100 general provisions

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441.11 Quality Control Reports. Use Department Form TE-199 for the Quality Control Report. Record all test results on the Quality Control Report. Document all decisions regarding responses to test results on the Quality Control Report (referring to the particular test), including reasons why a particular problem may exist what action was taken to correct the problem (plant operation or testing), and what communication with Department personnel took place. Submit one Quality Control Report to the DET no later than specified. Retain copies of all records documenting the quality control inspections and tests throughout the life of the Contract and furnish them to the DET on request.
441.12 Mixture Deficiencies. Control all production processes to assure the Engineer that the mixture delivered to the paving site is uniform in composition per specification requirements, conforms to the JMF and that the placed mixture is free of any defect (ex. segregation, tenderness, lack of mixture and texture uniformity, raveling, flushing, rutting, holes, debris etc.) within the Contractor’s control at project completion. Correct obvious pavement problems according to 401.15. If any suspicion that other mixture composition or pavement problems exist the Monitoring Team will conduct an initial investigation thru review of data and sampling of the asphalt pavement. Should a Department investigation determine that the Contractor’s QCP is not controlling the mixture in a manner to achieve mixture quality as described above the Contractor quality control data may be rejected. In that case the Department will conduct a thorough test investigation based on samples from the roadway and use those test results in determining disposition of the material.

A mixture is not uniform in composition if multiple random non-specification individual tests or any four consecutive non-specification moving accumulative ranges exist. The mixture can be rejected, production can be stopped and/or a redesign can be called for by the Department. The Laboratory will not approve any redesign it determines is unsatisfactory to provide acceptable mix performance. Submit this new design for approval according to 441.02 and at no additional cost to the Department.

If any non-specification mixture is sent to the paving site the Engineer will determine disposition of the material according to policy.
Item 442 Superpave Asphalt Concrete

442.01 Description

442.02 Type A Mix Design

442.03 Type B Mix Design

442.04 Asphalt Binder

442.05 Quality Control

442.06 Compaction

442.07 Acceptance

442.08 Basis of Payment
442.01 Description. This work consists of gyratory mix design, material, and quality control requirements for constructing a Superpave asphalt concrete pavement surface or intermediate course. The asphalt concrete pavement course consists of aggregate, and asphalt binder mixed in a central plant and spread and compacted on a prepared surface.

The requirements of Item 441 apply, except as modified by this specification.

442.02 Type A Mix Design. Design the mixture composition for a Type A mix according to 441.02 and the most recent Asphalt Institute Superpave Mix Design Manual (SP-2) for design procedures and material properties except as modified by this subsection. Include in the JMF submittal the standard Department cover and summary page; all printouts from the gyratory compactor (all gyratory points not necessary); and analysis covering the required mix properties. Submit one compacted gyratory sample and loose mix for compaction of another sample, in addition to a 5-pound (2000 g) loose sample, for each JMF.

The Contractor may use the Marshall flow test in design as an indicator of potential for excess tenderness.

Supply aggregate according to the lane current average daily truck traffic (Lane ADTT) as follows unless otherwise shown on the plans:


Current ADT = current average daily traffic count from the plans

T24 = percent trucks per day from the plans
Table 442.02-1 Gyration Level and Material Requirements












Flat and









95 * /90 **








100 * /100 **




* Percent fractured (one or more faces) according to ASTM D5821

** Percent fractured (two or more faces) according to ASTM D5821

Submit aggregate to be used to the Laboratory for approval a minimum of 3 weeks before submitting a JMF for approval.

If fine aggregate is from crushed carbonate stone or air-cooled blast furnace slag, the Department will not require the fine aggregate angularity (FAA) test. The Department will allow a blend of a material not meeting the FAA with a material that meets the FAA, but calculate the FAA result based on the individual Department FAA results and actual blend percentages. Obtain Department approval of any blends.

The restricted zone does not apply. Use control points according to SP-2, except as specified in Table 442.02-2.

Table 442.02-2 Aggregate Gradation Requirements

Sieve Size

9.5 mm mix

(% passing)

12.5 mm mix

(% passing)

19 mm mix

(% passing)

1 1/2 inch (37.5 mm)


3/4 inch (19 mm)


85 to 100

1/2 inch (12.5 mm)


95 to 100

90 max

3/8 inch (9.5 mm)

90 to 100

No. 4 (4.75 mm)

70 max

No. 8 (2.36 mm)

32 to 52

32 to 45

28 to 45

No. 200 (75 µm)

2 to 8

2 to 8

2 to 6

Ensure that the F/A ratio is a maximum of 1.2. Use a 2-hour cure in design process.

If more than 15 percent fine aggregate not meeting FAA is used, perform a loaded wheel test (LWT) according to Supplement 1057. To estimate a LWT sample mix volume, use the bulk density from gyratory specimens at Ndes. Results less than 0.20 inch (5.0 mm) at 120 F (49 C) are considered passing.

The Contractor may use reclaimed asphalt concrete pavement according to 401.04. Test design volumetric properties at Ndes. Test Nmax for the required criteria. Ensure that the VMA is not less than the minimum values of Table 442.02-3.

