UDP Policy A8 states development will not be permitted where it would have an unacceptable impact on highway safety.
Policy HE12 of the House Extensions SPD states planning permission will not normally be granted for the erection of a garage with an up and over door unless a hard standing of 5.5m in length and 2.4m in width is kept between the front of the garage and the highway, unless there would be no impact on highway safety and the free flow of traffic.
The proposal would maintain a hard standing in excess of 10m in length and 3m in width in accordance with policies A8 and HE12.
Policy EN13 of the UDP states Development that would result in the unacceptable loss of, or damage to, protected trees will not be permitted. Where the loss of trees is considered acceptable, adequate replacement provision will be required.
Policy TD1 of the Trees and Development SPD states that where a proposed development could affect existing trees, a tree survey should be submitted. The tree survey shall include all the information required as per the specification of BS5837: 2005, or by any subsequent updates to this standard.
Policy TD2 of the Trees and Development SPD states that no development should take place within the Root Protection Area (RPA) or the maximum spread of a tree, taking into account the future likely growth of the tree.
Policy TD3 of the Trees and Development SPD states in the case of residential buildings, development will not be permitted where a principal habitable room window (main window to a lounge, dining room or main bedroom) would be overshadowed by a tree, or where any part of a tree would be sited within 3.6 metres of a principal habitable room window. The distance may be greater should it be necessary to prevent damage to the tree itself.
A tree report has been submitted in support of this application. The arboricultural consultant has assessed the submitted information and carried out a site visit and has confirmed that the information fulfils the requirements of policy TD1 and demonstrates compliance with policies TD2 and TD3. He has recommended that policies TD4 (Protection of Existing Trees) and TD5 (Excavation near trees) be dealt with as planning conditions, which have been attached.
The protected trees at the front of the property will not be directly affected by the proposed development. However the existing access to the site is restricted by the TPO’d trees. As such the arboricultural consultant has recommended that an Arboricultural Method Statement be submitted to demonstrate how the trees will be protected during the construction. A planning condition has been suggested to deal with this point (condition 3)
The proposal would not have an unacceptable detrimental impact on the street scene, existing trees, the amenity of neighbours and future occupiers or have an unacceptable impact on highway safety in accordance with all relevant policies within the Unitary Development Plan, House Extensions Supplementary Planning Document, Ellesmere Park Supplementary Planning Document and Trees and Development Supplementary Planning Document and that there are no other material considerations that outweigh those policies.
Approve Subject to the following Conditions
1. The development shall be begun not later than the expiration of three years beginning with the date of this permission.
2. The facing materials to be used for the walls and roof of the development shall be the same type, colour and texture as those of the existing building, unless otherwise agreed in writing by the Local Planning Authority.
3. No development shall be started until all the trees within (or overhanging) the site, with the exception of those trees clearly shown to be felled on the submitted plan, have been surrounded by substantial fences which shall extend to the extreme circumference of the spread of the branches of the trees (or such positions as may be agreed in writing by the Local Planning Authority). Such fences shall be erected in accordance with a specification to be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority and shall remain until all development is completed and no work, including any form of drainage or storage of materials, earth or topsoil shall take place within the perimeter of such fencing.
4. No trees (other than those clearly shown to be so affected on the submitted plan) shall be topped, lopped or cut down without the prior written approval of the Local Planning Authority and any trees dying or being removed before or within 5 years of completion of the development hereby permitted shall be replaced within 12 months of removal or death in accordance with details which shall have been submitted to and approved in writing beforehand by the Local Planning Authority.
5. If the replacement trees dies or are removed within 5 years of planting, they shall be replaced within 12 months of removal or death to the satisfaction of the Local Planning Authority.
1. Required to be imposed pursuant to Section 91 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990.
2. To ensure the development fits in with the existing building in accordance with policy DES1 of the City of Salford Unitary Development Plan.
3. To protect trees which are the subject of a Tree Preservation Order in accordance with policy EN 10 of the City of Salford Unitary Development Plan.
4. To protect trees which are the subject of a Tree Preservation Order in accordance with policy EN 10 of the City of Salford Unitary Development Plan.
5. To safeguard the amenity of the area in accordance with policy DES 1 of the City of Salford Unitary Development Plan
Note(s) for Applicant
1. The proposed development lies within a coal mining area. In the circumstances the Applicant should take account of any coal mining related hazards to the stability of their proposal. Developers must also seek permission from the Coal Authority before undertaking any operation that involves entry into any coal or mines of coal, including coal mine shafts and adits and the implementation of site investigations or other works. Property specific summary information on any past, current or proposed surface and underground mining activity to affect the development can be obtained from the Coal Authority. The Coal Authority Mining Reports Service can be contacted on 0845 762 6848 or at www.coal.gov.uk
2. Please note this permission relates to the plans dated 4th March 2009
LOCATION: Land At Quay Point Off Broadway Salford Quays Salford 5
PROPOSAL: Erection of two canopies, a single storey substation and a single storey office building for use in association with the Metrolink
WARD: Ordsall
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