Afs-elhs early life history of fishes bibliography

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Johnels, A. G. 1948. On the development and morphology of the skeleton of the head of [Petromyzon]. Acta. Zool., Stockh. 29:139-279.
Johnels, A. G. 1956. On the origin of the electric organ in [Malapterurus] [electricus]. Q. J. Microscopical Sci. 97(3):455-463.
Johns, D. M., and W. H. Howell. 1980. Yolk utilization in summer flounder ([Paralichthys] [dentatus]) embryos and larvae reared at two temperatures. Mar. Ecol. 2(1):1-8.
Johns, D. M., W. H. Howell, and G. Klein-MacPhee. 1981. Yolk utilization and growth to yolk-sac absorption in summer flounder ([Paralichthys dentatus]) larvae at constant and cyclic temperatures. Mar. Biol. 63:301-308.
Johns, P. R. 1981. Growth of fish retinas. Am. Zool. 21:447-459.
Johns, P. R. 1982. Formation of photoreceptors in larval and adult goldfish. J. Neurosci. 2:178-198.
Johnson, A. G., F. M. Utter, and H. O. Hodgins. 1975. Studies of the feasability of immunochemical methods for identification of pleuronectic eggs. J. Cons. int. Explor. Mer 36(2):158-161.
Johnson, A. G., T. D. Williams, and C. R. Arnold. 1977. Chlorine-induced mortality of eggs and larvae of spotted seatrout, [Cynoscion nebulosus]. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 106(5):466-469.
Johnson, A. G., T. D. Williams, J. F. Messinger, III, and C. R. Arnold. 1979. Larval spotted seatrout ([Cynoscion nebulosus]) A bioassay subject for the marine subtropics. Contr. Mar. Sci. 22:57-62.
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Johnson, D. W. 1968. Pesticides and fishes - a review of selected literature. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 97:398-424.
Johnson, D. W. 1975. Spawning behavior and strain tolerance of brook trout ([Salvelinus fontinalis], Mitchill) in acidified water. M.S. Thesis, Cornell Univ., Ithaca, NY. 100 pp.
Johnson, D. W., and I. Katavic. 1984. Mortality, growth, and swim bladder stress syndrome of sea bass, [Dicentrarchus labrax], larvae under varied environmental conditions. Aquaculture 38(1):67-78.
Johnson, D. W., and I. Katavic. 1986. Survival and growth of sea bass, [Dicentrarchus] [labrax], as influenced by temperature, salinity, and delayed initial feeding. Aquaculture 52(1):11-20.
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Johnson, F. H. 1961. Walleye egg survival during incubation on several types of bottom in Lake Winnibigoshish, Minnesota, and connecting waters. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 90(3):312-322.
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Johnson, G. D. 1978. Development of fishes of the Mid-Atlantic bight. IV. Carangidae through Ephippidae. U.S. Fish & Wildl. Serv., 314 pp.
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Johnson, H. E., and R. F. Brice. 1953. Effects of transportation on green eggs, and of water temperature during incubation, on the mortality of chinook salmon. Progressive Fish-Culturist 15(3):104-108.
Johnson, J. E. 1969. Reproduction, growth, and population dynamics of the threadfin shad, [Dorosoma petenense] (Gunther), in central Arizona reservoirs. Ph.D. Diss. Arizona St. Univ.
Johnson, J. E. 1971. Maturity and fecundity of threadfin shad, [Dorosoma] [petenense] (Gunther), in central Arizona reservoirs. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 100:74-85.
Johnson, J. E., and R. T. Hines. 1999. Effect of suspended sediment on vulnerability of young razorback suckers to predation. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 128(4):648-655.
Johnson, J. H., and N. H. Ringler. 1979. Predation on Pacific salmon eggs by salmonids in a tributary of Lake Ontario. J. Great Lakes Res. 5(2):177-181.
Johnson, J. R., and J. G. Loesch. 1983. Morphology and development of hatchery-cultured American shad, [Alosa sapidissima] (Wilson). Fish. Bull. 81(2):323-340.
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Johnson, L. R. 1982. Feeding chronology and daily ration of first feeding larval Hawaiian anchovy, [Stolephorus purpureus]. M. S. Thesis, Univ. Hawaii, Honolulu. 78 pp.
