LPN/Nano has issued 36 patents during the last 5 years (full list in 7.2). 3 of them are already licensed to industrial companies. Besides, several contracts have been signed or are still alive between the LPN/Nano teams and industrial companies (including Sentech GmbH, Raith GmbH).
LPN/Nano has signed an exclusive licensing to Raith GmbH for exploiting its patents on the nanoFIB
1 startup "LabinGlass" is currently in gestation within LPN/Nano to exploit one particular patent on microfluidics. Funding is currently gathered from CnanoIdF and OSEO
1 startup "Sub-Lambda Components" is currently in creation within LPN/Nano to exploit two particular patents on sub-wavelength infrared optics. Funding is currently gathered from CFI-Région Ile de France and Triangle de la Physique.
For all its valorization activities, LPN/Nano relies on the IP pool at CNRS. superieur / Higher education
Many LPN/Nano scientists are deeply involved in higher education, together with communication activities towards the society and young students.
• PhD level: 25 of us have the HdR and commonly act as Thesis Director
• Master Level: courses at the Master NanoSciences at U. Paris XI, the Master "Quantum devices" at Paris VII, the Master "Science, Optical and Electrical Engineering" at U. Evry, the Master “Sciences des Matériaux et des Nano-Objets” at Paris VI. Set-up of a practical training at LPN on the assessment of Quantum Dot based lasers for LAN and MAN applications; Creation of a platform for practical work in nanoscience at the Faculty of Physics, U. Paris VII;
• UnderGrad level: regular teaching in various engineering schools: Telecom Paris, Ecole Polytechnique, ENSICAEN, ENSTA together with numerous L1 to L3 courses in many Universities of the Paris area (including the creation of a new Professional Grade "Physics Techniques for Energies" at U. Paris VII
• High School and colleges: Students from high schools are regularly welcomed in the LPN CTF for their projects;
• Nano events:
Creating and organizing workshops laboratory visit aimed at school children to science festivals 2008 and 2009: a workshop for discovering the principle of the CD with an atomic force microscope, the second the transmission of sound through an optical fiber
Lecture "Designing and observing nanomaterials" as part of the Open U. Paris VII. / Organisation
LPN/Nano teams, as part of the LPN, benefit from all the shared facilities, scientific, technical and administrative offered by the LPN. LPN is scheduled to join the NanoSciences Research Center NanoINNOV-C2N, which should open on the Campus Paris-Saclay in the end of 2011 and will be joined by IEF. This union of IEF and LPN in the same laboratory will own the largest french academic nanofabrication facility center (3000m2) and will represent the largest concentration of researcher dedicated to nanosciences.
All LPN/Nano teams already demonstrated excellence in basic sciences together with a strong commitment to applied issues. All are very active in fund raising, both from local, national and international agencies together with industrial partners. (Within the last 3 years, more than 80 contracts, including 40 with ANR, 6 with the CnanoIdF, 7 with the RTRA Triangle de la Physique, 10 EU contracts including 1 ERC Starting Grant. 17 of those contracts involve up to 25 different industrial partners)
4.1.4Partenaire 4/ Partner 4 : CEA-IRAMIS @ NannoINNOV et innovation / Research and innovation
IRAMIS@NanoINNOV is a new lab based on the association of the four CEA teams (Chemistry of Surfaces and Interfaces, EDifices NAnométriques, Laboratoire d'Electronique Moléculaire, Laboratoire Interdisciplinaire sur l'Organisation Nanométrique et Supramoléculaire) belonging to the IRAMIS institute, intended to move soon to the new NanoSciences Research Center called NanoINNOV-C2N. In a few years, that center will gather in a single location ca. 60% of the scientists of the NanoSaclay LabEx. Moving those four CEA teams is thus the first step to the constitution of a strong and highly visible LabEx.
IRAMIS@nanoINNOV is a multidisciplinary lab which addresses many aspects of modern nanosciences: synthesis of nano-objects (nanoparticles, nanotubes…), molecular, polymer and bio-inspired self-assembly, surface functionalization, nanodevices fabrication for the development of circuits with learning capabilities, study of nanoscale transport and novel architectures, toxicity of nano-objects. It gathers physicists, chemists and biologists around common goals such as (i) organization of matter at the nanoscale, (ii) structure-properties relationships in nano-composite materials, (iii) impact of nanosciences for ICT and energy issues, (iv) interaction of nano-objects with living organisms. It has a strong commitment to applications in various industrial fields.
