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contain no independent information without the prior time

interval. VM/XA should have looked at RMF design!

3.Since no startup records can be guaranteed, the MXG logic

that attempted to capture VMDTTIME,VMDVTIME and VMDCTIME

in the first interval has been eliminated. Until IBM adds

a flag in the USER data record itself, it is impossible

to unambiguously and safely capture these CPU times from

USER logon to the first interval. The remainder of the

MXG algorithm to detect subsequent logon events (done by

setting variable LOGON) has not been altered.

4.VM/XA SP Release 2.1 did not alter the contents of any

data records, but several VM/XA APARs have changed many

MXG data sets by creating additional variables. As is

always the case, member DOCVER07 in the MXG SOURCLIB

library provides the delta-documentation of the datasets

and variables added. These support of these IBM changes

required these sources of documentation:
I. CP Programming Services, Release 2.1 SC23-0370-2.

Appendix B, Monitor Records, which is now the

basic source of documentation of VM/XA records.

II. VM/XA System Product Release 2.1 Program Directory

for VMSUP Level: 8905 for VM36583 and VM37852.

III. INFO/SYS Entry E343842 for VM35968.

IV. INFO/SYS Entry E337409 for VM35962.

V. INFO/SYS Entry E336950 for VM35321.

a. Variable VMDCPUAD has been added to three MXG datasets

for schedule domain, VXSCLADL,VXSCLDDL and VXSCLAEL by

VM35321 (supported in MXG 7.0 and later).
b. Variable RDEVCUIV flags if Control Unit information is


data sets, and RDEVOFFL in VXMTRDEV identifys if the

device was OFFLINE/ONLINE at Monitor START by VM35962.

c. VM35968 adds information on I/O activity (variables


counts and cylinders ('passed over while the arm is

passing over uninteresting data', according to Siebo),

and separate counts of Read or Write channel programs

to VXIODDEV at the device level. Variables IORDWRIT,


added to the VXSEKSEK seek trace record that IBM had

previously reported as in error and unusable. This is

thought to mean that seek data is now usable.

d. VM36583 and VM37852 add 27 new fields to the interval

VXSYTXSG dataset extending ESTORE (or XSTORE if you

must, even though MVS' used ESTORE long before VM was

able to use "XSTORE") efficiency measurements.

Thanks to Phil Strange, BP International, ENGLAND.

Thanks to Martyn Stevens, Barclays Bank London, ENGLAND.

Thanks to Rob Owens, SAS Institute Europe, GERMANY.
Change 07.218 VM/370 Monitor data variable STGUTIL could be missing as

VMACVMON it was not in the RETAIN statement. Now it is.

Jan 15, 1990

Thanks to Rob Owens, SAS Institute Europe, GERMANY.

Change 07.217 TYPE76 RMF Trace variables INTRVAVG and AVG were slightly

VMAC76 wrong if the last sample set did not have complete sample

Jan 15, 1990 count. The calculations were corrected to use NSAMPLE for


SAMP_SET for AVG if _I_=NRSETS (i.e., for last set).

Thanks to Steve Cavill, SAS Institute, AUSTRALIA.

Change 07.216 TYPE60 VVR variables are now labeled.


Jan 12, 1990
Change 07.215 TYPE6156 ICF Catalog Activity records have been enhanced

FORMATS to extract volume serial numbers from the catalog section

VMAC6156 at the end of the record, if a volume segment exists. Up

Jan 12, 1990 to five volumes (VOLSER1-VOLSER5) will be contained in

each observation and multiple observations (sequenced in

variable MULT6156) are created if the entry has more than

five volumes. Catalog records consist of a sequence of

catalog cell records, identified by a hex "cell type".

Not all TYPE6156 records contain a 04 Volume record; to

examine the structure of the catalog segments, variable

CATCELLS contains the first 16 cell types encountered.
Expected sequences of ICF catalog cells are:
C1 01 03 04 Non-VSAM dataset

C2 01 05 GDG Base subrecord

C2 01 05 C8 01 03 04 GDS subrecord

C3 01 02 03 06 Cluster component

C4 01 02 04 Data component

C7 01 03 AIX component

C7 01 C4 01 04 C9 01 04 AIX subrecord

C9 01 02 04 Index component

D8 23 Secondary VVR

D9 01 02 03 Path record

E3 03 Truename record

E4 01 03 04 User catalog connector

E7 03 Alias

E9 21 60 23 Primary VVR

Multiple occurrences of 02 03 can occur. Multiple

04 (volume) occur for multi-volume entries.

