Activities and Achievements – report
The Institute has changed the process for bidding for RIMAD QR funds this year. At each of the three deadlines per year, funding requests are sent on the RIMAD Bid form to the Research Development Manager, Jen Clemiston, who scrutinizes them for potential external funding. They are then circulated to the awarding committee of Profs and Heads of Department for decision making. This ensures a close working relationship with the Research Development Manager.
This is supported by the Research Development Manager’s RIMAD Funding Opps mails (now issue 27) which highlight opportunities in this sector. This has improved the range of sources of funding being considered.
RIMAD staff attended the RGS supervisors workshop in February and the away day, and our thanks to RGS for organizing this. Joanna Callaghan has taken on the role of research students admissions tutor has taken on much of the burden of sending out for review the applications and review of RS forms, working with the RGS administrator, Kim Porter.
We are very grateful for the support of administrative staff in RGS and continue to work on the smooth and speedy communication between RGS and RIMAD.
REF plans from staff are being implemented. A collation and self assessment document for the REF was put forward to the University. Research outputs this year have increased (see below)
The institute held the fourth Under the Mask conference. Under the Mask is a conference series at the University of Bedfordshire that focuses upon the multi-faceted issue of the gamer. Culturally, socially, psychologically, professionally, the list of masks worn by the gamer is endless. This conference series aims to penetrate these masks, investigating why they are worn, how they are used, and how they are constructed by gaming culture, game developers, and by the gamers. Under the Mask 4 will be held on the Friday 3rd June 2011.
The University of Bedfordshire will host the Media, Communications and Cultural Studies Association conference in January 2012, the national subject association in media. The organising team is led by Janey Gordon, Joanna Callaghan (who are on the MeCCSA committee) and Sarah Waller. Alec Charles has plans for the Political Studies Assoc. conference in 2013 and Janey Gordon for a Radio Colloquium in Autumn 2011
The Institute’s Professional Doctorate in Journalism, Media, Cinema and Television started off this year and it drew in speakers of international standing. The PD was lead by Luke Hockley and supported by a strong team.
The Junior Research Institute in PAE continues to thrive under the leadership of Sadie Hunt. It hosts a seminar series and involves students in the practice-led research in the Division.
The Professor Manuel Alvarado collection of books will be formally received at the MeCCSa conference January 2012 which will be at the University of Bedfordshire.
Luke Hockley, Professor of Media Analysis, published with Routledge House the Wounded Healer on Television: Jungian and Post-Jungian Reflections co-edited with Dr Leslie Gardner. He became joint Editor in Chief Dr Huskinson of the peer reviewed International Journal of Jungian Studies, which is published by Taylor and Francis. In August, he was invited to give a keynote lecture at Cornell University, up-state New York titled Healing Fictions: The Transformative Power of Cinema. Dr Hockley has secured a contract with Routledge for his next sole authored book, the working title of which is Somatic Cinema: The Relationship between body and screen – a Jungian perspective.
Jon Silverman, Professor of Media and Criminal Justice, has continued to develop his ground-breaking British Academy-funded research project on the role of the media in reporting war crimes trials in West Africa. He is acting as consultant organizer and chair for an initiative funded by the Taskforce for International Co-operation on Holocaust Education and Research (ITF) to bring together journalists from Central and Eastern Europe with counterparts from the UK media to discuss the media’s role in reporting issues of race and ethnicity. Three three-day conferences will be held in London in 2012/3, which he will chair.
Two new Visiting Professors joined RIMAD this year, Alec Gerlis and Professor William Baker.
Joanna Callaghan is PI on the awarded AHRC project Ontological Narratives III project. The project is interdisciplinary; investigating the relationship between philosophy and cinema leading to the production of a 20-25 minute film. It is a 12 month project FEC is £60178.40.
Joanna Callaghan PI, University of Bedfordshire
Martin McQuillan, Professor of Literary Theory and Cultural Analysis and Dean of the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences Co-I, University of Kingston
The 'Ontological Narratives' research project is concerned with exploring the relationship between two themes, ontology and narrative, within the spheres of philosophy and cinema leading to the production of a 20-25 minute creative narrative film. Concerned with how philosophy might be 'described' through film, the output of this project will constitute the third film of a series of films that address this issue.
The outputs from this project will be of interest to a wide range of scholars across the arts and humanities engaged in practice led research and interdisciplinary theoretical work, particularly in the fields of film and media studies, philosophy, cultural studies, literary studies and fine art. The outputs will facilitate new ways for disciplines to talk to each other allowing for cross fertilisation and a fresh perspective both from within and outside of the disciplines.
