Martin, Debra L., and W. D. Seefeldt 1991 Prehistoric Obstetrics: Why Anasazi Women Died Young on Black Mesa, Arizona (AD 800-1150). [Abstract]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology Supplement 12:125-126. OBSTETRICS, PREHISTORIC ANASAZI, BLACK MESA, ARIZONA, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Martin, E. 1883 Les Déformations Crâniennes en Chine. Revue d'Ethnographie (Paris) 2:504-506. SKULL, DEFORMATION, CHINA, [LSG2-Cranium, abnormal & deformed]
Martin, E. S. 1936 A Study of an Egyptian Series of Mandibles, with Special Reference to Mathematical Methods of Sexing. Biometrika 28(1 and 2):149-178. SEX ASSESSMENT, MANDIBLE, EGYPT, [JRNL]
Martin, G. 1989 Successful Drainage of an Extradural Abscess in 1667: Prince Rupert's Trephination. British Journal of Neurosurgery 3:211-216. TREPHINATION, PRINCE RUPERT, ENGLAND [CWHM-1990-146-#2232]
Martin, G. 1990 Prince Rupert and the Surgeons. History Today 40(December):38-43. TREPHINATION, PRINCE RUPERT, ENGLAND [CWHM-1991-148-#2325]
Martin, H. D. 1912 L'Homme Fossile Mousterien de la Quina. Bulletin de la Société Préhistorique Française 489. FOSSIL, MAN, LA QUINA, NEANDERTAL, [ARME]
Martin, H. D. 1912 La Mandibule d'Adulte de la Quina ne Présente pas de Trace de Carie. Bulletin de la Société Préhistorique Française DENTAL CARIES, LA QUINA, NEANDERTAL, NO TRACE OF, [ARME]
Martin, H. D. 1923 L'Homme Fossile de La Quina. Paris: Ed. Doin. FOSSIL, MAN, LA QUINA, NEANDERTAL, [PPNL-1986-54:8]
Martin Herrera, A., M. Arnay de la Rosa, C. E. González-Reimers, J. A. Jorge Hernandez, and L. Diaz Flores 1987 Histological Observations in a Prehispanic Mummy of Gran Canaria. Journal of Paleopathology 1(1):33-36. MUMMIES, GRAND CANARY ISLAND, PREHISPANIC, HISTOLOGY, [PPNL-1988-61:15 & ETXEBERRIA-NPT]
Martin, J. 1980 Girlamo, Germs, and the Shepherd Boy. Journal of the Iowa Medical Society 70(1):22-28. TREPONEMATOSIS, SYPHILIS, [CWHM-1981-107-#1779]
Martin, J., et al. 1960 A Study of the Clinical History, Tooth Enamel and Dental Patterns in 175 Cases of Cerebral Palsy. Guy's Hospital Reports 109:139-146. DENTAL ENAMEL PATTERN, CEREBRAL PALSY, [ARME]
Martin, Jean 1879 Deux Crânes de Néo-Calédoniens, dont un Trépané sur le Front. Bulletin de la Société d'Anthropologie de Paris 2(Série 3):719. TREPHINATION, FRONTAL, [DIS IN ANT:698 & CRAN]
Martin, L. -Th. 1867 Trépanation du Crâne, Telle qu'Elle est Pratiquée par les Kabyles de l'Aurès. Montpellier Médical 18:525-535. TREPHINATION, KABYLES, [LSG1-Trephining & DIS IN ANT:698 & CRAN]
Martin, Paul S., and Floyd W. Sharrock 1964 Pollen Analysis of Prehistoric Human Feces: A New Approach to Ethnobotany. American Antiquity 30(2):168-180. DIETARY RECONSTRUCTION, COPROLITE, POLLEN ANALYSIS, [JRNL]
Martin, R. 1973 Maxillary and Jaw Torus: Pathogeny and Frequency of such Exostosis. Lyon: Colloque de Paléopathologie, September 1973. [Summary by Raoul Perrot]. Paleopathology Newsletter 6:8. MAXILLA, MANDIBLE, TORUS, EXOSTOSIS, PATHOLOGY, SUMMARY, [JRNL]
Martin, R. 1975 Torus Maxillaire et Torus Mandibulaire: Pathogénie et Fréquences de ces Exostoses. In: Actes du Premier Colloque Français de Paléopathologie, Lyon, 13-9-73. Travaux et Documents du Centre de Paléoanthropologie et de Paléopathologie 3(2):117-118. MAXILLA, TORUS PALATINUS, MANDIBLE, TORUS MANDIBULARIS, EXOSTOSIS, [HART 1983:043]
