A马克思主义、列宁主义、毛泽东思想、邓小平理论 fre / A41 / M296 / : 1Mao, Tse-toung

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ger / D751.60 / S483 / Sereny, Gitta. .

Das deutsche Trauma : Eine heilende Wunde / Gitta

Sereny. . -- Munchen : Goldmann ; 2004.

504 p. ; 22 cm.

ISBN 344215264X : CNY164.79

Ⅰ. Goldmann Taschenbuecher ;, 15264.

ger / D751.60 / S456 /

Sehnsucht nach Naehe : Interpersonale Kommunikatio

n in Deutschland seit dem 19. Jahrhundert / Hrsg.

von Moritz Foellmer. . -- Stuttgart : Franz Steine

r Verlag, 2004.

244 p. ; 24 cm.

ISBN 3515083707 : CNY553.91

ger / D751.60 / I43 /

Information und Entscheidung : Kommunikationsmanag

ement der politischen Fèuhrung / hrsg. von Gerhar

d Hirscher, Karl-Rudolf Korte. . -- Wiesbaden : We

stdeutscher Verlag, c2003.

299 p. : ill. ; 21 cm.

Related with annually held conferences on same topi

c. . -- Includes bibliographical references (p. [2


ISBN 3531140256 : CNY492.10

ger / D751.60 / S857 /

Die stille Macht : Lobbyismus in Deutschland / hr

sg. von Thomas Leif, Rudolf Speth. . -- Wiesbaden

: Westdeutscher Verlag, c2003.

385 p. : ill. ; 23 cm.

"Kommentierte Literaturauswahl": p. [378]-380.

. -- Includes bibliographical references.

ISBN 3531141325 : CNY463.90

ger / D751.609 / B892 / Bruhns, Wibke, 1938 - .

Meines Vaters Land : Geschichte einer deutschen Fa

milie / Wibke Bruhns. . -- Munchen : Econ, 2004.

385 p. : ill. ; 22 cm.

ISBN 343011571X(h) : CNY304.65

ger / D751.62 / Z96 /

Zustand und Perspektiven des deutschen Bundesstaate

s / hrsg. von Hermann-Josef Blanke, Wito Schwaneng

el. . -- Tubingen : Mohr Siebeck, c2005.

xiv, 242 p. : ill. ; 23 cm.

Papers presented at a conference held by the Staats

wissenschaftliches Forum in Berlin. . -- Includes b

ibliographical references.

ISBN 3161486102 : CNY831.90

Ⅰ. Neue Staatswissenschaften,, 1860-2339 ;, 1.

ger / D751.638 / G889(5) / Grunder, Horst. .

Geschichte der deutschen Kolonien / Horst Grunder.

. -- 5 auf. . -- Munchen : Schoningh, 2004.

336 p. ; 22 cm.

ISBN 3825213323 : CNY232.85

Ⅰ. UTB ;, 1332.

ger / D751.66 / S354 / Schmidt, Jurgen, 1963 - .

Begrenzte Spielraume : eine Beziehungsgeschichte v

on Arbeiterschaft und Bèurgertum am Beispiel Erfur

ts 1870 bis 1914 / von Jurgen Schmidt. . -- Gottin

gen : Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, c2005.

432 p. : ill., map ; 24 cm.

Abridged version of the author's thesis (doctoral)

--Freie Universitat Berlin, 2003. . -- Includes bib

liographical references (p. 389-425) and index.

ISBN 352535147X : CNY676.37

Ⅰ. Kritische Studien zur Geschichtswissenschaft ;,


ger / D751.66 / G313(4) / Geissler, Rainer. .

Die Sozialstruktur Deutschlands : Die gesellschaft

liche Entwidklung vor und nach der Vereinigung / R

ainer Geissler. . -- 4 auf. . -- Wiesbaden : VS Ve

rl. fur Sozialwiss2006.

512 p. ; 27 cm.

ISBN 353142923X : CNY375.26

ger / D751.66 / E86 /

Die EU-Osterweiterung : Was andert sich fur den De

utschen Mittelstand. . -- Berlin : Deutscher Indus

trie-und Handelskammertag, [2000?].

256 p. ; 30 cm.

ISBN 3937705066 : CNY276.21

ger / D751.66 / F418 / Fest, Joachim C., 1926-2006.

.Der lange Abschied vom Burgertum / Joachim Fest un

d Wolf Jobst Siedler im Gesprach mit Frank A. Meyer

. . -- Berlin : WJS Verlag, c2005.

138 p. : ill. ; 20 cm.

ISBN 3937989102(h) : CNY232.00

D751.662 / H985 / Hutton, Christopher. .

Race and the Third Reich : linguistics, racial ant

hropology and genetics in the dialectic of Volk /

Christopher M. Hutton. . -- Cambridge, UK ; Malden

, MA : Polity, 2005.

vii, 272 p. : ill. ; 24 cm.

Includes bibliographical references (p. [228]-261

) and index.

ISBN 0745631762 (hbk.)

ISBN 0745631762 (hbk.)

ISBN 0745631770 (pbk.) : CNY324.42

ger / D751.664 / N481 /

Die neue SPD : Menschen staerken Wege offnen / hr

sg. von Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, Politische Akadem

ie. . -- Bonn : Dietz, Bonn, 2004.

352 p. ; 25 cm.

ISBN 380120345X : CNY194.05

ger / D751.664 / P273 /

Parteien in der Burgergesellschaft : Zum Verhaltni

s von Macht und Beteiligung / hrsg. von Daniel Det

tling. . -- Wiesbaden : VS. Verl. fur Sozialwiss,


180 p. ; 23 cm.

ISBN 3531145436 : CNY287.14

ger / D751.664 / M251(3) / Malinowski, Stephan. .

Vom Konig zum Fuhrer : Sozialer Niedergang und pol

itischen Radikalisierung im deutschen Adel zwischen

Kaiserreich und NS-Staat / Stephan Malinowski. .

-- 3 auf. . -- Berlin : Akad-Verl, 2003.

660 p. ; 24 cm.

ISBN 305004070X(h) : CNY828.09

ger / D751.664 / S354 / Schmidt, Helmut. .

Die Machte der Zukunft : Gewinner und Verlierer de

r Welt von morgen / Helmut Schmidt. . -- Munchen

: Goldmann, 2006.

238 p. ; 22 cm.

ISBN 3442153786 : CNY126.20

ISBN 3442153786 : CNY126.20

ISBN 9783442153787

ger / D751.686.8 / S332 / Schier, Michaela. .

Munchner Modefrauen / Michaela Schier. . -- Munche

n : Reiner Hampp, 2005.

331 p. ; 24 cm.

ISBN 3879889405 : CNY420.20

ger / D751.69 / G984 / Gutmann, Gudula. .

Das Deutsche Reich und Osterreich-Ungarn 1890 bis 1

894/95 : Der Zweibund im Urteil der fuhrenden Pers

onlichkeiten beider Staaten / Gudula Gutmann. . --

Paderborn : Scriptorum, 2003.

503 p. ; 25 cm.

ISBN 393261027X : CNY529.76

D751.69 / G373 /

German scholars and ethnic cleansing, 1919-1945 /

edited by Ingo Haar and Michael Fahlbusch ; forewor

d by Georg G. Iggers. . -- New York : Berghahn Boo

ks, 2005.

xxi, 298 p. ; 24 cm.

Includes bibliographical references (p. 272-283) an

d indexes.