4. Bids and tenders made 2010-11
Wellcome Broadcast Award 2010, Janey Gordon, Steve Conway
Wellcome People's Award 2011, Janey Gordon, Steve Conway
AHRC, Connected Communities, 2011, Janey Gordon, Steve Conway
Paul Hamlyn Foundation, 2011, Janey Gordon, Steve Conway
Callaghan, J Collaborative bid AHRC - Awarded
Callaghan, J Wellcome Trust Arts Awards
Green D & Digance J, AHRC. - Awaiting outcome
Silverman J and I Gaber, AHRC
Silverman J and I Gaber, Nuffield Foundation, - Awaiting outcome
Weedon A Leverhulme
Weedon A UNESCO - Awaiting outcome
5. Seminar series
2010/2011 Term One
Jarrell Pair
comes to meet you. interests in interactive dance and games see
Michael Chanan
(Roehampton Uni)
The Role of History in the Individual
Christopher Nicholson
How did the biggest independent UK feature film yet to be made get off the ground?
Roberta Buiani
(Anglia Ruskin)
Scientific visualization of viruses: popular but marginalized, manifesting and resisting biopower
Dan Pinchbeck
(Uni of Portsmouth)
Adventures in First Person Gaming: or, how I put down the gun and picked up the build engine
RIMAD board
Prof. Martin McQuillan
(Uni of Kingston)
Disney, Ecology and Globalization
Lisa Thomas
(Uni of Bedfordshire)
Shaping counter-terrorism policy in the UK: Analysing the relationship between government and external influencers
Sean Nixon
(Uni of Essex)
A Challenge Both Alarming and Alluring’: Advertising Agencies and the Birth of TV Advertising
2010/2011 Term Two
Ivor Gaber
(Uni of Bedfordshire)
All change - reporting the 2010 General Election campaign
Meeting about UNESCO research projects
Supervisor Training
Lorna Jowett
(Northampton Uni)
‘America’s favorite serial killer’: How Fans Relate to TV Monsters
Garry Whannel
(Uni of Bedfordshire)
The roots of stand-up comedy
Joss Hands
(Anglia Ruskin)
Activism in the Network Society: On Power-Laws and Deliberation in Radical Democracy
Michael Silk
(Uni of Bath)
London 2012: Towards a Sociology of the Sporting Spectacle
Frauke Behrendt
(Anglia Ruskin)
Rhythmanalysis. Lefebvre on a GPS Sound Walk
A further RIMAD board was held on 6 June 2011
6. Centre reports
CIMARC: The Centre for International Media Analysis
The regular series of film screenings is now in its sixth year. Two programmes are run each year, one in Autumn and one in Spring. The screenings support the MA International Cinema, but all our MA students are encouraged to attend. Where possible English subtitles of films in English are turned on, to provide extra language support for students whose first language is not English.
The Autumn series included examples of classic Hollywood and European Cinema, while the spring series featured World cinema and examples of what some have dubbed “Trans-national” cinema.
Research students were employed during the summer of 2010 to produce information dossiers on the films we regularly feature and to improve our publicity.
Technical enhancements made to room A107 during Summer 2010 included the installation of a new projector and highly effective blackout blinds which enable us to show films in near cinema conditions.
The Journalism and the Olympic Games Research Group, JOG
Members of the JOG Group have continued to maintain regular informal contacts throughout the year. Understanding the Olympics, by John Horne and Garry Whannel was published in June 2011, as was Watching the Olympics, edited by John Sugden and Alan Tomlinson. With Professor Kath Woodward of the Open University, JOG members Horne, Tomlinson and Whannel are currently completing a second edition of Understanding Sport.
Other information
Islamophobia and the British media: information compiled by research students is being assessed with a view to making a funding application.
CIMARC sponsored two seminars in the RIMAD series and arranged funding for a visiting speaker to the Under the Mask conference.
Plans: include a Conference on Italian Cinema, conferences on African Cinema and Walter Benjamin are also in preparation.
CARD: The Centre for Applied Research and Dance
Contributing to the Faculty Report, Professor Helen Bailey outlines the initiatives in Division of Performing Arts and English. ‘A major initiative taking place in 2011 is the From Motivation to Movement: Towards an empirical understanding of the role of dance in health, the first International Congress of Dance in health, hosted by the University in conjunction with the Laban Centre and Dance UK. Helen Bailey is Co-Investigator on 18 month long, £500K AHRC large research grant project MiPP: Motion in Place Platform , has been invited to be Adjunct Professor in Dance and Technology Center for Culture and Technology, Curtin University of Technology, New South Wales, Australia.’