Martin, R. B., D. B. Burr, and M. B. Schaffler 1985 Effects of Age and Sex on the Amount and Distribution of Mineral in Eskimo Tibiae. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 67(4):371-380. BONE, MINERAL CONTENT, TIBIA, AGE, SEX, CROSS-SECTIONAL MOMENT OF INERTIA, ESKIMO, [JRNL]
Martin, Richard A. 1969 Mummies. Chicago: Field Museum Press. MUMMIES, EGYPT, [ZIMM]
Martin, Richard A. 1976 Mummies. Field Museum of Natural History Popular Series: Anthropology, Number 36. Chicago, Illinois: Field Museum of Natural History. MUMMIES, EGYPT, [MELVYL]
Martin, Rudolf 1914 Traité d'Anthropologie. Jena: G. Fischer. TRAIT, ANTHROPOLOGY, [ARME]
Martin, Rudolf 1928 Lehrbuch der Anthropologie. 3 volumes. 2nd Edition, enlarged. Jena: Verlag von Gustav Fischer. ANTHROPOMETRY, BIBLIOGRAPHY, ANTHROPOLOGY, [BOOK]
Martin, Rudolf, and Karl Saller 1957 Lehrbuch der Anthropologie. Volume 1, 1957; Volume 2, 1959; Volume 3, 1962; Volume 4, 1964. Stuttgart: Gustav Fischer Verlag. ANTHROPOLOGY, ANTHROPOMETRY, CANIOMETRY, TEXTBOOK, [CRAN & COMAS-1966-655]
Martín Rivas, E., and P. Henrici Du Souich 1982 Estudio Antropológico de la Necrópolis Altomedieval del Monasterio de Suso (San Millán de la Cogolla, Logroño). Trabajos de Antropología Física (Granada) 2:42-66. CEMETERY, MEDIEVAL, LOGROÑO, [ETXEBERRIA-NPT:37]
Martin, W. J., M. T. Ravi Subbiah, B. A. Koltke, C. C. Bark, and M. C. Naylor 1973 Nature of Faecal Sterols and Intestinal Bacterial Flora. Lipids 8:208-215. DIETARY RECONSTRUCTION, REMAINS, FECAL, INTESTINAL BACTERIAL FLORA, [J-ARCHAEOL-SCI-1994-21:583 & J-ARCHAEOL-SCI-1994-21:632]
Martín-Gil, J., F. J. Martín-Gil, G. Delibes de Castro, P. Zapatero-Magdaleno, and F. J. Sarabia-Herrero 1994 Preserving the Ancients with Vermilion. [Letter]. Lancet (London) 344(8939-8940):1776-1777. MUMMIES, PERU, VERMILION, LETTER, [JRNL]
Martín-Oval, Mercedes 1992 Variaciones Discontinuas Craneales en los Guanches (Tenerife, Islas Canarias). [Discontinuous Cranial Traits in the Guanche Populations.]. [Abstract]. 1 Congreso Internacional de Estudios Sobre Momias, Programa y Resúmenes. Puerto de la Cruz, Tenerife, 3-6 February 1992, p. 65. OSTEOLOGY, DISCONTINUOUS TRAIT, CANARY ISLANDS, TENERIFE, GUANCHE, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Martín-Oval, Mercedes, and Conrado Rodríguez Martín 1994 Osteochondritis Dissecans Among the Guanche Population of Tenerife (Canary Islands). [Abstract]. HOMO 45(Supplement, Special Issue, Xth European Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Göttingen, Germany, 29 August-3 September 1994):S83. OSTEOCHONDRITIS DISSECANS, GUANCHE, TENERIFE, CANARY ISLANDS, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Martín-Oval, Mercedes, and Conrado Rodríguez Martín 1994 Osteochondritis Dissecans Among the Guanche Population of Tenerife (Canary Islands). [Abstract]. In: Eve Cockburn, ed. Papers on Paleopathology Presented at the Tenth European Members Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Göttingen, Germany, 29 August-3 September 1994, pp. 16-17. OSTEOCHONDRITIS DISSECANS, GUANCHE, TENERIFE, CANARY ISLANDS, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Martínez, A. J., D. Fultz, Marvin J. Allison, Enrique Gerszten, and D. C. Stanley 1975 Electron Microscopic Study of Tissues from Precolumbian Americans. In: G. W. Bailey, ed. 33rd Annual Proceedings of the Electron Microscopy Society of America, Las Vagas, Nevada, pp. 55-60. TISSUE, PRECOLUMBIAN, MICROSCOPY, AMERICA, INDIAN, [NEUROSURGERY-1995-36:761 & COHEN&GJARM-1984:528]