Three of those four teams are part of larger units affiliated to CNRS (UMR3299 for LIONS, URA 2453 for EDNA, URA 2464 for LEM). IRAMIS@NanoINNOV gathers 35 researchers (including 16 HdR), 4 research engineers, 26 PhD students and 23 postdoctoral fellows.
Evaluation: Only two of the 4 teams were already evaluated by AERES, both in 2009
Excerpt of the EDNA report (A+): "L’équipe EDNA est organisée autour de cinq activités distinctes (…). Certaines de ces activités découlent de recherches fondamentales mais présentent un potentiel d’applications varié que l’équipe exploite également. Le groupe publie de manière significative aussi bien dans des journaux de haute qualité et de large audience pour les aspects fondamentaux, que dans des revues plus spécialisées pour les aspects applications. Par ailleurs, de nombreux brevets ont été déposés sur des applications ciblées (capteurs). Les membres de l’équipe sont régulièrement invités pour présenter des exposés ou participer à des conférences nationales ou internationales. L’équipe contribue également de manière très significative à la formation des doctorants."
Excerpt of the LIONS report (A): "The scientific activity and the organization are not based on research teams but are rather carried on under projects. This organization is effective since the scientific production is quite good (102 publications in international journals, 31 invited lectures). They got good success to calls for proposals (ANR, C'Nano, RTRA, Europe) and have committed many collaborations either in France or abroad. The laboratory is also strongly involved in the missions of research training (doctorate school and PhD students), teaching (master level) and expertise…. The visiting committee was impressed by the quality of individual researchers of LIONS"
The two others were evaluated by external Scientific Committees in 2007. The reports of the 2007 evaluations were very good, and the scientific production (as evidenced by the bibliometry figures) are very similar in quantity and quality with those of EDNA and LIONS, which implies that their quotation should be at least A.
High profile scientists:
PALACIN, Serge (H = 22, 1814 citations); CEA; Head of CSI and Department SPCSI
Distinctions: Young Researcher Award, French Chemical Society, 1992. CEA Innovation Award 2002.
Major publications (IF>7): 1 Science, 2 JACS, 2 Adv. Mater., 1 PRL
Other assessment points: 108 publications, 16 patents; Member of the steering committee of the CnanoIdF, expert for ANR and European Commission;
DERYCKE, Vincent (H=23, 3375 citations) CEA; Head of LEM
Major publications (IF>7): 1 Nature, 1 Nature Mater., 4 Nano Lett., 5 PRL, 2 Adv. Mater.
Other assessment points: 60 Publications, 12 patents (IBM 2, CEA 10).
CAMPIDELLI, Stéphane (H=22, 1025 citations) CEA
Major publications (IF>7): 1 Chem. Soc. Rev. , 1 Angew. Chem. , 9 JACS, 1 Nano Lett., 2 Adv. Mater., 1 J. Neurosci.
Other assessment points: 48 Publications
REYNAUD Cécile (H=24, 1900 citations): CEA, Head of EDNA and Department SPAM
Distinctions: CEA Award 1987
Major publications (IF>7): 1 NanoLett., 1 Adv. Mater., 2 PRL, 2 ApJ.
