Partenaire 6/ Partner 6: CEA-LIST
Y. Kubo et al, Phys. Rev. Lett. 2010, 105, 140502
P. Muret et al, Phys Rev B, 2010, 81, 235205
E. Chevallier et al., Sens. Actuator B-Chem, accepted, in press
PK Ang et al, Advanced Functional Materials 2009, 19, 109-116
M. Rebisz et al, J Appl Phys 2009, 106, 084509
J. De Sanoit, Electrochim. Acta 2009, 54, 5688
E. Scorsone, J. Appl. Phys. 2009, 106, 014908
O. Faklaris, ACS Nano 2009, 3, 3955
H. Girard, ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 2009, 1, 2738
C. Agnes, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 2009, 11, 11647
D. Tromson, J. Appl. Phys. 2008, 103, 054512
J.C. Arnault, Diam. Relat. Mat. 2008, 17, 1143
P. Bergonzo, Diam. Relat. Mat. 2007, 16, 1038
J.C. Arnault, Appl. Phys. Lett. 2007, 90, 044101
M. Nesladek, Appl. Phys. Lett. 2006, 88, 232111
"Dispositif d'analyse PIXE-XRF utilisant une source de rayonnements alpha et X"; De Sanoit J.; FR0551160 (CEA); 2006
"Procédé d’activation d'une électrode à base de diamant, électrode ainsi obtenue et ses utilisations"; De Sanoit J.; FR0755485 (CEA) 2008
"Capteur de type gravimétrique ayant une couche sensible à base de nanopoudre de diamant"; Scorsone E.; FR0857000 (CEA); 2008
" Substrat de type semi-conducteur sur isolant à couches de diamant intrinsèque et dopé"; Mazellier J.P.; FR0855207 (CEA); 2008
"Intégration d'une couche de diamant polycristallin, notamment dans une structure SOD"; Rabarot M.; FR0857655 (CEA); 2008
"Procédé de micro-structuration d'une couche de diamant"; Scorsone E.; FR0855128 (CEA); 2009
"Dispositif et procédé de détection de rayonnement impulsionnel à base de diamant synthétique"; Bergonzo P.; FR2917509 (CEA); 2007
"Détection à base de diamant synthétique"; Bergonzo P.; FR0409335 (CEA); 2006
"Procédé de fabrication d'un matériau poreux en diamant de synthèse"; Scorsone E.; 2010
"Procédé de Fabrication d'un implant souple rétinien intraoculaire à électrodes en diamant dopé"; Bonnauron M.; FR1054550 (CEA); 2010
"Implants à structure tridimensionnelle pour la stimulation électrique d'une structure nerveuse"; Picaud S.; FR1053381 (U. Paris VI); 2010
"Détecteur alpha électrochimiquement assisté pour la mesure nucléaire en milieu liquide et procédé associé"; De Sanoit J.; FR10 58150 (CEA); 2010
J.C. Arnault, 21th European Conference on Diamond, Diamond- Like Materials, Carbon Nanotubes, and Nitrides, BUDAPEST (2010)
J.C. Arnault, 3rd nano-MRI research international conference Exploring the Frontiers of Magnetic Resonance Imaging, LE TREMBLAY SUR MAULDRE (2010)
J.C. Arnault, SBBD XV European workshop, HASSELT (2010)
J.C. Arnault, Orchid workshop, TAIPEI (2009)
J.C. Arnault, 4th International Conference on Surfaces, Coatings and Nanostructured materials, ROME (2009)
J.C. Arnault, ANR TECSAN meeting, 25-29 mars 2009, TAIPEI
J.C. Arnault, ORCHID workshop, TAIPEI (2008)
J.C. Arnault, Diamond Electronics: Fundamentals to Applications II, Symposium P: MRS Fall 2007, November 26 - 30, BOSTON (2007)
J.C. Arnault, France-Israël Symposium on Diamond, Carbon nano-structures and related materials ISRAEL (2006)
