Aaby, Peter 1984 Epidemics Among Amerindians and Inuit: a preliminary Interpretation

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Patocka, F. 1944 Bacteriology of Intestinal Contents of Mummies. Sbornik Lekarsky 46:84-103. MUMMIES, BACTERIOLOGY, GUT CONTENT, [ARME]
Patrick, Adam 1965 A Consideration of the Nature of the English Sweating Sickness. Medical History 9:272. MEDICAL HISTORY, ENGLISH SWEATING SICKNESS, [BR-J-DERMATOL-1970-82:310]
Patrick, Adam 1967 Disease in Antiquity: Ancient Greece and Rome. In: Don R. Brothwell, and A. T. Sandison, comps. & eds. Diseases in Antiquity: A Survey of the Diseases, Injuries and Surgery of Early Populations. With a Foreword by Warren R. Dawson. Springfield, Illinois: Charles C Thomas, pp. 238-246. DISEASE, INJURY, SURGERY, ANTIQUITY, SURVEY, GREECE, ROME, [BOOK]
Patrick, J. J. R. 1895 Examination of Prehistoric Crania. Dental Cosmos 37:1-24. CRANIOLOGY, ODONTOLOGY, [LSG2-Teeth, in anthropology]
Patrick, Sharlet Suzanne 1988 Description and Demographic Analysis of a Mimbres Mogollon Population from LA 15049 (NAN Ruin). [Thesis, Texas A & M University, College Station]. DEMOGRAPHY, NAN RANCH RUIN, NEW MEXICO, [J-FIELD-ARCHAEOL-1989-16:29]
Patrucco, Raúl, Raúl Tello, and Duccio Bonavia 1983 Parasitological Studies of Coprolites of Pre-Hispanic Peruvian Populations. [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1983, 44:16.]. Current Anthropology 24(3):393-394. COPROLITE, PARASITISM, PERU, [JRNL]
Patte, Etienne 1925 Etude Anthropologique du Crâne Néolithique de Minh Cam. Notes sur le Préhistorique Indochinois. Bulletin du Service Géologique de l'Indochine (Hanoi) 2:13. SKULL, NEOLITHIC, MINH CAM, INDOCHINA, [ARME]
Patte, Etienne 1955 Les Néanderthaliens Anatomie, Physiologie et Comparisons. Paris: Masson. ANATOMY, PHYSIOLOGY, COMPARATIVE, NEANDERTAL, [CRAN]
Patte, Etienne 1962 La Dentition des Néanderthaliens. Paris: Mason. DENTITION, NEANDERTAL, [HOMO-1994-45:125 & MELVYL]
Patte, Etienne 1971 Les Restes Humaines de la Grotte Sépulcrale du Laris Goguet à Feigneux (Oise). Bulletins et Mémoires de la Société d'Anthropologie de Paris 7(Série 12):381-452. REMAINS, HUMAN, CAVE, OISE, [COHEN&GJARM-1984:096]
Patte, Etienne 1976 Os Pathologiques ou Anormaux de la Grotte de Feigneux (Oise). [Pathological or Abnormal Bones from the Cave of Feigneux (Oise).]. [French with English Abstract]. L'Anthropologie (Paris) 80(4):655-668. PATHOLOGY, CAVE OF FEIGNEUX, OISE, FRANCE, [JRNL]
Patterson, Bryan, and William W. Howells 1967 Hominid Humeral Fragment from Early Pleistocene on Northwestern Kenya. Science 156(3771):64-66. HUMERUS, HOMINID, PLEISTOCENE, KENYA, [JRNL]
Patterson, C. 1985 Not Worth Rearing: The Causes of Infant Exposure in Ancient Greece. Transactions of the American Philological Association 115:103-123. INFANTICIDE, GREECE, [CWHM-1987-131-#0999]
Patterson, C. C., H. Shirahata, and J. E. Ericson 1987 Lead in Ancient Human Bones and Its Relevance to Historical Developments of Social Problems with Lead. Science of the Total Environment 61:167-200. BONE, ANCIENT, LEAD CONTENT, [MEDL & NDX-Paleopathology-28-12-13832]