Johnson, M. G., and H. R. McCrimmon. 1967. Survival, growth, and reproduction of largemouth bass in southern Ontario ponds. Progressive Fish-Culturist 29(4):216-221.
Johnson, P. O. 1977. A review of spawning in the North Atlantic mackerel, [Scomber scombrus] L. Min. Agric. Food Fish. Res. Fish. Res. Tech. Rep. (Lowestoft). No. 37. 22 pp.
Johnson, R. K. 1971. Family Scopelarchidae. Ph.D Diss., Scripps Inst. Oceanogr., La Jolla, CA.
Johnson, R. K. 1972. Production and distribution of fish eggs and larvae in the Elk River and Delaware Canal. Rep. #5, Nat. Res. Inst. Ches. Biol. Lab., Univ. Maryland. 45 pp.
Johnson, R. K. 1972. Production of fish eggs and larvae in the Elk River and the Delaware Canal. Ches. Biol. Lab. Ref. 72-16.
Johnson, R. K. 1973. Production and distribution of fish eggs and larvae in the Chesapeake and Delaware Canal. [In] Hydrographic and ecological effects of enlargement of the Chesapeake and Delaware Canal. U.S. Army Corps Eng., Contr. No. DACW-61-71-C-0062. 143 pp.
Johnson, R. K., and T. S. Y. Koo. 1973. Production and distribution of striped bass eggs in the Chesapeake and Delaware Canal. In: Hydrographic and ecological effects of enlargement of the Chesapeake and Delaware Canal. U.S. Army Corps Eng., Contr. No. DACW-61-71-C-0062, 40 pp.
Johnson, R. K. 1974. A [Macristium] larva from the Gulf of Mexico with additional evidence for the synonymy of [Macristium] with [Bathysaurus] (Myctophiformes, Bathysauridae). Copeia 1974(4):973-977.
Johnson, R. K. 1975. Production and distribution of striped bass ([Morone] [saxatilis]) eggs in the Chesapeake and Delaware Canal. Ches. Sci. 16(1):39-55.
Johnson, R. K. 1984. Evermannellidae: development and relationships. Pages 250-253 [in] H. G. Moser et al., editors. Ontogeny and systematics of fishes. Special Publication No. 1, American Society of Ichthyologists and Herpetologists. Lawrence, Kansas.
Johnson, R. K. 1984. Giganturidae: development and relationships. Pages 199-201 [in] H. G. Moser et al., editors. Ontogeny and systematics of fishes. Special Publication No. 1, American Society of Ichthyologists and Herpetologists. Lawrence, Kansas.
Johnson, R. K. 1984. Scopelarchidae: development and relationships. Pages 245-249 [in] H. G. Moser et al., editors. Ontogeny and systematics of fishes. Special Publication No. 1, American Society of Ichthyologists and Herpetologists. Lawrence, Kansas.
Johnson, R. P. 1963. Life history and ecology (including spawning and reproduction) of bigmouth buffalofish, [Ictiobus] [cyprinellus]. Journal of the Fisheries Research Board of Canada 20:1397-1429.
Johnson, R. S. 1916. The distribution of fish and fish eggs during the fiscal year 1915. Appl. 1. U.S. Commn. Fish. Ann. Rep. 1915, Bur. Fish. Doc. 828, 138 pp.
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Johnson, W. E. 1956. On the distribution of young sockeye salmon ([Oncorhynchus nerka]) in Babin and Nilkitwa Lakes, British Columbia. Journal of the Fisheries Research Board of Canada 13(5):695-708.
Johnson, W. E. 1965. On mechanisms of self-regulation of population abundance in [Oncorhynchus nerka]. Mitt. int. Verein. theor. angew. Limnol. 13:66-87.
Johnston, D. D., and D. J. Wildish. 1982. Effect of suspended sediment on feeding by larval herring ([Clupea harengus harengus] L.). Bull. Environ. Contam. Tox. 29:261-267.
Johnston, J. M. 1972. Tolerance of juvenile sockeye salmon and zooplankton to selective squawfish toxicant 1,1-methylene di-2-napthol. Progressive Fish-Culturist 34(3):122-125.
Johnston, P. M. 1951. The embryonic history of the germ cells of the largemouth bass, [Micropterus salmoides], in Maine (Lacepede). J. Morphol. 88:472-542.
