Afs-elhs early life history of fishes bibliography

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Kelso, J. R. M., and G. S. Milburn. 1979. Entrainment and impingement of fish by power plants in the Great Lakes which use the once-through cooling process. J. Great Lakes Res. 5:182-194.
Kelso, J. R. M., and J. K. Leslie. 1979. Entrainment of larval fish by the Douglas Point Generating Station, Lake Huron, in relation to seasonal succession and distribution. Journal of the Fisheries Research Board of Canada 36:37-41.
Kemp, A. 1979. The histology of tooth formation in the Australian lungfish, [Neoceratodus forsteri] Krefft. Zool. J. Linn. Soc. 66(3):251-288.
Kemp, A. 1981. Rearing of embryos to larvae of the Australian lumpfish under laboratory conditions. Copeia 1981(4):776.
Kempinger, J. J. 1988. Spawning and early life history of lake sturgeon in the Lake Winnebago system, Wisconsin. American Fisheries Society Symposium 5:110-122.
Kendall, A. W., Jr. 1966. Sampling juvenile fishes on some sandy beaches of Puget Sound, Washington. M.S. Thesis, Univ. Washington, Seattle. 77 pp.
Kendall, A. W., Jr. 1972. Description of black sea bass, [Centropristis] [striata] (Linnaeus), larvae and their occurrences north of Cape Lookout, North Carolina, in 1966. Fish. Bull. NOAA (U.S.) 70(4):1243-1260.
Kendall, A. W., Jr. 1973. Range and distribution of tautog, p. 256. In: Pacheco, A. L. (ed.), Proceedings of a workshop on egg, larval and juvenile stages of fish in Atlantic Coast estuaries. Tech. Publ. No. 1, Nat. Mar. Fish. Serv., Mid. Atl. Coast. Fish. Cent., Highlands, N.J., 338 pp.
Kendall, A. W., Jr. 1973. Range and distribution of cunner, p. 256. In: Pacheco, A. L. (ed.), Proceedings of a workshop on egg, larval and juvenile stages of fish in Atlantic Coast estuaries. Tech. Publ. No. 1, Nat. Mar. Fish. Serv., Mid. Atl. Coast. Fish. Cent., Highlands, N.J., 338 pp.
Kendall, A. W., Jr. 1973. Range and distribution of scup, p.258. In: Pacheco, A. L. (ed.), Proceedings of a workshop on egg, larvae and juvenile stages of fish in Atlantic Coast estuaries. Tech. Publ. No. 1, Nat. Mar. Fish. Serv., Mid. Atl. Coast. Fish. Cent., Highlands, N.J., 338 pp.
Kendall, A. W., Jr. 1973. Range and distribution of pinfish, p. 260. In: Pacheco, A. L. (ed.),. Proceedings of a workshop on egg, larvae and juvenile stages of fish in Atlantic Coast estuaries. Tech. Publ. No. 1, Nat. Mar. Fish. Serv., Mid. Atl. Coast. Fish. Cent., Highlands, N.J., 338 pp.
Kendall, A. W., Jr. 1973. Range and distribution of butterfish, p. 261. In: Pacheco A. L. (ed.), Proceedings of a workshop on egg, larvae and juvenile stages of fish in Atlantic Coast estuaries. Tech. Publ. No. 1, Nat. Mar. Fish. Serv., Mid. Atl. Coast. Fish. Cent., Highlands, N.J., 338 pp.
Kendall, A. W., Jr. 1973. Range and distribution of sheepshead, pp. 259. In: Pacheco, A. L. (ed.) Proceedings of a workshop on egg, larval and juvenile stages of fish in Atlantic Coast estuaries. Tech. Publ. No. 1, Nat. Mar. Fish. Serv., Mid. Atl. Coast. Fish. Cent., Highlands, N.J., 338 pp.
Kendall, A. W., Jr. 1975. Patterns of larval fish distributions in the Midd le Atlantic Bight. Effects of Energy Related Activities on the Atlantic Continental Shelf Conf., Brookhaven, Nat. Lab., Upton, N.Y., Nov. 10-12, 1975:126-145.
Kendall, A. W., Jr., and J. W. Reintjes. 1975. Geographic and hydrographic distribution of Atlantic menhaden eggs and larvae along the middle Atlantic coast from R/V Dolphin cruises, 1965-1966. U.S. NMFS Fish. Bull. 73:317-335.
Kendall, A. W., Jr. 1977. Relationships among American serranid fishes based on the morphology of their larvae. Ph.D. Diss., Univ. Calif., San Diego, 224 pp.
Kendall, A. W., Jr. 1977. Biological and fisheries data on black sea bass, [Centropristis striata] (L.). Sandy Hook Lab., NMFS Northeast Fish. Ctr. Tech. Ser. Rep. No. 7. 29 pp.