7. Research outcomes
Fisher, Austin (2011) Radical Frontiers in the Spaghetti Western: Politics, Violence and Popular Italian Cinema. London: IB Tauris
Hockley, L and Gardner, L (eds) (2011) House the Wounded Healer on Television: Jungian and Post-Jungian Reflections. London: Routledge
Horne, John and Garry Whannel (2011) Understanding the Olympic Games, London: Routledge
Edited works
Charles, A., and Stewart, G. (2011) The End of Journalism: News in the Twenty-First Century (Peter Lang)
Murray and Weedon (2011) Adaptations, Cross-Media Practices And Branded Entertainments Convergence (Sage)
Bailey, H. (2010) ‘e-Dance: Pioneering Arts e-Research’, invited opening keynote paper at e-Research Australasia, Annual International Conference, Australia
Bailey, H. (2010) ‘e-Dancing: Extending the boundaries of dance practice’ invited keynote paper at Baltic Movement International Conference, Gdansk, Poland
Callaghan, J. (2011) 'The Postcard by Jacques Derrida', Picture This: postcards & letters beyond text, University of Sussex
Gaber, I. (2011) Leadership, leaders and New Trends in Political Communication” Luis Guido Carli University Rome May 2011
Gaber, I. (2010) “The 2010 General Election: Evolution or Revolution?” Annual Conference of the Politics and Media Group of the Political Studies Association Winchester University December 2010
Gaber, I. (2011) “The End of the Westminster Lobby?” ‘Media and History Conference Sheffield University Journalism Department, January 2011
Hockley, L. (2011) 'Healing Fictions: The Transformative Power of Cinema', Engaging with, Applying, Reflecting on – Symbols of Transformation, Cornell University, USA.
Weedon, A (2010) Invited keynote. 'Redefining the Book as a System of Cultural Production', The Book and Cultural Economy, Lubjania, Slovenia November 2010
Invited talks
Charles, A. (2011) Introduction to and discussion of film screening at the Cambridge Picturehouse as part of the University of Cambridge’s Department of History and Philosophy of Science’s Wellcome-sponsored ‘Reproductive Dystopias’ season.
Bailey, H. (2010) ‘Growing Knowledge: The Evolution of Research’ invited exhibition contribution to 12-month public exhibition at the British Library, UK
Bailey, H. (2010) ‘Choreographic Morphologies: using motion capture and tracking technologies to document choreographic practice’ invited paper at JISC Motion Capture Methodologies International Workshop, University of Sussex, UK.
Gaber, I. (2011) “The British General Election 2010” University of Porto Portugal May 2011
Gaber, I. (2011) “The End of Objectivity” University of Porto, Portugal May 2011
Gaber, I. (2010) “Changing trends in Journalism” Kingston University Journalism Dept. November 2010
Gaber, I. (2010) “The End of Spin?”London School of Economics Dept. of Media & Communications Oct. 2010
Gaber, I. (2010) “New Trends in Political Campaigning” QMW, Dept. of Politics, Univ. of London May 2010
Gazzard, A. (2011) 'Videogame space and gestural interfaces'. Invited seminar at GamesLab Wales, University of Glamorgan, Cardiff, UK.
Weedon, Alexis (2011) 'Using RED and other electronic resources in humanities research: case studies and discussion' at Using the Reading Experience Database for Teaching and Research. 25th February, Open University, Camden Town. Invited contribution.
La Traille, Mike 4am-5am MA exhibition/installation, Stockwood Park, Luton, 7th-25th February
Group exhibitions
Douglas, Noel (2010) Finalist: 21st Warsaw Poster Bienniale finalist Plakat Museum 2 June–31 August 2010, Wilanow, Warsaw. Poland
Peer reviewed journal articles
Anders, T., E. Miranda (2011). `Constraint Programming Systems for Modelling Music Theories and Composition’ in ACM Computing Surveys. 43(4).
Charles, Alec (2011). ‘The crack of doom: the uncanny echoes of Steven Moffat’s Doctor Who’ in Science Fiction Film and Television 4:1, 1-24.
Charles, Alec (2010). ‘Extraordinary renditions: reflections of the war on terror in British and American screen science fiction’ in Historia Actual Online 22.
Charles, Alec (2010). ‘The politics of Facebook friendship: the influence of the social structuration of the SNS upon the notion of the political’ in CEU Political Science Journal 5:4, 575-596.
Conrad, Marc, Charles, Alec & Neale, Jo (2010). 'This is my Body: the uses and effects of the avatar in the virtual world’ in International Journal for Infonomics 3:4.
Darwood, N (2010). ‘Eviction from Eden: The Fiction of Elizabeth Bowen’ in The Glass, No.22, Spring 2010, pp.41-49.
Diedrich, A. (2011) ‘Acting Out Trauma in the Theatre of Embarrassment: George Tabori’s Shylock Improvisations’, in Performance Research: ‘On Trauma’, 16:1, 142-152.
Faherty, Michael (2010) 'The Strange Ones: John Montague, Ezra Pound and the Troubadour Tradition', in Lee, M. (ed.) Poetry Criticism. Vol. 106. Detroit: Gale Press, pp. 299-306.
