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new AC9 (146), new Accounting Class ACT4 (151), and a

new Statistics Class ST2 (152)! Whew!

Summary of this change: many hours to decode many record

segments which are unlikely ever to be needed by any

rational performance analyst!!!!!!!
Change 07.195 MXG assigned COMNDTYP of blank for command from a CCB,

FORMATS but blank is a CLIST from an FCB. This is corrected by:

VMACTSOM Add '40'X to $MGTSOCD format in FORMATS

Dec 7, 1989 Insert after 033700: RETAIN COMNDTYP ' ';

Insert after 042200: COMNDTYP='00'X;

Delete 042800.

Variable COMND may contain an 8-byte name or a 2-byte

command abbreviation padded with nulls instead of blanks,

which makes testing difficult. The translate function is

now used to convert nulls to blanks. In addition, the

date part of ENDTIME is wrong if the interval crossed

midnight. Correct by insert after line 037000:



Thanks to Pete Shepard, Ashland Oil, USA.

Thanks to Steve Cavill, SAS Institute, AUSTRALIA.

Change 07.194 ACF2 variables ACTMFCBT (buffer text) and ACTMFKEY

VMACACF2 (record key) were not labeled and not kept, but now they

Dec 7, 1989 are.

Thanks to Ken Williams, ANZ Bank, AUSTRALIA.

Thanks to Raymond Wallace, NRMA, AUSTRALIA.
Change 07.193 Support for DB2 Version 2 Release 2 has been added for

VMACDB2 the DB2ACCT, DB2STAT0, and DB2STAT1 data sets built from

Dec 6, 1989 SMF type 100 and 101 records. IBM changes appear to be

compatible. DB2 2.2 added five QX..... variables for the

MIAP (Multiple Index Access Path) and Create/Drop Alias,

and 21 QLAC.... variables for DDF (Distributed Data

Facility) accounting to DB2ACCT. DB2STAT0 was also

enhanced with 18 QLST.... variables identical to their

QLAC.... counterparts for DDF statistics, and new Q3ST

and Q9ST DDF counters. DB2STAT1 was enhanced with the

same five QX..... variables for MIAP and QTAUCCH. Note

that DDF elapsed and CPU times are captured only in the

DB2ACCT data set (and not in DB2STAT0).
DB2ACCT variable DB2TCBTM is now calculated only if both

QWACBJST and QWACEJST are both non-zero, as IBM now does

document that zero value for either field means that no

CPU timing was available. An additional IBM note says

that QWACEJST is invalid for END OF MEMORY (RINV=24 or

28 decimal), QWACBSRB, QWACESRB, and QWACASRB are invalid

for DB Access Agents, but it is not clear how to identify

that situation. A final note in the PL/S DSECT says that

QWACEJST may be invalid when QWACRINV > 20 while the ASM

DSECT says it is invalid for EOM condition. I am still

checking with IBM:
IFCID 0003 (Type 101 SMF, DB2 Accounting record):
1. When "may" QWACEJST be invalid when QWACRINV > 20 ?

2. Is QWACRINV of 24 or 28 only values for EOM which

cause EJST to be invalid?

3. How does one know this record is for DB Access Agents?

4. When data is invalid, is it non-zero or zero?

5. What are units of QLACCPUL, QLACCPUR, and QLACDBAT?

Change 07.192 Continued validation of STX found the test in line 017500

VMACSTX should test for '02'X, '03'X (instead of '02X' and '03')!

Nov 24, 1989 and '12'X and '13'X should have been added, and corrected

labels for Application connect timestamps, swlu and lu.

Thanks to Larry Doub, RJR, USA.
Change 07.191 VM/SP Monitor channels 17-32 were not input due to bad

VMACVMON logic. Remove the ELSE in three lines 272000, 272400 and

Nov 24, 1989 272800.

Thanks to Bob Small, Grumman Data Systems, USA.

