Chad University of Chad, N’Djamena
Chadron Chadron State College (Nebraska) (formerly one of several Nebraska State Teachers’ Colleges)
Chalmers I.T. Chalmers Institute of Technology (Chalmers Tekniska Högskola), Gothenburg (Sweden)
Chalmers U.T. Chalmers University of Technology (Chalmers Tekniska Högskola), Gothenburg (Sweden) (translated thus in 1989 IAU handbook)
Chaminade Chaminade University of Honolulu (Hawaii)
Changchun Inst.Appl.Chem. Changchun Institute of Applied Chemistry, Jilin Province (Japan)
Changchun Inst.Geog. ? = Changchun College of Geology (untraceable as Institute)
Changchun Optics & Precision Med. Changchun Institute of Optics and Precision Medicine (China)
Changsha I.T. Changsha Institute of Technology, Hunan (China) (according to Nanyang Technological compiler (1994))
Changsha Railway Inst. Changsha Railway Institute (China)
[Chapel Hill see N.Carolina]
Chapman Chapman College (Calif.)
Chapingo Autonomous University of Chapingo (Universidad Autónoma de Chapingo) (Mexico)
[Charles de Gaulle see Lille III]
[Charles, Prague see Prague]
Charleston College of Charleston (S. Carolina)
[Charlottenburg see T.U.Berlin]
Chatham Chatham College (Penn.)
Chattanooga University of Chattanooga (Tenn.) (merged with University of Tennessee, 1969 as University of Tennessee at Chattanooga)
Cheeloo Cheeloo University, Tsinon (China) (pre-war)
Chekiang Chekiang University, Hangchow (China) (post-revolution) (see also Natnl.Chekiang)
Chekiang Med.Coll. Chekiang Medical College, Hangchow (China)
Chem.Tech.Coll., Prague College of Chemical Technology, Prague (Czech Republic)
Chengchi University of Chengchi, Nankin (China) (see also Natnl.Chengchi)
Chengdu Coll.Geol. Chengdu College of Geology, Sichuan (China)
Chengdu Inst.Radio Eng. Chengdu Institute of Radio Engineering, Sichuan (China)
Chengdu Sci.& Technol. Chengdu University of Science and Technology (China)
Cheng Kung Taiwan Provincial Cheng Kung University (later National Cheng Kung University)
[Chenyang see Shenyang]
Chernivtsi Med. Chernivtsi (Chernowitz, Chernovtsy, Tchernowitz) Medical Institute (Ukraine)
Chernowitz Chernowitz (Chernivtsi, Chernovtsy, Tchernowitz) University (Ukraine)
Chestnut Hill Chestnut Hill College (Penn.)
Cheyney Cheyney State College (Penn.)
Chiang Mai Chiang Mai University (Thailand)
Chiao Tung Chiao Tung University, Shanghai (China) (formerly National Chiao Tung University)
Chiba Chiba University (Japan)
Chiba I.T. Chiba Institute of Technology (Japan)
Chic. University of Chicago (Ill.)
Chic.Art Inst. School of the Art Institute, Chicago (Ill.)
Chic.Catholic Theol.Union Catholic Theological Union at Chicago (Ill.)
Chic.Cons.Coll. Chicago Conservatory College (Ill.)
Chic.Mus.Coll. Chicago Music College (Ill.) (later part of Roosevelt University)
[Chico see Calif.State]
Chico State Chico State College (Calif.) (later California State University, Chico, see Calif.State)
Chic.State Chicago State University (Ill.)
Chic.Theol.Sem. Chicago Theological Seminary (Ill.)
Chiengmai Chiengmai (later Chiang Mai) University (Thailand)
Chieti Free University of Chieti (Italy)
Chile University of Chile
China Acad.Railway Scis. China Academy of Railway Sciences (Beijing)
[China Defence Technol. see Natnl.U.Defence Technol.(China)]
China Geoscis. China University of Geosciences, Wuhan
China Grad.Sch.Theol. China Graduate School of Theology (according to Hong Kong Baptist compiler (1994))
China Med.Coll. China Medical College, Taichung
China Inst.Mining Technol. China Insitute of Mining Technology, Hetchuan
China Mining & Technol. China University of Mining and Technology
Chinan Chinan University, Canton (see also Natnl.Chinan)
China Petroleum Petroleum University, China (a ‘federated’ institution with several sections, eg Dongying Petrol., qv)
[China Petroleum Inst. see Dongying Petrol.]
