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the "dsname/file-name" of the input data, but INFILENM

is only "input" and is not kept in any DCOL dataset. You

could add INFILENM to any DCOL dataset(s) with syntax


(and repeat the MACRO _KDCOLxx for each dataset) in your

//SYSIN, but this new alternative is now created:

-New macro variable &MXGINFIL is created with null value

in VMXGINIT, and is added to the KEEP= list for all DCOL

datasets. So you could then insert this statement


in your SYSIN stream, and variable INFILENM will be kept

in all of the DCOLLECT datasets

Thanks to Nick Johns, Sainsbury's Supermarkets Ltd, ENGLAND.

Change 29.295 Version 5.0 of NDM/Connect-Direct added jobname and the

VMACNDM JES JCTJOBID to the PS and RJ records.

Jan 14, 2012

Thanks to Peter L., whose company won't allow him to be cited.

Change 29.294 -Support for Velocity Software segments VNDNIC, LPARNW,

EXXMLPAR and protection for USVCPU segment (no data of interest):

EXXMDNIC dddddd dataset



Jan 11, 2012 -Some values in XMLPARNW look wrong, and test data doesn't

contain fields PCTMGTM nor PCTLOGICAL.

Thanks to Robert Obee, IMSHealth, USA.

Change 29.293 -Support for CICS Statistics STID=144 adds new dataset


Jan 10, 2012 -STID=143 message SKIP=4 with STILEN=156 was eliminated.

There was no new data in the record.

Thanks to Joachim Sarkoschitz, DATAEV, GERMANY.
Change 29.292 Execution under unix is now supported, having found and

BLDSMPDB protected for these variants between WIN and UNIX:

VMXGALOC -The XWAIT option is only supported on WIN, causing error

Jan 14, 2012 conditions on UNIX and zOS but is now protected.

-If NOT EXIST does not work on UNIX, so the logic now used

is %SYSFUNC(FILEEXIST(FILENAME)) which returns a zero if

the file does not exist, or a 1 when the file exists.

Using SYSFUNC also allows the MXGNOTES to only appear

when we actually create or delete a directory.

-md (or MD) is not recognized on UNIX as make directory so

the full mkdir command name (in lower case) is now used.

-rmdir (rd) is used to remove directories under Windows,

but the UNIX command is rm with different subparameters:

on Windows the command is rd /q /s

on UNIX the equivalent is rm -r

-These changes do not impact z/OS execution of BLDSMPDB.

They have been tested under AIX 5.3, RedHat LINUX, and

should work on all xNIX platforms.

Thanks to Ruth Larsen, CA Technologies, USA.
====== Changes thru 29.291 were in MXG 29.09 dated Jan 4, 2011=========
Change 29.291 Lines 541 & 542 were missing a second close-parenthesis,

ANALGRID some arguments were not UPCASE'd, and some selection

Jan 14, 2012 arguments were not printed on the log when used.

Examples added and footnotes formats match grid formats.

Thanks to David Bixler, FISERV, USA.
Change 29.290 -Invalid SMFTIME (Julian date 366 in 2011) in IBM BVIR SMF


Jan 2, 2012 a USER ABEND 69, because MXG logic for a bad SMFTIME was

VMACBVIR intended to catch the reading of a non-SMF file. This is

VMACNAF the FIRST time an actual customer has ever ABENDed due to

my choice, which I now realize is too harsh, so now, only

the ERROR message is printed by default. You can enable

the ABEND with %LET MXGABND=1; in your SYSIN.

(BVIR records are supported in MXG's TYPEBVIR code.)

-A second SMF record type, from VTAM SuperSession product,

also caused the USER ABEND 69 because its Julian date had

an invalid Julian date of 637 in 2012! Two in two days!!

MXG's TYPENAF supports those SMF records, but the last

update was in 2005, and they have been incompatibly

changed, with new subtypes and inserted data fields;

MXG will be updated when doc is available.

Thanks to Jim Horne, Lowe's Companies, USA.

Thanks to Jorge Fong, NYC Information Technology, USA.

