Aaby, Peter 1984 Epidemics Among Amerindians and Inuit: a preliminary Interpretation

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Palkovich, Ann M. 1987 Endemic Disease Patterns in Paleopathology: Porotic Hyperostosis. [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1988, 62:13.]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 74(4):527-537. POROTIC HYPEROSTOSIS, ARROYO HONDO PUEBLO, [JRNL]
Palkovich, Ann M. 1990 Underlying Epidemiology in the Depopulation of North America. [Abstract]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 81(2):278. DEPOPULATION, EPIDEMIOLOGY, NORTH AMERICA, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Palkovich, Ann M. 1994 Historic Epidemics of the American Pueblos. In: Clark Spencer Larsen, and George R. Milner, eds. In the Wake of Contact: Biological Responses to Conquest. New York: Wiley-Liss, pp. 87-95. CONTACT, EUROPEAN CONTACT, NEW WORLD, BIOLOGICAL RESPONSE, DISEASE, EPIDEMIC DISEASE, PUEBLOS, [YEAR-BOOK-PHYS-ANTHROPOL-1994-37:150 & WILEY-LISS-FLYER]
Palkovich, Ann M. 1996 The Archaeology of Disease. Second Edition. By Charlotte A. Roberts, and Keith Manchester. 1995. Ithaca, New York: Alan Sutton Publishing Ltd/Cornell University Press. [Review]. Journal of Anthropological Research 52(3):371-372. REVIEW OF, ROBERTS; CHARLOTTE A., AND KEITH MANCHESTER, 1995 [JRNL]
Palla, Akos 1962 Paläopathologie. Jena: G. Fischer. PALEOPATHOLOGY, [MELVYL-PPATHOL]
Palliser, D. 1973 Epidemics in Tudor York. Northern History 8. DISEASE, EPIDEMIC DISEASE, YORK, ENGLAND, TUDOR PERIOD, [WORLD-ARCHAEOL-1989-21(2):263]
Palm, T. 1890 The Geographical Distribution and Aetiology of Rickets. Practitioner 4:270-342. RICKETS, DISTRIBUTION, ETIOLOGY, [ISCAN-1989:221]
Palma, Ricardo 1909 La Uta del Perú. L'Anthropologie (Paris) 20:455. UTA, LEISHMANIASIS, NASO-ORAL, PERU, [ARME]
Palmer, C. F. R. 1891 Burials at the Priories of the Black Friars. The Antiquary (London) 23:122-126. BURIAL, BLACK FRIAR PRIORY, [INTERNATL-J-OSTEOARCHAEOL-1996-6:113]
Palmer, C. F. R. 1891 Burials at the Priories of the Black Friars. The Antiquary (London) 24:28-30,76-79,117-120,265-269. BURIAL, BLACK FRIAR PRIORY, [INTERNATL-J-OSTEOARCHAEOL-1996-6:113]
Palmer, E. 1987 Micromorphology of Prehistoric Human Bone from the Mesolithic Site of Moita do Sebastiao, Portugal. [Thesis, Department of Anthropology, University of Alberta, Canada]. REMAINS, SKELETAL, MORPHOLOGY, MESOLITHIC, MOITA DO SEBASTIAO, PORTUGAL, [SAUNDERS-&-KATZENBERG-1992:222]
Palmer, L. S. 1959 A Graphical Treatment of Temporal Changes in Some Skeletal Measurements: Graphic Osteochronology. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 17(4):325-334. TEMPORAL CHANGE, GRAPHIC OSTEOCHRONOLOGY, [JRNL]
