A revised Bibliography of Dogs in the Humanities

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A Revised Bibliography of Dogs in the Humanities
Robert Baldwin

Art History Department

Connecticut College, Box 1411

New London, CT 06320


In 1985, I published "A Bibliography of Dogs in the Humanities" in the Journal of the Delta Society (vol. 2, 1985, pp. 6-13). That bibliography numbered about 150 entries. In 1992, I used new computer technology to search a wider array of periodicals. The result was an additional 230 entries which have now been integrated with the earlier compilation. Those interested in material published since 1991 should consult MLA Bibliography for literature and BHA for art history. This would probably yield another 100 items.

My bibliography brings together material on the dog from a variety of fields in the humanities including art history, folklore, literature, and religion. An earlier much shotre For their encouragement, thanks go to Anne Ashmead, Saara Lilja, Agnes Mongan, Ingrid Rowland, Cornelis and Emily Vermeule, John Ward, David White, and Jan Ziolkowski.

Ackerley, Chris. 1981. Strange Comfort, Malcolm Lowry Newsletter 9:31-33.

Ackley, Clifford. Printmaking in the Time of Rembrandt. Boston, n.d., pp. 26-7, (dog as guardian and teacher).

Adams, Katherine H.. 1983. From Pope and Swift: On Monkeys, Parrots, and Dogs, Notes and Queries 30: 497.

Afshar, Mahasti, "The Immortal Hound: The Genesis and Transformation of a Symbol in Indo-Iranian Traditions," Thesis, [Diss. Abst. 49 (10), Apr. 1989, 3122A]

Albrecht, Oskar. 1903. Zur altesten Geschichte des Hundes. diss., Bern, Munich.

Allon, Mary. 1983. Animals in American Literature. University of Illinois, ch. 4 (The Wisdom of the Dog).

Andersson, Thorsten. 1979. Die schwedischen Bezirksbezeichnungen Hund und hundare: Ein Beitrag zur Diskussion einer germanischen Wortfamilie, Frühmittelalterliche Studien 13: 88-124

Arngart, Olof. 1979. Old English Hund: 'A Territorial Hundred'?, Namn och Bygd Tidskrift for Nordisk Ortnamnforskning (Journal for Nordic Place-Name Research) 67: 26-33.

Arnott, P. D. 1959. Animals in the Greek Theatre, Greece and Rome 6:177-179.

Ash, Edward. 1927. Dogs: Their History and Development. London.

Ashton, D. 1976. Philosopher or Dog? A Consideration of David Hare, Arts 50:80-81.

Aspiz, Harold. 1975. The Other Half of Pudd'nhead's Dog, Mark Twain Journal 17: 10-11.

Barbou, Alfred. 1883. Le chien, son histoire, ses exploits, ses aventures. Paris

Bascom, William. 1980. African Folktales in America, VIII: Deer's Hoof and Ear; IX. Dog and Dog Head, Research in African Literatures 11: 175-186.

Bascom, William. 1981. African Folktales in America: XII. Dogs Rescue Master in Tree Refuge, Research in African Literatures, 12:460-519.

Baudot, Alain. 1971. A la Martinique, les chiens ne se sont pas encore tus, Presence Francophone: Revue Litteraire 3: 154-162.

Bauman, Richard. 1981. "Any Man Who Keeps More'n One Hound'll Lie to You": Dog Trading and Storytelling at Canton, Texas, pp. 79-103 In Richard Bauman and Roger Abrahams (eds). "And Other Neighborly Names": Social Process and Cultural Image in Texas Folklore. Austin.

Baumann, E. D. 1928. Uber die Hundswut im Altertume, Janus 32:137-151.

Bedaux, Jan Baptist. 1983. Beelden van 'leersucht' en tucht. Opvoedingsmetaforen in de nederlandse schilderkunst van de zeventiende eeuw, Nederlands kunsthistorisch jaarboek, 33: 49-74 (trained animals as metaphor for well bred children)

Beguin, S. 1973. Primaticcio's 'Chien de Macaire', Burlington Magazine 115:676.

