A historical Perspective During the Reign of

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In this note we will try to explain the conscription system that was laid out by the Japanese government and points out some of the good and bad aspects of this system. This information was supplied and written by Yutoku Keijiro who is involved with the SDF Army for the Emperor. This information was reviewed during the 6th month 47th year of Showa. At that time opportunities were advertised within the military for new recruits. The conscription system was initiated in 1973 and this gave the general public a chance to review this system to see what their opinion was.

What was presented to the public was an outline as to what training the soldier would be receiving, and what duties he may assume.

But unfortunately every time the conscription was enacted riots occurred. The government was concerned with these outbreaks of violence in the affected areas. Other concerns were the safety of the soldiers. It was usually the elders of the villages that were behind these riots, as they did not want their only heirs to go to service and possibly die.

In 1880 the government thought of giving credit bonuses for those who enlisted without challenge. This would ease the burden on the elders who worried about harvesting crops on time in order to live.
The government also had a plan to extend this bonus offer indefinitely for all conscript’s who recognized and joined the army in its build up of the military services and wore its proud uniform.


The Iwanami bookseller highlights Japanese History from early to modern times.

From a secondary, source the Nakasogoro explains that the Japanese Army is again mentioned on page 96 of this section in more detail.
When Okinawa activated the conscription system for military service, it is important to look at the state of affairs in the country during that time and compare all the pros and cons, in order to really understand what was going on. In 1872 there is written comments from the government’s administration council on the new conscription system. It stated that Okinawa might have to repay taxes on the system if it could not successfully carry out Imperial Edict #258, which dictates that all men between the ages of 17 40 years of age must comply with the draft.

After it was decided that Okinawa would carry out & comply with this decree the impact on the populace would be damaging. At this time 1888 the Japanese version of the Red Cross was established to help the populace and military families deal with this new system.

The spirit of the government in establishing the Red Cross Society in Japan was mainly aimed toward areas that required disaster relief. This organization was established during the 5th month in the year 1886. Workers that were employed with this agency were given the official title of JRCS worker.
The president of this organization was an Army Staff Officer, and an Imperial Prince along with being a College President Komatsu Kanshojin. In 1896 the populace was beginning to dread the new edict regarding the conscription system. There were many youths that were sent out during wartime and after it was over they returned safely. Others though were not as fortunate. The reason this edict was carried out was because of the abolition of the clan system. The youth on Okinawa during this time of the enacting of the Imperial Edict were not impressed with this 258-page edict at all. The Imperial Edict would require complete support and compliance from all sectors in order for it to effective.
The first part of this Edict was sent to the Okinawa Army Garrison Guard, to prepare them for the problems that may occur once the system is implemented. Denial of military service was instituted for a small majority of the populace for bonified reasons. There were groups who were gearing up for a battle against this decree. There were seven people who chose not to comply during the third month of this enactment.
There were those who wanted to enlist but were deferred for reasons unknown. Some believe it was some secret political rationale instituted by them established Kempeitai (Secret Police). This group was also instructed to weed out the traitors and insurrectionists.
As this conscription system was getting the bugs worked out the National Diet was establishing laws for the use and control of guns and gunpowder for use by the troops on Okinawa. This law was finalized and signed into effect on the 12th day of the second month of 1910.
As applicants began enlisting in 1889, Sasebo in mainland Japan was establishing a territorial government organization. They took people from the Army Corp to start this agency out. The divine spirit they acquired during this time was due to their martial arts training.

One year after the conscription system was enacted and most of the problems worked out the then Division Commander Shiboku Chushu was given the green light to start testing and examining potential recruits for military service. This new build up of military forces and logistics was due mainly to the worsening in 1903 of Japanese/Soviet relations. This was all happening also just before the Nisshin Senso (Sino Japanese War) and this build up kept the military authorities busy going back and forth from their pacific bases to mainland Japan in the ensuing military build up.

During the fourth month of that same year an English Warship was dispatched to Japan and anchored off the coastal waters of Okinawa, to deliver a message to the Japanese warning them of the consequences of contemplating war with Russia.
One year after the Nisshin Senso in the 2nd month of 1904 the conscription decree was still going strong. During the third month Imperial Edict #46 was issued advising agencies that more supplies and money was being allocated for increased efforts to recruit more young people for the Army. A majority of the youth that enlisted was from Okinawa. Also from Okinawa there were special youths recruited for the Imperial Guard Force.
During the war Okinawa was being continually built up, especially along the coastal areas. Several areas were made into deep-water ports for the Japanese Navy & Combined Squadron Force. In 1910 Shimamura Hayoyu Field Marshall from Sasebo Navy Yard HQ, who was president of the Navy General Staff College and also Commander of the Squadron Forces mentioned above. The navy by making increased port calls in these new deep-water ports established an impressive display of sea superiority.

There were those who opposed this large naval presence this area. There were also those still opposed to fighting in any war, whether it was justified or not. At this point for historical purposes there were many anti war demonstrations at the military HQ on Okinawa.

Even to this date this HQ building is still being preserved as a war monument for the Japanese/Okinawan military.
An additional aim of this organization was to prepare these young men for military service. Again the Japanese government in establishing these societies made many strides toward the common good of all. Most of the agencies e.g., The Red Cross, Remembrance Society, and the Patriotic Ladies Aid Society were among the most popular and important. The Kaiso Kai or the Remembrance Society which held meetings with the Red Cross President who was an Army General and Imperial Prince.
These societies were holding meetings to discuss the Nisshin Senso in which they were trying to enlist the Australians and the Russians along with their war ships to maneuver around Manchuria as a show of force and an aid for routing supplies to and from Japan to Okinawa.
Then in 1911 during the 44th year of Meiji the general populace was asking for peace and order.
So the government sent the JSDF (Japanese Self-Defense Force) to restore order in troubled areas. To compound this the Army was looking at other areas on Okinawa for establishing new bases for its increasing military presence. What was eventually decided on was to bring in the Kempeitai. This group established the prefectural police department in lieu of using the military to quell the violence and restore order.