Palmirotta, R., P. Vitullo, S. Mammarella, R. Mariani-Costantini, and P. Battista 1992 Ancient DNA from Central Italian Archaeological Sites: Perspectives in Paleopathological Research. [Abstract]. In: Eve Cockburn, ed. Papers on Paleopathology Presented at the Ninth European Members Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Barcelona, Spain, 1-4 September 1992, p. 18. DNA, ANCIENT, PALEOPATHOLOGICAL RESEARCH, ITALY, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Palop Martínez, Josefina 1970 Distribución Mundial de la Trepanación Prehistórica. [World Distribution of Prehistoric Trepanation.]. Revista Española de Antropología Americana 5:51-66. TREPHINATION, PREHISTORIC, DISTRIBUTION, [SORENSON 1990-P-008]
Paltanea, P. 1987 [Epidemics of Plague in Galatz in the 17th and 18th Centuries.]. [Rumanian]. Revista de Igiena, Bacteriologie, Virusologie, Parazitologie, Epidemiologie, Pneumoftiziologie. Bacteriologia, Virusologia, Parazitologia, Epidemiologia 32(2):115-118. PLAGUE, EPIDEMIC, SEVENTEENTH TO EIGHTEENTH CENTURY, GALATZ, [NDX-Plague history-29-13-15541]
Paluch, A. 1970 [Therapeutic and Magic Trephining in Europe.]. [Polish]. Archiwum Historii Medycyny (Warszawa) 31:1-29. TREPHINATION, THERAPEUTIC, MAGIC, [NDX-Trephining history-11-02-08737]
Paluch, A. 1975 The Problems of Prehistoric and Early Historic Cranial Trepanations in Slavdom West (Present Territory of Czeckoslovakia and Poland). Medicina nei Secoli 12(2):257-267. TREPHINATION, SLAVIC, PREHISTORIC, HISTORIC, [NDX-Craniotomy-17-05-06740]
Paluch, A. 1975 [Traces of the Practice of Trephining in Poland and Czechoslovakia from Antiquity to the Middle Ages.]. [Polish with English Abstract]. Archeologia Polski 20:411-454. TREPHINATION, POLAND, CZECHOSLOVAKIA, [CWHM-1977-094-#1399]
Pam, M. H. 1917 On Artificially Contracted Heads. St. Mary's Hospital Gazette 23:29. SKULL, DEFORMATION, ARTIFICIAL, [LSG3-Cranium abnormalities & deformities artificial]
Pampiglione, S. 1979 Il Contributo di Achille Breda alla Conoscenza della Leishmaniosi Muco-Cutanea Americana. Parassitologia 21(1-3):35-58. LEISHMANIASIS, MUCOCUTANEOUS, [CWHM-1982-111-#1016]
Pampiglione, S., and S. Bettini 1980 Bibliografia Italiana delle Leishmaniosi dalle Origini al 1980. Annali dell'Instituto Superiore di Sanità 17(1):1-150. BIBLIOGRAPHY, LEISHMANIASIS, [CWHM-1982-113-#0968]
Pan American Health Organization 1986 Food and Nutrition of the Maya Before the Conquest and at the Present Time. In: Biochemical Challenges Presented by the American Indian. Washington, D.C.: Pan American Health Organization, pp. 114-119. NUTRITION, MAYA, PRECOLUMBIAN, PRESENT, [ISCAN-1989:301]
Panconesi, Emiliano, and Maria Serena Mazzi 1984 The Day Syphilis Came. [Reminiscence]. International Journal of Dermatology 23(4):284-286. TREPONEMATOSIS, SYPHILIS, HISTORY, [JRNL]
Panconi, A. 1965 Determinazione del Gruppo Sanguigno ABO in un Campione di Ossa Umane Eneolitiche, Raccolte nella Grotta del Leone (Pisa). Archivio per l'Antropologia e la Etnologia 95:245-250. BLOOD GROUP ASSESSMENT, BONE, [BROTHWELL-&-CHIARELLI-1973:286]
Pande, B. S., and I. Singh 1971 One-Sided Dominae in the Upper Limbs of Human Fetuses as Evidenced by Asymmetry in Muscle and Bone Weight. Journal of Anatomy 109:457-459. FETUS, UPPER LIMB, ONE-SIDED DOMINAE, [PINTER-BELLOWS-1994]