Beier, Ulli. 1975. Dog Magic of Yoruba Hunters, Nigerian Field 40: 179-182.

Belin, Solange. 1984. Une vie de chien, Historia, 55- 59.

Bennett, Gillian. 1983. 'Rocky the Police Dog' and Other Tales: Traditional Narrative in an Occupational Corpus, Lore and Language 3: 1-19.

Berkhout, Carl and Renée Medine, "Beowulf 770a: rethe renweardas," Notes and Queries, 33, Dec. 1986, 433-434

Biedermann, H. 1972. Die Hunde-Inseln im Westmeer, Almogaren 111:99-108.

Bigazzi, Carlo, "Imago canis nella 'Telemachia'," 137-148 in Carla de Petris, ed., Joyce Studies in Italy, Rome: Bulzoni, 1988.

Bishop, Robert. 1977. The All-American Dog. Man's Best Friend in Folk Art. New York.

Bisogni, Fabio. 1977. Sull'iconografia della Fonte Gaia, pp. 109-114 In Giulietta Chelazzi Dini (ed). Jacopo della Quercia fra Gotico e Rinascimento. Florence, (envious dog).

Black, Lydia, "Eskimo Motifs in Aleut Art and Folklore", Etudes Inuit, 7, 1, 1983, 3-23

Blake, Evelina. 1982. Gone to the Dogs: Dogs in Porcelain, Glass, and Metal, Antique Collector 53:49-51.

Blanken, Linda, "The sorceress, the friar, and the greyhound saint", Humanities, 7, 3, 1986, 5-12 ["'The Sorceress', 1987 film by Pamela Berger]

Blänkle, P. H., "Der heilige Hund", Antike Welt, 16, 4, 1985, 54-55

Bloomfield, Maurice. 1891. The Two Dogs of Yama in a New Role, Journal of the American Oriental Society 15: 163-175.

Bloomfield, Maurice. 1905. Cerberus, the Dog of Hades. The History of an Idea. Chicago, London.

Boeswillwald, Mmme. Charles. 1907. Le chien de luxe. Paris.

Bonwit, Marianne. 1947. The Significance of the Dog in Flaubert's 'Education sentimentale'. Proceedings of the Modern Language Association 42:517-524.de la Bourdonnais, A. Mahe. 1893. Le chien, l'ami de l'homme. Paris

Bowen, John. 1979. Raising Dogs and Foxhunting with Bell Jones, Foxfire 13: 182-189.

Briffault, Robert. 1927. The Mothers. New York, III, pp. 610-622.

Brodsky, P. P. 1983. The Beast Behind the Bath-house: Belaja Sobaka as a Microcosm of Sologub's Universe, Slavic and East European Journal 27:57-67.

Brown, David Alan, "A Print Source for Parmigianino at Fontanellato", Per A. E. Popham, Parma, 1981, 43-53 [Dürer's St. Eustace and Ovid as source for prominent dogs in Parmigianino's "Diana and Actaeon"]

Brown, Ray, "The Exeter Book's Riddle 2: A Better Solution," English Language Notes, 29, Dec. 1991, 1-4 [medieval lit.]

Brown, Theo. 1978. The Black Dog in English Literature, pp. 45-58 In Joshua Porter and William Russell (eds). Animals in Folklore. Cambridge, Eng..

Brunet, Gilbert, "L'hébreu keleb", Vet Test, 35, 1985, 485-488 [folklore]

Burriss, Eli Edward. 1935. The Place of the Dog in Superstition as Revealed in Latin Literature, Classical Philology 30:32-42.

Burrow, T. 1983. A Note on the Indo-Iranian Root kan 'small' and on the Etymology of the Latin canis 'dog', Transactions of the Philological Society 155-164.