Kendall, A. W., Jr. 1979. Morphological comparisons of North American sea bass larvae (Pisces: Serranidae). NOAA Tech. Rep. NMFS Circ. 428, 50 pp.
Kendall, A. W., Jr., and D. Gordon. 1979. Growth rate of Atlantic mackerel, [Scomber scombrus], larvae in the middle Atlantic Bight: a preliminary look. Early Life History Fish Symp., Woods Hole Lab., ICES/ELH Symp.
Kendall, A. W., Jr., and L. A. Walford. 1979. Sources and distribution of bluefish, [Pomatomus] [saltatrix], larvae and juveniles of the east coast of the United States. U.S. NMFS Fish. Bull. 77:213-238.
Kendall, A. W., Jr., and M. P. Fahay. 1979. Larva of the serranid fish, [Gonioplectrus hispanus], with comments on its relationships. Bull. Mar. Sci. 29(1):117-120.
Kendall, A. W., Jr., et al. 1980. Taxonomic composition, seasonal distribution, and abundance of ichthyoplankton in the nearshore zone of the Kodiak Archipelago, Alaska. NOAA, NMFS NWAFC Proc. Rep. 80-14. 62 pp.
Kendall, A. W., Jr., et al. 1980. Zooplankton, including ichthyoplankton and decapod larvae of the Kodiak shelf. U.S. NMFS, NW and Alaska Fish. Center Proc. Rep. 80-8:393 pp.
Kendall, A. W., Jr., and N. A. Naplin. 1981. Diel depth distribution of summer ichthyoplankton in the middle Atlantic Bight. U.S. NMFS Fish. Bull. 79:705-726.
Kendall, A. W., Jr., and D. Gordon. 1981. Growth rate of Atlantic mackerel ([Scomber scombrus]) larvae in the Middle Atlantic Bight. Rap. P.-v. Reun. Cons. int. Explor. Mer 178:337-341.
Kendall, A. W., Jr. 1981. Early life history of eastern North Pacific fishes in relation to fisheries investigations. Univ. Wash. Sea Grant Tech. Rep. 81-3:7 pp.
Kendall, A. W., Jr. 1982. Elucidating relationships among fishes using larval characters. Mimeo.
Kendall, A. W., Jr., and J. B. Clark. 1982. Ichthyoplankton off Washington, Oregon, and northern California April-May 1980. NOAA, NMFS NWAFC Proc. Rep. 82-11. 44 pp.
Kendall, A. W., Jr., and J. B. Clark. 1982. Ichthyoplankton off Washington, Oregon, and northern California August 1980. NOAA, NMFS NWAFC Proc. Rep. 82-12. 43 pp.
Kendall, A. W., Jr., and J. R. Dunn. 1983. Ichthyoplankton of the continental shelf near Kodiak Island, Alaska. NOAA Tech. Rep. NMFS. 20, 89 pp.
Kendall, A. W., Jr., C. D. Jennings, T. M. Beasley, R. Carpenter, and B. L. J. Somayajulu. 1983. Discovery of a fish (Zoarcid) egg cluster buried 10-12 cm deep in Washington continental slope sediments. Mar. Biol. 74:193-200.
Kendall, A. W., Jr., and R. J. Behnke. 1984. Salmonidae: development and relationships, pp. 142-149. In: Moser, H. G. et al. (eds.), Ontogeny and systematics of fishes. Special Publication No. 1, American Society of Ichthyologists and Herpetologists. Lawrence, Kansas.
Kendall, A. W., Jr., and J. B. Marliave. (eds). 1984. Descriptions of early life history stages of selected fishes: from the 3rd Intl. Symp. on early life history of fishes and 8th annual larval fish conference. Can. Tech. Rep. Fish. Aquat. Sci. No. 1359. 82 pp.
Kendall, A. W., Jr., and J. B. Marliave. (eds). 1984. Descriptions of early life history stages of selected fishes: from the 3rd Intl. Symp. on early life history of fishes and 8th annual larval fish conference. Can. Tech. Rep. Fish. Aquat. Sci. No. 1359. 82 pp.
Kendall, A. W., Jr., E. H. Ahlstrom, and H. G. Moser. 1984. Early life history stages of fishes and their characters, pp. 11-22. In: Moser, H. G. et al. (eds.), Ontogeny and systematics of fishes. Special Publication No. 1, American Society of Ichthyologists and Herpetologists. Lawrence, Kansas.
Kendall, A. W., Jr. 1984. Serranidae: development and relationships. Pages 499-509 in H. G. Moser et al., editors. Ontogeny and systematics of fishes. Spec. Publ.
Kendall, A. W., Jr., and B. Vinter. 1984. Development of hexagrammids (Pisces: Scorpaeniformes) in the Northeastern Pacific Ocean. NOAA Tech. Rep., NMFS 2.
