1. Integration of productive, environmental and social policies
1.1 Mercosur Technical Forums include a vision of SCP in their products, recommendations or programs.
Inclusion level of SCP in other Mercosur policies (number of mentions of SCP in norms, number of joint projects, etc.)
1.2 GMC and the Commerce Commission incorporate in their vision, as an important element, which presents Mercosur profile to the international market.
1.3 The policy integration process at a regional level makes a positive impact on policy integration at a national level.
Degree of convergence between regional and national policies (% of objectives or coincidental principles.)
2. Dialogue promotion and public-private cooperation
2.1 There are formal and informal cooperation and dialogue mechanisms between public and private actors to apply SCP in Mercosur.
Degree of participation of the private sector in Mercosur SCP initiatives. (% of institutions represented, No. of joint meetings)
3. Promotion of practice on SCP in the public and private sectors.
3.1 There are programs and instruments that favor SCP adoption in the productive sector, especially in Small and Medium Enterprises.
Existence of economic instruments for SCP at a regional level (number? range?, total?)
3.2 SCP criteria are applied to the functioning, purchases and contracts of the public sector.
The public sector uses SCP criteria.
4. Innovation oriented to incorporate SCP on goods and services.
4.1 Regional policies and institutions on Sand incorporate SCP topics.
Level of inclusion of SCP in S and T policies and institutions in Mercosur.
4.2 Specific programs are oriented to promote SCP innovations in good and services.
No. of instruments oriented to promote SCP innovations.
5. Inclusion of SCP in formal and non-formal education systems.
5.1 Concepts on SCP are incorporated to formal education.
Level of inclusion of SCP in formal education.
5.2 Non formal education programs work with SCP criteria.
Existence of programs of technical education on SCP (amount functioning)
6. Production and offering of information on SCP.
6.1 There is updated, classified and accessible information on SCP at a regional and national level.
Availability of Updated, and classified information on SCP (existence of centers and info nets).
6.2 Consumers can get information for a more sustainable consumption
Existence of an information system adequate to the Mercosur Consumers (current instruments, publications)
7. Development of capacities and interchange of material on CSP.
7.1 Producers and consumer have institutions in their area with capacities on SCP.
Capacity level and service offers on SCP within public and private areas in Mercosur productive sector.
7.2 Regional mechanisms can facilitate experience interchange.
Level of experience interchange on SCP among the state members (amount?, existing mechanisms or programs?)
8. Promotion of a responsible preventive, social and environmental attitude in the productive sector.
8.1 The productive sector adopts concepts on SCP.
Degree of the productive sector participation in SCP voluntary initiatives. (number of programmes of their own, certifications, joint programmes)
8.2 Some enterprises produce and disseminate information regarding social and environmental performance.
Level of the enterprise social and environmental information (no. of enterprises that offer public information, sector reports, etc.)