you normally allocate in your BUILDPDB.
If you follow the MXG recommendation and create ASUMDB2A
daily, you will also need to add code to EXPDBWEK (or
modifying WEEKBLD) to create the WEEK.ASUMDB2A dataset
in your weekly PDB from dailies. ASUMDB2 would have
been automatically included in MXG's BUILDPDB except for
the possible problem with work space cited above. The
dataset should prove to significantly reduce the cost of
ANALDB2R reporting.
Change 10.089 %VMXGSUM is enhanced to provide two new macro parameters
VMXGSUM MINTIME= and MAXTIME= that name the datetime variable
Jun 12, 1992 that will be used in building the minimum and maximum
datetimestamp values in each summary record. (Because
timestamps require LENGTH 8, and all SUM= MIN= MAX= or
MEAN= have a length of 4), new parameter names were
necessary. Variables MINTIME and MAXTIME are created in
the output dataset created by %VMXGSUM.
Change 10.088 BUILDPDB/3 redundant SORTs of DB2STAT0 and DB2STAT1 were
BUILDPDB removed because SORTs were relocated into DIFFDB2. Some
BUILDPD3 superfluous OPTIONS were removed from DIFFDB2. READDB2
DIFFDB2 standalone execution that unintentionally always sent the
READDB2 output to the PDB DDname was also corrected.
Jun 12, 1992
Change 10.087 Product Documentation "ADOC...." members have been added.
ADOCAAAA Twenty-five "Products" are now documented in the style of
Jun 12, 1992 future MXG online documentation, although none of the ADOC
members are completely finished, and the text is still in
draft (no spell check, no grammar check, author's "zzzzz"
mark where there's more to be written). Nevertheless, the
detail description of the MXG variables and datasets built
from each "Product" are now consolidated into an ADOC per
VMAC and the technical descriptions are now current. As
additional ADOCs are completed, they are added to the next
MXG PreRelease. Comments, criticism, and suggestions for
this ongoing project are welcome.
Change 10.086 Trending of Printer Throughput could cause divide by zero
TRNDPRTR message (but no impact on the Trend Database). Zerodivide
Jun 12, 1992 protect lines 002200 and 002300 (by adding the IF test):
IF denominator GT 0 THEN XXX = YYY / denominator ;
Thanks to Dan Barbatti, Southwestern Bell Telephone, St. Louis, USA.
Change 10.085 ANALDSET step IEBUPDTE did not create a null member name
Jun 12, 1992 IMAC30DD had been modified, a 311 error occurred. A new
line XY ADD NAME=IMAC30DD was added to the IEBUPDTE.
Thanks to Mike Crane, Annheiser Busch, USA.
Change 10.084 Pete Shepard and Jeffrey Crum, Ashland Oil, have provided
ASMIMSLG a significant contribution to MXG processing of IMS log
JCLIMSLG records. MXG's algorithms have tried to recognize an IMS
TYPEIMSA transaction after the fact from log records that do not
TYPEIMSB have a consistent token. Pete and Jeffrey's work solved
VMACIMSA that major weakness of the IBM IMS log records by creating
Jun 11, 1992 a pre-processor Assembly program that reads the IMS log
records, acts like the IMS queue manager, adds transaction
identifier to some of the log records, and even stores the
status of the IMS queues to initialize the next run. The
modified records are then SORTed and manipulated with a
new SAS program, TYPEIMSB (that does not create SAS data
sets, but instead manipulates IMS log records).
The fourth and final step of the algorithm uses a modified
version of MXG's TYPEIMS, (named TYPEIMSA for "Appended"
IMS record processing) to combine the two sets of IMS log
records into the _IMSTRAN.IMSTRAN MXG dataset.
The algorithm requires two additional IMS log records, the
10x and the 33x, that must be selected in your IMS archive
log job. These are the IMS log records now required:
01x 03x 07x 08x 10x 31x 33x 35x 36x
The ASM program, MXGIMSLG, is created by MXG member
ASMIMSLG, the ASM source code and the JCL to assemble and
link edit MXGIMSLG. Member ASMIMSLG also contains the
documentation of the algorithms, and a schematic of the
four steps of this "Appended IMS log" processing.
Member JCLIMSLG contains the JCL and documentation of the
four-step job to build the _IMSTRAN.IMSTRAN dataset:
STEP01 - Execute MXGIMSLG to read IMS log, split into
two OS files, IMSSUM and IMSMPRS. In addition,
reads INQUEUE (last run queue status) and then
writes OUTQUE (for input to next run).