Gaber I “Too close for comfort? the MPs’ expenses scandal and the Westminster Lobby?he Slow Death of the Westminster Lobby collateral damage from the MPs’ expenses scandal, Journal of Media History (in print)
Gaber, I. (2011) “The ‘hollowed-out election’ or where did all the policy go?' Journal of Political Marketing (Vol. 10 No 4 2011)
Gazzard, A. (2010) ‘Changing Places: Warping between Perspectives’, Journal of Gaming and Virtual Worlds, Vol. 2, No. 3, 225-238
Gazzard, A. (2011) 'Unlocking the Gameworld:The Rewards of Space and Time in Videogames', Game Studies, Vol 11. No. 1. (
Whannel, Garry, with John Horne, (2010) ‘The ‘caged torch procession’: celebrities, protesters and the 2008 Olympic torch relay in London, Paris and San Francisco, in Sport in Society Special Issue, edited by D. Martinez & K Latham, , 13: 5, 760 -770, 2010
Whannel, Garry (2010) ‘News, Celebrity and Vortextuality: a study of the media coverage of the Jackson Verdict’ in Cultural Politics, v6 n1, pp65-84,
Articles and chapters
Anders, T. (2011). Variable Orderings for Solving Musical Constraint Satisfaction Problems. In G. Assayag, C. Truchet (Eds.): Constraint Programming and Music. Wiley.
Callaghan, J. (2011) Why read if I want to make stuff ? The Use of Film in Education, Cambridge Scholars Publishing
Charles, A. (2011) 'Resistance is Useless' in The End of Journalism, eds Charles & Stewart (Peter Lang)
Charles, A. (2011) 'Attack of the killer squirrels: a study of the fantastical symbolism of BBC News Online' in The End of Journalism, eds Charles & Stewart (Peter Lang)
Charles, Alec (2011) Review: The Video Game Theory Reader 2 in Convergence 17:1.
Conrad, M., Charles, A., and Neale, J. (2011) ‘What is my avatar?’ in Reinventing Ourselves, eds Peachey & Childs (Springer).
Charles, A. (2011) ‘Strange new world: meditations upon 9/11 and the War on Terror in British and American screen science fiction’ and ‘Zamyšlení nad 11. zářím a válkou s terorismem v britských a amerických televizních sci-fi’ (Czech translation) in 25 FPS 46 (online film journal, Czech Republic).
Gaber, I. (2011) Chapter “The Future of Political Journalism” in ‘So You Want to be a Political Journalist” ed. Gunn S, London Biteback
Gaber, I. (2011) “Three cheers for Subjectivity: or the crumbling of the seven pillars of journalistic wisdom in The End of Journalism eds. Charles A and Stewart Oxford Peter Lang 2011
Gaber, I. (2011) “The Transformation of Campaign reporting the 2010 General Election, evolution or revolution” in Political Communication in Britain eds. Wring D Mortimore R and Atkinson S Basingstoke Palgrave Macmillan 2011
Gaber, I. (2011) “Great Story: the media. Social workers & child abuse” British Journalism Review (Sept2011)
Gordon, Janey (2011), “ Ambient news and the Para iPhone Mojo” in Snickars, Pelle Vonderau, Patrick (eds) (2011)Moving Data. The iPhone and My Media, Columbia University Press, US
Gordon, Janey (2011) “How to run a listener focus group - Advice for community radio stations” in Prove It, Community Radio Toolkit, (Eleanor Shember-Critchley editor)
Hockley, L (2011) Doctoring Individuation: Gregory House, Physician, Detective or Shaman, in //House the Wounded Healer on Television: Jungian and Post-Jungian Reflections. (eds Hockley and Gardner) London: Routledge
Lay, Samantha & Lisa Thomas (2011) ‘Ethnic Minority Media in London: Transition and Transformation’, Media, Culture and Society (forthcoming)
Nunes, A., Price, A. and Diedrich, A. (2010) ‘Reflecting on Performance’, in Johns, C. (ed.) Guided Reflection: A Narrative Approach to Advancing Professional Practice. Chichester: Wiley-Blackwell, 178-194.
Silverman Jon (2010) 'Addicted to distortion : the media and UK drugs policy' Safer Communities Journal, 9 : 4 October 2010
Silverman Jon (2010). British Journalism Review 21:4 December 2010
Weedon, Alexis et al 'A History of Reading: An introduction to reading in the past'. Open Learn.
