part of the half-price computer offer, and training materials are now being provided for 50,000 primary school teachers.
The reasoning behind MEP is that no child now at school can hope for a worthwhile job in the future economy unless he or she understands how to deal with computers - not in the training sense, but in learning the general skill to extract the information which will be required in their job.
admit kabul etmek, teslim etmek ; içeriye bırakmak, girmesine müsaade etmek: izin vermek, müsaade etmek admit of imkân vermek admittance (i.) içeriye kabul; girme müsaadesi , giriş hakkı. No admittance. Girilmez.
awareness farkinda olma, haberdarlik
bits and pieces ivir zivir, ufak seyler
Curriculum müfredat programi, ögretim izlencesi
Extract çekmek, çekip çikarmak, sökmek; elde etmek, çikarmak; almak; parça, vb. seçmek, seçip çikarmak, almak, aktarmak, seçme parça, seçme; öz, ruh, esans, hulasa; özet
fund sermaye, para, fon; stok, birikim,para saglamak, finanse etmek
Minister bakan; ortaelçi; papaz
originally baslangiçta, aslinda; özgün bir biçimde
virtually hemen hemen, neredeyse; gerçekte, hakikatte, aslinda
worthwhile (s.) değerli, faydalı, dişe dokunur, zahmetine değer.
budget (i.), (f.) bütçe, stok
great deal çok sey
deal with 1. ile ilgilenmek. 2. -i idare etmek. 3. -in üstesinden gelmek
Sixteen years ago, Eileen Doyle's husband, an engineer, kissed his four children early one morning, packed a small case and was never seen or heard of again. Eileen was astonished and was in a state of despair. They had been a happy family and, as far as she knew, there had been nothing wrong with their marriage.
Every day of the year a small group of men and women quietly pack a few belongings and, without a note or a goodbye, close the front door for the last time, leaving their debts, their worries and their confused families behind them. Many return home within a year, but a minority reject the past completely and start living a new life somewhere under a different identity.
For those left behind, this form of desertion is a terrible blow to their pride and self-confidence as they usually tend to blame themselves for the situation. Some say they would prefer to be dead rather than be abandoned like this. Worse than that, people can be left with an unfinished marriage, not knowing whether they will have to wait seven years, as the law says, before they are free to start a fresh life.
Clinical psychologist Paul Brown believes most departures of this kind to be well planned rather than impulsive. "It's typical of the kind of personality which seems to be able to ignore other people's pain and difficulties. Running away, like killing yourself, is a highly aggressive act. By creating an absence, the people left behind are made to feel guilty, upset and empty."
According to Bramwell Pratt, head af The Police Investigation Department, men and women run away for very different reasons though lack of communication is often the biggest motive. ‘The things that disturb a man's personality are obscure problems like being tied up in debt, or serious worries about work. Women usually leave for more obvious reasons, with fear at the root of everything. Men are more often prepared to give their marriage another try than women, but we are aware that, for most wives, it would be difficult to return after the way they've been treated.'
Abandon terk etmek, birakmak; birakmak, vazgeçmek
Abandoned metruk, issiz; ahlaksiz
Absence bulunmama, olmama, yokluk, bulunmayis; bulunmayis süresi, devamsizlik; yokluk, eksiklik; dalginlik
Astonish sasirtmak, hayrete düsürmek
be tied up " k. dili 1. meşgul olmak. 2. in (para) (belli bir şeye) yatırılmış olmak. 3. (para) (hukuki yönden) ancak belirli birkaç amaç için kullanılabilmek; (mülk) (hukuki yönden) satılamamak/intikal edememek."
belongings birinin kisisel esyalari
blame sorumlu tutmak, suçlamak,suç; sorumluluk; kinama
Blow (rüzgâr) esmek; üflemek; (rüzgâr, hava akimi) uçurmak, sürüklemek; üfleyerek, hava vererek biçimlendirmek; üflemek, üfleyerek çalmak, öttürmek; çabuk çabuk solumak; (sigorta, vb.) atmak, yanmak (sigorta, vb.) attirmak, yakmak; çarçur etmek; lanetlemek, ka
confuse sasirtmak, kafasini karistirmak; birbirine karistirmak, karistirmak
debt alacak, borç; borçlu olma, borçlanma
Departure hareket, gidis, kalkis
desertion i. 1. terketme, terk. 2. askerlikten kaçma, firar.
