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an uiana

BIBLIOGRAPHY: His letters and writings are in great part collected in J. H. $ottinger, Schola Tiguri   CGTO­lina, pp. 115 sqq.. Zurich, 1664. Consult: G. R. Zim­mermann, Die Ziircher Kirehe 1518 1819, pp. 73 103, Zurich, 1878; ADB, x. 239; 8. M. Jackson, Huldreieh Zuringli, pp. 360 361, New York, 1903.

GUARDIAN: The usual title of the superior of a Franciscan convent.
GUASTALLINR, gwes"tal li'nf or  nlA. See AN­GELICAIS.


GUDEA. See BABYLONIA, VI., 3, § 3.
GUEDER, g6'der, EDUARD: Swiss clergyman

and theological writer; b. at Walperswyl, near Nidau

(16 in. n.w. of Bern), June 1, 1817; d. at Bern July

14, 1882. He was educated at Bern and Berlin, and

after acting as vicar and pastor at Bienne, where as

a representative of orthodox dogma and practise he

came into conflict with the prevalent revolutionary

ideals, he became pastor of the Nydeck church at

Bern and attained repute as an eloquent preacher

and an active participant in church politics. From

1859 to 1865 he lectured on the New Testament at

the university, assuming, in contrast to the ma­

jority of his colleagues, the standpoint of dogmatic

orthodoxy. In the theological controversies that

followed the publication of Langhans' Heilige Schrift

in 1866, Gdder showed himself consistently the

champion of the traditional interpretation of the

Scriptures, and was successful in winning over the

synod to his views. The law of 1874 effecting the

separation of church and state encountered in him

an uncompromising opponent, but the high esteem in

which he was held by friends and opponents alike

induced him to remain in the service of a church

which, crippled as he conceived it to be, was still

dear to him. Of his theological publications the

principal are Die Lehre von der Erscheinuttg Christi

unter den Toten (Bern, 1853) and an edition of

Sehneckenburger's Vergleichende Daratellung des

lutherischen and reformierten Lehrbegrifs (Stuttgart,

1855). (P. GtDDERt.)

BIBLIOGRAPHY: P. Gilder, E. G"er, rein Leben and Wirken, Bern, 1886.
GUENEE, gb"n6', ANTOINE: French Roman Catholic controversialist; b. at ttampes (35 m. s.s.w. of Paris) Nov. 23, 1717; d. at Fontainebleau (37 m. s.s.e. of Paris) Nov. 27, 1803. He studied in Paris and for twenty years was professor of rhetoric at the Collage du Plessis there. To learn modern lan­guages he traveled extensively in England, Ger­many, and Italy. He translated several works from the English and wrote among other works of less importance, Lettres de quelques Juifs portugai8, allemands et polonais h M. de Voltaire,(4 vols., Paris, 1769; Eng. transl., Letters of Certain Jews to Mon­sieur de Voltaire., 2 vols., Dublin, 1777), a refu­tation of Voltaire's attack on the Bible, and the best book produced by the Roman Catholics against the French skepticism of the eighteenth century. For this work Gudnde was made a canon in the cathedral of Amiens and afterward was attached to the chapel of Versailles by Cardinal de la Roche­Aymon.