ISBN 1571814353 (alk. paper) : CNY1084.00

ger / D752.10 / O29 /

Oesterreich zur Jahrhundertwende : Gesellschaftlic

he Werthaltungen und Lebensqualitaet 1986-2004 / H

rsg. von Wolfgang Schulz, Max Haller, Alfred Grausg

ruber. . -- Tubingen : VS Verlag, 2005.

256 p. ; 24 cm.

ISBN 3531146238 : CNY516.21

ger / D752.10 / R234 / Rathkolb, Oliver. .

Die paradoxe Republik / Oliver Rathkolb. . -- Wien

: Zsolnay, Paul, 2005.

496 p. ; 23 cm.

ISBN 3552049673(h) : CNY361.31

ger / D752.10 / P769 /

Politische Kultur in Osterreich : 2000-2005 / hrs

g. von Nikolaus Dimmel, Josef Schmee. . -- Wien :

Promedia, c2005.

343 p. ; 21 cm.

Includes bibliographical references.

ISBN 3853712436 : CNY308.80

ger / D752.186.8 / A932 /

Aus der dunklen in eine helle Zeit : Frauengeschic

hten aus den Aufbaujahren 1945-1955 / hrsg. von AR

GE Generationendialog. . -- Echo, 2005.

239 p. : ill. ; 26 cm.

ISBN 3901761454(h) : CNY308.20

ger / D752.238 / A783 / Arslan, Ahmet. .

Das Exil vor dem Exil : Leben und Wirken deutscher

Schrifsteller in der Schweiz wahrend des Ersten We

ltkrieges / Ahmet Arslan. . -- Marburg : Tectum-v

erl., 2004.

250 p. ; 24 cm.

ISBN 3828886590 : CNY399.00

ger / D752.238 / E74 / Eschen, Andreas. .

Das Junge Deutschland in der Schweiz : Zur Vereinso

rganisation der frhdemokratischen Bewegung im Vorma

erzEschen, Andreas. . -- Peter Lang AG, 2004.

128 s.

ISBN 3631527667 : CNY424.00

Ⅰ. Schriftenreihe der Internationalen Forschungsst

elle Demokratische Bewegungen in Mitteleuropa 1770

- 1850 ;, 37.

ger / D752.25 / G293 / Geber, Brigitta. .

Die antirassistische Bewegung in der Schweiz : Org

anisationen, Netzwerke und Akrionen / Brigitta Geb

er. . -- Zurich : Seismo, 2003.

522 p. ; 23 cm.

ISBN 3037770023 : CNY553.80

ger / D752.281 / B344 / Bauer, Tobias. .

Familien, Geld und Politik : von den Anforderungen

an eine kohèarente Familienpolitik zu einem famil

ienpolitischen Dreisaulenmodell fèur die Schweiz

/ Tobias Bauer, Silvia Strub, Heidi Stutz. . -- Zur

ich : Rèuegger, 2004.

247 p. : 56 ill., 38 tab. ; 23 cm.

Research report. . -- Includes bibliographical refe

rences (p. 233-243).

ISBN 372530761X : CNY414.50

D754.064 / P275 /

Party Change in Southern Europe / ed. by Anna Bosc

o, Leonardo Morlino. . -- London : Routledge, 2006


v, 254 p. ; 24 cm

Includes bibliographical references and index.

ISBN 0415373555 : CNY1177.15

D756.10 / C582 /

Civil society in Wales : policy, politics and peop

le / edited by Graham Day, David Dunkerley and And

rew Thompson. . -- Cardiff : University of Wales P

ress, 2006.

x, 353 p. : ill. ; 23 cm.

ISBN 0708318517

ISBN 0708318517

ISBN 0708318509 (pbk.) : CNY357.29

D756.10 / B827 / Bray, Judith.

Equity & Trusts / Judith Bray. . -- London : Hodd

er Education2006

xiii, 187 p. ill. ; 20 cm.

Includes index.

ISBN 9780340926802 : CNY145.45

ISBN 9780340926802 : CNY145.45

ISBN 0340926805

Ⅰ. Key cases.

D756.14 / H196 / Halstead, J. Mark. .

Citizenship and moral education : values in action

/ J. Mark Halstead and Mark A. Pike. . -- London

; New York : Routledge, 2006.

vi, 199 p. ; 24 cm.

Includes bibliographical references (p. [175]-194

) and index. . -- Concepts and contexts in citizens

hip and moral education -- Underlying values in cit

izenship and moral education -- The aims of citizen

ship and moral education -- Language and literacy i

n citizenship and moral education -- Citizenship an

d moral education through the arts -- The humanitie

s and the moral education of citizens -- Citizenshi

p and moral education through RE and PSHE -- Teachi

ng and learning citizenship -- How children learn v

alues -- The morality of assessing citizenship -- R

eflections on professional practice in citizenship

and moral education.

ISBN 0415232422 (hbk.)

ISBN 0415232422 (hbk.)

ISBN 0415232430 (pbk.) : CNY421.44

ISBN 0415232422 (hbk.)

ISBN 0415232430 (pbk.) : CNY421.44

ISBN 020308859X (ebk.)

ISBN 0415232422 (hbk.)

ISBN 0415232430 (pbk.) : CNY421.44

ISBN 020308859X (ebk.)

ISBN 9780415232425(hbk.)

ISBN 0415232422 (hbk.)

ISBN 0415232430 (pbk.) : CNY421.44

ISBN 020308859X (ebk.)

ISBN 9780415232425(hbk.)

ISBN 9780415232432(pbk.)

ISBN 0415232422 (hbk.)

ISBN 0415232430 (pbk.) : CNY421.44

ISBN 020308859X (ebk.)

ISBN 9780415232425(hbk.)

ISBN 9780415232432(pbk.)

ISBN 9780203088593(ebk.)

fre / D756.535 / F814 / Francart, Loup. .

Livre gris sur la securite et la defense / Loup Fr

ancart. . -- Paris : Economica, c2006.

275 p. : ill. ; 24 cm.

Includes bibliographical references.

ISBN 2717852204 : CNY406.56

D771.126 / F935 /

Frontiers of Asian American studies : writing, res

earch, and commentary / edited by Gail M. Nomura .

.. [et al.]. -- Pullman, Wash. : Washington Stat

e University Press, 1989.

341 p. : ill. ; 23 cm.

Based on papers and literary works presented at the

fifth national meeting of the Association for Asia

n American Studies held at Washington State Univers

ity, Pullman, Washington on 24-27 March 1988. . --

"Asian American bibliographic resources: 1968-1988

": p. [317]-338. . -- Includes bibliographical r


ISBN 0874220637 (pbk. : acid-free paper) : 交换

ISBN 0874220637 (pbk. : acid-free paper) : 交换

ISBN 0874220645

D771.20 / F598 / Fleming, Bruce E. (Bruce Edward),

19Why liberals and conservatives clash / Bruce Flemi

ng. . -- New York : Routledge, 2006.

v, 235 p. ; 23 cm.

Includes bibliographical references (p. 225-228) an

d index. . -- Introduction : culture wars -- Veggie

burger in paradise -- Deep structure -- Religion a

nd sex : two bones of contention -- Male thought an

d control -- Conflict of worldviews -- Yin and yang


ISBN 0415953529 (hardback)

ISBN 0415953529 (hardback)

ISBN 0415953537 (pbk.) : CNY268.53

R / D771.20-61 / E56 / : 1

Encyclopedia of American civil rights and liberties

. v. 1, A-G / edited by Otis H. Stephens, Jr., Joh

n M. Scheb II, Kara E. Stooksbury. . -- Westport, C

onn. : Greenwood Press, 2006.

xxx, 459 p. ; 27 cm.

