Other resources will come from EU projects, ANR projects, and local sources like the Competitivity Clusters (System@TIC, …) or C’nanoIdF or international grants with USA, Japan, Korea.
In their description, each partner was asked to détail its contract ressources, and one can see how successul partners of the projects are already. We anticipate in the future a better success more on the aspect of EU project or international relations (even with companies), where we believe that the labex structure and organization will be extremely benefitial.
In the Governance description we have also presented our objectives in terms of progress indicators. The greatest increase in funding is expected on the valorisation side, and in particular with direct industrial funding. We have detailed our objective in the “valorization » paragraph, and we believe for instance that the two, eventually three chairs that we target through the project, have a good chance of obtaining industrial or local authorities cofunding.
We believe (and have tested that) there is a positive Virtue loop that, when the habit of fair collaboration with companies settle, more companies andmore collaboration set in. This is what we wish to start with this project, and we belive the field of Nano is the ideal field for this objective.
7.Annexes / Appendices 7.1.Références bibliographiques de l’etat de l’art/State of the art references
Here are gathered the references used for the state of the art (Part 5.1)
(1) International Programs. http://www.research-in-germany.de/dachportal/en/downloads/download-files/28608/nano-initiative-action-plan-2010.pdf; http://www.bis.gov.uk/assets/BISPartners/GoScience/Docs/U/10-825-uk-nanotechnologies-strategy; http://www.nanoandsociety.com/projects/Takemura_Project.pdf and references therein; http://nano-taiwan.sinica.edu.tw/index.php?eng=T
(2) OCDE. 2009; http://www.oecd.org/dataoecd/59/9/43179651.pdf
(3) RTB http://www.rtb.cnrs.fr
(4) CNANO. http://www.cnano.fr/
(5) RTRAT. http://www.triangledelaphysique.fr/
(6) RTRAG http://www.fondation-nanosciences.fr/
(7) RTRAS. http://www.cirfc.fr/
(8) SNRI. http://media.enseignementsup-recherche.gouv.fr/file/S.N.R.I/28/7/SNRI_rapport_general_GBdef_158287.pdf
(9) Euro. 2005; http://eur-lex.europa.eu/LexUriServ/LexUriServ.do?uri=COM:2007:0505:FIN:EN:PDF
(10) NanoInnov. http://www.enseignementsup-recherche.gouv.fr/cid25281/nano-innov-un-plan-en-faveur-des-nanotechnologies.htm
(11) Nanotrend. 2010; http://www.nanoeconomics.eu/index.php/newsletters
(12) NanoresFR http://media.enseignementsup-recherche.gouv.fr/file/Plan_Nano_innov/32/0/Fiche_recherche_nanos_52320.pdf
(13) Delemarle, A.; Kahane, B.; Villard, L.; Laredo, P. Nanotechnology Law & Business 2009, 6, 103.
7.2.Références bibliographiques des partenaires/Partners’ references
Partenaire 2/ Partner 2: IEF
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"Steerable Electronic Microwave Antenna", Ourir A., De Lustrac A., Burokur S. N., Dépôt n° PCT/FR2008/050463 du 18-03-08.
"Procédé de réalisation de cristaux photoniques en nitrure de semi-conducteurs de groupe III", David S., Boucaud P., Semond F., Dépôt n° FR 2008/50335 du 19/01/2008.
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"Modulateur optique à haut debit en semiconducteur sur isolant", Marris-Morini D., Rasigade G., Vivien L., Dépôt n° 1000049847 du 24 mars 2009. - Première phase d'examen
"Modulateur optique compact à haut débit en semi-conducteur sur isolant", Rasigade G., Vivien L., Marris-Morini D., Dépôt n° 1000061849 du 29 septembre 2009. - Première phase d'examen
"Dispositif optoélectronique térahertz et procédé pour générer ou détecter des ondes électromagnétiques térahertz", Mangeney J., Crozat P., Meignien L., Martin M., Lourtioz J., Dépôt n° FR 0956769 du 29 Septembre 2009. - Première phase d'examen
"Nano-Electric Synapse and Method for Training said Synapse", Klein J.-O., Belhaire E.; Dépôt n° PCT/FR2009/050943 du 20/5/2009.
"Modulateur ISB à nitrures", Julien F., Lupu A., Tchernycheva M., Nevou L., Dépôt n° n° 09 55365 du 30 juillet 2009.
