2 ve acámielmet illon minyave náner astarmoli ar núroli i quetto, 3

RANTA 21 Sí íre yentes cennes i lárear panyea annaltar i harwessen. 2

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Sí íre yentes cennes i lárear panyea annaltar i harwessen. 2 Tá cennes penya *verulóra nís ye minahante pitye urustamitta atta, 3 ar eques: “Nyarin len násie: Penya *verulóra nís sina antane amba lá te illi. 4 An illi sine antaner annar et úveltallo, mal nís sina antane i quanda laulesta ya sámes.”

Now when he looked he saw the rich putting their gifts in the treasuries. 2 Then he saw a poor widowed woman who threw in two small copper pieces, 3 and he said: “I tell you truly: This poor widowed woman gave more than them all. 4 For all these [people] gave gifts out of their abundance, but this woman gave the entire livelihood that she had.”
5 Ar íre quelli caramper pa i corda, i sámes írime ondor ar náne netyaina annalínen, quentes: 6 “Nati sine yar yétalde – aureli tuluvar yassen ondo ua lemyuva ondosse ya ua nauva hátina undu.”

7 Ar maquentelte senna: “*Peantar, mana i lú yasse nati sine euvar, ar mana i tanwa i nati sine rato martuvar?” 8 Ar eques: “Cima i ualde nauva tyárine ranya! An rimbali tuluvar essenyasse, quétala: Inye sé!, ar: I lúme hare ná. Áva lelya ca te! 9 Ente, íre hlarilde pa ohtali ar amortiéli, áva na ruhtaine! An mauya i nati sine tuluvar minyave, mal i metta ua tule mí imya lúme.”

5 And when some talked about the temple, that it had lovely stones and was adorned with gifts, he said: 6 “These things that you behold – days will come when stone will not remain upon a stone that will not be thrown down.”

7 And they asked him: “Teacher, what is the time when these things will be, and what [is] the sign that these things will soon happen?” 8 And he said: “Take heed that you will not be caused to stray! For numerous ones will come in my name, saying: I am he!, and: The time is near. Do not go after [lit. behind] them! 9 Furthermore, when you hear about wars and uprisings, do not be terrified! For it is necessary that these things will come first, but the end does not come at the same time.

10 Tá quentes téna: “Nóre ortuva nórenna ar aranie aranienna, 11 ar euvar *cempaliéli, ar mi nóme apa nóme quolúviéli ar saiceléli, ar euvar rúcime natali cénine, ar menello túre tanwali.

12 Mal nó ilye nati sine queni panyuvar máltat lesse ar roituvar le, antala le olla i *yomencoain ar i mandoin, íre nalde túcine epe arani ar nórecánor pa essenya. 13 Ta nauva len ecie *vettien. 14 Etta na tance endaldasse i ualde caruva panor nóvo pa manen quetuvalde inden, 15 an inye antuva len anto ar sailie yanna ilye cotumaldar uar poluva tare hya quete. 16 Ente, nauvalde antaine olla yando lo nostaru ar lo hánor ar lo nosselda ar lo meldor, ar nahtuvalte quelli mici le, 17 ar nauvalde tévine lo illi essenyanen. 18 Ananta fine careldasse laume nauva nancarna. 19 Voronweldanen rehtuvalde coivieldar.
10 Then he said to them: “Nation will rise against nation and kingdom against kingdom, 11 and there will be earthquakes, and in place after place pestilences and famines, and [there] will be terrible things seen, and from heaven great signs.