BIBLIOGRAPHY: A biographical preface by Dacier is to be found in the ed. of Paris, 1815, of. Voltaire, (Euvres cony pates, vol. x., Paris, 1863; Uehtenberger, ESR, v. 756­758.
GUENTHER, gwen'ter, ANTON: Roman Catholic philosopher and theologian; b. at Lindenau, near Leitmeritz (34 In. n.n.w. of Prague), Bohemia, Nov. 17, 1783; d. at Vienna Feb. 24, 1863. He studied philosophy and jurisprudence at Prague and the­ology in the academy at Raab, Hungary. In 1820 he received consecration as a priest and in 1822 entered the Jesuit cloister of Starawies, in Galicia. After a two years' noviciate he went to Vienna, where he spent the rest of his life as a private priest and (till 1848) censor of philosophical and juridical books. When his own works were placed on the Index in 1857 he submitted to the ecclesiastical authority. As a philosopher his aim was to effect a reconciliation between knowledge and faith. and place the dogmas of the Roman Catholic Church on a firm philosophical foundation. For current pantheism he substituted dualism, on the basis of which he sought to show that God exists outside of the world, that he can not be identified with his creation. The two opposing principles in the world, which is objectified by God, are nature and spirit, and man is the synthesis of both of these. Of his works the more important are: Vorschule zur speku­lativen Theologie des positiven Christentums (2 vols., Vienna, 1828 29; 2d ed., 1848); Peregrins Gastmahl (1830); Slid  and Nordliehter am Horizonte apeku­lativer Theologie (1832); Thomas a Scrupulis. Zur Trans, figuration der Persiinlichkeits Pantheis­men der neuesten Zeit (1835); and Die Juste Milieus in der deutachen Philosophie gegenwxirtiger Zeit (1838).
BIBLIOGRAPHY: P. Knoodt, Anton Ganther, 2 vols., Vienna, 1881; F, H. Reuseh, Der indev der verbotenen Bticher, ii. 1121 1125, Bonn, 1885.
GUERICKE, gt ri'ke, HEINRICH ERNST FER­DINAND: German Lutheran theologian; b. at Wettin (15 m. n.e. of Elberfeld) Feb. 25, 1803; d. Halle Feb. 4, 1878. He studied at the University of Halle and in recognition of his biography of August Hermann Francke (Halle, 1827), and his Beitrdge zur histori8eh kritischen Etnleitung ins Neue Testament (1828 31) he was appointed associate professor at Halle in 1829. He was a zealous student of the history of theology; and published sev­eral works which attained much popularity. Among these may be mentioned: Handbuch der Kirchen­geschiehte (Halle, 1833; Eng. tranal., A Manual of Church History, Andover, 1857); Allgemeine christ­liche Symbolik (Leipsie, 1839); Historisch kritische Einleitung in das Neue Testament (1843; 3d ed., en­titled Neutestamentliche 1sagogik, 1867); and Lehr­buch der christlich kirchlichen Archdologie (1847; Eng. transl., Manual of the Antiquities of the Church, London, 1851). In 1834 he was ordained pastor of a small congregation at Halle, but when this congre­gation emigrated to America. a few years later he returned to his professorship, and in 1840 he founded, together with Dr. Rudelbach, the Zeitschrift fur die gesammte lutherische Theologie and Kirche, of which he was associate editor until his death. His life of Francke was translated into English, London, 1837.



Guardian Guiana

GUERRY, ger'i, WILLIAM ALEXANDER: Pro­testant Episcopal bishop of South Carolina; b. at Fulton, S. C., July 7, 1861. He was educated at the University of the South, Sewanee, Tenn. (M.A., 1884; B.D., 1888), and after being rector of St. John's, Florence, S. C., from 1888 to 1893, was chaplain and professor of homiletics and pastoral theology in the University of the South until 1907, when he was consecrated bishop coadjutor of South Carolina, and in 1908, on the death of the bishop, became full diocesan.
GUETZLAFF, guts'laf, KARL FRIEDRICH AU­GUST: German Protestant missionary; b. at Pyritz (24 m. s.e. of Stettin), Pomerania, July 8,1803; d. at Hongkong, China, Aug. 9, 1851. In 1821 he en­tered the mission established in Berlin by Johann Jfinike. In 1823 he entered the service of the Nether­lands Missionary Society. During 1826 28 he was located at Batavia where he learned the commonest Chinese dialects. In 1828 he went to Bangkok as an independent missionary, and in 1831 he proceeded to China, residing first at Macao, afterward at Hong­kong, whence he made numerous journeys to various parts of the Chinese empire. He assisted W. H. Medhurst and Robert Morrison in translating the Bible into Chinese, wrote in Chinese several tracts of useful information, edited a monthly magazine in Chinese, and in 1844 founded at Hongkong an institution for the training of native missionaries. After 1835 he held the office of interpreter and secre­tary to the English commission, and by his knowl­edge of the people and country rendered valuable aid to the English during the Opium War. He wrote: Journal of Three Voyages along the Coast of China (London, 1834); A Sketch of Chinese History (2 vols., 1834); China Opened (2 vols., 1838); Geschichte des chinesischen Reichs (Stuttgart, 1847); Die Mission in China (Berlin, 1850); and The Life of Taou Kwang (1851).

BIBLIOGRAPHY: J. C. Cosack, Leben and Hefmpanp C. P. A.

GVtzlaff, Berlin, 1851.
GUIANA: A district of northeastern South America between the Atlantic Ocean, Brazil, and Venezuela. Colonization began about 1620 by the French and Dutch, and, more permanently, by the English in 1650. The present division into the three colonial governments of British, Dutch, and French Guiana was established by the Treaty of Breda (1667) and the Peace of Paris (1815).

