Determınatıon Of Soıl Response Functıons In Yalova Cıty Wıth Mıcrotremor Data
As it has been known for long time, building damage caused by earthquakes is directly related with characteristics of site on where structure is founded, as well as building characteristics. During an earthquake, the soil transfer function defines the differentations of seismic waves traveling from bedrock to soil layers. The two most important parameters of soil transfer function are; soil resonance frequency and the soil amplification corresponding to this frequency. In order to design earthquake-resistant structure, it is too important to know soil transfer function. In recent years, at the determination of the soil response function, microtremor method is a most-preferred one which offers properties such as recording at short time and having no requirement of using any source. While microtremor method is considerably successful at the determination of resonance frequency, it is not successful at the assessment of soil amplification.
Within the context of study, the microtremor measurements were taken at 81 total stations at Yalova and around (Altınova, Çiftlikköy and Çınarcık). Measurements were collected with CMG 6-TD seismometer at four different times in October, January, April and July. The horizontal/vertical spectral raitos were computed by using Nakamura (1989) one station method from these data and soil transfer functions were derived. The obtained curves are evaluated with the geology and Yalova’s soil properties are tried to be determined.
After analyzing the results of H/V, peaks of the soil resonance frequency are determined about 0.5 Hz at Altınova-Hersek Delta, 0.9 Hz at Çiftlikköy, about 0.9 Hz – 1.1 Hz at Hacımehmet plain. Few of the measurement points which have a clear peak and complex characteristics of H/V curves in Yalova point out the sediment discontinuties in lateral and vertical direction, resulting in 2D or 3D site effects. No soil-structure resonance were determined in Çınarcık, Hacımehmet, Çiftlikköy where the worst damage occured during the 17 August 1999.
Danışman : Yard. Doç Dr. Oğuz GÜNDOĞDU
Anabilim Dalı : Jeofizik Mühendisliği
Mezuniyet Yılı : 2011
Tez Savunma Jürisi : Prof. Dr. Demir KOLÇAK
Prof. Dr. Hayrettin KORAL
Prof. Dr. Yıldız ALTINOK
Doç. Dr. Ferhat ÖZÇEP
Yard. Doç. Dr. Oğuz GÜNDOĞDU
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