There are cases with no 04 volume cell in the record.

Variable ACTION shows DEFINE action for non-VSAM files

files with no 04 cell, and have found SCRATCH action

for GDS G0002V00 but there was no C8 entry for that

gen! (The catalog record for a GDS consists of the

base GDG entry followed by a C8 01 03 04 for each

generation; MXG parses the GooVoo in the entry name

and finds its C8 entry in the catalog record to extract

the VOLSER(s) of that generation). We have also found

catalog records containing only the E3 03 (Truename)

entry, and a GDS with only the base GDG C2 01 05 entry.
Format $MG060ID now decodes the possible values of the

ENTTYPID entry type id field, although we still have

found three data values that IBM level 2 could not

explain (although they did offer to build a slip trap

we were unwilling to install!). Thus far, we have found:
A - non-VSAM ("Alien") N - undocumented

B - GDG Base P - Pagespace

C - Cluster R - Path

D - Data S - undocumented

F - Free T - Truename

G - Alternate Index U - User Catalog

H - GDG V - Volume

I - Index X - Alias Name

K - VSAM VVR Y - Upgrade

M - Master Catalog 00 - undocumented

Perhaps ENTTYPID will assist in explaining why an ICF

entry was changed, but does not have a volume record.

For VSAM entries, the catalog record typically contains

04 volume records for the cluster, the index component

and the data component. In this implementation of MXG,

ALL volume records are extracted and stored in VOLSERn

variables, in the sequence found in the catalog record.

Thanks to Connie Lee, Morgan Stanley, USA.

Change 07.214 Sample RMF Monitor III report programs variable DYDELAY

ZRBRPT1 should have been spelled DVDELAY.


Jan 9, 1990

Thanks to Brian Redmond, Home Savings, USA.
Change 07.213 Support for Candle's Network Accounting Facility (NAF)

EXNAFENT SMF records (written by Candle Products CL/SUPERSESSION,

EXNAFGLI CL/GATEWAY, and VTAMPLUS) have been added by this user




EXNAFGPO are created from subtypes of these network records.

EXNAFGPR This support includes NAF thru Version 145 of Candle's

EXNAFLOF CL product line.









Jan 9, 1990

Thanks to Gene Quinn, Blue Cross of Rhode Island, USA.
Change 07.212 Support for TSO/MON Version 5.2 has been added. This

VMACTSOM version adds a number of resource fields (swaps, paging,

Jan 8, 1990 service units, I/O connect time) to the TSOMSYST and

TSOMCALL datasets. MXG 7.6 or later is required for

TSO/MON Version 5.2 if TSO/MON options ACCOUNTING=YES

or DSNAMES=nnn were specified (because TSO/MON inserted

data before the accounting/dsname sections, and because

MXG did not use the offsets to those sections until MXG


Thanks to Ken Dove, Legent, USA.

Change 07.211 Duplicate records were not deleted by the NODUP option

BUILDPDB in the PROC SORT of DATA=TYPE70PR because the BY list

BUILDPD3 was insufficient to guarantee that duplicate observations

Jan 5, 1990 ended up physically adjacent. The variable LCPUADDR had

to be added to the end of the BY list in BUILDPDB/3.

Thanks to Earl Ryan, Life Insurance Company of Georgia, USA.

Change 07.210 The OUTPUT statements in _ANALMON deaccumulation macro

TYPEMONI are now includes of EXMONSYS, and the first definition

Jan 5, 1990 (unused) of _ANALMON deaccumulaton macro was removed.

Thanks to Glenn Thompson, Comalco, AUSTRALIA.

Change 07.209 -Further ANALDB2R report validation fixed Accounting

ANALDB2R trace long (max page locks) and total lock suspends,

GRAFTMNT corrected ABEND in IOS report if PDB did not contain

ASUMVMON IOS trace data, and eliminated uninitialized variable

GRAFVMON message if nondefault sort parameters are used.

Jan 5, 1990 -GRAFTMNT did not properly handle tape mount reporting

if multiple systems were used, now it does.

-ASUMVMON spelled PFAULT incorrectly as PFAULTT.

-GRAFVMON had trailing ./ IEBUPDTE command.

Thanks to Bob Olah, Dun and Bradstreet, USA.

