 2.2 and earlier) has been added to MXG
Oct 3, 1991 IMACEXCL (itself new in MXG 9.2). Candle keeps only 31
of the standard 60 IBM fields, and Candle reorders them!
Reading a Candle excluded record without IMACEXCL gets
you an "Invalid TASKNR" error with MCTSSDCN=34.
(The exclude/reorder is optional in Omegamon, but your
CICS person must be extremely careful with Omegamon with
CICS Version 2, as the type 110 record that is created by
Omegamon is independent of the type 110 IBM CMF record -
both can be simultaneously created if both are turned on,
which can happen and has caused duplicate accounting of
CICS transaction counts and resources under CICS Version
2 regions. The problem does not occur in CICS/ESA, as
Omegamon does not create a type 110 record under CICS
Version 3 - it simply adds data (EMPs) to the end of the
IBM CMF record as described in Change 9.146).
The IMACEXCL member was originally added in MXG 9.2 to
support Shared Medical Systems exclude logic, and it now
has been revised to provide support not only for these
Omegamon exclude logic, but now can be used for any CICS
system with excluded/included fields.
Note that the three EMPs that Omegamon can also create
in CICS/ESA are separately supported by Change 9.146.
Note also that there is also an Omegamon CICS user SMF
record (that Candle unwisely defaults to ID=255, which
is the same default as their unrelated Omegamon for MVS
audit record!). That new CICS SMF record is supported in
Change 9.147. (The unrelated audit record support is in
Thanks to Jim Shumaker, American Express Phoenix, USA.
Change 09.144 DCOLLECT values for sizes of volumes and datasets were
VMACDCOL changed by APAR OY36364/UY55804, but MXG Change 8.285
Oct 1, 1991 was also in error. Before APAR, IBM used a track size
of 47968 (3380) or 58786 (3390) bytes, which is the
unformatted track capacity. But every track really has
a record R0, and users complained about DCOLLECT values.
IBM's APAR now uses the formatted track size available
after R0, the familiar 47476 (3380) or 56664 (3390)!
But when I validated the earlier number and found the
numbers were larger than expected, I assumed that the
values documented as "KB" were "thousand-bytes", and not
"kilo-bytes", and thus Change 8.285 incorrectly used a
factor of 1000 to convert raw values into "bytes". Now
the truth is know; DCOLLECT does store Kil0-bytes and
the correct conversion factor should have been 1024.
1.These values must be multiplied by 1024 instead of 1000
(they are listed in the order in which they appear):
2.Two other variables were also in error, but unrelated
to the above error. Variables DCDBKLNG and UMBKLNG are
block length of datasets, and should not have been
multiplied at all. Delete the respective lines which
erroneously multiplied them by 1000.
The following table shows the values stored and reported
by MXG (after this change has been made to VMACDCOL),
before and after the above IBM APAR is installed. (Note
that after the APAR but without this change, MXG showed
the 3380D capacity as 587MB!).
Before APAR After APAR
Device Tracks Kbytes MB Kbytes MB
3380D 13275 621850 607 615472 601
3380E 26550 1243701 1214 1230945 1202
3380K 39825 1865552 1821 1846417 1803
3390-2 33390 1916859 1871 1847666 1804
3390-3 50085 2875289 2807 2771500 2706
Thanks to Susan Marshall, SAS Institute Europe, GERMANY.
Thanks to Mr. Plaacht, RWG, GERMANY.
Thanks to Stuart Buck, Procter and Gamble Brussels, BELGIUM.
Change 09.143 Support for CMA-SPOOL user SMF record creates twelve new
EXCMA00X datasets, one for each subtype. The support is written
EXCMA01X in the "Subtype-Level Processing" architecture, which
EXCMA02X allows individual datasets to be created from selected
EXCMA03X subtypes, or all twelve datasets can be simultaneously
EXCMA04X created. See examples in the comments at the beginning
EXCMA05X of member VMACCMA. CMA-SPOOL is a product of SCA.
Sep 30, 1991
Thanks to Charlan Ledbetter, Anderson Consulting Dallas, USA.
Change 09.142 TMON/MVS creates invalid records (if the data record is
VMACTMVS larger than the CI size of the VSAM dataset TMON/MVS
Sep 30, 1991 uses, the logic record is arbitrarily broken down into
"spanned" physical records that do not conform to normal
spanning, that have incorrect counts of how may real
segments are in a "spanned" record, and that can be
spanned right in the middle of a field!). MXG can only
recognize and delete these defective records, but the
DELETE; statement after the MXG error message was lost.
The spanned record was recognized, the error message was
printed on the log, but MXG still failed with INPUT
put the DELETE; statement after the error message.
