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Thanks to Steve Cavill, SAS Institute, AUSTRALIA.

Change 08.001 The first step of JCLTEST builds the MXG Format (SASLIB)

JCLTEST library. MXG 7.7 (unlike previous versions) requires the

VMACIMS SAS option MACRO in building formats (added to support

Feb 23, 1990 both SAS 5.18 and SAS 6.06+). Either specify MACRO on

May 5, 1990 the EXEC statement or use PROC SETINIT to set the default

to MACRO. Other MXG uses of the "new" %MACRO facility

also require DQUOTE to be similarly enabled. For the DB2

reporting and some of the Trend Data Base programs, the

option MWORK=28K (which sets the size of the macro work

area) prevents an "Excessive Parameter Length" error.

MXG now requires these SAS System options:


For DB2 reporting (ANALDB2R) additional options are also

suggested (see comments in that member).

The two PUT statements that contained double quotes in

VMACIMS (requiring DQUOTE in step TESTOTHR) were changed

to single quotes.
End of Changes Log.


/* Copyright (C) 1984, 1990 Merrill Consultants Dallas Texas USA */
/************************ CHANGES ******************************/

This is the production MXG Version 7.7, dated February 15, 1990.

The Production Version 7.7 of MXG was shipped during the last week of

February, 1990, to all supported MXG sites.

MXG Version 7.7 is dated February 15, 1990, thru Change 7.247).

(Newsletter SIXTEEN dated February 14, 1990, thru Change 7.243).

(PRERELEASE MXG 7.6 dated January 29, 1990, thru Change 7.228).

(PRERELEASE MXG 7.5 dated December 22, 1989, thru Change 7.207).

(PRERELEASE MXG 7.4 dated November 25, 1989, only for an ESP).

(PRERELEASE MXG 7.3 dated November 25, 1989, thru Change 7.190).

(Newsletter FIFTEEN dated November 11, 1989, thru Change 7.165).

(PRERELEASE MXG 7.2 dated October 19, 1989, thru Change 7.161).

(BETA test MXG 7.1 dated September 14, 1989, thru Change 7.140).

(BETA test MXG 7.0 dated May 31, 1989 thru Change 7.098).

(Newsletter FOURTEEN dated April 1, 1989, thru Change 7.035).

Previous Version 6.6 dated January 20, 1989, had 206 changes.

Operating System and Subsystem Version.Releases supported in MXG 7.7:
MVS/ESA thru 3.1.3 and DFP thru 3.2.

CICS thru 2.1.

DB2 thru 2.2.0.

RACF thru 1.9.

VM/370 thru Release 6 and HPO thru Release 5 (no known problems).

VM/XA SP thru 2.1 plus later PTFs.

IMS 2.1 and IMS 2.2 (see special note for 1.3).
New Devices Recognized and/or supported in MXG 7.7:
3490 and 9348 tape drives (cart and reel respectively) recognized.

3480/3490 Tape Compression (IDRC) recognized.

3390 DASD devices recognized and counted in EXCP3390/IOTM3390.
Most important new enhancement in MXG Version 7.7:
MXGTMNT, the long awaited MXG Tape Mount Monitor, captures how long

operators take to mount tapes, and identifies which job mounted what

tape on which tape drive when, with no system modifications. The

monitor wakes up every 2 seconds to scan the UCB chain, and writes

a User SMF record when each tape mount is satisfied.
Alphabetic (by acronym, of course) list of major changes, enhancements,

and new products/versions now included and supported in MXG 7.7:

ACF2 'ARE' data sets captured.

AION Development System SMF record from AION.

VSAM activity included with non-VSAM in ANALDSET I/O analysis by job.

ARBITER SMF records from Tangram product.

CMF and RMF records can now be differentiated.

CPU Serials added to RMFINTRV.

DB2 Audit Class trace type 102 records.

DB2 SQL text ("what he typed in") is captured.

DB2PM-like reporting enhancements for DB2 2.2 in ANALDB2R.

DFP 3.2 TYPE42 SMF record.

DOS/VSE Power 3.1.2.

FILEAID SMF record from COMPUWARE product.

GTF format DB2 trace data supported.

ICF TYPE6156 VOLSER capture and enhancement.

IDRC (Improved Data Recording Compression) for 3480/3490 tapes.

IMS 1.3 transaction processing: see Change 7.075.

IMS 2.0 and IMS 2.1 response measurement corrections.