China Textile China Textile University
China U.Electronic S.T. University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, Chengdu
China U., Peiping China University, Peiping (pre-war)
China U.S.T. University of Science and Technology of China, Hefei, Anhai Province
[Chinese Acad.Arts see Arts, China]
Chinese Acad.Med.Scis. Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences, Beijing
Chinese Acad.Sc. Chinese Academy of Sciences (Academia Sinica), Beijing
Chinese Acad.Soc.Sc. Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, Beijing
Chinese Acad.Space Technol. Chinese Academy of Space Technology
Chinese Culture Chinese Culture University (China)
[Chinese Culture, Taiwan see C.Chinese Culture (Taipei)]
Chinese Naval Acad. Chinese Naval Academy (Taiwan?)
Chinese Pol.Sci.& Law Chinese University of Political Science and Law, Beijing
[Ching Yi Women’s Coll. see Providence (Taiwan)]
[Chiraz see Shiraz]
Chisholm I.T. Chisholm Institute of Technology (Australia) (in 1990 merged with Monash University)
[Chokroaminoto see Tjokroaminoto]
Chongqing Chongqing (formerly Chungking) University (China)
Chongqing Archit.& Engin. Chongqing College/Institute of Architecture and Engineering, Shanxi Province (China)
[Chonqing Teachers see S.W.China Teachers]
Chonpuk Chonpuk National University (South Korea)
Cho Sun Cho Sun University, Gwangju (South Korea)
Chosun Theol.Sem. Chosun Theological Seminary, Seoul (South Korea)
Chouinard Chouinard Art Institute (later part of California Institute of the Arts)
[Christian... see also Abilene; Chung Yuan; Chung Yuan Coll.; Fort Worth; Fukien Christ.; Internat.Christian(Tokyo); Jarvis Christian; Lincoln Christian; Northwest Christian; Oklahoma Christian; Pacific Christian; Philippine Christian(Cavite); Philippine Christian(Manila); Satya Wacana; Scarritt; Texas Christian; Tokyo Women’s Christian; Trinity Christian; Tunghai]
[Christian Albrecht see Kiel]
Christian Theol.Sem.(Ind.) Christian Theological Seminary, Indianapolis (Indiana)
[Christian Workers see Scarritt]
Christ Sem.-Seminex Christ Seminary-Seminex, Chicago (Ill.)
Chrysler Inst. Chrysler Institute of Engineering, Detroit (Mich.)
[Chu Hai Coll.(Hong Kong) see Miscellaneous Permanent Notes]
Chukyo Chukyo University (Chukyo Daigaku) (Japan)
Chulalongkorn Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok (Thailand)
Chung Ang Chung Ang (Chung-ang) University, Seoul (South Korea)
Chungbuk Natnl. Chungbuk National University (South Korea)
Chung Cheng I.T. Chung Cheng Institute of Technology (Taiwan) (untraceable: information from compiler at Nanyang Technological)
[Chung Cheng Med./Chung Cheng Natnl. see Natnl.Chung Cheng]
Chung Hsing Taiwan Provincial (later National) Chung Hsing University
Chungking Chungking University (China) (see also Natnl.Chungking)
Chungnam Chungnam National University, Taejun (North Korea)
Chungshah Med.Coll. Chungshah Medical College, Canton (China)
Chung Shan Med. Chung Shan Medical and Dental College (Taiwan)
Chung Yuan Chung Yuan Christian University (Taiwan)
Chung Yuan Coll. Chung Yuan College of Science and Engineering (Taiwan) (sometimes called Taiwan Christian College and later Chung Yuan Christian University)
Chuo Chuo University, Tokyo (Japan)
Churchlands Churchlands Teachers College, Perth (Australia) (established 1972; subsequently Churchlands C.A.E., later Churchlands campus of W.Aust.C.A.E. (now Edith Cowan University))
Church Pacific Div.Sch. Church Divinity School of the Pacific (Calif.)