Martínez Cortés, F. 1967 [Rhetoric Ideas of Nahuatl Medicine.]. [Spanish]. Gaceta Médica de México 97:301-307. MEDICINE, NAHUATL, [NDX-Medicine primitive history-10-02-07555]
Martínez de Santaolalla, J. 1924 A Propósito de un Cráneo Trepanado de mi Colección. Revista de Menorca (Baleares) 5:3-8. TREPHINATION, J. MART╔NEZ DE SANTAOLALLA'S COLLECTION, [ETXEBERRIA-NPT:25]
Martínez de Santaolalla, J. 1957 La Trepanación Prehistórica en España y Portugal. Archivo Iberoamericano de Historia de la Medicina y de Antropolgía Médica (Madrid) 9:345-346. TREPHINATION, SPAIN, PORTUGAL, PREHISTORIC, [ETXEBERRIA-NPT:25]
Martinez Del Rio, Pablo 1953 A Preliminary Report on the Mortuary Cave of Candelaria, Coahuila, Mexico. Bulletin of the Texas Archeological Society 24:208-252. MORTUARY CAVE, COAHUILA, MEXICO, [JRNL]
Martínez Durán, Carlos 1963 Surgery of the Mayas. Abbottempo; English Edition 1(4):14-20. SURGERY, MAYA, [JRNL]
Martínez Durán, Carlos 1964 La Pathologie dans l'Art Précolombien de l'Amérique Centrale. [Pathology in Pre-Columbian Art of Central America.]. Ciba Symposia (Summit, New Jersey) 12(2):87-91. PATHOLOGY, ART, PRECOLUMBIAN, CENTRAL AMERICA, [SORENSON 1990-M-138]
Martínez Durán, Carlos 1941 Las Ciencias Médicas en Guatemala: Origen y Evolución. Guatemala: Tipografía Sánchez y De Guise. MEDICAL SCIENCE, ORIGIN & EVOLUTION, GUATEMALA, [COOK&LOVELL-1991:262]
Martínez Florez, J. 1985 El Estudio de los Moldes Intracraneales como Fuente de Conocimiento de la Paleopatología. In: Actas Calahorra, Bimilenarismo de su Fundación. Madrid: Ministerio de Cultura, pp. 439-443. CAST, INTERCRANIAL, [ETXEBERRIA-NPT:25]
Martínez Florez, J. 1985 Introducción al Estudio Antropológico de la Excavación de la Clinica. In: Actas Calahorra, Bimilenarismo de su Fundación. Madrid: Ministerio de Cultura, pp. 427-437. SCARIFICATION, THERAPY, [ETXEBERRIA-NPT:25]
Martínez Florez, J., and P. Diez Repolles 1986 Human Disease in the Medieval Period of La Rioja. In: Proceedings of the Sixth European Meeting of the Paleopathology Association. Madrid, pp. 313-320. DISEASE, MEDIEVAL, LA RIOJA PERIOD, [ETXEBERRIA-NPT:25]
Martínez Florez, J., and P. Diez Repolles 1989 Posible Raquitismo en el Periodo Romano de Zaragoza. In: Actas del I Reunión Nacional Asociación Española de Paleopatología. Logroño, pp. 50-55. RICKETS, ROMAN PERIOD, ZARAGOZA, [ETXEBERRIA-NPT:25]
Martínez Florez, J., and P. Diez Repolles 1990 Fractura de Peroné con Consolidación de la Membrana Osea Tibioperonea en un Individuo de la Antigua Libia (Herramelluri, La Rioja). In: Actas del II Reunión Nacional Asociación Española de Paleopatología. Logroño, pp. 62-67. FRACTURE, FIBULA, TIBIA, CONSOLIDATION, ANCIENT, LIBYA, [ETXEBERRIA-NPT:26]
Martínez, J. 1983 Introducción al Estudio Antropológico y Paleopatológico de la Excavación de Albelda (Las Tapias). Cuadernos de Investigación Historia 10(2):? EXCAVATION, LAS TAPIAS, [ETXEBERRIA-NPT:25]