Patterson, David Kingsnorth, Jr. 1983 A Diachronic Study of Dental Palaeopathology and Attritional Status of Prehistoric Ontario Pre-Iroquois and Iroquois Populations. [Abstract]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 60(2):236. DENTAL PATHOLOGY, PREHISTORIC, ONTARIO, IROQUOIS, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Patterson, David Kingsnorth, Jr. 1983 A Diachronic Study of Dental Paleopathology and Attritional Status of Prehistoric Ontario Pre-Iroquois and Iroquois Populations. [Dissertation, University of Toronto, Ontario]. [For abstract, see Dissertation Abstracts International, 44(9):2817A.]. [For abbreviated abstract, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1987, 60:17.]. DISSERTATION, DENTAL ATTRITION, DENTAL DISEASE, ONTARIO, PRE-IROQUOIS, IROQUOIS, [PPNL-1987-60:17]
Patterson, David Kingsnorth, Jr. 1984 A Diachronic Study of Dental Paleopathology and Attritional Status of Prehistoric Ontario Pre-Iroquois and Iroquois Populations. [Dissertation]. Mercury Series, Archaeological Survey of Canada Paper 122. Ottawa, Canada: National Museum of Man, Ottawa. DISSERTATION, DENTAL PATHOLOGY, DENTAL ATTRITION, ONTARIO, PRE-IROQUOIS, IROQUOIS, [VERANO-&-UBELAKER-1992:125 & MELVYL]
Patterson, David Kingsnorth, Jr. 1986 Changes in Oral Health Among Prehistoric Ontario Populations. [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1987, 58:12.]. Canadian Journal of Anthropology/Revue Canadienne d'Anthropologie 5(2):3-13. ORAL HEALTH, PREHISTORIC, ONTARIO, [JRNL]
Patterson, G. R. 1986 No Better Float Through Posterity. Pharmaceutical Historian (Edinburgh) 16(3):6-7. HANNAH INSTITUTE FOR THE HISTORY OF MEDICINE, HANNAH; HASON ALBERT 1988-1977, [CWHM-1987-131-#0834]
Patterson, Karl David 1993 Typhus and Its Control in Russia, 1870-1940. Medical History 37(4):361-381. TYPHUS, RUSSIA, [JRNL]
Patterson, Karl David 1994 Cholera Diffusion in Russia, 1823-1923. Social Science and Medicine 38(9):1171-1191. CHOLERA, RUSSIA 1823-1923, [CWHM-1994-162-#0284]
Patterson, Karl David 1995 The 1918-1919 Pandemic of Influenza: The Urban Impact in the Western World. Edited by Fred R. van Hartesveldt. 1992. Lewiston, New York: Edwin Mellen Press. [Review]. Bulletin of the History of Medicine 69(1):150-151. REVIEW OF, VAN HARTESVELDT; FRED R., ED., 1992. [JRNL]
Patterson, Roy, Michael A. Ganz, and Mary Roberts 1991 Anaphylaxis and Asthma in a Scrimshander Due to Deer Bone Dust. Annals of Allergy 67(5):529-532. OCCUPATIONAL DISEASE, ANAPHYLAXIS, ASTHMA, DEER BONE DUST, [JRNL]
Patterson, Thomas Carl, and Edward P. Lanning 1964 Changing Settlement Patterns on the Central Peruvian Coast. Nawpa Pacha 2:113-123. DEMOGRAPHY, SETTLEMENT PATTERN, PERU, [JRNL]
Patton, D. D., and Holmes 1969 Modern Trepanation. A Note of the Present-Day Use of Prehistoric Therapy. Bulletin of the Los Angeles Neurological Society 34:254-255. TREPHINATION, MODERN, THERAPY, PREHISTORIC, [NDX-Trephining-11-02-08737]