Despair umutsuzluk,(of ile) umudunu kesmek
guilty suçlu; günahkâr
identity benzerlik, özdeslik; kimlik
ignorenaldirmamak, önem vermemek, bilmemezlikten gelmek, görmemezlikten gelmek
Impulsive itici; atilgan, düsüncesizce hareket eden
minority azinlik
obscure anlasilmasi güç, kapali, anlasilmaz; karanlik; pek taninmamis, silik, anlasilmaz hale getirmek, karistirmak; gizlemek, gözden saklamak, örtmek
Pack bohça, çikin; paket; kutu; sürü; (iskambil) deste; dolgu; buzla, buz örtüsü, bavul hazirlamak; bohçalamak, paket yapmak, paketlemek; sarmak; tika basa doldurmak; (yiyecek) kutulara koymak, konservelemek; koruyucu bir madde ile doldurmak, sarmak, kaplamak
Pride gurur; kendini begenmislik; onur, özsaygi, haysiyet; övünme, iftihar; kendisiyle övünülen kisi ya da sey, övünç; (on ile) övünmek
reject reddetmek, kabul etmemek, geri çevirmek; bir tarafa atmak, iskartaya çikarmak, atmak; ret dosyasi, ret kütügü
Root kök; köken;
upset devirmek; devrilmek; bozmak, altüst etmek; üzmek, nesesini kaçirmak, telaslandirmak; (midesini) bozmak; dövmek; üzgün, üzüntülü, tedirgin; rahatsiz, hasta; (mide) bulanmis, bozuk; ters uçus
Friends play an important part in our lives, and although we may take the fact of friendship for granted, we often don't clearly understand how we make friends. While we get on well with a number of people, we are usually friends with only a very few - for example, the average among students is about 6 per person.
Moreover, a great many relationships come under the term 'friendship'. In all cases, two people like one another and enjoy being together. However, the degree of closeness between them and the reasons for their mutual interest vary greatly. In other words, there are many reasons for why two people share the same interest in each other. At the very beginning, much depends on how people meet and on positive first impressions. As we get to know people, we take into consideration things like age, physical attractiveness, economic and social status and intelligence. Although these factors may not seem very important, it is difficult to be friends when there is a big age difference or when the backgrounds are different.
As we get closer, we become interested in actual behaviour, facial expression and tone of voice. Friends will stand closer together and will spend more time looking at each other than people who just know each other. Smiles and soft voices also express friendliness. It is because they may send out the wrong signals that shy people often have difficulty in making friends. To illustrate, their nervousness may be mistaken for unfriendliness. People who do not look at the eyes of those they are speaking to are not trusted. However, those people may simply lack confidence.
Some relationships become stronger with argument and discussion, but usually intimate friends have similar ideas and beliefs and share the same attitudes and interests. Although some people become close friends immediately, it usually takes time to reach this point. The more intimate people become, the more they rely on one another. People want to do friends favours and hate to disappoint them.
There are no friendship ceremonies but the support and understanding that results from shared experiences and feelings seems to create a powerful relationship which can overcome differences in background and age.
attractiveness çekicilik, alımlılık.
