An assessment of nucleic acid amplification testing for active mycobacterial infection

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Study setting

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Selection criteria




Boehme et al. (2010)

Foundation for Innovative New Diagnostics, Geneva, Switzerland

Conducted at:

Urban health centres in: Lima (Peru), Baku (Azerbaijan), Cape Town (South Africa), Kampala (Uganda), Vellore (India), Manila (Philippines)

Historical control study

Level: III-3

Quality: 18/26

Some risk of bias

N=6,648 (5,862 suspected of TB, 786 suspected of MDR-TB)

Median age: 38 years (IQR 29–50)

2,605 (39%) females

1,255 (19%) HIV infected

3,509 (53%) HIV status unknown


Adults aged > 17 years with > 2 weeks of cough, provided at least two sputum samples


Second sputum sample was collected > 1 week from the first, no (valid) culture conducted, no valid MTB/RIF result, AFB-positive with no positive culture, only one positive culture with 20 or fewer colonies for solid culture or more than 28 days to positivity for liquid culture, a positive culture during follow-up only, only one positive culture with missing speciation result, a positive culture with NTM growth, or discrepant RIF results by conventional drug susceptibility testing in two samples

Xpert MTB/RIF assay

Routine AFB microscopy, and culture

Same tests, but in comparator group Xpert results were not reported to clinicians or used for patient management

Proportion of results reported to the clinics for each method from date of first sputum sample

Time to TB detection (by each method)

Time to treatment

Buchelli Ramirez et al. (2014)

Hospital Universitario Central de Asturias, Oviedo, Spain

Conducted at:

Hospital Universitario Central de Asturias, Oviedo, Spain

Retrospective cohort study

Level: III-3

Quality: 19.5/26

Some risk of bias

N=128 patients

Mean age 52 ± 23 years

43 (33.6%) females


All patients diagnosed with pulmonary TB between January 2010 and July 2012, including cases with bronchial confirmation alone


Not reported

Xpert MTB/RIF, AFB microscopy and mycobacterial culture


CIM: time to treatment

System-related treatment delay

Davis et al. (2014)

San Francisco General Hospital, University of California, San Francisco, USA

Conducted at:

San Francisco Department of Public Health

Prospective cohort

Level: III-3

Quality: 17/26

Some risk of bias

N=227/538 included, but only 156 were tested by NAAT

Median age: 52 years (IQR 39–60)

54 (35%) females

13 (8%) HIV infected

Two key groups of patients for Xpert NAAT: (1) those initiating empiric treatment for active TB and (2) those coming from congregate settings (e.g. homeless shelters, behavioural treatment programs, dialysis centres)


Consecutive adults undergoing evaluation for active pulmonary TB at the San Francisco Department of Public Health TB clinic between May 2010 and June 2011


Patients with incomplete microbiologic or clinical follow-up data, reporting TB treatment at time of Xpert NAAT

Xpert MTB/RIF on sputum specimen, AFB microscopy and culture for MTB

(Empiric treatment decision pending other test results)

Unnecessary treatment rate

Fan et al. (2014)

Tuberculosis center for diagnosis and treatment, Shanghai Pulmonary Hospital, Tongji University School of Medicine, Shanghai, China

Conducted at:

Shanghai Pulmonary Hospital, Tongji University School of Medicine, Shanghai, China

Prospective cohort

Level: III-3

Quality: 17.5/26

Some risk of bias

N=280/335 included

Mean age: 43 ± 18 years

54 (25%) females


Patients with abnormal chest radiographic findings compatible with active TB (TB suspects), > 18 years of age, sputum scarce or with negative AFB microscopy


AFB-positive patients and HIV positive patients

SAT-TB assay (in-house) and culture (liquid medium)


CIM: time to detection of TB

Guerra et al. (2007)

School of Medicine, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD, USA

Conducted at:

Baltimore City Health Department, USA

Historical control study

Level: III-3

Quality: 14.5/26

High risk of bias

N=107 (50 in NAAT group and 57 in non-NAAT group)

Median age NAAT: 46.5 years, non-NAAT: 47 years

20 (40%) females in NAAT group, 11 (19.3%) females in non-NAAT group

18 (36%) HIV infected in NAAT group (10 unknown), 19 (33.3%) HIV infected in non-NAAT group (10 unknown)


AFB-positive pulmonary TB suspects undergoing initial diagnostic evaluation between December 2000 and March 2006