Pattyn, S. R. 1978 Tuberculosis and Leprosy: A Comparison. Acta Leprologica (Geneve) 73:3-11. TUBERCULOSIS, LEPROSY, [NDX-AUTHOR-1979-20-05-03654 & ROBERTS-CHAR-NPT:006]
Pattyn, S. R. 1990 Lepra: Het Begin van het Einde. [Dutch]. [Leprosy: The Beginning of the End.] Acta Belgica Historiae Medicinae 3(1):4-7. LEPROSY, [CWHM-1990-146-#1195]
Patzelt, G. 1992 Neues vom Ötztaler Eismann. Mitteilungen des Oesterreichischen Alpenvereines 47(117, Heft 2):23-24. MUMMIES, AUSTRIA, ALPS, ICEMAN, HOMO TIROLENSIS, [J-ARCHAEOL-SCI-1994-21:818]
Paul, B. 1978 [Persistance of Active Forms. Comparative Study of Prehistoric Man's Tools and Some Current Dental Instruments.]. [French with English Abstract]. Actualités Odont-Stomatologiques (Paris) (124):659-676. DENTAL INSTRUMENT, MODERN, PREHISTORIC, [NDX-Anthropology cultural-20-07-05232]
Paul, J. 1950 American Archeology: Clinical Observations. Transactions of the Association of American Physicians 62:29. ARCHAEOLOGY, OBSERVATION, CLINICAL, [ARME]
Paul, John R. 1971 A History of Poliomyelitis. New Haven, Connecticut and London: Yale University Press. [See review by Theodore E. Boyd, 1971.]. POLIOMYELITIS, HISTORY, [JHISTMED-1971-26:317]
Pauli, L. 1978 Ungewöhnliche Grabfunde aus Frügeschichtlicher Zeit: Archäologische Analyse und Anthropologischer Befund. [Unusual Graves in Prehistoric Periods: Archaeological Analysis and Anthropological Statement.]. [German with English and French Abstracts]. HOMO 29:44-53. GRAVE, SINGULAR, ARCHAEOLOGICAL ANALYSIS, ANTHROPOLOGICAL STATEMENT, [JRNL]
Paulsen, H. Jay 1987 Tuberculosis in the Native American: Indigenous or Introduced? Reviews of Infectious Diseases 9(6):1180-1186. TUBERCULOSIS, INDIGENOUS, INTRODUCED, ABORIGINAL, AMERICA, [JRNL]
Paulshock, Bernadine Z. 1980 Tutankhamun and His Brothers: Familial Gynecomastia in the Eighteenth Dynasty. [Special Communication]. [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1981, 34:12.]. Journal of the American Medical Association 244(2):160-164. MUMMIES, EGYPT, GYNECOMASTIA, FAMILIAL, EIGHTEENTH DYNASTY, TUTANKHAMON, [JRNL]
Pauly, Alphonse 1954 Bibliographie des Sciences Médicales: Bibliographie, Biographie, Histoire, Epidémies, Topographies, Endémies. London: Derek Verschoyle Academic and Bibliographical Publications. BIBLIOGRAPHY, MEDICAL SCIENCES, [BOOKSELLERS-CABINET-1992-CATA-19-ITEM-234]
Pauw, L. F. De 1893 Contribution a l'Etude de l'Alimentation de l'Homme et des Anthropomorphes. Bulletin de la Société d'Anthropologie de Bruxelles 12:139-144 and 218-220. NUTRITION, MAN, APE, [ARME]
Pavelková, J., and Lubos Vyhnánek 1992 Hypoplasie des Dens Axis: Ein Seltener Paläopathologischer Befund. Anthropologie (Brno) 30(2):169-171. SPINE, AXIS, HYPOPLASTIC DENS, [ANTHROPOL-INDEX-1994-32:60]
Pavlovskiy, O. M. 1969 Mineralizaciya Skeleta Chelovyeka v Antropologicheskom Izuchenii. [Mineralization of Skeleton of Man in Anthropological Study.]. [Russian]. Voprosy Antropologii 31:67-82. SKELETAL MINERALIZATION, [ZIVANOVIC-1982:276]
