National Disability Insurance Agency
Annual Report 16/17
Dear NDIS,
Just wanted to say thank you. My son is off with his support worker today having fun with some new friends in that big wide world that has always been so scared of him.
Me, I’ve had a few leisurely cups of tea, read the news, done the washing, and
I must admit, feeling a tad lost. You see, in 22 years I have forgotten how to just sit and relax, to do things just for me.
- Karen, mother of NDIS participant
12 October 2017
The Hon Christian Porter MP
Minister for Social Services
Parliament House
Dear Minister,
On behalf of the National Disability Insurance Agency, I present to you the Annual Report for the reporting year 1 July 2016 to 30 June 2017.
The report provides a detailed description of the Agency’s operations during the year and has been prepared in accordance with the Public Governance, Performance and Accountability Act 2013 (PGPA Act) and the National Disability Insurance Scheme Act 2013 (the NDIS Act).
In accordance with section 39 of the PGPA Act, the report provides information about the Agency’s performance in achieving its purposes.
The report includes a copy of the Agency’s annual financial statements and the Auditor-General’s report as prescribed by subsection 43(4) of the PGPA Act.
The report is made in accordance with a resolution of the Board of Directors, who are responsible for its preparation and content and is being provided to you as the responsible Minister under section 46 of the PGPA Act.
The incorporated summary of the Annual Financial Sustainability Report 2016–17 and the inclusion of the reviewing actuary’s report fulfils the Agency’s obligations under subsection 172(4) of the NDIS Act.
Yours sincerely,
Dr Helen Nugent AO
Chairman, National Disability Insurance Agency
About this report
This report is a summary of the performance and operations of the National Disability Insurance Agency (‘the Agency’) for the 2016–17 financial year as required by the Public Governance, Performance and Accountability Act 2013 (PGPA Act). It presents the actions, initiatives and key performance indicators around the implementation and management of the National Disability Insurance Scheme (‘the Scheme’) against targets set out in the Department of Social Services 2016–17 Portfolio Budget Statement (PBS) and the NDIA 2016–21 Corporate Plan.
The NDIA and the Board acknowledge the objectives of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities.
We show our respect and acknowledge Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people who are the Traditional Owners and Custodians of this land. We pay our respects to their Elders both past and present.
Please note: Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people should be aware that this report may contain images or names of deceased persons.
The Introduction and Section 1 of this Annual Report provide an overview of the NDIS rollout to June 30 2017, and detail key programs of work undertaken by the NDIA in the 2016–17 financial year.
The Annual Performance Statement in Section 2 and Annual Financial Statement in Section 4 are written to meet the reporting requirements of government, as required under the PGPA Act.
Section 3 provides details of the NDIA’s governance arrangements and other reportable items required under the PGPA Act for corporate Commonwealth entities.
1.Table of contents
Letter of transmittal 3
About this report 4
Structure of this report 5
1.Table of contents 6
2.List of tables 7
Introduction 8
3.In this section 9
4.Message from the Chairman 10
5.Message from the Chief Executive Officer 12
6.About the NDIS 13
7.Develop actuarial estimates of the reasonable and necessary support needs of the targeted population. 13
8.Focus on lifetime value for Scheme participants. 13
9.Invest in research and encourage innovation. 13
10.Support the development of community capability and social capital. 13
11.The National Disability Insurance Agency 15
12.From trial to transition 16
13.Year one: transition to full Scheme 17
Section One
Year one of full Scheme transition 39
14.Chapter 1 40
15.Chapter 2 55
16.Chapter 3 62
17.Chapter 4 67
Section Two
Performance Report 80
18.Performance statements authority 81
19.Performance statement 82
20.Financial performance 2016-17 91
21.Statement of financial position 93
Section Three
Governance 95
22.Governance arrangements 97
23.Agency Board 98
24.Board Members 99
25.Board committees 103
26.Independent Advisory Council 105
27.Executive Management Group 107
28.Reportable items 110
Section Four
Sustainability and Financial Performance 118
29.Summary of National Disability Insurance Scheme Financial Sustainability Report 2016-17 120
Financial statements for the period ending 30 June 2017 123
Overview 139
30.Financial Performance 144
30.1.Expenses 144
30.2.Own-Source Revenue and Gains 148
31.Financial Position 151
1.1.Financial Assets 151
31.1.Non-Financial Assets 155
31.2.Payables 159
31.3.Other Provisions 162
Reconciliation of provisions 163
32.Funding 165
32.1.Cash Flow Reconciliation 165
33.Governance, Employees and Relationships 167
33.1.Employee Provisions 167
33.2.Key Management Personnel Remuneration 168
33.3.Related Party Disclosures 168
There were no other related party transactions during the period. 170
33.4.Remuneration of Auditors 170
34.Managing Uncertainties 171
34.1.Contingent Assets and Liabilities 171
34.2.Financial Instruments 171
34.3.Fair Value Measurement 176
35.Acronyms 179
36.Glossary 181
37.Appendix 1: NDIA staffing statistics 185
38.Appendix 2: Board members’ positions, terms and meetings attended 2016-17 187
39.Appendix 3: Administrative Appeals Tribunal (AAT) reviews and decisions 2016-17 189
40.Appendix 4: Summary of incidents pursuant to section 38 of the Work Health and Safety Act 2011 (WHS Act) 190
41.Appendix 5: Enabling Legislation 191
42.Appendix 6: Compliance with Carer Recognition Act 2010 192
43.Compliance index (17BE and 17BF of PGPA Rule 2014) 193
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