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1. Use /B "Binary" switch on the COPY command to eliminate '3F'x.
Two sites had STOPOVER ABENDS on MVS reading NTSMF data that had

been COPYed under Windows NT Server before uploading to MVS. The

hex dump showed a one-byte physical record containing a '3F'x.

Another site's TYPENTSM job failed with a 180 abend; the VMACNTSM

member had been COPYed, and an extra line containing '3F'x had been

appended to the source file. It is apparently a documented fact

that the COPY command can add an ASCII End-of-File Character at

the end of a copy whenever multiple input files are copied into an

output file. That ASCII End-of-File Character then becomes the

separate physical record on MVS after uploading and translation

from ASCII to EBCDIC with ftp. Using the /B "Binary" switch on

the COPY command was found to eliminate the extra character.

To read the uploaded file with the short record without ABENDing,

you can change MXG's STOPOVER option to MISSOVER by using:


as your first SAS statement, before the %INCLUDEs in your SYSIN.

IX. Incompatibilities and Installation of MXG 15.15.
1. Incompatibilities introduced in MXG 15.15 (since MXG 14.14):
a- IMACs that were changed (if they exist in your USERID.SOURCLIB, you

must refit your tailoring, starting with the new IMAC member):

IMACPTF, if you install PTF UN98309 for CICS Transaction Server 1.1
b- Other incompatibility changes:
Users of SAS ITSV V1 and V2.0 and SAS/CPE must install the two line

circumvention described in the text of Change 15.320 to use MXG

Version 15.08 or later. SAS ITSV Version 2.1 is compatible and

the circumvention is not required.

c- These products were incompatibly changed by their vendor, and they

require MXG Version 15.xx as indicated:

Boole's IMF 3.2 (for IMS 6.1) MXG 15.09 Change 15.372

CICS TS V1.2 MXG 15.06 Change 15.274

CICS TS V1.1 APAR UN98309 MXG 15.06 Change 15.258

Landmark TMON CICS 2.0 MXG 15.06 Change 15.281

Landmark TMON MVS 2.0 MXG 15.09 Change 15.346

NTSMF Version 2.1 MXG 15.06 Change 15.249

255 Structures in a Coupling Facility MXG 15.06 Change 15.226

BETA93 Release 1.3 MXG 15.06 Change 15.237

IDMS 14.0 MXG 15.05 Change 15.218

Coupling Facility more than 64 Structs MXG 15.05 Change 15.226

APPC APAR OW16975 APAR-in-Error MXG 15.05 Change 15.227

ObjectStar 3.0 MXG 15.04 Change 15.195

NTSMF Version 2.0 MXG 15.05 Change 15.220

DB2 Version 5.1.0 two SMF 102 IFCIDs MXG 15.02 Change 15.095

Hitachi 7700 Cache R.R. records MXG 15.01 Change 15.008
2. Installation and re-installation procedures are described in detail

in member INSTALL (which also lists common Error/Warning messages a

new user might encounter), and sample JCL is in member JCLINSTL.

X. Online Documentation of MXG Software.

MXG Documentation is now described in member DOCUMENT.

XI. Changes Log

==========================Changes Log=================================
You MUST read each Change description to determine if a Change will

impact your site. All changes have been made in this MXG Library.

Member CHANGES of the MXG SOURCLIB will always be more accurate than

the printed changes in a Newsletter, because the software is normally

created after the newsletter is sent to the printer! Member CHANGES

on the www.MXG.com homepage are the most timely, as they are updated

(sometimes) between MXG versions.
Member CHANGES always identifies the actual version and release of

MXG Software that is contained in that library.

The actual code implementation of some changes in MXG SOURCLIB may be

different than described in the change text (which might have printed

only the critical part of the correction that can be made by paper).
Scan each source member named in any impacting change for any comments

at the beginning of the member for additional documentation, since the

documentation of new datasets, variables, validation status, and notes,

are often found in comments in the source members.

Alphabetical list of important changes after MXG 14.14 now in MXG 15.15:

Member Change Description

Many 15.167 MXG now protects ALL date fields for year 2000.

Many 15.169 SAS inconsistencies between MVS and ASCII fixed.

Many 15.320 Hardcoded PDB. DDname externalized with &PDBxx macro.

Many 15.354 All VMACs for SMF records start with IF ID=....

Many 15.356 New &MACxxxx macro variable added to all VMACs.

Many 15.170 Support for OS/390 Version 2 Release 4 (COMPAT).