Pandey, S., S. N. Sinha, B. Jha, L. K. Sahay, and R. N. Tiwary 1972 An Unusual Arrow Injury. International Surgery 51:589. INJURY, ARROW, UNUSUAL, [GPALEOBI.BIB]
Pandit, Y. K. C. 1957 History of Trachoma in Ancient India. Proceedings of the All-India Ophthalmological Society 17:173. EYE DISEASE, TRACHOMA, HISTORY, ANCIENT, INDIA, [ARME]
Paneth, G., and E. Czeizel 1974 [The Disease of Tutankhamen and Echnaton.]. [Letter]. [Hungarian]. Orvosi Hetilap 115:1311. MUMMIES, EGYPT, DISEASE, ECHNATON, TUTANKHAMON, LETTER, [NDX-Mummies-15-07-07354]
Panhuysen, R. G. A. M. 1992 Paleopathology and History. [Abstract]. In: Eve Cockburn, ed. Papers on Paleopathology Presented at the Ninth European Members Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Barcelona, Spain, 1-4 September 1992, pp. 18-19. PALEOPATHOLOGY, HISTORY, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Panhuysen, R. G. A. M. 1994 Differences in Health in Merovingian Maastricht. [Abstract]. In: Eve Cockburn, ed. Papers on Paleopathology Presented at the Tenth European Members Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Göttingen, Germany, 29 August-3 September 1994, p. 19. HEALTH, MEROVINGIAN, MAASTRICHT, DIFFERENCE IN, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Panhuysen, R. G. A. M. 1994 Differences in Health in Merovingian Maastricht. [Abstract]. HOMO 45(Supplement, Special Issue, Xth European Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Göttingen, Germany, 29 August-3 September 1994):S96. HEALTH, MEROVINGIAN, MAASTRICHT, DIFFERENCE IN, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Panhuysen, R. G. A. M., and Tj. D. Bruintjes 1995 Traces of Multatuli: Agony or Diagenesis? [Poster]. Journal of Paleopathology 7(2, Abstracts of Papers Presented at the XI European Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Maastricht, The Netherlands, 14-18 August 1996):121. EDUARD DOUWES DEKKER (PSEUDONYM; MULTATULI), RESPIRATORY DISEASE, ARSENIC POISONING, POSTER, [JRNL]
Panhuysen, R. G. A. M., and Tj. D. Bruintjes 1996 Traces of Multatuli: Agony or Diagenesis? [Poster]. In: Eve Cockburn, ed. Papers on Paleopathology Presented at the Eleventh European Members Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Maastricht, The Netherlands, 14-18 August 1996, p. 15. EDUARD DOUWES DEKKER (PSEUDONYM; MULTATULI), RESPIRATORY DISEASE, ARSENIC POISONING, POSTER, [JRNL]
Panhuysen, R. G. A. M., G. Walenkamp, and G. J. R. Maat 1994 Osteolytic Lesions on Humerus and Clavicle. [Poster]. In: Eve Cockburn, ed. Papers on Paleopathology Presented at the Tenth European Members Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Göttingen, Germany, 29 August-3 September 1994, pp. 19-20. CLAVICLE, HUMERUS, LESION, OSTEOLYTIC, POSTER, [JRNL]
Panhuysen, R. G. A. M., G. Walenkamp, and G. J. R. Maat 1994 Osteolytic Lesions on Humerus and Clavicle. [Poster]. HOMO 45(Supplement, Special Issue, Xth European Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Göttingen, Germany, 29 August-3 September 1994):S97. CLAVICLE, HUMERUS, LESION, OSTEOLYTIC, POSTER, [JRNL]