British Guiana, the westernmost of the three colonies, was organized as a crown colony in 1831. The area is 90,277 square miles; population (1904), 301,923, chiefly negroes, East Indian coolies, and half breeds; there are about 8,000 Indians living in the settled regions. The greater portion of the colored population had been won to at least a nominal Christianity through the missionary ac­tivity of the Anglican Church, which early adopted an organized mode of procedure, though the bishop­ric of Guiana was not created till 1842. The see is at the capital, Georgetown, or Demerara, and the diocese forms part of the province of the West Indies, having as metropolitan the archbishop of Jamaica. It now contains 120,000 souls. There is

also a synod of the Church of Scotland with fifteen ministers, and a Wesleyan Methodist district with twenty preachers. The Congregationalists have a few congregations, and the Moravians have planted settlements and congregations among the colored people in connection with their activity in the neigh­boring Dutch colony. The Coolie Mission Asso­ciation and the Diocesan Mission Society are active in missionary work. The Roman Catholic Church had about 24,000 adherents, Irish immigrants and converts of the Jesuits, who have had general charge of the spiritual interests of those of their faith in the colony. The apostolic vicariate of British Guiana or Demerara was created in 1837.

Dutch Guiana or Surinam, east of British Guiana, has an area of 46,072 square miles and a population estimated at 90,000, about half of whom are descended from emancipated negro slaves. The largest number of adherents is accredited to the Moravians who settled in the colony as early as 1739, with missionary activity among the slaves primarily in view. They consecrated the first church for these Christians in 1796. At the abo­lition of slavery in 1863, some 20,000 of the 33,000 slaves belonged to the Brethren, and the total of their converts in 1902 amounted to 29,300. Next stands the Dutch Reformed Church, with seven congregations and about 5,000 souls; then the Anglican Church, the "Society for Free Evangel­ization," and two Presbyterian bodies with 4,000 followers all told. The Roman Catholic Church gained a footing in 1787 by opening a house of wor­ship in the capital, Paramaribo, but closed it six years later, and Roman Catholic worship was not permanently reinstated until 1810. In 1842 the apostolic vicariate of Dutch Guiana was created for some 13,000 Catholics, the majority of whom are colored. They have pastors of the Redemptorist Order. There are upward of 1,200 Jews, mostly descendants of those expelled from Brazil in 1663; the first synagogue was built in 1730. Some­what more numerous, 2,000 to 2,100, are the Mo­bammedans, and there are nearly 8,000 Brahmans who have come from India and supplanted the negroes on the plantations.

French Guiana or Cayenne, the easternmost of the

three colonies, contains 27,027 square miles, with

33,000 inhabitants. The negro slaves (numbering

at the time upward of 12,600) were emancipated

in 1848. At the same time there were about

20,000 Indians in the sylvan interior of the country,

about half of whom are still heathen. The Jesuits

and the Capuchins who came as early as 1643, have

labored among them, with but indifferent success

Since 1816 this missionary activity has been con.

tinued by the Fathers of the Holy Ghost. The

apostolic prefecture of French Guiana was created

in 1643. There are two Protestant churches be­

longing respectively to the French Reformed and the

Presbyterians. WILHELM GoaTz.

BIBLIOGRA : On British Guiana: T. H. Bernan, Mia eionarp Labour anwng the Indians of Bri" Guiana, Lon 

don 1847; W. H. Brett Mission Work among the Indian

Trite of Guiana ib. 1881; T. Farrar, Notes on the

Hiat, of the Church in Guiana, Berbiae, 1892. On Dutch

Guiana: W. G. Palgrave. DutcA Guiana,

London, 1878; A. %appler, Hottdndiadr(luzana, Stuttart, 1881. On


French Guiana: F. Bonys. La Guysas fraepaisc Paris, 1887; E. Nibauk Guyane fraapaiss, ib. 1882; P. Mury, Lea J&uites a Cayenne. Strasburg, 1895.

GUIBERT, gI"bgr', OF NOGE1fT: Abbot of No­

gent (Nogent aou& Coucy, near Lam, 75 m.. n.e. of

Paris); b. at Clermont (40 m. n. of Paris) 1053;

d. at Nogent between 1121 and 1124. At the age of

twelve he entered the monastery of Flay, where he

received a classical and theological education, and

came under the influence of Anselm, then prior of

Bee. In 1104 he was made abbot of St. Mary's

monastery at Nogent and remained there the rest

of his life. He was first of all a moralist, and hence

cultivated moralizing Scripture exposition, which

seemed to him especially necessary in a time when

faith was unshaken, but morals were much on the

decline (De vita stet, i. 17, p. 876). He is not to be

counted, however, among the enlighteners, but is

rather a true child of his time, deeply sunk in its

superstition. Of interest among his writings is the

Ltber quo ordine aerww fteri debeat which strenuously

opposes the prevalent repugnance to preaching.

