Army 8. Small Business Innovation Research (sbir) Proposal Submission Instructions

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2. (Reference removed by TPOC on 12/21/17.)
3. (Reference removed by TPOC on 12/21/17.)
4. (Reference removed by TPOC on 12/21/17.)
5. (Reference removed by TPOC on 12/21/17.)
6. (Reference removed by TPOC on 12/21/17.)
7. (Reference removed by TPOC on 12/21/17.)
8. (Reference removed by TPOC on 12/21/17.)
9. Hornbeck, B., Kluck, J., Connor, R., "Trilateral Design and Test Code for Military Bridging and Gap-Crossing Equipment", TACOM RESEARCH DEVELOPMENT AND ENGINEERING CENTER WARREN MI, May 2005
10. Pettus, E., "Building a Competitive Edge with Additive Manufacturing", Air War College Air University Maxwell AFB United States, 14 February 2013
11. ASTM E8 / E8M-16a, Standard Test Methods for Tension Testing of Metallic Materials, ASTM International, West Conshohocken, PA, 2016,
12. ASTM E23-16b, Standard Test Methods for Notched Bar Impact Testing of Metallic Materials, ASTM International, West Conshohocken, PA, 2016,
13. ASTM E45-13, Standard Test Methods for Determining the Inclusion Content of Steel, ASTM International, West Conshohocken, PA, 2013,
14. ASTM E112-13, Standard Test Methods for Determining Average Grain Size, ASTM International, West Conshohocken, PA, 2013,
15. ASTM D3039 / D3039M-14, Standard Test Method for Tensile Properties of Polymer Matrix Composite Materials, ASTM International, West Conshohocken, PA, 2014,
16. ASTM D5766 / D5766M-95, Standard Test Method for Open Hole Tensile Strength of Polymer Matrix Composite Laminates, ASTM International, West Conshohocken, PA, 1995,
17. ASTM D7136 / D7136M-15, Standard Test Method for Measuring the Damage Resistance of a Fiber-Reinforced Polymer Matrix Composite to a Drop-Weight Impact Event, ASTM International, West Conshohocken, PA, 2015,
18. ASTM D4255 / D4255M-15a, Standard Test Method for In-Plane Shear Properties of Polymer Matrix Composite Materials by the Rail Shear Method, ASTM International, West Conshohocken, PA, 2015,
19. ASTM D5229 / D5229M-14, Standard Test Method for Moisture Absorption Properties and Equilibrium Conditioning of Polymer Matrix Composite Materials, ASTM International, West Conshohocken, PA, 2014,
20. ASTM D7264 / D7264M-15, Standard Test Method for Flexural Properties of Polymer Matrix Composite Materials, ASTM International, West Conshohocken, PA, 2015,

KEYWORDS: Alternative Manufacturing, Bridging, Structures, Bridge Connections, Structural Connections, High Strength Connections


TITLE: Development of Non-Decade Inductive Voltage Divider Automatic Test Equipment


OBJECTIVE: Develop fully automated test equipment with an instrument controller and software that accurately divides AC voltage to lower outputs with minimal signal noise using an inductive voltage technique that does not contain a decade resistor design.

DESCRIPTION: Inductive voltage divider (IVD) test equipment supports multiple military signal operations for communications and electronic intelligence gathering. Additionally, military support teams and centers with test measurement and diagnostic equipment (TMDE) within the transfer, reference, and primary level utilize IVD test equipment. Current decade resistive style IVD test equipment inventory, with an accuracy of +/- 0.5 uV/V, is obsolete and no longer supportable. This aged decade resistive style IVD technology cannot be adapted to run with current Army automated test, measurement, and diagnostic equipment calibration processes. Replacement inventory development delay increases risk of declining readiness and mission availability, as current calibration capability declines due to system failures without available replacement or repair parts available. Commercial-off-the-shelf solutions (COTS) are manually operated and do not support an automated test equipment solution at the accuracy required. Automated IVD devices do not exist. Therefore, no reference COTS products can be directly compared.

