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Brief Resume of Dr. P.S.V. Subba Rao

Present Designation and Place of working


Assistant Professor

Department of Physics

College of Science and Technology

Andhra University, Visakhapatnam-530 003, A.P., India

Administrative Position


Assistant Principal, AU College of Science & Tech. (Since July 2014)

Academic Record

Examination Passed


Institution/ Board




Andhra University

Maths, Physics, Chemistry

First Class


Andhra University


First Class


Andhra University

Solid State Physics

*Title of the Ph.D. thesis: Structural and Electrical Properties of Rare-Earth Ion Doped TB type

Ferroelectric Barium Sodium Niobate Ceramics.

Fields of Specialisation


Materials Science (Ferroelectrics, Ferrites)

Scientific and Academic Positions held

Designation of post

Name of employer/ institution

Period of service

From To

Nature of work

Junior Research Fellow

University Grants Commission, New Delhi

1983 1985

Research and Development at Physics Department, Andhra University

Senior Research Fellow

Council for Scientific & Industrial Research, New Delhi

1986 1990

Research and Development at Physics Department, Andhra University

Research Associate ( Post Doc )

Council for Scientific & Industrial Research, New Delhi

1991 1995

Research and Development & Teaching at Physics Department, Andhra Univ.

Post Doctoral Fellow

Andhra University

1996 2000

- do -

Project Associate

University Grants Commission, New Delhi

2001 2003

- do -

Teacher Associate

Department of Engineering Physics College of Engineering Andhra University

2003 2006

- do -

Assistant Professor

Department of Physics, Andhra University

2006 to date

- do -


(a) Teaching Experience


Since 1990, being a Post doc, Teacher Associate and Assistant Professor as teaching was a part of its curriculum apart from research, I have been involved in teaching Physics at graduate and postgraduate courses and played key role in the development of Materials Science laboratories in Physics Department and Engineering Physics by designing and setting-up of new experiments.

(b) Subject areas of teaching



  • Solid State Physics

  • Mathematical Methods of Physics

  • Analytical Techniques

  • Electrodynamics

(c) Professional activities


Reviewer for the Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials

(d) Research Guidance


Awarded Two Ph.D. and seven M.Phil degrees and two submitted for Ph.D. and one for M.Phil in Materials Science

Working Six scholars for their Ph.D. degrees


Name of the Student

Degree Awarded

Title of the Thesis

Whether guide/


B. Chandra Sekhar


Preparation and characterization of Lanthanum substituted ferroelectric Barium Sodium Niobate ceramics

Guide (01.10.2009)

P. Siva Sandhya


Synthesis and Characterization of Ferroelectric Relaxor Barium Zirconate Titanate

Guide (17.06.2010)

P. Geetha


Dielectric behaviour of lanthanum substituted Lead Zirconate Titanate ferroelectrics

Guide (17.05.2012

G.S. Satyanarayana


Structural and electrical properties of Ti modified Barium Iron Niobate electroceramics

Guide (10.10.2012)

K. Lakshmi Sukanya


Performance of three different radiators of 8x8 acoustic array antennae for Doppler sodar

Guide (10.10.2012)

T. Kamakshi


Hardening and softening of PZT

Guide (18.09.2013)

S. Ramesh


Effect of Mn/Co substitutions on the properties of nano and bulk Ni-Zn ferrites

Guide (26.01.2014)

T.K. Visweswara Rao


Cadmium doped L-Cysteine hydrochloride monohydrate NLO crystal grown by conventional and unidirectional techniques and their crystalline and optical characterization

Co-guide (23.08.2014)

B. Chandra Sekhar


Structural, magnetic and magnetostrictive properties of Cr/Cu substituted cobalt ferrites

Guide (30.03.2015)

P. Venkata Prasad


Unidirectional growth and characterization of some nonlinear optical single crystals with metal dopants

Co-guide (Submitted)

T.V. Satyendra Nath


Some structural and electrical properties of ferroelectric Calcium Barium Niobate ceramics

Guide (Submitted)

T.V.S.L. Satyavani


Synthesis, characterization and electrochemical performance evaluation of supervalent doped carbon coated nano Lithium Iron Phosphate for high rate Li-ion cells

Guide (Submitted)

(c) Research Projects


Title of the Project

Funding agency

Amount in Rs

Whether Principal Investigator/ Co-investigator

Status (Ongoing/ Completed/


Synthesis and characterization of nano ferrites and their composites for high frequency applications



Principal Investigator

Completed (2012 – 2014)