Martínez Marañon, R. 1982 Urna Olmeca que Podría Representar la Leishmaniasis Tegumentaria Diseminada. [An Olmec Urn that May Represent Cutaneous Disseminated Leishmaniasis.]. [Spanish with English Abstract]. [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1983, 42:13.]. Salud Pública de México 24(5):497-507. LEISHMANIASIS, CUTANEOUS, DISSEMINATED, OLMEC URN, [NDX-Indians north american-24-10-10398 & PPNL 1983-42:13]
Martínez-Lavín, Manuel, Josefina Mansilla Lory, Carlos Pineda, and Carmen María Pijoán Aguade 1995 Ankylosing Spondylitis is Indigenous to Mesoamerica. [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1996, 94:11.]. Journal of Rheumatology 22(12):2327-2330. SPINE, ANKYLOSING SPONDYLITIS, MESOAMERICA, [JRNL]
Martínez-Lavín, Manuel, Josefina Mansilla Lory, Carlos Pineda, Carmen María Pijoán Aguade, and Patricia Ochoa 1994 Evidence of Hypertrophic Osteoarthropathy in Human Skeletal Remains from Pre-Hispanic Mesoamerica. [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1994, 87:17.]. Annals of Internal Medicine 120(3):238-241. OSTEOARTHROPATHY, HYPERTROPHIC OSTEOARTHROPATHY, MESOAMERICA, PRE-HISPANIC, [JRNL]
Martínez-Palomo, Adolfo 1992 La Historia Clínica de Mozart. Gaceta Médica de México 128(6):673-679. MOZART, CLINICAL HISTORY, [CWHM-1994-162-#0161]
Martins, R. P. 1989 State of the Art in Rheumatology: Various Historical Notes. [Portuguese]. Acta Médica Portuguesa 2(Supplement 2):S47-S55. RHEUMATOLOGY, HISTORY, [CWHM-1993-158-#0591]
Marty, J., C. Lagarde, J. Perrot and F. Esquirol 1960 Monstrueux Anevrysme Exteriorise de l'Aorte. [Monstrous Exteriorized Aneurysm of the Aorta.]. Presse Médicale 68:1232-1234. ANEURYSM, AORTIC, [NDX-1960-01-01-A828]
Marvitz, L. 1982 Therapia Antiqua. [Danish]. Tidsskrift for Praktiserende Tandlaeger 2(6):30. DENTAL EXTRACTION, [CWHM-1984-119-#1829]
Marvitz, L. 1983 Therapia Antiqua. [Danish]. Tidsskrift for Praktiserende Tandlaeger 3(April):48. DENTAL EXTRACTION, [CWHM-1984-120-#1834]
Marx, Myron, and Sue H. D'Auria 1986 CT Examination of Eleven Egyptian Mummies. Radiographics 6(2):321-330. MUMMIES, EGYPT, COMPUTED TOMOGRAPHY, [NDX-Mummies-29-12-14313]
Marx, Myron, and Sue H. D'Auria 1988 Three-Dimensional CT Reconstructions of an Ancient Human Egyptian Mummy. American Journal of Roentgenology 150(1):147-149. MUMMIES, EGYPT, COMPUTED TOMOGRAPHY, [JRNL]
Marzke, M. W., and Charles F. Merbs 1984 Evidence of Hypertrophic Pulmonary Osteoarthropathy in Chimpanzee, Pan troglodytes. Journal of Medical Primatology 13(3):135-145. OSTEOARTHROPATHY, HYPERTROPHIC PULMONARY OSTEOARTHROPATHY, CHIMPANZEE, PAN TROGLODYTES, [JRNL]
Marzola, C., et al. 1968 Occurrence of Dental Impaction and Agenesis in 1,760 Individuals. Arquivos do Centro de Estudos da Faculdade Odontologia. Universidade de Minas Gerais (Belo Horizonte) 5:1:33-46. DENTAL AGENESIS, DENTAL IMPACTION, []
Masali, Melchiorre 1962 Morfometria della Pelvi Dall'Infanzia all'Eta Adulta (Collezione Osteologia Egiziana Dinastica). In: M. P. Champion, and M. -C. Chamla, eds. VIe Congres International des Sciences Anthropologiques et Ethnologiques. Tome I. Paris: Musée de L'Homme, pp. 231-234. PELVIS, MORPHOMETRY, INFANCY TO ADULTHOOD, EGYPT, [ROSE-J-C-1995-NPT]
