Annex 65 Long-Term Performance of Super-Insulating Materials in Building Components & Systems

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Annex 65

Long-Term Performance of Super-Insulating Materials

in Building Components & Systems

Kick-Off Meeting - GRENOBLE – France

September Thursday 11 & Friday 12 - 2014


1: Participants

At the Kick-Off meeting 11 countries were represented, yielding 57 participants from 38 different institutes or companies. It's important to quote that 16 industrial companies contribute to this Annex.
    1. Manager Representatives

Daniel Quenard



Ulrich Heinemann



Andreas Holm



Bijan Adl Zarrabi

Chalmers Univiversity


1.2 Participants attending the Meeting

First-Name NAME



Samira Kherrouf



Charline Malengreaux



Michael O'Connor

Aspen Aerogel


Milto Vlachos



Thierry Braine-Bonnaire



Chuan Wei Zhai



Tao Zhang



Yi He



Sara Hadji Rezai



Géraldine Garnier



Claude Pompeo



Hébert Sallée



Barbara Milow



Frédéric Gubbels

Dow Cornings


Patrick Achard

Ecole des Mines


Emmanuelle Pons



Bernard Yrieix



Thierry Duforestel



Mathilde Colmet Daâge



Samuel Brunner



Pierre-Andre Marchal



Hark-Oluf Asbahr



Matthias Geisler



Christoph Sprengard



Esra Kucukpinar

Fraunhofer IVV


Yoash Carmi



Genevieve Foray



Atsushi Iwamae

Kindai Univ. Architecture


Justin Davies



Jun-Tae Kim

Kongju National Univ.


Emilie Planes

LEPMI - Grenoble Univ.


Florence Dubelley

LEPMI - Grenoble Univ.


Erol Serpil

Metra Group


Taner Karaaslan

Metra Group


Guifang Han



Shinya Kojima



Akio Kurobe



Bruno Daniotti



Rosanna Galliano



Marco Perino



Bart Haelterman



Pascal Rousset



Michel Chauvois



Uli Passon

Saint Gobain


Alice Morcrette

Saint Gobain


Francisco Ruiz



Bjorne Peter Jelle



Eunate Goiti



Shinji Nakanishi



Guy Veyrier du Muraud



Roland Caps



1.3 Apologies

Yusuf Yusufoglu



Wim Malfait



Haechung Wang



Antoine Batard



Thursday September 11, 2014

1: Opening-Welcome

Daniel Quenard (DQ - Operating Agent) welcomed the attendees at CSTB in Grenoble and started the meeting.

1.1 Agenda

Provisional Agenda:

Thursday - September 11, 2014

900 – 915 Welcome

915 – 945 Introduction by Operating Agent : feed-back from ExCo meeting
Overview of the whole Annex

945 – 1030 Objectives of Subtask 1 : ZAE/EMPA

1030 – 1115 Morning Break

1115 – 1230 Objectives of Subtask ST2, ST3 & ST4 : FIW & Chalmers Univ.

1230 – 14 Lunch

1400 – 1530 Presentation of CEN & ISO activities about VIP

(Ulrich Passon & Jun-Tae KIM) - Discussion

1530 – 1600 Afternoon Break

1600 – 18h00 Free presentations & Discussion
Frederic Gubbels (DowCorning) : Durability of VIP in the cavity of insulating glass units (15 min+5)
Yoash Carmi (Hanita Coatings) : Activites planned for Annex 65 (15 min+5)
Erol Serpil( Metra Group) : PUVIP (15 min+5)
Atsushi Iwamae et al. : VIP in Japan (30 min+10)
Marco Perino (Polito): Practical applications of VIP in the building envelope components (15 min+5.)

1930 Dinner

Friday - September 12, 2014

0900 - 1030 Sessions : ST1 & ST2

Discussion & Decision on the Work to Do

1030 - 1100 Morning break

1100 - 1230 Sessions : ST3 & ST4
Discussion & Decision on Work to Do

1230 - 1400 Lunch

1400 – 1530 Conclusions of the morning sessions by each subtask leaders.

Detailed Action Plan - Who is doing What, When

Filling of the Task Table

1530 – 1630 Presentation for the next ExCo meeting in Helsinki (6-7 November)

Invitation, action points and commitments towards next meetings
The provisional agenda has been modified due to additional presentations from new participants. Indeed, the kick-off meeting is the place to give an overview of the activities of each participant in order to build the working groups committed in each subtask. Therefore, the discussion time has been reduced.
Realized Agenda

900 – 915 Welcome

915 – 945 Introduction by Operating Agent: feed-back from ExCo meeting

Overview of the whole Annex

945 – 1030 Objectives of Subtask 1 : ZAE/EMPA

1030 – 1115 Morning Break

1115 – 1230 Objectives of Subtask ST2, ST3 & ST4 : FIW & Chalmers Univ.

