Afs-elhs early life history of fishes bibliography

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Ehrenbaum, E. 1904. Eier und Larven von Fischen der Deutschen Bucht. III. Fische mit festsitzenden Eiern (in German). Wiss. Meeresunt ers. Kiel (Abt. Helgol.) N.F. 6(2):127-200.
Ehrenbaum, E., and S. Strodtmann. 1904. Eier und Jugendformen der Ostseefische. I. Bericht. Wiss. Meeresunters., Abt. Helgoland, No. 1:59-126.
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Ehrenbaum, E. 1905. Eier und Larven von Fischen. I. Nordisches Plankton. Neudruck A. Ascher & Co., Amsterdam, 216 pp.
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Ehrenbaum, E. 1911. Die Plattfischlarven de Nordsee und benachbarter Gewasser, nach Zeit und Ort ihres Vorkommens. Rapp. P.-v. Reun. Cons. perm. int. Explor. Mer 13:1-22.
Ehrenbaum, E. 1921. Ueber die Makrele, Laichverhaltnisse- und Jugendformen, Nahrung, und Feinde. Helgolander wiss. Meeresunters. (1923-30), 15(2):1-30, figs. 1-7.
Ehrenbaum, E. 1923. The mackerel. Spawning - larval and postlarval forms - age groups - food - enemies. Rapp. P.-v. Reun. Cons. perm. int. Explor. Mer 30:1-37.
Ehrenbaum, E. 1924. Scombriformes. Rep. Dan. oceanogr. Exped. mediterr. 2(8) (Biology):1-42. In German. Part. transl., pp. 1-11 and 31-42 not trans. Transl. available from U.S. Int. Engl. Transl of Fish. literature, Misc. Ser. No. 112.
Ehrenbaum, E. 1929. [Pleuronectes limanda]. In: Faune Ichthyologique de l'Atlantique Nord. J. Cons. perm. int. Explor. Mer, No. 2, 2 pp.
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Ehrenbaum, E. 1964. Eiren und Larven von Fischen des Nordisches Plankton. Neudruck A. Asker and Co., Amsterdam. 413 pp.
Ehrlich, K. F., and D. A. Farris. 1970. Effect of temperature on numbers of myomeres in newly hatched grunion ([Leuresthes tenuis]). Copeia 1970(4):774-775.
Ehrlich, K. F., and D. A. Farris. 1971. Some influences of temperature on the development of the grunion, [Leuresthes tenuis] (Ayres). California Fish and Game 57(1):58-68.
Ehrlich, K. F. 1972. Morphological, behavioral and chemical changes during growth and starvation of herring and plaice larvae. Ph.D. Diss., Univ. Stirling, Scotland.
Ehrlich, K. F., and D. A. Farris. 1972. Some influences of temperature on the rearing of the grunion, [Leuresthes tenuis], an atherine fish. Mar. Biol. 12(4):267-271.
Ehrlich, K. F. 1973. Chemical change during growth and starvation of larval [Pleuronectes platessa]. Mar. Biol. 24(1):39-48.
Ehrlich, K. F. 1974. Chemical changes during growth and starvation of herring larvae, p. 32. In: Rep. of intl. symp. on early life history of fish. FAO Fish. Rep. No. 141. 58 pp.
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Ehrlich, K. F., J. H. S. Blaxter, and R. Pemberton. 1976. Morphological and histological changes during the growth and starvation of herring and plaice larvae. Mar. Biol. 35(2):105-118.
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Ehrlich, K. F., and G. Muszynski. 1981. The relationship between temperature-specific yolk utilization and temperature selection of larval grunion. Rapp. P.-v. Reun. Cons. int. Explor. Mer 178:312-313.
Ehrlich, K. F., and G. Muszynski. 1982. Effects of temperature on interactions of physiological and behavioral capacities of larval California grunion: adaptations to the planktonic environment. J. Exp. Mar. Biol. Ecol. 60:223-244.
Eigenmann, C. H. 1890. On the egg membranes and micropyle of some osseous fishes. Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool. Harv. 19(2):129-154.