Masali, Melchiorre 1964 Dati sulla Variabilita Morfometrica e Ponderale degli Ossicini dell'Udito nell'Uomo. Archivio Italiano di Anatomia e di Embriologia 69:435-446. MORPHOMETRY, VARIABILITY, [DIGGING UP BONES:191]
Masali, Melchiorre 1972 Body Size and Proportions as Revealed by Bone Measurements and Their Meaning in Environmental Adaptation. Journal of Human Evolution 1:187-197. BIOLOGY, POPULATION, EGYPT, ANCIENT, BODY SIZE, ENVIRONMENTAL ADAPTATION, [BROTHWELL-&-CHIARELLI-1973:187]
Masali, Melchiorre 1973 Body Size and Proportions as Revealed by Bone Measurements and Their Meaning in Environmental Adaptation. In: Don R. Brothwell, and Brunetto A. Chiarelli, eds. Population Biology of the Ancient Egyptians. London and New York: Academic Press, pp. 187-197. BIOLOGY, POPULATION, EGYPT, ANCIENT, BODY SIZE, ENVIRONMENTAL ADAPTATION, [BOOK]
Masali, Melchiorre 1973 Early Egyptians Physical Anthropology. Paper presented at the IXth International Congress of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences. Chicago, Illinois. PHYSICAL ANTHROPOLOGY, EGYPT, [ROSE-J-C-1995-NPT]
Masali, Melchiorre, R. Blanchiette, and T. Cordero 1980 The Backbone of Early Egyptians and the 'Rachigram' Method. Antropologia Contemporanea 3:105-114. SPINE, EGYPT, RACHIGRAM, [PPNL-1980-31:17]
Masali, Melchiorre, and Brunetto A. Chiarelli 1972 Demographic Data on the Remains of Ancient Egyptians. Journal of Human Evolution 1(2):161-169. BIOLOGY, POPULATION, EGYPT, ANCIENT, DEMOGRAPHY, [JRNL]
Masali, Melchiorre, and Brunetto A. Chiarelli 1973 Demographic Data on the Remains of Ancient Egyptians. In: Don R. Brothwell, and Brunetto A. Chiarelli, eds. Population Biology of the Ancient Egyptians. London and New York: Academic Press, pp. 161-169. BIOLOGY, POPULATION, EGYPT, ANCIENT, DEMOGRAPHY, [BOOK]
Masali, Melchiorre, Renato R. Grilletto, T. Cordero, and R. Blanchietti 1978 The Backbone of Early Egyptians and the 'Rachigram' Method. [Abstract]. In: Eve Cockburn, ed. Papers on Paleopathology Presented at the Second European Members Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Turin, Italy, 20-22 October 1978, pp. TU8-TU9. SPINE, EGYPT, RACHIGRAM, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Mascarenhas, S., O. Baffa Filho, and M. Ikeya 1982 Electron Spin Resonance Dating of Human Bones from Brazilian Shell-Mounds (Sambaquís). American Journal of Physical Anthropology 59(4):413-417. DATING, BONE DATING, ELECTRON SPIN RESONANCE DATING, NATURAL RADIATION, [JRNL]
Mascia-Lees, Frances E., and Patricia Sharpe, eds. 1992 Tattoo, Torture, Mutilation, and Adornment: The Denaturalization of the Body in Culture and Text. SUNY Series: The Body in Culture, History, and Religion. Albany: State University of New York Press. [See review by Hugh Gusterson, 1995; Gilbert Herdt, 1996.]. ADORNMENT, MUTILATION, TATTOO, TORTURE, [MED-ANTHROPOL-QUART-1995-9:513 & AM-ANTHROPOL-1996-98:392 & MELVYL]
Mascie-Taylor, C. G. N., ed. 1993 The Anthropology of Disease. New York: Oxford University Press. [See review by A. Theodore Steegmann, Jr., 1994.]. DISEASE, ANTHROPOLOGY OF, [AM-ANTHROPOL-1994-96:723 & AJPA-1994-94:114 & MELVYL]