Burt, John, "The Presence and Meaning of Dogs in Julio Herrera y Ressig's 'Los extasis de la montana'," Hispanic Journal, 9, 2, 1988, 143-147

Busuttil, J., "The Maltese Dog", Greece and Rome, 16, 2, 1969, 205-208

Cantarella, Raffaele. 1944. Gli epodi di Strasburgo, Aegyptus 24:1-112.

Capponi, Filippo, "Cynegetica. Il cane da 'ferma' di Eliano", Latomus, 27, 2, 1968, 421-424

Carabine, Keith, "Eating Dog in Conrad's 'A Personal Record' and 'Razumov'", Notes and Queries, Sept. 1991, 336-337

Cardenas, Anthony, "Berganza: Cervantes' Can(is) Domini", in Jose Labrador Herraiz and Juan Fernandez Jimenez, eds., Cervantes and the Pastoral, Cleveland: Cleveland State University Press, 1986, 19-35

Caughie, Pamela, "Flush and the Literary Canon: Oh Where Oh Where Has That Little Dog Gone?," Tulsa Studies in Women's Literature, 10, Spring, 1991, 47-66

Chambers, Jane. 1984. Leoline's Mastiff Bitch: Function of a Minor Figure in 'Christabel', English Language Notes 22:38-43, (Coleridge).

Chapman, Arnold. 1970. Between Fire and Ice: A Theme in Jack London and Horacio Quiroga, Symposium 24:17-26, (wise dog).

Chatillon, F. 1980. A propos de la chienne qui pleure, Revue du moyen age latin 36:39-41.

Chew, Samuel. 1962. The Pilgrimage of Life. New Haven, p. 129, (faithful dog).

Clayton, Lawrence. 1972. The Ghost Dog, a Motif in 'The Call of the Wild', Jack London Newsletter 5: 158.

Clutton-Brock, Juliet. 1981. Domesticated Animals from Early Times.

Coelho, Joaquim-Francisco. 1985. "Alvaro de Campos Cinofilo", Coloquio 88: 88-93. (19th c. Portugese lit.)

Cook, R. M.. 1952. Dogs in Battle, pp. 38-42 In Tobias Dohrn (ed). Festschrift Andreas Rumpf. Krefeld.

Cowan, S. A. 1983. Track of the Dog: Ancestors of Kazak in the 'Sirens of Titan', Extrapolation 24:280-7.

Cramb, Geoff and Mapusiya Kolo, "Revival Among Western Highlands and Enga Baptists", Point, 3, 1983, 93-112 [Papua New Guinea]

Cummins, John, The Hound and the Hawk. The Art of Medieval Hunting, New York: St. Martin's Press, 1988,

Daalder, Joost. 1984. Dogs and Foxes in D. H. Lawrence and W. H. Auden, Zeitschrift fur Anglistik und Amerikanistik 32: 330-334.

Dalhat, Ibrahim. 1976-77. Why the Domestic Dog Fears the Hyena, Mirror 1: 50-55. (African folklore).

Daniel, George. 1967. Cerberus in a Sonnet by Desportes, Romance Notes 8: 255-256.

Dascotte, Robert, "Le Chat et le chien dans le dialecte et le folklore du Centre," Les Dialectes de Wallonie, 5, 1977, 82-101.

Davidson, C. 1973. Man's Life: C. M. Coolidge's Dog Genre Paintings, American Heritage 24:56-59.

Davidson, Linda. 1979. Use of Blanchete in Juan Ruiz's Fable of the Ass and the Lap-dog, Romance Philology 33: 154-160, (Maltese terrier).

Davies, Richard A.. 1977. Dylan Thomas's Image of the 'Young Dog' in the Portrait, The Anglo-Welsh Review 26: 68-72.

Day, Christopher. 1976. Someone Else's Dog: A Jacaltec Story, International Journal of American Linguistics- Native American Text Series 1: 98-104.

Day, L. P. 1984. Dog Burials in the Greek World, American Journal of Archaeology 88:21-32.