Pavlovsky, A. 1979 La Hemofilia y su Repercusión en la Historia. Boletín de la Academia Nacional de Medicina de Buenos Aires 57(1):13-22. HEMOPHILIA, HISTORICAL REPERCUSSION, [CWHM-1980-106-#0634]
Pawlicki, R. 1976 Preparation of Fossil Bone Specimens for Scanning Electron Microscopy. Stain Technology 51:147-152. FOSSIL, ELECTRON MICROSCOPY, [CWHM-1976-092-#0529]
Pawlicki, R. 1978 Methods of Preparation of Fossil Bone Samples for Light and Transmission Electron Microscopy. Stain Technology 53(2):95-102. BONE SAMPLE, PREPARATION FOR MICROSCOPY, [BHM-15:478]
Pawson, Ivan G. 1974 Radiographic Determination of Excessive Bone Loss in Alaskan Eskimos. Human Biology 46(3):369-380. BONE LOSS, ALASKA, ESKIMO, [JRNL]
Payne, Joseph Frank 1904 English Medicine in the Anglo-Saxon Times: Two Lectures Delivered Before the Royal College of Physicians of London, June 23-25, 1903, with Twenty-Three Illustrations. Fitzpatrick Lectures, 1903. Oxford: Clarendon. MEDICAL HISTORY, ANGLO-SAXON, [MELVYL]
Payne, S. 1983 Bones from Cave Sites: Who Ate What? Problems and a Case Study. In: J. Clutton-Brock, and C. Grigson, eds. Animals and Archaeology: 1. Hunters and Their Prey. BAR International Series 163:149-162. NUTRITION, [WHITE-PREHIST-CANNIBAL-MANCOS-1992:448]
Paynter, Kenneth J., and Robert O. Grainger 1961 Influence of Nutrition and Genetics on Morphology and Caries Susceptibility. Journal of the American Medical Association 177(5):306-309. DENTAL CARIES, SUSCEPTIBILITY, MORPHOLOGY, GENETICS, NUTRITION, [JRNL]
Paynter, Kenneth J., and R. M. Grainger 1962 Relationship of Morphology and Size of Teeth to Caries. International Dental Journal 12(2):147-160. DENTAL CARIES, TOOTH SIZE, MORPHOLOGY, [JRNL]
Paz Otero, G. 1974 La Medicina en la Conquista y la Colonia. Bogatá: Gab-Editores. MEDICINE, CONQUEST, COLONIALISM, AMERICAS, [CWHM-1976-088-NEW-BOOKS:383]
Peacock, B. 1955 Observations on the Oral Conditions of the Native Races in British North Borneo. British Dental Journal 99:207-208. ORAL HEALTH, BORNEO, [ARME]
Peacock, B. 1966 Disfigurative Dentistry. Dental Magazine and Oral Topics 83(3):111-113. DENTISTRY, DISFIGURATIVE, [ARME]
Peacock, T. B. 1861 Millstone Makers Phthisis. Transactions of the Pathological Society of London 12:36-40. DISEASE, OCCUPATIONAL DISEASE, ASTHMA, MILLSTONE MAKERS' PHTHISIS, ENGLAND, [MED-ANTHROPOL-QTR-1988-2(2):214]
Pearce, J. E. 1935 Tales That Dead Men Tell. University of Texas Bulletin 3537:1-2. FORENSIC ANTHROPOLOGY, [WHITE-PREHIST-CANNIBAL-MANCOS-1992:448]
Pearcy, Lee T. 1984 Melancholy Rhetoricians and Melancholy Rhetoric: "Black Bile" as a Rhetorical and Medical Term in the Second Century A.D. Journal of the History of Medicine and Allied Sciences 39(4):446-456. MEDICAL TERMINOLOGY, BILE, BLACK, SECOND CENTURY, [JRNL]
Pearl, Raymond 1922 The Biology of Death: Being a Series of Lectures Delivered at the Lowell Institute in Boston in December, 1920 by Raymond Pearl. Philadelphia, London: J. B. Lippincott Company. DEATH, BIOLOGY OF, [HUMPHREYS-S-C-AND-HELEN-KING-1981:077 & MELVYL]