Anti-TB therapy for > 6 days prior to sputum collection

Amplified MTD Direct Test, AFB microscopy and culture for MTB

AFB microscopy and culture

Unnecessary TB treatment time

Concordance between MTB results and definitive diagnosis, compared with no MTB results

Hanrahan et al. (2013)

University of North Carolina Gillings School of Global Public Health, Chapel Hill, North Carolina, USA

Conducted at:

Primary care clinic in Johannesburg, South Africa

Prospective cohort study

Level: III-3

Quality: 16.5/26

Some risk of bias

N=641 (50 NAAT-positive, 591 NAAT-negative)

Median age: 35 years (IQR 29–44)

415 (65%) females

443 (69%) HIV infected

36 (6%) unknown

Inclusion: TB suspects presenting at the clinic, providing consent


Not reported

Xpert MTB/RIF assay, sputum AFB FL microscopy and liquid culture for MTB


Number of cases starting TB treatment

Median time to TB treatment

Kwak et al. (2013)

Division of Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine, Department of Internal Medicine, Seoul National University College of Medicine, Seoul, Republic of Korea

Conducted at:

Seoul National University Hospital

Retrospective cohort

Level: III-3

Quality: 16.5/26

Some risk of bias

N=681 patients requested for NAAT

Median age: 61 years (IQR 47.5–73.0)

255 (37.4%) females

5 (0.7%) HIV infected


Patients in whom NAAT was requested due to suspicion of pulmonary TB between 1 January 2011 and 31 May 2013


Not reported

Xpert MTB/RIF assay, mycobacterial culture (liquid and/or solid) and AFB microscopy


Time to report of results from laboratory

Time to confirmation of results by physician

Time to treatment

Lacroix et al. (2008)

University of Sherbrooke, Sherbrooke, Quebec, Canada

Conducted at:

Public Health Department in Montegrie (Quebec)

Retrospective cohort

Level: III-3

Quality: 12/26

High risk of bias

N=115/134 included (77 NAAT, 38 no NAAT)

43 (37.4%) females

7 (9.9%) HIV infected


Contagious (pulmonary, laryngeal, miliary) active TB cases declared to the Public Health Department between 1 January 1998 and 30 June 2007


Non-respiratory TB, clinical case not confirmed by culture or PCR, incomplete file, previous episode of TB, incidentally found cases

PCR (in-house, not specified)

No PCR (culture, AFB microscopy, chest X-ray)

Average delay in diagnosis

Lippincot et al. (2014)

Institute for Global Health and Infectious Diseases, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, USA

Conducted at:

University of North Carolina Hospital

Prospective cohort

Level: III-3

Quality: 18/26

Some risk of bias

N=207/246 included

Median age: 51 years (IQR 39–63),

74 (35.8%) females

49 (23.7%) HIV infected

31 (15%) unknown


Consecutive inpatient adults with presumptive TB, for whom at least one sputum specimen was submitted


Patients with cystic fibrosis

Xpert MTB/RIF assay, AFB microscopy and culture


Median laboratory processing time

Marks et al. (2013)

US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Atlanta, Georgia, USA

Conducted at:

Metropolitan Atlanta, Georgia, four areas of Maryland and Massachusetts

Retrospective cohort

Level: III-2

Quality: 16.5/26

Some risk of bias

N=2,140 (920 NAAT)

880 (41%) females

353 (25%) HIV infected


Suspected pulmonary TB in 2008–10


Patients lacking AFB microscopy/culture results

NAAT (MTD, Gen-Probe, San Diego, California), AFB microscopy and culture


AFB microscopy and/or culture

Change in management after negative NAAT

Change in management after positive NAAT

Average outpatient days on TB medication (vs no NAAT)

Differences in procedures

Days to final TB determination

Omrani et al. (2014)

Prince Sultan Military Medical City, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia

Retrospective cohort

Level: III-3

Quality: 17/26

Some risk of bias

N=140 (76 NAAT, 64 no NAAT)

Median age: 44.5 years (range 13–97)

61 (44%) females

0 HIV infected

44 (38.6%) pulmonary TB, 86 (61.4%) extrapulmonary TB


Patients who were commenced on anti-TB therapy for a diagnosis of active TB between 1 March 2011 and 28 February 2013


Not reported

Xpert MTB/RIF assay, with/without AFB microscopy and/or culture

Mycobacterial culture and/or AFB microscopy

Impact on time to start anti-TB treatment

Rate of discontinuing treatment after negative NAAT

Sohn et al. (2014)

McGill International TB Centre and McGill University, Montreal, Canada

Prospective cohort

Level: III-3

Quality: 16.5/26

Some risk of bias


Median age: 44 years (IQR 31–61 years)