J.C. Arnault invited professor, Tor Vergata University (ROME) 2006
P. Bergonzo, Hasselt Diamond Conference 2012, Hasselt, Belgique
P. Bergonzo, XX International Materials Research Congress (IMRC) 2011, Cancun Mexico, August 14 - 18, 2011
P. Bergonzo, International Symposium on Materials Chemistry, ISMC-2010, Mumbai, India, Decembrer 2010
P. Bergonzo, New Diamond and NanoCarbon conference, Shanghai, China, May 2010.
P. Bergonzo, Prague EuroNano Conference, Czeck Rep, June 2009
P. Bergonzo, ICMAT (International Conference on Materials for Advanced Technologies), Singapour, Juillet 2009
P. Bergonzo, ORCHID 2008 Workshop on Diamond Nanoparticles for BioApplications, Taiwan, Octobre 2008
P. Bergonzo, Invited Seminar at The LLE, Laboratory for Laser Energetics, University of
Rochester, NY USA, February 2008
P. Bergonzo, Invited contribution at the MRS 2007 symposium on Diamond Electronics, Boston, December 2007
P. Bergonzo, Invited Seminar at the Diamond Research Center, AIST (Advanced Institute for
Science and Technology, Tsukuba Japan July 2007
P. Bergonzo, 17th European Conference on Diamond, Diamond-Like Materials, Carbon Nanotubes, Nitrides and Silicon Carbide (Septembre 2006, Estoril)
P. Bergonzo, CIMTEC 2006 Meeting (June 2006, Catania, Italy)
P. Bergonzo, Institute of Material Symposium The Royal Society Meeting (April 2006, London, UK)
P. Bergonzo, Franco-Israeli workshop on Diamond and related materials (March 2006, TelAviv, Israel)
Partenaire 7/ Partner 7: LPCPB
Team LPNSS (M Taverna)
Mohamadi R. et al., Anal. Chem. 2010 (accepted) (IF 5.2)
Plecis et al, Lab Chip 2010, 1245-1253. (IF 6,3)
Brambilla et al., Anal.Chem. ,2010, under minor revision (IF 5,2)
Alhamad et al. , Electrophoresis 2010,accepted (IF 3,077)
Abbood et al., J. Chromatogr.A 2010, 1217, 450-458. (IF 4.1).
Alhamad et al., Electrophoresis 2009, 30, 2347-54 (IF 3,077)
Abbood et al., J. Chromatogr. A. 2009, 1216, 3244-51.(IF 4,1).
Le Nel et al., LabChip 2008, 8, 294-301 (IF 6,48)
Verpillot et al., J Chromatogr A 2008, 19, 1214:157-64.(IF 3,75)
Le Nel et al., Electrophoresis 2008, 29, 4944-47. (IF 3.509)
Dribek et al., Electrophoresis 2007, 28, 2191-2200. (IF = 3.509).
Kim et al, Electrophoresis 2007, 28, 2252-61; (IF2007=3.609)
Kim et al., Biomacromolecules 2007, 8, 793-9. (IF 4.169)
Escartin et al. , J. Neuroscience 2006, 26:5978-89 (IF 7,5)
Slovakova et al, Lab Chip 2005, 5, 935–942 , (IF2005=5.265)
R Verpillot et M Taverna; Séparation simultanée des biomarqueurs potentiels de la maladie d’alzheimer par électrophorèse capillaire; 14 ème journée d’électrophorèse capillaire de Bichat- 19 Juin 2008, Paris
Smadja C et Taverna M.; Nanotechnologies Biomédicales.; 15ièmes journées de la Société Francophone d’Informatique et de Monitorage en Anesthesie Réanimation, Juin 2008-Bordeaux, France.
M Taverna; L’albumine et ses différentes formes et son contrôle; 5eme rencontre des pharmaciens cliniques, Cannes, 4 et 5 Décembre, 2008
Team "Nouvelles stratégies de ciblage appliquées au cancer et aux maladies du système nerveux central" (P. Couvreur)
Di Marco M. et al; J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2006, 128, 10054-10059 (IF: 7.69)
Angelov B et al; J Am. Chem. Soc., 2006, 128, 5813-5817 (IF : 7,69)
Couvreur P et al; Nano Letters, 2006, 6, 2544-2548 (IF: 9.96)
Kim HR et al; Cell Mol Life Sci., 2007, 64, 356-364 (IF : 4,65)
Kim HR et al; Electrophoresis, 2007, 28, 2252-2261 (IF: 4.10)
Angelov B et al; J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2007, 129, 13474-13479 (IF: 7.69)
Couvreur P et al; Small, 2008, 4, 247 – 253 (IF: 6.02)
Reddy H.L. et al; J. Pharm. Exp. Therapeut., 2008, 325, 484–490 (IF: 4.06)
Bekkara-Aounallah F et al; Adv. Funct. Mater. 2008, 18, 1-11 (IF: 7.50)
Karatas H et al; J Neurosci. 2009, 29, 13761-9 (IF: 7,45)
Reddy LH et al; Molecular Pharmaceutics, 2009, 6, 1526-1535 (IF: 4,56)
Reddy LH et al; Adv. Drug Deliver. Rev, 2009, 61, 1412-26 (IF: 11,29)
Bildstein L et al; J. Control. Rel., 2010, 147,163-170 (IF : 5,95)
McKinlay AC et al; Angew Chem Int Ed Engl., 2010, 23, 6260-6266 (IF: 11,83)
Horcajada P et al; Nature Materials. 2010, 9, 172-178, (IF: 23.13)
C. Chauvierre, P. Couvreur, D. Labarre, L. Leclerc, M. Marden, C. Vauthier Copolymer and hemoprotein based novel compounds and uses thereof. US Patent application PCT/FR2003/001435 (2006).