Day, Robert Adams. 1974. The History of Pompey the Little; Or, the Life and Adventures of a Lap-Dog. London.

de Priest, John F.. 1985. The Dog in de Marger: The Quest of a Fable, Classical Journal 81: 49-58

de Surgy, Albert. 1984. Origine et fonction humaniste de la mort selon les Mwaba (Togo du nord), Anthropos 79: 129-143.

De Ville, Peter, "In and Out of the Camp Fire: Lawrence and Jack London's Dogs," Notes and Queries, 38, Sept. 1991, 339-341

Decaudin, Michel. 1983. Pourquoi de chaines, nom d'un chien?, Revue Litteraire Mensuelle 650-651: 20-24.

Deloit, R. 1983. La saga du chien, Histoire 62:48-60.

Delort, Robert. 1984. Les animaux ont une histoire. Paris

Dickerhof, H. 198 . Canum Nomine Gentiles Designantur. Zum Heidenbild aus mittelalterlichen Bibellexica, Secundum Regulam Vivere, :41-71.

Dixon, Laurinda, "Music, Medicine and Morals: the Iconography of an Early Musical Instrument", Studies in Iconography, VII-VIII, 1981-1982, 147-156 [dog in musical imagery of caritas vs. lust]

Douglas, Mary. 1971. Do Dogs Laugh? A Cross-Cultural Approach to Body Symbolism, Journal of Psychosomatic Research 15: 387-390.

Doxey, William S.. 1969. Dogs and Dates in Simms' 'The Yemassee', American Transcendental Querterly 1: 41-43.

Draeger, W. 1984. Schade, das er nicht sprechen kann, Du 1:32-71, (four other articles included).

Draeger, W., "The English Dog at Home", Du, 7, 1987, 82-87

Draghi, Paul Alexander. 1982. The Stag and the Hunting Dog: A Bhutanese Religious Dance and Its Tibetan Source, Journal of Popular Culture 16: 169-175.

Duchting, Reinhard. 1970. Von Hammel. den ein Hund gerissen (Ubersetzung und Kommentar zu 'De Verbece' des Iren Sedulius) In Ute Schwab (ed). Das Tiere in der Dichtung. Heidelberg.

Dumont, Jean-Paul. 1977. From Dogs to Stars: The Phatic Function of Naming Among the Panare, pp. 89-97 In Ellen Basso (ed). Carib-Speaking Indians: Culture, Society, and Language. Tuscon.

Durrenberger, E. P. 1977. Of Lisu Dogs and Lisu Spirits, Folklore 88: 61-63.

Eastman, Charles R. 1916. Hunting Dogs of the Ancients, American Museum Journal 16:403-408.

Ebani, Ardea. 1978. Ricerche intorno al 'typo', Storia dell'arte 32:5-22, (medieval mosaics & sculpture).

Eckert, Willehad P. 1980. Der Hund mit der Fackel und andere Attribute des hlg Dominikus, pp. 31-40 In Ernst T. Reimbold (ed). Symbolon 5.

Einarsson-Mullarky, Magnus. 1968. The Mysterious Dog, Indiana Folklore 1: 55-60.

Empson, William. 1952. The Structure of Complex Words. London, pp. 158-174, "The English Dog"; pp. 175-184, "Timon's Dog".

Erkes, Eduard. 1944. Der Hund im Alten China, T'oung Pao 38: 186-225.

Failing, P. 1984. Roy De Forest's Dog Poetry, Art News 83:56-63.

Falk, Fritz. 1977. Und wessen Hund bist du?: Hundehalsbander aus vier Jahrhunderten. Schmuckmuseum Pforzheim im Reuchlinhaus, (exhibition of dog collars).

Fantham, Elaine. 1972. Comparative Studies in Republican Latin Imagery. Toronto, pp. 41. n. 31; 42; 56; 124. n. 15; 143.

Fatout, Paul. 1945. With Horn and Hound, Shakespeare Association Bulletin 20:63-76.

