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Thanks to Esther Remiro, La Caixa, SPAIN.

====== Changes thru 29.262 were in MXG 29.07 dated Nov 24, 2011=========
Change 29.262 First MXG 29.07 Only, and only if IMACEXCL is tailored to

VMAC110 read exclude fields. WARNING: UNBALANCED QUOTES message


There were no unbalanced quotes, but 29.07 had introduced

new " &CICXLTR " syntax into the existing PUT '***ERROR'

statement printed when MXG detects there are excluded

fields that are not supported in your IMACEXCL tailoring;

the enhancement prints your selection statements from the

current IMACEXCL member in use to help error resolution.

And for reasons I know not now, that macro reference was

the cause of the spurious warning. Now SYMGET('CICXLTR')

is used to retrieve the text for the PUT statement.

Thanks to Gerard Bosker, Rabobank Nederland, THE NETHERLANDS.
Change 29.261 -An incomplete comment in Change 29.147 caused the new and

VMAC0 "true" IPLs datasets WORK.TYPE0 and PDB.IPLS to have ZERO

Nov 23, 2011 observations since that change in MXG 29.06. That this

error was accidentally discovered when trying to diagnose

the unbalance quote warning in Change 29.262, by counting

the two comment tokens ( /* */ ) separately to see if the

counts are equal (because often unbalanced quote errors

result from unbalanced comments, or new comments wrapping

around commented text) suggests that few sites have IPLs

that needed to be reported!

-An incorrect pair of single quotes was changed to single

quote in optional IMACICBB code, discovered the same way

when counting quotes. The pair was inside the comment

block, and it's been there a long time; either tailoring

users caught it and fixed it when enabling that optional

CICS segment, or nobody uses this optional segment.

Thanks to Gerard Bosker, Rabobank Nederland, THE NETHERLANDS.
Change 29.260 At only one site, the EXITCICS decompression of DB2 V10

VMACDB2H records created records with INVALID HEADER values that

EXITCICS caused STOPOVER ABEND. This change thought the SMF data

Nov 23, 2011 was valid and added protection for the "truncated" data

Dec 18, 2011 segments, but that protection, while safe, was not needed

and the problem in the SAS INFILE exit code in EXITCICS

is being investigated by SAS Technical Support. The DB2

V10 compressed records can be uncompressed using the IBM

utility program xxxxxxx until the problem is resolved,

but this is most strange as MANY sites are successfully

reading compressed DB2 (and CICS!) records with EXITCICS.
This is the text of the original change:


The ID=101 SUBTYPE=1 record had invalid offsets that are

now protected. The starting INPUT location was compared

with the LENGTH of the record, but in this case, while

the start offset happened to be less than the LENGTH,

the length of data to be input was beyond the LENGTH,

causing the STOPOVER ABEND. Now both the start and end

of each of these truncated name fields is validated and

an error message "INVALID DB2 RECORD QWHC=...." printed.

This text will be updated when an APAR/PTF is known.

Thanks to Gerard Bosker, Rabobank Nederland, THE NETHERLANDS.

====== Changes thru 29.259 were in MXG 29.07 dated Nov 21, 2011=========
Change 29.259 Cosmetic. Diagnostic PUTLOG statement in IFCID=140 code

VMAC102 was left and printed A_N_= nnn .... on the SAS log for

Nov 18, 2011 each IFCID=140 record, but no other impact.

Thanks to Stephen Hoar, Lloyds Banking, ENGLAND.

Change 29.258 Comparison of I/O Connect Times in RMF 74 and SMF 30 show


BUIL3005 SMF30AIC - DASD CONNECT 2,150,200 sec

IMAC30IO IOTMTOTL SMF30TCN - ASID IO all ASIDs 1,482,821 sec

VMAC30 IOTMTODD SMF30DCT - DD IO all ASIDS 1,253,434 sec

Nov 18, 2011 IOTMNODD MXGcalc - TOTL not in DDs 229,387 sec

RMF DEVCONTM and RMF SMF30AIC match quite closely, but

that "hardware" IOTM captured in RMF and in SMF30AIC is

much larger (2150200-1482821= 677,379 sec) than the IOTM

that is captured in SMF30TCN, Address Space IOTM Total.

To investigate, variable in TYPE30/JOBS/STEPS/SMFINTRV


is created to see if the cause of this uncaptured IOTM

can be identified/correlated. This text will be updated

when more is known (including my asking IBM).

Some initial investigation with different data shows

-Of 9881 records with non-zero SMF30AIC, 1867 had a

negative IOTMNOCA, but only 40 were more than -10 sec

and the max negative was 2 jobs at -3 minutes.


friend IFASMFDP had instances of -37, -17 and -12 sec.