Change 07.208 Support for Landmark's TMON/MVS product ("TMV or TMVS").



EXTMVIOL are currently created, though there may be more later.

EXTMVIOD Landmark cooperated extensively in the development and

EXTMVIV testing/validation of this support. Most variable names

EXTMVJI are Landmark field names, except for "standard" MXG names


EXTMVNQ Release 1.12 of TMON/MVS must be installed (as record

EXTMVPS formats have been changed from earlier releases).

EXTMVSYS Unfortunately TMON/MVS does not create SMF records, which

EXTMVSW will necessitate a separate jobstream to read their data

EXTMVUI from the MXG-required DDNAME of TMVSIN.

FORMATS The TMON/MVS monitor data can be created in compressed

TYPETMVS format (as is Landmark's Monitor for CICS data), and

VMACTMVS the MXG-provided "SAS Infile Exit" named TMON (created

Jan 5, 1990 by member EXITMONI as described therein and in the

CICS chapter in the MXG Supplement) can be used to allow

MXG to directly decode their compressed format data.

After the "TMON" exit has been installed by EXITMONI

change "INFILE TMVSIN" to "INFILE TMVSIN TMON" to invoke

that exit which will handle either un-compressed or the

compressed data automatically.

Thanks to George Greenacre, Landmark Systems, USA.

Note added Oct 24, 1990. Landmark renamed Release 1.12 to

Release 1.1 (went from 1.11 to 1.1!).

===========Changes thru Change 7.207 comprised Prerelease 7.5==========
Change 07.207 IBM added nine new fields to the type 64 SMF record for

VMAC64 VSAM activity. Added to support IBM's marketing aid for

Dec 22, 1989 Hiperbatch analysis, these new fields (ACBSTRNO,BUFDRNO,


may prove useful in normal VSAM analysis, as the data

now indicates concurrent strings, buffer counts, and

read/write sequential/indexed flags as well.

PTF UY40839 (APAR OY23661) added the data to the type

64 record, but failed to update the IDAEXTWA macro to

document the order of the new fields! APAR OY26396

contains the actual DSECT of the new fields.

Thanks to Lawrence Jermyn, Fidelity Systems, USA.

Thanks to Diane Eppestine, Southwestern Bell Telephone, USA.
Change 07.206 NETVIEW type 37 record's LPDA (Modem report) section was

VMAC37 off by a few bytes, and some fields were not formatted to

Dec 22, 1989 display in hex. The quick fix is to change BRFLSL from

$1. to $2. and insert +3 after BRFADDR to align MXG with

the apparently undocumented changes in this record!

Thanks to Bruce Widlund, Texas Utilities, USA.

Change 07.205 DB2 2.1 writes an SMF type 100 record with SUBTYPE='80'x

VMACDB2 instead of the expected value of 0 or 1. When or why is

Dec 21, 1989 not known at this moment, but it appears the field that

was originally documented as subtype is now a reserved

field. This change uses the product section IFCID value

to set SUBTYPE when the expected subtype value of 0 or 1

was not originally found. I'm still pursuing this one.
Find the lines:

and insert this new logic following that @; :








Thanks to Elliot Weitzman, Oryx Energy Company, USA.

Change 07.204 This is a "protective" change to protect you from your

VMAC6 own system programmers. A JES2 system programmer at one

VMAC26 site made incompatible changes to their type 6 and 26

Dec 20, 1989 SMF records when the site added support for 99,999 JES

numbers! This change eliminates the "NOTE: INVALID DATA

FOR JESNR IN LINE nnn bytes bb-ee. linenr : col " if

these incompatible records are processed by MXG.

What did the system programmer do? The 4-byte EBCDIC

field JESNR (which could contain only 0001-9999 in its

original EBCDIC format) was changed to a 4-byte packed

decimal (SAS PD4.) format! Programs expecting a 4-byte

EBCDIC format raised a data exception when they found

illegal EBCDIC numeric values in what was now a valid

packed decimal field. What did IBM do? As described in

the SMF manual, IBM stores EBCDIC value 0000 (which was

never a valid job number), and tells you instead to skip

3 bytes and read the 5-byte EBCDIC job number from the

previously-existing JCTJOBID field. What did MXG do?