None 15.373 Support for OS/390 Version 2 Release 5 (no changes).

ADOC1415 15.304 Using 14/15 records to determine dataset size.

ADOCTAND 15.119 Cannot use Tandem's ftp program to upload Measure.

AIXPDS 15.337 Support for AIX commands IOSTAT/PSSTAT/VMSTAT.

ANALAVAL 15.262 Availability analysis example with PROC CALENDAR.

ANALBATW 15.378 'Batch Window' graphical reports from PDB.JOBS/STEPS.

ANALCISH 15.365 CICS reports CICNQG, CICSLGS, CICLGR are added.

ANALCNCR 15.126 New example counts Avg and Max Logged on TSO Users.

ANALCNCR 15.174 ANALCNCR with large INTERVAL had large WORK space.

ANALDB2R 15.191 ANALDB2R fails, ERROR 31-185 if no PLAN in SORTBY.

ANALDB2R 15.223 Some datetimes shifted right two positions, overlay.


ANALDBTR 15.259 Pairing DB2 IFCID 59 & 63 wrong if multiple 63s.

ANALDBXX 15.173 Merge DB2 102s with DB2ACCT and CICSTRAN example.

ANALDDCN 15.062 Analysis of impact of DDCONS(NO)'s duplicate bytes.

ANALMULT 15.367 Corrected values of EXCPNODD/IOTMNODD for MULTIDD=Y.

ASMIMSLG 15.229 Archaic pre-DFP 3.0 systems retrofit.

ASMRMFV 15.384 Support for RMF Monitor III CPU, PGP, ENC records.

ASMTAPES 15.047 ML-13 of ASMTAPES protects 0C4s, stays up, etc.

ASMTAPES 15.141 ASMTAPES ML-14 populates fields, protects 0C4s.

ASMTAPES 15.285 ML-15 adds dump suppression, OS/390 1.3 JCT changes.

ASMTAPES 15.381 ASMTAPES ML-16 supports four-digit UCBs.

ASMTAPES 15.291 MXG 15.06 did not contain ML-15; MXG 15.07 does.

ASMVVDS 15.302 Out of Storage eliminated, UCBs above 16MB

ASUMTALO 15.077 Exploitation of TALO Interval Records added by ML-12

ASUMTALO 15.301 Starting/Ending Interval counts include SPUN.

ASUMUOW 15.079 IRESPTM, ENDTIME corrected.

ASUMUOW 15.221 Specific reference to TEMP01 caused error, removed.

ASUMUOW 15.307 MROTRAN count included "spun" observation counts.

ASUMUOW 15.315 ASUMUOW option to get real TRANNAME versus CPMI/CSMI.

BUILDPD3 15.020 JES3 BUILDPD3 had extra observations created.

BUILDPD3 15.235 Duplicate step records might not be deleted.

BUILDPDB 15.235 Duplicate step records might not be deleted.

BUILDPDB 15.329 _CDExxxx macros reordered, now inside ELSE DOs.

CICINTRV 15.251 CICINTRV logic corrected, must use this version.

CLMXGSAS 15.084 Sample CLISTs for MXG and SAS execution under TSO.

CONFIG 15.194 MXG default for MEMSIZE raised from 48M to 64M

CONFIG 15.293 YEARCUTOFF=1960 is now MXG default, protects non-Y2K.

DIFFDB2 15.070 DB2STATS values are negative in startup interval.

DIFFDB2 15.278 Variables B1HITRAT-B4HITRAT were wrong.

EXPDB30V 15.142 PDB exit EXPDB30V added for PDB.SMFINTRV.

FORMATS 15.057 New RACF events decoded by MG080EV.

FORMATS 15.109 Format MGBYTRT (Byte per second) truncated on left.

FORMATS 15.152 Formats $MGHEX2H, $MGHEX4H, $MGHEX8H blanks '40'x.

FORMATS 15.175 CICS formats $MGCICDL,$MGCICDS corrected.

IHDR110 15.268 CICS Type 110 Header Exit for record selection.

IMACICBB 15.179 Support for Boole MainView for CICS stat records.

IMACICSM 15.157 Support for Shared Medical CICS Journal OASMON.

IMACKEEP 15.123 Member IMACKEEP is documented as archaic.

IMACPDB 15.002 Variable TERMIND added to PDB.STEPS.

IMACPDB 15.048 Variables SMF6FDNM/SMF6PDNM (Formdef/PrintDef) kept.

IMACPDB 15.091 Variables ACTBYTES/ACTPAGES from TYPE26J2 in PDB.