Mascie-Taylor, C. G. N., and G. W. Lasker, eds. 1988 Biological Aspects of Human Migration. Cambridge Studies in Biological Anthropology, Number 3. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. DEMOGRAPHY, MIGRATION, BIOLOGICAL ASPECT OF, [VERANO-&-UBELAKER-1992:124 & MELVYL]
Mason, E. J., and D. Mason 1951 Report on Human Remains and Material Recovered from Wookey Hole from October 1947 to January 1949. Proceedings of the Somersetshire Archaeological and Natural History Society 95:238-243. BOG BODIES, WOOKEY HOLE, [LINDOW MAN:205]
Mason, H. J. 1990 Salmonella Typhi and the Crown of Spain. Canadian Bulletin of Medical History 7(1):31-52. TYPHOID, SALMONELLA TYPHI, AUTOPSY, SPAIN, [CWHM-1991-148-#0139-#2353]
Mason, J. K. 1993 Forensic Medicine: An Illustrated Reference. With a foreword by Cyril H. Wecht. 1st Edition. London and New York: Chapman & Hall Medical. FORENSICS, [PPNL-1995-90:11 & MELVYL]
Mason, K. O., et al. 1987 The Decline of Fertility in Los Angeles, California, 1880-1900. Population Studies (London) 41:483-499. FERTILITY, [CWHM-1988-136-#0715]
Mason, Otis T. 1886 The Chaclacayo Trephined Skull. Proceedings of the United States National Museum, 1885 8:410-412. TREPHINATION, CHACLACAYO SKULL, [JRNL]
Mason, Otis T. 1889 Cradles of the American Aborigines. Report of the U.S. National Museum Under the Direction of the Smithsonian Institution, for 1896-1887, Part 2, pp. 161-212. SKULL, DEFORMATION, CRADLE BOARD, AMERICA, INDIAN, [EWING-J-F-1950:92]
Mason, R. O. 1876 Cases Bearing on some Doubtful Points in the History of Syphilis. Medical Record (New York) 2:761. TREPONEMATOSIS, SYPHILIS, HISTORY, STATISTICS, [LSG1-Syphilis, history & statistics]
Mason, Ronald J., and Carol Irwin 1960 An Eden-Scottsbluff Burial in Northeastern Wisconsin. American Antiquity 26(1):43-57. BURIAL, EDEN-SCOTTSBLUFF, WISCONSIN, [JRNL]
Maspero, G. 1886 Unbandaging of Egyptian Mummies. [Translation] Sanitary World 6:5. MUMMIES, EGYPT, UNWRAPPING, [LSG1-Mummies]
Massare, C. 1979 Anatomo-Radiologie et Vérité Historique. A Propos du Bilan Xéroradiographique de Ramsès II. [Anatomo-Radiology and Historic Fact. Apropos of the Xeroradiographic Evaluation of Ramses II.]. [French]. Bruxelles Médical 59(3):163-170. MUMMIES, EGYPT, RAMSES II, RADIOLOGY, XERORADIOGRAPHY, ANATOMY, HISTORIC FACT, [MEDL & NDX-Paleopathology-20-12-09708]
Massarotti, M. 1970 Le Origine della Neurochirurgia nei Documenti Preistorici e Protoistorici. I. Documenti Preistorici. [The Origins of Neurosurgery Prehistoric and Protohistoric Documents. I. Prehistoric Documents.]. [Italian]. Minerva Neurochirurgica 14:56-78. NEUROSURGERY, ORIGIN, PREHISTORIC DOCUMENT, [NDX-PALEONTOLOGY-12-02-07163, ]
Massarotti, M. 1970 Le Origine della Neurochirurgia nei Documenti Preistorici e Protoistorici. II. La Civiltà dell'Antico Egitto. [The Origins of Neurosurgery in Prehistoric and Protohistoric Documents. II. The Civilization of Ancient Egypt.]. [Italian]. Minerva Neurochirurgica 14(4):343-359. NEUROSURGERY, ANCIENT, EGYPT, [MEDL & NDX-Paleopathology-12-02-07163 & BHM-10:569]
Massarotti, M. 1971 Le Origini della Neurochirurgia nei Documenti Preistorici e Protoistorici. III. Le Civilità Americane Pre-Colombiane. [The Origins of Neurosurgery in Prehistoric and Protohistoric Documents. III. Pre-Columbian American Civilization.]. [Italian]. Minerva Neurochirurgica 15:29-60. NEUROSURGERY, PRECOLUMBIAN, AMERICA, [MEDL & NDX-Paleopathology-12-02-07163 & BHM-10:568]