===========Prerelease 7.4 was for special ESP customer support=========
===========Changes thru Change 7.190 comprised Prerelease 7.3==========
Change 07.190 The DASDMON interval start date could be the wrong date.

ANALDMON The Start date in the record is not the interval start,

Nov 24, 1989 but rather the date when DASDMON initiated! The program

now uses the SMF record Date to correctly calculate the

interval start and end dates.

Thanks to Danny High, Blue Cross Blue Shield Texas, USA.

Change 07.189 The ASUMCICS trend program uses detail transaction data

ASUMCICS to create PDB.CICS with response distributions (pct in 2

ASUMDBDS sec) for reports and input to TRNDCICS. Now the program

Nov 24, 1989 will read either data source transparently; you no longer

have to remove comment blocks to use Landmark data.

The new ASUMDBDS program similarly sums the MONIDBDS

detail data into PDB.MONIDBD which matches PDB.CICS.

Thanks to Chuck Hopf, Hopf Consulting, USA.

Change 07.188 New DB2 Reports were added. I/O Reports (PMIOS01-05), the

ANALDB2R Locking Reports (PMLOK01-03), and Record Trace Reports

IMACDB2 (PMTRC01-01) are completed. The Correlation Name and

VMAC102 Correlation Number are decoded differently for IMS, CICS

NOv 25, 1989 and other by the new _DB2CORR macro defined in IMACDB2.

However, detection of IMS, CICS, etc. in IMACDB2 can be

based only on job name (unless you can find a better

test), and you may need to modify those names if you

are concerned with CORRNAME and CORRNUM values. New

DATASET and PAGESET selection was added for I/O reports.

Preparation of the Record Trace report uncovered several

obscure type 102 variables that were spelled wrong or

left out of the KEEP= list.
How much storage does MXG need for DB2 data sets?

A site with 10000 DB2 plans executed per day will need

122 tracks of 3380 DASD for storage of the DB2ACCT data

set, and the DB2STAT0/DB2STAT1 data sets will need 8

tracks each (at 15 minute intervals), for a total of

only 138 tracks (9 cyl, or only 6 megabytes per day!)

Thanks to Chuck Hopf, Hopf Consulting, USA.
Change 07.187 SAR variable SARSW should be @165 vice @164 and @164 is



Nov 24, 1989

Thanks to Dee Ramon, Mutual of America, USA.
Change 07.186 Reading SMF type 71 records and ROSCOE data directly from

VMAC71 VSAM SMF file needed help. Line 066400 in VMAC71 needed a

VMACROSC +OFFSMF at the end, and line 114600 in VMACROSC should

Nov 24, 1989 have tested for LENGTH > 428+OFFSMF .

Thanks to Susan Marshall, SAS Institute Europe, GERMANY.
Change 07.185 Contributed report for MVS/XA and MVS/ESA I/O pathing

ANALPATH configuration and activity, using TYPE73, TYPE74, TYPE78

Nov 24, 1989 and TYPE78CF datasets from a PDB. Self-describing.

Thanks to Cindy Batson, Hewitt Associates, USA.

Thanks to Dan Kaberon, Hewitt Associates, USA.
Change 07.184 Logic expected subtype of zero, but non-zero value was

VMAC110 not protected. Now it is.

Nov 24, 1989
Change 07.183 SAS 5.18 accepted LENGTH DEFAULT=4 4; syntax, but Version

VMACVMXA 6.06 testing detected the incorrect syntax, which is now

Nov 21, 1989 corrected in line 456800.

Thanks to Dan Squillace, SAS Institute Cary, USA.

Change 07.182 Change 7.151 fixed IMS, but part of the change was not on

TYPEIMS MXG 7.2. The two PROC SORTs (lines 107610 to 107670) were

Nov 21, 1989 to have been deleted, but were not. NOT SORTED error.

Thanks to Lynn Delacourt, Volvo GM Heavy Truck Corporation, USA.

