Site specific policies:
MX1/3 – Development in Mixed Use Areas (Salford Quays)
Other policies:
DES1: Respecting Context
DES2: Circulation and Movement
DES3: Design of Public Space
DES4: Relationship of Development with Public Space
DES6: Waterside Development
DES7: Amenity of Users and Neighbours
DES10: Design and Crime
DES11: Design Statement
EN16: Contaminated Land
Other Material Considerations
Supplementary Planning Documents:
Design and Crime SPD
Design SPD
Planning Guidance:
Mediacity:uk & Quays Point Planning Guidance
It is considered that the main issues for consideration with this application are the principle of the welfare office on the sites, the principle of a substation to be located within this area, the design of the proposed buildings, the impact of the proposed buildings on the amenity of future residents and users of the site and the design of the proposed canopies.
Principal of the GMPTE Welfare Office and substation
The whole site falls within the Salford Quays mixed-use area, as defined on the Proposals Map as MX1/3. The proposal incorporates a broad range of uses and activities, including offices, housing, live/work units, retail, leisure, hotels, essential infrastructure and support facilities and cultural uses.
Further site specific guidance is provided within the mediacity:uk and quays point planning guidance. Policy MC:UK1 and MC:UK2 of this guidance promote a mix of uses within the Quays Point area in line with MX1, these include commercial development, retail, leisure, tourism and residential.
The proposed GMPTE Welfare Office is considered to be an essential facility in delivering the approved extension to the Metrolink, which terminates within the Mediacity site. The proposed building would contain a small welfare area, a toilet/washroom facility for train drivers and a Stop Equipment Room. The principle of such a facility is considered to be acceptable.
Across the wider site there is a need to deliver a large amount of power, where possible care has been taken to integrate such power sources within the approved buildings, such as the Multi-storey car park at the rear of the site. The substation is necessary to power facilities located around the public realm area. It is considered that the principle of a substation in this location is acceptable.
Design and Access
Policy DES1 requires developments to respond to their physical context and to respect the character of the surrounding area. In assessing the extent to which proposals comply with this policy, regard will be had to a number of factors, including the relationship to existing buildings, the relationship to existing buildings, the impact on views and vistas, the streets horizontal and vertical rhythms and the quality and appropriateness of proposed materials.
Policy DES2 requires the design and layout of new development to be fully accessible to all people, maximise the movement of pedestrians and cyclists to, through and around the site, enable pedestrians to navigate their way through an area by providing appropriate views, vistas and transport links, enable safe, direct and convenient access to public transport facilities and other local amenities and minimise potential conflicts between pedestrians, cyclists and other road users.
Policy DES3 states that where development includes the provision of, or works to, public space, that public space must be designed to, have a clear role and purpose, responding to established or proposed local economic, social, cultural and environmental needs, reflect and enhance the character and identity of the area, form an integral part of, and provide an appropriate setting for, surrounding developments be attractive, safe, uncluttered and appropriately lit, be of an appropriate scale, connect to established pedestrian routes and other public spaces and minimise, and make provision for, maintenance requirements.
Policy DES4 outlines that development, which adjoins public space, shall be designed to have a strong and positive relationship with that space.
Policy MC:UK 3 outlines the requirements for the urban form, density and massing at the Quays Point site.
Policy MC:UK4 states that the Imperial War Museum North and the Lowry are nationally important landmarks and therefore their settings and strategic views will be protected and enhanced.
Each of the separate elements proposed are assessed below:
Canopies - The canopy structures consist of a simple linear array of seven circular columns spaced equally at 4800mm centres. This is to create a sense of openness and avoiding the need for heavy structural columns. The canopy part would cantilever 1500mm beyond the last column at either end. All columns are 406mm in diameter.
The proposed columns are located to the back edge of each platform to provide a continuous unobstructed platform.
It is considered important that the canopies are not seen to be buildings and facilitate views from the key roads within the site. The canopy structure at its highest level is 3890mm.
The canopy roof cladding is pitched at 7 degrees to facilitate water run off. A linear performed box gutter is located adjacent to the column line, which would be accessible from the back of platform thereby requiring no routine access from inside the platform edge. The canopy cladding would be formed from a build up of profiled aluminium sheeting forming the soffit and a standing seam aluminium cladding forming the upper weather protection.
Whilst of a simplistic design it is considered that the proposed canopies would help to enhance the setting of the Metrolink stop without detracting from the surrounding public realm or approved or future buildings.
GMPTE Building - The park elevation of the building would be clad with a high quality painted cedar timber cladding incorporating a random array of feature lighting strips. The platform faēade incorporates access doors for the office and telecoms room. The platform faēade includes access doors for the Office and Telecoms room.
Concerns were raised during pre application discussions regarding the treatment of key elevations of this building, such as the one serving the public park. The building would have natural light via a roof light, it is not considered desirable to have windows looking into areas, which contain sensitive equipment. The introduction of lighting and the use of both timber cladding and masonry create visual interest on the key elevations and is therefore considered to be acceptable.
Substation – the proposed substation is proposed to have a blank masonry faēade. Whilst not forming part of this application it is likely that the use of some elevations of this substation will be used for way signing and information. In any case it is considered that the design of the proposed substation is acceptable.
Quality of Materials
The key to good design is to have high quality durable materials. As with the wider Mediacity development a range of high quality materials are proposed as part of this development. As with previous applications it is recommended that a condition be attached requiring samples of materials to be submitted to ensure the quality. The materials proposed to be used are as follows:
Canopy structures – In order to meet the structural performance for spanning/ cantilever elements, steel circular hollow sections have been specified for the primary framing. A series of welded joints and architectural connections is proposed to form a contemporary aesthetic to the structural elements. The steel would be powder coated in RAL 7015 (granite grey).
Canopy soffit – A perforated profile decking is proposed to the underside of the canopy. This would act as both a durable structural decking and as a high quality aesthetic finish forming the exposed soffit. This element would be anodised in metallic silver.
Canopy roof cladding – a standing seam system would form the weathering protection to the canopy. This would have a traditional zinc appearance forming a striking appearance to the top of the canopies.
Curtain walling - Would comprise of full height clear glass panels.
Building Facades – the envelope to the substation building and GMPTE building would be formed in a silver grey masonry block to coordinate with the concourse finishes. Part of the GMPTE building would also be timber clad and stained grey.
Doors – all external doors would be powder coated grey steel door sets
Details of landscaping and materials to be used around the Metrolink Terminus have been detailed within the accompanying design and access statement. These details are for contextual information only and are subject to final approval under the outline planning permission.
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