STEP02 - SORT the IMSSUM file into IMSSUMSO.
STEP03 - Execute TYPEIMSB SAS step to read IMSSUMSO and
write out IMSMERGE OS file.
STEP04 - Execute TYPEIMSA SAS step to read IMSMERGE and
the IMSMPRS IMS log records to create IMSTRAN.
This enhancement fixes transaction response time measures,
but the IMS log records can never be used for accurate IMS
resource measurement by transaction, because IBM does not
create a resource record per transaction. The IMS 07x
record contains total CPU Time and DL/I calls per program
schedule event, which can include many transactions. Thus
IMSTRAN contains only the average CPU time and DL/I calls
for each group of transactions reported in each 07x.
Only a major change in IBM's functional design of the IMS
log can provide accurate IMS measurement of both resources
and responses of IMS transactions.
Nevertheless, this should be a major improvement in the
response measurement from IMS log records for sites that
do not have an IMS transaction monitor product.
The new algorithm has only been tested with IMS 3.1. It
is not my intention to test or revise the algorithm for
any earlier IMS versions. If any user lets me know that
the algorithm has been validated with earlier IMS log
records (by assembling MXGIMSLG using that version's macro
libraries), we will so report here in this Change text.
Thanks to Pete Shepard, Ashland Oil, USA, USA.
Thanks to Jeffrey S. Crum, Ashland Oil, USA, USA.
Change 10.083 Change 9.017 discussed how vars can be DROPped with a
DOC DROP statement in an EXTY member, but did not stress that
Jun 10, 1992 the DROP statement is global to ALL datasets being built;
if a variable name is DROPped in an EXTY member, it is
dropped from all other datasets with that variable name in
that SAS DATA step, even if the variable name is in the
KEEP= option of the DATA statement!
The only way to drop a variable name from a specific MXG
dataset is to copy the _VAR.... macro into member IMACKEEP
and erase the variable name from the KEEP= list for the
specific dataset. (Perhaps someday, I'll find a simpler
Thanks to John Astle, National Australia Bank, AUSTRALIA.
Change 10.082 For TMS tapes with multiple datasets per volume, or for
TYPETMS5 datasets that span multiple volumes, the MERGE of their
Jun 10, 1992 TMSREC (volume record, with 1st dataset information) with
DSNBREC (dataset record for 2nd+ datasets on a volume) MXG
overlaid some dataset-related TMSREC variables with their
DSNBREC values requiring revision of the MERGE logic.
More important: the calculation of TAPEFEET was changed.
TAPEFEET of a dataset was calculated only if the RECFM was
F/FB/VBS/VS, which have absolutely known record length.
For V/VB/U files, MXG did not calculate a TAPEFEET,
because record length was not guaranteed. I now think it
better to always calculate the estimated TAPEFEET for all
datasets, even though it may overestimate the feet used
occasionally. Since the primary use of TAPEFEET is to
identify tapes using "lots" or "few" feet (i.e., "good" vs
"bad" tape usage), always calculating TAPEFEET will ensure
that tapes with lots of data (i.e., large BLKCNTS) aren't
misidentified as "few" because they have variable lengths.
Jun 30, 1992 Note: After Newsletter TWENTY-TWO was sent to printer:
Variable TAPEFEET now exists in both TMS.TMS and DSNBREC,
and is calculated for all datasets. Not only was the code
in TYPETMS5 redesigned, VMACTMS5 had to be changed. Now,
VOLSER in DSNBREC is equated to FVOLSER for multi-volume
files, because FVOLSER is the actual volume with this DSN,
and VOLSER was the first volume of the multi-volume tape!
(the original VOLSER in DSNBREC is now in OVOLSER).
Thanks to Tom White, US.Sprint, USA.
Change 10.081 Support for RSD's WSF (or WSF2) Release 3.4.1 added new
VMACWSF accounting fields ACCX.... to the WSFACCT (for AREP, ERD,
Jun 10, 1992 PROFILE, and WSF2 events) and to the WSFERD (for ERD Batch
and WSF2 Batch). It appears the job accounting fields and
jobname are those of the WSF2 Bundling job, and not the
(desired!) users accounting information.
Thanks to Diane Eppestine, Southwestern Bell, USA.
Change 10.080 Variables FSTTRKR and FSRTRKW (tracks read and written)
VMACHSM can be negative (for Small Data Set Packaging, SDSP, or
Jun 9, 1992 for VSAM, but MXG input them as PIB2. instead of IB2.