Ceremony tören, merasim; resmiyet
closeness yakinlik; siklik; darlik
Confidence güven; sir, gizli sey
consideration "i. 1. nezaket, saygı, düşünce. 2. üzerinde düşünme. 3. karşılık, bedel; ücret. 4. önem. 5. itibar, saygınlık. 6. etken, faktör. "
facial expression yüz ifadesi
friendliness dostluk
Grant vermek, bahsetmek; onaylamak, varsaymak, kabul etmek; devretmek, hibe etmek,burs; ödenek, tahsisat; bagis, Closeness yakinlik; siklik; darlik
Illustrate (kitap, sözlük, vb.) resimlemek, resimler koymak; örneklerle açiklamak, göstermek
Impression etki, izlenim, kani, fikir; baski; taklit
Intimate yakin; kisisel, özel; detayli, ayrintili, ima etmek, sezindirmek
Mutual ortak; karsilikli
Nervousness sinirlilik
Overcome üstesinden gelmek, alt etmek; galip gelmek; (duygu, vb.) davranislari etkilemek
rely on -e güvenmek, -e itimat etmek, -e bel bağlamak.
send out 1. göndermek, dışarı göndermek. 2. dağıtmak, neşretmek.
take into consideration göz önünde bulundurmak, dikkate almak, hesaba katmak, düşünmek.
trust (i.), (f.) itimat, güven, emniyet
We can trace all the problems of the American cities back to one starting point: we Americans don't like our cities very much.
That is strange. More than three-fourths of us now live in cities, and more are flocking to them every year. We are told that the problems in our cities are receiving more attention in Washington.
However, it is historically true: in the American psychology, the city has been a basically suspect institution. Americans have related urban areas to Europe, which they believed to be full of dishonesty and illegal behaviour. Moreover, they believed that cities lacked spaciousness and innocence, so easily found in rural areas. Therefore, it can be said that a strong anti-urban attitude runs through American thinking. The settlement of America was a reaction to the harsh conditions in European industrial centres. People came to America because there was available land and they wanted to escape from the bad influences of the cities.
What has this got to do with the unpleasant situations of the modern cities? I think it has a lot to do with it. The United States has never thought that the American cities were worthy of improvement. It was believed that cities should support themselves. The reason behind this is not directly the result of a 'the city is evil, and therefore we will not help it' attitude. It is more indirect. Billions of dollars are spent to preserve the family farms but nothing is done about an effective programme for jobs in the cities. In addition, although there have long been government agencies which deal with agriculture, small business veterans and commerce, the Department of Urban Development wasn't set up until 1965. Now consider this: the most important housing law was not the law that provided public housing; it was the law which provided low-interest mortgages for Americans who wanted to buy a home. More than anything, this made the suburban dream a reality. 800,000 middle-class New Yorkers left the city for the suburbs dreaming of grass and trees and a place for their children to play in. They were replaced by unskilled workers, who represented a further cost to the cities.
In other words, the world of urban America has become a dark place which doesn’t deserve support or help in the minds of Americans.
agriculture tarim, ziraat
available elde edilebilir, bulunabilir, mevcut, elde; kullanilabilir; görüsmeye uygun, mesgul degil, müsait
Commerce tecim, ticaret, alim satim
deserve (f.) müstahak olmak,layık olmak; hak kazanmak, mükafata 1ayık olmak. deservedly (z.) hakkıyla, haklı olarak.
Dishonesty namussuzluk, serefsizlik
evil fena, kötü, kem; zararli, kötü; ugursuz, aksi,fenalik, kötülük; zarar; kaza, bela, felaket
Flock (hayvan) sürü; (insan) sürü, kalabalik; kiliseye düzenli giden topluluk, cemaat; flok,toplanmak, üsüsmek
harsh duyulari yipratici, sert; (renk) cirtlak; kaba, zalim, hasin
innocence suçsuzluk, günahsizlik; cahillik, cehalet ;(i.) masumiyet, suçsuzluk; safiyet, saflık.
institution kurum, kurulus, dernek, müessese; yerlesmis gelenek, kurum, yerlesmis yasa; kurma
mortgage rehin, ipotek, tutu; ipotek senedi, rehine koymak, ipotek etmek
preserve korumak; saklamak, korumak, muhafaza etmek; (meyve vb.) bozulmasini önlemek, çürümesini önlemek, korumak; sürdürmek, devam ettirmek, muhafaza etmek; konservesini yapmak, reçel; özel avlanma yeri
relate (f.) anlatmak, söylemek, nakletmek, hikâye etmek; bağlantı kurmak, münasebet tesis etmek; münasebeti olmak; ilgili olmak, bağlı olmak.
represent göstermek, betimlemek, tasvir etmek, simgelemek; temsil etmek, -in adina hareket etmek; -in simgesi olmak; -in vekili olmak,
run-through tekrar, alistirma, prova ; 1. israf etmek. 2. içinden geçirmek. 3. çabucak gözden geçirmek.
