A historical Perspective During the Reign of

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Sokukeiko's hand picked troops were in proportion to the areas served and were often rotated even during battle simulations and active duty. During the Kasei in the 36th year 1557 in Teikai Province's Peak Harbor there was another incident involving coastal pirates whose leader was Moku 0 Jiki who was caught before another siege could begin during the 42nd year 1563 by the famous Commander Hyokaei. The next year another squirmish broke out in Chekiang and the off the Coast of Fukien. Again due to the military and the Sohei (Warrior Priests) skilled in a variety of Martial Arts the pirates were again defeated. Again the Bumei or Martial Fame was again reinforced. The government was blocked form using actual military troops in these rebellions in that the people of the coastal regions deplored their tactics and preferred those of the Shorin Ji Kobushi Ho monks.

Meanwhile in 1558 the Japanese government was taking action to help stem the flow of pirates and their activities on Japan’s and the Chinese coastlines. This was all part of the unification of heaven and earth within the Japanese government. New weapon laws were being enacted to all edged weapons to also stem the flow of pirates and their activities. The Japanese military unlike the Chinese got directly involved in the pirate problem and put down this rebellion rather quickly as it was affecting trade with China lost dollars/gold/silver etc. Finally in the following year peace ensued once again on the coastal waterways.
The Ming Dynasty in deference to world affairs was looking hard at the Northern/Southern wars in Japan. The Northern Mongolians were trying to invade Northern Japan and well as the Mings.
(Note: This portion happened prior to Sokukeiko’s death)
Sokukeiko had suppressed the Japanese pirates and in doing so another chapter was written for him in this venture. One would have to read these records to believe in what he did and how he did it. After this he was stationed in the northern extremes providing support to the garrisons guarding the northern most perimeters of China.

The northern garrisons in the year 1567 was commanded by one of the late Sokukeiko's Commanders Ryukyo and his second in command was a man named Jinkiei was assigned during the second year 8th month 1569 to assist him. He was promoted from the city of city of Soochow where peace and tranquility reigned once more. This was a lifetime guaranteed position for him.

This man and two others were considered the (3) pillars of the Chinese military. Also an interesting note in their training of the troops it was said that they had a special power drill they would teach their elite cadre titled power bewitching. This is also recorded in the military training records of the era and is covered in (9) volumes, which provide demonstration results on test subjects of the soldier’s ability to perform this drill.
In the northern regions this garrison and its followers waited patiently while the country was in an era of quite tranquility guarding the north’s wild frontiers. Sokukeiko's descendants were men of good stock and were promoted rapidly based on their skills in war and in the martial arts. Also for successive generations his descendants held the position of Prime Minister at one time or another. These men were confidants of the ruling military and their advice was always heeded well. Then in closing years of the 10,000-year calendar 1587 the last descendant finally died out.

It is said that when this happened the earth opened up both north and south and the soldiers gained much strength from this recorded cataclysmic event.

This then lead into other forms of specialized training that these troops received all martial arts based. After the aforementioned event and then the subsequent coupling of both this new power and the training in Kobushi Ho these soldiers were the most formidable forces known. The news of this spread far and wide all over China and made available to the public. The new Fist Way would be known by all.
In truth Sokukeiko was said to have been the originator of this new fist way and it was also said that his efforts and descendants were responsible for re uniting the well know art. This may seem an exaggeration but who knows?

A new technique was formed during this time called the snake foot technique and was used in close quarters aboard ships and used to defeat the pirates when engaged in hand to hand or hand to foot combat. Not much is known, about other than it was mentioned and subsequently used which once again proved the Sohei or soldier priests were victorious again. It was stated before that Shorin-Ji's military fame came from heavenly intervention in the form of a thunderclap that shook the earth violently. This then leads back to the even mentioned earlier about the earth opening up and giving up its power to the Sohei.