223 (44.4%) females

12 (2.4%) HIV infected


Patients aged > 17 years for evaluation of suspected active pulmonary TB


Not reported

Xpert MTB/RIF assay

AFB microscopy and/or culture

Time to test result

Time to treatment initiation

Impact on treatment given

Taegtmeyer et al. (2008)

Tropical and Infectious Disease Unit, Royal Liverpool University Hospital, Liverpool, UK

Retrospective cohort study

Level: III-3

Quality: 14.5/26

High risk of bias

N=87 patients were indicated for NAAT (AFB +ve)

51 received NAAT, 36 no NAAT

Patients with AFB-positive clinical samples submitted between January 2002 and December 2006


Not reported

NAAT using the INNO-LiPA Rif.TB assay (Immunogenetics, Zwijndrecht, Belgium)

AFB microscopy and/or mycobacterial culture

Time to identification of TB and rifampicin resistance

Change in treatment

Theron et al. (2014)

University of Cape Town, South Africa

Conducted at:

Five primary healthcare facilities in areas of southern Africa with a high HIV prevalence

Randomised controlled trial (multicentre)

Level: II

Quality: 23/26

Low risk of bias


Median age: 37 years (IQR 30–46)

643 (43%) females

895 (60%) HIV infected

758 assigned to AFB microscopy

744 assigned to Xpert MTB/RIF


> 17 years of age, one or more symptoms of pulmonary TB (according to WHO criteria), able to provide sputum specimens, no anti-TB treatment in the past 60 days


Not reported

Xpert MTB/RIF assay on sputum specimen by nurse who received a 1-day training session

AFB microscopy on sputum specimen Positive if any smear revealed AFB over 100 fields (1000x for light microscopy and 400x for fluorescence microscopy)

Treatment initiation at baseline

Treatment initiation as a result of clinical evidence

% of TB patients not initiating treatment

Time to treatment initiation

Van Rie et al. (2013a)

Department of Epidemiology, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, North Carolina, USA

Conducted at:

Witkoppen Health and Welfare Centre, Johannesburg, South Africa

Prospective cohort study

Level: III-3

Quality: 13.5/26

High risk of bias

N=160/180 had valid results

Median age: 36 years (IQR 30–44 years)

113 (57%) females

144 (72%) HIV infected


TB suspects who were AFB-negative and returned for their result


Not reported

Xpert MTB/RIF assay

Patients also underwent fluorescent AFB microscopy and liquid culture


Time to treatment initiation

Van Rie et al. (2013b)

Department of Epidemiology, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, North Carolina, USA

Conducted at:

Helen Joseph Hospital, Johannesburg, South Africa

Prospective cohort study

Level: III-3

Quality: 19.5/26

Some risk of bias

N=344 patients, with 162 positive Xpert FNAs

Age: 53% were < 36 years

164 (49%) females

100% were HIV infected


HIV-infected, clinically suspected of lymph node TB, aged > 17 years, not receiving treatment for active or latent TB


Patients also underwent AFB microscopy (ZN and FL staining) and mycobacterial culture (MGIT medium)


CIM: median time of FNA collection and diagnosis

Time to treatment initiation

Yoon et al. (2012)

Division of Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine, San Francisco General Hospital, University of San Francisco, San Francisco, California, USA

Conducted at:

Mulago Hospital, Kampala, Uganda

Historical cohort study

Level: III-3

Quality: 18.5/26

Some risk of bias

N=477/525 patients

Median age: 33 years (IQR 27–40)

229 (48%) female

362 (76%) HIV infected


Consecutive adults > 17 years of age admitted to hospital with cough for >2 weeks but < 6 months duration, and provided consent


Receiving TB treatment at the time of enrolment, no available culture results, no NAAT on implementation phase, death within 3 days of hospital admission

Xpert MTB/RIF assay, sputum AFB microscopy and mycobacterial culture

Same tests, but in comparator group Xpert results were not reported to clinicians or used for patient management

Time to TB detection

Time to TB treatment

CIM = change in management; FL = fluorescent; FNA = fine-needle aspirate; HIV = human immunodeficiency virus; IQR = interquartile range; MDR = multidrug-resistant; NAAT = nucleic acid amplification test; NTM = non-tuberculous mycobacteria; RIF = rifampicin; TB = tuberculosis; WHO = World Health Organization; ZN = Ziehl-Neelsen
Table Study profiles of included studies on the effectiveness of change in management due to early treatment of TB in those with low pre-test probability of having active TB

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