12 But before all these things people will put their hands [dual] on you and will persecute you, giving you over to the synagogues and to the prisons, when you are drawn before kings and governors concerning my name. 13 That will be for you an opportunity for witnessing. 14 Therefore be firm in your heart that you will not make plans beforehand about how you will speak for yourselves, 15 for I shall give you a mouth and wisdom against which all [of] your enemies will not be able to stand or speak. 16 Furthermore, you will be given over by parents [dual] and by brothers and by your kin and by friends, and they will cill some among you, 17 and you will be hated by all because of [-nen] my name. 18 And yet a hair on your head will by no means be destroyed. 19 By your faithfulness you will save your lives.
20 Ente, íre cenuvalde Yerúsalem pélina lo hosseli, á ista i nancarierya utúlie hare. 21 Tá mauya in ear Yúreasse uşe i orontinnar, ar mauya in ear i osto endesse auta, ar in ear i ménassen lá lelya mina sa, 22 an ente auri nar auri ahtariéva, carien nanwe ilye nati i anaier técine. 23 Horro in *lapsarwe nissin ar in *tyetir vinimor ente auressen! An tuluva túra maure i nóresse ar orme lie sinanna, 24 ar lantuvalte i macilden ar nauvar tulyaine oa mir ilye i nóri, ar Yerúsalem nauva *vattaina nu talu lo ilye i nóri, tenna i nórion lúmi nauvar telyaine.
20 Furthermore, when you shall see Jerusalem surrounded by armies, know that her destruction has come near. 21 Then it is necessary for [those] that are in Judea to flee to the mountains, and for [those] that are in the midst of the city to leave, and for [those] that are in the regions not to go into it, 22 for those days are days of vengeance, to make true all things that have been written. 23 Woe to the pregnant women and to those that suckle babies in those days! For [there] shall come a great need on the land and wrath upon this people, 24 and they shall fall by the sword and will be led away into all the nations, and Jerusalem will be trampled under foot [dual] by all the nations, until the times of the nations shall be completed.
25 Ente, euvar tanwali mi Anar ar Işil ar eleni, ar cemende quárele mici nóri yar uar cene uşwe, castanen ramo i earo ar amortieryo, 26 íre atani nauvar hlaiwe caurenen, apacénala i nati túlala ambarenna. An menelo túri nauvar páline. 27 Ar tá cenuvalte i Atanyondo túla fanyasse arwa túreo ar túra alcaro. 28 Mal íre nati sine *yestar marta, tara halle ar á orta carelda, an etelehtielda túla hare.
Furthermore, there will be signs in Sun and Moon and stars, and on earth anxiety of nations that do not see [any] escape, by reason of the noise of the sea and its uprising, when men shall be sick with fear, foreseeing the things coming upon [the] world. For the powers of heaven will be shaken. 27 And then they will see the Son of Man come in a cloud with power and great glory. 28 But when these things begin to happen, stand tall [pl.] and raise your head, for your deliverance is coming near.
29 Ar quentes téna sestie: “Á tunta i *relyávalda ar ilye i hyane aldar: 30 Yando íre samilte tuimar, istalde inden cendiénen i sí i laire hare ná. 31 Sie yando istuvalde, íre cenuvalde nati sine martea, i Eruo aranie hare ná. 32 Násie quetin lenna: *Nónare sina ua autuva nó ilye nati martuvar. 33 Menel cemenye autuvat, mal ninye quettar uar oi autuva.

34 Mal cima inde, pustien endalda návello lunga *accamatiénen ar *accasuciénen ar quárelénen coireo, ar rincanen enta aure tuluva lenna 35 ve remma. An tuluvas illinnar i marir palúresse i quanda cemeno. 36 Mal na coive, illume hyámala i poluvalde uşe ilye nati sine yar tuluvar, ar tare epe i Atanyondo.”

37 I auressen anes i cordasse, peantala, mal lómisse etelendes ar marne i orontesse estaina Oron *Milpieron, 38 ar i quanda lie túle arinyave senna i cordasse hlarien se.
29 And he spoke to them a comparison: “Notice the fig-tree and all the other trees: 30 Also [/even] when they have twigs, you know to yourselves by examining that now the summer is near. 31 Thus you will also know, when you shall see these things happen, that God's kingdom is near. 32 Truly I say to you: This generation will not pass before all things shall happen. 33 Heaven and earth shall pass [dual], but my words will not ever pass [away].

34 But watch yourselves, to stop your heart from being heavy with over-eating and over-drinking and the anxiety of life, and suddenly [rincanen: with a sudden move] that day will come upon you 35 like a snare. For it shall come upon all that dwell on the surface of the entire earth. 36 But be awake, always praying that you shall be able to excape all these things that will come, and stand before the Son of Man.”

37 In the days he was in the temple, teaching, but at night he went out and stayed at the mountain called Mount of Olives, 38 and the entire people came early to him in the temple to hear him.

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