Pearsall, Deborah M. 1994 Paleonutrition: The Diet and Health of Prehistoric Americans. Center for Archaeological Investigations, Occasional Paper Number 22. Edited by Kristin D. Sobolik. 1994. Edwardsville, Illinois: Southern Illinois University at Carbondale. [Review]. American Anthropologist 97(3):618. REVIEW OF, SOBOLIK; KRISTIN D., 1994, [JRNL]
Pearson, Charles E. 1977 Evidence of Early Spanish Contact on the Georgia Coast. Historical Archaeology 11:74-83. CONTACT, SPANISH CONTACT, GEORGIA, COASTAL, [FLORIDA-ANTHROPOL-1991-44:283]
Pearson, Karl 1899 On the Reconstruction of the Stature of Prehistoric Races. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London, Series A 192:169-244. STATURE ASSESSMENT, EARLY MAN, [INTERNATL-J-OSTEOARCHAEOL-1995-5:250]
Pearson, Karl 1901 On the Change in Expectation of Life in Man During A Period of Circa 200 Years. Biometrika 1:261-264. LIFE EXPECTANCY CHANGE, LAST 200 YEARS, [ARME]
Pearson, Karl 1914 On the Problem of Sexing Osteometric Material. Biometrika 10:479-487. SEX ASSESSMENT, PROBLEM, [INTERNATL-J-OSTEOARCHAEOL-1995-5:323]
Pearson, Karl, and J. A. Bell 1917-1919 A Study of the Long-Bones of the English Skeleton. London: Draper's Co. BONE, LONG, ENGLISH, [COHEN&GJARM-1984:392]
Pearson, Karl, and Geoffrey M. Morant 1934 The Wilkinson Head of Oliver Cromwell and Its Relationship to Busts, Masks and Painted Portraits. Biometrika 26(3 and 4):269-378. SKULL, CROMWELL'S, THE WILKINSON HEAD OF CROMWELL, [JRNL]
Peart, A. F. W. 1949 An Outbreak of Poliomyelitis in Canadian Eskimos in Wintertime: Epidemiological Features. Canadian Journal of Public Health 40:405-417. POLIOMYELITIS, CANADA, ESKIMO, [CURR-ANTHROPOL-1994-35:593]
Pechstein, J. 1971 [Rachitis 1967--Rachitism 1854.]. [German]. Zeitschrift fuer Allgemeinmedizin; der Landarzt 47:67-70. RICKETS, HISTORY, [NDX-Rickets history-12-02-07966]
Peck, S., and H. Peck 1975 Orthodontic Aspects of Dental Anthropology. Angle Orthodontist 45(2):95-102. DENTAL ANTHROPOLOGY, ORTHODONTIC ASPECT, [NDX-Cephalometry-16-04-01296]
Peck, William H. 1973 Ancient Egypt and Its Mummies. [Abstract]. Paleopathology Newsletter 1:1-2. MUMMIES, EGYPT, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Peck, William H. 1975 The Unwrapping. In: Eve Cockburn, ed. Preliminary Reports on the Examination of PUM-III. Detroit, Michigan: Paleopathology Newsletter, Number 12, pp. 7-8. MUMMIES, EGYPT, PUM-III, UNWRAPPING, [JRNL]
Peck, William H. 1976 The Unwrapping. In: Eve Cockburn, ed. Preliminary Reports on the Examination of PUM-IV. Detroit, Michigan: Paleopathology Newsletter, Number 16, pp. 3-5. MUMMIES, EGYPT, PUM-IV, UNWRAPPING, [JRNL]
Peck, William H. 1980 Mummies of Ancient Egypt. In: T. Aidan Cockburn, and Eve Cockburn, eds. Mummies, Disease, and Ancient Cultures. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 11-28. MUMMIES, EGYPT, DISEASE, [BOOK]