Cinc. University of Cincinnati (Ohio)
Cinematog., TV & Dramatic Art, Lodz State College of Cinematography, Television and Dramatic Art, Lodz (Poland) (formerly State College of Dramatic Art and Cinematography, Lodz, see State Coll.D.A.& C., Lodz)
[C.I.Parhon see Bucharest]
Citadel The Citadel,Charleston (South Carolina)
City Art Inst.(N.S.W.) City Art Institute, Paddington, NSW (Australia) (formerly a unit of NSW Institute of the Arts; since 1990 College of Fine Arts in the University of New South Wales)
City HK City University of Hong Kong (formerly City Polytechnic of Hong Kong)
[City (N.Y.) see C.U.N.Y.]
City Poly.HK City Polytechnic of Hong Kong (now City University of Hong Kong)
Claremont Claremont Graduate School and University Center (1963–67) (Calif.) (see also Claremont Coll.)
Claremont Coll. Claremont Men’s College (Calif.) (later Claremont McKenna College) (The Claremont Colleges is a consortium of 5 undergraduate colleges and a graduate school: Claremont Graduate School, Claremont McKenna, Harvey Mudd, Pitzer, Pomona and Scripps. Each college is autonomous; Claremont University Center is the co-ordinating institution.)
Claremont Teachers Claremont Teachers College, Perth (Australia) (established 1902; subsequently part of W.Aust.C.A.E. (now Edith Cowan University))
Clarion Clarion State College (Penn.)
Clark Clark University (Mass.)
Clark Atlanta Clark Atlanta University (Ga.)
Clark Coll.(Ga.) Clark College (Ga.) (now part of Clark Atlanta)
Clark Coll.(Wash.) Clark College (Washington)
Clarke Coll. Clarke College (Iowa)
Clarkson Clarkson College of Technology (NY)
[Claude-Bernard see Lyons I]
Clausthal Bergakademie Clausthal (Germany) (later Technical University of Clausthal, see T.U.Clausthal)
Clemson Clemson University (formerly College) (S. Carolina)
Clermont-Ferrand University of Clermont-Ferrand (France)
Clermont-Ferrand II Université Blaise-Pascal, Clermont-Ferrand (Clermont-Ferrand II) (France)
Cleveland Cleveland State University (Ohio)
Cleveland Art Inst. Cleveland Institute of Art (Ohio)
Cleveland Mus.Inst. Cleveland Institute of Music (Ohio)
Cluj either (Victor Babes) University of Cluj or (later) Babes-Bolyai University, Cluj (Romania) (in 1959 became part of the University of Cluj-Napoca; see also Kolozsvar for earlier manifestations)
Cluj-Napoca University of Cluj-Napoca (Romania) (see also T.I.Cluj-Napoca)
Cluj-Napoca Agric. Institute of Agriculture, Cluj-Napoca (Romania)
Cluj-Napoca Med.& Pharm. University ‘Iuliu Hatieganu’ of Medicine and Pharmacy, Cluj-Napoca (Romania)
[C’nell. nb this abbreviation is no longer used; see Cornell]
C.N.R.S., Paris Centre national de la recherche scientifique, Paris
[Coast Guard Acad. see U.S.Coast Guard Acad.]
Coe Coe College (Iowa)
Coimbra University of Coimbra (Portugal)
[Cokroaminoto see Tjokroaminoto]
Col. Columbia University (NY)
Colby Colby College (Maine)
Colgate Colgate University (NY)
Colgate-Roch. Colgate-Rochester Divinity School (NY)
[Coll.Chinese Culture, Taiwan see C.Chinese Culture (Taipei)]
Coll.d’Europe College d’Europe (Bruges)
[Coll.Econ.& Comm., Athens see Athens Sch.Econ.]
Coll.Internat.Mgt., Teheran College of/for International Management, Teheran (Iran)
[Coll.of Agric., Nitra see Agric.Coll.Nitra]
Coll.of Agric., Olsztyn College of Agriculture, Olsztyn-Kartowo (Poland) (later Academy of Agriculture and Technology, see Olsztyn Agric.)