P. Horcajada, C. Serre, G. Ferey, R. Gref, P. Couvreur Solide hybride organique inorganique à surface modifiée. French patent Application n°102573/FR. Filed PCT 2 October (2008).
P. Horcajada, C. Serre, G. Ferey, R. Gref, P. Couvreur Nanoparticules hybrides organiques inorganiques à base de carboxylates de fer. French patent Application n°100936/FR. Filed PCT 2 October (2008).
P. Couvreur, F. Dosio, Reddy LH, B. Stella, L. Cattel. Nanoparticules d’actifs thérapeutiques de faible solubilité aqueuse. French patent Application n° 0708296, Filed 27 November (2007). Licenced to Medsqual
P. Couvreur, D. Desmaël, M. Raouane, C. Malvy, L. Massade, Nouveau système de transfert d’acide nucléique. French patent Application n° 08 53205, Filed 16 Mai (2008) Licenced to Medsqual
P. Couvreur, D. Desmaël, F. Zouhiri « Nanoparticules de dérivés bêta-lactamine » French patent application n° 08 57355, Filed 16 Mai (2008)
P. Couvreur, D. Desmaël, F. Zouhiri, H. Lakkireddy « Nanoparticules de statine » French patent Application n° 08 57356, Filed 16 Mai (2008)
R. Gref, A. Laza-Knoerr, C. Amiel, P. Couvreur « Emulsions à base de polycyclodextrines et de composés lipophiles » French patent Application 09/56088, filed 23 April 2009
P. Couvreur, B. Stella, L. Cattel, F. Rocco, JM. Renoir, V. Rosilio. « Gemcitabine derivatives nanoparticles » US Patent N° 7,704,972, April 27th (2010) Licenced to Medsqual
P. Couvreur: “Nanotechnologies for drug delivery: 30 years of intensive research and now?”
6th International Conference and Workshop on Cell Culture and in vitro Models for Drug Absorption and Delivery, Plenary lecture; Saarbrück, Germany, March 1-6 (2006).
G. Gref, P. Couvreur; “Surface-engineered nanoparticles as drug carriers”; 5th Biotech World Meeting. Moscow, Russia, 14-17 March (2006).
P. Couvreur; “Nanomedicine and Cancer Therapy: a case study, the Ewing sarcoma”; 33rd Annual Meeting and Exposition of the Controlled Release Society; Vienna, Austria, 23-26 July (2006).
P. Couvreur; “ Nanotechnologies for cancer treatment”; 7th France-Japon DDS Symposium.; Otsu, Japon, 24-27 September (2006).
P. Couvreur; "squalenoylation : a new concept for the design of efficient anticancer and antiviral nanomedicines"; FIP 2007 World Congress of Pharmacy; HOST MADSEN MEDAL LECTURE ; Beijin, China, 31 August-6 September (2007).
P. Couvreur; “Nanotechnologies for the discovery of new anticancer agents” ; European NanoSystems 2007; Paris, 3 December (2007).
P. Couvreur; "Nanomedicine: intelligent design to treat complex diseases"; 6th World Meeting on Pharmaceutics, Biopharmaceutics and Pharmaceutical Technology; MAURICE JANOT AWARD LECTURE, Barcelona, Spain, 7-10 April (2008).
P. Couvreur ; “Nanodevices for the specific delivery of biologically active molecules: up-to-date challenges and perspectives” Plenary Lecture; 11th European Meeting on Supercritical Fluids ; Barcelona, Spain, 4-7 May (2008).