Includes bibliographical references and index.

ISBN 0313327580 (set) : CNY4200.00(3v.)

ISBN 0313327580 (set) : CNY4200.00(3v.)

ISBN 9780313327582 (set)

ISBN 0313327580 (set) : CNY4200.00(3v.)

ISBN 9780313327582 (set)

ISBN 0313327599 (vol. 1)

ISBN 0313327580 (set) : CNY4200.00(3v.)

ISBN 9780313327582 (set)

ISBN 0313327599 (vol. 1)

ISBN 9780313327599 (vol. 1)

R / D771.20-61 / E56 / : 2

Encyclopedia of American civil rights and liberties

. v. 2, H-R / edited by Otis H. Stephens, Jr., Joh

n M. Scheb II, Kara E. Stooksbury. . -- Westport, C

onn. : Greenwood Press, 2006.

xxx, 462-898 p. ; 27 cm.

Includes bibliographical references and index.

ISBN 0313327580 (set) : CNY4200.00(3v.)

ISBN 0313327580 (set) : CNY4200.00(3v.)

ISBN 9780313327582 (set)

ISBN 0313327580 (set) : CNY4200.00(3v.)

ISBN 9780313327582 (set)

ISBN 0313327602 (vol. 2)

ISBN 0313327580 (set) : CNY4200.00(3v.)

ISBN 9780313327582 (set)

ISBN 0313327602 (vol. 2)

ISBN 9780313327605 (vol. 2)

R / D771.20-61 / E56 / : 3

Encyclopedia of American civil rights and liberties

. v. 3, S-Z / edited by Otis H. Stephens, Jr., Joh

n M. Scheb II, Kara E. Stooksbury. . -- Westport, C

onn. : Greenwood Press, 2006.

xxx, 900-1342 p. ; 27 cm.

Includes bibliographical references and index.

ISBN 0313327580 (set) : CNY4200.00(3v.)

ISBN 0313327580 (set) : CNY4200.00(3v.)

ISBN 9780313327582 (set)

ISBN 0313327580 (set) : CNY4200.00(3v.)

ISBN 9780313327582 (set)

ISBN 0313327610 (vol. 3)

ISBN 0313327580 (set) : CNY4200.00(3v.)

ISBN 9780313327582 (set)

ISBN 0313327610 (vol. 3)

ISBN 9780313327612 (vol. 3)

D815.5 / W687(-2) / Wilkinson, Paul, 1937 - .

Terrorism versus democracy : the liberal state res

ponse / Paul Wilkinson. . -- 2nd ed., New ed., [R

ev. ed.]. -- London ; New York : Routledge, 2006


xvii, 254 p. ; 24 cm.

Previous ed.: 2000. . -- Includes bibliographical r

eferences (p. 224-248) and index. . -- Introduction

to revised edition -- Terrorism, insurgency, and a

symmetrical conflict -- The emergence of modern ter

rorism -- Origins and key characteristics of Al Qae

da -- Politics, diplomacy and peace processes : pat

hways out of terrorism? -- Law-enforcement, crimina

l justice, and the liberal state -- The role of the

military in combating terrorism -- Hostage-taking,

sieges, and problems of response -- Aviation secur

ity -- The media and terrorism -- International coo

peration against terrorism -- The future of terrori

sm -- Conclusion: Towards a response to terrorism b

ased on democratic principles and respect for human


ISBN 041538477X (hardback)

ISBN 041538477X (hardback)

ISBN 0415384788 (pbk.)CNY333.6

ISBN 041538477X (hardback)

ISBN 0415384788 (pbk.)CNY333.6

ISBN 9780415384773

ISBN 041538477X (hardback)

ISBN 0415384788 (pbk.)CNY333.6

ISBN 9780415384773

ISBN 9780415384780

D771.222 / B295(2) / Barusch, Amanda Smith. .

Foundations of social policy : social justice in h

uman perspective / Amanda Smith Barusch. . -- 2nd

ed. . -- Belmont, CA : Thomson Brooks/Cole, c2006.

xx, 484 p. : ill. ; 24 cm.

Includes access code to Infotrac college edition. .

-- Includes bibliographical references (p. [436]

-464) and indexes. . -- Policy analysis: frameworks

and tools -- Collective responses to social proble

ms -- Vulnerable populations: discrimination and op

pression -- Cycles of liberation.

ISBN 0534567207 : CNY858.46

ISBN 0534567207 : CNY858.46

ISBN 9780534567200

ISBN 0534567207 : CNY858.46

ISBN 9780534567200

ISBN 0534274943 (Infotrac college ed. passcode)

ISBN 0534567207 : CNY858.46

ISBN 9780534567200

ISBN 0534274943 (Infotrac college ed. passcode)

ISBN 9780534274948 (Infotrac college ed. passcode)

D771.224 / A678 /

Are American elections fair? / Stuart A. Kallen, b

ook editor. . -- Farmington Hills, MI : Greenhaven

Press, c2006.

90 p. ; 24 cm.

Includes bibliographical references and index. . --

Political fundraising has corrupted the electoral

process / Mark Green -- Restricting campaign donati

ons violates free speech rights / Sheldon Richman -

- Electoral College should be abolished / Lewis H.

Lapham -- Electoral College should not be abolished

/ Michael M. Uhlmann -- Electronic voting machines

pose a threat to electoral fairness / Bev Harris,

David Allen -- Fears about electronic voting machin

es are greatly exaggerated / John Fund -- Felons wh

o have served their time should be allowed to vote

/ Elizabeth Hull -- Felons should not be allowed to

vote / Christopher M. Tozzo -- Illegal aliens shou

ld not be allowed to vote / Michelle Malkin -- Nonc

itizens should be allowed to participate in electio

ns / Joaquin Avila.

ISBN 0737733780 (hbk.)

ISBN 0737733780 (hbk.)

ISBN 0737733799 (pbk. ) : CNY180.17

D771.264 / A379 / Alexander, Robert M., 1972 - .

The classics of interest group behavior / Robert M

. Alexander. . -- Belmont, CA : Thomson Wadsworth,


vi, 401 p. ; 24 cm.

Includes bibliographical references and index.

ISBN 0534643841 : CNY403.94

D771.27 / H847 /

How can the poor be helped? / Geoff Griffin, book

editor. . -- Detroit : Greenhaven Press, c2006.

108 p. ; 24 cm.

Includes bibliographical references and index. . --

1. Government programs will help America's poor /

Benjamin I. Page and James R. Simmons -- 2. Govern

ment programs do not help America's poor / Myron M

agnet -- 3. Promoting marriage will reduce poverty

in America / Robert E. Rector and Melissa G. Pardue

-- 4. Promoting marriage will not reduce poverty i

n America / Katha Pollitt -- 5. Raising wages for l

ow-wage workers will help America's poor / Barbara

Ehrenreich -- 6. The United States should not pass

living-wage laws / Carl F. Horowitz -- 7. Improvin

g the poor's financial knowledge will help allevia

te poverty in the United States / Annamaria Lusardi

-- 8. Redefining poverty will help America's poor

/ Hilary Silver and S.M. Miller-- 9. Globalization

has helped reduce poverty worldwide / Internationa

l Chamber of Commerce -- 10. Globalization has not

yet helped reduce poverty worldwide / Joseph E. Sti

glitz -- 11. U.S. foreign aid helps the world's po

or / David Beckmann -- 12. Spreading democracy will

help reduce world poverty / Joseph T. Siegle, Mich

ael M. Weinstein and Morton H. Halperin.