Pankhurst, Richard 1975 Old-Time Ethiopian Cures for Syphilis, Seventeenth to Twentieth Centuries. Journal of the History of Medicine and Allied Sciences 30(2):199-216. TREPONEMATOSIS, SYPHILIS, CURE, ANCIENT, ETHIOPIAN, [JRNL]
Pankhurst, Richard 1990 The Use of Thermal Baths in the Treatment of Skin Disease in Old-Time Ethiopia. International Journal of Dermatology 29(6):451-456. SKIN DISEASE, THERMAL BATH, ETHIOPIA, [JRNL]
Pankhurst, Richard, and C. Annaratone 1984 La Piaghe d'Etiopia. Kos (Milan) 1(6):33-50. DISEASE, EPIDEMIC, ETHIOPIA, [CWHM-1985-123-#0519]
Panneton, P. 1944 Le Premier Mal de Connu dan l'Histoire de l'Humanite. Union Médicale du Canada 73:804-805. DISEASE, HISTORY, EARLIEST, [ARME]
Panuel, M. 1994 Radiographic Manifestations of Congenital Syphilis. In: Olivier Dutour, György Pálfi, Jacques Berato, and Jean-Pierre Brun, eds. L'Origine de la Syphilis en Europe: Avant ou Après 1493? Paris: Editions Errance-Centre Archéologique du Var, pp. 36-40. TREPONEMATOSIS, SYPHILIS, EUROPE, ORIGIN, CONGENITAL SYPHILIS, RADIOGRAPHIC MANIFESTATION, [ROBERTS-&-MANCHESTER-ARCHAEOL-OF-DIS-1995:220]
Panush, Rachel B., Jacques R. Caldwell, and Richard S. Panush 1990 Corot's "Gout" and a "Gipsy" Girl. Journal of the American Medical Association 264(9):1136-1138. GOUT, ART, [JRNL]
Panzac, Daniel 1984 La Peste dans l'Empire Ottoman (1700-1850). Information Historique 46:163-169. PLAGUE, OTTOMAN EMPIRE 1700-1850, [CWHM-1986-127-#1762]
Panzac, Daniel 1985 La Peste dans l'Empire Ottoman, 1700-1850. Collection Turcica, 5. Leuven: Editions Peeters. PLAGUE, HISTORY, OTTOMAN EMPIRE, 1700-1850, [MELVYL]
Panzac, Daniel 1987 La Peste dans l'Empire Ottoman (1700-1850). Histoire des Sciences Médicales 21(1):37-42. PLAGUE, OTTOMAN EMPIRE 1700-1850, [CWHM-1989-139-#1522]
Paoli, Giorgio 1970 Determinazione del Gruppo Sanguigno del Sistema ABO in Scheletri Egiziani di Età Dinastica. Atti della Società Toscana di Scienze Naturali, Residente in Pisa. Memorie, Serie B 77:88-100. BLOOD GROUP ASSESSMENT, BONE, [BROTHWELL-&-CHIARELLI-1973:466]
Paoli, Giorgio 1972 Further Biochemical and Immunological Investigations on Early Egyptian Remains. Journal of Human Evolution 1:457-466. BIOLOGY, POPULATION, EGYPT, ANCIENT, REMAINS, SKELETAL, BIOCHEMICAL AND IMMUNOLOGICAL INVESTIGATION, [BROTHWELL-&-CHIARELLI-1973:457]
Paoli, Giorgio 1973 Further Biochemical and Immunological Investigations on Early Egyptian Remains. In: Don R. Brothwell, and Brunetto A. Chiarelli, eds. Population Biology of the Ancient Egyptians. London and New York: Academic Press, pp. 457-466. BIOLOGY, POPULATION, EGYPT, ANCIENT, REMAINS, SKELETAL, BIOCHEMICAL AND IMMUNOLOGICAL INVESTIGATION, [BOOK]
Paoli, Giorgio, Paolo Francalacci, Maria T. Del Santo Valli, and Silvana M. Borgognini Tarli 1988 ABO Blood Typing in Italian Medieval Skeletons: Absorption-Elution and Haemagglutination-Inhibition Techniques. [English with German and French Abstracts]. HOMO, 1986 37(1986):88-96. ABO BLOOD TYPING, REMAINS, SKELETAL, [JRNL]