The IVD automated test equipment (ATE) shall be capable of both manual and remote operation by commands sent from an instrument controller compatible with the latest Army-approved computer operating systems, control software, and drivers over an IEEE-488 bus. Inputs and outputs shall be computer controlled via software that generates all of the measurement, outputs, and input settings to minimize operator interaction. The IVD ATE shall capture and store measurement results in a format compatible with spreadsheet software in a comma or tab-delimited file format.

The IVD ATE shall output known variable ratio AC voltage levels; an IVD ATE whose capability includes only fixed ratios as in a decade resistive IVD, is not acceptable. The nominal resolution of the tunable divider network shall be increments of 0.01 up to 100,000:1. The IVD equipment shall be capable of providing tunable inductive voltage division for an input voltage range of 100mVac to 350Vac over the frequency range of 10 Hz to 20 kHz. In addition to known variable ratios, the IVD ATE shall provide preset ratios of 0.1:1, 1:1, 10:1, 100:1, 1000:1, 10,000:1, 100,000:1 with resolution of ±0.01 ppm for each ratio. These ratios are considered to be cardinal points of the IVD ATE's design, and shall be part of the provided capability. An automated IVD using non-switch or contact inductive method will introduce currently unknown signal noise; however, the known signal source quantity will remain the same. The nominal signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) across the voltage and frequency range shall be 1000:1 (40 dB). The SNR shall be 10,000:1 (80 dB) when measured at 1V and 1 kHz. The signal distortion of the IVD ATE shall be quantified through testing of the prototype over its operating range.

All certificates and reports for calibration of the IVD ATE shall meet the requirements of ISO/IEC 17025 for traceability to the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST).

PHASE I: Develop, evaluate, and validate innovative materials and techniques as a preliminary design for a selected approach. The Phase I deliverable shall include a report describing the design approaches considered and the feasibility of each approach in fulfilling a completed final product. Hardware and software requirements shall be defined for the proposed method. Modeling and simulation data for the proposed method’s design concept(s) shall be included. Analysis and overall evaluation of the proposed method shall be included in the report.

PHASE II: The Phase I design shall be utilized to create a functional prototype. Phase II deliverables shall include the delivery of a prototype system and a final report. The prototype system shall demonstrate all of the requirements in Phase I have been met. The final report shall include the prototype design, implemented approaches, test procedures, and results. Prototype design shall include all hardware and software necessary to meet the aforementioned characteristics within the overall IVD test equipment. Any design changes after Phase I need to be documented in the final report with an explanation of why changes were deemed necessary.

PHASE III DUAL USE APPLICATIONS: The prototype system shall be matured and finalized. A technology transition plan shall be developed for consideration by pertinent program managers. Commercialization applications include other DoD agencies operating unsupportable IVD test equipment. Additionally, labs and private industry throughout the world market will have applications for automated IVD test equipment with this level of high precision.


1. Avramov-Zamurovic, S., Waltrip, B., Koffman, A., & Piper, G. (n.d.). A Lecture on Accurate Inductive Voltage Dividers. Lecture. Retrieved from

2. Avramov, S., Oldham, N., Jarrett, D., & Waltrip, B. (1993). Automatic inductive voltage divider bridge for operation from 10 Hz to 100 kHz. IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, 42(2), 131-135. doi:10.1109/19.278535

3. Avramov-Zamurovic, S., Stenbakken, G., Koffman, A., Oldham, N., & Gammon, R. (1995). Binary versus decade inductive voltage divider comparison and error decomposition. IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, 44(4), 904-908. doi:10.1109/19.392879

4. Homan, D. N., & Zapf, T. L. (1970). Two Stage, Guarded Inductive Voltage Divider for Use at 100 kHz. ISA Transactions, 9. Retrieved from

KEYWORDS: inductive, voltage, divider, microelectronics, alternating current, test equipment, signal noise


TITLE: Low-cost lightweight track pins for tracked vehicles

TECHNOLOGY AREA(S): Ground/Sea Vehicles

The technology within this topic is restricted under the International Traffic in Arms Regulation (ITAR), which controls the export and import of defense-related material and services. Offerors must disclose any proposed use of foreign nationals, their country of origin, and what tasks each would accomplish in the statement of work in accordance with section 5.4.c.(8) of the Announcement.