ISBN 0737727179 (lib. : alk. paper)

ISBN 0737727179 (lib. : alk. paper)

ISBN 0737727187 (pbk. : alk. paper) : CNY180.17

D771.281 / F996 /

The future of gay rights in America / edited by H.

N. Hirsch. . -- New York : Routledge, 2005.

xiii, 310 p. ; 24 cm.

Includes bibliographical references and index. . --

Some lessons from Lawrence / John D'Emilio -- Que

stions of tolerance and fairness / David O. Erdos -

- Same-sex marriage, civil unions, and the 2004 pre

sidential vote / Kenneth Sherrill -- The symbolic c

entrality of gay marriage in the presidential elect

ion / Sean Cahill -- The anti-gay backlash? / Ethel

D. Klein -- Some thoughts on institutional life an

d "the rest of the closet" / John Brigham -- The

unknown past of Lawrence v. Texas / Dale Carpenter

-- The rule of Lawrence / Andrew Koppelman -- Lawre

nce, privacy, and the marital bedroom : a few Tellt

ale signs of worry / Joe Rollins -- The continuing

triumph of neo-conservatism in American constitutio

nal law / Anna Marie Smith -- Sexuality, marriage,

and relationships : the radical potential of Lawren

ce / Jo Ann citron and Mary Lyndon shanley -- Why L

awrence was not expected : a critique of pragmatic

legalist and behavioral explanations of Supreme Cou

rt decision-making / Ronald Kahn -- To what extent

should we be looking abroad for guidance in interpe

ting the United States Constitution? / Sanford Levi

nson -- Liberal with a twist : queering marriage /

H.N. Hirsch -- The polite thing to do / Keith J. By


ISBN 0415950775 (hb : alk. paper)

ISBN 0415950775 (hb : alk. paper)

ISBN 0415950783 (pb : alk. paper) : CNY298.47

D8 / L766 / Lippmann, Walter, 1889-1974. .

The Communist world and ours / by Walter Lippmann.

. -- [1st ed.]. -- Boston : Little brown and Co

., 1958

56 p. ; 20 cm.


ger / D81 / K11 / Kagan, Robert.

Macht und Ohnmacht : Amerika und Europa in der neu

en Weltordnung / Robert Kagan. . -- Munchen : Gol

dmann ; 2004.

189 p. ; 22 cm.

ISBN 3442152763 : CNY110.09

Ⅰ. Goldmann Sachbuch / Ratgeber ;, 15276.

D81 / R348 / Reichard, Martin. .

The EU-NATO relationship : a legal and political p

erspective / Martin Reichard. . -- Aldershot, Engl

and ; Burlington, VT : Ashgate, c2006.

xv, 412 p. ; 24 cm.

Includes bibliographical references (p. [357]-397

) and index.

ISBN 0754647595 (alk. paper) : CNY1177.15

ISBN 0754647595 (alk. paper) : CNY1177.15

ISBN 9780754647591 (alk. paper)

D81 / I82 / : 1

Islam and globalization : critical concepts in Isl

amic studies. 1, Culture and identity / edited by

Shahram Akbarzadeh. . -- New York : Routledge, 200


xvii, 372 p. ; 23 cm.

Includes bibliographical references and index.

ISBN 0415353572 (set : alk. paper) : CNY11025.00(4


ISBN 0415353572 (set : alk. paper) : CNY11025.00(4


ISBN 0415353602 (v.1)

D81 / I82 / : 2

Islam and globalization : critical concepts in Isl

amic studies. 2, Politics and governance / edited

by Shahram Akbarzadeh. . -- New York : Routledge,


ix, 342 p. ; 23 cm.

Includes bibliographical references and index.

ISBN 0415353572 (set : alk. paper) : CNY11025.00(4


ISBN 0415353572 (set : alk. paper) : CNY11025.00(4


ISBN 0415353599 (v.2)

D81 / I82 / : 3

Islam and globalization : critical concepts in Isl

amic studies. 3, Global order / edited by Shahram

Akbarzadeh. . -- New York : Routledge, 2006.

ix, 313 p. ; 23 cm.

Includes bibliographical references and index.

ISBN 0415353572 (set : alk. paper) : CNY11025.00(4


ISBN 0415353572 (set : alk. paper) : CNY11025.00(4


ISBN 0415353580 (v.3)

D81 / I82 / : 4

Islam and globalization : critical concepts in Isl

amic studies. 4, The economy and law / edited by S

hahram Akbarzadeh. . -- New York : Routledge, 2006


ix, 313 p. ; 23 cm.

Includes bibliographical references and index.

ISBN 0415353572 (set : alk. paper) : CNY11025.00(4


ISBN 0415353572 (set : alk. paper) : CNY11025.00(4


ISBN 0415353610 (v.4)

D81 / M433 / Matlary, Janne Haaland. .

Values and weapons : from humanitarian interventio

n to regime change? / Janne Haaland Matlary. . --

Basingstoke [England] ; New York : Palgrave Mac

millan, 2006.

viii, 201 p. ; 23 cm.

Includes bibliographical references (p. 185-191) an

d index.

ISBN 1403987165 (cloth) : CNY967.50

ISBN 1403987165 (cloth) : CNY967.50

ISBN 9781403987167

D81 / A533 /

The anarchical society in a globalized world / edi

ted by Richard Little and John Williams. . -- Basin

gstoke [England] ; New York : Palgrave Macmilla

n, 2006.

ix, 237 p. ; 23 cm.

Includes bibliographical references (p. 216-229) an

d index.

ISBN 140398963X : CNY967.50

ISBN 140398963X : CNY967.50

ISBN 9781403989635

R / D813.4-54 / A6155 / : 2003/04(1)

Annual review of United Nations affairs. 2003/2004.

vol.1 / ed. by Joachim W. Muller, Karl P. Sauvant

. . -- Dobbs Ferry, New York : Oceana Pub., 2005

liv, 584 p. ; 24 cm

ISBN 0379123894 : CNY1202.04

ger / D814.1 / E54 / Emmerich, Klaus. .

Europas letzte Change : Der uberlebenskampf der EU

/ Klaus Emmerich. . -- Wien : Molden, 2004.

216 p. ; 23 cm.

ISBN 3854851154(h) : CNY279.20

D814.2 / I61 /

International commissions and the power of ideas /

edited by Ramesh Thakur, Andrew F. Cooper and John

English. . -- Tokyo ; New York : United Nations

University Press, c2005.

xiv, 317 p. ; 24 cm.

Includes bibliographical references and index.

ISBN 928081110X (pbk.) : CNY429.30

D814.2 / I43 /

Information and communication technology for peace

: the role of ICT in preventing, responding to and

recovering from conflict / preface by Kofi Annan

; foreword by Micheline Calmy-Rey ; by Daniel Stauf

facher ... [et al.]. -- New York, NY : United Na

tions ICT Task Force, c2005.

viii, 101 p. ; 23 cm.

"Sales no. E.05.II.A.19"--P. [4] of cover. . --

Includes bibliographical references (p. 92-95) and


ISBN 9211045568 : CNY127.22

Ⅰ. ICT Task Force series ;, 11.

D815.5 / F353 / Ferguson, Charles D. .

The four faces of nuclear terrorism / Charles D. F

erguson, William C. Potter ; with Amy Sands ... [e

t al.]. . -- New York : Routledge, 2005.

376 p. : ill. ; 24 cm.