During the Tang era there was what was known as the 0 Seiyu no Ran or the rebellion of 0 Seiyu. This rebellion happened in the year 618 and ended in the year 947. The Japanese then were also involved in that they wanted their routes protected but after battle with the Sohei in which they lost them once again went into hiding. Then after that for 1000 years the Shorin Ji monks and their Bujutsu techniques made them very famous. Most were thought to have achieved immortality through their specialized training. They did however make many changes in their world and in their time that were all for the good.
In the year 1565 during the war in Chekiang the Wako or Japanese Pirates and their oppression of the coastal waters and sea-lanes was at an end. This was a welcome end to a troublesome problem China. It was a violent war all the way to the end. During the war the Shorin Ji priests and the army that Sokukeiko built supported this effort and are well documented.
The priests were like charging lions ever victorious and never letting up until the last enemy was down.
Into eternity these brave priests went and many are the landmarks that prove their valor. During the beginning of the Tang Dynasty King Seiju assumed a Buddhist name and was very boastful about his Shorin Ji monks and their Zen Sect. The then Emperor of China hailed 0 Seiju to come to the palace to receive a medal for his and his monk’s efforts during war and peacetime. He was also granted an area of about 40 acres in which his monks could build temples to house their ranks. A Shorin Ji priest known as Tojiki had a hand in this effort.
In ancient China or Shina as it was often referred to there was a coastal area referred to as the Doran. It was

in this region that many coastal rebellions were erupting often very violent. There were certain sensitive military coastal sites that the government was worried about. Supplies were often kept in the mountain areas at a temple close to the coastline guarded by troops. Supposedly Rakuyo the main temple Shorin Ji temple was were there was concern.

There was much looting and plundering in this area. The police camps in the area in conjunction with the regular military made a concerted effort to quell these disturbances and discrepancies in their supply system. The thought was that the pirates had resurfaced but officials were unsure. During the latter years in the Nambokucho (Northern & Southern Dynasty’s) were unaffected by these crisis's. In these areas the on their own Sohei were active in covert and overt operations in the area with their skills in Kobushi and the shield and spear laid waste to any plunderers they came upon in this regard they were unmerciful to the plunderers.

After those incidents Kobushi Ho’s fame was once again known and respected and was, recognized as a force to be reckoned with. These events are well recorded by historians. The Nyasoto wa Fuku Ho was one such record that the monks adhered to. Inside the main temple proper there were a variety of cliques or groups. One such group was the Shinshido or a left wing group and their actions were recorded on the temple walls in the form of fresco's.

These fresco's also depict the monks in varies stages of training in the martial arts within the confines of the main temple. In the majority of the fresco's their is depicted an Indian man training amidst the monks. This was mentioned also in earlier chapters and reappears here also.
Also depicted in the paintings and in the records is Buddhism, which went hand in hand with the Kobushi Ho training. This was thought to have come from the influence or influx of the Indian Sohei population.
During the end of the Ming era, or known as the peaceful era the pirates were active especially in the Chekiang area as mentioned before.

These pirates had committed many atrocities during this time, and with the help of the monks and their specialized skills they were able to repulse these attackers and put down there attacks permanently. The monks led a group named Shukatsutenman whose members carried a devastating weapon known as the Testubo or iron rod or club were their weapon of choice. With this weapon in their vast arsenal they laid waste to these brigand pirates once and for all. This is also recorded well in the historical records.

In present day in the Taisho era the laws of this era were known well. This is most evident at the entrance of the temples to day in China with tablets stating the laws and the weapons lined up Temples entrance was used as a form of physical enforcement to let those who trespass on the laws laid down beware. In present day their are 20 or so experts who still promote the Kobushi Ho way and development of a healthy mind, body, spirit attitude. Their attitudes today are much ass they were long ago for they study the records well and keep current with events as they unfold.
Note: In the following when a dot or parenthesis is used it is for comparison only.
The whereabouts of the Shorin Ji priest’s art of Bujutsu and how many priests survived has been spoken of before and will be spoken of again. The pirates that were expelled were done so by the Shoko Shorin Ji monks from Koso province.
In Szechuan Province there was a new era afoot. It was referred to during the Ming era as the Manryaku nenkan or the 10,000-calendar era (1573 1627). This was an era of change for the Shorin ji monks. A new model of priest, teachings and ways of thought were being developed and implemented. During the successive generations of the Shorin ji monks Bujutsu hand been introduced and its many variations. After viewing there training in this new art it was very useful to the monks in relation to their fighting style.