JES2 mods to capture SYSOUT release timestamp in type 6 SMF record.

MDFTRACK SMF record from Amdahl MDF environment.

MVS/ESA 3.1.3 SMF and RMF records.

MVS/ESA CPU timings in step records.

NAF SMF record from Candle's Network Accounting Facility.

NETSPY Release 3.2 SMF record.

NETVIEW TYPE37 Release 2 Hardware Monitor External Log Record.

NETVIEW TYPE39 Release 2 Session Monitor External Log Record.

OMEGAMON Command Audit SMF record from Candle.

PDB.STEPS contains STEP accounting fields (if any).

PDSMAN/XP Release 6 SMF record.

RACF 1.9 (based on SMF 3.1.3 manual) SMF records.

RMF Monitor II Type 79 SMF record (fourteen subtypes).

RMF Monitor III VSAM data set records and TYPE72MN enhancement.

ROSCOE 5.6 support for variable number of complexity levels.

STOPX37 Release 3.3 SMF record from Empact product.

STX Release 1.0+ supported.

TLMS (Tape Library Management System) catalog records.

TMON/MVS data records (non-SMF) from Landmark's Monitor for MVS.

TMS (Tape Management System) catalog records.

TPX Release 2.0.0 SMF supported.

TREND data base validation and enhanced report examples.

TSO/MON Version 5.2 SMF record from Legent product.

VM/XA SP 2.1 plus PTFs, and protection for VCOLLECT environment.

VMXGVTOC enhanced for VSAM with 128 extents and DASD VTOC data.

VSAM TYPE64 PTF to add important data for Hiperbatch aid.
Validation and cleanup of all reported MXG 6.6 errors.

Pre-release by pre-release delta of changes (for testers, thanks!):

Significant changes added in 7.7 that were not in 7.6:
Support for Release 3.3 of Empact's STOPX37 product.

IMS 2.2 algorithm enhancements improve IMS log response captured.

ANALDB2R updated for DB2 2.2 (most reports, except DDF).

Lots of final cleanup from pre-release testing.

Significant changes added in 7.6 that were not in 7.5:
Support for all 14 subtypes of the type 79 RMF Monitor II record.

Support for VM/XA SP 2.1 plus new PTFs, and integrity enhancements.

Enhanced decoding of TYPE6156 ICF Catalog record to add VOLSER(s).

Support for Candle's Network Accounting Facility SMF records.

Support for Legent's TSO/MON Version 5.2 added.

Support for Landmark's TMON/MVS product.

Significant changes added in 7.5 that were not in 7.3:
Support for MVS/ESA 3.1.3, including the major enhancements in type

6 SMF record and a new type 42 DFP and 83 RACF SMF records.

Support for the VSAM PTF changing SMF 64 record (for Hiperbatch Aid)

Support for DB2 Release 2.2.0 changes to 100, 101, and 102 records.

Support for Netspy Release 3.2.

Support for PDSMAN/XP Release 6.

Validation of NETVIEW type 37 SMF record modem section.

Correction of JES3 type 6 (prerelease only) error.

Significant changes added in 7.3 that were not in 7.2 or Newsletter 15
DB2 I/O, Locking, and Record Trace reports added to ANALDB2R.

MVS/XA & ESA Pathing configuration and activity report in ANALPATH.

3390 DASD device support is official (support is already in 7.2).

RMDS pagecounts are fixed.

D3330DRV (mountable drive count) eliminated from 30s and PDB.

GTF format DB2 type 102 trace data now correct.

VMXGVTOC cleanup (deletes to clean WORK, last track counting, etc.)

TPX Release 2.0.0 new release supported,

STX Release 1.0+ new product supported.
Prior changes added in 7.2 and earlier are listed in Newsletter 15.

Documentation of enhancements in MXG Version 7.7.

Details on enhancements, and their impact will usually be found in the

text of the actual Change description itself.

While Changes can and should be read in the printed Newsletter, it is

very helpful to use SPF BROWSE/EDIT to scan the online documentation

available in member CHANGES of the MXG Source Library interactively.
Member CHANGES contains the current MXG version status and changes that

have been installed in that software. Member(s) CHANGEnn are copies of

member CHANGES as it stood when MXG version nn was created.
In addition, the Change Number lists the member(s) affected by that

change. Browse those members, especially the ANAL...., IMAC...., and

VMAC.... members for further documentation and usage notes.
Member NEWSLTRS contains the text of all newsletters (including the

newsletter that accompanied that MXG release). You can usually search

on product name or acronym to find the MXG acronym and member names

that document, support, and process that product's data records.