OBJECTIVE: Design and build optimal track pins for tracked vehicles which reduce cost and weight while improving system. Manufacturing techniques and materials will be investigated and/or developed which enable variation in wall thickness and outer diameter of the track pins. Approaches will be established to determine as well as optimal pin geometries will be built which improve the system (rubber) fatigue performance without reducing the track pin fatigue life.

DESCRIPTION: Previously due to constraints, track pin designs have been carried over from previous platforms and integrated into new vehicles. The design and manufacturing of track pins have essentially had only minor evolutions since the 1960s, and consequentially manufacturing concepts developed in the intervening years have not been applied.

PHASE I: This Phase shall consist of the following:

a) Demonstrate the feasibility of producing a demonstration of a low-cost, lightweight track pin and shoe system by focusing on new manufacturing methods that have been developed over the last 30 years to achieve the lower cost and weight targets which allows for the design envelope to be opened to new geometry (ID and OD) as well as new materials which previously would not be considered due to lost material from machining.

b) This system shall be interchangeable with the current system and meet the same performance criteria.

c) Identify, with Governmental concurrence, the most technical feasible solution from above M&S predictions.

d) Develop initial concept design of equipment and components required to perform the best solution identified above. If commercially available solution that is relevant to military application this step does not need to be performed.

e) Provide a plan for practical deployment of the proposed solution identified above.

f) Determine the commercial merit of the proposed solution to include estimated equipment, component and operation costs.

PHASE II: The purpose of this effort is to design and develop a lightweight, cost informed prototype lightweight track pin and track components for a military combat vehicle. The track pin geometry Is highly constrained based on the sprocket / end connector, road wheel / center guide, and track shoe body / rubber bushing. Where it is unconstrained is the area that will be focused on.
a) Based on Phase I solution, design a prototype system to develop a complete M&S prediction model for the proposed solution
b) Produce prototype hardware based on Phase I solution identified
c) Fabricate multiple samples for characterization and testing
d) Demonstrate the prototype in accordance with the demo success criteria developed in Phase I.

PHASE III DUAL USE APPLICATIONS: Commercialize the design that has been developed and tested for use on Abrams, AMPV, Bradley or PIM. Use of new or emerging manufacturing technologies will enable growth in knowledge of those technologies for ground vehicle systems (transition from aerospace and/or automotive).


1. Lightweight MBT Track Pin Development - ADA394449

Personal Author(s): Nowitzky, Albin M.
Full Text :

2. Analysis of Armoured Vehicle Track Loads and Stresses, with Considerations on Alternative Track Materials - ADA219397

Personal Author(s): Keays, R. H.
Full Text :

3. Lightweight Combat Vehicle S and T Campaign - AD1010791

Corporate Author: U.S. Army TARDEC/Ground System Survivability Warren United States
Personal Author(s): Polsen,Erik ; Krogsrud,Lynne ; Carter,Robert ; Oberle,William ; Haines,Christopher ; Littlefield,Andrew
Full Text :

KEYWORDS: Lightweight, track pin, variable wall thickness, variable diameter, fatigue optimization, manufacturing processes, rubber fatigue, metal fatigue


TITLE: Spall Liner Energy Attenuating (EA) Material Development

TECHNOLOGY AREA(S): Materials/Processes

OBJECTIVE: To development a material for military vehicle interiors which exhibit spall and head/neck impact properties. The material will provide protection to the warfighter from fragments and blast, crash, and rollover events.

DESCRIPTION: During underbody blast, crash, and rollover events, the vehicle occupant, even when properly restrained experiences high velocity motion in multiple directions. Mounted soldiers experience underbody blast (UBB) events when an IED (improvised explosive device) is concealed below the ground and detonated as their vehicle is positioned over the device. The resulting blast wave produces a rapid and violent displacement of the underside of the vehicle. During a blast event the vehicle is pushed in an upward motion, and is also susceptible to rollover side to side or end to end depending on the location of the blast initiator relative to the vehicle location.

