Dozai village on Moray Pass in area of Dai Chopan
US and forces searched villages in the new operation, fierce fighting around the pass between US Special Forces and troops, and Taliban. A 'rebel camp' was bombed on Monday at Dozai, killing 14 people. On Tuesday, US aircraft - Harriers, A10s and Apaches- flew 18 sorties around Dai Chopan. Taliban governor of Zabul. Abdul Jabbar, said Mullah Dadullah was leading Taliban force. 25 'suspects' were abducted. Nine days of US bombing ensued (Aug. 25th - September 3rd), which no doubt killed civilians.
AP 8/27/03 - A. Shah ;
Reuters 8/27/03; 8/26/03, 8/27/03, 8/28/03;
Jihad Unspun 8/27/03;
FT-Reuters 8/26/03 at 15:40