Member DOCVER07 contains abbreviated Chapter FORTY style documentation

of just those variables and datasets that were added by MXG Version 7.7

since MXG Version 6.6, the "delta-documentation". For example, you

could browsing DOCVER07 for the TYPE70 thru TYPE79 (RMF) dataset

descriptions, to learn what new information IBM has added to RMF data

records. There is a DOCVERnn member in the library for each version.

Penultimately, member DOCVER contains abbreviated Chapter FORTY format

documentation of ALL 22,277 variables from the 679 MXG data sets that

can be created by MXG Software Version 7.7 (alphabetically by data set

name and variable name).

Finally, MXG is a source distributed system, so you can often find your

answer by BROWSE/EDIT of the source member, especially the VMAC...'s

that actually create the data set, or ANAL....'s that create the MXG

report. In many instance, the MXG Variable is the IBM or Vendor's

documented field name. In other cases, the IBM field name is carried

as a comment beside the MXG variable that contains that information.

In looking thru MXG library members online, try these SPF techniques:
Make a COPY of member CHANGES (don't use the actual member, because

you will use an EDIT command, which can delete/change data


For example:

EDIT a non-existent new member and COPY in (for example) CHANGES.

On the command line, enter EXCLUDE ALL.

On the command line, enter FIND "VM/XA" ALL , for example.

which will result in your display containing only those

lines that contain VM/XA.

You can then un-exclude the lines before and after each occurrence

by typing L5 or F3 on the line number of the excluded lines to now

display or un-exclude the Last 5 or First 3 lines.

When done, CANCEL from the command line and nothing will be written.

The use of SPF commands EXCLUDE ALL and FIND ALL is a major tool in

creating and maintaining MXG software. It's especially useful is

scanning through a large number of lines of text, like MXG CHANGES

and NEWSLTRS members. Unfortunately, it is only available as a

subcommand of EDIT; you cannot EXCLUDE under BROWSE.

2. Installation sizing and instructions for MXG 7.7.
The MXG Installation instructions are found in Chapter 32 of the MXG

Supplement for version replacement as well as new install.

The MXG tape still is distributed as a Non-Labelled (NL) tape with a

single file, DCB=RECFM=FB,LRECL=80,BLKSIZE=6160, containing an

unloaded Partitioned Data Set containing 1100 members (and about

220,000 lines of source) in IEBUPDTE format. Under CMS/SAS this format

is known to the TAPPDS command instead of the MVS IEBUPDTE program.
At 303 feet of 6250BPI tape, MXG no longer fits on those little

half-full minireels with 300 feet of tape. (They were only $6.50 each

when a full 600 foot reel was $11.75, and in 1984 MXG Version 1 was

only 99 feet long.) Now, for those of you who are still in those dark

ages and require MXG on 3420 tape reels, MXG arrives on that same 7

inch mini reel, but now it's full (and 600 feet now costs $6.50!).

If you received a mini-reel instead of a 3480 cartridge, please

let us know as soon as you can accept 3480 tape cartridges.

We can create about 250-300 cartridges per hour, but only about 100

of the reels per hour, and they have more errors! And cartridges

are only $5.75!
Judy still holds the world land speed record of 11 seconds per 3420

tape mount building MXG Version 4.

The MXG Version 7.7 SOURCLIB requires SPACE=(CYL,(30,1,199)) with

a DCB attribute of DCB=RECFM=FB,LRECL=80,BLKSIZE=23440.

The MXG Version 7.7 SASLIB format library (built by the first step

of JCLTEST) requires SPACE=(CYL,(2,1,99)) and the blocksize is

set when JCLTEST's first step is run.
See the comments below in the Changes log for compatibility issues

with installation tailoring IMAC.... members.

Pre-releases of MXG 7.7 have been installed by over 400 sites this

year, and no real problems in installation have been encountered.

The major portions of all the important code have been running in a

production status at many sites for months. MXG 7.7 has been better

tested than any of the preceding 28 releases, but as it must always

be, it's up to you to validate with your own data.


==========================Changes Log=================================
You MUST read each Change description below to determine if a Change

will impact your installation. All of these changes have been made

to this MXG Source Library.
Member CHANGES of the MXG SOURCLIB will always be more accurate than

the printed changes in a Newsletter, because the software is created

after the newsletter is sent to the printer!
Member CHANGES always identifies the actual version and release of

MXG Software that is contained in that library.