Settlement yeni küçük yerlesim alani; göç; uzlasma, anlasma, karar; ödeme, tediye; yerlesme, iskân; çözme, halletme; evlilik sözlesmesi
spaciousness genislik
Suspect süphelenmek, kuskulanmak, kusku duymak, farz etmek, zannetmek; suçlu olduguna inanmak, kuskulanmak; -den süphelenmek, degerinden süphe etmek; sanik; süpheli su götürür
unpleasant nahos, tatsiz, çirkin; kaba
unskilled vasifsiz, deneyimsiz, beceriksiz; (is) vasifsiz, özel beceri gerektirmeyen
veteran (of ile) kidemli, eski, deneyimli; (esya) eski, emektar; (otomobil) 1916'dan önce yapilmis; gazi
worthy layik, deger, hak eden; saygideger
Each society has its own beliefs, attitudes, customs, behaviours, and social habits. These give people a sense of who they are, how they should behave, and what they should or should not do. These 'rules' reflect the 'culture' of a country.
People become conscious of such rules when they meet people from different cultures. For example, in some cultures, being on time can mean turning up several hours late for an appointment, even for a business meeting; in others, 3 p.m. means 3 p.m. Also, the rules about when to eat vary from culture to culture. Many North Americans and Europeans have three mealtimes a day and organise their timetable around them. In some countries, on the other hand, people often do not have strict rules like this people eat when they want to, and every family has its own timetable.
When people visit or live in a country for the first time, they are often surprised at the differences that exist between their own culture and the culture in the other country. The most common way of comparing two cultures is in terms of their differences - not their similarities. For some people, travelling abroad is an exciting experience; for others though, cultural differences make them feel uncomfortable, frightened, or even insecure. This is known as 'culture shock,'
Here are several things to do in order to avoid culture shock: Avoid quick judgements; try to understand people in another culture by looking at things from their own point of view. Try to become more aware of what is going on around you. Don't think of your cultural habits as 'right' and other people's as 'wrong.' Be willing to try new things and to have new experiences.
abroad dış memleketlerde
appointment "(i.) atama, tayin; memuriyet, hizmet, görev, iş; randevu; emir
avoid "(f.) sakınmak, çekinmek, kaçınmak , uzak durmak, içtinap etmek; (huk.) bertaraf etmek, feshetmek, iptal etmek. avoidable (s.) kaçınılır, sakınılır, bertaraf edilir, fesholunur avoidance (i.) sakınma,
Aware of - in farkinda, haberdar
common ortak, müsterek, genel; siradan; toplumsal, kamusal, topluma ait
comparing karsilastir(mak
Conscious bilinçli, kendinde; farkinda, bilincinde; kasitli, kasti
Customs i. gümrük, gümrük resmi
frightened korkmus, ürkmüs
insecure "s. 1. emniyetsiz; tehlikede olan
judgement hüküm , karar
point nokta; uç, sivri uç; yer; an; durum; puan; virgül; derece; husus, nokta; anlam, neden, yarar, amaç; konu; özellik
point of view bakış açısı, görüş açısı.
strict sert, katı
terms sartlar, kosullar, anlasma kosullari
turn up bulmak; bulunmak; paçalarini kivirmak; çikip gelmek, gelmek
turn up bulmak; bulunmak; paçalarini kivirmak; çikip gelmek, gelmek; (sesini, gücünü, vb.) artirmak, açmak; olmak; midesini bulandirmak, kusturmak
uncomfortable "(s.) rahatsız; rahatsız edici, nahoş
vary çesitli olmak, degisik olmak; degismek, baska hale dönmek; degistirmek
willing to -e razı olmak
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