We are still asking IBM what it means to read negative
tracks (or write them!)? IBM APAR OY58311/OY61585 fixed.
Thanks to John Mattson, National Medical Enterprises, USA.
Change 10.079 EPILOG/MVS support was wrong. MXG failed to subtract 3
VMACEPMV bytes from two offsets, and did not protect for zero value
Jun 9, 1992 in triplets used in the two iterative DO groups. Before
each of the statements "DO SM180Oxx=SM180Oxx TO ..."
(where xx=IO or xx=EQ), insert the following two lines:
IF SM180Oxx GT 0 AND SM180Nxx GT 0 AND SM180Lxx GT 0 THEN
to correctly calculate the offset, and to conditionally
execute the (now following) iterative DO group only if all
triplet fields (offset, length, and number) are non-zero.
In addition, the RSRC subtype (SM180SUB='RSRC') record is
now deleted; it caused INVALID DATA FOR SM180RID message,
and "represents activity recorded by EPILOG that is not
obtained from RMF's SMF records. The RSCS subtype is not
documented further" according to Candle.
Thanks to Wayne Parrino, Avery Dennison, USA.
Change 10.078 Amdahl APAF product (Amdahl Processor Analysis Facility)
VMACAPAF creates a user SMF record describing MDF resource usage by
Jun 8, 1992 domain and LP within each domain that is now documented in
Appendix B, APAF Record Layouts of Amdahl's manual). The
preliminary variable names in MXG 9.9 were changed and now
the MXG variable names are based on the Amdahl documented
field names. Some previous fields are now reserved, and
storage variables are now in bytes, formatted by MGBYTES.
The number of LPs data kept is set in member IMACAPAF with
MXG %macro variable __NRLPS (yes, that's two underscores)
to only keep variables describing your environment, and
MXG defaults to keep four partitions (LP0-LP3) by setting
Change 10.077 NPM reports caused DIVISION BY 0 because calculation of
ANALNPMR AVGOBYTE and AVGIBYTE were not protected for zero divide.
Jun 8, 1992 Now they are.
Thanks to Mike Jacques, Best Products, USA.
Change 10.076 Preliminary support for UNIX iostat and vmstat command's
XUNIX output data has been tested against ULTRIX data. The code
Jun 8, 1992 is temporarily located in the "X-rated" member XUNIX until
formal naming conventions for UNIX support have been
Thanks to Chuck Hopf, Primerica, USA.
Change 10.075 Support for North Ridge Software's "The Network Director"
EXNRS... SMF record creates thirteen NRS..... datasets that are
IMACNRS described in the vendor's Network Administrators Guide,
TYPENRS under the topic of "Event Recording", thanks for this
VMACNRS significant user contribution, which included test data
Jun 8, 1992 for validation!
Thanks to Tom Jones, Banks of Iowa Computer Services, USA.
Change 10.074 INVALID VALUE FOR DATEJUL FUNCTION occurs with TMS record
VMACTMS5 with create date of 91000 (found in volume that was shared
Jun 5, 1992 between MVS and TPF). Now, MXG validates the julian date
is valid before creating CREATIME.
Thanks to Chuck Hopf, Primerica, USA.
Change 10.073 Additional code added to avoid 213 or 314 ABENDS, caused
ASMVTOC primarily by VM DASD volumes shared with MVS, which do not
Jun 5, 1992 have a legitimate MVS VTOC. Now, these "bad" volumes are
bypassed and no longer cause ASMVTOC to ABEND.
Thanks to Wayne Beardsley, Citibank National Technology Div, USA.
Change 10.072 DB2 SQLCODE (SQL error code) can be negative, but MXG did
VMAC102 not know that, and thus SQLCODE was input as PIB4, causing
May 21, 1992 a return code of -204 to show up as 4,194,967,091! Change
both occurrences of SQLCODE PIB4. to SQLCODE IB4.
Thanks to Andrew Jeppeal, Marshalls, USA.
Change 10.071 VM/ESA dataset VXSYTCUP may contain only 49 observations
VMACVMXA if member TYPEVMXA is used to process MONWRITE output data
May 19, 1992 because of a misspelling. Change _DSYTCUP in line 010060
(inside the _PRNTALL macro definition) to _PSYTCUP. The
unintended invocation of _DSYTCPU (which deaccumulates the
VXSYTCUP dataset) inside _PRNTALL after OBS=50 was set in
TYPEVMXA caused the correctly built VXSYTCUP data set to
be re-built incorrectly with only 49 observations.