Paoli, Giorgio, Silvana M. Borgognini Tarli, Premysl Klír, Eugen Strouhal, Sergio Tofanelli, Maria T. Del Santo Valli, and Bela Pavlcová 1993 Paleoserology of the Christian Population at Sayala (Lower Nubia): An Evaluation of the Reliability of the Results. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 92(3):263-272. PALEOSEROLOGY, BLOOD GROUP, ABO BLOOD GROUPING, NUBIA, [JRNL]
Paoli, Giorgio, et al. 1992 Paleoserology of the Sayala Cemeteries: Comparisons Among Techniques, Laboratories and Substrata: Preliminary Results. Anthropologie (Brno) 30(1):89-93. PALEOSEROLOGY, SAYALA CEMETERY, EGYPT, [ANTHROPOL-INDEX-1994-32:14]
Pap, Ildiko 1985 Data for the Problem of Artificial Cranial Deformation Part 3. Annales Historico-Naturales Musei Nationalis Hungarici (Budapest) 77:281-290. SKULL, DEFORMATION, ARTIFICIAL, [M-SCHULTZ-INPUT-DECEMBER-1996-FROM-SCHULTZ.DOC-OF-12/13/96]
Pap, Ildiko, Anne-Marie Tillier, Baruch Arensburg, Stephen Weiner, and Mario Chech 1995 First Scanning Electron Microscope Analysis of Dental Calculus from European Neanderthals: Subalyuk, (Middle Paleolithic, Hungary): Preliminary Report. Bulletins et Mémoires de la Société d'Anthropologie de Paris 7(1-2):69-72. DENTAL CALCULUS, NEANDERTAL, HUNGARY, SEM ANALYSIS, [JRNL]
Papadopoulos, Cathleen Campbell 1977 Temporal Variation and Sex Differences in the Incidence of Cranial Porotic Hyperostosis in Peru. [For comments, see T. Aidan Cockburn, 1977.]. Paleopathology Newsletter 19:11-14. POROTIC HYPEROSTOSIS, CRANIAL, PERU, [JRNL]
Papathanasiou, A., Clark Spencer Larsen, and Lynette Norr 1995 A Bioarchaeological Analysis of a Neolithic Ossuary from Alepotrypa Cave, Diros, Greece. [Abstract]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology Supplement 20:167. BIOARCHAEOLOGY, OSSUARY, NEOLITHIC, DIROS, GREECE, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Pape, W. K. 1977 A Comparison of Harris Lines in Two Prehistoric Ohio Valley Populations. Paper presented to the Annual Meeting of the Central States Anthropological Society, Cincinnati. HARRIS LINES, PREHISTORIC, OHIO VALLEY, [COHEN&GJARM-1984:365]
Papon, J. P. 1800 De la Peste. [On the Plague.]. Paris. PLAGUE, HISTORY, [NOHL-JOHANNES-1924:273]
Papp, Tibor, and R. W. Porter 1994 Changes of the Lumbar Spinal Canal Proximal to Spina Bifida Occulta: An Archaeological Study with Clinical Significance. [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1996, 94:11.]. Spine 19(13):1508-1511. SPINA BIFIDA OCCULTA, ANGLO-SAXON, ROMANO-BRITISH, [JRNL]
Pappalardo, A. M., and S. P. Nawrocki 1991 The Effects of Depth Below Surface, Sex, and Stature on the Preservation of Buried Human Remains. Paper presented at the 31st Meeting of the Northeast Anthropological Association, Waterloo, Ontario. TAPHONOMY, [GRAUER-BODS-OF-EVIDENCE-1995:065]
