36 Íre en quentelte pa nati sine, Yésus immo tarne endeltasse ar quente téna: “Nai samuvalde raine!” 37 Mal pan anelte ruhtaine ar sámer caure, sannelte i cennelte faire. 38 Etta quentes téna: “Mana castalda rucieldan, ar manen ná i ortear sanweli úsaviéva endaldasse? 39 Cena mányat ar talunyat, i inye ná; áni appa ar cena, an faire ua same hráve yo axor ve cénalde i inye same.” 40 Ar quétala si tannes tien máryat ar talyat. 41 Mal íre en ualte sáve, i alassenen ar i elmendanen, quentes téna: “Ma sámalde sisse nat matien?” 42 Ar antanelte sen ranta *aptaina lingwiva, 43 ar nampeses ar mante sa epe hendultat.
44 Ar quentes téna: ”Nati sine nar quettanyar yar quenten lenna íre en anen aselde, i ilye i nati técine Móseo Şanyesse ar mí Erutercánor ar mi Airelíri nauvar carne nanwe.”
36 When they still spoke about these things, Jesus himself stood in their midst and said to them: “May you have peace!” 37 But since they were terrified and had fear, they thought that they saw a spirit. 38 Therefore he said to them: “What is your reason for your fear, and how is [it] that thoughts of unbelief are arising in your heart? 39 See my hands and my feet, that it is I; touch me and see, for a spirit does not have flesh and bones as you are seeing that I have.” 40 And saying this he showed them his hands and his feet. 41 But when they still did not believe, for the joy and for the wonder, he said to them: “Are you having here [some]thing to eat?” 42 And they gave him a piece of broiled fish, 43 and he took it and ate it before their eyes.