"Composant électro-optique à nanotubes, circuit intégré hybride optronique ou à lien optique intégrant ce composant, et procédé de fabrication" Vivien L., Gaufres E., Izard N., Dépôt n° 1054744 du 15 juin 2010.
Chappert C. "Spin electronics"; European Forum on Nanosciences; a COST Conference, Bruxelles, EC Charlemagne Building (Belgique), 19 -20 octobre 2006 - Keynote talk
Devolder T., et al; "Sub-ns spin transfer switching"; International workshop on thin films and interfaces, Shanghai (Chine), 01 - 05 mai 2006
Devolder T., et al; "Switching by sub-nanosecond current pulses using spin angular momentum transfer"; Intermag 2006, San Diego, USA, 08 - 12 mai 2006
Devolder T. et al; "Sub-ns spin transfer switching of magnetization in nanopillars"; RIEC-International Workshop on Spintronics, Sendai (Japon), 07 - 09 février 2006
Devolder T.et al; "High frequency magnetization dynamics induced by spin transfer in spin electronic devices"; 12th Hitachi-Cambridge Seminar "Physics for Future Applications", Cambridge (UK), 27 novembre 2006
Kim J.-V.; "Metallic spin transport on the nanoscale: From giant magnetoresistance to spin-momentum transfer"; Physics for Large and Small Scales, Hanoi, Vietnam, 08 - 09 janvier 2006
Mangin S. et al; "Current induced magnetization reversal in nanopillars with perpendicular anisotropy"; Intermag 2006, San Diego (USA), 08 - 12 mai 2006
Mangin S.et al; "Current induced magnetization reversal in nanopillars with perpendicular anisotropy"; Workshop on spin transfer torque, Irvine, Californie, USA, 17 juillet 2006
Ravelosona D.et al; "Control of domain wall dynamics in nanostructures driven by a spin-polarized current"; MRS Fall meeting, Boston (USA), 24 novembre - 01 décembre 2006
Chappert C.; "Speed issues in Spin Electronics: from memory and logic to RF communications"; 3rd International Nanotechnology Conference on Communication and Cooperation (INC3), Bruxelles, Belgique, 17 avril-19 avril 2007
Chappert C. "Spin electronics: from nanosciences to applications"; NanoSci-ERA Workshop on „Key Challenges in Nanoscience“, Berlin (Allemagne), 02 mai - 03 mai 2007
Chappert C. et al; "Speed and reliability issues in spin transfer torque switching of MRAM cells"; European Magnetic Storage Conclave, Londonderry, Royaume-Uni, 29 juin 2007
Devolder T.et al; "Electrical time-domain observation of magnetization switching induced by spin-transfer in magnetic nanostructures"; 52nd Magnetism and Magnetic Materials Conference, Tampa, Etats-Unis, du 05 - 09 novembre 2007
Fullerton E.et al; "Spin-torque-induced reversal in nanopillars containing perpendicularly magnetized layers"; American Physical Society, March Meeting, Denver (CO), Etats-Unis, 05 - 09 mars 2007
Kim J.-V. et al; "Current-driven spin-wave eigenmodes in rectangular spin-valve nanopillars"; IEEE MML 2007, Perth, Australie, 15 - 19 octobre 2007
Mangin S.et al; "Current induced magnetization reversal in nanopillars with perpendicular anisotropy"; Workshop spin transfer, Tohoku University, Japon, 19 - 20 février 2007
Mangin S.et al;"Influence of spin transfer on Stoner Wohlfarth astroid"; IEEE MML 2007, Perth, Australie, 15-19 octobre 2007
Prenat G.et al; "CMOS/Magnetic Hybrid Architectures"; 14th IEEE International Conference on Electronics, Circuits and Systems, Marrakech, Morocco, 11 - 14 décembre 2007;
Ravelosona D. et al; "Domain wall motion in films with perpendicular anisotropy driven by a polarized current"; FONE meeting, Naples, 01 - 04 décembre 2007
Burrowes C.et al; "Stochastic domain wall motion in perpendicularly magnetized nanodevices"; SPIE 08, San Diego, USA, 02 - 06 août 2008
Chappert C.; "From Magnetic Storage to MRAM and Magnetic Logic"; Symposium “Materials Science and Technology for Non volatile Memories”, MRS Spring Meeting, San Francisco (Etats-Unis), 24 - 28 mars 2008 - Tutorial