The application of spall suppression liner to minimize secondary fragmentation from ricocheting inside crew compartment and cause additional crew casualties. Fragments produced behind the armor by: residual penetrator pieces, the armor plug, and, the spall ring, when an armor hulled vehicle is impacted by kinetic energy, chemical energy, or explosively formed penetrator munitions. Fragments released behind the armor can kill or maim crew members, damage/destroy vehicle components, or cause inflammables to ignite. Damage caused by fragments can result in: mobility, firepower, or catastrophic system kills. In many cases, debris causes most of the lethality.

The intent is to develop one material that has energy absorption and spall material properties to absorb kinetic energy in a controllable and predictable manner, in such a way as to reduce the level of energy experienced by the vehicle and its occupants. Currently there is not a material that can be used as an interior trim energy absorption and spall liner material used in the interior of military vehicles.

Additionally, any materials which are used for military applications need to be validated for acoustical, thermal, and flame, smoke, and toxicity requirements. There is a variety of commercially available energy absorbing material or spall liner with both recoverable and non-recoverable characteristics; however the commercially available materials are not designed to comply with both requirements and with a high level of resistance to flame, smoke and toxicity, acoustical, and thermal.

The challenge to the military vehicle designer is to provide a material solution that can encompass one material solution for multiple purposes. The characteristics of the material are unique to military vehicle interior applications due to the vehicle’s exposure to blast events typically from IEDs. Unlike a commercial automobile, military vehicles are designed with heavy armor, heavy transparent armor and are significantly more enclosed. Upon the and underbody blast event, for which the armor is penetrated and the vehicle interior is exposed to high heat and/or flame, the materials inside the vehicle shall resist FST, to the extent the occupant has sufficient time to evacuate the vehicle.

PHASE I: Phase I of this effort shall consist of a feasibility study and concept development of one or more spall resistant energy absorption (EA) material(s). The feasibility study shall describe through an analytical approach the means for which the proposed material will be developed to achieve a pass performance to MIL-STD-662 and FMVSS 201U. The vehicle shall use a spall liner to reduce the lethality of behind-armor debris (BAD) to the occupants in normal fighting position from overmatching threats with performance requirements established in IAW ITOP 2-2-716 using both shaped-charge jet (SCJ) and explosively-formed penetrator (EFP) threats (specific threats to be defined by the Government at the start-of-work meeting). The energy absorption head impact criterion of HIC(d) < 1000 threshold and HIC(d) < 700 objective are the level of protection required. The concept development shall provide the expected performance of the proposed material’s protection capability and how this performance shall be achieved. The material concept may include multiple layers of materials. Design constraints shall be clearly defined. The material concept(s) shall provide confidence in support of performance to the following specifications, supported by sound engineering principles:

1. FMVSS 201U

2. MIL-STD-1472
3. MIL-DTL-62474F, Type 2, Class B
4. MIL-STD-810
5. ASTM E162
6. ASTM E1354
7. ASTM E662
8. Material shall not ignite when exposed to ballistic engagements.
9. Material shall be self-extinguishing once a fire source is removed from the materials.
10. Material shall not exhibit any form of melting or dripping when fully engaged in a fire event.
11. Material density threshold of 8 kg/m3.
12. Material cost threshold of $100/sq ft.

Analytical tools such as Finite Element Analysis and modeling and simulation where appropriate, shall be used for this purpose. The outcome of Phase I shall include the scientific and technical feasibility as well as the commercial merit for the material concept solution provided. The concept(s) developed shall be supported by engineering principles. Supporting data along with material safety data sheets and material specifications shall also be included if available. The projected development and material cost and timing shall be included in the study. Phase I shall cover no more than a 6-month effort.

PHASE II: Phase II of this effort shall demonstrate the material concept(s) successfully perform to the criteria developed in Phase I.