Kendall, A. W., Jr. 1985. Actual and potential uses of early life history studies of Alaskan gadids, p. A37. In: A workshop on comparative biology, assessment and management of gadoids from the North Pacific and Atlantic Oceans. NOAA, NMFS NWAFC.
Kendall, A. W., Jr., M. E. Clarke, M. M. Yoklavich, and G. W. Boehlert. 1987. Distribution, feeding and growth of larval walleye pollock, [Therag ra chalcogramma], from Shelikof Strait, Gulf of Alaska. Fish. Bull. U.S. 85(3) 499-521.
Kendall, A. W., Jr., and A.C. Matarese. 1987. Biology of eggs, larvae, and epipelagic juveniles of sablefish, Anoplopoma fimbria, in relation to their potential use in management. Mar. Fish. Rev. 49 (1):1-13.
Kendall, A. W., and S. J. Picquelle. 1990. Egg and larval distributions of walleye pollock [Theragra chalcogramma] in Shelikof Strait, Gulf of Alaska. Fishery Bulletin 88:133-154.
Kendall, A. W. 1991. Systematics and identification of larvae and juveniles of the genus [Sebastes]. Environmental Biology of Fishes 30:173-190.
Kendall, A.W., Jr., and T. Nakatani. 1992. Comparisons of early-life history characteristics of walleye pollock [Theragra chalcogramma] in Shelikof Strait, Gulf of Alaska, and Funka Bay, Hokkaido, Japan. Fish. Bull., U.S. 90:129-138.
Kendall, A. W., L. S. Incze, P. B. Ortner, S. R. Cummings, and P. K. Brown. 1994. The vertical distribution of eggs and larvae of walleye pollock, [Theragra chalcogramma], in Shelikof Strait, Gulf-of-Alaska. Fishery Bulletin 92:540-554.
Kendall, A. W., and A. C. Matarese. 1994. Status of early life history descriptions of marine teleosts. Fishery Bulletin 92:725-736.
Kendall, W. C., and E. L. Goldsborough. 1908. The fishes of the Connecticut lakes and neighboring waters with notes on the plankton environment. U.S. Bur. Fish. Doc. No. 633. 77 pp.
Kendall, W. C. 1917. An unusual catch of the young of Maine whitefish ([Coregonus labradorisus]). Copeia 44:45.
Kendall, W. C. 1921. Fresh water crustacea as food for young fishes. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 51:70-75.
Kennedy, D., J. Harber, and J. Littlejohn. 1982. Effects of navigation and operation/maintenance of the upper Mississippi River system nine-foot channel on larval and juvenile fishes. Upper Mississippi River Basin Comm., Minneapolis, MN.
Kennedy, E. R. 1965. Description of some early stages of the glassy darter, [Etheostoma vitreum] (Cope). Univ. MD. Nat. Resourc. Inst. Ches. Biol. Lab. Ref. 65-90. 7 pp.
Kennedy, E. R. 1966. Some additional descriptions of the embryological development of the glassy darter, [Etheostoma] [vitreum] (Cope). Univ. MD Nat. Resourc. Inst., Ches. Biol. Lab. Ref. No. 66-77. 6 pp.
Kennedy, G. J. A., and C. D. Strange. 1986. The effects of intra- and inter-specific competition on the survival and growth of stocked juvenile Atlantic salmon, [Salmo salar] L., and resident trout, [S. trutta] L., in an upland stream. J. Fish. Biol. 28(4):479-490.
Kennedy, J. L., and P. A. Kucera. 1978. The reproductive ecology of the Tahoe sucker ([Catostomus tahoensis]), in Pyramid Lake, Nevada. Great Basin Nat. 38:181-186.
Kennedy, M., and P. Fitzmaurice. 1968. The early life of brown trout ([Salmo trutta] L.). Irish Fish. Invest. Ser. A (Freshwater) 4:5-31.
Kennedy, M., and P. Fitzmaurice. 1968. Occurrence of eggs of bass, [Dicentrarchus], on the Southern coasts of Ireland. J. Mar. Biol. Assoc. U.K. 48:585-592.
Kennedy, M. 1969. Spawning and early development of the dace, [Leuciscus leuciscus] (L.). J. Fish Biol. 1:249-259.
Kennedy, M. 1969. Irish pike investigations. 1. Spawning and early life history. Irish Fish. Invest. (Ser. A) No. 54. 33 pp.
Kennedy, M., and P. Fitzmaurice. 1969. Pelagic eggs and young stages of fishes taken on the south coast of Ireland in 1967. Irish Fish. Invest. B(5):5-36.
Kennedy, M., and P. Fitzmaurice. 1970. The biology of the tench, [Tinca tinca] (L.), in Irish waters. Proc. Roy. Irish Acad. Ser. B 69:31-82.