Membership/Executive positions in professional bodies


Name of the association/organization




Materials Research Society of India (MRSI), Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore



The Indian Science Congress Association, Kolkata, India



Details of Training programmes attended (including orientation/refresher programme)


Name of the programme


UGC Orientation course conducted by UGC, Academic Staff College, Andhra University, Visakhapatnam

27.11.2006 to 24.12.2006 (4 weeks)

DST Sponsored three week SERC Training Programme on “Atmospheric & Space Sciences”, Andhra University, Visakhapatnam

08.09.2008 to 28.09.2008 (3 weeks)

SAKSHAM – IT Champion Training Programme conducted by Microsopt under The National Mission on Education Through ICT (NME-ICT) at AU College of Engineering, Andhra University, Visakhapatnam

10.04.2013 to 20.04.2013 (11 days)

Science Academies’ Two-week Refresher Course on Experimental Physics at Government College (A), Rajahmundry organized by IASc, Bangalore; INSA, New Delhi; NASI, Allahabad

27.05.2014 to 11.06.2014 (2 weeks)

Personal Details

Father’s Name


P. Sreeramulu

Date & Place of Birth


01.03.1958 & Gajjalakonda

Marital Status






Passport details


No. J 8432569,

Issued at Visakhapatnam and valid upto 12-10-2021

Residential address


#201, Trishul Villa, Old CBI down

Chinawaltair Colony, Visakhapatnam – 530 003

List of publicatios


Dielectric studies in some ferroelectrics

P.S.V.Subba Rao and K.Sambasiva Rao

Proc.3rd National seminar on ferroelectrics and dielectrics, Oct.17-19-1984

IISc , Bangalore ,India, pp 222-226


Ferroelectric properties of modified strontium barium niobate ceramics

K.Chandramouli, K.H.Rao, P.S.V.Subba Rao and A.Bhanumathi

Ferroelectrics (USA), 1986, Vol 67, pp 169-171


Effect of rare earth ions on the dielectric and ferroelectric properties of

Ba4 Na2Nb10 O30 ceramics

P.S.V.Subba Rao, K.Sambasiva Rao and A. Bhanumathi

Proc. Sixth IEEE International symposium on applications of ferroelectrics (ISAF), USA June 8-11, 1986, pp 130-133


Influence of Gd2O3 on dielectric and ferroelectric properties of Ba4Na2Nb10O30 ceramics

P.S.V.Subba Rao and K.Sambasiva Rao

IV National seminar on ferroelectrics and dielectrics, December 22-24,1986, IIT, Kharagpur, India


Preparation, characterization and electrical properties of Y2O3 doped Ba4Na2Nb10O30 ceramics

P.S.V.Subba Rao and K.Sambasiva Rao

3rd National seminar on crystal growth, Feb 16-19, 1987, Anna University, Madras


Dielectric behaviour of modified ferroelectric Ba4Na2Nb10O30 ceramics

P.S.V.Subba Rao, K.Sambasiva Rao and A.Bhamumathi

J.Mater. Sci. Lett.1987,Vol6,pp299-300


Anomalous electrical behaviour of Barium Sodium Niobate ceramics doped with trivalent lanthanum

P.S.V.Subba Rao, K.Sambasiva Rao and A. Bhanumathi

J.Mater. Sci. Lett. 1987, Vol 6, pp 809-810


Processing, characterization and electrical properties of Barium Sodium Niobate ceramics doped with trivalent neodymium impurity

P.S.V.Subba Rao and K.Sambasiva Rao

International workshop on analytical techniques for materials characterization, March 11-16, 1987,( USA)


Piezoelectric and dielectric properties of Sm3+ doped Ba4Na2Nb10O30 ceramics

P.S.V.Subba Rao and K.Sambasiva Rao

J.Acou. Soc. India, 1988, Vol XVI, pp 79-83


Doping pair (mono and trivalent) effect on electrical properties of TB type Barium Sodium Niobate ceramics

P.S.V.Subba Rao and K.Sambasiva Rao

5th National seminar on ferroelectrics and dielectrics, January 3-5, 1989, S.V.U., Tirupathi, India


Structural and electrical properties of Dy doped Barium Sodium Niobate ceramics

P.S.V.Subba Rao and K.Sambasiva Rao

Ferroelectrics (USA), 1990, Vol 102, pp 183-190


Measurement of refractive index of polycrystalline ferroelectric Barium Sodium Niobate ceramics by ellipsometry