P. Couvreur; "Nanoparticles for Medicine, 1st European Conference on Clinical nanomedicine"; 3rd European Conference for Clinical Nanomedicine, Basel, Switzerland, 19-21 May (2008)
P. Couvreur; “Nanotechnologies: intelligent design to treat complex diseases”, Plenary lecture; 14th International Pharmaceutical Technology Symposium (IPTS); Antalya, Turkey, 6-10 September (2008)
P. Couvreur; "Nanotechnology for the conception of new medicines: from where are we coming and where are we going?" Plenary lecture; 7th Central European Symposium on Pharmaceutical Technology and Biodelivery Systems. Lubjliana, Slovenia, 18-20 September (2008)
P. Couvreur; "Nanodevices for the delivery of antisens oligonucleotides and siRNA : application to junction oncogenes"; 8th Japanese-French “Drug Delivery Systems” Symposium; Cannes, 5-8 October (2008)
P. Couvreur; "Squalenoylation: an original platform for the dicovery of new anticancer and antiviral nanomedicines"; 2nd European Conference for Clinical Nanomedicine, Basel, Switzerland, 27-29 April (2009)
P. Couvreur; “Smart nanocarriers for drug delivery and targeting”; Sci Fair International Congress, Opening Ceremony Lecture, Cannes, 6-10 June (2009)
P. Couvreur; “Nanomedicine: a new strategy to fight cancer diseases”; 40 Jahre Pharmazie des Universität des Saarlandes, Saarbrücken, Germany, 26 June (2009)
P. Couvreur; “Squalenoylation: A platform for the discovery of new anticancer and antiviral nanomedicines”; 36th annual Meeting and Exposition of the Controlled Release Society, Copenhagen, Denmark, 18-22 July (2009)
P. Couvreur; "Nanotechnology and nanotoxicology"; Pearls of Wisdom, debate with M. Moghimi and V. Torchilin; 36th annual Meeting and Exposition of the Controlled Release Society, Copenhagen, Denmark, 18-22 July (2009)
P. Couvreur; “Smart nanocarriers for drug delivery and targeting”; Nanotechnology and Alzheimer disease (NAD) first annual meeting; Patras, Greece, 1-4 September (2009)
P. Couvreur; “Nanomedicine: from where are we coming and where are we going”, Plenary lecture; XXXI Simposio A.D.R.I.T.E.L.F.; Cagliari, Italy, 10-13 September (2009)
P. Couvreur; “Squalenoylation: A platform for the discovery of new anticancer and antiviral nanomedicines” Plenary lecture; 17th International Symposium on Microencapsulation ; Nagoya, Japan, 29 Septembre-1st October (2009)
P. Couvreur; "New (bio)materials for nanodevice construction"; 3nd European Conference for Clinical Nanomedicine, Basel, Switzerland, 9-12 May (2010)
P. Couvreur; “Smart nanocarriers for drug delivery and targeting”; 8th European Workshop on Particulate Systems ; Paris, 4-5 June (2010)
P. Couvreur; “Nanomedicines: a new approach for the treatment of severe diseases”; Third International Nano Bio Conference 2010 ; Zürich, Switzerland, 24-27 August (2010)
P. Couvreur; "Nano (bio)materials for nanodevice construction" 9th Japanese-French “Drug Delivery Systems” Symposium; Kumamoto, Japan , 26-29 September (2010)
Partenaire 8/ Partner 8: ICMMO
J. N. Rebilly, et al., Struct Bond, 2006. 122, 103. (4.1)
D. Brinzei, et al., J Am Chem Soc, 2007. 129, 3778. (8.8)
C. C. dit Moulin, et al., Angew Chem Int Edit, 2007. 46, 1287. (11.8)
G. Fornasieri, et al., Angew Chem Int Edit, 2008. 47, 7750 (11.8)
Ghirri, et al., Small, 2008. 4, 2240 (6.7)
F. Volatron, et al., Inorg Chem, 2008. 47, 6584 (4.7)
L. Catala, et al., Angew Chem Int Edit, 2009. 48, 183 (11.8)
J. D. Compain, et al., Angew Chem Int Edit, 2009. 48, 3077 (11.8)
Giusti, et al., Angew Chem Int Edit, 2009. 48, 4949 (11.8)
M. Lorenc, et al., Phys Rev Lett, 2009. 103 (14.9)
Spangenberg, et al., Adv Mater, 2009. 21, 309 (8.3)
J. D. Cafun, et al., J Am Chem Soc, 2010. 132, 11552 (8.6)
G. Charron, et al., Nanoscale, 2010. 2, 139 (new journal)
Soncini, et al., J Am Chem Soc, 2010. 132, 8106 (8.6)
S. Tricard, et al., Chem Commun, 2010. 46, 4327 (5.5)
(Societe Des Techniques En Milieu Ionisant Stmi, Fr.). Fr. Demande (2005), 34 pp. CODEN: FRXXBL FR 2871283 A1 20051209. Extention PCT en 2007
"Process for assembling two surfaces or one surface with a molecule of interest"; T. Berthelot, G. Deniau V. Huc X.T. Le F. Nekelson S. Roussell P. Viel. IPC8 Class: AC12M100FI, USPC Class: 4352871, Patent application number: 20090286308.