Thanks to Mark Kraut, Walgreens, USA.
Change 10.070 DCOLLECT value of 31Dec2155 expiration caused MXG to fail
May 19, 1992 Change DATEJUL(CALEXPDT) to DATEJUL(ORGEXPDT) in 2 places.
In tests and calculation for DCDDATE1, DCDDATE3, UMCREDT,
UMLRFDT and UCCOLDT, remove -1900000 from both the IF test
and from inside the DATEJUL function. MXG converted dates
to yyddd format, which only supported years thru the next
millennium, but the SAS DATEJUL function supports date
yyyyddd formats beyond the year 2155 (the maximum year in
the present IBM calendar). In several labels, asterisks
were omitted and MACINE should have been MACHINE, and two
REBLK? variables are now spelled correctly.
Thanks to Chuck Hopf, Primerica, USA.
Change 10.069 SPMS Version added a 4-byte field after SPMSRSV3
VMACSPMS causing errors. Pending documentation of the new field,
May 17, 1992 insert the following line after the @; after SPMSRVR3:
(Note: In NL 22, SPMSRVR3 was misspelled as SMFPSRVR3).
Thanks to Pino Todesco, Western Australia Police, AUSTRALIA.
Change 10.068 Variable TAPE3490 (number of 3490 tape drives allocated)
IMACPDB is now added to PDB.STEPS (drives per step) and PDB.JOBS
May 17, 1992 (max drives in any step).
Thanks to Frank Vessell, ITT Consumer Financial Corporation, USA.
Change 10.067 TMON/CICS dataset MONITASK variable CREATIME was used in
ASUMCICS reports and summarization where STRTTIME should have been.
TYPEMONI Both variables were correctly described in the MXG
TYPEMON8 Supplement, but reports (See Change 10.066) and ASUMCICS
May 17, 1992 now use STRTTIME variable instead of CREATIME. Both are
still kept with equal values in MONITASK.
Change 10.066 TMON/CICS reporting with ANALMONI can loop, filling WORK
ANALMONI file, because STRTTIME from the interval dataset was used
May 17, 1992 where instead of STRTTIME from the MONITASK dataset. The
correction of CHANGE 10.067 corrects the problem. This
change provided a circumvention to ANALMONI that is now
no longer required after Change 10.067.
Thanks to Peter Paproota, BMI N.Y. Operations, USA.
Change 10.065 New dataset TYPE40_D can be created for each DD segment
IMAC40DD in type 40 SMF record. The old TYPE40 dataset creates 1
VMAC40 observation per SMF record, but there can be many devices
May 17, 1992 represented in a single dynamic deallocation event. MXG's
analysis of tape drive utilization (work in progress) will
need this new TYPE40_D dataset. New member IMAC40DD will
control whether observations are created in TYPE40_D; by
default, no observations are created, although comments in
IMAC40DD shows how to create only tape drive events.
Change 10.064 Variable CPURCTTM was invalid due to IBM APAR OY51878;
EXTY72 MXG 9.9 subtracted CPURCTTM from CPUTM in member EXTY72 to
May 15, 1992 prevent negative overhead values until IBM fixed their
error. Now, PTF UY77275 exists and does correct the CPU
value, so MXG has now eliminated the subtraction in this
Exit Member. If you install that PTF before MXG 10.1+, you
need to tailor member EXTY72 from MXG 9.9 into your USERID
and remove the subtraction, remembering to remove EXTY72
from your USERID.SOURCLIB when you install MXG 10.1+.
Change 10.063 Boole & Babbage IMF vars set from OPFLG1N2 & OPFLG3N4
VMACCIMS were not correct if multiple bits were on in these flags,
May 15, 1992 because MXG tested for the Hex value instead of the Bit
been affected. Change the hex test to bit test to fix.
Thanks to Mr. Steinkopf, Volksvagen Ag, GERMANY.
Change 10.062 Support for IBM CICS/ESA 3.3 type 110 subtype 2 Stats
CICINTRV records is added. IBM changes were incompatible and MXG
MECICALL 10.1 or later is required for CICS 3.3 statistics records.
PRCICALL MXG now no longer creates eleven statistic datasets whose
VMAC110 STIDs were eliminated by IBM in CICS 3.2.1 (they were all
May 14, 1992 summary records that were redundant with detail STIDs).