Pappanastos, Leon E. 1993 Dental Wear 'Not What It Seems To Be' from CA-ALA-329 and Other Sites in Central California. [Abstract]. In: Eve Cockburn, ed. Papers on Paleopathology Presented at the Twentieth Annual Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Toronto, Ontario, 13-14 April 1993, p. 27. DENTAL WEAR, CENTRAL CALIFORNIA, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Pappas, P. G. 1993 Syphilis 100 Years Ago: Parallels with the AIDS Pandemic. International Journal of Dermatology 32(10):708-709. TREPONEMATOSIS, SYPHILIS, HISTORY, [CWHM-1994-161-#0376]
Paracelsi, Aureoli Theophoasti 1640 Von der Pest. [On the Plague.]. Frankfort. PLAGUE, HISTORY, [NOHL-JOHANNES-1924:273]
Paraense, W. L. 1989 [Walter Oswaldo Cruz: 20 Years in Retrospect.]. [Portuguese]. Memórias do Instituto Oswaldo Cruz 83:267-269. HEMATOLOGY, OSWALDO CRUZ; WALTER, [CWHM-1990-146-#0893]
Parafiniuk, M., and T. Marcinkowski 1987 [Attempt at Determining the Origin of the Skull in the Collection of the Czartoryski Museum.]. [Polish with English and Russian Abstracts]. Archiwum Historii i Filozofii Medycyny (Warszawa) 50(1):113-120. SKULL, COLLECTION, CZARTORYSKI MUSEUM, [NDX-Paleontology-29-12-15117]
Parascandola, John 1994 The Gillis W. Long Hansen's Disease Center at Carville. Public Health Reports 109(6):728-730. LEPROSY, HISTORY, [JRNL]
Pardal, R. 1935 La Deformación Intencional de la Cabeza en América. Revista Médica Latino-Americana 20(254):819-845. SKULL, DEFORMATION, AMERICA, [PROC-36TH-INTERNATL-CONG-AM-1964-2:350]
Pardal, R. 1935 La Trepanación Craneana en el Antiguo Perú. Día Médico 7:1145-1150. TREPHINATION, PERU, ANCIENT, [LSG4-Cranium surgery prehistoric & primitive]
Pardal, R. 1935 Trepanación del Cráneo Entre los Incas. Archivos Argentinos de Pediatría 13:147-172. TREPHINATION, INCA, [LSG4-Cranium surgery prehistoric & primitive]
Pardal, R. 1937 Medicina Aborigen Americana. Humanidor Biblioteca del Americanista Moderna, Sec C-Patrimonio Cultural Indiano, 3. Buenos Aires: José Anesi. MEDICINE, AMERICA, ABORIGINAL, [ARME]
Pardal, R. 1944 Sobre Paleopatología Americana; 'Cribra Orbitalia', Lesión Bilateral del Techo de las Orbitas en un Cráneo Indígena del Brasil. [American Paleopathology: Cribra Orbitalia, Bilateral Lesions of Orbital Roof in Native Crania of Brazil.]. [Spanish]. Prensa Médica Argentina 31:167-170. CRIBRA ORBITALIA, POROTIC HYPEROSTOSIS, BRAZIL, [QCIM-35:250 & ARME]
Pardini, E. 1968 Determinazione delle N-Acetil Glucose e Galattosoamine (Nagga) in Ossa Recenti e Antiche. Atti della Società Toscana di Scienze Naturali, Residente in Pisa. Memorie, Serie B 75:1-7. BLOOD GROUP ASSESSMENT, BONE, [BROTHWELL-&-CHIARELLI-1973:287]
Pardo-Castello, V. 1963 Dermatoses of the Americas. Dermatologia Tropica et Ecologica Geographic 2:232-237. TREPONEMATOSIS, TREPONEMA PERTENUE, FRAMBESIA, YAWS, DERMATOSIS, AMERICA, [NDX-Yaws-05-04-04214]
Pardoe, C. 1991 Competing Paradigms and Ancient Human Remains: The State of the Discipline. Archaeology in Oceania 26(2):79-85. REMAINS, HUMAN, PARADIGMS, ANCIENT, [ANTHROPOL-NDX-1991-29:220]