Chappert C.; "Engineering magnetic nanostructures into complex devices for spin electronics"; Conférence INTERMAG 2008, Madrid (Espagne), 04 - 08 mai 2008
Chappert C. "From magnetic storage to MRAM and magnetic logic"; IMST (Innovative Mass-Storage Technologies) 2008, Leuven (Belgique), 26 - 28 novembre 2008
Chappert C.; "From magnetic storage to magnetic logic: controlling magnetic anisotropy and precessional dynamics"; Symposium "Twenty Years of Spintronics: retrospective and perspectives", Paris (France), 08-09 décembre 2008
Chappert C.; "Magnetic Memories"; Think Tank meeting of the Specific Support Action WIND, Bruxelles (Belgique), EU DG Research, 03 juin 2008
Chappert C. et al; "From MRAM to magnetic logic: the impact of speed and reliability issues in spin transfer torque switching of magnetic tunnel junctions"; 7th International Workshop on Surface, Interface and Thin Film Physics, Shangaï, Chine, 15 avril 2008
Devolder T.; "Magnetic excitations and time resolved magnetization switching in sub-micron magnetic tunnel junctions"; SPIE 2008 Conference, San Diego, USA, 08 - 14 août 2008
Fullerton E.et al; "Spin torque devices with perpendicular magnetic anisotropy"; Workshop on materials for spin transfer torque MRAM, University of Alabama, USA, 14 - 18 octobre 2008
Kim J.-V.et al; "RF emission from metallic nanocontacts and tunnel junction nanopillars"; International Colloquium on Magnetization Dynamics, Irsee, Allemagne, 15 - 19 septembre 2008
Mistral Q.et al; "Current-driven vortex oscillations in metallic nanocontacts"; Intermag Conference, Madrid, Espagne, 04 - 08 mai 2008
Mistral Q. et al; "Current-driven vortex oscillations in metallic point-contact systems"; 2nd WUN International Conference on Spintronic Materials and Technology, Nankin, Chine, 13 - 16 juillet 2008
Burrowes C. et al; "Stochastic domain wall depinning under current in perpendicularly magnetized elements"; Intermag 2009, Sacramento, USA, 04 - 08 mai 2009
Chappert C. et al; "Non volatility and GHz magnetization dynamics in magneto-electronic devices, from memory to logic"; Trends in Nanotechnology 2009, Barcelona, Espagne, 07 - 11 septembre 2009
Chappert C.et al; "Non volatility and GHz magnetization dynamics in magneto-electronic devices, from memory to logic"; Nanomagnetism, Spin Electronics and Quantum Optics, Rio de Janeiro, Brésil, 11 - 13 novembre 2009
Chappert C.et al; "Non volatility and GHz magnetization dynamics in magneto-electronic devices, from memory to logic"; Tera-level NanoDevices, Seoul, Corée du Sud, 02 - 03 novembre 2009
Devolder T.et al; "Spin transfer switching in Magnetic Tunnel Junctions: Time-resolved observation and related eigenexcitations"; Advances in Magnetic Nanostructures, Vail, Colorado, Etats-Unis, 04 -09 octobre 2009
Devolder T. et al; "Current-driven vortex dynamics in metallic nanocontacts"; SPIE Optics+Photonics, San Diego, Etats-Unis, 02 - 06 août 2009;
Fullerton E. et al; "Influence of spin transfer torques on the Stoner Wohlfarth astroid"; Intermag 2009, Sacramento, USA, 04 - 08 mai 2009
Helmer A. et al; "Spin transfer switching in Magnetic Tunnel Junctions: Time-resolved observation and related eigenexcitations"; Intermag 2009, Sacramento, USA, 04 - 08 mai 2009
Ravelosona D et al; "Stochastic domain wall depinning under current in perpendicularly magnetized elements"; SPIE Optics+Photonics, San Diego (CA), Etats-Unis, 02 - 07 août 2009
van Kampen M. et al; "Spin torque oscillators based on vortices in point contacts"; RTN Spinswitch - Summer School, Iasi, Roumanie, 14 - 18 septembre 2009
Haghiri-Gosnet A.-M.; "Oxide spintronics devices"; 5th 21st century COE Inrternational Symposium "Towards Creating New Industries Based on Inter-Nanosciences", Awaji - Osaka - Japon, 08 - 09 décembre 2006
Van Parys W. et al; "Low-loss, InP-based Integrated Optical Isolators"; CLEO 2008, San Jose, CA, USA, du 04 mai 2008 au 09 mai 2008