Peck, William H. 1982 Early Investigation of Egyptian Mummies. [Abstract]. In: Eve Cockburn, ed. Ninth Annual Meeting of the Paleopathology Association and First Aidan Cockburn Memorial Symposium. Mummies, Disease, and Ancient Cultures: Retrospect and Prospect, Toledo, Ohio, 3-4 April 1982, p. 1. MUMMIES, DISEASE, ANCIENT CULTURE, SYMPOSIUM, MUMMIES, EGYPT, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Pecotte, Jerilyn K. 1982 Nutritional Stress and Health in Ancient Egypt: Methodology. Antropologia Contemporanea 5(1&2):147-154. NUTRITION, HEALTH, EGYPT, METHODOLOGY, [WENNER-GREN-FOUNDATION-REPORT-FOR-1992-1993:216]
Pecotte, Jerilyn K. 1982 Nutritional Stress and Health in Ancient Egypt: Methodology. Antropologia Contemporanea 3:57-82. DIETARY RECONSTRUCTION, NUTRITIONAL STRESS, HEALTH, EGYPT, METHODOLOGY, [ROSE-J-C-1995-NPT]
Pecotte, Jerilyn K. 1984 Nutritional Stress and Health in Ancient Egypt. [Abstract]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 63(2):203. NUTRITION, HEALTH, ANCIENT, EGYPT, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Pecotte, Jerilyn K. 1985 Nutritional Stress and Health During the First Intermediate Period in Ancient Egypt. [Abstract]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 66(2):213. NUTRITIONAL STRESS, HEALTH, ANCIENT, EGYPT, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Pecotte, Jerilyn K. 1986 Temporal Trends in Biological Stress Indicators from Two Dynastic Egyptian Mortuary Samples. [Dissertation, University of Utah, Salt Lake City]. [For abstract, see Dissertation Abstracts International, 47(2):571A, University Microfilms order number DA8608754.]. [For abbreviated abstract, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1987, 60:17.]. DISSERTATION, BIOLOGICAL STRESS, MORTUARY SAMPLE, DYNASTIC EGYPT, [PPNL-1987-60:17]
Pedersen, J. J. 1974 The Antiquity of Sylvan Yellow Fever in the Americas. [Dissertation, University of California]. Dissertation Abstracts International, Section A: Humanities and Social Sciences (Ann Arbor, Michigan) 35:1576. YELLOW FEVER, SYLVAN, AMERICA, [CWHM-1976-092-#1618]
Pedersen, Lisbet Milling, and Henrik Permin 1988 Rheumatic Disease, Heavy-Metal Pigments, and the Great Masters. Lancet (London) 1(8597):1267-1269. ARTHRITIS, RHEUMATOID ARTHRITIS, HEAVY-METAL PIGMENT, TOXICOLOGY, SCLERODERMA, ETIOLOGY, ART, [JRNL]
Pedersen, P. O. 1938 Investigations into Dental Conditions of About 3,000 Ancient and Modern Greenlanders. Dental Record 58:191-198. DENTAL CONDITION, ANCIENT, MODERN, GREENLAND, [ARME]
Pedersen, P. O. 1939 Ernährung und Zahncaries Primitiver und Urbanisierter Grönländer. Verhandlungen der Deutschen Gesellschaft fuer Innere Medizin 51(Kongress Wiesbadan, 1939):661-668. DENTAL CARIES, PRIMITIVE, URBAN, GREENLAND, [METRESS-1974:020]
Pedersen, P. O. 1939 Investigations into the Incidence of Dental Caries in Ancient and Modern Greenlanders. Compte Rendu de Congrès Internationale des Sciences de Anthropologie et Ethnologie, Copenhagen 1938(Session 2):120-122. DENTAL CARIES, ANCIENT, MODERN, GREENLAND, [METRESS-1974:020]