Pardoe, C. G. 1979 Stress and Disease: The Osteological Evidence. Winnipeg, Canada: University of Manitoba. [Manuscript, unpublished]. OSTEOLOGY, DISEASE, STRESS, [ARIZ-ST-UNIV-ANTH-RES-PAP-34:248]
Pare, Ambroise 1630 A Treatise of the Plague: Contayning the Causes, Signes, Symptomes, Prognosticks, and Cure Thereof: Together with Sundry Other Remarkable Passages for the Prevention of, and Preservation from the.... London: Printed by R. Y., and R. C., and Are Sold by Mich. Sparke, in the Green Arbor Court in Little Old Bailey, at the Blew Bible. PLAGUE, HISTORY, [MELVYL]
Paredes Borja, V. 1963 Historia de la Medicina en el Ecuador. Quito: Casa de la Cultura Ecuatoriana. MEDICINE, HISTORY, ECUADOR, [COOK&LOVELL-1991:264]
Parfitt, G. 1955 The Distribution of Caries on Different Sites of the Teeth in English Children From the Age of 2-15 Years. British Dental Journal 99:423. DENTAL CARIES, CHILDREN, BRITAIN, [ARME]
Parfitt, G. 1960 A Survey of the Oral Health of the Navajo Indian Children. Archives of Oral Biology 1:193-205. ORAL HEALTH, CHILDREN, NAVAJO, [ARME]
Parham, K. R., and G. T. Scott 1980 Porotic Hyperostosis: A Study of Disease and Culture of Toqua (40MR6), a Late Mississippian Site in Eastern Tennessee. In: P. Willey, and F. Smith, eds. The Skeletal Biology of Aboriginal Populations in the Southeastern United States. Tennessee Anthropological Association, Miscellaneous Paper 5, pp. 39-51. POROTIC HYPEROSTOSIS, TOQUA SITE, MISSISSIPPIAN, TENNESSEE, [STATUS & HEALTH ...:224 & ARME]
Paris, Amedee 1868 Chirurgie Arabe de la Trépanation Céphalique, Pratiquée par les Médecins Indigènes del'Aouress (Province de Constantine). Gazette Médical d'Algerie 13:25-32. TREPHINATION, CONSTANCINE PROVINCE, [SURG-NEUROL-1994-41:513 & CRAN]
Paris, F., E. Larnicol, F. Lamothe, M. Gerard, A. Person, and J. F. Saliege 1992 Paleopathological Observations on a Neolithic Human of Meridional Sahara in the Agadez Region, Niger. Comptes Rendus des Séances de l'Académie des Sciences. Série 2: Mecanique, Physique, Chimie, Sciences de la Terre, Sciences de l'Univers (Paris) 315(8):1033-1039. REMAINS, HUMAN, NEOLITHIC, NIGER, PALEOPATHOLOGICAL OBSERVATION, [M-SCHULTZ-INPUT-DECEMBER-1996-FROM-SCHULTZ.DOC-OF-12/13/96]
Paris, M. C. 1891 L'Annamite. Ses Caractères Ethniques. L'Anthropologie (Paris) 2:198. ANNAMITE, CHARACTER, ETHNIC, [ARME]
Parish, Christopher 1990 Notes on the History of Oliver Cromwell's Head. [Abstract, Lecture]. In: Eve Cockburn, ed. Papers on Paleopathology Presented at the Eighth European Members Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Cambridge, England, 19-22 September 1990, p. 2. SKULL, CROMMEWLL; OLIVER, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Parish, Christopher 1996 The Posthumous History of Oliver Cromwell's Head. In: Sidney Sussex College, Cambridge: Historical Essays, ed. DED Beales, and HB Nisbet. Woodbridge: The Boydell Press, pp. 105-110. [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1997, 97:18.]. SKULL, CROMWELL; OLIVER, ABSTRACT, [PPNL-1997-97:18]