IMACSHFT 15.151 Table of Holidays for SHIFT example added.

IMACUOW 15.221 SORT output destination, other options externalized.

IMACs 15.328 New _Sxxyyy "PROC SORT" macro defined in IMACs.

INSTALL 15.277 VM/CMS cannot use a MACLIB member for CONFIG option.

NTINTRV 15.255 Multi-processors properly summarized in NTINTRV.

RMFINTRV 15.138 Report RPGNs/Classes can be used in IMACWORK!!!


RMFINTRV 15.250 Test CPUTM NE CPU72TM too strong due to truncation.

SMFPRM00 15.053 First draft of MXG recommendations for SMF parms.

TRND72GO 15.135 Trending for TYPE72GO WLM Goal Mode Service Classes.

TYPE102 15.113 DB2 Trace IFCID=125 logic revised.

TYPE102 15.121 Negative values for DB2 fields decoded with format.

TYPE102 15.132A DB2 Trace dataset T102S106 now corrected.

TYPE102 15.216 DB2 Trace 102 subtype 140 INPUT STATEMENT EXCEEDED.

TYPE102 15.245 DB2 Type 102 Subtype 140 INPUT STATEMENT EXCEEDED.

TYPE102 15.245 Invalid Type 102 subtype 140 protection added.

TYPE103 15.313 Support for ICSS SMF type 103 (Lotus Domino).

TYPE110 15.133 Leap Seconds support correct "GMT" to local.


TYPE110 15.269 UOWTIME duplicate values, UOWIDCHR added to resolve.

TYPE110 15.274 Support for CICS Transaction Server 1.2 INCOMPATIBLE.

TYPE116 15.043 TYPE116 variable QWHCTNO remains numeric.

TYPE116 15.241 MQ Series type 116 blank CICS TASKNR, questions.

TYPE116 15.241 Type 116 INVALID DATA FOR QWHCTASK message

TYPE1415 15.124 Support for APAR OW25263 (for 3590s)

TYPE1415 15.239 New variable LASTVOFL flags if this is Last Volume.

TYPE16 15.243 Support for DFSORT APAR PN71137 (COMPATIBLE).

TYPE16 15.243 Support for DFSORT APAR PN71337 added flag fields.

TYPE26J3 15.228 APAR OW26297 adds job account fields to JES3 type 26.

TYPE26J3 15.273 JES3 ACCOUNT fields in type 26 were not read.

TYPE28 15.336 Support for NPM 2.3 and APAR OW17876.

TYPE28 15.362 NPM type 28 subtype 82 error corrected.

TYPE30 15.063 TYPE30OM for OMVS discoveries

TYPE30 15.065 EXCP/IOTM for UCB addresses over '8000'x wrong.

TYPE30 15.133 Leap Seconds support converts "GMT" to local.

TYPE30 15.227 APAR OW16975 INCOMPATIBLY in error, APPC type 30.

TYPE37 15.385 Support for TME 10 Netview OS/390 1.1 SMF type 37.

TYPE42 15.106 Support for APAR OW20921 creates TYPE42VT (VTOC+).

TYPE42 15.112 Support for APAR OW26451/OW26453/OW26497 MAXRSPTM+.

TYPE42 15.358 TYPE42AU dataset was incorrectly built.

TYPE50 15.185 Support for VTAM 4.4 changes to SMF type 50.

TYPE6 15.009 Support for APAR OW25152 (PRINTWAY Print Queue Name)

TYPE6 15.015 Support for Anacom's Anastack spooler type 6 SMF.

TYPE6 15.016 Support for CA-DISPATCH Version 6 w/5-digit JSENR.

TYPE6 15.039 Invalid "MVS PSF DOWNLOAD" type 6 records, APAR.

TYPE6156 15.176 Support for Invalid Catalog Cell '05'x segment.

TYPE6156 15.193 Another invalid '04' Catalog Cell STOPOVER.

TYPE6156 15.222 INPUT STATEMENT EXCEEDED, Change 15.166 was wrong.


TYPE7072 15.013 Variable SSTORE72 (Shared Pages Bytes) created.

TYPE7072 15.023 TYPE70 variable PCTMVSBY wrong in MDF shared CPUs

TYPE7072 15.026 New variable VELONOIO calculates NO I/O Velocity.

TYPE7072 15.038 TYPE72GO PERFINDX, R723CIRC and R723CICT wrong.