P.S.V.Subba Rao, K.Sambasiva Rao and J. Ashok

7th International ,meeting on ferroelectricity ( IMF-7 ), August 28 - September 1, 1989, Saarbrucken, F.R.Germany


Influence of praseodymium on microstructure and electrical properties of Barium Sodium Niobate ceramics

P.S.V.Subba Rao and K.Sambasiva Rao

7th International seminar on ferroelectricity ( IMF-7 ), August 28 - September 1, 1989, Saarbrucken, F.R.Germany


Ferroelectric ceramics of modified Barium Lithium Niobate

K.Sambasiva Rao, C. Satyanarayana, P.S.V.Subba Rao and A.I.Robin 6th National seminar on ferroelectrics and dielectrics, December 17-19, 1990, Kakatiya University, Warangal, India


Lanthanam doped perovskite ferroelectric Barium copper tantalate ceramics

K.Sambasiva Rao, P.S.Jagga Rao, K.Rama Rao, A.I. Robin and P.S.V.Subba Rao

6th National seminar on ferroelectrics and dielectrics, December 17-19, 1990, Kakatiya University, Warangal, India


Unusual dielectric behaviour of Ni - Zn ferrites in the lower megahertz region (1-10 MHz) due to dimensional resonance

B.Parvatheeswara Rao, P.S.V. Subba Rao and K.H. Rao,

J. Mater. Sci. Lett. 15, 781-783, 1996


Densification, grain growth and microstructure of Ni - Zn ferrites

B.Parvatheeswara Rao, P.S.V.Subba Rao and K.H.Rao

J. Phys.(France), 7 , Suppl. C1: 241-242, 1997


X-ray and magnetic studies on scandium substituted Ni - Zn ferrites

B.Parvatheeswara Rao, P.S.V.Subba Rao and K.H. Rao

IEEE Transactions on Magnetics 33, 4454-4458, 1997


Influence of sintering conditions on the electrical and microstructural properties of Ni - Zn ferrites

B. Parvatheeswara Rao, P.S.V.Subba Rao , A. Lakshman and K.H. Rao

J. Magn. Soc. Jpn. 22 Supl. S1, 83-85, 1998


Influence of trivalent Cr / In substitutions on the magnetic properties of Mg - Mn ferrites

Atmaram Lakshman , P.S.V.Subba Rao, B. Parvatheeswara Rao and K.H.Rao

8th International Conference on Ferrites held at Kyoto, Japan during

Sept 18-21, 2000 – accepted for presentation


Sodar study of convective characteristics of coastal atmospheric boundary layer

Rao, A.B., P.S.V.S. Rao & M. Purnachandra Rao

J. Acous. Soc. India 28, 219-222, 2000


Acoustic sounder study of sea breeze at Visakhapatnam

Rao, A.B., K.K. Reddy, P.S.V.S. Rao & M. Purnachandra Rao

J. Acous. Soc. India 29, 67-72, 2001


Sodar observation of lump structures in the atmospheric boundary layer

Rao, A.B., P.S.V.S. Rao, M. Purnachandra Rao & K.K. Reddy

J. Acous. Soc. India 29, 81-86, 2001


Mössbauer study of the system Ni0.65 Zn0.35 Fe2-x Scx O4,

B. Parvatheeswara Rao, P.S.V. Subba Rao, G. V.S. Murthy and K.H. Rao

J. Magn. Magn. Mater. 268(3) (2004) 315-320.


Frequency dependence of initial permeability and magnetic loss factor in In3+ and Cr3+ substituted Mg-Mn ferrites

A. Lakshman, K.H. Rao, P.S.V. Subba Rao and R.G. Mendiratta

Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 283, 329-334, 2004


Mossbauer spectroscopic analyses of Mg 0.9 Mn 0.1 InxFe2 – xO4 spinel ferrites

A. Lakshman, K.H. Rao, P.S.V. Subba Rao and R.G. Mendiratta

Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 284, 352-357, 2004


Electrical and magnetic properties of divalent Cu/Co doped Ni-Zn ferrites

B. Parvatheeswara Rao, S.P. Setty, P.S.V. Subba Rao and K.H. Rao

Ninth International Conference on Ferrites (ICF9- Proceedings) 603 (2004) published as a special volume by American Ceramic Society.