Johnston, P. M. 1953. The embryonic development of the swim bladder of the largemouth black bass, [Micropterus salmoides] [salmoides] (Lacepede). J. Morph. 93:45-67.
Johnston, T. A., M. N. Gaboury, and R. A. Janusz. 1995. Larval fish drift in the Valley River, Manitoba: influence of abiotic and biotic factors, and relationships with future year-class strengths. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 52:2423-2431.
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Johnstone, J. 1908. Density of fish-eggs and larvae. Pages 167-171 [in] Conditions of life in the sea. Cambridge Biol. Ser., England.
Johnstone, R., D. J. McIntosh, and R. S. Wright. 1983. Elimination of orally administered 17 alpha-methyltestosterone by [Oreochromis mossambicus] and [Salmo gairdneri] juveniles. Aquaculture 35(3):249-258.
Jolley, J. W., Jr. 1977. The biology and fishery of Atlantic sailfish, [Istiophorus plathpterus], from southeast Florida. Florida Mar. Res. Publ. No. 28. 31 pp.
Jollie, M. 1971. Some developmental aspects of the head skeleton of the 35-37 mm [Squalus acanthias] foetus. J. Morph. 133(1):17-40.
Jollie, M. 1975. Development of the head skeleton and pectoral girdle in [Esox]. J. Morph. 147:61-88.
Jollie, M. 1980. Development of head and pectoral girdle skeleton and scales in [Acipenser]. Copeia 1980(2):226-249.
Jollie, M. 1984. Development of cranial and pectoral girdle bones of [Lepisosteus] with a note on scales. Copeia 1984:476-502.
Jollie, M. 1984. Development of the head and pectoral skeleton of [Polypterus] with a note on scales (Pisces: Actinopterygii). Journal of Zoology 204(part 4):469-508.
Jollie, M. 1984. Development of the head skeleton and pectoral girdle of salmons, with a note on the scales. Canadian Journal of Zoology 62(9):1757-1778.
Jollie, W. P., and L. G. Jollie. 1965. Fine structural accomodations for materno-foetal exchange in [Squalus acant hias]. Bull. Mt. Desert Isl. Biol. Lab. 5:20-22.
Jollie, W. P., and L. G. Jollie. 1967. Electron microscope observations on the yolk sac of the spiny dogfish, [Squalus acanthias]. J. Ultrastruct. Res. 18(1/2):102-126.
Jollie, W. P., and L. O. Jollie. 1964. The fine structure of the ovarian follicle of the ovo-viviparous poeciliid fish, [Lebistes] [reticulatus]. II. Formation of the follicular pseudoplacenta. J. Morph. 114:503-525.
Jones, A. 1970. Some aspects of the biology of the turbot ([Scophthalmus maximus] L.) with special reference to feeding and gro wth in the juvenile stage. Ph.D Diss., Univ. East Anglia.
Jones, A. 1972. Studies on egg development and larval rearing of turbot, [Scophthalmus maximus] L., and brill [Scophthalmus rhombus] L., in the laboratory. J. Mar. Biol. Assoc. U.K. 52:965-986.
Jones, A. 1973. The ecology of young turbot, [Scophthalmus maximus] (L.) at Borth, Cardiganshire, Wales. J. Fish. Biol. 5(3):367-384.
Jones, A. 1981. Rearing and aquaculture: an overview. Rapp. P.-v. Reun. Cons. int. Explor. Mer 178:483-484.
Jones, A., R. A. Prickett, and M. T. Douglas. 1981. Recent developments in techniques for rearing marine flatfish larvae, particularly turbot, [Scophthalmus] [maximus]L., on a pilot com mercial scale. Rapp. P.-v. Reun. Cons. int. Explor. Mer 178:522-526.
Jones, A. C. 1962. The biology of the euryhaline fish, [Leptocottus] [armatus armatus] Girard (Cottidae). Univ. Calif. Publs Zool. 67:321-368.
Jones, A. C. 1972. Contributions to the life history of the piute sculpin in Sagehen Creek, California. California Fish and Game 58(4):285-290.
Jones, A. C., R. Alderson, and B. R. Howel. 1974. Progress toward the development of a successful rearing technique for larvae of the turbot ([Scophthalmus maximus]), p. 38. In: Rep. intl. symp. on early life history of fish. FAO Fish. Rep., 141, 58 pp.