Other assessment points: 115 Publications, Member of SAC Soleil (2006-2009), of the ANR PNANO committee (2005-2008), of the IUF jury (2009) and of program committees (SOLEIL, CLIO, CIRIL…)
BELLONI Luc (H= 28, 2836 citations) CEA
Major publications (IF>7): 1 PNAS, 3 PRL
DAILLANT Jean (H= 20, 1395 citations) CEA; Head of LIONS
Major publications (IF>7): 1 Nature, 7 PRL, 1 PNAS
Other assessment points: Member of the SAC of ESRF, vice-chairman in 2006-2009; Chairman of the SAC of synchrotron Soleil since 2006; Member of the physics committee of ANR for non-thematic and young researchers programs (2005-2007). Vice-chairman of the scientific life committee of the advanced research network “Triangle de la physique” (2010); Member of several AERES visiting committees; Member of the Steering Committee of European Physical Journal
GUENOUN Patrick (H= 22, 1493 citations) CEA
Major publications (IF>7): 1 Angew. Chem., 10 PRL
Other assessment points: Chairman of the "groupe de travail sur les Sciences de la Matière du Centre National d’Etudes Spatiales (CNES)"; Member of the Physical Sciences Advisory Group of the European Space Agency (ESA) (2007-2010); Member of the "Microgravity Applied Program" committee of ESA (2005-2007 ; 2010-)
SPALLA Olivier (H= 20, 1130 citations) CEA
Major publications (IF>7): 1 Nat. Mater., 1 NanoLett., 3 JACS, 3 PRL
TRAN-THI Thu-Hoa (H= 17, 1180 citations) CNRS, Research Director
Distinctions: Award for Best Innovative Company 2010
Major publications (IF>7): 1 Chem. Soc. Rev., 2 JACS
Other assessment points: 55 publications, 12 patents; Former president of the French Photochemistry Society
Research activities: IRAMIS@NanoINNOV issued 315 publications in reviewed journals between 2006 and 2010, together with 39 patents. Among those publications: 1 Science, 1 Nature Mater., 2 Chem. Soc. Rev., 5 Angew. Chem. Inter. Ed., 3 NanoLett., 1 PNAS, 7 JACS, 5 Adv. Mater., 5 PRL. (see 7.2 for details)
28 PhD theses have been obtained within the same period. Among them, 21 new doctors already hold a permanent position and 6 hold a temporary position. 28 PhD theses are still under way. 5 HdR were obtained during that period at IRAMIS@nanoINNOV.
Scientists from IRAMIS@NanoINNOV are often invited at national and international conferences, including for delivering keynote lectures. (A partial list is given in 7.2)
IRAMIS@NanoINNOV teams have numerous internal and external collaborations (21 current collaborations within the Campus Paris-Saclay within distinct laboratories, many of them members of the NanoSaclay LabEx, ca. 40 collaborations with research French labs and more than 20 international active collaborations)
Equipments: IRAMIS@nanoINNOV is a multidisciplinary lab which addresses many aspects of modern nanosciences: synthesis of nano-objects (nanoparticles, nanotubes…), molecular, polymer and bio-inspired self-assembly, surface functionalization, nanodevices fabrication for the development of circuits with learning capabilities, study of nanoscale transport and novel architectures, toxicity of nano-objects. As such, it holds a full set of scientific tools and facilities for designing, synthesizing and studying matter at the nanoscale.
Synthesis: Experimental set-up for the synthesis of nanoparticles by laser pyrolysis, and growth of aligned carbon nanotubes by aerosol-assisted catalytic CVD; Supersonic beam machine for the expansion of silicon nanocrystals; + fully equipped organic synthesis and biochemistry labs.
Spectroscopy: XPS, UPS, light and atomic absorption, fluorescence, Raman, Liquid Surface IR, NMR
Analysis: Quartz micro-balance, full electrochemical set-ups, contact angle measurement, profilometry, thermogravimetry, Zeta meters, Rheometer, Porosity analyzer, Gas and liquids chromatography, BET, Cryogenic granulation, Small angle x-ray scattering (SAXS) and ultra-small angle x-ray scattering (USAXS), Light scattering
Microscopy: 4 SEM including 1 SEM-FEG with EDX analysis and 1 SEM equipped for e-beam lithography, Confocal microscope, Brewster angle microscope, 5 AFM-EFM, SECM, IR imaging
Electrical measurements: including low temperature, high frequency and optoelectronic measurements
Besides, IRAMIS@NanoINNOV is partner within the TEMPOS project. IRAMIS@NanoINNOV-C2N is a consortium from CEA/IRAMIS intended to join NanoINNOV. It is thus associated with the IRT SystemX for its technology transfer activities. It is also associated with the IEED "Claire" for its activities in the sensor domain (LIMPID Lab.), and with the IEED Photovoltaics through its long-term collaboration with the LPICM on hybrid PV cells.
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