1230 – 14 Lunch

1400 – 1530 Presentation of CEN & ISO activities about VIP

Ulrich PASSON & Jun-tae KIM - Discussion

1530 – 1600 Afternoon Break

1600 – 18h00 Free presentations & Discussion

Marco Perino (Polito): Practical applications of VIP in the building envelope components

Atsushi Iwamae (Univ. Kendai) : Some experience of architectural VIP in Japan

Shinya Kojima (Panasonic) : Development of VIP and the activities for housing insulation

Erol Serpil (Metra Group) : PUVIP

1930 : Dinner : We all warmly thank Saint-Gobain/ISOVER, EDF, TORAY, ARCELORMITTAL and SEPAREX, for their financial support for the lunches and dinner
Friday, September 12, 2014

900 – 10h30 Free presentations & Discussion

Frederic Gubbels (DowCorning) : Durability of VIP in the cavity of insulating glass units

Roland Caps (va-Q-tec) : Mean thermal conductivity of VIPs during service life time

Yi He (Qingdao Creek) : Application and Standardization of VIP for Buildings in China

1030 - 1100 : Morning break

Yoash Carmi (Hanita Coatings) : Activites planned for Annex 65

Rosanna Galliano (POLIMI) : Contribution to Annex 65 - EASEE Project

1230 - 1400 : Lunch

1400 – 1530 : Sessions : ST1, ST2 & ST3 - Discussion & Decision on Work to Do

Conclusions of the morning sessions by each subtask leaders.

Detailed Action Plan - Who is doing What, When, Filling of the Task Table

1530 – 1630 : Presentation for the next ExCo meeting in Helsinki (6-7 November)

Invitation, action points and commitments towards next meetings

1.2 The Annex Process

As an introduction DQ uses some slides from the presentation given by Peter CUNZ at the ExCo meeting in Dublin in November 2013.

In this presentation Peter CUNZ gives advices to make the annex fruitful for each participant, and to take advantage of this annex for exchange information, despite language barriers, backgrounds and knowledge levels of each one about the Annex's issues.

The kick-off meeting is a first step in these directions.

DQ also informs the participant that QUANTIS, the Swiss Company, who should be the leader of Subtask 4, did not get funding from the Swiss government and therefore withdrew from the Annex (Annex 1).

Fortunately, Bijan Adl-Zarrabi (Leader of Subtask 3) discussed with his colleague Holger Wallbaum (Professor in Sustainability). He showed interest on the subject and he mentioned that he supervises a PhD student who works with LCC and LCA of insulation material. Prof. Holger Wallbaum sent an e-mail to the OP to confirm his agreement. Good news.

1.3 Activities since the launching of the Annex

DQ reminds some milestones since the International Symposium organised by INIVE (BBRI, EMPA & U.Gent) in Brussels on April 27 – 2012

  • 1st Expert Meeting in Paris on 18-19 of April 2013. The initial Annex Text was presented at the ExCo meeting in Rome (June 2013). The ExCo asked to deeply revised the proposal.

  • 2nd Expert Meeting in Zurich on Sept. 2013. The revised Annex Text is presented at the ExCo meeting in Dublin Nov. 2013. The proposal was approved by a majority decision as Annex 65 with CSTB as Operating Agent (OPA) for a one year preparation phase. Major revisions of the Annex Text are requested.

  • Finally ate the meeting in Rostock, the ExCo unanimously agreed to proceed with the working phase subject to revision and approval of the Annex Text.

  • The kick-off meeting is organized by CSTB in Grenoble on 11-12 September of 2014.