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Eigenmann, C. H. 1901. The egg and development of the conger eel. U.S. Fish. Comm. Bull. 21. 37-44.
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Eilertsen, H. C., and O. Holm-Hansen. 1998. A simple algorithm PAR/UVR-carbon photosynthesis inhibition model used to compute the influence of normal and enhanced UVR levels on phytoplankton primary production and cod larvae. Submitted Polar Res.
Eilertsen, H. C., and T. Wyatt. 1999. Adding life history strategies to phytoplankton models: some field data reviewed and model examples. In press S. Afr. J. Mar. Sci.
Einarsson, H. 1949. Eggs and larvae, Iceland. The beginning of spring-spawning in Faxa Bay southern coastal waters. Ann. Biol. 4(1947):34.
Einarsson, H. 1951. The post-larval stages of sand-eels (Ammodytidae) in Faroe, Iceland and West Greenland waters. Acta nat. islandica 1(7):5-75.
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Einarsson, H. 1956. Frequency and distribution of post-larval stages of herring, [Clupea harengus] L., in Icelandic waters. Rit Fiskideilar 11:1-39.
Einarsson, H. 1960. The fry of [Sebastes] in Icelandic waters and adjacent seas. Rit Fiskideild. 2(7), 67 pp.
Einarsson, H., and N. Gusturk. 1960. Abundance and distribution of eggs and larvae of the anchovy, [Engraulis encrasicholus ponticus], in the Black Sea. Hydrobiol. Univ. Istanbul, U72-94 (B).
Einarsson, H. 1961. The fry of [Sebastes] in Icelandic waters and adjacent seas. Rapp. P.-v. Reun. Cons. perm. int. Explor. Mer 150:199-215.
Einarsson, H. 1961. Larval studies and larval distribution. Rapp. P.-v. Reun. Cons. perm. int. Explor. Mer 150:167-168.
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Einarsson, H., and B. R. de Mendiola. 1963. Description of eggs and larvae of anchovy, [Engraulis] [ringens]. Bol. Inst invest. Recursos mar. Peru 1:1-23.
Einarsson, H., and B. R. de Mendiola. 1966. El desove de la anchoveta, [Engraulis ringens] J., en aguas peruanas durante ario Latino-americano sobre el Oceano Pacifico Oriental, Lima. Contr. Inst. Mar. Peru (21):1-7.
Einarsson, H., and B. R. de Mendiola. 1967. An attempt to estimate annual spawning intensity of the anchovy, [Engraulis ringens] J., by means of regional egg and larval surveys during 1961-64. California Coop. Oceanic Fish. Invest. Rep. 11:96-109.
Einarsson, H., and G. C. Williams. 1968. Plankton, fish eggs of Flaxafloi, southwest Iceland 1948-1957. Rit Fiskideild 4(5):3-15.
Einsele, W. 1963. Problems of fish-larvae survival in nature and the rearing of economically important middle European freshwater fishes. California Coop. Oceanic Fish. Invest. Rep. 10:24-30.
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Eisler, R. 1957. Some effects of artificial light on salmon eggs and larvae. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 87:151-162.
Eisler, R. 1957. The influence of light on the early growth of chinook salmon. Growth 21(3):197-203.
Eisler, R. 1961. Effect of visible radiation on salmonid embryos and larvae. Growth 25:281-346.
Eisler, R., and G. W. Kissil. 1975. Toxicities of crude oils and oil-dispersant mixtures to juvenile rabbitfish, [Siganus rivulatus]. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 104:571-578.
Eisler, R., and R. C. Simon. 1961. Destruction of salmon larvae by [Hydra oligactis]. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 90(3):329-332.
Ekengren, B., and G. Fridberg. 1969. Innervation of the pituitary of newly hatched spawn of the teleost fish, [Leuciscus rutilus]. Gen. Comp. Endocr. 13(3):503.
Eklund, M. W., M. E. Peterson, T. T. Poysky, L. W. Peck, and J. F. Conrad. 1982. Botulism in juvenile coho salmon, [Oncorhynchus] [kisutch], in the United States. Aquaculture 27(1):1-12.