-Of the other 7119 with positive IOTMNOCA, 592 were

greater than 3 seconds, AND ALL WERE PROGRAM=BPXPRFC.

which is the first step of an OMVS Spawned Address

Space Substep. This suggests that the use of I/O by

USS-OMVS is ONE source of NOT-Captured IOTM in 30s.

There are many OMVS I/O counters in the OMVS segment

in SMF 30s, but none have the I/O Connect Time.

-But, a third sites data looking at DB2 and ADABAS jobs

shows large positive uncaptured values for ADABAS but

for DB2 jobs, large negative uncaptured, i.e., time in

SMF30TCN is LARGER than the time in SMF30AIC.

-This issue is under discussion with IBM z/OS folks;

I think that IOTM for USS is captured in AIC but not

in IOTM, and there are errors in which address space

records IOTM when there are "partner" database ASIDs,

but the total IOTM are correct. We'll see!!
DB2JOB01 13:14:00.15 0:10:23.25 0:00:42.06 -581.19

DB2JOB01 13:29:00.16 0:09:08.14 0:02:49.97 -378.16

DB2JOB01 13:44:00.16 0:07:51.57 0:01:34.28 -377.29

DB2JOB01 14:14:00.17 0:10:44.91 0:00:23.18 -621.73

DB2JOB01 14:29:00.21 0:10:22.25 0:00:55.89 -566.35
ADABAS72 13:14:00.05 0:02:46.90 0:12:50.75 603.85

ADABAS71 13:29:00.09 0:01:40.57 0:08:55.19 434.61

ADABAS72 13:29:00.09 0:03:54.11 0:16:02.57 728.45

ADABAS72 13:44:00.04 0:03:32.12 0:16:39.49 787.37

ADABAS72 13:59:00.02 0:03:05.23 0:16:01.69 776.46

ADABSD72 14:14:00.07 0:02:48.06 0:15:40.71 772.64

ADABSD72 14:29:00.05 0:02:05.13 0:11:20.71 555.58
Thanks to Meral Temel, Garanti Teknoloji, TURKEY.
Change 29.257 WMQGETTM was not divided by the 4096 factor needed for

VMAC110 CICS 8-byte time durations, so it was a little too large!

Nov 17, 2011

Thanks to Robert C. Crawford, USAA, USA.

Change 29.256 Change 29.120 revisions to ASUMVMXA were not included in

ASUMVMXA that change until today.

Nov 17, 2011
Change 29.255 z/VM datasets VXSUMIOD and VXDEVTOT created by _SIODDEV

VMACVMXA were left in //WORK, and dataset macros _LSUMIOD/_LDEVTOT

VMXGINIT were not defined nor were &PSUMIOD nor &PDEVTOT; all are

Nov 16, 2011 now defined and used so they now default to //PDB.

_RPT36 was revised to use _LDEVTOT as its input dataset.

Thanks to Scott Barry, SBBWorks Inc, USA.

Change 29.254 IMF variable ARRVTIME has resolution to only one decimal

VMACCIMS place, but "newer" variable TRNARVTH time has two decimal

Nov 19, 2011 places, so ARRVTIME is now revised to use the DATE part

of original ARRVTIME but with TRNARVTH's value for TIME.

Thanks to Ken Jones, Xwave, CANADA.
====== Changes thru 29.253 were in MXG 29.07 dated Nov 14, 2011=========
Change 29.253 Preliminary support for Velocity Software Version 4.1 has

VMACXAM eliminated warning messages about new segments, and most

Nov 14, 2011 new data fields are decoded, and this level set has been

validated with data records thru MXG's QA job stream.

Thanks to Douglas C. Walter, Citigroup, USA.
Change 29.252 The new SM120XP/SM120XZ times are in microseconds rather

VMAC120 than the (strange) duration units that MXG decoded. Also,

Nov 14, 2011 the MXG code caused INVALID ARGUMENT messages if executed

on ASCII; those fields had not been translated to EBCDIC

before they were used in the INPUT function.

-The undocumented SM120XZ field is the CPU time that has

been offloaded by WebSphere to zIIP engines, and it is so

labeled now.

Thanks to Millard Stephens, FMR, USA.

Thanks to Warren Cravey, FMR, USA.

Thanks to Raj Ramachandran, IBM, USA.
Change 29.251 Support for Demand Technology Performance Sentry NTSMF V4

EXNTDTSA adds three new objects that create three new datasets:

EXNTVMWA dddddd dataset description




VMXGINIT -Existing VMWARE objects were INCOMPATIBLY changed by the

Nov 12, 2011 insertion of a separate field for the 2nd instance field.