Weedon, Alexis (2010) (Invited) 'DIGITAL FORUM Digital Resources and Quantitative Research 'Journal of Victorian Culture Vol. 15, No. 2, August 2010, 297–301
Whannel, G ‘Caught in the Spotlight: Media Themes in the build-up to the Beijing Olympic Games’, in Esporte e Sociedade Journal, Brasil, 2010
Funded Research
Gaber, Ivor “Changing trends in television news 1979 – 2009” Leverhulme Trust £55,000 (with University of Westminster)
Gaber, Ivor “Widening Ethnic Diversity in the News Media Workforce” – ESRC Seminar Series £25,000 (with five other universities)
Hunt, S. (2010) 'Junior Research Institutes: an exploration into the need for, creation of and benefits to developing undergraduate initiatives'. in Atlay, M (ed.)Creating Communities. Bedford: University of Bedfordshire
Nunes, A., Price, A. and Diedrich, A. (2010) ‘Reflecting on Performance’, in Johns, C. (ed.) Guided Reflection: A Narrative Approach to Advancing Professional Practice. Chichester: Wiley-Blackwell, 178-194.
Price, A. & Nunes Tucker, A. (2010) “Reflection in Action” in Kelly, R., McLean, C. (eds.) (2010) Creative Arts in Interdisciplinary Practice: Inquiries for Hope and Change Detselig/Temeron Books
McKenna, Lesley. 'Amaranthus caudatus. (Love Lies Bleeding).' Kater Murr Press. London. September 2010.
Callaghan, J. (2010) Determining Creative Practice, Journal of Media Practice, v 11, issue 3
Print and online Journalism
Douglas, Noel (2011) Design work published in Green Patriot Posters book. Dmitri Siegal, Edward Morris, Metropolis Books, Thames and Hudson ISBN 978-0500289266
Douglas, Noel (2010) Design work published in '21st Warsaw Poster Bienniale' Catalogue ISBN 978-83-7100-858-0
Douglas, Noel (2010) Article in Eye 76 The International Review of Graphic Design, 3 page Article: 'Attacked by Type, Light and Sound'
Also online at: (Eye website has 27,000 unique visitors a month and 90,000 page views)
Douglas, Noel (2010) Art and Design Work featured in: Artivisme, Stephanie Lemoine Samira Ouardi, Altern Graphis, France ISBN 978-2862276588
Online at:
Douglas, Noel (2010) Design work featured in Green Patriot Posters book in Wired magazine online feature for Green Patriot Posters:
Douglas, Noel (2010) Design work featured in Green Patriot Posters book in Guardian online feature:
Gaber, I. (2011) “Nigeria: Two Cheers for Democracy” Tribune 15 May 2011
Gaber, I. (2010)Leaders' debates: we can't all keep watching Sky Tribune 16 April 2010
Gaber, I. (2010) Why did the pollsters get the Lib Dem vote wrong? Tribune 14 May 2010
Gaber, I. (2010) “Students, prepare your campaign for the battle of the fees” Times Higher 25 Nov. 2010
Gaber, I. (2011) Review: “Everyday Life in British Government” by Rod Rhodes Times Higher 23 June 2011
Gaber, I. (2010) Review: “Political Communication & Social Theory” Aeron Davies Times Higher16 Dec. 2010
Gaber, I. (2011) “The media and democracy” Open democracy website June 2011-07-13
Gaber, I. (2011) Endgame for Murdoch?” Dale and Co website July 2011
Gaber, I. (2011) “The News of the World closure: trying to make sense of it all” July 2011
Gaber, I. (2011) ’The Conversation’ Australian-based website
Bailey, H. (2010) Here and There. University of Bedfordshire Theatre, Bedford. Video documentation has presented as a part of several international conference presentations in the UK, Australia, Poland.
Hewison, J. (2010) Crunching Snow at 60x60 International Festival, Stratford Circus, London.
Hunt, S (2010) Some Suggestions for Being Good Resolution! Robin Howard Theatre, The Place, London, TestBeds practice as research platform at University of Bedfordshire Theatre, Bedford.
Price, A. & Nunes Tucker (2010) ‘Please Don’t Use the Word ‘Pain’’in TestBeds practice as research platform at University of Bedfordshire Theatre, Bedford.
Spackman, L. (2010) Hold. The Hat Factory, Luton; The Junction, Cambridge and in TestBeds practice as research platform at University of Bedfordshire Theatre, Bedford.
Callaghan, J. (2010) A mind's eye, Nottingham Playhouse Theatre
Wiener, Maria (2010) Screening of the digital choreography "Start from Scratch" at the dance screen festival of CINEDANS in Amsterdam (10 December).
Callaghan, J. (2011) Film reviewer, Drive Time, Weekly - Fridays 6-7pm BBC Three Counties Radio
Charles, Alec (2011) Interviewed on BBC Three Counties Radio about the relocation of the Express newspaper group to Luton (26 January).
Douglas, Noel (2010) Dec 16 2010: Interviewed about cuts in art and design education on Resonance FM London, in the show Graphic Design on the Radio:
Douglas, Noel (2011) BBC Three Counties Radio interview about Green Patriot Posters book.