The contractor shall also perform head impact testing on the material sample(s).The designed system (after being validated to the above criteria), shall be presented to TARDEC for validation testing. Ten (10) component level material samples sized 12”x12” samples shall be shipped to SANG for pre-verification of energy absorption head impact performance of less than 1000 HIC(d) 15ms at 15mph.

The contractor shall demonstrate through testing that the EA spall material reduces lethality of behind-armor debris (BAD). The contractor shall perform testing IAW ITOP 2-2-716 using both shaped-charge jet (SCJ) and explosively-formed penetrator (EFP) threats (specific threats to be defined by the Government at the start-of-work meeting). Three (3) tests shall be conducted with each threat against 24”L x 24”W x 0.5”Thk Rolled-Homogeneous Armor (RHA) per MIL-DTL-12560K, Class 1, in contact with both the EA spall material as well as MIL-STD-62474, Type 2, Class B material of equivalent areal density to the proposed EA spall material. The proposed EA spall material shall demonstrate an average reduction in the total number of fragmentation holes in the first plate, as well as average reductions in the 95th percentile cone half-angle in both the first and second plates.

The contractor shall demonstrate through testing that the EA spall liner does not ignite readily when exposed to a ballistic engagement, and shall not exhibit any form of melting or dripping when fully engaged in a fire event, and shall be self-extinguishing once a fire source is removed from the material. The contractor shall conduct testing of the EA spall liner material IAW ASTM E162 and demonstrate a flame spread index less than twenty-five (25). The contractor shall conduct testing of the EA spall liner material IAW ASTM E1354 (cone calorimetry) and demonstrate a 50kW/m2 flux with an average peak heat release rate less than eighty five (85). The contractor shall conduct testing of the EA spall liner material IAW ASTM E662 and demonstrate a smoke obscuration index less than two-hundred (200).

Once approved six samples of the system shall be provided for integration onto a vehicle for the purposes of blast, crash, roll over testing. The Contractor shall assist TARDEC in the installation of the parts to ensure proper fit and finish is achieved. The size of the sample shall be defined by the vehicle structure which will be made available by TARDEC to the contractor at the beginning of Phase II. In addition Phase II shall focus upon the validation and correlation of the modeling and simulation effort mentioned in Phase I, along with the fabrication and validation of the proposed material(s).

Additionally the study in Phase II shall provide test data, reports and all modeling and simulation models used to develop the system for concept validation. Any required modifications and retesting shall be conducted during phase II.

Note: the material shall also be durable and resist FST with minimal impact on the energy absorption performance of the material. The material shall demonstrate the ability to absorb energy and not fragment. The system shall also provide visual indication that it is damaged and not intended for additional impacts, example being crazing, evident deformation, color change or color with a distinct odor.

PHASE III DUAL USE APPLICATIONS: In the final Phase of the project the contractor shall prove out the effectiveness of the system on an Army Vehicle (or vehicle that is representative of a vehicle in the Army fleet) in both blast and crash scenarios. The contractor shall provide a material prototype for the roof and foot wells of the military vehicle (e.g. Bradley, MATV, Stryker, HMMWV, NGCV). If the material solution is also capable of being utilized for small component protection such as grab handles, then the contractor shall also provide a prototype component as such. The prototype material shall be validated by the contractor. This system has the potential to be utilized in any Military and Civilian truck and automotive applications, as well as potential naval applications, further study for naval applications may be required however. Additionally, the material will be applicable to commercial automotive industry.


1. FMVSS 201/201U, MIL-STD-2031 Fire and Toxicity Test, MIL-STD-1623 Fire Performance, ISO 12219-3 Interior Air of Road Vehicles, MIL-STD-810 Environment, MIL-STD-1472 Human Factors, MIL-HDBK-310 Global Climatic Data, ASTM G-21, ASTM E162 Surface Flammability of Materials, ASTM E1354 Heat and Smoke, ASTM E662 Smoke Occurrence, ASTM D6264/D6264M-12 Damage Resistance for Fiber reinforced Polymer Matrix Composite, ASTM D1242 Resistance to Abrasion, UL-94 Tests for Flammability of Plastic Materials

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