Additional failures occurred when "trashed" records were
created by TMON/MVS; these records had julian dates of
1989 and their "triplets" (offset, length, number)had
zeroes for offset and/or length. MXG previously only
tested the triplet-number, which was insufficient
protection for these defective records. Now, MXG uses
all three triplet fields, and the record length to
(hopefully) more robustly detect and delete defective
data records. Finally, MXG now can recognize if you
have tried to process compressed records without having
installed the MXG-provided de-compression exit (in MXG
member EXITMON6 for Version 6, EXITMONI for Version 5),
and the messages in this case are much cleared. Note
that until Landmark chooses to create valid records,
the data in their "spanned" records will be deleted.
Thanks to William Padilla, Farmers Group Insurance, USA.
Change 09.141 IBM APAR OY33312 (PTF UY52529,30,31), says "APAR OY25606
APAR/PTFs Contains an Incompatible Change to Type 30 Records" and
Sep 29, 1991 OY33312 proceeds to state that it will reverse OY25606,
and will change the length of SMF30EOR back to 2-bytes,
etc. Don't worry about it; OY33312 has no effect on MXG
processing of the type 30 record. The APAR affects only
assembly programs using IBM macros which reference the
DSECT fieldname SMF30EOR, but the APAR does not change
the location of any fields that MXG reads; MXG did have
to add code to support OY25606 (Change 8.081), but that
code works fine with or without OY33312.
Thanks to Susan Marshall, SAS Institute Europe, GERMANY.
Change 09.140 The author of this I/O report found these corrections:
ANALPATH Line 014900 should be XDUR = MAX(XDUR,SDUR); instead of
Sep 29, 1991 containing a + sign.
Lines 016700 and 016800 should use XDUR instead of SDUR
in the denominator (calculating GTSIOPS and GTATTPS).
Thanks to Cindy Batson, Hewitt Associates, USA.
Change 09.139 RMDS records with RMDSORG='D' were incorrectly decoded,
VMACRMDS in VMACRMDS, change line 043700 to read
change line 044500 to read
RMDSDEST $CHAR19. (instead of 17),
insert after line 044700 a new line with
and change line 045900 to read:
Before the change, RMDSORG='D' was processed with 'V'.)
In verifying this error, the code in VMACRMDS was
restructured and renumbered, and comments made clearer
that RMDS Version 3 and Version 4 are identical.
Thanks to Steve Lottich, The University of Iowa, USA.
Change 09.138 Support for DB2 2.3.0.
DIFFDB2 IBM made incompatible changes in type 100 (Statistics,
FORMATS DB2STAT0/1 datasets) and in type 102 (Trace, T102Snnn),
VMACDB2 but existing MXG programs should have no problems, as
VMACDB2H long as you install MXG 9.4+ and update the MXG Format
VMAC102 library. You may want to exploit some of the new data,
Sep 29, 1991 as described in the following notes:
Change 09.137 Minor enhancements to type 30 MULTIDD='Y' observations.
VMAC30 Variable CPUERROR is now retained from the base record.
Sep 29, 1991 (It is a bit map character variable, but since it was
not input in the multi-dd record, it assumed a value of
'4040'X, potentially causing confusion). EXECTM is now
missing in the interval multi-dd records; recalculation
of EXECTM is performed only if not multi-dd record. The
JELAPSTM is now set missing in the multi-dd record.
Thanks to Diane Eppestine, Southwestern Bell, USA.
Change 09.136 Variable DUPLXUSE in TYPE6 should not be used. It was
FORMATS originally used to identify Standard/Tumble Duplex, and
VMAC6 MXG format $MG006DU decoded '80'X or '40'X values. But
Sep 28, 1991 now, additional bits are used, invalidating the single
Nov 14, 1991 value hex decoding. SAS 6.07 supports bit testing for
formats, but SAS 5.18 syntax errors. MXG has replaced
format $MG006DU for variable DUPLXUSE with $HEX2., and
you should use the variables (STDUPLEX/TMBUPLEX) instead.
(All of the bits of old variable DUPLXUSE are now used
to set individual variables).
Thanks to Vickie Wong, Manufacturers Life, CANADA.
Change 09.135 ANALDBTR can fail with "DATASET S064058 NOT SORTED" even
ANALDBTR after Change 9.104 was installed, because one more typo
Sep 28, 1991 was missed. Line 161000 must be E064TM instead of the
E063TM variable name.
Thanks to Barry Bluestein, Union Carbide, USA.
Change 09.134 Support for MVS/ESA 4.2.2 (RMF 4.2.2) added several new
VMAC22 fields to several records, but most are not significant.
VMAC23 IBM changes are compatible.SMF manual now GG28-1628-2.
VMAC30 a.TYPE22 added new bit value in TYPE22_1.