Pedersen, P. O. 1940 Beobachtungen über "Mottled Enamel" bei Grönländern. Deutsche Zahnärztliche Zeitschrift 43:623-627. DENTAL ENAMEL, MOTTLED, [METRESS-1974:020]
Pedersen, P. O. 1941 Über Angeborene Missbildungen im Bereiche der Mundhöhle bei Grönlaendischen Eskimos und Westgrönlaendischen Mischlingen. Zeitschrift fuer Rassenkunde 12:19. DEFORMITY, MOUTH, CONGENITAL, GREENLAND, ESKIMO, [ARME]
Pedersen, P. O. 1944 Dental Notes and a Chapter on the Dentrition. In: Y. Broste, Y. Fisher Moller, and P. O. Pedersen, "The Mediaeval Norsemen at Cadar. Meddelelser om Groenland 89(3). DENTITION, MEDIEVAL, NORSEMEN, CADAR, [CRAN]
Pedersen, P. O. 1946 Grundlaget for et Cariesprofylaktisk Arbejde i Dag. [The Basis for a Caries Prevention Study at the Present Time.]. [Danish]. Odontologisk Tidskrift/Scandinavian Dental Journal 54:379-405. DENTAL CARIES, DENTAL PROPHYLAXIS, [METRESS-1974:020]
Pedersen, P. O. 1947 Dental Investigations of the Greenland Eskimos. Proceedings of the Royal Society of Medicine 40:726-732. DENTITION, GREENLAND, ESKIMO, [QCIM-1947-42-0871 & Armelagos-redbook:283 & ARME]
Pedersen, P. O. 1949 The East Greenland Eskimo Dentition. Meddelelser om Groenland (Copenhagen) 142:1-256. DENTITION, GREENLAND, ESKIMO, [PALEOPATHOL-DANISH-SKELETONS-BENNIKE-1985:263]
Pedersen, P. O. 1952 Some Dental Aspects of Anthropology. Dental Record 72:170-178. DENTAL ANTHROPOLOGY, [HART-HANSEN-1991:188]
Pedersen, P. O. 1955 Eine Besondere Form der Abnutzung von Eskimo-Zähnen aus Alaska. Deutsche Zahnärztliche Zeitschrift 10:41-46. DENTITION, ALASKA, [METRESS-1974:059]
Pedersen, P. O. 1971 Dental Caries in Greenland 1935-1969. Pre-War Greenland and Its Population. Deutsche Zahnärztliche Zeitschrift 26:1023-1027. DENTAL CARIES, GREENLAND 1935-1969, [ARME]
Pedersen, P. O. 1971 Dental Disease in Europe and Greenland. Journal of the Royal Society of Health 91:88-91. DENTAL DISEASE, EUROPE, GREENLAND, [ARME]
Pedersen, P. O. 1978 Zahn- und Kieferkrankheiten im Dänischen Mesolithikum. [Tooth and Jaw Diseases in the Danish Mesolithic Age.]. [German]. Deutsche Zahnärztliche Zeitschrift 33(3):216-217. DENTAL DISEASE, MESOLITHIC, DENMARK, [NDX-Paleodontology-19-12-09361 & ARME]
Pedersen, P. O. 1979 The Dentition of King Christian the Third: Dental Disease and Oral Hygiene Habits of a Sixteenth Century King of Denmark and Norway. [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1980, 31:19.]. OSSA 6:229-241. DENTAL DISEASE, ORAL HYGIENE, SIXTEENTH CENTURY KING, [JRNL]
Pedersen, P. O. 1980 Zahnarzt und Anthropologie. Ein Bericht über die Zahn- und Kieferverhältnisse Zweier Persönlichkeiten aus Unserer Gemeinsamen Geschichte. Zahnaerztliche Welt; Zahnaerztliche Reform 89(10):48-50. DENTAL ANTHROPOLOGY, [CWHM-1982-112-#0902]
Pedersen, P. O. 1988 [Christian the Fourth and His Teeth.]. [Danish]. Tandlaegebladet/Danish Dental Journal 92:742-744. DENTITION, CHRISTIAN IV, [CWHM-1990-146-#2180]