El Zarka, S., and F. Kamel. 1967. Mullet fry transplant - its contribution to the fish of inland brackish lakes in the United Arab Republic. Proc. Tech. Pap. Gen. Fish. Counc. Medit. 8:209-226.
El-Mughraby, A. M., M. T. Hashem, and H. M. El-Sedfy. 1974. Species composition of the mullet fry in Lake Borallas. Bull. Inst. Ocean Fish., A. R. E. 4:3-31.
El-Toubi, M. R. 1947. The development of the spiracular cartilages of the spiny dogfish, [Acanthias vulgaris] ([Squalus] [acanthias]). Biol. Bull. 93:287-295.
El-Toubi, M. R. 1949. The development of the chondrocranium of the spiny dogfish, [Acanthias vulgaris] ([Squalus acanthias]). I. Neurocranium, mandibular and hyoid arches J. Morph. 84:227-279.
El-Zarka, S., A. H. Shaheen, and A. A. El-Aleem. 1970. Reproduction of [Tilapia nilotica] L. Bull. Inst. Oceanogr. Fish., Cairo, 1:193-204.
El-Zarka, S., A. M. El-Maghraby, and K. Abdel-Hamid. 1970. Studies on the distribution, growth, and abundance of migrating fry and juveniles of mullet in brackish coastal lake Edku in the United Arab Republic. Stud. Rev. Gen. Fish. Counc. Medit. 46:19 pp.
Elder, J. A., J. W. Icanberry, D. J. Smith, D. G. Henriet, and C. E. Steitz. 1979. Assessment of a large-capacity fish pump for sampling ichthyoplankton for power-plant entrainment studies. California Coop. Oceanic Fish. Invest. 20:143-145.
Elder, R. D. 1976. Studies on age and growth, reproduction, and population dynamics of red gurnard, [Chelidonichthys] [dumu] (Lesson and Garnot), in the Hauraki Gulf, New Zealand. N.Z. Minist. Agric. fish., Fish. Res. Bull. No. 12, 77 pp.
Eldon, G. A. 1971. Suspected terrestrial deposition of eggs by [Neochanna apoda] Gunther (Pisces: Salmoniformes: Galaxiidae). J. Fish. Biol. 3(2):247-249.
Eldon, G. A. 1979. Breeding, growth, and aestivation of the Canterbury mudfish, [Neochanna burrowsius] (Salmoniformes). New Zealand J. Mar. Freshw. Res. 13(3):331-346.
Eldred, B. 1966. Larval ladyfish, [Elops saurus] Linnaeus 1766 (Elopidae), in Florida and adjacent waters. Florida Bd. Cons. Mar. Lab. Leafl Sr. IV(1):1-6.
Eldred, B. 1966. The early development of the spotted worm eel, [Myrophis punctatus] Lutken (Ophichthidae). Florida Bd. Cons. Mar. Res. Lab. leafl. Ser. IV, pt. 1(1):13 pp.
Eldred, B., and W. Lyons. 1966. Larval ladyfish, [Elops saurus] Linnaeus 1766, in Florida and adjacent waters. Florida Bd. Cons. Mar. Res. Lab. Leafl. Ser. IV(1), No. 2, 4 pp.
Eldred, B. 1967. Larval bonefish, [Albula vulpes] (Linnaeus, 1758) (Albulidae) in Florida and adjacent waters. Florida Bd. Cons. Mar. Res. Lab. Leafl. Ser. IV, Part 1(3):4 p.
Eldred, B. 1967. Larval tarpon, [Megalops atlanticus] Valenciennes (Megalopidae), in Florida waters. Florida Bd. Cons. Mar. Res. Lab. Leafl. Ser. IV, Part 1(4): 9 pp.
Eldred, B. 1967. Eel larvae, [Leptocephalus tuberculatus] Castle 1965 (Moringuidae), in south Atlantic waters. Florida Bd. Cons. Mar. Res. Lab. Leafl. Ser. IV, pt. 1(1), No. 5, 4 pp.
Eldred, B. 1968. The eel larva, [Leptocephalus moringua edwardsi] (Jordan and Bollman, 1889) (Moringuidae), in the Florida straits. Florida Bd. Cons. Mar. Res. Lab. Leafl. Ser. IV, Pt. 1(1): No. 6.