VMAC40 b.TYPE23 support in MXG was incorrect. Fields added by
VMAC71 earlier APAR were not INPUTed because the test was for
VMAC90 the wrong length (also, order of new variables was not
Sep 28, 1991 correct). Code has now been corrected, so the new data
on SMF buffer statistics is now useful!
c.TYPE30 contains new 8-byte jobclass JOBCLAS8 (left
justified). Until it's clear that it's needed, MXG has
decoded but not kept the field. However, if the 1-byte
existing variable JOBCLASS is blank and the new JOBCLAS8
is non-blank, the first byte of JOBCLAS8 will be stored
in variable JOBCLASS. Do you see a need for 8-bytes?
This field was added by APAR OY42532.
d.TYPE40 contains two new fields, TDDRCIND/TDDRCTOT which
count the index and number of records in a sequence of
records, but I can't figure why they are needed, and
especially IBM states at the beginning of section that
"IBM recommends you use record type 30 rather than
record types 4, 5, 20, 34, 35, and 40"
its unclear why any change to type 40 was made!
e.TYPE71 record was not changed, but since RECLAIMS no
longer exist in 4.2.2, the four fields which formerly
will now always be zero. Member VMAC71 was enhanced by
adding SMF71xx field names in comments adjacent to the
MXG variable name to map MXG names to IBM names.
f.TYPE90 now supports subtypes 19, 20, and 21 (which were
in 4.2.1 but not decoded by MXG - SET APPC, SET ASCH, &
SET SCH respectively), and supports the new subtype 22
(SET CNGRP) added by 4.2.2.
Change 09.133 Variable ID was added to the KEEP= list, since multiple
VMAC6156 SMF records (61,65, or 66) create observations in the
Sep 28, 1991 TYPE6156 dataset.
Thanks to Tony Curry, Manufacturer's Hanover, USA.
Change 09.132 Typographical errors printed in NEWSLETTER TWENTY have
CHANGES been corrected in the MXG SOURCLIB members. Errors were:
NEWSLTRS a.Newsletter TWENTY correctly stated that NOIMPLMAC must
Sep 28, 1991 be specified in CONFIG, but then should have said that
"IMPLMAC should never be used in ANY program."
instead of "NOIMPLMAC should never be used...."
b.In Change 9.066 text USERFMTS should have been IMACFMTS.
c.Several references to NPM 4.1.1 should have been 1.4.1.
Thanks to Pat Russell, Group Health Cooperative, USA.
Change 09.131 Members CONFIG and CONFIG07 have been updated to contain
CONFIG all of the MXG recommended options (added: ERRORABEND
Sep 28, 1991 NOMACROGEN NOMPRINT NOMLOGIC). The new SAS 6.07 option
CODEPCT=120 was added only to CONFIG07; this option will
avoid a second pass of SAS compiler for very large MXG
programs (like a heavily enhanced BUILDPDB) and will
eliminate an unnecessary and confusing SAS message. Note
that options in the CONFIG file can be overridden by the
the JCL OPTIONS= parameter. For example, to print source
statements, you can print the entire source program with:
Thanks to Pat Russell, Group Health Cooperative, USA.
Change 09.130 SAS Version 6 Compatibility. Options TLS= and TPS= do
ANALTMS5 not exist in Version 6. (They were used to set the line
Sep 28, 1991 size and page size of your terminal, and were set to 132
and 60 respectively in an OPTIONS statement in this ANAL
member. That OPTIONS statement was deleted.)
Thanks to Chuck Hopf, Primerica, USA.
Change 09.129 Variable SPMSEXTL in the KEEP= list for dataset SPMSCED
VMACSPMS should have been spelled SPMSEXTE. Variable SPMSDSN
Sep 28, 1991 should be added to the KEEP= list for dataset SPMSEXT so
you can match Extent data (SPMSEXT observations) to
their Definition data (SPMSCED observation). New Amdahl
PTFs for SPMS 1.2 are supposed to fix some data problems
but STARTIME is completely wrong in records that span
midnight; problem is being discussed with Amdahl now.
It has also been noticed that the SPMSATDC, allocated
track count delta, can be negative when less tracks are
allocated at the end than at the start of interval.
Thanks to Richard R. (Dick) Sziede, PRC Inc, USA.
Change 09.128 -MXG 9.3 only. Change 9.080 incorrectly deaccumulated the
DIFFDB2 DB2STAT0/1 variables QBnTCBA and QBnTPID; eight lines
Sep 26, 1991 with those names must be deleted. QXCRRALS is spelled
Oct 3, 1991 QXCRALS. QISE.... variables RCUR,RHIG,RLLM,RMAX,
RDLM, and RSTG must be changed to QIST.... prefix.
-MXG 8.8 and later. Several sequence counter variables
have been incorrectly deaccumulated. For DB2STAT0,
QWnBWSEQ. For DB2STAT1, delete DIF'ing of QWHSWSEQ.
(Do not delete DIF'ing of variables ending in TSEQ, nor
the two statements SEQCHECK=DIF(...).)
