Application no: 09/57413/out applicant: Rossford Dental Laboratory location: 78-80 Chorley Road Swinton M27 5ad proposal: Outline planning application to include layout and access in respect of four dwellinghouses and nine apartments ward

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Design, Scale and Massing

UDP Policy DES1 states that development will be required to respond to its physical context and respect the positive character of the local area in which it is situated and contribute towards a local identity and distinctiveness.

UDP Policy DES8 states that planning permission will only be granted for alterations or extensions to existing buildings that respect the general scale, character, rhythm, proportions, details and materials of the original structure and complement the general character of the surrounding area.
Policy EP4 of the Ellesmere Park SPD states alterations to existing buildings should be designed so as to protect and enhance the character of Ellesmere Park.
Policy EP5 of the Ellesmere Park SPD states development should retain the spacious character of the area and should reflect the typical layout of existing plots within the area in terms of a strong building line set well behind a boundary wall and front garden area.

Policy EP6 of the Ellesmere Park SPD states developments should seek to use the traditional Victorian materials and incorporate the building design details that characterise the area.

The only element of the proposal which would be visible from the street is the proposed pitched roof over the existing two-storey side extension. (The side extension currently has a flat roof.) The front elevation is exactly the same as that approved by the extant permission. The pitched roof would be in keeping with the existing dwelling and the surrounding area. The applicant states that materials would match the existing and a condition has been suggested to ensure this. The other elements of the proposal have been designed well and are in keeping with the existing dwelling. No part of the proposal would project beyond the existing building line and the existing garden area and boundary wall to the front of the dwelling are to be maintained. It is considered that in terms of design the proposal would not be an incongruous feature in this setting and would respect the positive character of the area in accordance with policies DES1 and DES8 of the UDP and policies EP4, 5 and 6 of the Ellesmere Park SPD.

Impact on Amenity

UDP Policy DES7 states that alterations and extensions to existing buildings will be required to provide potential users with a satisfactory level of amenity in terms of space, sunlight, daylight, privacy, aspect and layout. It states that development will not be permitted where it would have an unacceptable impact on the amenity of occupiers or users of other developments.

Policy HE1 of the House Extensions SPD states planning permission will not normally be granted for extensions that do not maintain a minimum distance of 21m between facing principal windows of habitable rooms and a minimum distance of 10.5m between the principal window of any habitable room of the proposed extension and the common boundary with the facing property if applicable.
The rear element of the proposal would incorporate habitable room windows at second, first and ground floor level. The distance maintained to the rear boundary would be in excess of 21m. It is therefore considered that there would not be a first come first served basis in terms of neighbouring development and the proposal would not result in an unacceptable impact on the occupants of the application site or neighbouring properties to the rear in accordance with policies DES7 and HE1.
Policy HE3 of the House Extensions SPD states planning permission will not normally be granted for a two-storey or first floor extension that does not maintain a minimum of 13m between its blank gable end wall and facing ground floor principal windows of habitable rooms of neighbouring dwellings. The same distance applies for proposed extensions that face a two storey blank gable end wall.
The blank elevation of the proposed two-storey side extension would face the side gable of no.15 Chatsworth Road. 15 Chatsworth Road has five secondary habitable room windows at ground floor level in the side gable, four of which are obscure glazed and one of which is clear glazed. Two of the windows are closer to the front of number 15 and serve a sitting room. This room has a large bay window in the front elevation which is considered to be the primary window offering the main outlook and source of light to this room. The other three windows are closer to the rear of number 15 and serve a lounge. There are large patio doors in the rear elevation which are considered to be the main outlook and source of light to this room. The proposal includes an increase in the height of the ridge of the side/rear extension by 0.9m over and above that of the extant permission, though it is still not higher than the original ridge and the height to the eaves will remain the same as the extant permission. The roof is also hipped and slopes away from no 15. Chatsworth Road but it is considered that the change would not materially affect the amenities of neighbours, nor would it warrant a change from the previous positive recommendation. The SPD seeks only to protect principle habitable room windows and it is considered that the proposal would not have an unacceptable detrimental impact on the amenity of the residents at number 15 in this regard.
Policy HE5 of the House Extensions SPD states planning permission will not normally be granted for single storey rear extensions that project beyond a 45 degree line taken from either the mid point of a principal ground floor window of a habitable room or a point 3m along the common boundary from the rear elevation of adjoining or adjacent dwellings.
The proposed single storey rear extension would not project beyond a 45-degree angle taken from a point 3m along the common boundary with numbers 11 and 15 Chatsworth Road in accordance with policy HE5.
Policy HE6 of the House Extensions SPD states planning permission will normally be granted for a two storey extension or first floor extension along the common boundary where the adjoining dwelling has an existing single storey extension provided that: the first floor does not project beyond the neighbour’s ground floor extension and the first floor does not project beyond a 45 degree line from the mid point of a first floor principal window of a habitable room in the neighbouring dwelling or a point 3m along the common boundary from the rear elevation of the adjoining or adjacent dwelling. The principles of this policy can also be applied to proposed extensions to detached dwellings.
The first and second floor at rear of the proposal would project approximately 1.2m beyond the single storey rear extension of no.15 Chatsworth Road. The proposal would maintain a distance of 3m to the side elevation of no.15. The proposal would not project beyond a 45-degree angle taken from the first floor principal windows in the rear elevation of 15 Chatsworth Road. Although the ridge height of the side/rear extension has increased by 0.9m from the extant permission, it is not higher than the existing ridge. The roof is hipped and slopes away from no 15.Chatsworth Road. Given this and the separation distance between the proposal and the neighbouring property it is considered that the first and second floor rear extension would not have an unacceptable detrimental impact on the occupiers of no. 15 Chatsworth Road.
As such in relation the neighbour objections received regarding proximity of proposal to No. 15 and loss of light etc it is considered that the proposal would be in accordance with the principles of HE6 and would not result in an unacceptable loss of light or be overbearing to the occupiers of 15 Chatsworth Road.
Policy HE7 of the House Extensions SPD states in the absence of an extension along the common boundary of the adjoining dwelling planning permission will normally be granted for a two storey/first floor extension provided its projection is equal to or less than its distance from the nearest common boundary. The principles of this policy can also be applied to proposed extensions to detached dwellings.
The first and second floor rear element of the proposal would be 10m from the side elevation of 11 Chatsworth Road and would not project beyond the existing rear elevation of number 11 Chatsworth Road. It is therefore considered that the proposal would not result in any unacceptable loss of light or overbearing to the occupants of number 11 in accordance with policy HE7.

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