Bouchier D. et al; "Some Insights into the Relaxation Mechanisms of Germanium Growing on (001) Si by Ultrahigh Vacuum Chemical Vapor Deposition"; 210th ECS meeting, Cancun, Mexique, 29 octobre - 03 novembre 2006;
Bouchier D.; "Epitaxial Growth of Germanium on Silicon"; EpiXnet Spring School 2008, Elbe (Italie), 11-16 mai 2008
Colombelli R.; "Surface-plasmons and some applications to quantum cascade laser"; POISE Summer School of Physics, Cortona (Italie), 26 -29 juin 2006
Colombelli R. et al; "Advanced Unipolar Devices for surface emission and surface sensing"; 3rd Russian-French Workshop on Nanosciences and Nanotechnologies, St. Petersburg (Russie), 21 - 23 juin 2006
Julien F.; "Nitride Intersubband Devices at Telecommunication Wavelengths: prospects and recent developments"; International Workshop on Nitride Semiconductors IWN 2006, Kyoto, Japon, 22 - 29 octobre 2006
Monroy E. et al; "III-Nitride Nanostructures"; XXXV International School on the Physics of Semiconducting Compounds "Jaszowiec 2006", Ustroń-Jaszowiec, Pologne, 17 - 23 juin 2006
Skierbiszewski C. et al; "Growth and characterization of AlInN/GaInN quantum wells for highspeed intersubband devices at telecommunication wavelengths"; Photonics West, San Jose, 20 - 26 janvier 2006;
Warde E. et al; "Unipolar Optoelectronic Devices"; International conference on information and communication technologies: from theory to applications, ICTTA’06, Damas, Syrie, 24 - 28 avril 2006;
Julien F. H.; "Short-infrared wavelength GaN/AlN intersubband devices"; MIOMD-VIII, Bad Ischl, Autriche, 14 - 17 mai 2007
Chassagneux Y. et al; "Photonic crystal terahertz lasers with boundary conditions control"; IQCLSW 2008 International Quantum Cascade Lasers School & Workshop, Ascona - Suisse, 14 - 19 septembre 2008
Julien F.; "III-nitride intersubband optoelectronic devices at telecommunication wavelengths"; POEM 2008, Wuhan, Chine, 23 - 26 novembre 2008
Monroy E. et al; "New Frontiers in Plasma-Assisted MBE of GaN-based Intersubband Devices"; International Workshop on Nitride Semiconductors, Montreux, Suisse, 06 -10 octobre 2008
Monroy E. et al; "GaN Heterostructures for Unipolar Devices"; 17th European Workshop on Heterostructure Technology (HETECH’08), Venise, Italie, 02 - 05 novembre 2008
Boucaud P. et al; "Ge/si self-assembled islands for photonics applications"; MRS 2006 Fall meeting, Boston USA, 27 novembre - 01 décembre 2006
Lourtioz J.-M.; "Photonic crystal optoelectronic components : waveguide lasers in the substrate approach"; DPG Meeting, Franfürt (Allemagne), 14 - 16 mars 2006
Lourtioz J.-M.; "Photonic Crystals for Nanoscale Photonic Devices"; Quantum Day, Palermo, Italy, 23 - 25 mai 2006
Lourtioz J.-M.; "Recent Advances in Semiconductor-based Photonic Crystals Components"; LEOS Workshop, Edinburgh, Royaume-Uni, 26 avril 2006
Sauvage S. et al; "Intersublevel polaron transitions based on 3D 8 Band k.p envelope function theory"; SANDiE Workshop of Self-Assembled Nanostructure Simulation, University of Duisburg-Essen (Germany), 04 - 05 octobre 2006
Boucaud P. et al; "Silicon and Ge-based photonic crystals"; Piers 2007, Electromagnetics in photonic crystals, Beijing (Chine), 26 -30 mars 2007
Boucaud P. et al; "Nanospectroscopy of a single quantum dot in the mid-infrared"; Third workshop on Infrared Optical Nanostructures, Bad Hofgastein (Autriche), 25 -02 février 2007
Chevalier P. et al; "High-Speed SiGe BiCMOS Technologies: 120-nm Status and End-of-Roadmap Challenges"; 7th Topical Meeting on Silicon Monolithic Integrated Circuits in RF Systems (SiRF07), Long Beach Convention Center, Long Beach, USA, 10 - 12 janvier 2007;
Lourtioz J.-M.; "Silicon-based Micro- Nano- Photonics and Photonic Crystals."; LEOS Worshop, Tyndall National Laboratory, Cork, Irlande, 22 février 2007