The actual code implementation of some changes in MXG SOURCLIB may be

different that described in the printed NEWSLETTER (which might have

printed only the easily installed, critical part of the correction).
Always read the comments at the beginning of each source member named

under the Change Number when you receive a new Version of MXG.

Documentation of new datasets and variables, validation status, notes,

etc., are usually in comments in the source members.

If you have to install printed changes from an MXG Newsletter, you

could copy the affected member(s) from MXG.SOURCLIB into your existing

USERID.SOURCLIB and then make these changes therein.
Or alternately, you might create a new PDS, named MXG.CHANGLIB, and put

these in-between-version changes in that PDS, concatenating it between

USERID.SOURCLIB and MXG.SOURCLIB until you get the next MXG version.

When you do, you then delete this MXG.CHANGLIB library, as the changes

will have been installed for you in the new MXG version. It is wise to

record your changes in a member named CHANGES in the installation's

USERID.SOURCLIB as a permanent log of tailoring, etc.
Whenever you install changes or test a new version of MXG (or even for

your own reports), be extra careful to look on the SAS log for any real

error conditions. Search for all occurrences of "ERROR:" "ERROR :"

"UNINITIALIZED" "NOT CATLGD", as they usually indicate a serious error.

PROC PRINT and PROC MEANS of each new MXG-built SAS dataset will go

a long way in explaining their contents, and can be examined to detect

unusually large, negative, or suspicious values.
Summary of critical actions to be taken in installing new version:
a. All IMAC.... members in your USERID.SOURCLIB must be compared

with the new IMAC.... members, and if there is a difference,

you MUST start with this version's IMAC and retrofit your

installation changes. This is especially critical for IMACPDB

and IMAC30IO which were changed by several changes.
b. It is always wisest to PROC PRINT the first 50 observations of

critical datasets created with the new version. A visual scan

will easily confirm if there were unexpected changes. This is

especially important for PDB.JOBS, which can be affected by

user tailoring in IMACPDB.
Completed changes which have been installed and tested in this library:


Change 07.247 Amdahl MDF record fields DOMMIN,MAX,TGT,ATGT,DUTIL,NORM,

VMACMDF SUTIL,UTIL should have been input as PD4.2 instead of

Feb 15, 1990 PIB4., and now they are.

Thanks to Vince Loeffler, G. D. Searle, USA.

Change 07.246 QA runs uncovered TMON/MVS variables JISTART and STARTIME

VMACTMVS that should have been set to LENGTH 8 (because they are

Feb 15, 1990 datetime stamps). Now they are, and ZDATE is now kept.
Change 07.245 TSO/MON will capture member names of PDS data sets that

VMACTSOM TSO users access, but MXG kept only the first eight names

Feb 15, 1990 in MEMBER1-MEMBER8 (and also did not re-initialize). Now,

multiple observations are created when necessary so that

all member names referenced are in TSOMDSNS dataset.

Thanks to Pete Shepard, Ashland Oil, USA.

Change 07.244 DASD/MON support did not keep two variables, RSRCNT and

VMACDMON RFTCNT in the DMON.... data sets, but now it does.

Feb 15, 1990

Thanks to Greg Scriba, First National Bank of Chicago, USA.

===========Changes thru Change 7.243 comprised MXG Version 7.7=========

-Newsletter SIXTEEN accompanied MXG Version 7.7 to Merrill's customers-

Change 07.243 Alpha testing of TSO/MON release found that USRTHKTM had

VMACTSOM been INPUTed with TU4. format but then was inadvertently

Feb 12, 1990 also divided by 38400. (Before TU4. format existed, you

had to INPUT PIB4. and then divide that by 38400 to get

a TU4. data field into a SAS Time/Timestamp variable).

I probably should change all the old "PIB4./38400" fields

to TU4. and delete all of the /38400 lines, but that is

too risky a fix (and totally unnecessary in execution)

this close to production shipment, so I chose to change

the TU4. back to PIB4. At a later time I will make

and test the mostly-cosmetic change from "PIB4./38400"

to TU4.!

Thanks to Pete Shepard, Ashland Oil, USA.
Change 07.242 PDB logic and user tailoring are controlled by IMACPDB,

IMACPDB (which must always be from the same version of MXG as is

Feb 8, 1990 the BUILDPDB/BUILPD3 member being executed). Two changes

were made:

-The new _SUMPRN macro allows users to name additional

variables in TYPE6/PDB.PRINT data sets that are to be

summed in that job's observation in PDB.JOBS. Not likely

needed at most sites (but requested by a few), it should

have been there along to be consistent with the other

standard PDB-build data sets.