Change 29.289 The ASMDBLKU program is an ASM version of UDEBLOCK, that

ASMDBLKU constructs a valid VBS file on z/OS from a V/VB/VBS file

Dec 30, 2011 that was previously downloaded to an ASCII platform, as

that file is just a serial stream of bytes that cannot

be "back-loaded" and read on z/OS. You upload the file

from your ASCII platform back to z/OS, and then UDEBLOCK

or ASMDBLKU will read those chunks and reconstruct those

records into a valid VBS file on z/OS. This would likely

be needed only if IBM or another vendor needs for you to

send the VBS file for a problem, and you only have the

downloaded file. UDEBLOCK required SAS on z/OS while

ASMDBLKU doesn't. Additionally, UDEBLOCK was functional

but VERY expensive for DASD space, since it created a

single block for each record and wrote one record per

track. ASMDBLKU is smarter and wastes no DASD space.

Multiple enhancements were made to the original ASMDBLKU:

-The SMFOUT file is now generated as a true RECFM=VBS file

so no DCB overrides in JCL are required to process it

subsequently into a PDB build.

-QSAM blocking is now used so that SMFOUT disk space

requirements are significantly less than before when only

one record per 32K block was output.

-The PGSER macro system service SVC call to zero the

output buffer after each I/O was replaced with MVCL logic

thus providing up to a 64% CPU time reduction seen in


-The SMFOUT file now has DCB BLKSIZE=0 to use System

Determined BLKSIZE. Up to a 41% further reduction in

disk space usage was determined in testing.

-SMFIN and SMFOUT files now use DCB BUFNO=20 to reduce

elapsed time with up to a 33% time reduction seen in

testing. There was some corresponding increase in below

the line storage, but the program ran successfully with


-Most ASMDBLKU messages are reformatted for improved

clarity, legibility, and content.

-There are now separate and distinct messages for length

errors for the SMFIN physical block, BDW, and RDW values

respectively. Previously, these types of error were not


-Length error messages now show the invalid length value

and the related record number.

-The SMFIN file is now checked for RECFM=U and DSORG=PS

prior to any processing.

-SMFIN and SMFOUT byte counts are now accumulated and

reported. SMFOUT byte counts do NOT include the BDW

fields added by QSAM. Up to 19 decimal digit totals are

supported (9,999,999,999,999,999,999).

-Minimum and maximum LRECL values read from the SMFIN file

are now reported as message DBLKU25I.

-Minimum and maximum LRECL values written to the SMFOUT

file are now reported as message DBLKU26I.

-A missing DD statement for SMFIN or SMFOUT now generates

Return Code 16 as a severe error.

-Two character Return Codes are now displayed. Before

Return Codes higher than 8 were not supported.

-Record counts for SMFIN and SMFOUT files are now scaled

up to 9 decimal digits (999,999,999).

-Message DBLKU30I indicating final utility status is now

the last message displayed.

-Message DBLKU30I ended message is consistent in

appearance and format with DBLKU00I started message.

-PRINT OFF/PRINT ON added to suppress printing of the

change log during assembly.

-Prologue comments outside of the assembler source have

been updated.

Change 29.288 Reserved Change.

Dec 30, 2011

Change 29.287 Many VMWARE objects were revised to contain xxxxVMHO and

EXNTDTSC xxxxVMGU (Host and Guest names), changing NRNAMES, which


TYPENTSM is supported.



Dec 31, 2011
Change 29.286 Variable LPARCPUS was incorrectly typo'd as LPARCPU. Been

ANAL113 this way since 2010, so I assume either no use, or users

Dec 22, 2011 recognized and fixed the typo without report to support,

so Thomas gets this citation for finding the old error.

Thanks to Thomas Puddicombe, CSC, USA.
Change 29.285 Presumed error in back level SAS 9.2 TS0202M2 on z/OS, as

FORMATS NO error with 9.3 TS0202M3 nor 9.1.3/SP4 nor 9.3 on z/OS.

CREATEBC A split line in EBCDIC text for $MGZOSVT caused no error


Dec 22, 2011 formats could not be loaded when TYPEZOSA was executed by

TESTUSR1. The original ASCII text had a unexpected '0A'x

character (Line Feed) in that line, but that only caused

the EBCDIC text to be split there; no unprintable text

character was created in EBCDIC, and the longer right

hand value was still valid syntax, and was handled fine

on all other z/OS SAS versions.