‘Multifunctional materials based on spin-crossover complexes: systems and properties’.. 4th Japan-France Symposium on Molecular Materials: Electronic, Photonics and Spintronics, Symposium, Tokyo (Japan), 7-10 March 2007. M.-L. Boillot
‘Multifunctional materials based on spin-crossover complexes: systems and properties’. COST D35 workshop Switchable Molecular Materials, Workshop, Groningen (Netherlands), 19-20 avril 2007. M.-L. Boillot
‘Photoactivity of styrylpyridine FeII complexes in different environments’. 5th International Symposim on Molecular Materials: Electronics, Photonics and Spintronics, Rennes (France), 28-31 october 2009. M.-L. Boillot
‘Photoactivity of Styrylpyridine FeII Complexes: from molecules to crystalline solids’. DFG-Priority Program SPP1137 "Molecular Magnetism" ; "Spin Crossover - State of the Art in 2010" and "8th Spin Crossover Family Meeting", Bad Dürkheim (Germany), 29-31 mars 2010. M.-L. Boillot
Grafting of a monolayer of oriented Mn12 single molecule magnets onto silicon surface. Workshop France/Japan, Orsay, February 2006. V. Huc
Joint meeting of the German priority program SPP 1137 and MAGMANet, 6-8 mai 2007, Bad Durckheim, Allemagne. “Superparamagnetic and photomagnetic cyanide-bridged coordination nanoparticles”. L. Catala
IUPAC International Conference, 2-9 août 2009, Glasgow, Royaume-Uni. « Functional coordination network-based nanoparticles ». L. Catala
-Why are CoFe Prussian blue photomagnetic ? Role of the cyanide bridge as an active electron transfer bridge. International Workshop on Phase transition and Dynamical properties of Spin Transition Materials, 15-17 janvier 2008, Bordeaux, France. A. Bleuzen
An Energy Dispersive X-ray Absorption and Diffraction Investigation of Photomagnetic CoFe Prussian Blue Analogues. Workshop on Energy Dispersive X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy: Scientific Opportunities and Technical Challenges, Grenoble February 2-5 2009. A. Bleuzen
-Photochromic dithiazoylethenes and photo-switching of NLO, fluorescence and magnetic properties. Japanese-French Joint Seminar on Photochromism: switches and Memories, 15-17 octobre 2006, Hayama, Japan. P. Yu
Bottom-up approach to molecular nanomagnets. The 6th France-Japan Workshop on Nanomaterials. 6-8 March 2006, Sapporo, Japan. T. Mallah
Bottom-up approach to molecular nanomagnets. The 10th International Conference on Molecule – based Magnets. 13-17 August 2006, Victoria, BC, Canada. T. Mallah
Magnetic Nanoparticles from coordination complexes: synthesis and organization. The 57th Fujihara, International Conference on New Prospects on Molecular Magnetism, 28-31 July 2008, Tomakomai, Hokkaido, Japan. T. Mallah
Organizing magnetic objects on surfaces. Workshop: Magnetism at Surfaces, 28 September-1 October 2008, Baden Baden Germany. T. Mallah
Functional coordination-based nanoparticles. Quies08 16-19 September 2008, Granada, Spain. T. Mallah.
2nd Workshop on "Current trends in Nanoscopic and Mesoscopic Magnetism" September 1-5 , 2008, Delphi, Greece. T. Mallah
The 8th Japan-France Workshop on Nanomaterials. June 15-17th, 2009, Tsukuba, Japan. T. Mallah.