-The archaic PROTECT= option was externalized in MXG 6.4

into macro _PROTECT so sites could disable protection.

SAS Version 6.06 does not have a PROTECT= option, and

when you execute under SAS 6.06 with PROTECT= specified,

you get a NOTE: that the option is no longer supported,

and a condition code of 04 is set by SAS 6.06! This part

of this change creates a temporary new style %macro

%VMXGPRO which detects SAS version and does not supply

the option when you finally execute under SAS Version 6!
The comments have been revised in this important member

for user's wishing to tailor MXG PDB data sets:

Installation exit IMACPDB to control the Performance Data Base.
This member externalizes macros critical to building your PDB.

Most sites should not have to change this member, unless they

want to tailor the contents of the standard MXG PDB data sets.
If you tailor member IMACPDB, you must ALWAYS update that old

tailoring starting with the new IMACPDB member in a new version

of MXG. IMACPDB and BUILDPDB/3 must be at the same MXG version!
These following macros are defined here in IMACPDB and referenced in

either BUILDPDB or BUILDPD3. Please read comments carefully before

changing the contents of these macro definitions, and scan CHANGES.

Macro Purpose/Description

_PDB6 List of variables kept from TYPE6 in PDB.PRINT.

_PDB26J2 List of variables kept from TYPE26J2 (JES2) in BUILDPDB.

_PDB26J3 List of variables kept from TYPE26J3 (JES3) in BUILDPD3.

_PDB30_1 List of variables kept from TYPE30_1 in PDB.

_PDB30_4 List of variables kept from TYPE30_4 in PDB.

_PDB30_5 List of variables kept from TYPE30_5 in PDB.

_SUMPRN Subset of _PDB6 variables to be summed into PDB.PRINT.

_MAXSTP Subset of _PDB30_4 variables to be MAXed into PDB.STEPS.

_MINSTP Subset of _PDB30_4 variables to be MINed into PDB.STEPS.

_SUMSTP Subset of _PDB30_4 variables to be summed into PDB.STEPS.

_PDBADD2 List of PDB.JOBS variables back-merged into PDB.STEPS JES2

_PDBADD3 List of PDB.JOBS variables back-merged into PDB.STEPS JES3

_PDBSUMS Externalized logic of MXG summing algorithms, should only

be changed if _MAXSTP or _MINSTP are changed. Careful!

_NODUP Archaic, needed before SAS 5.16 to disable NODUP option.

Since 5.16 is dead, default now enables NODUP option for

all PDB datasets that are SORTed in BUILDPDB. The CICS

datasets from type 110 are not sorted by BUILDPDB.

_PROTECT Archaic default enables PROTECT=ZZZZZ for most PDB data

sets. The PROTECT option goes away in SAS 6.06, and MXG

will recognize execution under 6.06 and will not supply

the option (thereby avoiding an otherwise unavoidable

SAS NOTE: on your log, and a condition code 04!).
Change 07.241 VM/Monitor USER records do not indicate if a LOGON event

VMACVMON occurred. MXG attempted to detect a LOGON in processing

Feb 8, 1990 User interval records by testing the deaccumulated value

of each variable. If a LOGON occurred, its interval data

values should be less than the accumulated resources in

the preceding record from this user. However, two of the

user fields used in LOGON detection are only two byte

counters, which can wrap/overflow inside VM/Monitor, and

when either DRPCANUS or DRPPOPUS overflowed at the wrong

time, MXG falsely detected a logon event, and this caused

incorrect TTIME, VTIME, etc. values. Now, MXG's algorithm

for LOGON detection no longer uses the DRPCANUS/DRPPOPUS

two byte counters.

Thanks to Rob Owens, SAS Institute Europe, GERMANY.

Change 07.240 TSO/MON Release 5.2 shipped in January 1990 will require

VMACTSOM Legent's maintenance tape TSM9002 to correct problems in

Feb 8, 1990 their capture of service units. TSO/MON Release 5.2 that

is accompanied by a Ship Letter Dated Feb 5, 1990 or

later already contains TSM9002 (which corrects errors MXG

found testing a Legent-supplied early beta test tape).

The support for TSO/MON 5.2 required an additional MXG

change, which could impact the existing MXG variables



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