Change 07.181 Change 7.035 discussed potential problems if you tried to

IMAC30IO eliminate D3330DRV variable. This change eliminates that

IMACPDB variable from the default I/O KEEP= list (in IMAC30IO)

BUILDPDB and the MAX/MIN/SUM logic was redesigned (in IMACPDB).

BUILDPD3 If you have not modified either IMAC30IO or IMACPDB, this

Nov 21, 1989 change is not impacting. HOWEVER, if IMACPDB or IMAC30IO

have been changed by your site, YOU MUST retrofit your

tailoring, using the new members in this MXG Version.

I'm still working on a way to fix this once and for all

sites without impact. An additional change was made in

IMACPDB that should not be impacting. The NODUP option

is now always used in BUILDPDB, and the _NODUP macro is

no longer referenced in BUILDPDB/3. (For compatibility,

though, the macro is still defined in IMACPDB).

Thanks to Elliot Weitzman, Oryx Energy Company, USA.
Change 07.180 RMDS page counts for one class of data was stored as PD4.

TYPERMDS while all other counts were PIB4.! Change line 035600 to

Nov 21, 1989 PD4. from PIB4. There is no change in the SMF record for

RMDS Release 4.0, so we therefore now support RMDS 4.0!

(Documentation for the SMF record is in SC30-3442-1,

Installing and Customizing RMDS Release 4).

Thanks to Sim Fleisher, Depository Trust, USA.
Change 07.179 3390 DASD Devices are supported. EXCP3390 and IOTM3390

VMACEXC2 variables are created in TYPE30, PDB.STEPS and PDB.JOBS

VMACUCB data sets, and variable DEVICE (TYPE1415, TYPE74, etc.)

Nov 14, 1989 will recognize 3390. This change is in MXG 7.2.

Change 07.178 CICS UOWTIME is now set missing if there actually is not

VMAC110 a timestamp in UOWID. This is a further enhancement found

Nov 14, 1989 when verifying Change 7.170.
Change 07.177 Additional DB2 reporting has uncovered inconsistence in

VMAC102 variable names and some re-definitions of the same field

Nov 14, 1989 as two variables.

1.QW0021RP $CHAR8. is redefined over QW0021KD thru K2.

2.QW0044RP $CHAR8. is redefined over QW0044KD thru K2.

3.DBID and OBID variables were inconsistent. Most were

$CHAR2. formatted $HEX2. but some were PIB2. numerics.

Now all are $CHAR2., formatted $HEX4. and labels are

consistent. Note this affects the variables suffixed

with DB for DBID, but IBM uses PS and OB for PAGESET and

RECORD OBID, and also KP for PAGESET. This inconsistency

in different names for the same logical entity will not

be corrected in the MXG built T102Snnn datasets, but the

MXG MENU macro variable names used in reporting will be

DATABASE and PAGESET, no matter which IFCID variable name

contains the information.

Thanks to Chuck Hopf, Hopf Consulting, USA.
Change 07.176 GTF format DB2 Trace Data was still not quite correct,

VMAC102 even after Change 7.122. The GTF header inserts 12

Nov 14, 1989 bytes before the triplets but the offsets themselves are

relative to byte 1. MXG used OFFSMF=12 (set in _GTF) to

flag the difference, but failed to use it properly!

The logic at lines 085900 thru 08500 now reads:


INPUT @29 SM102SSI $CHAR4. @;




The reset IF OFFSMF=12 THEN OFFSMF=0 after the triplets

have been INPUT is still correct.

Thanks to Susan Marshall, SAS Institute Europe, GERMANY.

Change 07.175 Support for STX Release 1.0+ has been coded and syntax

EXSTX... tested (no error first execution with SMF DD DUMMY!) but

IMACSTX real data has not been yet processed.


VMACSTX and STXCONOF are created.