Includes bibliographical references (p. [337]-362

) and index. . -- The growing threat -- The nuclear

terrorists: who, why, and how capable? -- Seizing

the bomb: theft, diversion, and instability -- Maki

ng the bomb: loose materials and know-how -- Releas

ing radiation: power plants and other facilities --

Dispersing radiation: the dirty bomb and other dev

ices -- Meeting the challenge: a plan for urgent ac

tion against nuclear terrorism.

ISBN 0415952433 (hb : alk. paper)

ISBN 0415952433 (hb : alk. paper)

ISBN 0415952441 (pb : alk. paper) : CNY298.47

D815.5 / H811 / Horgan, John, 1974 - .

The psychology of terrorism / John Horgan. . -- Lo

ndon ; New York : Routledge, 2005.

xviii, 199 p. ; 24 cm.

Includes bibliographical references (p. 184-193) an

d index. . -- What is terrorism? -- Understanding t

errorism -- Individual approaches -- Becoming a ter

rorist -- Being a terrorist -- Disengaging -- Analy

sis, integration, response.

ISBN 0714652628 (hbk.) : CNY351.17

ISBN 0714652628 (hbk.) : CNY351.17

ISBN 071468239X (pbk.)

D815.5 / D213 / Dar, Gulam Mohammad.

Terrorism, massmedia and public opinion / Gulam Mo

hammad Dar. -- New Delhi : Dilpreet Publishing Hou

se, 2005

122 p. ; 22 cm

ISBN 8186762302 : CNY81.00

D815.5 / F834 / Franks, Jason, 1969 - .

Rethinking the roots of terrorism / Jason Franks.

. -- Basingstoke [England] ; New York : Palgrav

e Macmillan, 2006.

ix, 248 p. : ill. ; 23 cm.

Includes bibliographical references (p. 207-244) an

d index.

ISBN 1403987181 (hbk.) : CNY1075.00

ISBN 1403987181 (hbk.) : CNY1075.00

ISBN 9781403987181 (hbk.)

Ⅰ. Rethinking peace and conflict studies.

R / D815.5-62 / B967 / Burns, Vincent. .

Terrorism : a documentary and reference guide / V

incent Burns and Kate Dempsey Peterson ; foreword b

y James K. Kallstrom. . -- Westport, Conn. : Green

wood Press, 2005.

xxxvii, 293 p. : ill. ; 29 cm.

Includes bibliographical references (p. 257-284) an

d index.

ISBN 0313332134 (alk. paper) : CNY902.80

D815.6 / W624 / Whittaker, David J., 1925 - .

Asylum seekers and refugees in the contemporary wor

ld / David J. Whittaker. . -- London ; New York

: Routledge, 2006.

144 p. : ill. ; 23 cm.

Includes bibliographical references and index. . --

Asylum seekers and refugees : definition, facts, f

igures -- Searchers after asylum : an international

problem -- Asylum seekers in Britain : facts and d

ebate -- Asylum seekers in Europe : facts and debat

e -- Globality of concern : the UN and refugees --

Case study 1 : Palestinian refugees -- Case study 2

: Balkan refugees -- Case study 3 : Rwandan refuge

es -- Case study 4 : Afghanistan -- The question of

return -- Refugee testimony as an aid to understan

ding asylum issues -- Retrospect -- Postscript.

ISBN 0415360919 (pbk.)

ISBN 0415360919 (pbk.)

ISBN 0415360900 (hbk.) : CNY945.00

Ⅰ. The making of the contemporary world.

D815.9 / W362 /

Weapons of mass destruction / Michael Logan, book

editor. . -- Farmington Hills, MI : Greenhaven Pre

ss/Thomson Gale, c2006.

212 p. : ill. ; 23 cm.

Includes bibliographical references (p. 197-203) an

d index.

ISBN 0737727853 (lib. hardcover : alk. paper)

ISBN 0737727853 (lib. hardcover : alk. paper)

ISBN 9780737727852 (lib. hardcover : alk. paper)

ISBN 0737727853 (lib. hardcover : alk. paper)

ISBN 9780737727852 (lib. hardcover : alk. paper)

ISBN 0737727861 (pbk. : alk. paper) : CNY214.04

ISBN 0737727853 (lib. hardcover : alk. paper)

ISBN 9780737727852 (lib. hardcover : alk. paper)

ISBN 0737727861 (pbk. : alk. paper) : CNY214.04

ISBN 9780737727869 (pbk. : alk. paper)

Ⅰ. Current controversies.

D815.9 / N224 / Nardo, Don, 1947 - .

Biological warfare / By Don Nardo. . -- San Diego,

Calif. : Lucent Books, c2006.

130 p. : ill. ; 24 cm.

" Discusses biological weapons, their development

and use, and prevention of future use"--Publisher'

s summary. . -- Includes bibliographical references

and index. . -- Introduction biological weapons: k

nowledge, intent, and morality -- Biological agents

and their harmful effects -- The threat of existin

g bio-weapons programs and stockpiles -- The increa

sing and daunting threat of bio-terrorism -- Buildi

ng up defenses against biological attacks -- Preven

ting future biological weapons threats.

ISBN 159018775X : CNY286.75

ger / D822 / C539 /

China und Deutschland Praxis der Beziehungen in Rec

ht, Wirtschaft und Kultur : Ausgewehlte Beitrage d

er deutsch-chinesischen Wirtschaftsrechtssymposien

aus 2002-2004 / Winfried Huck, Weida Wang. . -- F

rankfurt : Peter Lang AG, 2006.

298 p. ; 24 cm.

ISBN 363154863X : CNY730.00

ger / D829.516 / D486 /

Deutschland und China 1937-1949 : Politik Militar

Wirtschaft Kultur /hrsg. von M. Leutner. . -- Berli

n : Akademie Verlag, 1998.

543 p. ; 27 cm.

ISBN 3050029862(h) : CNY1411.17

Ⅰ. Quellen zur Geschichte der deutsch chinesischen

Beziehungen 1897-1995.

D831.02 / N874 /

Northeast Asian regional security order and strateg

ic calculus on the Taiwan straits / edited by Woos

ang Kim. . -- Seoul, Korea : Yonsei University Pre

ss, c2003.

280 p. ; ill. ; 23 cm.

Includes bibliographical references and index.

ISBN 8971416165 : 交换

D831.22 / P464 /

The Perry report, the missile quagmire, and the Nor

th Korean question : the quest of new alternatives

/ edited by Chung-in Moon, Masao Okonogi, Mitchel

l B. Reiss. . -- Seoul, Korea : Yonsei University

Press, c2000.

173 p. ; 23 cm.

Papers presented at an international conference hel

d at Keio University, Tokyo, October 22, 1999. . --

Includes bibliographical references and index.

ISBN 8971415088 : 交换

ISBN 8971415088 : 交换

ISBN 8971414529 (set)

Ⅰ. Yonsei series on Korean unification studies ;,


D831.262 / E56 / 2 /

Ending the cold war in Korea : theoretical and his

torical perspectives / ed. by Chung-in Moon, Odd A

rme Westad, Gyoo-hyoung Kahng. . -- Seoul : Yonsei

Univ. Press, 2001.

487 p. ; 23 cm.

Includes bibliographical references and index.

ISBN 8971415630 : 交换

Ⅰ. Yonsei series on Korean unification studies, ,


D831.262 / C456 /

A changing Korea in regional and global contexts /

edited by Lee-Jay Cho, Chung-Si Ahn, Choong Nam Ki

m. . -- [Honolulu, HI] : East-West Center ; Seo

ul, Korea : Seoul National University Press, c2004


ix, 589 p. : ill., maps ; 23 cm.