TYPE7072 15.182 TYPE72GO VELOCITY wrong for Discretionary/System

TYPE7072 15.183 TYPE72GO was OUTPUT when NOACTVTY was zero.

TYPE7072 15.214 TYPE70 PCTMVSBY incorrect MXG 15.01-15.04.


TYPE70PR 15.299 TYPE70PR had no obs for deactivated partition.

TYPE71 15.064 Variable SLOTUTIL added to TYPE71 - slot usage

TYPE72GO 15.297 VELOCITY variables are now multiplied by 100.

TYPE74 15.008 Support for Hitachi 7700 Cache Records (INCOMPAT)

TYPE74 15.011 Variable SMF744PN added to TYPE74CF to count CPUs.

TYPE74 15.058 Cache TYPE74CA clean up and new variables added.

TYPE74 15.226 Support for SMF type 74 CF more than 64 structures.


TYPE80A 15.107 Dataset TYPE8025 now created for RACF Event 25.

TYPE80A 15.158 Support for RACFEVNT=22 and 59, repeated segments.


TYPE88 15.257 Support for subtype 11 type 88 System Logger.

TYPE90 15.267 Variable SMFRECNR is now kept.

TYPE91 15.213 Support for SMF type 91 subtype 21 SMARTBATCH data.

TYPE92 15.003 OMVS file GMT datetimestamps now converted to local.

TYPE94 15.073 Support for Virtual Tape Server additions to SMF 94.

TYPE94 15.130 TYPE94 variable SMF94ETO restored.

TYPE99 15.165 Support for "Goal Mode SMF" type 99 subtype 6.

TYPE99 15.357 Support for APAR OW29790.

TYPEACF2 15.197 ACF2JR dataset variable ACLFLDVL populated.

TYPEAIMR 15.311 Support for Fujitsu's AIM V20 AIM/RDBII SMF type 98.

TYPEBBMQ 15.263 Support for Boole & Babbage MQ Series VSAM file.


TYPEBETA 15.237 Support for BETA93 Release 3.1 (INCOMPATIBLE).

TYPECACH 15.008 Support for Hitachi 7700 Cache Records (INCOMPAT)

TYPECIMS 15.033 ABENDSYS/ABENDUSR in IMF 1.3+ is corrected.

TYPECIMS 15.082 Support for Boole and Babbage IMF 3.2 (for IMS 6.1.)

TYPECIMS 15.372 Support for Boole's IMF 3.2 (for IMS 6.1) INCOMPAT

TYPECMF 15.187 Variable C279SSI changed from numeric to character.

TYPECMF 15.376 CMF Subtype 15 now creates CMF16MAP & CMF16LPA.

TYPECMF 15.377 CMF Cache dataset CMF27CSC now contains CMF27C93.

TYPECMFV 15.380 Boole & Babbage CMF VSAM History File supported.

TYPECTCP 15.248 Support for Applied Expert Systems Clever TCP/IP.

TYPECTLG 15.166 Support for Catalog Cell 'E7' (Alias).

TYPECTLT 15.276 IOA/Control-T 5.0 variable DSEXPDT changed.

TYPECTLT 15.306 CONTROL-T vars DSUSECT/DSEXCP wrong, undoc bytes.

TYPEDB2 14.095 Support for DB2 Version 5.1.0 (COMPATIBLE).

TYPEDB2 15.133 Leap Seconds support correct "GMT" to local.

TYPEDB2 15.269 UOWTIME duplicate values, UOWIDCHR added to resolve.

TYPEDCOL 15.108 High Used RBA can be greater than Allocated Space.

TYPEDCOL 15.163 Support for DCOLLECT in DFSMS 1.4 (COMPAT).


TYPEDPPX 15.305 Support for DPPX/370 Performance Reporter output.

TYPEEDGR 15.140 Support for new fields in DFSMSrmm extracts.

TYPEEDGS 15.021 Variables EDGSADTE,EDGSARSD,EDGSASID, formats value.

TYPEEREP 15.246 EREP records past logical EOF were read from DASD.

TYPEFTEK 15.102 Support for Filetek Optical Disk SMF record

TYPEHMF 15.192 Support for HMF SMF Subtype 11 (DS3 Statistics).

TYPEHPTE 15.247 Support for HP MeasureWare for Terra Data OS.

TYPEHURN 15.195 Support for ObjectStar 3.0 (INCOMPATIBLE).

TYPEICE 15.134 Support for IXFP SMF subtypes 6 and 7

TYPEICE 15.215 IXFP subtypes 2,3,4 not output, MXG 15.02-15.04 only.