Eldred, B. 1968. First record of a larval tarpon, [Megalops] [atlanticus] Valenciennes, from the Gulf of Mexico. Florida Bd. Cons. Mar. Res. Lab. Leafl. Ser. IV, pt. 1(7):12 pp.
Eldred, B. 1968. Larvae and glass eels of the American freshwater eel, [Anguilla rostrata] (LeSueur, 1817), in Florida waters. Florida Bd. Cons. Mar. Res. Lab. Leafl. Ser. IV, pt. 1(9), 4 pp.
Eldred, B. 1968. The larval development and taxonomy of the pygmy moray eel, [Anarchias yoshiae] Kanazawa 1952. Florida Bd. Cons. Mar. Res. Lab. Leafl. Ser. IV, Pt. 1(10):8 pp.
Eldred, B. 1969. Embryology and larval development of the blackedge moray, [Gymnothorax nigromarginatus] (Girard, 1859). Florida Bd. Cons. Mar. Res. Lab. Leafl. Ser IV, Pt. 1(13):6 pp.
Eldred, B. 1970. Larvae of the green moray, [Gymnothorax funebris]. Florida Dept. Nat. Res., Div. Mar. Res., Mar. Res. Lab., Leafl. Ser. IV (6):4 pp.
Eldred, B. 1970. Larva of the spotted moray, [Gymnothorax morenger] (Cuv. 1829). Florida Dept. Nat. Res., Div. Mar. Res., Mar. Res. Lab., Leafl. Ser. IV (15):10 pp.
Eldred, B. 1971. First records of [Anguilla rostrata] larvae in the Gulf of Mexico and Yucatan straits. Florida Bd. Cons. Mar. Res. Lab. Leafl. Ser. IV, Pt. 1 (19):4 pp.
Eldred, B. 1972. Note on larval tarpon, [Megalops atlanticus] (Megalopidae), in the Florida straits. Florida Bd. Cons. Mar. Res. Lab. Leafl. Ser. IV, Pt. 1 (22):1-5.
Eldridge, D. J., F. H. Berry, and M. C. Miller, III. 1977. Test results of the Boothbay neuston net related to net length, diurnal period, and other variables. South Carolina Mar. Res. Ctr. Tech. Rep. No. 18, 22 pp.
Eldridge, M. B. 1970. Larval fish survey of Humboldt Bay. M.S. Thesis, Humboldt State College, Arcata, CA, 52 pp.
Eldridge, M. B., and C. F. Bryan. 1970. An aid to the identification of some larval and prejuvenile fishes of Humboldt Bay. Humboldt St. College, Ms. Rep. 4 pp.
Eldridge, M. B., and C. F. Bryan. 1972. Larval fish survey of Humboldt Bay, CA. NOAA Tech. Rep. NMFS Spec. Sci. Rep. Fish. 665, 8 pp.
Eldridge, M. B. 1975. Early larvae of the diamond turbot, [Hypsopsetta] [guttulata]. California Fish and Game 61(1):26-34.
Eldridge, M. B. 1977. Factors influencing distribution of fish eggs and larvae over eight 24-hour samplings in Richardson Bay, California. California Fish and Game 63(2):101-116.
Eldridge, M. B., and T. Echeverria. 1977. Fate of 14-C-benzene (an aromatic hydrocarbon of crude oil) in a simple food chain of rotifers and Pacific herring larvae. Cal-Nev. Wildl. Trans. 1977:90-96.
Eldridge, M. B., D. J. King, and M. J. Bowers. 1977. Role of the oil globule in survival and growth of striped bass ([Morone saxatilis]) larvae. Proc. 57th Ann. Conf. Western Assoc. G & F Comm., 57:303-313.
Eldridge, M. B., T. Echeverria, and J. A. Whipple. 1977. Energetics of Pacific herring ([Clupea harengus] [pallasi]) embryos and larvae exposed to low concentrations of benzene, a monaromatic component of crude oil. Trans. Am. Fish. So c. 106(5):452-461.