From Okinawa forced conscription was an ongoing event. The government called on troops from Tokyo, Kumamoto, and Fukuoka, to support the war effort. All services were combined Army, Navy and Marines in a show of force, unity and bravery in defending their homeland. The government hoped this would stir the soul and spirit of the Okinawan people to stand up and be brave and do the right thing. Some Okinawans who did stand up were denied battlefield assignments, as the military was not sure of their motives and what their priorities were.
Some who did enlist took off when they got the chance or appeared to be MIA's. The Nisshin Senso finally came to an end and the Japanese were victorious. The world watched in awe as the end of this war came about, but just to view the beginning of another. But the fight with the dissidents continued. Some were taking extreme measures to ensure that they would be unable to enlist. The Japanese were entering into a new era named the Taisho Era (1912 1925). Times were changing at a fast pace. The Japanese continue to build their war machine.
Some believe that the conscription system could be turned into a business from which one could turn a profit. The trend was to help support the government. Posters were put up asking people who were eligible to join and fight for their, country. 1918 changed the name of the Military HQ on Okinawa to the Okinawan Military Regiment HQ. The commanding officer was an Army Colonel that had served in the previous war. He continued as he did in the previous war fighting for excellence.
Let’s move ahead a little. In 1972 the 47th year of Showa 5th month 15th day Okinawa was formally given back as a Japanese protectorate. To this day the revival of the SDF was once again going strong and a call went out again for eligible men and women to serve in the armed forces.

The Okinawan military garrison system was revived and the following year the Okinawan Army Division was set out on a goal of returning this island nation into a once again peaceful paradise “The pearl of the pacific”. As different views on the new conscription system developed a more pointed approach and everyone reached acceptance. As the military services became more centralized and cohesive things appeared to be stabilizing. Conscription inspection teams were formed to monitor the systems progress and problems and took a more positive approach in resolving conflicts.

With this system the government was also issuing awards to villages whose cooperation and participation in this program when they exceeded their quotas.

Now, to look at the era from 1898 to 1915 we have the start of the next big war on the rise, the anti war, movement grew and grew.
By the time the next war did come about 774 anti war personnel were rounded up and jailed. The authorities made great strides to build up their war machine. What they did not need was groups of dissidents spreading discontent throughout the land. Thus Imperial Edict #258 was still very much valid and would be for some time to come.
In chapter II, which deals with happenings during the 13th year a+ Meiji a new crime law was enacted and that any violation of this act would result in severe punishment several times that of the original act.
This helped stem some of the problems the prefectural police were having with dissidents and anti war protesters. The following is a breakdown of the number a+ individuals involved in crimes that were prosecuted: Toho village 179 people, Nakagami 314 people, Kinigami 218 people, Miyako 10 people, Yaeyama 4 people, Naha 5 people, and Shuri village 45 people.
From the following wards Motobu village Kunigami Sun 136 people, Gushikawa village Nakagami Sun 67 people, Chatan village Dogun Sun 56 people Itoman Cho Toho gun 51 people, Shuri Ku 45 people, Ginowan village/Nakagami Sun 44 people, Nakagusuku village Dogun 41 people.
Military service was denied to all these individuals because they fell under the guidelines of the above mentioned crime law. In addition there were others in other villages that were also denied entrance into the military services due their unsavory past.
Okinawa Shiryo Shusei

(Taken from an Okinawan data source)

CHUI #4   (1)
- Hisha Kyo to Yoshidaya tsuru -

(The famous Hisha Kyo Bridge and Yoshidaya)
The poet Nidai Joryu wrote once about the Hisha Kyo Bridge and Yoshidaya. As the legend goes Yoshidayas father brought his child from Nakajima and sold her into the service of a famous lord. This all took place in the middle of this bridge. The father although he did not want to sell his daughter he had no choice.
He felt a deep loss in his heart for doing this terrible deed. A famous song was written which tells of this sad event.
This bridge is near the village of Kadena. The Hashigawa flows under this bridge. In this river a legendary snake was suppose to dwell. Many residents were said to have perished in the jaws of legendary beast. The river flowed inland for many miles and emptied into a large pond. The Satsuma Clan supposedly owned part of the river. This Clan during a small took it squirmish. Near Kadena was yet another bridge called the Matahashi Bridge. In this area was a very scenic and peaceful. From the higher hills, which surround this area, the view is spectacular. This area was also a famous in that the Satsuma Army fought a famous battle there. The area now is still very picturesque. Sightseers come to this area to just relax and soak up the sunshine.
In the past many ships had to traverse this area on these inland waterways. Many couldn’t because of the way the ships were built. Back then one of the newest ships the Kitsuyamagen Fune, which traveled, thru this area picking and dropping off cargo, people and supplies for merchants and the like.
Being that this bridge in ancient times was so popular that is was never left unattended. The public saw to it that this bridge never fell into disrepair.
During the Kokiheishin Dynasty in China the then king on Okinawa Shoko 0 who ruled from 1660   1750 was of age and was eligible to be married. During his reign he wanted the bridge kept up because he wanted to married on this famous bridge. In 1729 Shoei 0 what at that time was 17 years old who had a relative 0 Kinchu who lived at Kyujo palace along with Oyakata Chishin and Mabun Hin. They both were heads of an agency, which was in charge of bridge repair and renovation. So they martialed their logistics and gathered the necessary materials to rebuild this famous bridge. The public was so overwhelmed that they also pitched in to help rebuilt this famous piece of architecture.