This also became a time when their fighting techniques became stylized or patterned into set series. This was developed from the middle period of the Ming era all the way thru to the mid Manchu era. From this point this era was referred to as the golden age of prosperity. With the advent of Shorij ji with its origins and sometimes-obscure ideas we have a legend that may lead to its origins. Let’s look at the Gancho Era (1279 1368) we see what was known as the Gofuku no Zoku or The Red Scroll Rebel. This Red Scroll Rebel was a very dazzling person and was known to have plagued many areas. The record of the Shorin Ji raid on his grounds proposed a very dangerous situation for these monks. As we know well these monks stood for everything that was good and right.

This was based on what Kwannan Dai Shi had predicted. Kwannan was the Goddess of Mercy in Chinese history and mythology. Kwannan was thought to have been a Buddhist incarnation.

Also important were the Kinnarao and the literary record explaining the [Shorin Kaiho Senshu] talks of the correct Shorin model.

Teichuto to Shorin Ji no Kaiho the correct models for both the Teichuto and Shorin Ji must be read about and studied carefully. This can be gleaned from the readings in the Shodensho. One must carefully research Chugoku Bujutsu, Shorin Kobushi, and Taikyoku Kyobushi in order to place meaning or emphasis on correct mindsets and technical adaptations of these arts.
With their vast arsenal they laid waste to these brigand pirates once and for all. This is also recorded well the 10,000-calendar era (1573 1627). This was an era of change for the Shorin ji monks.

The connection between Shorin ji and Bujutsu is important in that Bujutsu played an internal role in the development, stylization of form and proper conduct of Kobushi Ho that made it into a very famous art.

Another important point here is to read about and understand the importance of the two people Sokukeiko and Kikoshinsho and their contributions to this well-known ancient art.
The term Kaiho or proper form or model came from a very famous noble family and was implemented into Kobushi Ho later on. Chinese Buddhist religious records is another area one much research to see 'how it influenced this art. During the Ming era of peace (1552 1566) we saw what the Shorin Ji monks did to the Wako in Chekiang and Koso Provinces and the devastation that was wrought on

these evil pirates. The term they used according to literary records during the Wako suppression was the Jinkan or the Virtuous Circle. The monks coined this term in that they formed a circle with their famous art and religious prowess they countered the pirates offensive.

The Chief Priest of the temple Gestuku and 30 other priests and Tetsuobo marched into Koso Province and battled the pirates day and night until they were all killed. This happened toward the latter part of Ming Dynasty and on into the early Manchu Dynasty. This subjugation was known as the Jitsu Chiroku as was stated the by the warrior Koen. In those days the Chinese army was persuaded by certain groups not to act against the pirates probably those factions within the government loyal to their cause. But some did what they could despite the government’s orders of non intervention.
This was a chance for the Shorin ji whose efforts were always hidden to so their valor and bravery in battle thus they took up the cause to eliminate this Japanese threat utilizing their specialized offensive/defensive martial skills. Shorin ji's special warfare tactics were unparalleled even in the military circles.
Toward the end of the Ming and on into the new Manchu era (1573 1620) Teichuto met its aim Shorin Kasiho Senshu (Shorin's Correct Law Clarification Sect) was also important the Gan or New era) Shise era (1341 1368). During this era the Red Scroll Rebels were running amok and were then subsequently eliminated by the Shorin Ji priests. Their techniques were flawless in this red Scroll Raid. The priests were actually outnumbered but showed great determination and valor. The priests went thru much to include quasi psychological warfare instituted by the Red Scroll rebels. But the dauntless priests pressed on and persevered.

Along with all the events and names there is one who had received special praise Go An Shifu for he alone defended the monks camp single handily against hordes of Red Scroll Rebels, and was victorious every time. The monk’s encampment provided an easy source of supply for the rebels and they thought that if they disrupted this supply the monk’s support would fade. But the rebels did not count on encountering such a formidable monk. This monk’s spiritual attitude plus his flawless martial airborne foot techniques took the rebels by surprise. It was said he fought like an animal in defending this area. He assumed so many animal form mannerisms that the rebels were at loss for a defense and were subsequently slaughtered. Monk’s not ordinary people did this as was told later. The rebels thought they were up against normal people.

