45 Tá pantanes sámalta, lávala tien hanya i Tehteler, 46 ar quentes téna: “Sie ná técina, i perperumne i Hristo, ar i ortumnes i neldea auresse, 47 ar i esseryanen mo *nyardumne inwis úcariva ilye i nóressen. *Yestala Yerúsalemello 48 elde nauvar *vettoli pa nati sine. 49 Ar yé! inye menta lenna ta pa ya Atarinya antane vanda. Mal elde hara i ostosse tenna nauvalde tópine túrenen et tarmenello.”
50 Epeta tulyanes te tenna Vetánia, ar ortanes máryat ar aistane te. 51 Ar íre aistanes te, anes mapaina oa tello ar cólina ama mir menel. 52 Ar lantanelte undu sen ar nanwenner Yérusalemenna arwe túra alasseo. 53 Ar anelte illume i cordasse, aistala Eru.
45 Then he opened their mind, allowing them to understand the scriptures, 46 and he said to them: “So [it] is written, that the Christ was going to suffer, and that he was going to rise on the third day, 47 and that by his name one was going to preach repentance of sins in all the nations. Beginning from Jerusalem 48 you will be witnesses of these things. 49 And behold! I send you that of which my father gave promise. But you stay in the city until you shall be covered with power from on high.”
50 Thereafter he led them as far as Bethany, and he raised his hands and blessed them. 51 And while he blessed them, he was taken away from them and carried up into heaven. 52 And they fell down to him and returned to Jerusalem having great joy. 53 And they were always in the temple, blessing God.