In Chapter II the Great War was raging on when U.S. forces captured Okinawa the Americans did extensive roadwork on what was known as route #1. After the road the Americans found out that they covered up this ancient landmark completed project. After a while it was forgotten. The locals though erected a monument to remind others this is where the famous Hisha Kyo once stood. This bridge has special significance to Okinawans.

This reference was taken from the Shuri village records, which were chronicled by Kinchuto Kaishu who detailed information on this bridge which was situated between Yomitan and the Chatan Gorge.
Note: This last part was written in Chinese so I can offer no complete translation other than the last four lines of the text which deal with Chinese construction methods and specifications on bridge building.
A poem follows:
Uramu hishakyo ya
Goshin wata sato omote
Nasakenai nin no
Kakete uchi era
This famous Ryukyuan poem is a very popular one, which is meant to be sung in memory of what happened to a little girl on Hishakyo Bridge. Some say that the incident that happened was a hateful one. Others feel sympathy for the individuals involved. The people of Yomitan pleaded with officials to keep this bridge intact. There was rumor that it might be torn down after the incident, but it never happened. This bridge has been destroyed several times just by typhoons, but was always rebuilt afterwards. In ancient times it was reconstructed three times 1667, 1689, and 1730.
In Chapter II, after the Great War U.S. Forces expanded the highway near this bridge and the bridge was rebuilt by the U.S. Forces and strengthened with steel girders to make it stronger.
In 1650 a song was written to memorialize the bridge. It is doubtful by some that this was the only reason the song was written and sung. The above named song though some believe was written for a girl named Chuto Yuro from Naha. She was enroute to the bridge when tragedy struck her down. Many interpretations or comments of the event are given below:
A. Some say that to bear a grudge for so long as did the poor girl’s parents seem wrong. There should have been more compassion for the girl’s sake.
To Onto Kan Juncho
Nanto Fudohi
B. To bear a grudge on what happened at the bridge can only be a person with a cold heart. This way should never be contemplated.
Fugowacho Bokuden

Kahon Ryuha

C. To carry a grudge while crossing this bridge shows no compassion for your fellow man.
Shimatai Shobincho
Ryukyu Taikan
Nakoto Ryofucho
Taihei Tengoku no Ran

Riots in the peaceful kingdom (China)
In 1840 the era of Koseisho near Shihei Yama, which during this era was the center of Buddhism there, thrived also a Christian Religious order doing missionary work. The head of this sect was a man named Koshuzen who also was a teacher at local temple primary school.

Koshuzen lived much of his life as a recluse. He lived about 50km from where he was known to teach and worked every day. His teachings to his followers included a litany on the meaning of God.

A popular belief in China was the belief in Christ and in the Lord God. This idea was bound with the strength and symbolism of this religion.
Koshuzens missionary work during this time was considered quite a success.
It was a success because of the contributions from his followers. In addition four other people were responsible for his orders success are as follows: Yoshusei, Shochokiv Haishoki, and Yukaitatsuto. Yoshusei drew many famous pictures in charcoal of Christ and also helped to band the peasants together with religious fervor, which helped all maintain unity with the Lord God. Haishoki and Yukaitatsuto were very large landowners who had large households. By bringing God into these households it helped form a more cohesive group of people.
Even among the peasants there were traders and layman alike in very large numbers who believed in God. In those days in China the whole land was passed over by great poverty. There were areas affected though by riots and uprisings. Those needy people who needed Gods comfort met in the village of Katsura. This village was a place where peasants, laymen and the like held meetings. 15,000 men and women held a rally once in this small village. In 1851 during the 11th day of January they met for the start of an insurrection. Koshuzen in his religious fervor formed units out of these men and women and armed them with guns, swords and spears, to help keep their religion from being banned by the unbelievers. These people gave up all of their customs and manners and even cut off their long braids of hair in defiance of the possibility of being prosecuted for their worship of the Christian God.

To the bitter end the Manchu Dynasty blocked all attempts for the Chinese people’s right to a choice of religion. But the Manchus looked the other way while people like Etsuhi, Etsuzoku, Hatsuhi, Chohamizoku and Chogeki were called upon to standup against the newly formed peasant army. These individuals were situated with their troops everywhere the peasants were. They also concentrated on the city centers where they resided or frequented.