Functional Molecular Nanomaterials. IVth International Conferance on Molecular Materials. 5-8 July 2010, Montpellier, France. T. Mallah
Electronic, transport, and optical properties of low-dimensional systems. 31 May-2 June 2010, Valencia-Spain. T. Mallah
E-MRS 2010 Fall Meeting, 13-17 September 2010, Warsaw, Poland. T. Mallah
Partenaire 9/ Partner 9: LCFIO
G. Maire et al, Optics Lett. 2006, 31, 175. (IF = 3.278)
M. Cuniot-Ponsard et al, J. Mater. Sci. 2006 41, 5302 (IF=1.410)
S. Lebrun et al, Optics Lett. 2007, 32, 337 . (IF =3.059)
Gottwald et al, Appl. Optics 2007, 46 , 7797. (IF =1.410)
F. Guattari et al, Optics. Express 2007, 15, 2234. (IF = 3.278)
L. Mathieu-Williame et al, J. Appl. Phys. 2007, 101, 083111. (IF=2.072)
M. Abarkan et al, Appl. Phys. B 2008, 9, 489. (IF=1.992)
M Astic et al, J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 2008, 41, 224005 (2008). (IF = 2.083)
Baron et al, Optics Express 2009, 17, 552. (IF = 3.278)
Arnaud et al, Chem. Phys. Lett. 2009, 470, 131. (IF = 2.291)
M. Astic et al, Phys.Rev.E 2009, 79, 056608 . (IF = 2.4)
J.J. Lim et al, IEEE J. of selected Topics in Quantum Electronics 2009, 15, 993. (IF =3.064)
F. Boitier et al, Optics Express 2010, 18, 20401. (IF = 3.278)
M.C. Phan Huy et al. J. Opt. Soc. Am. B 2010, 27, 1886. (IF = 2.087)
F. Kroeger et al, Appl. Phys. Lett. 2010, 96, 241102. (IF =3.554)
N. Boulay, M. Cuniot-Ponsard, J.M. Desvignes, M. Goram, G. Montemezzani, Journées Nationales des cristaux pour l’Optique (JNCO 2007), Optique Grenoble 2007, 2-5 juillet 2007.
M. Cuniot-Ponsard et J.M. Desvignes, 20th International Symposium on Integrated Ferroelectrics- ISIF 2008, Singapore 9-12 June 2008.
M. Cuniot-Ponsard, J.M. Desvignes, A. Bellemain, F. Bridou,,Journées Nationales des Cristaux pour l’Optique (JNCO 2009), Lyon – 2-4 décembre 2009.
G. Pauliat, colloque « Holographie, état de l'art et prospective », Liège, Belgique, 2008.
G. Pauliat, N. Dubreuil, G. Roosen, Controlling Light with Light: 11th Topical meeting on Photorefractive Effects, Photosensitivity, Fiber Gratings, Photonic Materials and More (PR), Squaw Creek, US, 14-16 october 2007.
G. Roosen, M. Astic, P. Delaye, R.Frey, Controlling Light with Light: 11th Topical meeting on Photorefractive Effects, Photosensitivity, Fiber Gratings, Photonic Materials and More (PR), Squaw Creek, US, 14-16 october 2007.
S. Lebrun, Ph. Delaye, R. Frey, G. Roosen, ICONO 2007, International Conference on Coherent and Nonlinear Optics. Minsk (Belarus), 28 May-1 June 2007
G. Roosen, S. Lebrun, Ph. Delaye, R. Frey., 9th Mediterranean Workshop and Topical Meeting on Novel Optical Materials and Applications (NOMA), Cetraro, 7 - 13 juin, 2009.
S. Lebrun, Ph. Delaye, G. Roosen, 10ème Colloque sur les Lasers et l’Optique Quantique COLOQ 10, 2-5 Juillet 2007, Grenoble.
M. Nakkach et al., Optics Lett. 2010, 35, 2209.
J. Spadavecchia et al., Sens. Actua. B 2009, 143, 139.
F. Bardin et al., Biosens. BioElectron. 2009, 24, 2100.
M. Nakkach et al., Appl. Optics 2008, 47, 6177.
M.G. Manera et al., J. Optics 2008, 10, 064018.
J. Hottin et al., Plasmonics, "Plasmonics and DNA" special issue, 2007 2, 201.
P. Lecaruyer et al., Appl. Optics 2007, 46, 2361.
Manelli et al., Biosens. BioElectron 2007, 22, 803.
Franco et al., Optical Mater. 2006, 29, 6.
P. Lecaruyer et al. Appl. Optics 2006, 45, 8419.
Manelli et al., Sens. Actua B 2006, 119, 583.
M. Guerrouache et al, J. Appl. Polymer Sci. 2006, 100, 2362.
P. Lecaruyer et al, Analytica Chem. Acta 2006, 573-574, 333.
H. Goudket et al., Appl. Optics 2006, 45, 7736.
David et al, Sens. Actuat. B 2006, 114, 869.