1.4 Objectives of the Annex

DQ reminds the scope of the Annex65. The following topics will be covered by this Annex :

Two Product Types :

Three main Issues

  • Performance & Durability

  • Installation Techniques

  • Sustainability (LCA, Embodied Energy, LCC)

The Annex is organized into 4 Subtasks:

SUBTASK 1: State of the Art on Materials & Components - Case Studies

SubTask Leader: ZAE Bayern (Ulrich Heinemann)

Action 1A : Materials, Components & Systems

Action 1B : Characterization Methods

Action 1C : Case Studies at the Building Scale

The titles of Action A1 & Action 1B have been changed
SUBTASK 2: Characterization of materials & components - Laboratory Scale

SubTask Leader: FIW Munich

Action 2A : Materials Assessment & Ageing Procedures (Experiments & Simulation)

Action 2B : Components & Systems Assessment (Experiments & Simulation)

Rem : the word Testing has been changed by Assessment
SUBTASK 3: Practical Applications – Retrofitting at the Building Scale

Subtask Leader: Chalmers University (Bijan Adl-Zarrabi)

Action 3A : Mapping of the Use Conditions (Components & Systems)

Action 3B : Performance at the Building Scale (Experiments & Simulation) (link with Annex 58)

Action 3C : Practical Applications focused on Retrofitting (link with Annex 61)
SUBBASK 4: Sustainability (LCC, LCA, EE – Risks & Benefits)

Subtask Leader: Chalmers University (Holger Wallbaum)

Action 4A: Life Cycle Assessment (LCA), including Embodied Energy (EE) (link with Annex 57)

Action 4B: Life Cycle Cost Analysis (LCC)

2: Presentation of Each Subtask

Ulrich Heinemann outlines his vision of Subtask 1.

The main objective of Subtask 1 is to deliver a comprehensive State of the Art about SIM manufacturing, characterization & applications during the last decade. The main activities will be to collect data & information form materials & products manufacturers. To collect these data, questionnaires or datasheet templates will be sent to the manufacturers.

Andreas Holm & Christoph Sprengard summarize the objectives of the Subtask 2 and gives some ideas to guide the work to be performed. They highlight the main issues to be discussed: material characteristics to be measured, measurement methods, ageing methods, simulation Methods …

They propose a "loop approach" based on the current practice, its evaluation and then its improvement. They remind also that in the Annex only hygro-thermal & mechanical properties will be considered. The fire behaviour, the acoustic performances and VOC emission will not be investigated in the Annex65.

Bijan Adl Zarrabi invites the participants to keep in mind the Annex title: "Long term performance of SIM". He recommends to start Subtask 3 by a pre-study to deeply analyse existing works & case studies in order to identify the gaps which have to be filled in. Then, complementary work will be clearly defined to reach to goal of Subtask 3 which is to deliver Guideline for Safe Installation of SIM.

Bijan suggests to create a group in order to collect information about finished, ongoing and upcoming project at the field scale. Finally, Bijan presents a set of new & existing buildings where SIM have been installed.

3: Standardization activities of CEN

Ulrich Passon (Saint Gobain) gives an overview of CEN activities dealing with VIP. He reminds the objective and the mission of CEN.

Ulrich indicates that there is a Working Group (WG11) devoted to VIP within the Technical Committee (TC88) in charge of Thermal Insulating Materials and Products. The WG11 is working closely with the ISO group ISO /TC 163/SC N. Prof. Jun Tae KIM is the convenor of the ISO Group.

A first draft for an EN/ISO document has already been established by experts, most of them are also involved in the Annex.

4: Presentations

The 10 presentations given during the workshop are listed and summarized in the following paragraph:
Marco Perino (Polito) presents the research activities of Politecnico of Torino dealing mainly with VIP characterization (centre of panel, bridge) and practical applications. He points out the huge difference of thermal conductivities between brands and type.
Atsushi Iwamae (Univ. Kendai) indicates that a Committee for Annex 65 has been created in Japan and some experiences using VIP are ongoing in Japan
Shinya Kojima (Panasonic) explains the activities carried out at Panasonic to develop VIP : for housing insulation. He highlights the impact of surface temperature on human comfort and insulation can contribute to decrease this surface temperature.
Erol Serpil (Metra Group) presents a product based on a VIP embedded in a polyurethane foam. Named PUVIP, this product seems to be easier to handle and to install.
Frederic Gubbels (DowCorning) discuss the durability of VIP in the cavity of insulating glass units which is also an efficient technique to protect VIP from aggressive environment.
Roland Caps (va-Q-tec) describes a simplified method to assess the service life time of VIP. This method takes into account the pressure & moisture effects on thermal conductivity of VIP.
Yi He (Qingdao Creek) gives an overview of VIP in China. Around 1000 projects using VIP are now completed. He also introduces a standard developed in China to assess VIP durability. He concludes that a Handbook for Design is expected.
Samuel Brunner (EMPA) summarises the IVIS2013. According to the data he collected, the total global market for vacuum insulation panels (VIPs) is estimated as >20M in m2. The main VIP producers are in Japan, China and Germany but there are also interesting activities in Korea and Belgium ongoing. He also points out the expected rise of the VIP market for refrigerators and freezers, up to 2100 mio €.
Yoash Carmi (Hanita Coatings) introduces the Life Time Calculator and the mVIP method to measure the internal pressure of VIP, both tools developed at Hanita
Rosanna Galliano (POLIMI) describes the research works done at POLIMI. These activities are mainly carried out within the European EASE project. POLIMI is strongly involved in research dealing with service life planning.
The presentations can be downloaded from the following ftp site:

A website should be open very soon.