Peace and tranquility was all the Manchu government wanted in their peaceful kingdom.
Meanwhile, the Christians who managed to escape into the countryside with their comrades were again free for while to worship the Lord God.
During the 3rd year of the Kigigoyaku era the rebel army near the Yangtze River basin was advised that they were to patrol the Konan and Nanking areas to ensure peace and freedom in the region for all concerned. They triumphantly took over and entered a castle in the Nanking area and held it for their peaceful purposes. Now that the area was in peace again for a while, Koshuzen assumed leadership of his forces. Yoshusei who was in charge of the Army did not hesitate to delegate authority to Shochoki and Haishoki to ensure that there was tranquility, harmony and honesty for all.
However, during the peaceful armies insurrection after the 6th year the leaders were seen struggling for, supremacy amongst themselves. The parties wanted the same for all and held to the tenet that their philosophy was an eye for an eye. But as things would have it when parties are struggling for power plans upon plans are made in secret and things start to unravel quite quickly. In the end Yoshiki was killed which was a serious blow to the peaceful at my. This incident plus other factors caused this little kingdom to crumble rather quickly. In 1853 in an area called Konan the scholar Sokokuhan was called back to his hometown to help form a volunteer Corp, which would be comprised of students, teachers and acquaintances. This then led them to crush the ban on religious practices of any kind. The reason this group was formed was to protest the Manchu governments ban on Confucianism. The people of China along with Sokokuhan complained to the government that this ban was unfair. This matter was then solved quite quickly also.
Another individual Konansho who was a powerful and wealthy landowner supported the peasant’s revolt for more freedom in the area of religious practice. He was also responsible for convincing the other wealthy landowners to follow his lead in the name of the peasant’s plight.
Sokokuhan had an acquaintance named Rikosho who was sympathetic toward the peasants cause and was named as Prime Minister to the Manchu government. This gave the cause and edge toward more personnel freedom.
Under Rikosho’s administration the government flowered and matters of state finally settled down. The government even signed into effect a bill to form an armed force for national defense purposes.
England and France also helped the Manchus form and organize there budding volunteer Corp. But as it would happen there were factions within the Manchu government who refused to take part in such a foreign enterprise. There was much resistance but it was defeated but when it was over Koshuzen commited suicide, which was another blow to, the peaceful armys cause. This took place in the city of Nanking.
In the peaceful kingdom in 1864 during the 7th month 19th day many things had changed hairstyles and clothing especially. This then signaled that this kingdom was being ushered into a new era. In China the people’s revolution, which united the peasants, underwent many changes after the Nomin Senso (Peasants War).
China’s history at this point began to change more so after the Nomin Senso. Life in China became once again tolerable. One could again drink and talk with others in peace without having to constantly look over their, shoulders. From the peasants there was extensive concentration on personnel freedoms and acquisition of equality in relation to current government policy. Now at this juncture enter Sobun and Matakuto. They stepped in and took over were the others left off, and begun ruling the new government.

From the author's viewpoint, (The Japanese author of this book) this then enabled the new government to form the Chuson Shintai Rocho. After this there was a struggle between China and Japan, which was being resolved. 11,000 years of bitter struggle between the Tokoki Hansha and the Peaceful Kingdom during Chinas Kosanshin era.

Next the civil war that was still raging in parts of the Peaceful Kingdom. All of this information up to now has very special historical significance.
The more you read the more you see how all these events come about. More can be gathered in this area by reading a historical encyclopedia.
The author here was just highlighting certain areas to give the reader an idea what was going on during Uechi Kanbuns visit.
Rekishi teki igi

(The purpose of history)
In old China there were several political movements for example the Shingai revolution. Before and after this revolution and during the Horomankyo Dynasty the Ocho Shingai happened. Even in modern times certain revolutions brought about some very interesting changes. In the olden days the Horomankyo Dynasty was one half Buddhist. The people though during this time was going more towards Buddhism as the country moved more toward nationalism. During the feudal days partial colonies were being formed. There was resistance towards this new development because no one knew the true direction it was to take. The Chinese government at this time was slowly turning people away from Confucianism and more towards Buddhism. Also the government was cracking down on opium smoking, which was prevalent with a majority of the Chinese populace. Also on their agenda was a ban on foot binding. This was the beginning of many radical and new changes that were happening in China.
All of the above named prohibitions were slow in being completely phased out. The prohibitions for men and women to be equal in status were the biggest problem plaguing the government. Some were for it but many were against it.
In all this time of change the Christian Religion seemed to flourish without any problems from the Chinese government. The peasants felt so strongly about this new religion that they revolted again in order to keep this religion they would from being prohibited.
In history the expansion of this new religion and the faith it put forth to the followers was unbelievable. This new order seemed to bring people closer together as time went on. A new order  of social revolution was coming about. This new social revolution was to bring about many new changes. This new system was brought about because of the new Imperial Court System, which China had adopted. This system had a little of everything from heavenly possession to the temple of Confucius. Confucianism was going out and Buddhism slowly taking a place as a preferred religion.
With this the new system of communism was added. Supposedly this new system offered something new for everyone. Even the Military Arts benefited from this new system.
They’re those though even inside the Imperial Chinese Castle that was still being prosecuted for worshiping God.
There were those that didn’t believe that God was the problem within the court. The peasants and the "have-nots" needed this new religion. It kept them together as a whole.
However, during the peaceful armies insurrection after the 6th year the leaders were seen struggling for, supremacy amongst themselves. The parties wanted the same for all and held to the tenet that their philosophy was an eye for an eye. But as things would have it when parties are struggling for power plans upon plans are made in secret and things start to unravel quite quickly. In the end Yoshiki was killed which was a serious blow to the peaceful at my. This incident plus other factors caused this little kingdom to crumble rather quickly. In 1853 in an area called Konan the scholar Sokokuhan was called back to his hometown to help form a volunteer Corp, which would be comprised of students, teachers and acquaintances. This then led them to crush the ban on religious practices of any kind.
The reason this group was formed was to protest the Manchu governments ban on Confucianism. The people of China along with Sokokuhan complained to the government that this ban was unfair. This matter was then solved quite quickly also.

Another individual Konansho who was a powerful and wealthy landowner supported the peasant’s revolt for more freedom in the area of religious practice. He was also responsible for convincing the other wealthy landowners to follow his lead in the name of the peasant’s plight. Sokokuhan had an acquaintance named Rikosho who was sympathetic toward the peasants cause and was named as Prime Minister to the Manchu government. This gave the cause and edge toward more personnel freedom. Under Rikoshos administration the government flowered and matters of state finally settled down. The government even signed into effect a bill to form an armed force for national defense purposes.