J Claudon et al. Nature Photonics 2010, 4, 174 IF : 23
S. Mazoyer et al, Phys. Rev Lett 2009, 103, 063903 IF : 7
HT Liu et al., Nature 2008, 452, 728 IF : 35
G. Lecamp et al. Phys Rev Lett 2007, 99, 023902 IF : 7
L. Aigouy et al. Phys Rev Lett 2007, 98, 153902 IF : 7
P. Lalanne et al. Nature Physics 2006, 2, 792 IF : 15
P. Lalanne et al, Nature Physics 2006, 2, 551
JJ Greffet et al. Phys Rev Lett 2010, 105 117701 IF : 7
R. Esteban, Phys Rev Lett 2010, 104, 026802 IF : 7
H. Dammak et al. Phys Rev Lett 2009, 103, 190601 IF : 7
E. Rousseau et al. Nature Photonics 2009, 3, 514 IF : 22
Y de Wilde et al. Nature 2006, 444, 740 IF : 34
M. Laroche et al. Phys Rev Lett 2006, 96, 123903 IF : 7
Maksymov et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 2010 accepted IF : 7
"Système et équipement de détection optique de particules à éventail de découplage de l'information optique, procédé de fabrication correspondant"; Benisty, H.; FR2942046 (CNRS); 2009-02-12
"Dispositif electroluminescent à extracteur de lumière"; Rattier, M., Benisty, H., Weisbuch, C.; FR2824228 (CNRS et Ecole Polytechnique) 2001-04-26; EP1382074
"Dispositif de couplage-découplage de lumière sélectif enn fréquence"; Benisty, H., Schwoob, E.; FR2861854 (CNRS); 2003-10-30; EP1678540
"Dispositif perfectionné de type bio-puce"; Weisbuch, C., Benisty, H.; FR20010015140 (CNRS et Ecole Polytechnique); 2001-11-22; EP1446653; Licensed to GeneWave (2005)
"Light diffusing grating"; L. Menez, J.P. Mulet and P. Lalanne; FR0754877 (St Gobain Res.); 2008; Extension US AG02B502FI (2010).
" Structure nanométrique absorbante de type MIM asymétrique et méthode de réalisation d’une telle structure"; S. Collin, J.L. Pelouard, F. Pardo, A.M. Gosnet, P. Lalanne and C. Sauvan; (CNRS) Deposited in 2010 (Ref27658/005FR1)
P. Lalanne and J.P. Hugonin, 90th OSA Annual Meeting, Rochester, 8-12 October 2006.
P. Lalanne, C. Sauvan, J.P. Hugonin, IEEE-LEOS Annual Meeting, Lake Buena Vista, Florida 21-25 October 2007.
P. Lalanne , H. Liu and J.P. Hugonin, COOC, Busan, Corée 13-15 May 2008. (Plenary presentation)
P. Lalanne and H. Liu, 92th OSA Annual Meeting, Frontier in Optics, Rochester, 21-24 October 2008.
P. Lalanne, J.P. Hugonin and H. Liu, Surface Plasmon Photonics-4, Amsterdam, 21-26 June 2009.
P. Lalanne , S. Mazoyer, J.P. Hugonin and J.C. Rodier, Workshop on Photonic Nanomaterials, 24-26 March 2010, Jena. (Keynote presentation)
P. Lalanne and H. Liu, OSA-IEEE Topical meeting on Advances in Optoelectronics & Micro/Nano-optics, 3-6 December 2010, Guangzhou, China. (Plenary presentation)
P. Lalanne, COLOQ’11, 7-9 Septembre 2009, Nice. "La transmission optique extraordinaire : une analyse théorique"
P. Lalanne, J3N, 21-23 Octobre 2009, Toulouse. "Simulation en plasmonique"
J.J. Greffet; "Infrared antenna using a photonic crystal ", Near-field Optics, Lausanne (2006)
J.J. Greffet; "Near-field radiative heat transfer : application to energy conversion", J.J. Greffet, International meeting on Energy Conversion, Nice, 2006
J.J. Greffet; International workshop on" Challenges and Opportunities in Nanooptics", Shanghai, 5-9 janvier 2007, “Blackbody radiation revisited in the near field”,
J.J. Greffet; Workshop on "Photonic nanoobjects", Les Houches, janvier 2007; "Local density of electromagnetic states on metallic microstructures"
J.J. Greffet; "Thermal radiation revisited in the near field"; Fifth International symposium on Radiative Transfer, Bodrum, 2007
J.J. Greffet; "Blackbody radiation revisited in the near-field", 11 th meeting on optical engineering in Israel, Tel Aviv (2007)
J.J. Greffet; "Coherence of thermal radiation in the near field", Workshop on " Thermal Radiation at Nanoscale", Les Houches may 2007
J.J. Greffet; "Horizons de l'Optique 2007, Grenoble. "Microscope de champ proche infrarouge à balayage. Application à l'imagerie de densité d'états locale de plasmons de surface". Juilllet 2007
J.J. Greffet; "Journées de Nanosciences et Nanotechnologies, 27 septembre 2007, Thermal radiation at nanoscale : coherence, energy transfer, forces.