Effect of synthesis parameters on the soft chemical processing of Mn-Zn ferrite nanoparticles

B. Parvatheeswara Rao, K.H. Rao, S.P. Setty, P.S.V. Subba Rao, N.S. Gajbhiye and O.F. Cultin

Ninth International Conference on Ferrites (ICF9- Proceedings) 603 (2004) published as a special volume by American Ceramic Society


Electrical properties of In3+ and Cr3+ substituted magnesium-manganese ferrites

A. Lakshman, P.S.V. Subba Rao, B. Parvatheeswara Rao and K.H. Rao

J.Phys.D: Appl.Phys. 38, 673-678, 2005


Swift heavy ions irradiation studies on some ferrite nanopaticles

B. Parvatheeswara Rao, K.H. Rao, P.S.V. Subba Rao, A. Mahesh Kumar, Y.L.N. Murthy, K. Asokan, V.V. Siva Kumar, Ravi Kumar, N.S. Gajbhiye and O.F. Cultin

Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physical Research B (NIM:B), 244, 27, 2005


Irradiation effects of 190MeVAg ion on the properties of Ni0.65Zn0.375In0.10Ti0.025Fe1.85O4 ferrite nanopaticles

B. Parvatheeswara Rao, P.S.V. Subba Rao, A. Mahesh Kumar, K.H. Rao, V.V. Siva Kumar, K. Asokan, Ravi Kumar and O.F. Cultin

Annual Report-2005, Chapter 5-2, pp 178-179, Nuclear Science Centre, New Delhi, India


Swift heavy ion induced modifications in coprecipitated Mn-Zn nanoferrites

B. Parvatheeswara Rao, K.H. Rao, P.S.V. Subba Rao, A. Mahesh Kumar, S. Srinivasa Rao, Y.L.N. Murthy, K. Asokan, Ravi Kumar and O.F. Cultin

Annual Report-2005, Chapter 5-2, pp 179-181, Nuclear Science Centre, New Delhi, India


Irradiation of swift heavy ions on Ni-Zn-In ferrite nanoparticles

B. Parvatheeswara Rao, P.S.V. Subba Rao, A. Mahesh Kumar, K.H. Rao, V.V. Siva Kumar, Ravi Kumar and O.F. Cultin

Presented at Indo-German workshop of Nano-05 held in New Delhi in Feb 2005


Synthesis of Mn-Zn ferrite nanopaticles by soft chemistry and investigation of 190MeV Ag ion irradiation effects

B. Parvatheeswara Rao, K.H. Rao, P.S.V. Subba Rao, A. Mahesh Kumar, S. Srinivasa Rao,

Y.L.N. Murthy, K. Asokan, Ravi Kumar and O.F. Cultin

Presented at Indo-German workshop of Nano-05 held in New Delhi in Feb 2005


Mossbauer spectroscopic analyses of Mg0.9Cu0.1Mn0.05CrxFe1.95 - xO4 spinel ferrites

A. Lakshman, P.S.V. Subba Rao and K.H. Rao

Materials Letters, 60(1), 7-10, 2006


Mossbauer study of Mg 0.9 Mn 0.1 Cr y Fe 2 – y O4 spinel ferrites

A. Lakshman, P.S.V. Subba Rao and K.H. Rao

Modern Physics Letters B [Condensed Matter Physics; Statistical Physics and Applied Physics], 20 (7), 365-372, 2006


Synthesis and characterization of Nb doped Lithium Lanthanum Titanate materials

K. Vijaya Babu, V. Veeraiah and P.S.V. Subba Rao

International Conference on Electroceramics (ICE-2009), December 13-17, 2009, University of Delhi, Delhi


Preparation and characterization of vanadium doped perovskite lithium lanthanum titanate for high ionic conducting materials

K. Vijaya Babu, V. Veeraiah and P.S.V. Subba Rao

National conference on Materials for Energy Storage and Conversion-2010 (NCMESC-2010), January 23-24, 2010, S.V. University, Tirupati


Synthesis and characterization of lithium lanthanum titanate for high conducting electrolyte materials

K. Vijaya Babu, V. Veeraiah and P.S.V. Subba Rao

National conference on Recent trends in Advanced Energy Materials (NCRTEM-2010), March 10-11, 2010, Alagappa University, Karaidudi


High frequency dielectric behaviour of indium and chromium substituted Mg-Mn ferrites

A. Lakshman, P.S.V. Subba Rao and K.H. Rao

Modern Physics Letters B, Vol 24, No.15 , 1657-1667, 2010


Low temperature chemical synthesis of ferrite nanoparticles

S. Ramesh, S.N.R. Rao, B. Parvatheeswara Rao and P.S.V. Subba Rao

AIP (American Institute of Physics) Conf. Proc. 1461, 237-240, 2012


Structural and impedance studies of doped LLT materials for electrolytes of lithium-ion batteries