Jones, A. J. 1972. The early development of substrate-brooding cichlids (Teleosti: Cichlidae) with a discussion of a new system of staging. J. Morph. 136(3):255-272.
Jones, B. C. 1972. Effect of intertidal exposure on survival and embryonic development of Pacific herring spawn. Journal of the Fisheries Research Board of Canada 29(8):1119-1124.
Jones, B. C. 1976. Feeding, growth, and reproduction of spiny dogfish ([Squalus acanthias] L.) in British Columbia waters. Ph.D Diss., Simon Fraser Univ. 150 pp.
Jones, B. C., and G. H. Geen. 1977. Reproduction and embryonic development of spiny dogfish ([Squalus acanthias]) in the Strait of Georgia. Journal of the Fisheries Research Board of Canada 34(9):1286-1292.
Jones, C. 1983. The otolith increment aging technique: application in larval fish. Ph.D Diss., Univ. Rhode Island, Kingston, RI.
Jones, C. 1985. Within season differences in growth of larval Atlantic herring, [Clupea harengus harengus]. Fish. Bull. 83(3):289-298.
Jones, C. 1986. Determining age of larval fish with the otolith increment technique. Fish. Bull. 84(1):91-104.
Jones, C., and E.B. Brothers. 1987. Validation of the otolith increment aging technique for striped bass, [Morone saxatilis], larvae reared under suboptimal feeding conditions. Fish. Bull., U.S. 85:171-178.
Jones, D., and D. H. Lewis. 1976. Gas bubble disease in fry of channel catfish ([Ictalurus punctatus]). Progressive Fish-Culturist 38(1):41.
Jones, G. G., and M. A. Tabery. 1980. Larval development of the banded killifish ([Fundulus diapha nus]) with notes on the distribution in the Hudson River estuary. Pages 25-25 [in] L. A. Fuiman, editor. Proc. fourth annual larval fish conf., U.S. Fish. Wildl. Serv., Biol. Serv. Prog., Natl.
Jones, G. P. 1987. Competitive interactions among adults and juveniles in a coral reef fish. Ecology 68:1534-1547.
Jones, G. P. 1997. Relationships between recruitment and postrecruitment processes in lagoonal populations of two coral reef fishes. J. Exp. Mar. Biol. Ecol. 213:231-246.
Jones, G. P., P. J. Doherty, B. D. Mapstone, and L. Howlett. 1998. Editors. ReeFish ’95: Recruitment and Population Dynamics of Coral Reef Fishes. CRC Reef Research Centre Townsville; Australia, 297 pp.
Jones, G. P., M. J. Milicich, M. J. Emslie, and C. Lunow. 1999. Self-recruitment in a coral reef fish population. Nature 402:802-804.
Jones, I. W., and C. H. Copper. 1965. An accurate photo-electric egg counter using a jet pump. Progressive Fish-Culturist 27(1):52-54.
Jones, J. R. E. 1964. The effects of pollution on fish eggs. Pages 186-193 [in] J. R. E. Jones, editor. Fish and river pollution. Butterworths, London. 203 pp.
Jones, J. W., and G. M. King. 1949. Experimental observations on the spawning behavior of the Atlantic salmon ([Salmo salar] Linn.). Proc. Zool. Soc. London. 119:33-48.
Jones, J. W., and G. M. King. 1950. Further experimental observations on the spawning behavior of the Atlantic salmon ([Salmo salar] Linn.). Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond. 120:317-323.
Jones, J. W. 1959. The spawning behavior of the salmon. New Scientist 6:122-123.
Jones, M. P., F. G. T. Holliday, and A. E. G. Dunn. 1966. The ultra-structure of the epidermis of larvae of the herring ([Clupea harengus]) in relation to the rearing salinity. J. Mar. Biol. Assoc. U.K. 46:235-239.
Jones, P. W., F. D. Martin, and J. D. Hardy, Jr. 1978. Development of fishes of the Mid-Atlantic Bight. An atlas of egg, larval and juvenile stages. Vol. I. Acipenseridae through Ictaluridae. U.S. Fish Wildl. Serv., FWS/OBS-78-12, Ann Arbor, MI. 336 pp.
Jones, R. 1948. An artificial fertilization of herring off Laxey Bay. Ann. Rep. Mar. Biol. Stn Port Erin 58-60:38 pp.