Faust, Manfred. 1970. Die kunstlerische Verwendung von 'Hund' in den homerischen Epen, Glotta 48:8-31.Faust, Manfred. 1969. Metaphorische Schimpfivorter, Indogermanische Forschungen, 74: 54-125 (insult term)

Fischer, H. G. 1961. Supplement to Janssen's List of Dogs' Names, Journal of Egyptian Archaeology 47:152-3.

Fisher, Marvin and Michael Elliott. 1972. Pudd'nhead Wilson: Half a Dog is Worse Than None, The Southern Review 8: 533-547.

Fletcher, G. B. A. 1941-42. Another Word on Dogs in Ancient Warfare, Greece and Rome 11:34.

Flor, Fritz. 1930. Die Hundezucht, Wiener Beitrage zur Kulturgeschichte und Linguistik 1:36-85.

Forster, E. S. 1940-41. Dogs in Ancient Warfare, Greece and Rome 10:114-117.

Fountain, Robert, Alfred Gates. 1984. Stubbs' Dogs. London

Frank, Barbara. 1965. Die Rolle des Hundes in den afrikanischen Kulturen unter besonderer Berucksichtigung seiner religiosen Bedeutung. Wiesbaden.

Friedman, Herbert. 1980. A Bestiary for Saint Jerome. Animal Symbolism in European Religious Art. Washington, D.C., p. 208 and index.

Froehner, Helmut. 1925. Aberglaube in der Aetiologie. Magisch-Mystisches in der Prophylaxis und Therapie der Hundswut: Ein Beitrag zur Geschichte der Lyssa. Leipzig.

Froehner, R. 1935. Der Hund als Omentier, Veterinarhistorische Mitteilungen 15:57-62.

Fuller, Roy. 1980. A Normal Enough Dog: Kafka and the Office, pp. 191-201 In Joseph Peter Stern (ed). The World of Franz Kafka. New York.

Fusso, Susanne, "Failures of Transformation in 'Sobace serdce'," Slavic and East European Journal, 33, 1989, 386-399 [canine metamorphosis]

Gandert, Otto Friedrich. 1930. Forschungen zur Geschichte des Haushundes. Leipzig.

Garrard, Margaret. 1981. Cats and Dogs, pp. 77-81 In James Heineman and Donald Bensen (eds). P. G. Wodehouse: A Centenary Celebration, 1881-1981. New York and London.

Gillmeister, Heiner. 1978. Chaucer's Kan Ke Dort (Troilus II, 1752) and the 'Sleeping Dogs' of the Troveres, English Studies 59: 310-323.

Gnadinger, L. 1971. Hiudan und Petitcreiu. Gestalt und Figur des Hundes in der mittelalterlichen Tristandichtung. Zurich, (bestiaries, poetry of Gottfried, Eilhart, Beroul).

Gottlieb, Alma, "Dog: Ally or Traitor? Mythology, Cosmology, and Society Among the Beng of Ivory Coast," American Ethnologist, 13, Aug., 1986, 477-488

Green, B. 1984. Dog Days on Publishers Row (Saga of C. Fred Bush, Dog), Esquire 101:13-14.

Greenewalt, Crawford. Lydian Puppies (title?), California Studies in Classical Antiquity

Grenier, Roger, "Chienne de littérature", Le Débat, Nov., 1983, 99-110 [La Fontaine, Baudelaire, Flaubert]

Haber, T. B. 1963. Canine Terms in Popular Names of Plants, American Speech 38:28-41.

Haber, T. B. 1965. Canine Terms Applied to Human Beings and Human Events, American Speech 40:83-101, 243-271.

Hahn, H. G. 1979. Steele's Curs and Fielding's Hounds, Notes and Queries 26:561ff.

Haines, James B. 1976. Of Dogs and Men: A Symbolic Variation of the Twin Motif in Pudd'nhead Wilson, Mark Twain Journal 18: 14-17.