Nov 11, 1989

Thanks to Larry Doub, RJR, USA.
Change 07.174 Support for Release 2.0.0 of TPX has been added to decode

VMACTPX the new format records as well as the prior releases. The

Nov 11, 1989 2.0.0 record is incompatible with prior TPX records, and

does require MXG 7.3. TPX 2.0.0 writes a wrong value for

length field MONO5LEN, (it's x28, but there are x30 bytes

in the segment based on MONO6LEN and MONO6ID) that MXG

detects and circumvents. New variables were added to the

TPXSTART, TPXAPLOF and TPXTRMOF datasets by TPX 2.0.0.

Thanks to ???, Swan Hunter Shipbuilders, ENGLAND.

Thanks to Larry Doub, RJR, USA

for excellent dumps and documentation.
Change 07.173 MXG VTOC processing had further validation:

VMXGVTOC a.Change 7.164 was misspelled. The Delete list should have

Nov 9, 1989 listed datasets EXTENT EXTENTS in place of EXTEND.

b.Line 128 example should be NEW=INFO vice NEW=MAP.

c.EQ MXTRACK should be EQ MXTRACK-1 in lines 649, 667.

d.LAST=MXTRACK should be LAST=MXTRACK-1 lines 652, 670.

e.VOLSER should be added to the KEEP= for INFO line 245.

f.Labels added for VTOCINFO new variables NTPC, DEVCYL,


Thanks to Phil Henninge, Timken Company, USA.

Change 07.172 CA/DISPATCH variables are created in TYPE6 dataset by the

VMAC6 enablement of their decoding in MXG member IMACCADI. The

Nov 9, 1989 variable CADIRCIP was incorrectly spelled as CADIRCVR in

the KEEP= list in member VMAC6, causing CADIRCIP to not


A note on this MXG technique. SAS does not validate that

variables in a KEEP= list actually exist. If a variable

name appears only in the KEEP= list, that variable will

not be created. All of the CADI.... variables are in the

TYPE6 KEEP= list, but they will not exist in your TYPE6

dataset unless you modify IMACCADI, as all of the code

that creates the CADI variables (LABEL, FORMAT, INPUT)

is inside a comment block in IMACCADI. Removing that

comment block is all that is necessary to cause the

variables to be created AND kept. This technique works

for KEEP= list, but not for the KEEP statement; SAS does

validate the existence of all variables in KEEP statemen

Thanks to Carol Arnold, K-Mart Apparel, USA.

Change 07.171 CICS UOWTIME changes discussed in 7.170 are all true, but

TYPEMONI there was one other error (only in MXG's Landmark code)

Nov 6, 1989 that actually precipitated the discoverys in 7.171.

Line 060700 (ENDTIME=DHMS(ENDDATE,0,0,ENDTIME); must be

moved to new line 014710 (immediately before the line


so that ENDTIME is converted into a datetimestamp first,

before it is used in the UOWTIME decode algorithm!

Thanks to Terry Baker, Royal Insurance, USA.
====FLASH 7.2 (accompanied 7.2 shipment starting in November, 1989)====

================printed Changes 7.170 to 7.162=========================

Change 07.170 CICS UOWTIME can be between 01JAN60 and 22JUL60, or can

TYPEMONI have right date and wrong time, or both may be wrong.

VMAC110 IBM stores times in two different non-unique formats:

Nov 3, 1989 - a 6-byte STCK value in sixteenths of a microsecond,

which wraps every 204 days and which therefore

requires logic to decide in which 204-day interval

since Jan 1, 1900 this UOWTIME occurred, or

- a 6-byte HHMMSS in EBCDIC characters.