England and France also helped the Manchus form and organize there budding volunteer Corp. But as it would happen there were factions within the Manchu government who refused to take part in such a foreign enterprise.
There was much resistance but it was defeated but when it was over Koshuzen commited suicide, which was another blow to, the peaceful army’s cause. This took place in the city of Nanking.
In the peaceful kingdom in 1864 during the 7th month 19th day many things had changed hairstyles and clothing especially. This then signaled that this kingdom was being ushered into a new era. In China the people’s revolution, which united the peasants, underwent many changes after the Nomin Senso (Peasants War).
China’s history at this point began to change more so after the Nomin Senso. Life in China became once again tolerable. One could again drink and talk with others in peace without having to constantly look over their, shoulders. From the peasants there was extensive concentration on personnel freedoms and acquisition of equality in relation to current government policy. Now at this juncture enter Sobun and Matakuto.
They stepped in and took over were the others left off, and begun ruling the new government of
The revolutions that came about which was responsible for better reforms were always being attacked as being barbaric but nothing ever came from these attacks as they were put down by the common man. During this time there were people who were vying for power during this time of changeover. Reading from other sources may give the reader more of an insight as to what was really happening during this time. Mandaiko in this last part encapsulates the following events:
(1852) The Birth of the Revolution
(1814 64) With the coming of Koshuze, and how during his time how he found Christ and studied his doctrines, and how he founded the Shikoryu or the Shiko School of Thought. Additionally, how Koshuze’s realization of the Lord God and his doctrines changed him.
In the year 1850 during the seventh month a member of the Manchu government with a secret cache of arms along with many insurrectionists tried to bring down the Manchu government. Then the following year China was finally established as a nation. After this Koseisho (The Kiosei Revolution) took place in the Hunan Province.
In 1853 the Kosusho Wosu Revolution) captures Nanking, but left the capital shortly after peacefully. From the Koseisho, the path that the peasants and commoners followed was the basis for the system that China operates under today.
The peasants finally took the stand as stated before and fought for what they wanted and won. After these taxes, land and food staples were being redistributed. There were some officials who didn’t want to change any of those areas. They wanted higher taxes and more food from the farmers. The peasants fought frequently for better reforms in the above-mentioned two areas. They wanted taxes collected according to ones means and food distributed according to what one could afford.

The local government at this point in time had put up portions of land for unification but was swept away with the radical changes in this era’s turbulent society. (This was a summary from another portion of book).

During this period it was the peaceful kingdoms or Chinas destiny or karma to have a reliable king or president to rule during these hard times. Handaji Kou was supposed to be selected for this post. Koshuzen though rallied the people to standup and oppose the selection of this man.

To think of ones own self esteem was a path, which led only to graft among government officials. Host people thought with what all was happening within the government at this time. It was time for a weeding out process of gregarious and greedy individuals. The public had been harassed long enough.

All this treason and foolishness made the current ruler look like a child instead of a Wiseman. Official offices and titles were bought and sold like candy during the old days.
This was the root cause for all the current government corruption that was taking place. For that reason during the outbreak of events within the world during this time people were having dreams of profit. This was of life was due to the irresponsible government officials currently in place. The moral spirit became lost along with prosperity.
What sort of profit was man during this time seeking? What evil would come about from such philandering? We must always look at who will suffer e.g., the common man and the down and trodden.
Host felt no compassion for the down and out. To add misery to misfortune, during recent years the Chinese government had raised taxes beyond what most people could afford. This happened during a thirty-year period. The public had no way to come to grips or come up with a plan for the needed money for these needless tax raises.

Thru the common man duty, morals, humanity and justice were never really enforced, so subsequently the public suffered. This situation was predominate in the urban prefectures, states, and districts. Treachery amongst government officials was rampant.

The public felt that a clean sweep with fire and water within the current government and elect new officials would help everyone get back on their feet and prosper.
In spite of the people trying to spring back up on their feet was like standing underneath a cloud. The large Chinese army put down most of these insurrections, which took place in Chiasoshia City in Hunan Province. Also suppression was taking place in the western area of the Lower Yangtze. There was a team in this area that was giving out information about the suppression to the people and what was to be expected.
The public’s tone was one of surprise and confusion that their rights were being put down again. The peasants and merchants all had to accept cheaper work. Host had the spirit to leave and seek employment elsewhere. Host of the rich people had it made during these bad times. They had stored money away during the good times to make up for the bad times ahead.
The government thought had a real brilliant plan to give assistance to those who needed it, with one catch; they (the public) peasants/merchants had to sign a promissory note to pay back the assistance at later date.
Certain courage was needed in order to make thru these troubled times. The military discouraged a lot of what the public wanted. The common man had to weigh honor over victory, a very different situation I think.
A government clerk for the urban prefecture and state districts had his life taken by force. This was due to his submitting of certificates to individuals to be able to return from exile this cruelty and tyranny perpetrated by subordinate officials supposedly with not dealt with properly. This was a cover possibly to placate the general public. With this upheaval going on the criminal elements took advantage of the situation by perpetrating venire and robbery. People complained, but officials were slow in reacting.

Supposedly a clean sweep was made of all the bad elements. Also if the villages refused to help assist the soldiers in ridding their areas of subversive elements, they were summarily annihilated regardless of the reason.