These datasets no longer exist and their Exit Members have
been deleted from the MXG Source Library:
STID Exit Member Dataset STID Exit Member Dataset
Because four of the above datasets had previously been
used in building the CICEODRV (shutdown statistics) and
CICINTRV (interval) datasets, member CICINTRV was changed
to summarize the detail data previously in CICDQT, CICFCT,
CICTCT, and CICTST. Additionally, exit members now exist
for the four datasets created by CICINTRV. The CICUSSRV
dataset can be large, since it represents every dynamic
resource, and you may wish to disable it in its exit.
Dataset Description Exit Member
CICEODRV - End-of-day "Shutdown" EXCICEOD
CICINTRV - Interval Statistics EXCICINT
CICREQRV - Requested Statistics EXCICREQ
CICUSSRV - Unsolicited (Dynamic) EXCICUSS
The order of the CICS statistics datasets was alphabetized
as were the labels for their variables, and member VMAC110
was renumbered. Fields added by IBM to several statistics
records are now supported.
Thanks to Joseph Rannazzisi, Brooklyn Union Gas, USA.
Change 10.061 Support for IBM CICS/ESA 3.3.0 type 110 subtype 1 monitor
VMAC110 record is added. Twelve new fields added to CICSTRAN are
VMAC110M very useful, describing program and user storage, but the
IMACEXCL fields were added incompatibly (they were inserted in the
May 14, 1992 middle, rather than added at the end of the record) and
thus MXG 10.1 or later IS REQUIRED for CICS 3.3 CICSTRAN.
Member VMAC110M processes ONLY the monitor (and not the
statistic) subtype, but it should be needed only by sites
still using SAS Version 5 under MVS/370 where virtual
storage constraints exist.
The following table lists the MXG variables in CICSTRAN
which capture transaction-level virtual storage usage:
Virtual Program User User User
Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage
Area HiWaterMk HiWaterMk Getmain Occupancy
Amount Amount Count Page-seconds
Above 16MB:
Total Above PC31AHWM
Below 16MB:
Total Below PC24BHWM
Above and Below
Change 10.060 TMS inactive DSNBs are now deleted before merge with TMS
VMACTMS5 records, because their existence created invalid results.
May 13, 1992 A DSNB exists in TMS when multiple datasets are created on
a VOLSER, but when that VOLSER becomes scratch and it is
reused, its old DSNB is not removed from the TMC, and this
old DSNB was incorrectly matched with the VOLSER, creating
an observation in TMS.TMS with incorrect dataset name.
Statement IF DSNBACTV='Y'; was inserted after 012100.
Thanks to Gary Matney, Twentieth Century Investors, USA.
Change 10.059 Invalid CICS/ESA type 110 records caused STOPOVER ABEND.
VMAC110 one site; MCTSSDRN was 16 but there were only 15 segments
May 12, 1992 and MXG did not protect for this IBM error. Now, the test
was inserted after each statement SEGSTRT=COL; to detect
and delete these bad records, while IBM investigates.
Thanks to Tom Elbert, John Alden Life Insurance, USA.
Change 10.058 "Invalid Data for WKLCPURF" messages result with TMON/MVS
VMACTMVS because when IBM eliminated these EBCDIC fields, TMON/MVS
May 12, 1992 wrote hex nulls instead of EBCDIC values, causing the SAS
error condition. The MXG data set is not affected and
variables (WKLCPURF,WKLIOCRF,WKLMSORF) are set to missing
values. Inserting a ?? format modifier for each variable
eliminates the invalid data message and hex dump.
Thanks to Marcia Ketchersid, Price Waterhouse, USA.
Change 10.057 Support for NETSPY Release 4.2 added new dataset NSPYNPSI
EXNSPYNP describing X.25 multi-channel lines, X.25 MCH PUs and X.25
VMACNSPY virtual circuits with 50 variables; variable DLYVALUE was
May 5, 1992 added to NSPYNCP, variables NTRISUBT,NTRISBTE to NSPYTR,
and dataset NSPYLINE now captures resources for six new
elements (X.25 line, PU, LU, and SNA switched line, PU,
and LU). The NTRI entry was internally reformatted.
Change 10.056 Using EXPDB... members to add SMF record processing to
EXPDBCDE your PDB is documented in the MXG supplement (pp 137-140).
May 4, 1992 However, in many instances, you may only want certain of
the SMF record's subtype's datasets to be created. If the
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