Gaber I (2011) Media production: The Number one Forensic Detective Service: documentary in production for BBC radio 4
Gaber I (2011) “Universities challenged” documentary in production for BBC Radio 4
Gaber I (2011) Media Commentary: Frequent media commentator on UK and international radio and TV stations including
UK – including BBC Radio 4, 5Live, LBC, BBC News Channel, Sky News, ITN and Channel Four News
International – including CNN, Al Jazeera, NHK Japan, CBC Canada, Swiss TV, ZDF Germany etc.
Silverman Jon (2010/11) Various on BBC national, regional, local radio and World Service.
Wolfe, Kathryn (2010) Interviewed on about TV presenter training/skills and answered questions from listeners (24 October).
Wolfe, Kathryn (2010) Interviewed on about TV presenter training and my book, 'So You Want to be a TV Presenter?' (12 December).
Wolfe, Kathryn (2011) Interviewed on about TV presenter training/skills and answered questions from listeners (30 January).
Conference papers
Bailey, H (2010) “e-Dance: Creating spaces for collaborative practice-led interdisciplinary research in dance and e-Science” DRHA 2010 (Digital Resources in the Humanities and Arts) Annual International Conference, Brunel University, UK
Bradley, E. (2010). Positive dancing: The antecedents of recreational, vocational and professional dancers’ flow experiences. Conference presentation at Healthy Dancer, Healthy Dance Teacher Conference,Tartu, Estonia.
Bradley, E. & Hewison, J. (2010). Going with the Flow: How does the experience of flow facilitate risk-taking in the teaching and learning of Contact Improvisation? at Bridging the Gap: University of Bedfordshire Teaching and Learning Annual Conference
Callaghan, J & Stewart, G(2011) 'The Postdigital Condition' Journal of Media Practice Symposium, University of West England
Charles, Alec (2010) ‘The politics of Facebook friendship: the impact of the social networking site upon the concept of democracy’, Political Studies Association Media & Politics Group Annual Conference, Loughborough University, 4-5 November 2010.
Charles, Alec (2011) ‘Like we don’t all use it: Wikipedia and the democratization of knowledge’, Political Studies Association Annual Conference 2011, London.
Darwood, N (2010) ‘Elizabeth Bowen and a Tale of Two Tigers’ – ‘Sound, Image, Text’, ISSCL Annual Conference, Trinity College, Dublin
Diedrich, A. (2010) “The Art of Being: The Suzuki Actors Training Method and Frank Suzuki Performance Aesthetics”, at the IUGTE (International University Global Theatre Experience) Conference Performing Arts Training Today, Leitring (Austria), 29 April to 1 May.
Diedrich, A, (2010) ‘Last in a long line of literary kleptomaniacs: Intertextuality in Sarah Kane’s 4:48 Psychosis’, at the conference Contemporary British Theatre: Towards a New Canon, Birmingham City University, 16 October 2010.
Douse, L. (2010) 'Performance Archive: a digital resource for collaborative teaching and learning.' Poster session presented at: DRHA 2010 (Digital Resources in the Humanities and Arts Sensual Technologies: Collaborative Practices of Interdisciplinarity Annual International Conference, Brunel University
Douse, L. (2010) 'Performance Archive: the online dissemination of student research and practice.' Poster session presented at Bridging the Gap: University of Bedfordshire Teaching and Learning Annual Conference
Douse, Louise (2010) 'Performance Archive: a digital resource for collaborative teaching and learning.' - conference poster. Sensual Technologies: Collaborative Practices of Interdisciplinarity, DRHA Conference, Brunel University, 5-8 September 2010.
Faherty, Michael (2011) 'Carlos Knows Africa: The Curious Conversations of Sarah Lee's The African Wanderers', Modes of Transport: Travel Writing & Form Conference, King's College London, 26 & 27 May 2011.
Fisher, Austin (2010) 'Chronicles of Lead: Transatlantic Flow in 1970s Italian Cop Thrillers'. Kiss Kiss Kill Kill: A Symposium on the Forgotten Spy Film of Cold War Europe. University of Hertfordshire, 18 September 2010.
Fisher, Austin (2011) 'A Cult Called Django'. Cine-Excess V: Subverting the Senses: The Politics and Aesthetics of Excess. Odeon Covent Garden, 26-28 May 2011.
Fisher, Austin (2011) 'La resistenza popolare: Transcultural Memory in Giulio Petroni's Tepepa'. Society for Italian Studies Biennial Conference, University of St. Andrews, 6-9 July 2011.
Fisher, Austin (2011) 'Spaghetti Lefties: Postmodern Politics in Robert Rodriguez's Machete'. Film and Media 2011. The Institute of Education, University of London, 12-14 July 2011.