To state a personnel opinion during this sweep was strictly forbidden. This information was taken from a Chinese Modern History Data Source Pages 115 116.
Yoshusei [?   1856] and Shochoki [?   1852] were often times employed as craftsman and workmen. They had graduated from the needy peasant class just as Koshuzen had. Koshuzen who was a peaceful leader of men from the peaceful kingdom (China), often called upon known strategist Sahosei & To "0" Yuhitsuji who also was a renowned strategist who often offered advice to Koshuzen.

An aged scholar did this writing and often the references and writings were obscure at certain points. Even though the aged scholars were known as intellectuals they were against the subjugation of the Manchurian people who were under control of the Chinese. Under this deplorable governmental control other races were also chased away and/or subjugated under Chinese rule. Many pleas and complaints were requested toward these deplorable acts.

HENYAKUSHA (Translation)
In a degree from the peaceful kingdom strategist Sahisei and TO "0" YO, Yoshusei, Yuhitsu Yusei & Sei "0" Sho Shochoki believed in the Manchurian peoples cause and against their subsequent subjugation. These thoughts one said were to have come from a heavenly source. All who have read this will want to listen and will agree to the conditions set forth above. To think along the lines that the Manchurians and Chinese people come from the same source is a true statement. Although some during this era would vehemently deny this.
Food, clothing and livelihoods of both were not the same according to some. Even the people and their children were said to not be the same. It was said that Min "0" Cho the Chinese ruler ruined any and all attempts for the Manchurian people to gain rights and freedom, like everyone else. That is what plunged China into chaos during this turbulent period.

The trap China set for the Manchurian people seemed to have backfired on them. What they were doing to the Manchurians was happening also on them. One would think that with all of Chinas vast land acquisitions in the countryside that there would be room for the plight of the Manchurians. If the political and economic situation in China during this era was different, one then wonders if things could have been different. Would China ever change their mind and let the Manchurians be human? I doubt it would have been so.

China believed that the Manchurian people stained their soil. But according to China with the injustice, immorality, iniquity and disorder were caused by foreign influence. When the foreigners advanced on China the country started to fall apart. Also the foreigners were forcing the Chinese with this type of influence servility and change upon them. So in turn they appeared to take their frustration on the Manchurians.

So much hatred and no feelings of passion or humility toward humankind seemed prevalent during this era. The Chinese people could never come up with a concrete reason as to why they never changed. The beginning of this I believe was caused by the belief that the Manchurians were either ghosts or descendants of ghosts.

Why were the Manchurians called ghosts? There is supposition that Chinas descendants from heaven and all the Christian Gods somehow became integrated onto this troubled era because of the question, which God is supreme? Who made the mountains & seas? Who gave life to all? This supposedly was part of the tensions between China and Manchuria religious doctrine.
Again why were Manchurians made out to be insidious ghosts? Some say they were evil or devil worshiping Satan. Some say they did worship Satan. This could be one of sources of tension if it was true.
Some even say that this information was leaked to disgrace and bring ill will to the Manchurians. What do you think? In the old legends and superstitions the head and the foot played vital role for ghosts from ancient legends. The same holds true for the Chinese also.
Some legends state that the only way stop ghosts was to acquire some bamboo from the southern tip of Mt. Koya. Then this bamboo is cut into thin strips and have magical charms written on them. These strips are used to bind the spirits to to their earthly domain. These strips would have to be purified to be effective. If not the charms will not control the supposed ghost.
The Chinese I believe thought that these ghosts were the cause of all their problems. Originally in China the Chinese hairstyle was an important image. Now the Manchurians shave the front pate and affect a long pigtail in the back. The Chinese thought the Manchurians by doing this were acquiring animalistic traits. In China, the Chinese had elaborate clothing and headdresses. The Manchurians ha a small cap they would wear on their head. The Manchurian clothes seemed odd also tot he Chinese. The Manchurians had abolished the kimono and headdress some year’s prior. I think that China had forgotten about Manchurian tradition. In China the there interests were directed toward throne and emperor. During this time there were 10 divisions within the Chinese government system and 1 Manchurian governmental division. The Chinese thought of the Manchurians as a tribe rather than a civilized race.

In China the men had many consorts. Manchurians used the same women as servants only. They had their own consorts but a majority of them were barbarians or foreign women.

Most barbarian consorts it was said were dirty and smelled of fish. It was sad to have to refer to women in that context during this era. It appears all-Chinese and Manchurians were in disagreement on many things. During this time within the system there were laws enacted to prohibit the practice and spread of Satanism. Men who were caught were stripped and bound hand and foot and imprisoned. Many women were also treated in the same fashion. Many Chinese rebelled against this stifling of freedom of expression and imprisoning women unduly. There was a Tanka Poem written which said that now the Manchurians were in Peking many changes had come about.
Another problem was the language of the barbarian. The sounds and differences in speech often mislead the Chinese into thinking that because they couldn't understand this odd language that the barbarians were also less than human. During this time there were many natural disasters e.g., floods which destroyed a lot of good land, housing and human life. The latter was the worse. Bodies of the dead were strewn everywhere, and were left to the forces of nature. No one would take the initiative to bury the dead that were carelessly strewn. This condition led to rampant outbreaks of a variety of virulent diseases e.g., plague, cholera etc.
Subsequently the Chinese population was greatly reduced. The Manchurians also coveted government officials and their positions. They knew that the government had authority to give people assistance to rebuild the land. The Manchurians tried in vain to acquire positions within the Chinese government in order to help their own kind. Many Manchurian men and women had talked long and hard to with the Chinese to negotiate
During these troubled times there was an increase in interracial marriages between China & Manchurians. This was partly due to the thawing of relations between the two supposed non same races. Sometimes there was no talk of marriages if in the case of a rich man. He would take his bride and force the marriage. This happened with Chinese and Manchurians.
During this era the known emperor and empress and all of the people living inside the imperial palace were according to records to act like animals. Even though they all held high positions they often, during ceremonies and parities acted like animals in the field and in doing so the Chinese often acted cruelly even toward fellow Chinese peasants. It was hard for them to act in a normal fashion after years of being treated cruelly.
Due to the excessive abuse with the palace and governmental system a crackdown was initiated. The individuals who were investigated were worried that others who coveted their position were in line to take their positions when they were fired.
Nobody knew why these individuals were worshipping or emulating the wild animals of the field. Even children were following the adults as they engaged in this weird fantasy.