Unfortunately, there is no sure way to identify which

format was used. HHMMSS only applies to DL/I batch

originators, but there is not yet an unambiguous test

to identify DL/I session. The 6-byte EBCDIC HHMMSS

field can contain hex F0F0F0F0F0F0x thru F2F3F5F9F5F9x,

all of which are also valid STCK values (on days 192 to

195 on the 204-day clock)! MXG always preserved the

value in UOWTIME, but its datetime value was sometimes

quite far off. Since NETSNAME and UOWTIME are used

to match up the TOR, AOR, and FOR transaction record

for an MRO event, and MXGs algorithm did support that

merge without error. MXG expected NETSNAME would end

with 12 nulls if not from DL/I, but actually NETSNAME
can contain when the originating terminal is
netname local terminal, from TCT

networkid.LUname VTAM ISC LUTYPE6.2 or IRC link

newtorkid.generic_applid non-VTAM or ISC LUTYPE6.1

jobname.stepname.procname DL/I batch session

and non-nulls caused MXG to fail to add BASETIME (real

start datetime of the present 204-day interval) to the

204-day value in UOWTIME. Then adding UOWTIME to the SAS

base date of 01JAN60 created the 1960 datetimes!

Further, MXG logic tested for a HHMMSS format first; a

real STCK value of 15:15:51 on day 192 of the 204-day

clock was changed to 00:00:00 HHMMSS!. Until DL/I can

be uniquely identified, MXG now always presumes the more

likely STCK format. At a specific site with knowledge of

specific newtworkid values in NETSNAME, one should be

able to recognize DL/I and convert back to HHMMSS, but

a generic solution is not obvious at present. UOWTIMEs

value itself may not be very important; as long as it is

constant across MRO regions, it serves its purpose.

In the interim, a quick circumvention happens to be to

change IF SUBSTR(NETSNAME,9,12)='0000...00'X THEN

to IF 1=1 THEN

to always cause the addition of BASETIME to UOWTIME and

to thereby bypass the ELSE DO logic testing for HHMMSS

or HH.MM.SS values at present. I hope it does turn out

that the actual UOWTIME value is useful enough for this!

Thanks to Terry Baker, Royal Insurance, USA.

Change 07.169 The length of variable CHARACTS needs to be 8 to keep the

VMACSYNC full resolution of total bytes sorted (just to make sure

Nov 2, 1989 comparisons are exact). With length 4, no significant

digits were lost, but low order truncation occurred.

Thanks to Glen Farmer, Hallmark Cards, USA.
Change 07.168 The format name MG080IA. was incorrectly spelled MG080AI.


Nov 2, 1989

Thanks to Richard Stevens, US Trust, USA.

Change 07.167 This utility which iteratively invokes VMXGVTOC to read

VMXGVTOR all online VTOCs used DO variable I in the outer loop but

Nov 2, 1989 changes to VMXGVTOC also used I. While VMXGVTOC was the

culprit, changing the "DO I=" in VMXGVTOR to "DO IVOR="

was simpler and safer.

Thanks to Don Wensel, Philip Morris, USA.

Change 07.166 Change 7.098 was correct in its text, but the spelling in

MONTHBLD the member should be DDNAME= instead of LIBNAME= in both

Nov 2, 1989 PROC DATASETS.
-----Changes thru Change 7.165 were published in NEWSLETTER FIFTEEN-----

Change 07.165 A comma was lost when re-writing comments in this example

EXITMONI JCL to create the TMON infile exit. Line 048500 needed a

Oct 30, 1989 comma at its end.

Change 07.164 MXG DASD VTOC processing did not clean up the WORK file

VMXGVTOC if multiple DASD Volumes are processed. After line 068200

Oct 30, 1989 insert:



MXG's 3090-200 CPU time to read 206 triple density 3380

DASD volumes is about 20 minutes per day.

Thanks to Phil Henninge, Timken Company, USA.

Change 07.163 TYPE71 variable EXTREADS (Pages Read from ESTORE) is only

VMAC71 valid if you have MVS/ESA (RMF 4.1+), but MXG created a

Oct 30, 1989 value even with RMF 3.5. Now it will be missing if you

are not yet on RMF 4.1+.

Thanks to George Scott, Rockwell International Corporation, USA.
Change 07.162 Format libraries in SAS Version 6.06 will be in a SAS

FORMATS data library, and must be created/referenced with the

Oct 21, 1989 DDNAME of LIBRARY, while SASLIB can still be used for

SAS Version 5.18 Format libraries (i.e., MXG.SASLIB).