Table 442.02-3 VMA Criteria


VMA (percent minimum)

9.5 mm


12.5 mm


19.0 mm


442.03 Type B Mix Design. Apply the mix design specified in 442.02 for a Type A mix except as modified by this subsection:

Modify the Coarse Aggregate Angularity of Table 442.02-1 according to Table 442.03-1.

Table 442.03-1


Coarse Aggregate Angularity


65 * /65 **


75 * /70 **

* Percent fractured (one or more faces) according to ASTM D5821

** Percent fractured (two or more faces) according to ASTM D5821

Ensure that at least 50 percent by weight of virgin fine aggregate is aggregate meeting FAA or is crushed carbonate stone or air-cooled blast furnace slag. Modify the No. 8 (2.36 mm) sieve requirement for a 12.5 mm mix in Table 442.02-2 to 34 to 40 percent. Apply an F-T value of +2 according to 441.02 and 441.09.

442.04 Asphalt Binder. Use a PG 70-22M asphalt binder for surface courses and a PG 64-28 asphalt binder for intermediate courses.

The minimum total asphalt binder content for a surface course is 5.7 percent.

442.05 Quality Control. Conform to 441.09, except as specified in this subsection. Ensure that plant operation and quality control testing conform to the Contractor’s Quality Control Program (QCP).

Use a gyratory compactor conforming to the requirements of Superpave. If the gyratory compactor was moved to the plant before production, calibrate it and present the results to the DET. Condition samples for air voids for 2 hours.

Determine bulk gravity for air voids determination on specimens compacted to Ndes. Once each day for the first 3 production days compact one set of specimens to Nmax. Ensure that density at Nmax is less than 98.0 percent of MSG. The Department will not allow production to continue if Nmax is greater than or equal to 98.0 percent of MSG unless acceptable corrections and retest are made.

If the design gradation requires an LWT test, take a sample sufficient to run a LWT test once each day for the first 3 days and test it according to Supplement 1057. The Contractor may perform the LWT test in the Contractor’s Level 2 laboratory, but must compact the sample the same day the sample was taken, cure it overnight, and test it the following day. Give the test result and sample density to the DET the day of the LWT test. Report the LWT data on the Quality Control Report.

442.06 Compaction. Cease production if compaction causes bumps in the mix or the mix is excessively tender.

442.07 Acceptance. The Department will base acceptance of the asphalt concrete mix on the item specified in the Contract (i.e., Item 446, Item 448).

442.08 Basis of Payment. The Department will pay for accepted quantities at the contract prices as follows:

Item Unit Description

442 Cubic Yard Asphalt Concrete Surface

(Cubic Meter) Course, 12.5 mm, Type A (446)

442 Cubic Yard Asphalt Concrete Surface

(Cubic Meter) Course, 12.5 mm, Type B (446)

442 Cubic Yard Asphalt Concrete Surface

(Cubic Meter) Course, 9.5 mm, Type A (446)

442 Cubic Yard Asphalt Concrete Surface

(Cubic Meter) Course, 9.5 mm, Type B (446)

442 Cubic Yard Asphalt Concrete Intermediate

(Cubic Meter) Course, 19 mm, Type A (446)

442 Cubic Yard Asphalt Concrete Intermediate

(Cubic Meter) Course, 19 mm, Type B (446)

442 Cubic Yard Asphalt Concrete Intermediate

(Cubic Meter) Course, 9.5 mm, Type A (448)

442 Cubic Yard Asphalt Concrete Intermediate

(Cubic Meter) Course, 9.5 mm, Type B (448)

442 Cubic Yard Asphalt Concrete Surface

(Cubic Meter) Course, 12.5 mm, Type A (448)

442 Cubic Yard Asphalt Concrete Surface

(Cubic Meter) Course, 12.5 mm, Type B (448)

442 Cubic Yard Asphalt Concrete Surface

(Cubic Meter) Course, 9.5 mm, Type A (448)

442 Cubic Yard Asphalt Concrete Surface

(Cubic Meter) Course, 9.5 mm, Type B (448)

442 Cubic Yard Asphalt Concrete Intermediate

(Cubic Meter) Course 19 mm, Type A (448)

442 Cubic Yard Asphalt Concrete Intermediate

(Cubic Meter) Course, 19 mm, Type B (448)


443.01 Description

443.02 Quality Control Program

443.03 Composition

443.04 Mixing

443.05 Storage

443.06 Quality Control

443.07 Construction

443.08 Acceptance

443.09 Basis of Payment
443.01 Description. This work consists of constructing a stone matrix asphalt concrete (SMA) course consisting of aggregate, asphalt binder, and additives.

The requirements of 442 and 446 apply except as follows.

443.02 Quality Control Program. Update the Quality Control Program meeting 403.03 to include a section for how the quality control, production and placement of SMA will meet this specification. Submit the revised program to the Laboratory with the SMA mix design to be approved.