5: Discussion & Decision about Work to Do

Subtask 1 :

Ulrich Heinemann proposes a preliminary content for the SoA. The main chapters will cover the different level:

  • the material level : properties of porous materials (porous silica, aerogel, core materials for VIP), film …

  • the product or component level : as "placed on the market" - VIP, protected VIP with EPS, XPS, PU, aerogel embedded in a fibre mat, a foam … , VIP in a double glazing, granular aerogel in a polycarbonate board …

  • the system scale (wall, roof, floor) : the product within the environment where it is used – e.g. in a building – with fasteners; gasket strips; additional layers; boundary conditions – severe or less severe environment … etc

  • the building scale : especially to evaluate the whole thermal performance taking into account the thermal bridges and the interfaces between panels and /or between windows & panels …

In order to collect data and information from the manufacturers, datasheet templates will be prepared and sent to the participants.

Subtask 2 & 3:

The discussion about subtask 2 & 3 was more difficult and confusing because the levels and areas of knowledge of each were very different and varied. It can be considered as a normal situation at the beginning of an Annex.

As a preamble, the OP proposes several actions:

- To make a round robin test on the measurement of the VIP's thermal conductivity, as a common exercise before the next meeting.

- To gather information, particularly regarding the sustainability of the APM (porous silica aerogel …).
In order to organize this Round Robin Test (RRT) a Table in presented in Annexe 4 in order to describe the methods used, the number of needed samples and their geometric characteristics.

The list of VIP manufacturers who gave their agreements to participate to the RRT is also given.

After the meeting, EDF has contacted FIW in order organise a working meeting dealing with the content of Subtask 2 and they will present a comprehensive program at the next meeting.
Furthermore, in coordination with Ulrich Heinemann, Bijan Adl-Zarrabi will continue to list case studies and he will try to identify ongoing or upcoming projects with monitoring.

6: Some comments from the OP

As the number of presentations, especially dealing with VIP, was higher than initially planned the discussion time has been shortened and some participants felt frustrated by the lack of exchange and because important issues were not addressed during the kick-off meeting.

Indeed, as the participants do not have the same background and the levels of knowledge are different among them, the kick-off meeting is a real opportunity to share information and to bring the different interests together.

Among the important issues to address at the next meeting are the following:

  • the advanced porous materials (porous silica, aerogel …)

  • the degradation processes (gas permeation, gas adsorption, shrinkage …) at the material & component

  • The service life planning : an analysis according to the ISO stand ard15686-2 Buildings and constructed assets — Service life planning — Part 2: Service life prediction procedures is certainly needed.

Of course, a very poor ambition has been put forward dealing with the initial work to do before the second plenary meeting in Germany and the potential contributors have not been clearly identified but the OP is convinced that we will all improve ourselves and at the end wonderful outputs will be delivered.

7: Planned Plenary Meetings

1st Plenary Meeting Germany End of February/March 2015 (DOODLE survey to be send by FIW)

2nd Plenary Meeting Torino, Italy June 2015 (6th IBPC)

2nd Plenary Meeting Nanjing, China Sept. 2015 (IVIS)

3rd Plenary Meeting Sweden March, 2016 (to be confirmed)

5th Plenary Meeting Japan Sept 2016

6th Plenary Meeting Norway March, 2017 (to be confirmed)

7th Final Meeting Paris, France Sept, Oct. , 2017 (IVIS)
Between each Plenary Meeting, some working group meetings (teleconference) might be organized depending on the need in each Subtask. 

8: Additional information

At the end of the meeting Marco Perino invited the participants to submit summaries to the next IBPC in Torino.

ibpc turin

He added that if 5 to 6 papers are submitted, he could organise a special session about "SIM in Building" during the conference.

Therefore, you are all invited to submit a summary before the end of October

ANNEX 1: Message from Rainer ZAH

Dear Daniel,

as the Ministry of Energy declined our whole project proposal and we currently have no other projects on superinsulation, I cannot participate on Annex 65 in general.