-However, the unexpected '0A'x in ASCII text reminded me

to look for other unprintables in the EBCDIC text, and

three values ('01'x,'1C'x,'1D'x) are now detected in the

PROCSRCE/CREATEBC QA members, and corrected before EBCDIC

members are created for distribution. Fortunately, none

of these characters cause execution errors.

Thanks to Scott Wiig, US Bank, USA.

====== Changes thru 29.284 were in MXG 29.08 dated Dec 20, 2011=========
Change 29.284 ANALGRID creates a color-intense grid report of the value

ANALGRID of any variable, with time intervals as columns and date

Dec 20, 2011 as the row, to visually identify "hot spots". This is

based on the original design that was contributed by Bob.

See http://www.mxg.com/downloads, ANALGRID for examples.

Thanks to Robert A. Obee, IMS Health, USA.

Change 29.283 MXG 29.06-29.07. RMFINTRV with INTERVAL less than QTRHOUR

VMXGRMFI created an invalid PDB.RMFINTRV dataset with too many obs

Dec 20, 2011 but with ERROR: INCONSISTENT RMF DATA printed on the log.

Change 29.194 added TYPE75 summary data to RMFINTRV, but


Thanks to Yves Terweduwe, CIPAL, BELGIUM.

Change 29.282 The example summary of TYPE72GO to create ASUM72GO was

ASUM72GO updated to support "SYNC59" data written at :59 or :00

Dec 20, 2011 intervals.

Thanks to Brian Carter, HP Enterprise Services, ENGLAND.



BUILD005 variables are created in TYPE30_V and PDB.SMFINTRV data

BUIL3005 sets, to report the interval percentage of time when an

Dec 18, 2011 address space was dispatched on a physical processor.

PCTTASKTIME can exceed 100% when multiple tasks are

used for parallelism; values more than 25% are probably

of most interest. You can create the variables from your

PDB.SMFINTRV (or TYPE30_V) dataset, using:







Thanks to Bernie Pierce, IBM, USA.

Change 29.280 -z/OS 1.13 ASM ERROR when assembling ASMTAPEE/MXGTMNT:



But there is NO NEED to ASM a new load module under 1.13;

your currently executing MXGTMNT module works just fine!
-This IBM note (migration guide) is the ONLY clue of the

incompatible change, which impacts OPEN/CLOSE macros, but

doesn't mention any by name:

DFSMSdfp: Accommodate 64-bit & AR mode rules enforcement

in DFSMS macros; required if you have code that invokes

DFSMS macros (but not all!). Before z/OS V1R13, many

DFSMS macros that did not support 64-bit or AR mode did

not react to being invoked in 64-bit or AR mode, and

generated code that might have been invalid in 64-bit or

AR mode. Starting with z/OS V1R13, these macros are

changed to issue an assembly-time message and suppress

expansion if they are invoked in 64-bit or AR mode."

-But as noted above, you didn't really need to ASM. Now,

from MXG's "asmguy", his comments on this change:

Nothing is going to happen to an existing site using

MXGTMNT and in fact the modification I have to make for

this does not result in any change to the executable

The SYSSTATE macro is an assembler directive - it sets

a flag that tells any macros that support AR mode

(Access Register, used for cross memory access) to use

their AR mode compatible expansion. Macros that don't

have an AR mode expansion used to ignore this because

they had nothing to do, and it's always the coder's

responsibility to make sure that when those non-AR

compatible macros are executed, that the system is not

in AR mode. This is similar to switching back and forth

from 24-bit to 31-bit mode: some macros can't tolerate

31-bit mode. Nothing has really changed though; it is

still the coders responsibility to make sure the system

is not in AR mode and macros that can't tolerate AR mode

still can't, except now IBM is requiring the coder to

explicitly set SYSSTATE to indicate to the assembler

that the system is not in AR mode.

Of course this is all very silly because the assembler

can't know ahead of time that the system is or isn't in

AR mode. So regardless of whether or not SYSSTATE is

coded this way the system still could be in AR mode,

OPEN/CLOSE will still expand the same way, and if the

system really is in AR mode OPEN/CLOSE will abend when


So the bottom line is that nothing has changed except

our need to do something for no reason at all.

-This ASMTAPEE is now ML-48 in the MXGTMNT startup msg.

Thanks to Thomas Maguire, CitiGroup, USA.