Jones, R. 1973. Density dependent regulation of the numbers of cod and haddock. Rapp. P.-v. Reun. Cons. int. perm. Explor. Mer 164:212-230.
Jones, R. 1981. Simulation studies of the larval stage and conclusions relating to the first year of life with particular reference to the haddock. Rapp. P.-v. Reun. Cons. int. Explor. Mer 178:15-16.
Jones, R. O. 1962. Tolerance of the fry of common warm-water fishes to some chemicals employed in fish culture. Proc. 16th Ann. Conf. S. E. Assoc. G & F Comms. 16:436-445.
Jones, R. S. 1962. A new spawning area for [Istiophorus albicans] and the capture of two postlarval istiophorids from the Texas coast. Copeia 1962(2):453.
Jones, R. T. 1970. Effects of temperature and salinity on osmoregulation of developing spiny dogfish ([Squalus acant hias]) embryos. M.S. Thesis, Univ. of Delaware. 48 pp.
Jones, R. T., and K. S. Price. 1974. Osmotic responses of spiny dogfish ([Squalus] [acanthias] L.) embryos to temperature and salinity stress. Comp. Biochem. Physiol. 47(3A):971-979.
Jones, R. W. 1939. Analysis of the development of fish embryos by means of the mitotic index. V. The process of early differentiation of organism [Fundulus heteroclitus]. Trans. Am. Micro. Soc. 58(1):1-23.
Jones, R. W., and M. N. Huffman. 1957. Fish embryos as bio-assay material in testing chemicals for effects on cell division and differentiation. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 76:177-183.
Jones, R., and W. B. Hall. 1954. Observations on the population dy namics of the larval stage in common gadoids. Page 39 [in] Report of the international symposium on the early life history of fish. FAO Fish Rep. No. 141. 58 pp.
Jones, R., and W. B. Hall. 1973. A simulation model for studying the population dynamics of some fish species. Pages 35-39 [in] M. S. Bartlett and R. W. Hiorns, editors. The mathematical theory of the dynamics of biological populations. Academic Press, London, 347 pp.
Jones, R., and W. B. Hall. 1974. Some observations on the population dynamics of the larval stage in the common gadoids. Pages 87-109 [in] J. H. S. Blaxter, editor. The Early Life History of Fish: the proceedings of an international symposium held at the Dunstaffnage Marine Res. Lab. of Scottish Marine Biol. Assoc. at Oban, Scotland, from May 17-23, 1973. Springer-Verlag, N.Y., 765 pp.
Jones, S. 1937. Observations on the breeding habits and development of certain brackish water fishes of Adyar, Madras. Proc. Indian Acad. Sci. Sect. B 5:261-289.
Jones, S. 1937. On the origin and development of the cement glands in [Etropus maculatus] (Bloch). Proc. Indian Acad. Sci. 6(4):251-261.
Jones, S. 1938. On the breeding habits and development of a cyprinid, [Dania (Danio) malabaricus] (Jerdon) in Ceylon. Ceylon J. Sci. 6C:79-90.
Jones, S. 1938. External features in the embryonic development of a Ceylon mountain carp, [Garra ceylonensis ceylonensis] (Bleeker). Ceylon J. Sci. 6C:91-98.
Jones, S. 1939. On the external gills of [Acentrogobius] [viridipunctatus] (Day). Proc. Indian Acad. Sci. 9(5):256-266.
Jones, S. 1940. Notes on the breeding habits and early development of [Macropodus cupanus] (Cuv. et Val.) with special reference to the cement glands of the early larvae. Rec. Indian Mus. 42(2):269-276.
Jones, S., and T. J. Job. 1940. Notes on the early stages in the development of the Deccan killifish, [Aplocheilus lineatus] (Cuv. et Val.). J. Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc. 42:203-206.
Jones, S. 1941. Larval development of [Garra ceylonensis ceylonensis] (Bleeker). Records of the Indian Museum 43(2):117-120.
Jones, S. 1944. On the occurrence of diapause in the eggs of Indian cyprinodonts. Curr. Sci. 13(4):107-108.
Jones, S. 1946. Breeding and development of Indian fresh-water and brackish water fishes. Part I. J. Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc. 46(2):317-336.
Jones, S. 1946. Breeding and development of Indian fresh-water and brackish water fishes. Part II. J. Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc. 46(3):453-471.