TYPEIDMJ 15.363 Support for IDMS Journal format for IDMS V12.

TYPEIDMS 15.218 Support for CA's IDMS 14.0 (INCOMPATIBLE).

TYPEIDMS 15.264 IDMS 10.02 observations not output.

TYPEIMFL 15.375 Read IMF + SAP + IBM IMF log records at one time.

TYPEIMSD 15.081 Support for IMS DBCTL transactions from IMS 07/08s.

TYPEM204 15.303 Support for MODEL204 Version 4.1 INCOMPATIBLE.

TYPEMEMO 15.071 Support for MEMO subtype 8, creates MEMODIST dataset

TYPEMIM 15.059 Segments not output after MIMCNT=0 with MIM V 3.

TYPEMON2 15.281 Support for Landmark's The Monitor for CICS/ESA 2.0.

TYPEMWSU 15.068 Revised support for HP's MeasureWare for SUN

TYPEMWTE 15.247 Support for HP MeasureWare for Terra Data OS.

TYPEMWUX 15.022 HP-MW and HP-PCS base date now JAN1970 vice JAN70.

TYPENSPY 15.067 Support for NETSPY Version 5.0 is in MXG 14.14.

TYPENSPY 15.069 ARSPHOST missing in NSPYLU dataset for NETSPY 4.4

TYPENSPY 15.168 Zero obs in NSPYTIC3 corrected.

TYPENTSM 15.012 NTSMF records from NT 3.51 now supported.

TYPENTSM 15.027 NTSMF new objects created by COMPAQ hardware.

TYPENTSM 15.147 Support for NTSMF Version 2.0 (INCOMPAT).

TYPENTSM 15.147 Support for Windows NT 4.0 Service Pack 2 (INCOMPAT)

TYPENTSM 15.190 Support for five new NTSMF Objects.

TYPENTSM 15.220 Support for NTSMF Version 2.1 (COMPAT), new objects.

TYPENTSM 15.249 Support for NTSMF Version 2.1 (INCOMPATIBLE).



TYPEOMVT 15.296 Support for Omegamon for VTAM V400 (COMPATIBLE).

TYPEOPC 15.188 OPC 3.1 datasets OPC23, OPC29, OPC31 corrected.


TYPEPW 15.010 Support for Landmark's Performance Works/Smart Agent

TYPEQAPM 15.052 Support for all OS/400 Release 3.7.0 records.

TYPEQAPM 15.105 Dataset QAPMAPPN has variables wrong.

TYPEQAPM 15.127 AS/400 variable AS400SYN missing if SYSTEM LT 8.

TYPEQAPM 15.316 Support for OS/400 Release 4.1.0 (INCOMPATIBLE).

TYPERACF 15.103 Support for RACF utility IRRDBU00's OMVS RACF data.

TYPERDS 15.144 Zero observations in TYPERDS1-TYPERDS7 datasets.

TYPERMFV 15.321 Some RMF III VSAM variables were corrected.

TYPERMFV 15.355 CSA and SQA values were wrong; should be &RB.4.

TYPEROSC 15.017 Support for CA-ROSCOE Version 6 SMF is verified.

TYPESARX 15.300 Support for SAR CA-VIEW SMF exit SARSRQUX.

TYPESFTA 15.030 SOFTAUDIT collect only at JOB record was deleted.

TYPESTC 15.186 STK 4400, STCLMU variables decoded.

TYPESVCC 15.200 Support for Peregrine's Service Center SMF.

TYPETCP 15.234 Support for TCP/IP 3.2 API Calls record changes.

TYPETMDB 15.114 TMON/DB2 subtype "DW" now supported.

TYPETMDB 15.184 Support for TMON/DB2 record type "DE".

TYPETMNT 15.077 Support for new fields added by ML-12 of ASMTAPES.

TYPETMNT 15.110 Enhancements in preparation for ASMTAPES ML-14.

TYPETMO2 15.353 Landmark TMON for CICS V2 variables renamed.

TYPETMON 15.001 File counts incorrect in TYPETMON datasets.

TYPETMON 15.054 Variables SYSTEM/SYSID truncated to only one byte.

TYPETMON 15.139 Landmark CICS fix TT00032 creates one bad record.

TYPETMON 15.266 MXG 15.04-MXG 15.05 only. CREATIME, other dates wrong

TYPETMON 15.294 SYSID was length five instead of length four.

TYPETMS5 15.199 Support for CA-1/TMS Release 5.2 (COMPATIBLE).