Change 29.279 -ASMRMFV incorrectly calculated the RCDSDI offset, causing


Dec 13, 2011 RCD Table Record had an RCDSD Subsystem Delay array, but

the record didn't have an RCDRD Response Time array.

-Also a formatting error in message RMFV102I was corrected

*** END OF DATA *** showing record input count.

Thanks to Scott Chapman, American Electric Power, USA.
Change 29.277 NPM VCS segment with an invalid fifth ECSA segment (with

VMAC28 buffer size of 180 Kbytes), and without the DATA segment

Dec 8, 2011 for buffer size 64Kbytes. The segment length is the 176

expected length, so this circumvention skips the invalid

segment if size is 180 and doesn't input the last data

segment; when IBM fixes the record, the circumvention

does not need to be removed.

APAR OA38371 will correct the error, ETA Feb, 2012.

Thanks to Karen Florup, Bank of America, USA.
Change 29.276 RMF III dataset ZRBASI variable ASIPER, PERIOD, is input

VMACRMFV where ASIDMN, DOMAIN, was previously located. ASIDMN is

Dec 8, 2011 set to zero, its value ever since domains departed z/OS.
Change 29.275 The CLRMFV Clist will now check for non-zero Return Codes

CLRMFV from the TSO LISTCAT LEVEL command.

Dec 8, 2011 -3 messages indicating the error, the data set name level,

and the Return Code are now issued.

-In addition, the first 4 lines of LISTCAT output for the

error condition are displayed.

-Prior to this change CLRMFV could issue a non-zero MAXCC

message at completion and the reason was difficult to

determine when LISTCAT was involved.

-A non-zero LISTCAT Return Code is most commonly caused by

a data set name level that does not exist.

Thanks to Rodger Foreman, Acxiom CDC, USA.

Change 29.274 CA-1 TMS "Extended Format TMC Catalog" records are COMPAT

VMACTMS5 with ALL versions of MXG, as there was NO change in the

Dec 7, 2011 TMC's 340 byte record's length. The text of Change 28.040

that thought there were new length(s) was wrong and gone.

Change 29.273 -Support for subtypes 34 and 35 of SYSVIEW for IMS creates

EXSV34DA dddddd dataset description

EXSV34TR SV34TR SV34TRAN Subtype 34 Transaction

EXSV35EV SV34DA SV34DAC Subtype 34 DAC Segment

EXSV35TR SV35TR SV35TRAN Subtype 35 Transaction

IMACSVIE SV35EV SV35EVNT Subtype 35 Event Segment

VMACSVIE -There are errors in the subtype 34 and 35 that I have

VMXGINIT circumvented in this iteration, and SYSVIEW support has

Dec 7, 2011 confirmed the errors in the 34 and are looking at similar

errors in the 35 record; both will likely be corrected in

a future PTF from CA. The value in IMRA_DBIOTIME is

appears to be defective, also.

Thanks to Anthony G. Hurlston, CSC, USA.
Change 29.272 -Variable SM1209CI and SM1209CX can be negative, but they

VMAC120 were INPUT as PIB, so a negative field becomes a large

Dec 7, 2011 positive value in MXG. They are now input as IB.

IBM Support reports than when work does not complete,

ENDTIME isn't populated, and since CI is calculated as

END-START, you get a negative value. But you can also get

a negative value of -1 if WebSphere was unable to reach

its internal service that supplies the END time: for

example, an in-flight transaction when the server was

configured to "Drain" work during termination, but that

transaction still could have completed normally, so all

of the other fields could be completely valid.

IBM chose to NOT suppress these records even when they

might contain incomplete values, because many other data

values could be useful in diagnosing problems, and there

should be relatively few of these records. You probably

should filter these records from your daily reporting

totals, but rather than testing for a negative value in

CI/CX, which have valid transaction data, IBM Support

suggests to exclude transactions that have any value in

the minor code, SM1209CJ, and perhaps to simply count the

number that were excluded.

-Variable SM1209BM now has value '' instead of the

value '7.0.0.*' when the fourth byte was GT 9.

Thanks to Wayne Bell, UniGroup, Inc, USA.
Change 29.271 Variable R799CNF bit 3 now creates R799CPD='Y' if the

VMAC79 connect/pending/disconnected time is not valid. All

Dec 6, 2011 other bits were already decoded into unique variables.