Jones, S. 1950. A note on the terminology of the early developmental stages of fishes. Journal of Zoology Soc. India 2:39-41.
Jones, S. 1950. Bibliography of the breeding habits and development of fishes of inland waters of India. Journal of Zoology Soc. India 2(2):109-125.
Jones, S., and M. Kumaran. 1950. Spawning habits and development of the Gangetic anchovy, [Setipinna phasa] (Hamilton). Curr. Sci. 19:25.
Jones, S., and P. M. G. Menon. 1950. Spawning of [Hilsa ilisha] (Ham.) in the Hooghly River. Sci. Cult. 15(11):443-444.
Jones, S. 1951. Bibliography of breeding habits and development of of estuarine and marine fishes of India. Journal of Zoology Soc India 3(1):121-139.
Jones, S., and M. Kumaran. 1951. Notes on the bionomics and developmental stages of some Indian flatfishes. Journal of Zoology Soc. India 3:71-83.
Jones, S., and P. M. G. Menon. 1951. Observations on the life history of the Indian shad, [Hilsa ilisha] (Hamilton). Proc. Indian Acad. Sci. 33(3):101-125.
Jones, S. 1952. A bibliography of the Indian shad, [Hilsa ilisha] (Ham.). Journal of Zoology Soc. India 4(1):89-99.
Jones, S., and M. Kumaran. 1952. Observations on the development and systematics of the fishes of the genus [Coilia] Gray. Journal of Zoology Soc. India 4:17-36.
Jones, S., and P. M. G. Menon. 1952. Observations on the bionomics, development and fishery of the Gangetic anchovy, [Setipinna phasa] (Hamilton). Journal of Zoology Soc. India 3(2):323-333.
Jones, S., and V. R. Pantulu. 1952. On the metamorphosing stages of the talabon eel, [Muraenesox talabon] (C antor), with descriptions of some Leptocephali from the estuaries of Bengal and Orissa. J. Asiat. Soc. Sci. 18(2):129-140, ill.
Jones, S., and P. M. G. Menon. 1953. Notes on the breeding habits and developmental stages of some estuarine fishes. Journal of Zoology Soc. India 5(2):255-267.
Jones, S., and V. R. Pantulu. 1955. On some ophichthid larvae from the Indian coastal waters. Indian J. Fish. 2(1):57-66.
Jones, S. 1958. Notes on eggs, larvae and juveniles of fishes from Indian waters. 1. [Xiphias gladius] Linnaeus. Indian J. Fish. 5:357-361.
Jones, S., and V. B. Pantulu. 1958. On some larval and juvenile fishes from the Bengal and Orissa coasts. Indian J. Fish. 5:118-143.
Jones, S. 1959. Notes on eggs, larvae and juveniles of fishes from Indian waters. II. [Istiophorus gladius] (Brous.). Indian J. Fish. 6:204-210.
Jones, S. 1959. On a juvenile sail-fish, [Istiophorus gladius] (Brouss.), from the Laccadive Sea. J. Mar. Biol. Assoc. India 1(2):255-256.
Jones, S. 1960. Notes on eggs, larvae and juveniles of fishes from Indian waters - III. [Katsuwonus pelamis] (L.) and IV. [Neothunnus macropterus] (Temminck and Schlegel). Indian J. Fish. 6(2):360-373.
Jones, S. 1960. Notes on eggs, larvae and juveniles of fishes from Indian waters. V. [Euthynnus affinis] (Cantor). Indian J. Fish. 7:101-106.
Jones, S. 1960. On the snake mackerel, [Gempylus serpens] Cuv., from the Laccadive Sea. J. Mar. Biol. Assoc. India 2(1):85-88.
Jones, S. 1961. Note on eggs, larvae, and juveniles of fish from Indian waters. VI. Genus [Auxis] Cuv. VII. [Sarda] [orientalis] (Temm. et Sch.). Indian J. Fish. 7(2):337-347.
Jones, S. 1961. Notes on eggs, larvae, and juveniles of fishes from Indian waters. XI. Further observations on the genus [Auxis] Cuv. Indian J. Fish. 8(2):413-421.
Jones, S. 1962. Notes on eggs, larvae and juveniles of fishes from Indian waters. XIV. Further notes on [Xiphias gladius] L. Indian J. Fish. 9(2):525-529.

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