[Coll.of Arts, Berlin see Berlin Coll.Arts]
Coll.of Educn., Prasarnmitr College of Education, Prasarnmitr, Bangkok (Thailand)
[Coll.of Music & Dramatic Art, see Vienna Coll.Music & Dramatic Art ]
[Coll.of Petroleum, Abadan see Abadan]
Collonges ? = Collonges (France) or Collonges (Switzerland)
[Coll.Planning & Stat., Warsaw see Sch.Plan.Stat., Warsaw]
Coll.Vet.Med., Brno College of Veterinary Medicine, Brno (Czech Republic) (later University School of Veterinary Medicine; and University of Veterinary Science)
Cologne University of Cologne (Germany)
Colombia External External University of Colombia, Bogotá
Colombia Natnl. National University of Colombia, Bogotá (see also Natnl.Educn.(Columbia))
Colorado University of Colorado
Colorado Agric. Colorado Agricultural and Mechanical College (later Colorado State University)
Colorado Coll. Colorado College
Colorado Sch.of Mines Colorado School of Mines
Colorado State Colorado State University
Colorado State Coll. Colorado State Teachers’ College, Colorado State College of Education, Colorado State College (later University of Northern Colorado)
Colorado Women’s Colorado Women’s College (became part of the University of Denver 1982)
Columbia Coll. Columbia College (S. Carolina)
Columbia Coll.(N.Y.) Columbia College (NY) (part of Columbia University)
Columbia District University of the District of Columbia (USA)
[Columbia Pacific see Miscellaneous Permanent Notes]
Columbia Teachers Teachers College, Columbia University
Columbia Theol.Sem. Columbia Theological Seminary (Ga.)
Columbia Union Columbia Union College (Maryland)
Comahue National University of Comahue (Argentina)
[Comenius see Bratislava]
Comillas Pontifical University of Comillas, Santander/Madrid (Spain) (transferred from Santander to Madrid, 1960)
[Comm.Coll.Antwerp see State Comm.C., Antwerp]
Compiègne Technical University of Compiègne (France)
[Complutense de Madrid see Madrid]
Compostela University of Santiago de Compostela (Spain)
Conakry University of Conakry (Guinea) (formerly Inst.Polytech.Conakry, qv)
Concepción University of Concepción (Chile)
Conception Sem.(Mo.) Conception Seminary College (Missouri) (Immaculate Conception Seminary until 1972)
Concordia(Ill.) Concordia College (Ill.) (until 1978 Concordia Teachers College, see Concordia Teachers(Ill.))
Concordia(Ind.) Concordia Senior College (Indiana) (later Concordia Theological Seminary)
Concordia(Moorhead) Concordia College, Moorhead (Minn.)
Concordia Sem. Concordia Seminary (Missouri)
Concordia Teachers(Ill.) Concordia Teachers College (Ill.)
Concordia Teachers(Neb.) Concordia Teachers College (Nebraska)
Concordia Theol.Sem. Concordia Theological Seminary (Indiana)
Congo(Official) Université officielle du Congo (later part of National University of Zaire, see Zaire)
Conn. University of Connecticut
Connecticut Coll. Connecticut College
Conservative Baptist Theol.Sem. Conservative Baptist Theological Seminary, Denver (Colorado)
Cons.Nat.Arts & Métiers, Paris Conservatoire national des Arts et Métiers, Paris (France)
Cons.Nat.Sup.Mus., Paris Conservatoire national supérieur de Musique, Paris (France)
Constance University of Constance (Germany)
Constantine Constantine University, Constantine (Algeria) (previously Centre universitaire of the University of Algiers)
Constantinople Constantinople University, Istanbul (Turkey) (later University of Istanbul)
Converse Converse College (S. Carolina)
Cooper Union Cooper Union (NY)
Copenhagen University of Copenhagen (Denmark)
Copenhagen Agric. Royal Veterinary and Agricultural University (formerly College), Copenhagen (Denmark) (later moved to Frederiksberg, see R.Vet.& Agric., Denmark)
Copenhagen Dent. Royal Dental College, Copenhagen (Denmark)
[Copenhagen T.U. see T.U.Denmark]
[Copernicus see Cracow Med.; Torún]
Córdoba University of Córdoba (Spain)
Córdoba Natnl. National University of Córdoba (Argentina)
[Cork Univ.Coll. see N.U.I.]