Thanks to Heimir Hauksson, Barclays, ENGLAND

Change 29.270 Variable POUNAL was incorrectly multiplied by 4096 when

VMACQACS it should have been multiplied by 1024 to convert KB to

Dec 6, 2011 bytes.

Thanks to Thierry Wehrle, BNP Paribas, FRANCE

Change 29.269 CA TLMS tape library records were changed sometime since

VMACTLMS 2003 when the MXG TYPETLMS was last updated, causing the

Dec 5, 2011 TYPETLMS dataset to contain mostly trashed field as MXG

INPUT BAUNIQUE and BAVOL1ST as PIB4 but they appear to

be only 2-byte fields.

Thanks to Gene Palmer, CitiGroup, USA

Change 29.268 The new ASUM4HRS %macro calculates "Four Hour" running

ASUM4HRS Average Values of the variable(s) you chose, but any

VGETFMT integer number of hours can be used instead of "Four".

VGETLABL -New VGETFMT/VGETLABL/VGETLEN internal macros retrieve the

VGETLEN FORMAT, LABEL, and LENGTH of a variable so that the new

VMXGDUR Average Value variable will have the same attributes as

VMXGSUM the inputted variable.

VMXGPARS -VMXGDUR,VMXGSUM adds duration tokens for EIGHTHR and

Dec 13, 2011 TWELVEHR. These duration tokens now can be used:





-VMXGPARS now parses at two blanks to create a new line.

Change 29.267 Variable MPL72, the average number of concurrent resident

VMXGRMFI ASIDs, is now created in PDB.RMFINTRV dataset. Variables

Nov 29, 2011 APPCAVG and APPCMAX to count those ASIDs are also added.

Thanks to Chuck Hopf, Independent Consultant, USA.

Change 29.266 In TYPE70PR dataset, variables SMF70MSU and SMF70LAC are

VMAC7072 output in each TYPE70PR obs, but from the one TYPE70 obs

Nov 29, 2011 for "THIS" LPAR, so they are repeated for all LCPUADDRs

in this LPARNAME (being kept here only so they can be in

ASUM70PR). Since they are z/OS-only relevant, they are

now only populated in the SMF70CIN='CP' observations as

their non-missing value in obs for VM, ZIIPs, etc, was

unexpected and unwanted.

Thanks to Lars Fleischer, SMT Data, DENMARK.
Change 29.265A MXG 29.07 corrections found during ITRM validation.

VMAC42 -Macro token PSUVMXA added in Change 29.120 was misspelled



VMACTPMX in the (optional) ASUMVMXA member was corrected to the

VMXGINIT default &PVMAINT macro destination DD for VMXAINTV.


are no longer kept in CIMSTRAN as they are GMT offsets

that are already used to convert times to local zone.

-Variable VWGMACBY was accidentally removed from the NTSMF

dataset VMWGUMEM.

-TYPETPMX variables JBL54051,JBL55044-JBL55051 were always

missing values, DKROCOND=WARN printed warnings due to

typos in the variable name in the assignment statements.

All of the JBL54xxx and JBL55xxx are also now labeled.

-TYPE42 variables SMF42PTE and SMF42PTS are now labeled.

Thanks to Chris Weston, SAS ITRM Development, USA.
Change 29.265 Temporary DDNAME/FILENAME MXGTEMP is added to the MXG JCL

VMXGCNFG for z/OS for future cases when more than one temporary DD

MXGSAS is required. Currently, only SMFSRCH uses that DDNAME.

Nov 25, 2011

Change 29.264 Support for DFSORT for z/OS 1.13 adds COMPATIBLY two new

VMAC16 variables to TYPE16 dataset:



Change 29.263 Variables SMF30JQT/SMF30RQT/SMF30HQT/SMF30SQT are missing

BUILD005 values in PDB.SPUNJOBS for jobs that had TYPE30_5 job

BUIL3005 term obs with MULTIDD='Y' (which have only EXCP counts.)

Nov 25, 2011 And those TYPE30_5 with MULTIDD='Y' shouldn't ever have

been used in BUILDPDB logic; MXG uses the step records

for EXCP counts and only wanted the TYPE30_5 values from

the "real" TYPE30_5 that has MULTIDD=' '. So this change

deletes MULTIDD='Y' observations during processing of the

TYPE30_5 records in BUILDPDB and BUILDPD3.

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