Eldridge, M. B., T. Echeverria, and S. Kern. 1978. Fate of 14-C-benzene in eggs and larvae of Pacific herring ([Clupea harengus pallasi]). Journal of the Fisheries Research Board of Canada 35(6):861-865.
Eldridge, M. B., J. A. Whipple, D. Eng., and M. Bowers. 1978. Laboratory studies on factors affecting mortality in California striped bass ([Morone saxatilis]) eggs and larvae. Proc. 108th Ann. Mtg., Am. Fish. Soc., Kingston, RI.
Eldridge, M. B., J. A. Whipple, and D. Eng. 1979. Endogenous energy sources of striped bass ([Morone] [saxatilis]) eggs and larvae. Symp. on early life history of fish, Woods Hole, MA.
Eldridge, M. B., J. A. Whipple, and D. Eng. 1981. Endogenous energy sources as factors affecting mortality and development in striped bass ([Morone] [saxatilis]) eggs and larvae. Rapp. P.-v. Reun. Cons. Intl. Explor. Mer 178:568-570.
Eldridge, M. B., P. Benville, and J. Whipple. 1981. Physiologic responses of striped bass, [Morone] [saxatilis], embryos and larvae to low, sublethal concentrations of the aromatic hydrocarbon benzene. Proc. Gulf Caribb. Fish. Inst. 33:52-68.
Eldridge, M. B., J. A. Whipple, D. Eng, M. J. Bowers, and B. M. Jarvis 1981. Effects of food and feeding factors on laboratory reared striped bass larvae. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 110:111-120.
Eldridge, M. B., J. A. Whipple, and M. J. Bowers. 1982. Bioenergetics and growth of striped bass, [Morone] [saxatilis], embryos and larvae. U.S. NMFS Fish. Bull. 80:461-474.
Eldridge, M. B., J. D. Joseph, K. M. Taberski, and G. T. Seaborn. 1983. Lipid and fatty acid composition of the endogenous energy sources of striped bass ([Morone saxatilis]) eggs. Lipids 18:510-513.
Eldridge, P. J., F. H. Berry, and M. C. Miller, III. 1978. Diurnal variations in catches of selected species of ichthyoneuston by the Boothbay neuston net off Charleston, South Carolina. NOAA-NMFS Fish. Bull. 76(1):295-297.
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Ellertsen, B., P. Solemdal, S. Tilseth, and V. Oiestad. 1975. A study on survival and growth of fish larvae in a large basin, related to feeding conditions. ICES CM 1975/E:44. 19 pp.
Ellertsen, B., et al. 1976. The influence of light and food density on the feeding success in larvae of cod, [Gadus morhua] L., field and laboratory observations. ICES CM 1976/F:34. 31 pp.
Ellertsen, B., et al. 1977. Vertical distribution and feeding of cod larvae in relation to occurrence and size of prey organisms. ICES CM 1977/L:33. 22 pp.
Ellertsen, B., P. Moksness, P. Solemdal, T. Stromme, S. Tilseth, T. Westgard, and V. Oiestad. 1977. Vertical distribution and feeding of cod larvae in relation to occurrence and size of prey organisms. Int. Counc. Explor. Mer, C. M. 1977/L:33.
Ellertsen, B., et al. 1978. Feeding and vertical distribution of cod larvae in relation to availability of prey organisms. FiskDir. Skr. Ser. HavUnders. in press!
Ellertsen, B., et al. 1979. Growth and survival of cod larvae in an enclosure. Experiments and a mathematical model. ICES/ELH Symp.
Ellertsen, B., E. Moksness, P. Solemdal, S. Tilseth, T. Westgard, and V. Oiestad. 1979. Growth and survival of three larval populations of cod ([Gadus morhua] L.) in an enclosure. Symp. on early life history of fish, Woods Hole, MA.
Ellertsen, B., et al. 1980. Some aspects of the biology of eggs and larvae of cod, [Gadus morhua] L. Fisk. Dir. Skr. Ser. HavUnders 17:29-47.