The TYPE6 data set was okay, but the above "NOTE:" was

printed; MXG captured the 5-digit field correctly even

with their modfication. However, the TYPE26J2 dataset

had blank value for JESNR, and this caused BUILDPDB to

put all these jobs into SPIN rather than the PDB. The

simple fixes to MXG were: a) in both VMAC6 and VMAC26J2

change JESNR 4. to JESNR ?? 4. - this suppresses the

NOTE: and the Error condition when invalid data found,

and b) in both VMAC6 and VMAC26 change IF JESNR NE 0 to

IF JESNR GT 0 and c) insert new line in VMAC6 after the

line IF JESNR GT 0 THEN INPUT .. JESNR ?? 4. @; reading:


The site had made its own mods to JES mods before IBM!

Now MXG is robust enough to support this mod.

Thanks to Robert Manalo, EDS, USA.
Change 07.203 Change 7.061 was not applied to XMAC74 (which is only

XMAC74 used to circumvent a SAS limitation in large shops),

Dec 20, 1989 causing AVGPNCHA, AVGPNCUB and AVGPNDEV to be seconds

instead of milliseconds. Applied the changed.

Thanks to Bruce Widlund, Texas Utilities, USA.
Change 07.202 Prerelease-only correction. VMAC6 corrections to handle

VMAC6 the SYSOUT release time (Change 7.137, added in MXG 7.1)

Dec 19, 1989 did not handle JES3 print record variables DATAERR,

OUTPRTY, SUPGROUP correctly, and could cause STOPOVER.

The INPUT statement after SUBSYS='JES3' OR SUBSYS='SAR'

should not have the offsets (OFFTONXT, OFFTONXT+nn).

Remove the offset from before variables DATAERR, OUTPRTY


Thanks to MP Welch, Sisters of Charity of the Incarnate Word, USA.
Change 07.201 Variable SUBSYS6 has been created, equal to SUBSYS, to

IMACPDB identify the Subsystem (JES2,JES3,EXTW,PSF,SAR,EXD,CADI)

VMAC6 which created the print record. While SUBSYS already is

Dec 19, 1989 in TYPE6, BUILDPDB already uses SUBSYS from the TYPE30_4

(probably not a wise choice now!) Rather than changing a

meaning of an existing variable, adding SUBSYS6 here and

in IMACPDB (to the _PDB6 macro list of kept variables)

avoids a compatibility exposure. Why do you need SUBSYS?

Some sites want to recover CPU time spent by printing

subsystems (read PSF) by surcharging that subsystem's

PRINT charges. Unfortunately, additional CPU time caused

by PSF has been shown to occur primarily when a non-PSF

data stream is converted, and it is not possible to know

if data-stream-conversion occurred from a type 6 record.

record. (Call XEROX at 213-333-2068 for a free copy of

publication number 720P60340 "Benchmark Report JES2 vs

PSF in Text Oriented Printing" by Tom Bell and Chuck

Hopf. IBM should capture the CPU time for print events

and store it in the type 6, or at least a flag bit should

be set if PSF did convert the data stream. One comparison

shows if PSF takes 7 CPU seconds for Line Mode JES2 Dump

convert and print, a JES2 controlled 3800 Model 3 in Mod

1 emulation mode would take 1 sec. But conversion cost

may be only half the cost. A DCF prepared PSF data

stream of same size took 3 seconds. Sustained print rates

of 200 pages per minute are seen feasible for 3800 Model

3. The type 6 record does record PAGEDEFS FORMDEFS

FONT.... activity for PSF; nonzero counts here does

guarantee only that those PSF functions were invoked.
Change 07.200 NETSPY Release 3.2 added fields to the LU and APPL data

VMACNSPY sets, and is now supported.

Dec 15, 1989

Thanks to David W. Anderson, Chase Lincoln First Bank, USA.

Change 07.199 TPX Version 2 causes STOPOVER because the length of the

VMACTPX subtype 5 is incorrect. Their fix number TGB308A fixes

Dec 12, 1989 their problem. MXG failed to recognize the redefinition

of TPXM1SP0 over its two preceding fields (TPXPESIZ &

TPXPECD8) in a subtype 1 record, also causing STOPOVER.

This is corrected by inserting a new statement M4=-4;

after the @; after TPXMSMRT $CHAR8. and before the IF,

and then putting +M4 just before (TPXM1SP0-TPXM1SP9

Thanks to Larry Doub, RJR, USA.
Change 07.198 Goal Systems PDSMAN/XP Release 6 added five new fields

VMACPDSM (incompatibly, in the middle of the existing data!) which

Dec 12, 1989 are now supported by this change. LGJOB, LGMGEN, LGLMM,

LGNMM and LGRMGEN were added.