K. Vijaya Babu, V. Veeraiah and P.S.V. Subba Rao

AIP (American Institute of Physics) Conf. Proc. 1447, 1265-1266, 2012


Structural, Impedance, Dielectric and Modulus Analysis of Li0.5-xLa0.5Ti1-xNbxO3 (x = 0,0.05,0.1 and 0.15)

K. Vijaya Babu, V. Veeraiah and P.S.V. Subba Rao

Acta Physica Polonica A, 122, 1111-1115, 2012


Structural, Impendence and Factor Group Analysis of Lithium Lanthanum Titanate for Electrolyte Materials

K. Vijaya Babu, V. Veeraiah and P.S.V. Subba Rao

Journal of Physical Science and Application 2, 1-7, 2012


Synthesis, Structural and Conductivity studies of Vanadium doped Lithium Lanthanum Titanate for Solid Electrolytes

K. Vijaya Babu, V. Veeraiah and P.S.V. Subba Rao

International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 3, Issue 2, February -2012


Effect of Strontium oxide on grain growth and densification in BNN system

B. Chandra Sekhar, P.S.V. Subba Rao and B. Parvatheeswara Rao

International Journal of Engineering Science & Technology, Vol 5, No.2, 272-276, Feb 2013


Improved magnetostrictive properties of Co-Mn ferrites for automobile torque sensor applications

G.S.N. Rao, O.F.Caltun, K.H.Rao, P.S.V. Subba Rao and B. Parvatheeswara Rao

Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 341, 60-64, 2013


Preparation, characterization and electrical properties of Y2O3 doped Ba4Na2Nb10O30 ceramics

B. Chandra Sekhar, P.S.V. Subba Rao and B. Parvatheeswara Rao

International Journal of Pure & Applied Sciences, vol.02, No.01, 39-42, 2013


Microstructural and magnetic behaviour of mixed Ni-Zn-Co and Ni-Zn-Mn ferrites

S. Ramesh, B. Chandra Sekhar, P.S.V. Subba Rao and B. Parvatheeswara Rao

Ceramic International, 40, 8729-8735,2014


Softening transitions in ferroelectric Pb (Zr, Ti)O3 ceramics doped with neodymium oxide and lanthanum oxide

T. Kamakshi and P.S.V. Subba Rao

IOSR Journal of Applied Physics, 6, 50-55, 2014


Nano lithium iron phosphate cathode material for Li-ion based batteries for under water applications

T.V.S.L. Satyavani, A. Srinivas Kumar and P.S.V. Subba Rao

In Physics of Semiconductor Devices, Environmental Science and Engineering (Eds.) V.K. Jain and A. Verma, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-03002-9_186, Springer International Publishing, Switzerland, 721-723, 2014


Effect of Mn substitution on dielectric and magnetic properties of multiferroic bismuth ferrite

B. Dhana Lakshmi, K. Pratap, B. Parvatheeswara Rao and P.S.V. Subba Rao

Indian Journal of Research in Pharmacy and Biotechnology, Special issue 1, 32-35, December 2014


Effect of substituent (Me = Cr, Mn, Cu) concentration on CoMexFe2-xO4 lattice constant

G.S.N. Rao, K.H. Rao, V. Chandra Sekhar, B. Chandra Sekhar and P.S.V. Subba Rao

Indian Journal of Research in Pharmacy and Biotechnology, Special issue 1, 52-55, December 2014


Structural and Photoluminescence Studies of Eu3+ doped L-Tartaric Single Crystal through Evaporation Technique

P.V. Prasad, T.K. Visweswara Rao, Ch. Satya Kamal, S. Rajya Lakshmi, R.K. Ramachandra, V. Sudarsan, M.C. Rao, P.S.V. SubbaRao

Journal of Molecular Structure, 1085, 115-120, 2015


L-tartaric single crystal doped with Eu3+ ions for photoluminescence applications

K Ramchandra Rao, P  V Prasad, T.K Visweswara  Rao, Ch  S Kamal, V Sudarsan, MC R Rao and P S V Subba Rao

Physica B (Communicated 2015)


Enhanced strain derivative in copper substituted cobalt ferrites

Chandra Sekhar B., Rao G.S.N., Caltun O.F., Parvatheeswara Rao Balaga, and Subba Rao P.S.V.

Journal of Applied Physics (Communicated 2015)

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