Parish, L. C., and S. G. Parish 1971 Ancient Korean Medicine. Transactions and Studies of the College of Physicians of Philadelphia 38:161-167. MEDICINE, KOREA, ANCIENT, [NDX-History of Medicine ancient-12-02-05696]
Park, A. W., and H. B. Yaacob 1991 The Ancient Origins of Oral Pathology. Journal of the Nihon University School of Dentistry/Nihon Daigaku Shigakubuobon Zasshi 33(4):211-243. ORAL PATHOLOGY, ANTIQUITY OF, [CWHM-1992-155-#0463]
Park, Edwards A. 1923 The Etiology of Rickets. Physiological Reviews 3:106. RICKETS, DISTRIBUTION, ETIOLOGY, [ISCAN-1989:221]
Park, Edwards A. 1954 Bone Growth in Health and Disease. Archives of Disease in Childhood 29(146):269-281. BONE GROWTH, HEALTH, DISEASE, [JRNL]
Park, Edwards A. 1964 The Imprinting of Nutritional Disturbances on the Growing Bone. Pediatrics 33(5, Part 2, Supplement):815-862. BONE GROWTH, NUTRITION, [JRNL]
Park, Edwards A., D. Jackson, T. C. Goodwin, and L. Kajdi 1933 X-Ray Shadows in Growing Bones Produced by Lead: Their Characteristics, Cause, Anatomical Counterpart in Bone and Differentiation. Journal of Pediatrics 3:265-298. BONE, GROWING BONE, LEAD IN, RADIOLOGY, CHARACTERISTIC, CAUSE, ANATOMICAL COUNTERPART, DIFFERENTIATION, [ANN-REV-ANTHROPOL-1980-09:467]
Park, Edwards A., and C. P. Richter 1953 Transverse Lines in Bone: The Mechanism of Their Development. Bulletin of the Johns Hopkins Hospital 93:234-248. HARRIS LINES, TRANSVERSE LINES, DEVELOPMENT OF, [QCIM-1953-54-1218 & STEINBOCK-1976:058]
Park, Katharine 1994 The Criminal and the Saintly Body: Autopsy and Dissection in Renaissance Italy. Renaissance Quarterly 47(1):1-33. AUTOPSY, DISSECTION, ITALY, RENAISSANCE, [CWHM-1996-170-#0423]
Park, Katharine 1994 Signs and Portents: Monstrous Births from the Middle Ages to the Enlightenment. By Dudley Butler Wilson. 1993. London and New York: Routledge. [Review]. Medical History 38(2):228-229. REVIEW OF, WILSON; DUDLEY, 1993, [JRNL]
Park, Katharine 1995 The Life of the Corpse: Division and Dissection in Late Medieval Europe. Journal of the History of Medicine and Allied Sciences 50(1):111-132. DISSECTION, MEDIEVAL, EUROPE, [JRNL]
Parker, Charles A. 1904 Evidences of Rheumatoid Arthritis in the Lansing Man. American Geologist 33(42):39-42. ARTHRITIS, RHEUMATOID, LANSING MAN, [JRNL]
Parker, L. 1990 From Pestilence to Asepsis. Nursing Times 86(49):63-67. PUBLIC HEALTH, SANITATION, [CWHM-1991-150-#0245]
Parker, Patricia L. 1994 Keepers of the Treasures: National Tribal Cultural Organization Holds Third Annual Meeting. CRM 17(5):40-41. REPATRIATION, [JRNL]
Parker Pearson, M. 1986 Lindow Man and the Danish Connection--Further Light on the Mystery of the Bogman. Anthropology Today 2(1):15-18. BOG BODIES, LINDOW MAN, DANISH CONNECTION, [LINDOW MAN:206]
Parker, R. B., and H. Toots 1970 Minor Elements in Fossil Bones. Bulletin of the Geological Society of America 81:925-932. BONE, FOSSIL, MINOR ELEMENT, [SANDFORD-MARY-K-1993:052]
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