Kennedy, M., and T. Champ. 1971. Oc currence of eggs of [Echiodon drummondi] Thompson on the coast of County Kerry. Irish Fish. Invest. (B) 7:55-57.
Kennedy, M., and P. Fitzmaurice. 1972. Some aspects of the biology of gudgeon, [Gobio gobio] (L.), in Irish waters. J. Fish Biol. 4:425-440.
Kennedy, M., P. Fitzmaurice, and T. Champ. 1973. Pelagic eggs of fishes taken on the Irish Coast. Ir. Fish. Invest. (B Mar.) 8:1-23.
Kennedy, S. E. 1977. Life history of the Leon Springs pupfish, [Cyprinodon] [bovinus]. Copeia 1977(1):93-103.
Kennedy, T.B., and G.L. Vinyard. 1997. Drift ecology of western Catostomid larvae with emphasis on Warner suckers ([Catostomus warnerensis]). Env. Biol. Fishes 49:187-195.
Kennedy, V. S. 1964. Aspects of the biology of the winter flounder, [Pseudopleuronectes americanus] (Walbaum), in the Long Pond, Conception Bay, Newfoundland. M.S. Thesis, Memorial Univ. of Newfoundland, St. John's, 113 pp.
Kennedy, V. S., and P. M. Powles. 1964. Plankton collections from the western Gulf of St. Lawrence and central Nova Scotia Banks, 1958-1962. Fish. Res. Bd. Can. Manuscript Rep. Biol. 799:1-10.
Kennedy, V. S., and J. A. Mihursky. 1967. Bibliography on the effects of temperature in the aquatic environment. Univ. Md. Nat. Resour. Inst. Contrib. No. 326, 89 pp.
Kennedy, W. A. 1953. Growth, maturity, fecundity and mortality in the relatively unexploited whitefish, [Coreg onus] [clupeaformis], of Great Slave Lake. Journal of the Fisheries Research Board of Canada 10(7):413-441.
Kennedy, W. A. 1969. Sablefish culture. A preliminary report. Fish. Res. Bd. Can. Tech. Rep. 107. 20 pp.
Kennedy, W. A. 1970. Sablefish culture - progress in 1969. Fish. Res. Bd. Can. Tech. Rep. 189. 17 pp.
Kentouri, K. 1980. Rearing of sea bass, [Dicentrarchus labrax] L., larvae on frozen zooplankton. Preliminary results. Aquaculture 21(2):171-180.
Kentouri, K. 1981. Preliminary data on the ability of post-larvae of eleven marine species of fish and crustacea to adapt to a lifeless food (frozen zooplankton). Aquaculture 23(1/4):73-82.
Kentouri, M., P. Divanach, and J. Paris. 1981. Preferences alimentaires et comportement de la larve de durade, [Sparus auratus], face a du zooplancton congcle. Ann. Zootech. 30:391-410.
Kerby, J. H., J. D. Bayless, and R. M. Harrell. 1985. Growth, survival and harvest of striped bass produced with cryopreserved spermatozoa. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 114:761-765.
Kernehan, R. J. 1973. Ichthyoplankton. II. In: A study of the fishes in the vicinity of eight sites on the Dalmarva Peninsula, April 1972 through April 1973. Ichthyol. Assoc., 176 pp.
Kernehan, R. J. 1974. Ichthyoplankton. II. In: An ecological study of the Chesapeake and Delaware Canal in the vicinity of the proposed Summit Power Station site. Ichthy oplankton Assoc., Ann. Interpretive Report, January through December 1973 (revised), 303 pp.
Kernehan, R. J. 1974. Early life history and seasonal horizontal and vertical distribution patterns of ichthyoplankton collected in the Chesapeake and Delaware Canal in 1973. M.S. Thesis, Univ. Mass., Amherst, 366 pp.
Kernehan, R. J. 1976. A bibliography of early life stages of fishes. Bull. Ichthyol. Assoc., Inc., 14:190 pp.
Kernehan, R. J., B. E. Beitz, and S. L. Tyler. 1975. Ichthyoplankton. II. In: Ecological studies in the vicinity of the proposed Summit Power Station, January through December 1974. Ichthyol. Assoc., Inc., pt. 3, 618 pp.
Kernehan, R. J., M. R. Headrick, and R. E. Smith. 1981. Early life history of striped bass in the Chesapeake and Delaware Canal and vicinity. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 110:137-150.
Kernehan, R. J., R. E. Smith, S. L. Tyler, and M. L. Brewster. 1976. Ichthyoplankton. II. In: Ecological studies in the vicinity of the Summit Power Station, January through December 1975. Ichthyol. Assoc., Inc., Ithaca, N.Y.
Kerr, J. E. 1976. Stu dies on fish preservation at the Contra Costa steam plant of the Pacific Gas and Electric Co. California Dept. Fish Game Fish Bull. 92. 66 pp.
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