"This volume is a product of the POSCO Visiting Fe

llowship Program at the East-West Center, in Honolu

lu, Hawaii"--P. ii. . -- Includes bibliographical

references. . -- 1. Introduction and overview / Lee

-Jay Cho, Chung-Si Ahn, Choong Nam Kim -- 2. Northe

ast Asia: the "organization gap" and beyond / Ken

t E. Calder -- 3. Democratic America in Northeast A

sia: US strategy, theater missile defense, and alli

ed relationships / Sonya Finley -- 4. The future of

America's alliances in Asia: the importance of en

emies or ideas? / Victor D. Cha -- 5. Strategic use

s of economic interdependence / Miles Kahler -- 6.

The political dynamics of US-Korean relations: an A

merican perspective / Tong Whan Park -- 7. U.S. sec

urity commitments to South Korea and Taiwan: extend

ed deterrence versus dual deterrence / Emerson M.S.

Niou -- 8. Crisis of public confidence in democrat

izing Korea: a comparative perspective / Chung-Si A

hn, Won-Taek Kang -- 9. A comparison of (low) trust

in Korea and Italy / In-Young Kim -- 10. The polit

ical implications of public support for democracy i

n East Asia / Russell J. Dalton, Doh Chull Shin --

11. Remapping Asia: competing patterns of regionali

zation and regionalism / T.J. Pempel -- 12. The Uni

ted States, Japan, and the power to block: the APEC

and AMF cases / David P. Rapkin -- 13. The politic

al economic of the new Asia-Pacific bilateralism: b

enign, banal, or simply bad? / John Ravenhill -- 14

. Safeguarding economic cooperation, reform, and de

velopment on the Korea Peninsula / Joachim Ahrens -

-15. The technology-institutions-productivity nexus

in the DPRK: a comparative perspective with the RO

K / Youngil Lim.

ISBN 8952105656 (hbk.):交换

D831.262 / C559 / Chung, Henry, 1890-1985. .

Korea and the United States through war and peace,

1943-1960 / by Henry Chung ; introduction by Steph

en Jin-Woo Kim. . -- Seoul, Korea : Yonsei Univers

ity Press, c2000.

xxxiv, 538 p. : ill., maps ; 23 cm.

Includes bibliographical references (p. 523-527) an

d index.

ISBN 897141507X

Ⅰ. Institute for Modern Korean Studies historical

materials series ;, no. 4

D831.262 / K499 / Kim, Stephen Jin-Woo. .

Master of manipulation : Syngman Rhee and the Seou

l-Washington alliance, 1953-1960 / Stephen Jin-Woo

Kim. . -- [Seoul] : Yonsei University Press, c2


xii, 354 p. ; 24 cm.

Includes bibliographical references and index.

ISBN 897141569X : 交换

Ⅰ. IMKS monograph series ;, no. 5

D831.262 / C559 / Chung, In-seop. .

Korean questions in the United Nations : resolutio

ns adopted at the principal organs of the United Na

tions with annotations, 1946-2001 / In Seop Chung.

. -- Seoul, Korea : Seoul National University Pre

ss, c2002.

xv, 390 p. ; 23 cm.

Includes bibliographical references (p. 389-390).

ISBN 8952103912 : 交换

D871.22 / J14 / Jackson, Robert J., 1936 - .

Temptations of power : the United States in global

politics after 9/11 / Robert J. Jackson and Phili

p Towle. . -- Basingstoke [England] ; New York

: Palgrave Macmillan, 2006.

xiv, 228 p. ; 23 cm.

Includes bibliographical references (p. 204-212) an

d index.

ISBN 1403946760 (hbk.) : CNY954.74

ISBN 1403946760 (hbk.) : CNY954.74

ISBN 9781403946768 (hbk.)

ISBN 1403946760 (hbk.) : CNY954.74

ISBN 9781403946768 (hbk.)

ISBN 1403946779 (pbk.)

ISBN 1403946760 (hbk.) : CNY954.74

ISBN 9781403946768 (hbk.)

ISBN 1403946779 (pbk.)

ISBN 9781403946775 (pbk.)

D871.22 / U84 /

The U.S. attack on Afghanistan / John Boaz, book e

ditor. . -- San Diego, Calif. : Greenhaven Press,


142 p. : ill. ; 24 cm.

Includes bibliographical references and index.

ISBN 0737719834 (lib. : alk. paper) : CNY270.48

Ⅰ. At issue in history.

D871.22 / U58 /

The United States and Europe : beyond the neo-cons

ervative divide? / edited by John Baylis and Jon R

oper. . -- London ; New York : Routledge, 2006.

xvi, 236 p. ; 25 cm.

Includes bibliographical references (p. 229-231) an

d index.

ISBN 0415368294 (hbk.)

ISBN 0415368294 (hbk.)

ISBN 9780415368292 (hbk.)

ISBN 0415368294 (hbk.)

ISBN 9780415368292 (hbk.)

ISBN 0415369991 (pbk.) : CNY372.06

ISBN 0415368294 (hbk.)

ISBN 9780415368292 (hbk.)

ISBN 0415369991 (pbk.) : CNY372.06

ISBN 9780415369992 (pbk.)

ISBN 0415368294 (hbk.)

ISBN 9780415368292 (hbk.)

ISBN 0415369991 (pbk.) : CNY372.06

ISBN 9780415369992 (pbk.)

ISBN 0203027574 (ebk.)

ISBN 0415368294 (hbk.)

ISBN 9780415368292 (hbk.)

ISBN 0415369991 (pbk.) : CNY372.06

ISBN 9780415369992 (pbk.)

ISBN 0203027574 (ebk.)

ISBN 9780203027578 (ebk.)

Ⅰ. Contemporary security studies.

ger / D871.29 / E51 / Elter, Andreas. .

Die kriegsverkaufer : Geschichte der US-Propaganda

1917-2005 / Andreas Elter. . -- Frankuft : Suhrk

amp, 2005.

369 p. ; 19 cm.

ISBN 3518124153 : CNY183.30

ger / D90 / H746 / Hollander, Pavel. .

Abriss einer Rechtsphilosophie : Strukturelle Uber

legungen / Pavel Hollander. . -- Berlin : Duncker

und Humblot, c2003.

119 p. ; 24 cm.

Includes bibliographical references (p. [112]-119


ISBN 3428109759 : CNY554.40

Ⅰ. Schriften zur Rechtstheorie,, 0582-0472 ;, 211.

ger / D90 / H999 / Huning, Dieter. .

Freiheit und Herrschaft in der Rechtsphilosophie de

s Thomas Hobbs / von Dieter Huning. . -- Berlin :

Duncker & Humblot, c1998.

301 p. ; 24 cm.

Includes bibliographical references (p. [285]-299

) and index.

ISBN 3428090462 : CNY689.92

Ⅰ. Schriften zur Rechtstheorie,, 0582-0472 ;, 185.

D90 / C889 / Cram, Ian. .

Contested words : legal restrictions on freedom of

speech in liberal democracies / Ian Cram. . -- Al

dershot, England ; Burlington, VT : Ashgate, c200


233 p. ; 24 cm.

Includes bibliographical references (p. [215]-227

) and index.

ISBN 0754623653 (hbk.) : CNY974.91

D90 / R935 /

rule of law and the separation of powers / edited

by Richard Bellamy. . -- Aldershot, England ; Burl

ington, VT : Ashgate/Dartmouth, c2005.

xli, 553 p. ; 25 cm.

Includes bibliographical references and index.