443.03 Composition. Discuss the mix design approach with the Laboratory during the mix design and prior to submittal.

A. Design Limits. Submit a JMF to the Laboratory which meets the requirements of Table 443.03.1 and Table 443.03-2.



Total Percent Passing

3/4 inch (19.0 mm) sieve


1/2 inch (12.5 mm) sieve

85 to 100

3/8 inch (9.5 mm) sieve

50 to 75

No. 4 (4.75 mm) sieve

20 to 28

No. 8 (2.36 mm) sieve

15 to 24

No. 50 (300 µm) sieve

10 to 20

No. 200 (75 µm) sieve

8 to 12


Property Description


Binder, % (1)

5.8 to 7.5

VMA, % (2)

16.0 to 19.0

Draindown Test, % (3)


Design Air Voids, %


Design Gyrations (4)



< 1.0

TSR (6)




(1) by total mix

(2) based on bulk gravity

(3) AASHTO T305 conducted at mix production temperature (not compaction temperature)

(4) Nini and Nmax do not apply

(5) VCA = Volume of Coarse Aggregate (Calculated for mix and dry rodded conditions per AASHTO PP41- 02 or newer version.)

(6) Unconditioned specimens will have a minimum 65 psi (450 kPa) retained strength.

Compact specimens at 300 ºF (149 ºC) for PG 70-22M and 310 ºF (154 ºC) for PG 76-22M.

B. Asphalt Binder. Provide asphalt binder conforming to 702.01.

C. Coarse Aggregate. Use approved coarse aggregates. Ensure coarse aggregates meet 703.05 and Table 443.03-3.






D 4791

% Flat & Elongated Ratio at

3:1, (max. to min.),

5:1, (max. to min.)

20 max

5 max

ASTM D 5821

% Crushed, one / two faces

100 / 90 min


LA Abrasion (stone or gravel)

35 max

D. Mineral Filler. Conform to 703.07. Use mineral filler in the JMF with a plasticity index (AASHTO T 90) not greater than 4 (does not apply to hydrated lime). Reclaimed asphalt concrete pavement passing the 5/8 inch (16 mm) sieve may be used as filler only. Do not account for reclaimed asphalt concrete pavement binder content. Do not use quicklime (CaO). Do not premix filler with another aggregate. Cover mineral filler piles to protect from rain.

Blend the mineral filler, asphalt binder and fiber stabilizer into a homogenous mixture and test the mortar for the following properties of Table 443.03-4.






Unaged DSR, G*/ sin (kPa)

5 minimum

AASHTO TP5-98, T240-97

RTFO Aged DSR, G*/ sin (kPa)

11 minimum

AASHTO TP1-98, PP1-98

PAV Aged BBR, Stiffness (Mpa)

1500 maximum

E. Reclaimed Asphalt Concrete Pavement. Do not use reclaimed asphalt concrete pavement except as described in D above.

F. Fiber Stabilizer. Choose and meet the requirements of one of the following fiber stabilizers. Submit with the JMF submittal the fiber manufacturer’s most recent actual test data and a certification of compliance for the fiber type to be used. Protect the fiber stabilizer from moisture or other contamination.

Cellulose Fibers. Add the fiber at a dosage rate of 0.3 - 0.4% by weight of the total mix as directed by the Engineer to control draindown in production.

Property Description


1. Fiber length (max):

0.25 inch (6.35 mm)

2. Sieve Analysis - Alpine Sieve Method

Passing No. 100 (150 µm) sieve


Sieve Analysis - Ro-Tap Sieve Method

Passing No. 20 (850 µm) sieve:


Passing No. 40 (425 µm) sieve:


Passing No. 100 (150 µm) sieve:


3. Ash Content:

18% non-volatiles (5%)

4. pH:

7.5 (1.0)

5. Oil Absorption:(times fiber weight)

5.0 (1.0)

6. Moisture Content (max):


Cellulose Pellets. Cellulose pellets consist of cellulose fiber and may be blended with 0-20% asphalt binder. Meet the cellulose fiber requirements above. If no asphalt binder is used, add the pellet at a dosage rate of 0.3 - 0.4% by weight of the total mix as directed by the Engineer to control draindown in production. Adjust the fiber dosage to maintain the desired fiber amount when fiber is pre-blended with binder.

1. Pellet size: 1/4 cubic inch (maximum)

2. Binder: 25 - 80 pen.

Mineral Fiber. Use mineral fibers made from virgin basalt, diabase, or slag treated with a cationic sizing agent to enhance disbursement of the fiber as well as increase adhesion of the binder to the fiber surface. Add the fiber at a dosage rate of 0.3 - 0.4% by weight of the total mix as directed by the Engineer to control draindown in production.

1. Average Fiber length (max): 0.25 inches (6.35mm)

Average Fiber thickness (max) : 0.0002 inches(0.005mm)

2. Shot content (ASTM C612)

Passing No. 60 (250 µm) sieve: 90 - 100%

Passing No. 230 (63 µm) sieve: 65 - 100%

3. Degradation (max)*: 30%

* (GeorgiaDOT-124/McNett ) - copy available from the Office of Materials Management, Asphalt section.

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