This incompatibliity between SAS Version 5.18 and 6.06

will be disussed in Newsletter SIXTEEN. This change uses

the SAS Version under which MXG is executing to decide

if MXG Formats are to be created in the LIBRARY (6.06+)

or the SASLIB (5.18-) DDNAMES.
========Changes thru 7.161 comprised the pre=release of MXG 7.2=========

========Changes thru 7.161 comprised the pre=release of MXG 7.2=========

Change 07.161 This change is documentation of the procedures used in

Oct 19, 1989 the final testing of this prerelease of MXG 7.2.

It may help you in structuring validation of your own SAS

based systems, and will let you see MXG's test plan.

This process accomplishes these goals:
A. Syntax check and execution (no data actually read) of

all MXG code to build all possible MXG datasets.

B. Detection of conflicting definitions of same variable

in different MXG datasets (CHAR/NUM type, length and


C. Detection of known coding errors, such as variables

without labels, DATETIME formatted variables with a

length other than 8, etc.

D. Automatic generation of DOCVER documentation of the

contents of all variables in all MXG 7.2 datasets.

E. Automatic generation of DOCVER07 delta-documentation

of all changes in contents between MXG Verion 6.6 and

this prerelease.
1.UTILXREF creates all possible MXG datasets and uses PROC

CONTENTS to create a SAS dataset of all variables in MXG

which is then analyzed for these known conditions:

-type conflicts (char and num in different datasets),

-missing label for variables,

-DATETIME formatted variable not length=8.

The SYSOUT is also examined for SAS ERROR: messages and

for UNINITIALIZED variable messages and any NOT CATLGD

JCL messages are located.
Change 07.160 Support for the ACF2 ARE data was added to the ACF2JR

VMACACF2 dataset created from the ACSMFREC='L' ACF2 SMF record.

Oct 19, 1989

Thanks to Raymond Wallace, NRMA, Sydney, AUSTRALIA.

Change 07.159 DB2 Trace dataset T102S063 contained only the first 200

IMAC102 bytes of the SQL text for each BIND, but the actual size

IMAC102A of the SQL text can be more than 200 characters. The SQL

IMAC102B text can be useful in understanding why a particular DB2

VMAC102 inquiry consumes large resources (DB2ACCT is used to find

Oct 19, 1989 the expensive executions, and their SQL inquiry text in

T102S063 is then examined to see why). Now, MXG will

create multiple observations in T102S063 for each 200

bytes of SQL text (new variable SEG10263 counts 200-byte

segment number).

Thanks to Bob Olah, Dun and Bradstreet, USA.
Change 07.158 This is not a change, but rather an observation that the

TYPEMONI byte-count on Landmark's own reports defaults to average

Oct 18, 1989 number of bytes per screen (PRIOUCHR/TCOUPRCN) but MXG

PRIOUCHR variable is total bytes for the transaction and

TCOUPRCN is the total number of screen. Landmark reports

will match MXG totals if "T" is added after the Landmark

field number on their report control statements.

Thanks to Tim Follen, Blue Cross of Ohio, USA.

Change 07.157 Preliminary support for Sterling Software's DMS/OS DASD

TYPEDMS management product's VTOC reading utility. Their utility

Oct 17, 1989 will read all VTOCs somewhat faster than MXG's VMXGVTOC

utility, and their utility's output is then used by this

member to create the DMSLIST dataset, similar to the

VTOCLIST dataset creatable by VMXGVTOC. However this

member does not create the VTOCMAP nor VTOCINFO datasets

created when MXG actually reads VTOCs with VMXGVTOC.

Thanks to Chuck Hopf, Hopf Consulting, USA.
Change 07.156 Trend Data Base implementation of MXG Tape Mount Monitor

ASUMTMNT datasets includes a daily TAPEMNTS dataset and also a

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