Previously a single field contained both instance values,

separated by a '::', that MXG parsed in the two instance

variables. MXG now detects NRNAMES=2 and uses separate

fields when they exist, but that new NRNAMES value causes

error messages (and no observations output), if you read

NTSMF V4 (new) records with MXG prior to 29.07.

These segments have two fields stored for xxxxINST/INS2


These segments have one field that is still parsed to

populate the two xxxxINST and xxxxINS2 instances:


-New variables xxxxVMHO (VM*HOST), xxxxCPU (CPU*NUMBER),

xxxxVMGU (VM*GUEST) are created from new fields added at

the end of many existing VMWARE records.

-Many new variables were added to existing VMWARE datasets

in Version 4, too many to list here, but you can find all

in VMACNTSM after the text "ADDED BY CHANGE 29.251" in

the KEEP= list for all datasets.

Change 29.250 Windows SEVEN restricts writes to the root, program file,

VMXGPRNT and other directories. VMXGPRNT writes text/code to file

Nov 10, 2011 TMPPRNT and then %INCLUDEd TMPPRNT, but the MXG default

file C:\MXGTEMP.SAS was in the root directory, so it was

restricted from access. The circumvention was to change

filename TMPPRNT to INSTREAM, which is the MXG ddname

specifically designed (and used internally by MXG) to

dynamically create SAS code and/or MXG macro definitions

"instream" and then %INCLUDE them. TMPPRNT was never

needed, but the original contribution was left asis.

FWIW: Even with the error, all datasets were printed;

The error prevented the printing of the variable name

along with its label, which is the ONLY reason you want

to use VMXGPRNT/VMXGPRAL, and why I saw the error, as

I use VMXGPRAL all the time, especially to understand

all of the variables in a new dataset I've just built.

Change 29.249 TYPSXAM example to create and sort all datasets to PDB

TYPSXAM did not sort all fifty-six datasets. The structure of

Nov 10, 2011 MXG support for XAM is different because XAM has five

INFILEs that create fifty-six datasets. Each infile has

a macro pair _TXAMfff and _SXAMfff where _TXAMfff reads

infile fff to create all fff datasets and _SXAMfff sorts

the fff datasets to the PDB. But, the _SXAMfff macros

have not been updated in a long time so the newer XAM

datasets were not in the XAM PDB data library.

The simple resolution is to replace the five _SXAMfff

macro invocations in TYPSXAM with the _SXAM product sort

macro that sorts ALL of the XAM product's datasets (and

all of the _Sxxxx product sort macros are validated to

sort all datasets as part of MXG's robust QA jobstream).

An additional problem is avoided: the _SXAMDEV token

name is used for both the data set sort token and for

the _SXAMfff "infile fff" token. Using _SXAM and not

using the _SXAMfff tokens avoids a major redesign and

new (INCOMPATIBLE) naming conventions.

Thanks to Debbie Mattos, Lockheed Martin, USA.

Change 29.248 INVALID ARGUMENT TO SUBSTR in SYSLOG IEC205I message text

VMACTMNT in ASMTAPEE/MXGTMNT tape mount/syslog monitor SMF record.

Nov 9, 2011 Parsing to INPUT the mmm after TOTALBLOCKS=mmm into the

SYSLBLKS variable in TYPESYMT dataset expected 16 bytes

and failed when there were fewer characters for mmm. Now

the parse stops at the first blank character.

This change in format of the IEC205I message occurred

after PTF UA90604, in APAR OA90604, which included

IFG0194J, which contains message IEC205I.

The prior PTF level was UA60149.

APAR OA38051 now documents:

Unnecessary information on the third line of IEC205I

Characters *HAS will appear after spaces

and it was these unexpected characters instead of

blanks that led to this MXG circumvention change.

Thanks to Clayton Buck, UniGroup, USA.

Change 29.247 Support for ZEN FERRET, ZEN IMPLEX and ZEN OSA user SMF

EXFERSAW records from William Data Systems GmbH products.

EXZOSAEV -VMACMPLX - ZEN IMPLEX V5.1 adds two new variables


IMACFERT header (COMPATIBLY) and those variables are kept in all



VMACMPLX creates TYPEZOSA dataset with separate observations for

VMACZOSA each value segment in each SMF record. All four subtypes

VMXGINIT (CHAN,LPAR,I/O,QUEUE) have the same record structure with

Nov 10, 2011 a fixed suite of OSA descriptors and one or more value

Dec 16, 2011 segments; MXG creates a separate observation for each of

the value segments in each SMF record. Variable ZOSARESC,

the resource name is EBCDIC text in the I/O and QUEUE

record, but because it is a hex string in the CHAN record

it's value is instead kept in variable ZOSARESH.