Boucaud P.; "Semiconductor nanostructures and metamaterials"; Symposium optoélectronique franco-chinois, Wuhan, 31 octobre - 01 novembre 2008
Boucaud P.; "Silicon photonics and THz sources"; Symposium optoélectronique franco-chinois, Wuhan (Chine), 31 octobre -01 novembre 2008
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Sée J.; "Introduction to the physics of few electrons systems in nanodevices"; 11th Vietnam School of Physics, Da Nang, Vietnam, du 28 décembre 2004 au 08 janvier 2005
Dollfus P.; "From classical to quantum transport in semiconductor nanodevices"; 12th Vietnam School of Physics, Hanoi, Vietnam, 26 décembre - 07 janvier 2006
Fedeli J.-M. et al; "Integration issues of a photonic layer on top of a CMOS circuit"; SPIE Photonics West, San Jose USA, 24 - 26 janvier 2006;
Marris-Morini D. et al; "SiGe and Si optical modulators"; Group IV Photonics, Ottawa, Canada, 13 - 15 septembre 2006
Dollfus P. et al; "Wigner Monte Carlo approach to quantum transport in nanodevices"; Simulation of Semiconductor Processes and Devices, Hakone, Japon, 09 - 11 septembre 2008;
Dollfus P. et al; "On the Wigner formalism of quantum transport in semiconductor nanodevices"; APCTP - ASEAN Workshop on Advanced Materials Science and Nanotechnology (AMSN2008), Nha Trang, Vietnam, 15 -21 septembre 2008;
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Vivien L. et al; "Recent advances in silicon-based devices for optical interconnects"; 2008 VMIC Conference, Formont (USA), 27 - 30 octobre 2008
Vivien L. et al; "Ge photodetectors integrated in Si waveguides"; SPIE Photonics West, San Jose, California, USA, 19-24 janvier 2008;
Vivien L. et al; "Optical modulation in/on silicon"; CMOS Photonics School, Trento (Italy), 15 - 20 mars 2009
Vivien L. et al; "European HELIOS Project: Silicon Photonic Photodetector Integration"; 6th International Conference on group IV photonics, San Francisco (USA), 17 - 19 septembre 2009;
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Crawford S. et al; "Beyond third generation MCT: SXGA QWIP"; Infrared Technology and applications XXXI, Orlando, 28 mars - 01 avril 2005;
Sauvage S. et al; "Absorption nanospectroscopy of single quantum dots in the infrared spectral range"; International School and Conference on the Physics of Semiconductors, Krynica-Zdrój, Poland, 20 -25 juin 2010
Dollfus P. et al; "Quantum transport of Dirac fermions in graphene nanostructures"; 14th International Workshop on Computational Electronics (IWCE), Pise, Italie, 27 - 29 octobre 2010
Balestriere P. et al; "Electric Field induced anisotropy change in a (Ga,Mn)As based p-n junction for fast electrical manipulation of the magnetization"; IEEE 7th International Symposium on Metallic Multilayers (MML2010), Berkeley, USA, 19 -24 septembre 2010
Devolder T. et al; "Vortexonics a new paradigm for RF oscillators ?"; IEEE 7th International Symposium on Metallic Multilayers (MML2010), Berkeley, USA, 19 - 24 septembre 2010
Aniel F. et al; "The k.p theory beyond standard 8-band theory parametrization strategies and its applicability in electronics and optoelectronic devices design"; CECAM - Empirical methods in semiconductor nano-structures design and modelling, University of Manchester, United Kingdom, 20 - 25 juin 2010
Villemejane J. et al; "Nanomanipulation of living cens on a chip using electric field general concepts and microdevices"; 5th IEEE International Symposium on Electronic Design, Test and Applications, DELTA 2010, Ho Chi Minh ville, Vietnam, 13 -15 janvier 2010;
Cassan E. et al; "Passive and active devices for optical interconnects"; IEEE/OSA/CSC Third International Photonics and OptoElectronics Meetings (POEM 2010), Wuhan / CHINE, 03 - 05 novembre 2010