ISBN 0754624633 (alk. paper) : CNY2641.12

D90 / E96 /

Exploring Law's empire : the jurisprudence of Ron

ald Dworkin / edited by Scott Hershovitz. . -- Oxf

ord ; New York : Oxford University Press, 2006.

vii, 328 p. ; 24 cm.

Includes bibliographical references and index. . --

Introduction : the "international" constitutiona

l judge / Stephen Breyer -- Should constitutional j

udges be philosophers? / Chris L. Eisgruber -- The

place of history and philosophy in the moral readin

g of the American Constitution / James E. Fleming -

- How constitutional theory found its soul : the co

ntributions of Ronald Dworkin -- Rebecca L. Brown -

- Coherence, hypothetical cases, and precedent / S.

L. Hurley -- Integrity and stare decisis / Scott He

rshovitz -- The many faces of political integrity /

Dale Smith -- Did Dworkin ever answer the crits? /

Jeremy Waldron -- Associative obligations and the

obligation to obey the law / Stephen Perry -- Law'

s aim in Law's empire / John Gardner -- How facts

make law / Mark Greenberg -- Hartian positivism and

normative facts : how facts make law II / Mark Gre


ISBN 0199274355 (alk. paper) : CNY1100.50

ISBN 0199274355 (alk. paper) : CNY1100.50

ISBN 9780199274352 (alk. paper)

D90-052 / C755 /

Consciousness and ideology / edited by Patricia Ew

ick. . -- Aldershot, England ; Burlington, VT : A

shgate, c2006.

xxiii, 492 p. ; 25 cm.

Includes bibliographical references and index.

ISBN 075462496X (cloth) : CNY2354.30

ISBN 075462496X (cloth) : CNY2354.30

ISBN 9780754624967 (cloth)

D909.95 / B765 /

Boundaries of the law : geography, gender, and jur

isdiction in medieval and early modern Europe / ed

ited by Anthony Musson. . -- Aldershot, Hants, Engl

and ; Burlington, VT : Ashgate, c2005.

x, 196 p. : map ; 25 cm.

Includes bibliographical references and index. . --

Law in the landscape : criminality, outlawry, and

regional identity in late medieval England / W.M.Or

mrod -- The geographical and practical legal impact

of the peace of God in eleventh century Aquitaine

/ Thomas Gergen -- Sanctuary and penitential rebirt

h in the central Middle Ages / Trisha Olson -- Betw

een theology and popular practice : medieval canoni

sts on magic and impotence / Catherine Rider -- Mai

ntenance agreements and male responsibility in late

r medieval England / Sara M. Butler -- Crossing bou

ndaries : attitudes to rape in late medieval Englan

d / Anthony Musson -- Rethinking incest and heinous

sexual crime : changing boundaries of secular and

ecclesiastic jurisdiction in late medieval Sweden /

Mia Korpiola -- Rules for solving conflicts of law

in the Middle Ages : part of the solution, part of

the problem / Dirk Heirbaut -- The geographical, j

urisdictional, and jurisprudential boundaries of E

nglish litigation in the early seventeenth century

/ Louis A. Knafla -- Jurisdictional competition and

the evolution of the common law : a hypothesis / D

aniel Klerman -- English legal history and interdis

ciplinary legal studies / Jonathan Rose. . -- Law i

n the landscape : criminality, outlawry, and region

al identity in late medieval England / W.M.Ormrod -

- The geographical and practical legal impact of th

e peace of God in eleventh century Aquitaine / Thom

as Gergen -- Sanctuary and penitential rebirth in t

he central Middle Ages / Trisha Olson -- Between th

eory and practice : medieval canonists on magic and

impotence / Catherine Rider -- Maintenance agreeme

nts and male responsibility in later medieval Engla

nd / Sara M. Butler -- Crossing boundaries : attitu

des to rape in late medieval England / Anthony Muss

on -- Rethinking incest and heinous sexual crime :

changing boundaries of secular and ecclesiastic jur

isdiction in late medieval Sweden / Mia Korpiola --

Rules for solving conflicts of law in the Middle A

ges : part of the solution, part of the problem / D

irk Heirbaut -- The geographical, jurisdictional, a

nd jurisprudential boundaries of English litigatio

n in the early seventeenth century / Louis A. Knafl

a -- Jurisdictional competition and the evolution o

f the common law : a hypothesis / Daniel Klerman --

English legal history and interdisciplinary legal

studies / Jonathan Rose.

ISBN 0754650901 (alk. paper) : CNY886.28

D913 / G562 /

Globalization and intellectual property / edited b

y Alexandra George. . -- Aldershot, England ; Burl

ington, VT : Ashgate, c2006.

xl, 580 p. ; 25 cm.

Includes bibliographical references and index.

ISBN 9780754624035 (hbk.) : CNY3215.00

ISBN 9780754624035 (hbk.) : CNY3215.00

ISBN 075462403X (hbk.)

Ⅰ. The international library of essays on globaliz

ation and law.

D913 / D286 /

Debating Affirmative Action : Conceptual, Contextua

l And Comparative PerspectivesAileen Mcharg. -- Oxf

ord : Blackwell Publishing2006

192 p. ; 23 cm

First published 2006 by Blackwell Publishing Ltd. a

s a special issue of Journal of law and society - t

.p. verso. . -- Includes bibliographical references

and index.

ISBN 140514839X : CNY381.70

ISBN 140514839X : CNY381.70

ISBN 9781405148399 (pbk.)

Ⅰ. Journal of law and society,, 0263-323X ;, v. 33

, no. 1

D931.2 / C545 / Choi, Chongko.

Law and justice in Korea : South and North / Chon

gko Choi. . -- Seoul : Seoul National University P

ress, 2005

533 p. ; 23 cm

ISBN 8952106350 : 交换

D931.26 / R295 /

Recent transformations in Korean law and society /

edited by Dae-Kyu Yoon. . -- Seoul, Korea : Seoul

National University Press, c2000.

xiv, 469 p. ; 26 cm.

Includes bibliographical references and index.

ISBN 8952102177 : 交换

D95 / S568 / Sideri, Katerina. .

Law's practical wisdom : the theory and practice

of law making in new governance structures in the E

uropean Union / Katerina Sideri. . -- Aldershot, E

ngland ; Burlington, VT : Ashgate Pub., c2007.

vi, 146 p. : ill. ; 24 cm.

Includes bibliographical references (p. [127]-140

) and index. . -- Prelude to the problematique of l

aw and new governance : from phronesis to compromis

e -- Economy, polity, and the European experience

-- The European Commission and the law making proce

ss : compromise as a category of praxis -- Procedur

al rationality, power, and the bureaucratic mode of

thinking -- Ruptures in established practice -- El

ements of a theory of law making in the European Un


ISBN 0754646203 (alk. paper) : CNY974.91

ISBN 0754646203 (alk. paper) : CNY974.91

ISBN 9780754646204 (alk. paper)

D95 / I43 /

Information rights and obligations : a challenge f

or party autonomy and transactional fairness / edi

ted by Geraint Howells, Andre Janssen, Reiner Schul

ze. . -- Aldershot, Hants, England ; Burlington, V

T : Ashgate, c2005.

xiii, 231 p. ; 24 cm.