To witness this event would have been spectacular. If one priest could have fought like this under such odds and people, think what 30 or forty could against higher odds. This person was certainly blessed by Buddha and Kwannan. Chinese Buddhist religious records is another area one priests and Testuobo's marched into Koso Province and battled the pirates day and night until they were vanquished.

Next we have Kinnara O's Kaiho of Shorin ji Kinnarao’s method or law was well developed and passed on in it original state. The same type of Kobushi Ho showed up time and time again in the Manchu's continuing era of peace known as the Koki era or Shining Peace era (1162 1722) known as Chushgu Tofukenshi.
The following is an excerpt of Kinnara O's life. Supposedly as legend has it from the writings based on Mount Su during the Shisei Nen or the Height of Righteousness Era there was one monk produced to carry on the original teachings. From the originators naked form all that was him was given to make this one monk he would be the mold or model. That all else be patterned after. This was a monk who cooked and worked in the fields tirelessly then applied his studies in Kobushi Ho. Over a period of years he exceeded all in any' study. He was a man when one first set eyes on him had a look of eternal peace. He never spoke and had a talent being quite in everything he did. He was known to have collected firewood in large quantities to burn on the temple grounds as fuel.
After his work and studies he kept to himself in quiet solitude. It was said that in order to gain insight his gaze was always on the ground in peaceful contemplation focusing on nothing think about nothing. Many of the other monks were suspicious of him because of his strange attitudes. Shortly after this the Red Scroll Rebel invaded the Shorin Ji precincts plundered, looted and killed in his path. All the while this strange monk kept a quiet demeanor all through the raid. His quietude was imbued the strength of 10. This same attitude was thought to have come from he strength of the (9) mountain peaks themselves. Just as the mountains rose over the monks so did this monk and his strength rise up over the rebels. The other monks were also afraid of him at this point.
Shortly after this the monk stated in a loud but thundering voice in an incantation of Buddha I am Kinnara 0. With that said everything was dead in silence and for the longest time nothing moved, chirped, squeaked. No wind blew, the earth stopped on its axis.
This Shorin Ji monk took on the image of Buddha himself it was said and scattered the rebels to the far corners of the earth. This is also recorded in the Shorin Ji historical records. Actually the Shorin Ji models origin started as legend and came about thusly after this incident. Shori Kalho Senshu was published as Teichuto Shuyu in Szechuan Province in the city of Shinto. During this time Bujutsu was emerging on the scene and all famous teachers were rushing toward learning this new art. Shorin Ji proponents stayed in the initial training for about 10 years before moving on.
It was said that after this Red Scroll Incident that Kinnara O's art died off and that particular technique was never pursued because of the ramifications. There was supposedly no one since he was the model to pattern anyone after. There were though priests who had this knowledge but never divulged it or taught it anyone. Later on thought it was said that Goma Sensei a priest at the temple had this knowledge and had been teaching for fear of like any other art form of losing it forever.
The one man who learned from Goma Sensei was from the Byoi nin or Byoi people. They were an old clan, which lived deep in the northern mountains of China it is said where the gods dwell. That was the only reason Benton was picked by Goma Sensei. That plus his martial bravery and calm spirit among his people made him a prime candidate.
After this, Shori-Ji's Buyu or martial bravery grew and was know by all once again especially in the Zen Sects. Teichuto and Shorin Ji were both famous and had to be learned properly and the user must know the proper applications. Another term used here that they were developing was the "The Great Change Way" this new way was just developing and there were few priests who were experienced in this new way. There were three experts known at this time Shuso, Shutai and Koki. Tekishuto explains this technique. Koki had studied the basics carefully and gradually was the last to achieve any skill in this difficult technique

Afterwards Koki received a Koan to solve eventually all priests did. His lasted longer than most because of the techniques he had learned. So after several years more in training and learning many more specialized techniques he came upon the answer or the essence of his task and its advantages especially the bow, horse, sword and spear techniques and lastly in energy power development and how to wield it. The learning of the Shorin Ji Kaiho was a continuous process especially the Kuden ya Shinden or continuous way with no speech. It was a spiritual way one had to develop in or to wield Shorin Kobushi Ho properly. Eventually one is shown the mistaken teachings that were actually secret techniques hidden as mistakes. This way Shorin Ji brothers were able to reorganize and put this in chart form to show the correct model or way.