Apparently the Manchurians acted in the same fashion. All of thee people who were government officials, who could read and write and had formal educations, would act in this manner was not readily known.

In past times the Southern Fang Prime Minister Mintensho, who was also a literary man whose origins came from the Mongolian Dynasty and was a member of the Shika Ho and an honored general of the Kishikshi clan. He died fighting for barbarian rights to live in peace and be able to be educated. He eventually was able to help certain people gain access to various government positions.
One has to calculate the total # of Manchurians along with the Chinese involved to understand who was actually being oppressed. But the figures show that the Chinese was oppressing the Manchurians. This was shameful for the oppressors. During this era there was a gradual return to the path of the heavenly road set down previously by the Chinese Emperor.

Now the road the Manchurians were taking was a culmination of 210 years of being plagued with bad luck. However some years were better than others. Under the Manchurian Dynasties rule they controlled the peaceful kingdom with an iron fist. The new emperor Koshuzen had many new ideas, which would bring about new revolutionary changes.

The high point of the persecution of Manchurians was when the prior emperor was finishing his tenure. This emperor made sure all imperial mandates were complied with and that all persons who did not or would not comply were dealt with swiftly and summarily. This made the Manchurians even angrier. They also made a clean sweep of the Manchurians they thought were ghosts. Irregularities of were people were located. The logistical people were also hungry to make more armor and weapons for the military in case of mass insurrections.
Men and women alike who were going to oppose the mandates were dealt with severely. China had pledged alignment and cooperation to eight nations.
Manchuria’s army was in full swing and peace was finally settling in. The whole country was then informed was to who was responsible behind this movement.
The speed in the changeover was attributed to the assistance of "Gods Will". The new emperor was known as a very strong individual. The emperor Tsuai Chiyou had caught a Russian individual on New Year’s morning with the help of Iso Chiyou attempting to kill the Manchurian emperor. The Russians denied all complicity in the matter when questioned about this matter. This incident happened during the recovery period of righteousness.
The Manchurian emperor Kancho was the same emperor who had caught a dog and ordered it beheaded, but instead he surrendered the dog at the insistence of the village chief who wanted the dog spared. The only reason the emperor the emperor relented was that this high-ranking village chief had tremendous political clout. The emperor though kept his promise and turned over the dog. The reasoning behind wanting the dog beheaded was never known.
The emperor of China was born to command according to imperial rule. The Manchurians wanted that changed, but did not know how to do it. During this time government officials were picked from birth according to their status thus ensuring their livelihood and prosperity. Manchurians were excluded from this rule.
During this era according to imperial decree (Heaven) Or Ten) declared all Manchurians be killed if they did not respect and obey the Chinese rule/flag.
Even if they refused to change out their flag with the Chinese flag they were prosecuted. The Manchurians at this point were still waging a semi war to gain government posts for their people. But the Chinese said that if you are not born of imperial stock, your chances of gaining government position were next to none. No one really understood the perversity of justice that was not being meted out for the cause of the Manchurian people.
The resistance to the reign of the Taihei Tengoku waged on. Many Manchurians died for this cause. There was no distinction between justice and injustice for the Manchurians in the middle kingdom. The Chinese were in contempt of the barbarians.
There was a distinction of strictness between these two peoples. Even their speech was different. Government officials were obedient to the letter in getting rid of ghosts (Manchurians) if it were in their power.
Government officials for along time were harassing the Manchurians in one form or another. How would it ever be possible for change if there were no cooperation between the two countries? If it was possible the heavenly kingdom wanted an audience with god to be able to sweep the nation clean of all the Manchurians.
The Chinese "Justice Army" with the help of god wanted all the Manchurians brought in and charged with treason for letting China down and by not kowtowing to China and its states. During this purge the Manchurians were harassed and troubled at every opportunity and observance of any wrongdoing by the ever-alert Chinese. In the heavenly kingdom there was order and docility according to the Chinese. Those who obeyed were rewarded and would ascend to heaven. Those who didn't were punished and turned away or destroyed. It was proclaimed that all Chinese were descendant from heaven this was common knowledge.




A declaration from the peaceful Kingdoms supreme army on the 1st month in the year 1854 entitled Sokokuhan.
The attack on the Taihei Tengoku which was stopped to some degree by government forces but stopped by the Shohokuhan, a treaty enacted in Jan 1854. This declaration was enacted to suppress the military’s actions on land an on the sea. The military then was thought not to be under centralized control. This happened during the time frame 1811 1872. The Shogun of the then Hunan Province formed a military unit and armed them. The formation of this unit was comprised of individuals whose traditions and morals were unquestionable. The power of the written works by Guatama also helped in the suppression of anti government forces. After Rikosho's rule (1823 1901), Ankisho organized the Waigun. This allowed the big land barons more power and freedom to do what they wanted.
Since that time when Rikosho was in command (1823 1901) a man called Ankisho filled his slot to force the English, American, and French militaries to back down. This effort finally caused the collapse of the kingdom in1864.