Hancock, Joel. 1975. Animalization and Chiaroscuro Techniques: Descriptive Language in La ciudad y los perros (The City and the Dogs), Latin American Liter. Review 4: 37-47.

Hansman, J. F. 1979. Some Possible Classical Connections in Mithraic Speculation, pp. 601-613 In Ugo Bianchi (ed). Mysteria Mithrae. Rome.

Hardin, R. F. 1982. Marston's Kinsayder: The Dog's Voice, Notes and Queries 29:134-135.

Harriott, R. M. 1982. Argive Elders, the Discerning Shepherd, and the Fawning Dog: Misleading Communication in the 'Agamemnon'. Classical Quarterly 32:9-17.

Harrison, Tom. 1965. Three "Secret" Communication Systems Among Borneo Nomads (and Their Dogs), Journal of the Malaysian Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society 38: 67-86.

Hart, T. R. 1979. Cervantes' Sententious Dogs, Modern Language Notes 94:377-386.

Hart, Thomas, "Renaissance Dialogue into Novel: Cervantes's 'Coloquio'," MLN, 105, March, 1990, 191-202

Harutyunian, S. B., "An Excerpt from the Armenian Mythology," Patma-Banasirakan Handes, 1, 1989, 157-166 [dog as mediator in underworld]

Hauck, Emil. 1950. Abstammung. Ur-und Fruhgeschichte des Haushundes. Vienna.

Heelas, Paul. 1983. Anthropological Perspectives on Violence: Universals and Particulars (Utku Dog-beating, Balinese Cockfights), Zygon 18:375-404.

Heffernan, Carol F., "That Dog Again: Melancholia canina and Chaucer's 'Book of the Duchess'", Modern Philology, 84, 1986, 185-190

Hehn, Victor. 1911 (repr. 1963). Kulturpflanzen und Haustiere in ihrem Ubergang aus Asien nach Griechenland und Italien sowie in das ubrige Europa. 8th ed. Berlin.

Heimrich, J., "Pasha and Pariah", Novum Gebrauchsgraphik, 56, March, 1985, 44-51 [dogs in advertising]

Heimrich, J., "Pasha and Pariah", Novum Gebrauchsgraphik, 56, March, 1985, 44-51 [dogs in advertising]

Heinze, Hartmut, "'Das also war des Pudels Kern!': Goethe-Marginalien zu einem bekannten Thema," Neue Deutsche Hefte, 35, 2, 1988, 357-362

Heist, William W.. 1967. Sic(k) a Dog On-, American Speech 42: 65-69.

Heller, Erich, Discussions of a Dog and Other Matters: A Literary Discussion Group in an American University, pp. 103-111, In Joseph Peter Stern (ed). The World of Franz Kafka. New York.

Henkel, A. and A. Schone. 1967. Emblemata. Stuttgart, pp. 555-84.

Henkel, O. V. 1973. De hond van Nehalennia, Nederlands Theologisch Tijdschrift 27:201-209.

Herre, Wolf. 1960. Die Haustiere von Haithabu und ihre Bedeutung, pp. 9-17 In W. Herre (ed). Die Haustiere von Haithabu. Neumunster.

Herrlinger, Gerhard. 1930. Totenklage um Tiere in der antiken Dichtung. Stuttgart. de la Hey, Celia. 1985. Blue-blooded Breeds: Dog Portraits of Maud Earl (1884-1943), Country Life 177:326-328.

Hilzheimer, Max. 1932. Dogs, Antiquity 6:411-431.

Hinze, F.. 1970. Noch einmal pomoranisch sobaka, 'Hund', Zeitschrift fur Slawistik 15: 238-239.

Hissink, K. 1962-63. Beobachtungen und Aussagen uber den Hund bei Chimanen-, Chama- und Tacana- Indianern, Paideuma 8:44ff.

Hodge, Norman. 1981. Dogs, Africans and Liberals: The World of Mphahlele's Mrs. Plum, English in Africa 8: 33-43.