Shorin Kasiho Senshu as talked about in those days and the way it was taught the monks had formed the following chart to show the proper models that needed to be learned:
1. Sho Yasa Roku Do

Two small 6 Ways

paths at night

2. Dai Yasa Roku Do

Two large 6 Ways

paths at night

3. On Te Roku Do

Negative Hand 6 Ways

4. Haikai San Do

Repulsion Three Ways

3 Corner Law

5. Sensa Ichi Do

Piercing Shuttle One Path
Of the two other paths not much is not known about Yasa and Shakushirari Yasa as they both appear to dabble in occult way techniques. One referred to a way to bewitching a tiger by surrounding it with proper form then subduing with hand techniques. This information is a best estimate as to what they were doing but most of the information is hidden in the information as must be dug out and reworded to make sense. Shorin Kaiho Senshu and the Tekishuto.are difficult to write let alone learn.
Shorin Kaiho no Keito Zu

(A System Drawing of Kaiho Shorin)
Kinnara 0   Goma Sensei  Henton |     Koten Koan -  |

| |

| |

| --- Shutai ------- |----Teichuto

| |

| |

| --- Shuso ------- |

| |

| |

| --- Koki ------- |

Next is the Karyakyo no Jinki or Battle record of Karyakyo. The two models of Shorin that are of interest now are the Shorin Kaiho and the Yosa Kaiho. The (3) temples of Senchugo were entrusted as the head three temples to leach these laws. The first law was to teach Tan Te Yasa (Single Hand Style), Chudokai (Middle Shrine Law), and the On Te Yasa (Negative Hand Style). Next was the Kenho (Sword law), Goto Kai (Late Temple Law), and the Kyoso Taibo (Spear Insertion and Stick techniques). These were taught by the by the Priest Gosan who was very skillful.
Songasei was the master of Shorin Kobushi Jutsu who used secret words in their techniques. They utilized deception type attacks for example the falling plum technique. This takes a very skillful teacher to teach this difficult technique. In Shorin Kobushi Ho there are actually seven basic laws as follows:

1.) Ten or points on the body

2.) Hotsu or Bone Law

3.) So or Sweeping Law

4.) Sori or Skidding Law,

5.) Atsu or Pressing Law

6.) Za or Standing law

7.) Taiyaku or Receding Leap.

These laws are tremendously important and their use and power use sparingly. In recent times it has been noted that these same laws are still being taught. When taught and learned properly they are of tremendous value. When used incrementally the results are often surprising. Next is Bogangi no Bubishi talks about the correct way these laws should be taught and how the information is disseminated as a whole within the sect. In recent times there has been misinformation with regards to Shinto Teicbhuto Shorin Kaiho Senshu.
As spoken of before on the writings about Teichuto great praise was bestowed on these writings as they reflect the true nature of Shorin Kobushi Ho. Again in modern times many Bujutsu experts like Kyoyosho who hails from Hopei Province and has his own publication on this subject. It deals with the Art of Bujutsu from the Sui/Zui era (581 618). The temple priests then had a pure form of these laws it was said that descendants from heaven endowed these priests with special skills in order to deal with the marauding outlaws and brigands of that time.

These laws as far as the Tang and Sung historians were concerned was the same as was taught long ago.

About this time Junka's 18 laws appeared on the scene. After that is was revised by Anha to increase them from 32 to 64 laws. Some think a majority of these were invented. In present day there are four that still are current and applicable; 1.) Gunyokai, 2.) Saibikai, 3.) Fumakai, and 4.) Gyojakai.

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