Gaber I (2011) “New Trends in Political Reporting” The Future of Journalism Conference, Cardiff University September 2011
Gaber I (2011) “The Transformation of Political Reporting” Political Studies Association Annual Conference London April 2011
Gaber I (2010) “The Hollowed Out Election” Elections Public Opinion and Parties Group of the Political Studies Association University of Essex September 2010
Gaber I (2011) “Great Story: the media, social workers and child abuse” University of Bedfordshire Conference “Findings and Impacts” July 2011
Gaber I (2010) “Three Cheers for Subjectivity” World Journalism Education Conference Rhodes University South Africa July 2010
Gazzard A. (2010) ‘Player as Parent, Character as Child: Understanding Avatarial Relationships in Videogames’, in Mindtrek: 14th international conference on Entertainment and media in the ubiquitous era, Tampere, Finland, 6th-8th October 2010.
Gazzard A (2010) ‘Datalogging the Landscape’, ISEA2010, Ruhr region, Germany, 20th – 29th August 2010.
Gazzard A. (2011) 'Routes through Gamespace', Ludotopia II conference, Salford University, UK, 24th - 25th February 2011.
Gazzard, A (2011) '(Re-)Positioning the Senses: Perceptions of Space in 3D Gameworlds', The Philosophy of Computer Games Conference, Athens, Greece, 6th-9th April 2011
Gordon, Janey (2011) “Community Radio Audience Research” Civil Media Conference, Salzburg, Austria, 15th and 16th April 2011, invited panellist, EU funded.
Gordon, Janey (2011) “Community Radio Audience Research” The Radio Conference, A Transnational Forum, Auckland University of Technology, New Zealand January 11th-13th January 2011
Hewison, J. & Bradley, E. (2010). Enter[taining] the Dragon: Employer-Focused Curriculum Design and Delivery in Dance at Bridging the Gap: University of Bedfordshire Teaching and Learning Annual Conference
Hunt, S. & Killingbeck, M. (2010) ‘The value of Rudolf Laban’s work for high quality dance performance and choreography’ at Youth Dance England Conference, September 2010
Hunt, S. (2010) ‘Junior Research Institutes: benefits to developing undergraduate research initiatives’ at Bridging the Gap: University of Bedfordshire Teaching and Learning Annual Conference.
Hockley, Luke (2010) -‘Shaken Not Stirred…James Bond and the Country that wouldn’t grow up’, On the Edge: Psyche in Ethics, the Arts and Nature: A Conference of Research in Jung and Analytical Psychology, Cornell University 10-15 August 2010.
Hockley, Luke (2010) -'House: Explorations of a Wounded Healer’, On the Edge: Psyche in Ethics, the Arts and Nature: A Conference of Research in Jung and Analytical Psychology, Cornell University 10-15 August 2010.
Larrea, Carlota (2010) convened and chaired an international panel on Spanish television at the Annual ACIS conference in Dublin City University, 8-10 September 2010.
Price, A. & Nunes Tucker, A. (2010) Please Don’t Use The Word ‘Pain’ Keynote Performance Presentation for 16th International Reflective Practice Conference, Bedford, UK
Silverman, Jon & Lisa Thomas (2010) ‘Terrorism and the “politics of response”: redefining the relationship between the media, political elites and civil society post 9/11’, Global Media and the War on Terror Conference, University of Westminster, 13-14 September 2010.
Silverman, Jon & Lisa Thomas (2011) ‘“I feel your Pain”: Terrorism, the Media & the Politics of Response’, 61st Political Studies Association Annual Conference Transforming Politics: New Synergies, Novotel London West, 19-21 April 2011.
Silverman, Jon & Lisa Thomas (2011) ‘Priming the Response: New Labour and the Politics of (In)security, 1995 – 2010’, The Mediation of Security: An International Conference, De Montfort University, Leicester, 18 May 2011.
Walsh, Clare (2010) ‘Re-visioning Kipling’s Kim for a multicultural audience: a study of John Howard Davies’ 1984 film Kim’ at the Irish Society for the Study of Children’s Literature Conference, 6 March 2010, Trinity College Dublin (RIMAD funded).
Weedon, Alexis (2010) 'Cross media publishing in the 1920s and 1930s: some practices and examples', International Association of University Professors of English Conference Malta July.
Whannel G (2011) ‘Are the Olympics Popular, Really ?’ at Around the Leisure Dome, the first BSA Conference on The Social Sciences and the Olympic Games, British Library, 11th January 2011
Conference/Workshop attendence/participation
Ironside, Kate Conservatives in Europe conference, Exeter 19 November 2010
McKenna, Lesley. ‘Writing in Tongues: Working with Source Texts’ – presentation/workshop. NAWE Conference. Cheltenham. 2010.