Hoerber, Robert G. 1962-63. The Socratic Oath 'By the dog', Classical Journal 58:268-269.

Hofler, Otto. 1940. Cangrande von Verona und das Hundesymbol der Langobarden, pp. 101-137 In F. Herrmann and W. Treutlein (eds). Festchrift Brauch und Sinnbild. Karlsruhe. 1940.

Hook, Philip and Mark Poltimore. 1986. Popular Nineteenth-Century Paintings. Suffolk. 1986, 114-141.

Horowitz, Louise K.. 1978. Justice for Dogs: The Triumph of Illusion in Les Plaideurs, French Review 52: 274-279.

Houlton, Edwin N. 1977. Who was the Dog Hervey?, Kipling Journal 202: 4-8.

Houtard, A. 1934. Les chiens dans l'ancienne Egypte, Chronique d'Egypte 9:28-34.

Howey, M. O. 1972. The Cults of the Dog. Ashington.

Hubbard, Clifford. 1949. An Introduction to the Literature of the British Dog. Ponterwyd.

Huhn, Vital. 1955. Lowe und Hund als Symbole des Rechts, Mainfrankisches Jahrbuch fur Geschichte und Kunst 7:1-63.

Hull, Denison Bingham. 1964. Hounds and Hunting in Ancient Greece. Chicago. 1964.

Hummel, Siegbert. 1955. Der Hund des Daitschin-Tengri, Geographica Helvetica 3: .

Hummel, Siegbert. 1958. Der Hund in der religiosen Vorstellungswelt des Tibeters, Paideuma 6:500ff.

Humphry, Derek. 1980. If There is a Dog's Life. There's Only One Thing to Say: Woof Woof! The Crazy Rituals of Doggy Life in California, Sunday Times Magazine 27: 18ff.

Hunt, Joel A.. 1969. William Faulkner and Rabelais: The Dog Story, Contemporary Literature 10: 383-388.

Imhoof-Blumer and Otto Keller. 1889. Tier- und Pflanzenbilder auf Munzen und Gemmen des klassischen Altertums. Leipzig.

Jackson, James. 1950. Shakespeare's Dog-and-Sugar Imagery and the Friendship Tradition, Shakespeare Quarterly 1:260-263.

Jacobowitz, Ellen S. and Stephanie Loeb Stepanek. 1983. The Prints of Lucas van Leyden. Washington. D.C., pp. 84-85, (flea picking).

Jeffries, M. D. W.. 1972. Fire-dogs of Africa, African Studies, 31: 37-38.

Jenkins, F. 1957. The Role of the Dog in the Romano-Gaulish Religion, Latomus 16:60-76.

Jesse, George. 1866. Researches into the History of the British Dog. London.

Jones, V., "Man's Best Friend has His Day", Sculpture Review, 35, 1985, 12-13

Kalstone, Shirlee. 1984. Dogs in the Pew. A Fascinating View of the Dog in Early Church Life, American Kennel Gazette 101:32-39.

Kanzer, Mark. 1979. Shakespeare's Dog Images: Hidden Keys to Julius Caesar, American Imago 36: 2-31.

Karouzou, Semni. 1972. An Underworld Scene on a Black-Figured Lekythos, Journal of Hellenic Studies 92: 64-73 [demonic dogs of Hekate].

Keller, C.. 1905. Naturgeschichte der Haustiere. Berlin.

Keller, Otto. 1905. Hunderassen im Altertum, Jahreshefte des Osterreichischen Archaologischen Institutes in Wien 8:242-269.

Keller, Otto. 1909-1913. (repr. 1963). Die antike Tierwelt I-II. Leipzig, pp. 91-115.

Kerr, Kathleen. 1982. The Dog and Fingers: A New Urban Belief Tale, Tennessee Folklore Society 48: 66-70.

Kete, Kathleen, Canicide and Canine Suicide in Paris: The Place of Pets in the Nineteenth-Century French Bourgeoisie. Ph.D., Harvard, in progress

Kohler, Carl Sylvio. 1881. Das Tierleben im Sprichtwort der Griechen und Romer. Leipzig.