Thanks to Barry Bluestein, Union Carbide, USA.
Thanks to Pete Shepard, Ashland Oil, USA.
Change 09.127 Variable FSRTIME should have been in the KEEP= list for
VMACHSM dataset HSMFSRST; now it is.
Sep 9, 1991
Thanks to Peter Giles, DSS, AUSTRALIA.
Thanks to Colin Norton, DSS, AUSTRALIA.
Change 09.126 Boole's CMF records caused STOPOVER when record with a
VMACCMF non-zero offset and non-zero length but with a zero for
Sep 8, 1991 number of segments was found. The CHECKSUM logic did
not check for existence of segment before trying to read
the record. Only the Device Type Segment has thus far
had zero number, and changing line 00089700 to now read
will circumvent this specific error. However, the MXG
change will protect each triplet by creating a variable
CMFWNUM set equal to the number of segments (immediately
following CMFWPTR which is set equal to the offset), and
then executing the subsequent LINK only if CMFWNUM is
greater than zero. There are 12 triplets to protect.
Thanks to Peter Giles, DSS, AUSTRALIA.
Change 09.125 This Cache DASD analysis report uses both TYPECACH and
ANALCACH TYPE74 data, but did not delete type 74 data from tapes!
Aug 20, 1991 Insert after PDB.TYPE74; IF DEVICE=:'34' THEN DELETE;
to exclude tape devices from Cache DASD reports.
Thanks to Jim Cummings, First Interstate Bank of Oregon, USA.
Change 09.124 Candle's OMEGAMON Audit User SMF Record has existed for
VMACOMAU some time, and defaults to SMF ID=255. However, their
Aug 20, 1991 new CICS V550 product now creates a different user SMF
record, which also defaults to ID=255, causing sites
using VMACOMAU to fail, since the new CICS user records
don't look anything like the Audit Record. You must
change the V550 SMF record ID (in Candle's OC$GLOB
SMFID= parameter in their OCDATA install dataset) to
a different SMF record ID. MXG support for the new
V550 User SMF record is discussed in Change 9.147.
Thanks to Dean Bolick, Belk Stores Services, USA.
Change 09.123 Protection for Shared Medical Systems CICS segments,
UTILCICS which have MNSEGCL values greater than 4, was not added
Aug 20, 1991 to UTILCICS when VMAC110 was updated in MXG 9.2. Now,
this member will skip over these segments instead of
printing ERROR.VMAC110.1 messages with MNSEGCL=209!
Thanks to Phil Shelley, Jewish Hospital HealthCare Services, USA.
Change 09.122 For IMS measurement with Boole & Babbage's IMF product,
TYPECIMS the processing of Chained Transactions (at the end of
Aug 20, 1991 member TYPECIMS) should have also recalculated the
response time variable, RESPNSTM, using the ACTLARRV
time of the chained transaction. Insert after 008600:
Thanks to Wolfgang Vierling, Vereinte Versicherungen, GERMANY.
Change 09.121 MXG decoding of DB2 Correlation ID into CORRNAME/CORRNUM
IMACDB2 was incorrect for CICS connection. The CORRNAME should
Aug 20, 1991 have been SUBSTR(QWHCCV,5,4) instead of (QWHCCV,9,4).
The comments describing the decoding of QWHCCV into the
CORRNAME/CORRNUM were also incorrect for CICS, and have
been revised and clarified.
Thanks to ???, UNI Storebrand, NORWAY.
Change 09.120 IBM now says the three new CPU time values added by ESA
XMAC7072 to the TYPE72 (CPUHPTTM,CPUIIPTM,CPURCTTM) are actually
VMAC7072 in micro-second units, and not 1024-microsecond units,
Aug 16, 1991 as documented in the microfiche for IRAWAMT! MXG Change
9.070 is thus off by 2%; the 1.024 factor added by that
change must be removed (fortunately, by comparing these
CPU times with their counterparts in type 30, I knew the
1000 factor was wrong, but believed IBM when they said
1.024 instead of 1.000!). Therefore, delete the three
lines multiplying these times by 1.024.
Thanks to Peter Doane, Com/Energy Services Company, USA.
Change 09.119 Invalid MODIFY ACF2 user SMF records are created, which
Aug 14, 1991 The record has a parm length of 1 byte, but there is no
ACFAPARM field in the record. C A could not see an
obvious code error, and required the Australian site to
open a problem, but not fix yet exists. For now, change
updated when CA responds. The circumvention for now is
lines 038900 and 039100 to read:
Thanks to Francis Han, Office of State Revenue, NSW, AUSTRALIA.
Change 09.118 Support for Software AG's NET-PASS user SMF record is
EXTYNETP added by this change, which captures response time
IMACNETP (average, and three distribution buckets) as well as
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