Rainer Zah
Dr. sc. nat. ETH 

Managing Director

Quantis Switzerland/Germany

facebook google+ twitter linkedin

Tél.+41 44 552 08 39
Mobile+41 78 749 97 41
Skype rainer_zah

Reitergasse 11

8004 Zürich Switzerland

ANNEXE 2: Message from Holber Wallbaum.

Cher Daniel Quenard,

Thanks for your kind email and the invitation to join the Annex 65 as a subtask-leader that I am very happy to accept. As a subject editor for building materials and buildings at the International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment, I have a special interest in the topics addressed in subtask 4. I have already checked the website of Annex 57, led by Prof. Oka and I will be happy to discuss with him as well how to align the efforts in the two annexes. Actually, I do know Prof. Lützkendorf very well, who is a member of the annex 57, too. Hopefully we can benefit from some work that is currently done by one of my PhD students, Jun Kono, who is funded by the European Climate-KIC and working on the environmental performance of building materials. Jun is from Japan, did his Master at ETH in Zurich/Switzerland at the same time, when I have been at ETH and he fortunately joined us now in Sweden. Thus, I expect him as a very qualified person to support the efforts in both annexes.
Finally I am looking forward to reading from your side about next steps in Annex 65.
Avec mes sincères salutations distingues de la Suede,



Holger Wallbaum

Prof. Dr.

Professor in Sustainable Building

Civil and Environmental Engineering

description: cid:image002.png@01cab0a0.01ac85a0

description: cid:image001.jpg@01cab0a0.01ac85a0

Chalmers University of Technology

SE - 412 96 Göteborg, Sweden

Tel: +46(0)31-772 19 94

Mobile: +46(0)73-383 92 59

SoA provisional content

1 : Introduction

  • Two types of SIM

    • VIP

    • Advanced Porous Materials

  • Heat transfer in porous media

2 : VIP

Films : Hanita, Toray, Toppan …

Core Materials : Porextherm, Microtherm, Evonik, Creek,

Panels : Porextherm, Microtherm, vaQtec, Creek, Siltherm, Saint Gobain, Panasonic …
3 : APM

Porous Silica: Evonik …

Aerogel : Cabot, Enersens, Separex …


  • DowCorning

  • Saint Gobain

  • Metra Group




  • Material Level

  • Component level

  • Systems level


ANNEX 4: Round Robin Test – to be confirmed by FIW
Measurement of the Thermal Conductivity of VIP
COP : Center of Panel VIP

Measurement Area

Size of the sample

Thermal Bridges : VIP

Method 1

Method 2

Table I : Description of samples needed for the Round Robin Test





Sample size

COP : Center of Panel


Sample Size

Thermal Bridges – Method 1









Min : 600 x 600 mm

Max : 800 x 800 mm

Thickness : up to 100 mm

At least 3 samples per manufacturer

Min : 600 x 300 mm

Max : 800 x 400 mm

Thickness : up to 100 mm

At least 6 samples per manufacturer

KONGJU University (KR)

HFM : Heat Flow Meter

GHP : Guarded Hot Plate

VIP Manufacturers





The VIP manufacturers will send the samples listed in Table I to the participants (addresses in the next Table II), volunteer for carrying out the measurements.

FIW will collect all the data

Deadline : Next meeting in Munich

Table II : Addresses of the participants volunteers to measure the COP thermal conductivity of VIP and to evaluate the Thermal Bridge effect.






Andreas Holm/Christoph Sprengard

FIW - Lochhamer Schlag 4 - DE-82166 Gräfelfing


Prof. Dr. Zhaofeng Chen

Super Insulation Composites Laboratory - College of Material Science and Technology

Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics

29 Yudao Street - Nanjing 210016, P. R. China


Yoash Carmi - Hanita Coatings

Kibbutz Hanita - 22885, Israel

vaQtec (DE)

Dr. Roland Caps

va-Q-tec AG - Karl-Ferdinand-Braun-Str. 7 - 97080 Würzburg, Germany


Marco Perino – Politecnico di Torino

Corso Duca degli Abruzzi, 24 - 10129 Torino, ITALY


Samuel Brunner – EMPA

Dübendorf Überlandstrasse 129 - CH-8600 Dübendorf


CSTB - Daniel Quenard

24, Rue Joseph FOURIER - 38400 Saint Martin d'Heres - FRANCE

KONGJU University (KR)

Jun Tae KIM, Professor

Department of Architectural Engineering - Kongju National University  

275 Budae-Dong, Cheonan - Chungnam 330-717, KOREA (South)

Yüklə 139,65 Kb.

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