Kopers, Wilhelm. 1930. Der Hund in der Mythologie der zirkumpazifischen Volker, Wiener Beitrage zur Kulturgeschichte und Linguistik 1:364ff.

Korner, Otto. 1930. Die homerische Tierwelt. 2nd ed. Munich.

Kortlander, William, C. 1954. Symbolism of the Dog in the Middle Ages. MA thesis, State Univ. of Iowa, (342 pp. w. chs. on classical literature & art).

Kozloff, Arielle, ed. 1981. Animals in Ancient Arts: From the Leo Mildenberg Collection.

Kretschmar, Freda. 1938. Hundestammvater und Kerberos. Stuttgart.

Krick, Hertha. 1972. Der vieraugige Hund im Asvamedha: Zur Deutung von TS VII 1, 11, 1(b), Wiener Zeitschrift fur die Kunde Sudasiens und Archiv für Indische Philosophie 16: 27-39.

Kudo, Yoko. 1975. Le Premiere 'Education sentimentale' de Flaubert: L'Episode du chien, Etudes de Langue et Litteratures Francaises 25-26: 34-49.

Kugler, Herbert. 1978 Versuch zur Ableitung der Redensart Auf den Hund kommen, Zeitschrift fur Religions und Geistesgeschichte 30:52-58.

Kuropatwa, Joy. 1980. Dante's Golden Dog, Canadian Literature 86: 49-58.

Labor, Earle. 1983. Jack London's "Mondo Cane": "Batard", "The Call of the Wild", and "White Fang", pp. 114-130 In Jacqueline Tavernier-Courbin (ed). Critical Essays on Jack London. Boston.

Laffineur, R. 1973. Le rhyton egeen en forme de tete de chien des musees d'art et d'histoire, Bulletin des musees royaux d'art et d'histoire 45:291-299.

Landrum, Grace. 1941. Images in the 'Faerie Queene' Drawn from Flora and Fauna, Shakespeare Association Bulletin 16:98-99.

Lane, C. 1979. Painting the Gazehound: A Theme in English Sporting Prints, Connoisseur 202:58-62.

Larkin, James E. 1981. Myth upon Myth: Five Animals in the 'Romancero gitano', Hispania 64:14-22.

Laurent, Camille Pierre. 1984. Dog, Fiend and Christian, or Shylock's Conversion, Cahiers Elisabethains: Etudes sur la Pre-Renaissance et le Renaissance Anglaises 26: 15-27.

Lautard, Henri. 1909. Zoophile ou sympathie envers les animaux; Psychologie du chien, du chat, du cheval. Paris

Lavin, Marilyn. 1974. Piero della Francesca's Fresco of Sigismondo Pandolfo Malatesta before St. Sigismund, Art Bulletin 56:363-368, with reply in Art Bulletin 57:606-7.

Lawler, Donald L.. 1977. The Sirens of Titan: Vonnegut's Metaphysical Shaggy-Dog Story, pp. 61-86, In Jerome Klinkowitz and Donald Lawler (eds). Vonnegut in America: An Introduction to the Life and Work of Kurt Vonnegut. New York.

Le Coat, Gerard. 1980. La fonction dialectique de la representation animale dans la peinture galante pre-revolutionnaire, pp. 47-56 In Aimer en France. 1760-1860: actes du colloque international de Clermont- Ferrand. Clermont-Ferrand, (love symbol).

Leach, Edmund. 1964. Anthropological Aspects of Language: Animal Categories and Verbal Abuse, pp. 23-63 In E. H. Lenneberg (ed). New Directions in the Study of Language. Cambridge, Mass.

Leach, Maria. 1961. God Has a Dog. Folklore of the Dog. New Brunswick.

LeClair, Thomas. 1970. The Poet as Dog in Paterson, Twentieth Century Literature 16: 97-108.

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