Translation of the Declaration
Since the rebels Koshuzen and Yoshosei rose up in the fifth year to acclaim a peaceful reign all had become quiet. Since that time there had been several hundred thousand people killed, robbed or imprisoned in the Shu Province. The ones who passed thru without harm were grateful just to have left with their lives intact. This group included rich and poor alike and those who were caught plundering had their possessions repossessed and summarily beheaded which was legal under the law. Some depending on their station were given lighter sentences such as prison terms. During this troubled time there were those who gave a certain portion of their rice to the military to support sustained land battles. Others gave coal and charcoal for heating and cooking. Some even offered transportation for troops and the down and out.
During this troubled period, there were those who did not obey the recent foot binding law for women d children and were dealt with severely by execution as examples or object lessons.
Military deserters were also executed when caught as lessons to those who had the same thoughts. Most executions were hangings. This was common in most provinces. The traitors and deserters thought they had an easy life because they weren’t under subjugation in Kokoku, Konan, Kosei, Koso, and Chochu provinces.
The above-mentioned people even their animals were considered as non-beings. Also during this time everyone was trying to defeat this subjugation rule thru any means available. By training their A4ind, Body, and Spirit they endured the pain and taught others so that eventually eventual reforms were started and everyone benefited.

In ancient times during the Three Chinese or Tang eras e.g., Hsia, Yin, and Shu the idea of each successive virtuous emperor was to strengthen peoples belies in Confucian doctrines and practices, which instilled proper morals and respect conducive to this eras lifestyle. This change in systematic values affected father and son, high and low classes.

In spite of the continuing struggle between the rebels and foreigners, the struggle between religious beliefs these problem areas affected all people concerned. Peasants wanted their own land to till and harvest. They wanted to keep all the proceeds and not give half or three quarters to their masters. All people wanted the right to worship whom ever they wanted. The merchant class had their own ideas on trade both in and out of country. Ideas, morals and motives were changing everywhere. The readers and practioners of Confucianism wanted to be able to practice and teach any religion. Their idea was that all religions should be studied in order to fully understand the big picture of religion.

The rebels were caught and exiled which was shown to all the people that they were not untouchable. The current ruler was worried about this decision in regards to it being good or moral or did an outside group influence him. But Confucius and Mencious consoled him in that he had made the right decision.

Again the oppression of 100,000 people who were thought to be enemies were repaid when exonerated with insults instead of kind words. This was a common occurrence during the reign of the heavenly kingdom.
Hence a wide declaration for justice was sought for because war would break out if something were not done. Punitive services and assistance was sought for those affected people e.g., food, shelter, and fuel in the religious circle the Christian faith in China during the era were making strides toward total conversion. There were those though who were still adamantly against this new religion. There were also those who were Pro Christian. They believed that a person should be able to believe and practice whatever religion he chooses. There were many renowned scholars who were for this new religion.
War funds and funds from other sources were used to one try to stop the rebels and two rid China of all the so called "heathen religions". A special government task force was established with government funds to handle this situation. The emperor had signed & sealed this bill with no delay. In the meantime an action was taken to kill an individual of a known rebel leader who was staying in a wealthy land baron’s castle fortress. This baron was a known compatriot to the rebel leader.
The rebel leader though had gone to the castle with his arms to surrender because of the face he lost at being defeated. Other circumstances surrounded this surrender e.g., the death of a close friend because of his association with the wealthy land baron and various clan chiefs.
He surrendered there on spot and was exiled within the compound for the rest of his life. In days past during the Han and Gen Dynasties the Shocho Natsuki or Old Emperor King ruler’s strategies were utilized during the rebellions to come. These strategies were quite useful. The reason for these ancient strategies was used to quell the new religions and senseless killings that were used to get at known rebel leaders. The rebels and common man alike knew of the disorder and inefficiency of the current government rule. The people prayed daily to a Shinto Deity for relief.
The emperor had told the common people that all was well within current government and that rebels were trying to overthrow the current peaceful kingdom and create disorder and anarchy. It was also stated by the current government that the majority of common man didn't agree to take matters into their own hands then a heavy land tax would be imposed on an all ready "Hard Time" situation on those who were caught opposing the government.
Successive generations of emperors have shown that not all emperors were bad. There were some who were wise, virtuous, charitable and benevolent. They had different strategies for running a proper government. This breed of emperors was respected very highly among the Chinese people. Tyranny and villainy was almost nonexistent. The rebels of old had no base during their reign for insurrection because of the fair and wise leadership. The wise men that counseled the emperors had a big hand in keeping a reign on things during the peaceful kingdoms era.
The upcoming rebel alliance during this time was an all-together matter. The rebels were building up their ranks at an alarming rate. But they were advised that if they proceeded with what they believed to be a righteous cause, the government would not idly standby. The government warned them if they acted (the rebels) they would be annihilated just as their predecessors were. The rebels were advised that an alternate path was available.
They could if they wanted put all their energies together to work with the government to create a better China. This was thought over by the rebels very carefully. Their souls and commitments ran as true as the river Yang Tze. This river flowed as a symbol for all who were pure and righteous. To be a loyal and patriotic subject enabled the government to rely on the common mans sincerity as building blocks for a better government system. This was an offer while not an actual proclamation but strictly observed by everyone.

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