Masse, A. 1990 Histoire et Epidémiologie de la Luxation Congénitale de la Hanche en Bretagne. Acta Orthopaedica Belgica 51(1, Part A):45-52. HIP, DISLOCATION, CONGENITAL, HISTORY, [CWHM-1991-149-#1027]
Massell, Theodore B. 1986 What Caused the Plague of Athens? [Letter]. Western Journal of Medicine 145(1):104-105. PLAGUE, ATHENS, LETTER, [JRNL]
Massenat, E., E. Cartailhac, and P. Lalande 1872 Un Squelette Humain de l'Age du Rennes à Laugerie. Paris. SKELETON, [CRAN]
Masset, Claude 1973 La Démographie des Populations Inhumées. Essai de Paléodemographie. L'Homme 13(4):95-131. DEMOGRAPHY, [DIGGING UP BONES:191 & AJPA-1996-99:583]
Masset, Claude 1976 Sur des Anomalies d'Ordre Démographique Observées dan Quelques Sépultures Néolithiques. In: IXe Congrès, Union Internationale des Sciences Préhistoriques et Protohistoriques, Nice. Prétirage, Thémes Specialisés, pp. 78-105. DEMOGRAPHY, CEMETERY, NEOLITHIC, [SAUNDERS-&-KATZENBERG-1992:221]
Masset, Claude 1976 Sur la Moratalité chez les Anciens Indiens de l'Illinois. [French with English Abstract]. Current Anthropology 17(1):128-132. MORTALITY, ILLINOIS, AMERICA, INDIAN, [JRNL]
Masset, Claude 1982 Estimation de l'Age au Décès par les Sutures Crâniennes. [Thèse de Science, Université Paris VII]. AGE ASSESSMENT, CRANIAL SUTURE, [PALEOBIOS-(LYON)-1994-10:25]
Masset, Claude 1989 Age Estimation on the Basis of Cranial Sutures. In: Mehmet Yasar Iscan, ed. Age Markers in the Human Skeleton. Springfield, Illinois: Charles C Thomas, pp. 71-105. AGE ASSESSMENT, SKULL, SUTURE, [SAUNDERS-&-KATZENBERG-1992:221 & MELVYL]
Masset, Claude 1990 Ou en Est la Paléodémographie? Bulletins et Mémoires de la Société d'Anthropologie de Paris 2(3-4):109-122. DEMOGRAPHY, [JRNL]
Masset, Claude 1993 Encore l'Age des Adultes. [The Age of Adults Again]. [French with English Abstract]. Bulletins et Mémoires de la Société d'Anthropologie de Paris 5(1-2):217-224. AGE ASSESSMENT, ADULT, ARCHAEOLOGICAL POPULATION, [JRNL]
Masset, Claude, and B. Parzysz 1985 Démographie de Cimetières? Incertitude Statistique des Estimateurs en Paléodémographie. L'Homme 25(2):147-154. DEMOGRAPHY, CEMETERY, STATISTICAL ERROR, [SAUNDERS-&-KATZENBERG-1992:221 & AJPA-1996-99:583]
Massey, E. Wayne 1978 Leprosy: Biblical Opprobrium? Southern Medical Journal 71(10):1294-1295. LEPROSY, BIBLICAL, HISTORY, [JRNL]
Massey, J. M., and E. W. Massey 1984 Ergot, The "Jerks," and Revivals. Clinical Neuropharmacology 7(1):99-105. ERGOTISM, REVIVALIST RELIGION, [CWHM-1984-122-#0516]
Massey, Virginia 1989 The Human Skeletal Remains from a Terminal Classic Skull Pit at Colha, Belize. Austin, Texas: University of Texas; and College Station, Texas: Texas A&M University. [See review by David M. Reed, 1992.]. SKULL PIT, BELIZE, [AM-ANTIQ-1992-57:380]
Massie, Robert K. 1995 The Last Romanov Mystery. The New Yorker 1995(21 & 28 August):72-95. DNA, ROMANOV FAMILY MYSTERY, [JRNL]
Massler, M., I. Schour, and H. Poncher 1941 Developmental Pattern of the Child as Reflected in the Calcification Pattern of the Teeth. American Journal of Diseases of Children 62:33-67. DENTITION, CALCIFICATION PATTERN, [AJPA-1994-93:306]
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