Cornell Cornell University (NY)
Cornell Coll. Cornell College (Iowa)
Corpus Christi Corpus Christi State University (Texas)
Cortland State University College at Cortland (NY) (formerly State University College of Education, Cortland)
[Corvallis see Oregon State]
Cosm.Sch.Mus., Chicago Cosmopolitan School of Music, Chicago (no longer exists)
Costa Rica University of Costa Rica
[Côte d’Ivoire see Abidjan; Natnl.Ivory Coast]
Covenant Theol.Sem.(Mo.) Covenant Theological Seminary (Missouri)
Cracow Jagiellonian University, Cracow (Poland)
Cracow Agric. Cracow Agricultural University (Poland) (Akademia Rolnicza W. Krakowie Im H. Kollataja)
Cracow Econ. Academy/School of Economics, Cracow (Poland)
Cracow Educn. College of Education, Cracow (Poland)
Cracow Mining Academy of Mining and Metallurgy, Cracow (Poland)
Cracow Med. N. Copernicus Academy of Medicine, Cracow (Poland)
Cracow Mus.Coll. State College of Music, Cracow (Poland)
[Cracow T.U. see T.U.Cracow]
Cranbrook Cranbrook Academy of Art (Mich.)
Creighton Creighton University (Nebraska)
Crete University of Crete (Greece)
[Crete T.U. see T.U.Crete]
Crimea Inst.Med. Institute of Medicine, Simferopol’, Crimea (Ukraine)
Crozer Crozer Theological Seminary (Penn.)
[Crummer Grad. Sch. of Business (formerly Crummer Sch. of Finance) = part of Rollins College (Flor.)]
C.U.A. Catholic University of America (DC)
C.U.C. Canterbury University College (New Zealand)
C.U.Chile Catholic University of Chile
Çukorova Çukorova University (Turkey)
C.U.E.Mons Centre Universitaire de l’État à Mons (Belgium) (later State University of Mons)
C.U.Lyons Université Catholique de Lyon (France)
C.U.H.E.E.(Strasbourg) Centre Universitaire des Hautes Études Europeennes, Strasbourg (France)
Culver-Stockton Culver-Stockton College (Missouri)
Cumberland Coll.Health Scis. Cumberland College of Health Sciences, Sydney (Australia) (awarded BAppSc) (in 1990 amalgamated with University of Sydney)
Cumberland Coll.(USA) Cumberland College, Williamsberg (Kentucky)
C.U.N.Y. City University of New York
C.U.Peiping Catholic University, Peiping (China) (pre-war)
C.U.Portugal Catholic University of Portugal
[Curie see Lublin; and Paris VI]
[C.U.Rio de Janeiro see Pontif.Rio de Janeiro]
Curtis Curtis Institute of Music (Penn.)
C.U.Tilburg Catholic University of Tilburg (Netherlands)
Cuttington Cuttington University College, Monrovia (Liberia) (formerly Cuttington College and Divinity School)
C.U.Valparaiso Catholic University of Valparaiso (Chile)
C.U.West Catholic University of the West, Angers (France)
Cuyo National University of Cuyo (Argentina)
[Cyril and Methodius see Skopje]
Czech A.C. Czech Academy of Commerce (untraceable)
Czech.Acad.Sc. Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences
[Czech Technical Univ. see T.U.Prague]
Czestochowska Technical University of Czestochowska (Politechnika Czestochowska) (Poland)
DDahomey University of Dahomey (later Natnl.Bénin, qv)
Dakar University of Dakar (Senegal)
Dakota Dakota Wesleyan University (S. Dakota)
[Dakota Wesleyan see Dakota]
Dalat University of Dalat (Vietnam)
Dalian Foreign Langs. Dalian Institute of Foreign Languages (China)
Dalian I.T. Dalian Institute of Technology (China) (now Dalian U.T.)
Dalian Maritime Dalian Maritime Institute (University according to Nanyang Technological compiler) (China)
Dalian U.T. Dalian University of Technology (China) (formerly Dalian I.T.)