Pedersen, P. O. 1989 [King Erik Glipping's Teeth.]. [Danish]. Tandlaegebladet/Danish Dental Journal 93:598-599. DENTITION, GLIPPING'S; KING ERIK [CWHM-1991-148-#1679]
Pedersen, P. O., and Jan Jakobsen 1989 Teeth and Jaws of the Qilakitsoq Mummies. In: Jens Peder Hart Hansen, and Hans Christian Gullφv, eds. The Mummies of Qilakitsoq--Eskimos in the 15th Century. Meddelelser om Grφnland, Man & Society 12, 1989, pp. 112-130. MUMMIES, GREENLAND, QILAKITSOQ, DENTITION, [BOOK]
Peebles, Christopher S. 1971 Moundville and Surrounding Sites: Some Structural Considerations of Mortuary Practices. In: James A. Brown, ed. Approaches to the Social Dimensions of Mortuary Practices. Memoirs of the Society for American Archaeology 25:68-91. MORTUARY PRACTICE, MOUNDVILLE, [JRNL]
Peebles, Christopher S. 1971 Moundville and Surrounding Sites: Some Structural Considerations of Mortuary Practices. In: James A. Brown, ed. Approaches to the Social Dimensions of Mortuary Practices. American Antiquity 36(3, Part 2):68-91. MORTUARY PRACTICE, MOUNDVILLE, [JRNL]
Peebles, Christopher S. 1977 Biocultural Adaptation in Prehistoric America: An Archeologist's Perspective. In: Robert L. Blakely, ed. Biocultural Adaptation in Prehistoric America. Athens, Georgia: University of Georgia Press, pp. 115-130. ADAPTATION, BIOCULTURAL, PREHISTORIC, AMERICA, [BOOK]
Peebles, Christopher S. 1979 Excavations at Moundville: 1905-1951. Ann Arbor, Michigan: University of Michigan Press. EXCAVATION, MOUNDVILLE, [STATUS & HEALTH ...:225]
Peebles, Christopher S. 1981 Archaeological Research at Moundville: 1840-1980. Southeastern Archaeological Conference Bulletin 22:77-81. ARCHAEOLOGY, MOUNDVILLE 1840-1980, [STATUS & HEALTH ...:225]
Peebles, Christopher S., Margaret J. Schoeninger, Vincas P. Steponaitis, and C. Margaret Scarry 1981 A Precious Bequest: Contemporary Research with the WPA-CCC Collections from Moundville Alabama. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 376:433-447. REMAINS, SKELETAL, WPA-CCC COLLECTION, MOUNDVILLE, ALABAMA, CONTEMPORARY RESEARCH, [JRNL]
Peerman, D. 1990 Bare-Bones Imbroglio: Repatriating Remains and Sacred Artifacts. Christian Century 107:935-937. REPATRIATION, [GRAUER-BODS-OF-EVIDENCE-1995:034]
Peet, T. Eric 1914 The Cemeteries of Abydos, Part II--1911-1912. London: Egypt Exploration Fund. CEMETERY, EGYPT, ABYDOS, [BIBLIO-ARCHAEOLOGIA-THE-ARCHAEOLOGY-OF-ANCIENT-EGYPT-#1137]
Pégeot, P. 1982 La Peste de 1521 à Nancy. Annales de l'Est (Nancy) 34:279-287. PLAGUE, NANCY 1521 [CWHM-1984-119-#1480]
Pegg, M. G. 1990 Le Corps et l'Autorité: La Lèpre de Baudouin IV. Annales: Economies, Sociétés, Civilizations 45:265-287. LEPROSY, [CWHM-1990-146-#1196]
Peiffer, K. H. 1974 Zahnheilkunde in den Dynastien der altägyptischen Reiche. Zahnärztlicher Gesundheitsdienst 6:8-9. DENTITION, DYNASTIC, EGYPT, [M-SCHULTZ-INPUT-DECEMBER-1996-FROM-SCHULTZ.DOC-OF-12/13/96]
Peile, A. R. 1979 Colours that Cure. Hemisphere 23:214-217. OCHRE, CURING, ABORIGINAL, AUSTRALIA, [CWHM-1980-103-#1228]
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