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Hill D. et al; "Microfluidic and transducer technologies for Lab on a chip applications"; 32nd Annual International Conference of IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, Buenos Aires, Argentina, 31 août -04 septembre 2010
Rasigade G. et al; "Silicon-based optical modulators"; IEICE Si Photonics Symposium, Tokyo, 28 mai 2010
Vivien L.et al; "Carbon nanotubes for efficient light emitter."; Photonics Global Conference, Singapore, 14 -16 décembre 2010
Fedeli J.-M. et al; "HELIOS pHotonics ELectronics functional Integration on CMOS"; SPIE Photonics Europe 2010, Bruxelles (Belgique), 12 - 16 avril 2010;
Marris-Moroni D. et al; "Carrier depletion based silicon optical modulators"; Photonics Europe 2010, Bruxelles (Belgique), 12 - 16 avril 2010;
Vivien L. et al; "Modulators and photodetectors developed in the framework of the European HELIOS project"; Photonics WEST 2010, San Francisco (USA), 23 - 28 janvier 2010;
Reed G T. et al; "Recent developments in silicon optical modulators"; Integrated Photonics Research, Silicon and Nano Photonics (IPR), Monterey –CA USA, 25 - 28 juillet 2010
Ravelosona D. et al; "Recent development in current induced domain wall motion in nanodevices with perpendicular anisotropy"; 55th MMM Conference, Atlanta, USA, 14 - 18 novembre 2010
Vernier N.; "Spin transfer in ferromagnetic material"; French-Indian Workshop, Varanasi, Inde, 22 - 27 janvier 2010
Julien F. H.; "GaN-based intersubband devices"; International conference on crystal growth, ICCG-16, Beijing, China, 09 -13 août 2010
Julien F. H.; "GaN-based intersubband optoelectronic devices"; Collaborative Conference on Crystal Growth, 3CG, Miami, USA, 29 novembre -03 decembre 2010
Monroy E.et al; "Quantum Cascade Detectors and Emitters"; International Workshop on Nitride semiconductors (IWN2010), Tampa, Florida, U.S.A., 19 - 24 septembre 2010
Tchernycheva M. et al; "Perspectives and challenges of nitride-based intersubband optoelectronics going towards quantum cascade lasers"; E-MRS fall meeting, Warsaw, Poland, 13 - 17 septembre 2010
Monroy E. et al; "Polar and semipolar III-nitrides for long wavelength intersubband devices"; Photonics West 2010, San Francisco, USA, 23 - 28 janvier 2010;
Tchernycheva M. et al; "Review of nitride infrared intersubband devices"; Photonics West 2010, San Francisco, USA, 23 - 28 janvier 2010;
Sangiorgi E. et al; "Drain current computation in nanoscale nMOSFETs comparison of transport models"; 27th International Conference on Microelectronics (MIEL 2010), Nis, Serbie, 16 - 19 mai 2010;
Cassan E.; "Spatial dispersive phenomena in planar photonic crystals a route towards a tight control of light properties"; 2nd Sino-French symposium on optics and photonics, Wuhan (CHINE), 02 - 03 novembre 2010
Zhou Z. et al; "Silicon Nanophotonic Devices Based on Periodic Structures"; Group Four Photonics, Beijing (CHINE), 01 - 03 septembre 2010
Colombelli R. "Photonic-crystal quantum cascade lasers a tutorial"; International Quantum Cascade Lasers School & Workshop, Florence - ITALY, 30 août -03 septembre 2010
Colombelli R.; "Photonic-crystal quantum cascade lasers"; 35th International Conference on Infrared, Millimeter and THz Waves, Rome - ITALY, 05 - 10 novembre 2010
Xu G. et al; "Progress in surface-emitting mid-infrared photonic crystal quantum cascade lasers"; 10th International Conference on Mid-Infrared Optoelectronics Materials and Devices, Shangai - CHINA, 05 - 09 septembre 2010
Boucaud P. et al; "Intersublevel transitions in quantum dots"; International quantum cascade laser school and workshop, IQCLSW2010, Florence, Italie, 30 août - 03 septembre 2010
Sauvage S. et al; "Absorption nanospectroscopy of single quantum dots in the infrared spectral range"; International School and Conference on the Physics of Semiconductors, Krynica-Zdrój, Poland, 20 - 25 juin 2010
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