External research roles
Callaghan, J (2011) Chair of Practice Section, MeCCSA
Callaghan, J. (2011) AHRC Peer Review College
Dean, P (2011) AHRC Peer Review College
Gaber Ivor Academic Reviewer for Economic and Social Research Council; Journalism Studies; Journalism Practice; Journalism, Theory, Practice and Criticism; Convergence. Editorial Board Memberships: British Journalism Review; Journalism Education; Journal of Arab and Muslim Media Research. Academic Membership: Association for Journalism Education; LSE Media Policy Group; Member MECCSA Media Policy Network; Academician of the Academy of Social Science; International Advisory Board, Centre for the Study of Global Media & Democracy
Gordon Janey (2011) on MeCCSA Executive and conference committee, conference organiser 2012
Gordon Janey (2011) Chair Media and Communications Reference Group of Art, Design and media, Higher Education Academy and member of ADM HEA Management Group.
Weedon A (2011) AHRC Peer Review College
Weedon A (2011) Director, Society for the History of Authorship Reading and Publishing
Weedon A (2010) Women’s Film History Research Group steering committee
Other activities
Douglas, Noel (2011) Judge for competition 'Creating a great moment: Communication in the Public Realm' Design Museum, London
Gaber Ivor, Council Member the Academy of Social Science July 2011; Steering Group, the Campaign for Social Science; Vice Chair Communications & Information Section UNESCO UK; UK Representative on the Intergovernmental Panel of UNESCO’s International Programme for Development Communication; Independent Editorial Advisor to the BBC Trust; Investigating and advising the BBC Trust on unresolved complaints about BBC output; Munro Review of Child Protection – Department for Education 2011, Convenor and member of the Media and Public Confidence Sub-Group.
Organising Committee, for World Press Freedom Day – UNESCO UK; Advisory Council member Hansard Society for Parliamentary Government; BBC World Service – Election Night Studio Commentator 2010 UK Elections; Member, Foreign & Commonwealth Office, Freedom of Expression Panel; Nigeria - IWPR for USAID/International Republican Institute 2011 - oversaw major media programme for 2011 elections involving nationwide journalists' workshop then editor, election news service using online and mobile phone technology. Burkina Faso – IWPR for National Democratic Institute 2010 -Devised and ran workshops for political journalists in Burkina Faso in preparation for Presidential elections. Nigeria - IWPR for USAID/International Republican Institute 2010 - Ran series of workshops for Nigerian journalists to prepare intervention programme for 2011 elections. Organiser – African/UK Journalism Education Exchange, University of Bedfordshire December 2011-07-13
Gaber, Ivor (2011) Media consultancy provided to: Economic and Social Research Council, Joseph Rowntree Foundation, College of Social Work, Clore Leadership Programme for Arts Administrators, London School of Economics, Fair Trials International.
Gaber Ivor & Silverman Jon (2011) Members of media sub-group of the Munro Review of Child Protection Social Work
Green, D (2010 -2011) Summer exchange film School - St Petersburg State Film School. Cuidad De La Luz Alicante. University of Bedfordshire.
Green, D & Digance, J (2010) Cinematic Journeys - Lead short summer. University of Gothenburg, Sweden.
Green, D & Digance, J (2011) co curate British Shorts Film Festival Berlin. Lead workshop on the Cinematic City.
Green, D & Digance, J (2011) In production - Soldiers of a Lesser Blood. Post Colonial Documentary and Archive.
Ironside, Kate (2010) guest speaker at meeting debating the future of the European Union, European Movement meeting, Devon (19 November)
Wolfe, Kathryn (2010) Guest speaker at seminar on TV Presenting, for Spotlight Casting Directory & Spotlight website podcast (13 September).
Wolfe, Kathryn (2010) Author talk on 'So You Want to be a TV Presenter?' and the growth of TV Presenting in UK today at Black Gull Books, London N2 (3 November).
Wolfe, Kathryn (2011) Talk on the growth of TV Presenting in UK today at Arts Educational Schools, London W4 (11 February).
Wolfe, Kathryn (2010 to date) Advice blog on TV presenter training and careers,
Douglas, Noel (2011) 16 page graphic section designed and art directed, published in Springtime, eds Clare Solomon, Tania Palmieri Verso, New York, London ISBN 978-1844677405
Douglas, Noel (2010) Cover design, Dark Matter, Greg Sholette, Pluto Press. ISBN 978-0745327525
Douglas, Noel (2010) Cover design and art direction: Historical Materialism 18.3 Journal, BRILL, Lieden, Boston.
Douglas, Noel (2010) Cover design and art direction: Historical Materialism 18.4 Journal, BRILL, Lieden, Boston.
McKenna, Lesley. 'Womb Distortion'. Cover art for pamphlet poem 'Amaranthus caudatus. (Love Lies Bleeding).' Kater Murr Press. London. September 2010.
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