Dallas University of Dallas (Texas)
Dallas Theol.Sem. Dallas Theological Seminary (Texas)
Damascus University of Damascus (Syria) (formerly Syrian University)
Dammam King Faisal University, Dammam (Saudi Arabia)
Dana Dana College (Nebraska)
[Danish Acad.Fine Arts see R.Danish Acad.]
Dankook Dankook University, Seoul (South Korea)
[Danzig see Gdansk; T.H.Danzig; T.U.Gdansk]
Darling Downs I.A.E. Darling Downs Institute of Advanced Education (Australia) (in 1990 became University College of Southern Queensland)
[Darmstadt see T.H.Darmstadt (there is no university of Darmstadt)]
Dartmouth Dartmouth College (including Amos Tuck School of Business Administration), Hanover (New Hampshire)
Darwin C.C. Darwin Community College (Australia) (in 1986 became Darwin I.T., qv)
Darwin I.T. Darwin Institute of Technology (Australia) (in 1989 amalgamated with University College of the Northern Territory to form Northern Territory University)
[Davao see Ateneo de Davao]
David Lipscomb David Lipscomb College, Nashville (Tenn.)
Davidson Davidson College (N. Carolina)
[Davila, Carol see Med.& Pharm., Bucharest]
[Davis = Davis College of University of California: see Calif.]
Davis & Elkins Davis and Elkins College (W. Virginia)
Dayton University of Dayton (Ohio)
[Dayton United Theol.Sem. see U.T.S.(Ohio)]
Debrecen Stefan Tisza/Kossuth Lajos University, Debrecen (Hungary)
Debrecen Med. University of Medicine, Debrecen (Hungary)
Defiance Defiance College (Ohio)
[de Gaulle see Lille III]
De La Salle De La Salle University (formerly College), Manila (Philippines)
Delaware University of Delaware
Delaware State Delaware State College, Dover (Delaware)
Delaware Valley Delaware Valley College of Science and Agriculture (Penn.)
[Delft see I.M.S.Delft; I.T.C.Delft; T.H.Delft]
Denison Denison University (Ohio)
[Denmark T.U. see T.U.Denmark]
Denver University of Denver (Colorado)
De Paul De Paul (or DePaul) University (Ill.)
De Pauw De Pauw (or DePauw) University (Indiana)
Deree Deree College (Greece)
[Descartes see Paris V]
Detroit University of Detroit (Mich.)
Detroit Coll.Law Detroit College of Law (Mich.)
Detroit I.T. Detroit Institute of Technology (Mich.)
Deusto University of Deusto, Bilbao (Spain)
[Deutsche Sporthochschule Köln see D.H.S.Cologne]
Deventer Tropical Agricultural College (Ryks Hogere School voor Tropisch Landbouw), Deventer (Netherlands)
DeVry DeVry Institute of Technology (Texas)
D.H.S.Cologne Deutsche Sporthochschule Köln (Germany)
[Dickinson see also F.Dickinson]
Dickinson Coll. Dickinson College (Penn.)
Dickinson Sch.Law Dickinson School of Law, Carlisle (Penn.)
Dickinson State Dickinson State College (N. Dakota)
Dijon University of Dijon (France)
Dillard Dillard University, New Orleans (Louisiana)
[Diocesan, Montreal see Montreal Diocesan]
Diponegoro Diponegoro University, Semarang (Indonesia)
Djakarta University of the Netherlands (East Indies) (later University of Indonesia)
[Djakarta... see Jakarta; Indonesia; Inst.Isl.Stud., Djakarta; Natnl.Jakarta; Trisakti]
D.Mendeleev D. Mendeleev University of Chemical Technology of Russia
Dneprop. Dnepropetrovsk (or Dniepropetrovsk) State University (Ukraine)
Dneprovsky = ?Institution in former USSR (see Waterloo Lutheran, 1965 Yearbook, p.450)
Doane Doane College (Nebraska)
Dokkyo Dokkyo University (Japan)
Dokuz Eylül Dokuz Eylül University, Izmir (Turkey)
[Dominican(England) see Studium Gen.Engl.Dom.Prov.]
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