-Datasets FERRETCP, FERETEE, FERETRT datetime field was

1 changed from mm/dd/yy to ddMONyy, so prior MXG versions

will fail due to this INCOMPATIBLE change.

-Two new fields have been added to the RTP and CP data

section, a flag byte which indicates the type of history

and a field showing the transmission priority.

-Support for new Session Awareness Section creates new

FERRTSAW dataset, although some minor issues have just

been opened.

-The key section for SAW has PLU and SLU, but those

fields are also in the data segment

-Offset value to SAW is 106, but segment starts in byte

109; the offset value should be 112, and three less to

get to the SAS byte location of that offset.

Thanks to Bruce Sloss, PNC Bank, USA.

Thanks to Ronald Delp, PNC Bank, USA.
Change 29.246 If a filename in macro variable &PDB had a DASH, this

BLDSMPDB compiler error was caused when %UPCASE(&PDB) was used:

Nov 8, 2011 "ERROR: A character operand was found in the %EVAL

function or %IF condition where a numeric operand is

required. The condition was: %upcase(&runday) eq

%upcase(&pdb) and %length(&rerun) ne 0 "

because that DASH was not "masked" and was thus seen as

a mathematical minus and not a part of the filename.

This is obscure, to say the least, but SAS documents that

neither %UPCASE() nor %STR() macro functions mask special

characters, and that %QUPCASE() should be used instead.

But in this specific test, the UPCASE() was never needed

as both arguments were previously LOWCASED() which DOES

mask special characters. But the &RUNDAY EQ &PDB test

cannot be used because that dash will still look like a

minus sign, so the circumvention/re-design now uses

IF %QUOTE(&RUNDAY) EQ %QUOTE(&PDB) to mask the DASH and

successfully compile.

Thanks to Mitchell Loren, Los Angeles County Education, USA.
Change 29.245 Change 29.195 added a test TMSCTL=:'TMSCTL#' to protect

VMACTMS5 when a non-TMC file is read, but that PoundSign was not

Nov 8, 2011 recognized with some character sets, so the test is now

shortened to TMSCTL='TMSCTL' to avoid a false positive.

Thanks to Akre Trond Maurita, EDB, NORWAY.
Change 29.244 Support for TMON/CICS V3.3 (mostly COMPATIBLE) TCE data.

VMACTMO2 -TMON/CICS V3.3 increased MRO's TAMRSYID field from 4 to 8

Nov 10, 2011 bytes, to hold the IPIC CONNID. Unfortunately, while MXG

does use segment length to keep aligned with each of the

repeated MRO segments, inserting 4 bytes (instead of new

8 bytes at the end) shifts/trashes the TAMRxxxx variables

in the MONIMRO dataset due to this INCOMPATIBLE change,

but there are no error messages nor condition code set,


MXG Version 29.07 is required for V3.3 only for MONIMRO.

And, fortunately, MONIMRO is very rarely used in reports.

TMON records with earlier MXG versions will not cause

errors nor ABENDS, just bad data in one seldom used

-TAMRFLG1 and TAMRFLG2 fields are listed in V3.3 as new

but were previously input and kept in MONIMRO dataset.

-The DSECT for the header showed an optional, inserted

40-byte extended-common-header segment, that would have

made all V3.3 records incompatible, but, fortunately,

that segment will NOT exist in V3.3 records. And, more

fortunately, MXG is updated to support its existence, so

if/when it appears in a future record, it won't be an

incompatible change.

Change 29.243 Calculation of ESTSCP1M had (0.57*(0.1*RNI)) but that was

ASUM113 a typo, now corrected to (0.57+(0.1*RNI)). MXG's error

VMAC113 caused very small values in ESTSCP1M.

Nov 2, 2011

Thanks to Dave Cogar, Wells Fargo Bank, USA.
Change 29.242 ONLY if executing MXG on ASCII, and ONLY if MXG default

VMAC102 option COMPRESS=YES was changed to COMPRESS=NO (which

Nov 1, 2011 causes SQL text to be broken into 100 byte chunks that

Nov 3, 2011 are output in dataset T102T14x instead of T102S14x), the

DB2 Audit variables QW0140TX,QW0141TX,QW0142TX,QW0145TX

were only readable text in the last segment or if there

were less than 100 bytes of SQL text, because MXG's logic

for this "chunking" algorithm was written long ago and it

was only validated back then on z/OS. MXG INPUT those

fields with $EBCDIC100, but that INPUT should have been

with $CHAR100, and then the INPUT function with $EBCDIC

informat does that translation to readable text.