Includes bibliographical references and index. . --

Autonomy and fairness : the case of public stateme

nts / Chris Willett -- The Strategy and the harmoni

zation process within the European legal system : p

arty autonomy and information requirements / Paola

Gozzo -- Evolution of party autonomy in a legal sys

tem under transformation : recent developments in P

oland under special consideration of the Package Tr

avel Directive / Katarzyna Michalowska -- From trut

h in lending to responsible lending / Iain Ramsay -

- EC directives for self-employed commercial agents

and on time-sharing : apples, oranges and the core

of the information overload problem / Bettina Wend

landt -- Information requirements in the e-commerce

directive and the proposed directive on unfair com

mercial practices / Annette Nordhausen -- Contractu

al disclosure and remedies under the Unfair Contrac

t Terms Directive / Edoardo Ferrante -- Information

disclosure about the quality of goods : duty or en

couragement? / Christian Twigg-Flesner -- Informati

on and product liability : a game of Russian roulet

te? / Geraint Howells -- Duties to inform versus pa

rty autonomy : reversing the paradigm (from free co

nsent to informed consent)? : a comparative account

of French and English law / Ruth Sefton-Green -- T

he information requirements in the principles of Eu

ropean private law 'long-term commercial contracts

: Commercial agency, distribution, franchise' : a

model for a European civil code? / Andre Janssen.

ISBN 0754624323 : CNY1152.17

Ⅰ. Markets and the law.

D95 / T824(2) / Tridimas, Takis. .

The general principles of EU law / Takis Tridimas.

. -- 2nd ed. . -- Oxford ; New York : Oxford Uni

versity Press, 2006.

cxxi, 591 p. 24 cm.

Includes bibliographical references (561-576) and i

ndex. . -- The general principles of law in the Eur

opean Union legal order -- The principle of equalit

y -- The principle of proportionality : review of c

ommunity measures -- The principle of proportionali

ty : relationship with competence and subsidiarity

-- The principle of proportionality : review of nat

ional measures -- Legal certainty and protection of

legitimate expectations -- Fundamental rights -- T

he rights of defence -- The principle of effectiven

ess -- The liability of community institutions -- S

tate liability for breach of EU law -- Conclusions.

ISBN 0199258066 (alk. paper)

ISBN 0199258066 (alk. paper)

ISBN 9780199258062 (alk. paper) : CNY2320.00

Ⅰ. Oxford EC law library.

ger / D951.61 / L525 / : 43Leibholz. .

Grund Gesetz : Rechtsprechung des BVerfG. 43 / Le

ibholz, Rinck. . -- Koln : otto-schmidt, 2006.

136 p. ; 20 cm.


ger / D951.61 / L525 / : 44Leibholz. .

Grund Gesetz : Rechtsprechung des BVerfG. 44 / Le

ibholz, Rinck. . -- Koln : otto-schmidt, 2006.

146 p. ; 20 cm.


D99 / I61 /

International law in Korean perspective / ed. by C

hoong-Hyun Paik. . -- Seoul : Seoul National Unive

rsity Press, 2004

473 p. ; 23 cm.

ISBN 8952105982 : 交换

D99 / D383 /

Democracy and international law / edited by Richar

d Burchill. . -- Aldershot, Hampshire, England ; B

urlington, VT : Ashgate, c2006.

xxvi, 632 p. ; 26 cm.

Includes bibliographical references and index.

ISBN 0754624226 (hbk.) : CNY2658.85

Ⅰ. Libraries of essays in international law.

D990 / H224 / Hammer, Leonard M. .

A Foucauldian approach to international law : desc

riptive thoughts for normative issues / by Leonard

M. Hammer. . -- Burlington, VT : Ashgate, 2007.

vi, 154 p. ; 23 cm.

Includes bibliographical references and index. . --

Theoretical grounds for international law -- Recog

nition, transformation, and power -- Transgressing

problems of customary international law -- A descri

ptive moment for freedom of religion or belief -- H

uman security from a transformative context -- Non-

governmental organisations and power.

ISBN 9780754623564 (alk. paper) : CNY974.91

D993 / I61 /

Intervention, terrorism, and torture : contemporar

y challenges to just war theory / edited by Steven

P. Lee. . -- Dordrecht : Springer, 2007.

xiii, 323 p. 25 cm.

Includes bibliographical references and index. . --

I. Introduction: Just war theory and the challenge

s it faces -- II. Some Theoretical Background: 1. A

postmodern view of just war / William E. Murnion -

- 2. From rights to realism: Incoherence in Walzers

conception of Jus in bello / David Duquette -- 3.

A realist response to Walzer's Just and Unjust War

s / Patrick Hubbard -- III. Intervention: -- 4. Wal

zer and Rawls on just wars and humanitarian interve

ntions / Rex Martin -- 5. Humanitarian intervention

and relational sovereignty / Helen Stacy -- 6. Jus

t war theory post 9/11: perfect terrorism and super

power defense / Eugene E. Dais -- 7. Preventive int

ervention / Steven P. Lee -- IV. Terrorism: -- 8. L

aw, just war, and the international fight against t

errorism: is it war? / Allen S. Weiner -- 9. Determ

ining moral rectitude in thwarting suicide terorist

attacks: moral terra incognita / Jonathan Schonshe

ck -- 10. Terrorism and the ethics of war / Stephen

Nathanson -- 11. The war against terrorism and the

"war" against terrorism / Alistair M. Macleod --

12. Terrorism and universal jurisdiction / Win-chi

at Lee -- V. Torture: -- 13. Humanity, prisoners of

war, and torture / Larry May -- 14. Assessing the

prohibition against torture / Kenneth Einar Himma -

- 15. Liberalism, torture, and the ticking bomb / D

avid Luban -- 16. Torture and self-defense / Deirdr

e Golash -- 17. War rape's challenge to just war t

heory / Sally J. Scholz -- 18. Prisons, POW camps,

and interrogation centers: reflections on the jurid

ic status of detainees / Ken Kipnis -- VI. The Impa

ct of Technology: -- 19. Non-combatant immunity in

an age of high tech warfare / Richard T. De George.

ISBN 1402046774 : CNY723.64

ISBN 1402046774 : CNY723.64

ISBN 9781402046773

R / D99-54 / G562 / : 2004(1)

The global community : yearbook of international l

aw and jurisprudence. 2004. vol.1. -- Dobbs Ferry,

N.Y. : Oceana Publications, 2005

xxvii, 974 p. ; 26 cm

ISBN 0379214814 : CNY2365.92

ISSN 1535-9468

D997.9 / F931 /

From sovereign impunity to international accountabi

lity : the search for justice in a world of states

/ edited by Ramesh Thakur and Peter Malcontent. .

-- Tokyo ; New York : United Nations University

Press, 2004.

xviii, 305 p. ; 24 cm.

Includes bibliographical references and index. . --

From impunity to accountability : forces of transf

ormation and the changing international human right

s context / Paul G. Lauren -- From the Nuremberg Ch

arter to the Rome Statute : a historical analysis o

f the limits of international criminal accountabili

ty / Michael D. Biddiss -- International criminal j

ustice and the United States : law, culture, power

/ David P. Forsythe -- Violations of human rights a

nd humanitarian law and threats to international pe

ace and security / George J. Andreopoulos -- The in

dividual within international law / Michail Wladimi

roff -- Gender-related crimes : a feminist perspect

ive / Christine Chinkin -- International criminal c

ourts and the admissibility of evidence / Bert Sw

art -- Balancing the rights of the accused with the

imperatives of accountability / William A. Schabas

-- We the people : The position of NGOs in gatheri

ng evidence and giving witness at international cri

minal trials / Helen Durham -- Democracy, global go

vernance, and the International Criminal Court / Ma

deline H. Morris -- Reconciling fractured societies

: an African perspective on the role of judicial p

rosecutions / Kingsley Chiedu Moghalu -- Demystifyi

ng Osama Bin Laden : fair trials for international

terrorists / Geoffrey Robertson -- The complexity

of international criminal law

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