J.J. Greffet; "Local density and quantization of surface plasmons", WE-Heraeus seminar on « Ultrafast nanooptics » Bad Honnef, June 2007
R. Esteban, M. Laroche, J.J. Greffet; "Optical antennas for enhanced efficiency"; Solar energy Conference, Stanford, June (2008)
E. Rousseau, M. Laroche, J.J. Greffet ; "Engineering radiative heat transfer at nanoscale using surface waves", ASME Summer conference, Jacksonville, august 2008
J.J. Greffet; "Heat transfer at nanoscale", MetaIn,Meeting on Metamaterials, Hyderabad, december 2008
J.J. Greffet ; "Impedance of a nanoantenna", Workshop on nanoantennas, Paris, january 2009
J.J. Greffet ; "Theory of surface plasmons", Summer School on Plasmonics, Porquerolles (2009)
J.J. Greffet; "Nanophotonics : from nanometer to millimeter". School on nanophotonics, Les Houches, (2009)
J.J. Greffet; "Impedance of a nanoantenna", Tacona, Bad Honnef, october 2009
J.J. Greffet ;"Heat transfer at the nanoscale", 4th Rio de la Plata workshop on laser dynamics and non linear photonics, Piriapolis (2009)
E. Rousseau, A. Siria, G. Jourdan, S. Volz, F. Comin, J. Chevrier, JJ Greffet ; "Contribution of surface plasmons to radiative heat transfer at the nanoscale", Meta10, Le Caire, Février 2010
E. Rousseau, A. Siria, G. Jourdan, S. Volz, F. Comin, J. Chevrier, JJ Greffet; "Contribution of surface plasmons to radiative heat transfer at the nanoscale, Gordon conference on Plasmonics, Waterville 2010
JJ Greffet, "Nanoantennas, School on nanophotonics", Bad Herrenalb, September 2010
JJ Greffet, "A quoi servent les plasmons ?"; Journées de la Matière condensée, Troyes 2010
H. Benisty, L. Martinelli, E. Viasnoff-Schwoob, M. A. Pinault, C. Weisbuch, G.-H. Duan, H. Heidrich, K. Janiak, and I. Robert-Philip, “Role of one-dimensional singularities in the operation of some photonic-crystal based devices”, SPIE Photonics West, San Jose, 20-27 janvier 2006.
H. Benisty, A. David, C. Weisbuch, , J. Danglot, C. Cambournac, O. Khayam, L. Martinelli, "Light-Emitting-Diodes-oriented extraction strategies” EPIXNET Winterschool on Nanophotonics, Pontresina, Switzerland, 10-14 march 2006.
H. Benisty, L. Martinelli, C. Cambournac, A. David, O. Khayam, C. Weisbuch; "Slow light photonic crystal waveguides and their use for confinement control"; SPIE Proc. [6476-07]
H. Benisty, L. Martinelli, O. Khayam , M. Ayre G.H. Duan, and R. Brenot, T. Stomeo “Fine mechanisms in photonic-crystal multimode waveguide demux” PECS VII, Monterey (Californie), April 9-12, 2007
H. Benisty, A. David, C. Weisbuch, S. Denbaars, “Blue nitride LEDs, a playground for light-extracting photonic crystals”, Deutsche Glass Gesellschaft (DGG) Tagung, “Novel Optical Technologies”, Aachen, Allemagne, 4-6 juin 2007,
H. Benisty, "Functional control from broad waveguides , photonic crystal and "Littrow mode" approaches", Photonics North, Quebec, May 24th-27th
H. Benisty, "Slow Light, Littrow modes and dark modes", Tacona-Photonics workshop 28.10.2009-30.10.2009 Physikzentrum, Bad Honnef, Germany.
H. Benisty and O. Khayam, "Littrow resonators and the critical coupling concept," presented at 12th International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks (ICTON), Munich, 28-30 june 2010.
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