TYPEVLFC 15.230 Support for VLF Catalog activity from SYSLOG.

TYPEVM 15.189 Support for VM ADSM Account Records in VM/ESA.

TYPEWWW 15.086 Support for World Wide Web Common Log Format records

TYPEXPSM 15.172 Support for Xerox's XPSM Version 2 SMF records.

TYPEZARA 15.074 Support for Altai's ZARA Tape Management Release 1.2

TYPEZARA 15.323 Packed Decimals protected, DATELU corrected.

UDSKCONT 15.388 Utility to report PC Disk File sizes.

UDUMPEBC 15.085 Utility to produce MVS-like LIST; hex dump on ASCII.

UTILCONT 15.056 Now a %MACRO - displays SAS dataset sizes (in MB).

UTILUOW 15.335 CICS MRO - which CICSTRAN record has real TRANNAME.

UVBSNRDW 15.242 Utility to re-create SMF VBS with no RDW/BDWs.

UVBSNRDW 15.242 Utility to recreate VBS from data with no RDW/BDW.

VMAC80A 15.289 RACF DTP EV44xxxx variables added for RACFEVNT=13.

VMACIMSA 15.275 SAP IMS timestamp SAPTIMTR is Start of Transaction.

VMACSTC 15.364 Support for StorageTek's VSM SMF records.

VMACUCB 15.125 VIO detection conflict with DEVNR='7FFFF'x.

VMXGCOMP 15.100 %MACRO utility to compare SAS Data Libraries

VMXGOPTR 15.099 %MACRO to reset (most) SAS Options.

VMXGSUM 15.098 Enhancement to protect OBS=0, and USER= options.

WEEKBLDT 15.115 Dataset TYPE77 causes failure, wrong BY list.

YEAR2000 15.045 DATETIMExx won't display yyyy if truncated.

YEAR2000 15.167 MXG now protects ALL date fields for year 2000.

YEAR2000 15.293 MXG cannot protect all non-Y2K-compliant dates.

Inverse chronological list of all Changes:
NEXTCHANGE: Version 15
======Changes thru 15.391 were in MXG 15.15 dated Feb 23, 1998======
Change 15.391 Zero observations in MIMTAPE dataset, because somewhere

VMACMIM along the way, the variable MIMCNT, which used to be the

Feb 20, 1998 sample count, is now zero in the MIM SMF record. MXG had

heuristically only invoked the EXTYMIM exit if the record

had "samples" but now no observations were created. The

two DO groups around the %INCLUDE SOURCLIB(EXTYMIM); that

tested MIMCNT GT 0 were eliminated, so all MIM segments

will be output.

Thanks to Joseph Montana, Acxiom, USA.
Change 15.390 Three variables in these two members still had DATE7 as

ANALDB2P their format, but are now changed to DATE9 so that all

ASUMIDMS four digits of year will be displayed.

Feb 20, 1998

Thanks to Pete Gain, SAS UK, ENGLAND.
Change 15.389 Reading type 42 records directly from the SMF VSAM file

VMAC42 caused INPUT STATEMENT EXCEEDED because some of the new

Feb 20, 1998 subtypes did not have "+OFFSMF" added when their offsets

were calculated. The code worked fine with dumped SMF

Thanks to Ken Williams, Sun Life of Canada, ENGLAND.
Change 15.388 New utility program that reports PC Disk File sizes and

UDSKCONT disk space required by directory and high-level directory

Feb 20, 1998 names. To use, from the root directory, you issue:


which creates the listing of all files in "DISKFARM",

and then, under SAS, you issue:


and the reports will show the total disk space required

(assuming 32K worst-case cluster size for FAT) and the

file bytes in each directory, and then a summary report

shows filesize and space required by highlevel dir name.
Change 15.387 Support for TME 10 Netview for OS/390 1.1 SMF type 39

VMAC39 will not fail with the new records, but there are two

Feb 18, 1998 segments (accounting and availability data section and

APPN route data section) that are added to the existing

subtypes, and there are two new subtypes:

007 - Init Failure Record

008 - Storage and Event Counter Record

If you have these records, see member SENDDATA and email

me a few hour's worth so I can validate the enhancement.
Change 15.386 Support for TME 10 Netview for OS/390 1.1 SMF type 38

VMAC38 is NOT included in MXG; the type 38 record was completely

Feb 18, 1998 restructured and I need test data records to enhance it.

There are now three subtypes that now exist in type 38:

001 - Command Authorization Table

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