Thanks to Lesley Woolston, Manufacturers Hanover, ENGLAND.
Change 07.197 MVS/ESA 3.1.3 added numerous new data fields to SMF data.

EXTY42AU 1.TYPE6 data now identifies the Step which caused the print

EXTY42CU activity, and added security related information in these

EXTY42SC new PRINT variables:






TYPE83 The variables SMF6STNM (stepname), SMF6PRNM (procstep)

VMAC6 and SMF6DDNM (ddname of print file) have been added

VMAC1415 to the default list of TYPE6 variables that will be

VMAC42 automatically carried into PDB.PRINT in MXG's BUILDPDB.

VMAC80 2.TYPE1415 data variables PDSE, TRUNC, and NULLSEG added,

VMAC83 and several fields documented as zero if PDSE-managed


Dec 11, 1989 variable for PDSE-managed datasets counts pages read or

written. Before MVS 3.1.1, PDSE was referred to ILIB.

3.TYPE80 additional bit added to $MG080AU for BYPASS, new

character variable RACFVRMN (version, release, mod level)

replaces numeric RACFVERS, and new RACFTOSK (security

label) added by RACF 1.9.0.

4.New type 42 SMF DFP 3.2 record provides SMS statistics

configuration, and audits changes in five data sets

built from this record. Interval buffer statistics for

3990 cache controlers (total and by storage class) are

in TYPE42TO and TYPE42SC. Control Unit configuration and

delta statistics are in TYPE42CU (and SMS managed volumes

behind that control unit are in TYPE42VL). TYPE42AU

audits operator VARY SMS commands, ACTIVATEs in ISMF

or SETSMS, or ENF occurred because operator issued a

vary command to an SMS-managed volume. This is a new,

and significant source of information for management of

System Managed Storage, as well as 3990 statistics.

4.New type 83 SMF RACF Audit Record (For RACF Datasets

whose security label was changed by ADDSD, ALTDSD,

or DELDSD) is now supported in MXG dataset TYPE83.

5.Two new SMF options were introduced in MVS/ESA 3.1.3 that

allow the installation to never loose SMF data. LASTDS

and NOBUFFS can specify MSG (console message and continue

processing with loss of SMF data) or HALT (puts MVS in a

restartable wait state) whenever either no buffers or no

SMF data set is available to SMF. These options are now

contained in MXG TYPE90 dataset.

Change 07.196 DB2 2.2.0 changed SMF 102 SMF values in 21,30,31,44,62,

FORMATS and 140 IFCIDs, affecting formats $MGD044D, $MGD062S,

IMAC102 $MGD062O, $MGD140P, and creating $MGD063O. IFCID'S 63 and

VMAC102 106 were changed incompatibly, although only 106 has new

Dec 9, 1989 variables. The new Distributed Header is decoded, and now

all header variables are output in T102S106. Twelve new

IFCIDs (with many new variables) were added by DB2 2.2.0,

and these IFCIDS (plus the seven DB2 2.1 IFCIDS that had

not been previously decoded) are now supported by MXG.

With this change, ALL data produced by DB2 is now thought

to be supported by MXG. (There may be additional formats

added to MXG for a few of these new variables). The list

of IFCIDs within class has been updated in IMAC102. There

are also eight new "trace class" macro definitions that

are necessary in MXG (but only until SAS Version 6.06 is

universally available; the MXG use of the _DB2TCn macros

is necessary only because of an internal SAS limit on the

number of iterative DO statements, which has effectively

been eliminated in SAS Version 6.06). A later change will

be made to ANALDB2R to provide reports on these new DB2

DB2 elements. Initially, though, the changes primarily

support Distributed Data Facility, and the addition of

the Monitor Class data records (which contain the same

data already available in the DB2ACCT & DB2STAT datasets

from the 100/102 records!).

For the record, these new IFCIDs were added by this

change: TC1 (153), TC6 (156), TC7 (164,165,166,167),

TC8 (125,168), new TC14 (67), new TC15 (154), new TC16

(157,158,159,160,161,162,163), new Monitor Class MC1

(124,147,148,149,150), new MC4 (155), new AC7 (169),

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