And variable QW0124T's INPUT was also corrected.

Thanks to Lars Fleischer, SMT Data, DENMARK.

Thanks to Jorgen Lund, SMT Data, DENMARK.
Change 29.241 The example to split SMF records into 5 groups output DB2

JCLSPLIT ID=102 records in "B" DB2 output file, and then failed to

Oct 28, 2011 add 102 to the NOTYPE list in the "E" group (ALL OTHER),

so all 102s were output in both "B" and "E" output files.

The 102 is now added to the NOTYPE list in "E".

Thanks to Jennifer D. Ayers, WVOT Data Center, USA.

Change 29.240 The length of new variable SM1209FH could not be changed

VMAC120 as described in Change 29.081. That text was rewritten.

Nov 8, 2011
Change 29.239 Variable SHIFT (also used as "ZONE") is now created in

VMAC7072 all of the RMF datasets, from STARTIME.









Oct 27, 2011

Thanks to Frank Lund, EDB ErgoGroup, NORWAY.

Change 29.238 Change 25.142 and Change 28.211 identified USER SMF

VMACARB VMAC's using "MACRO _xxxxID nnn%" instead of "MACRO

VMACDLMN _IDxxxx nnn%" but those changes did not revise those

VMACDMON members to use the more-recent-and-preferred _IDxxxx

VMACHURN syntax. All VMAC's are now updated to support both forms

VMACM204 of the _ID macro to tell MXG what SMF record number to

VMACNSPY process as product xxxx, but only to be consistent, just

VMACPDSM in case we needed to generate them internally in MXG.

VMACRMDS Note that using UTILBLDP is recommended to read multiple

VMACROSC SMF records, and by using it's USERADD=xxxx/nnn argument

VMACRTE set the SMF IDs, you do not need the _ID definitions in

VMACTSOM your IMACKEEP tailoring.

VMACVVDS -But some inconsistencies in _IDxxxx macron names exist:

VMACWYLA Arbiter can write each of its subtypes with a separate


VMACX37 VMACM204 has _IDM204L and _IDM204S for Log/Since-Last.

Oct 26, 2011 VMACTSOM has _IDTSOMC and _IDTSOMS for Command/System.

VMACHSM has _IDHSMDS and _IDHSMD1 for Daily/FSR Stats.

VMACHBUF was in 25.142 but had been updated to _IDHBUF.

VMACWYLB was in 25.142 but had been updated to _IDWYLB.

Change 29.237 The calculation of ZIPUSED and ZIEUSED did not include

ASUMMIPS the divide by CAPZIPRT*100.

Oct 24, 2011

Thanks to Bernhard Bablok, Allianz Managed Operations, GERMANY.

Change 29.236 SMFSRCH is a VERY slick new tool to print all SMF records

COMPALL that contain a specific "LOOKFOR" character text string.

COMPALLN All SMF records are scanned for the "LOOKFOR" text


TYPESMF and selected SMF records are written to the temporary

VMXGGETM DDNAME/filename of MXGTEMP, from where TYPESMF program

VMXGPRAL reads them to create every possible MXG dataset that can

VMXGSRCH be built from SMF records, including "USER" SMF records.

Nov 11, 2011 Then, ONLY the observations in those datasets that have

a variable containing the "LOOKFOR" text are printed.

(This extra filtering is needed because some datasets

created from the selected records won't contain that

"LOOKFOR" text. Consider if LOOKFOR=USERID, TYPE 30-4

records with that USERID will be selected and TYPE30_D

dataset will have many observations, one per DD name,

but the USERID field is not kept in dataset TYPE30_D,

so this final filtering prevents those unwanted "false

positive" observations from being printed.)

The selected SMF records can be kept by making //MXGTEMP

a permanent dataset, and the selected MXG-created SAS

datasets can also be kept.

-The //MXGTEMP DD may need to be added to your JCL.

-SMFSRCH creates all possible datasets that can be created

from IBM or USER SMF records. IBM fixed-numbered records

are automatically output, but only the USER SMF records

that have a "MACRO _IDxxxx nnn % definition in IMACKEEP

or in IMACxxxx will create observations (BUT: you can use

the USERADD=xxxx/nnn argument to tell MXG the nnn you use

for product xxxx and those datasets can be populated).

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