Ellertsen, B., et al. 1981. Growth and survival of cod larvae in an enclosure. Experiments and a mathematical model. Rapp. P.-v. Reun. Cons. int. Explor. Mer 178:45-60.
Ellertsen, B., et al. 1981. Spawning period, transport, and dispersal of eggs from the spawning area of Arcto-Norwegian cod, [Gadus morhua] L.. Rapp. P.-v. Reun. Cons. int. Explor. Mer 178:260-267.
Ellertsen, B., P. Fossum, P. Solemdal, S. Sundby, and S. Tilseth. 1981. A case study on the distribution of cod larvae availability of prey organisms in relation to physical processes in Lofoten. Flodevigen Rapportser 1984(1):453-477.
Ellertsen, B., P. Solemdal, S. Sundby, S. Tilseth, T. Westgard, and V. Oiestad. 1981. Feeding and vertical distribution of cod larvae in relation to availability of prey organisms. Rapp. P.-v. Reun. Cons. int. Explor. Mer 178:317-319.
Ellertsen, B., P. Fossum, P. Solemdal, S. Sundby and S. Tilseth. 1987. The effect of biological and physical factors on the survival of arcto-Norwegian cod and the influence on recruitment variability. Pages 101-126 [in] H. Loeng, editor. Proceedings of the third Soviet-Norwegian Symposium, Murmansk, Institute of Marine Research, Bergen. 26-28 May 1986.
Ellertsen, B., P. Fossum, P. Solemdal and S. Sundby. 1989. Relation between temperature and survival of eggs and first-feeding larvae of northeast Arctic cod ([Gadus morhua] L.). Rapp. P. –v. Réun. Cons. Int. Explor. Mer. 191,209-219.
Ellien, C., E. Thiebaut, A. S. Barnay, J. C. Dauvin, F. Gentil, and J. C. Salomon. 2000. The influence of variability in larval dispersal on the dynamics of a marine metapopulation in the eastern Channel. Oceanologica Acta 23(4):423-442.
Elliott, E. M., C. O. Anderson, Jr., D. J. Brown, and E. A. Kouloheras. 1977. Ichthyoplankton found in Beverly-Salem Harbor, March 1975 through February 1976. Mass. Dept. Fish. Wildl. Recr. Vehicles, Div. Mar. Fish. Interim Rep. 85 pp.
Elliot, E. M., and I. M. Kushlan. 1980. Annotated bibliography on ichthyoplankton in Massachusetts Bay. Div. Mar. Fish., Mass. Dept. Fish., Wildl., and Recr. Veh.
Elliot, E. M., and D. Jimenez. 1981. Laboratory manual for the identification of ichthyoplankton from the Beverly-Salem Harbor area. Div. Mar. Fish., Mass. Dept. Fish., Wildl., and Recr. Veh.
Elliott, G. V. 1976. Diel activity and feeding of schooled largemouth bass fry. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 105(5):624-627.
Elliott, J. K., and W. C. Leggett. 1996. The effect of temperature on predation rates of a fish ([Gasterosteus aculeatus]) and a jellyfish ([Aurelia aurita]) on larval capelin ([Mallotus villosus]). Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 53:1393-1402.
Elliott, J. K., J. M. Elliott, and W. C. Leggett. 1997. Predation by Hydra on larval fish: field and laboratory experiments with bluegill ([Lepomis macrochirus]). Limnol. Oceanogr. 42:1416-1423.
Elliott, J. K ., and W. C. Leggett. 1997. The effect of temperature on size-dependent predation by a fish ([Gasterosteus aculeatus]) and a jellyfish ([Aurelia aurita]) on larval capelin ([Mallotus villosus]). Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 54: 2759-2766.
Elliott, J. K., and W. C. Leggett. 1998. Larval condition and vulnerability to predation: an analysis based on mixed-prey experiments. Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 55: 626-630.
Elliott, J. M. 1966. Downstream movements of trout fry, [Salmo trutta], in a Dartmoor stream. Journal of the Fisheries Research Board of Canada 23(1):157-159.
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Ellis, R. S. 1970. [Alloperla] stonefly nymphs: predators or scavengers on salmon eggs and alevins? Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 99:677-683.

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