Guibert advised placing the moral and psychological

elements into the foreground of the sermon, and

held that no manner of preaching was more salu­

tary than that which presented man's own picture

to his mind. The pretense of the monks of St.

Medard that they had a tooth of Christ induced him

to write De pignorabm aanctomm. He by no means

attacks the worship of relics, but demands that one

should first be convinced of the genuineness of the

relics and the holiness of those from whom they

come. He disapproves of the exhuming of the

bodies of the saints and the dismemberment of these

bodies. He denies entirely the existence of physi­

cal parts of Christ, since his earthly body has been

completely transfigured. In the second book he

defends most energetically the doctrine of transub­

stantiation, and  the doctrine of the necessary in­

tentio of the priest is here found. Guibert was also

the first to write an extensive history of the first

crusade Hiatorim qute dic£tur gesta Dei Per Francos

sive historia Hierosolymitano, from 1095 to the end

of 1099, written about 1108; it was founded on an

earlier narrative by a crusader, which Guibert

enlarged from the oral communications of others

and, as he thought, improved. His statements are

not always reliable, but the book as a whole is an

important historical source. Guibert also wrote a

kind of autobiography, Monodiarum give de vita

sua libri iii. The first book only, which reaches to

his election as abbot, is biographical; it is written

after the plan of Augustine's "Confessions," and

treats of his errors and his repentance through the

divine grace. The second book contains historical

material on the monastery at Nogent, relates Gui­

bert's election, and tells monks' stories. The most

interesting part is the third book, a description of

the doings of the unworthy bishop Galderich of

Leon and of the controversies between him and the

community of Laon. S. M. I)EUTscm

BIRLIoaRAPHY: Guibert'e works were edited, with notes, by L. d'Achdry Paris, 1861 and am reprinted thence in MPL, elvi. Consult: J. Mabillon, Annales ordinis S. Benedicti, books lx. hiv.; J. A. Fabrieius, Bibliotheca Latina media< et infimae aelatis, book vu. 382 368; His­toire litt€raire de 14 France, x. 433 sqq.; H. F. Reuter,

GssehirJUs der redagibsen Aufkidrun® im iA(indalter, i. 143 aqq, Berlin, 1875; J. Michaud, BiblioWque dm voisadu, i. 122 sqq Paris, 1829; idem, Hiatoire des coieadea vi. 88 aqq., Paris, 1841; H. C. L. von Sybel, Gesdhichts des ervtsa Krrousaups, pp. 88, 38, DBeseldorf, 1841; T. A. Archer and C. L. $ingsford, The Crusades, pp. 28 34­35, 440, New York, 1895; Gibbon, Decline and Fall, vi. 288, 292; Moeller, Clridian CA W4 ii. 323 324, 332, 373; Meander, Christian Chard, iv. 124 sqq., et passim.

GUIBERT OF RAVENNA: Archbishop of that city and antipope (Clement III.) 1080 1100; b. in Parma c. 1025; d. at Civita Castellana (19 m. s.e. of Viterbo) Sept. 8, 1100. He was the descendant of a noble Italian family, and entered political serv­ice as chancellor for Italy, officiating from 1057­10&3. After the death of Nicholas II. in 1061 he openly separated from the curial party and induced the bishops of Lombardy to protest against the elec­tion of Alexander II. and to ally themselves with the secular court. The election of Bishop Cadalus of Parma as antipope at Basel, Oct. 1061, took place probably in his presence and corresponded to his conception of the situation. TM resolution of the Synod of Augsburg which led to the acknowledg­ment of Alexander II. did not have his consent, and probably for this reason he resigned his chancellor ship after that synod. For the next ten years he seems to have lived in Parma. Though his name was not prominent during this period, the German court did not lose sight of him. In 1072, at the inter­cession of the empress, Henry IV. made him arch­bishop of Ravenna. In the beginning of the p6n­tificate of Gregory VII. Guibert seems to have cooperated with the pope, but probably as early as 1074 he took the side of the opposition. As he ab­sented himself from the synod of 1075, Gregory VII. suspended him from his office. In 1080 the imperial party elected him antipope, but it was not till Mar. 24, 1084, that he reached Rome and was en­throned in the Lateran Church. The German epis­copate acknowledged him as pope at the Synod of Mainz, April, 1085; but his elevation did not bring to the emperor that increase of power which he expected.

Personally Guibert was respected by friend and foe, but he lacked the initiative necessary for a champion of the imperial cause. He remained faith­ful to Henry IV., and on March 31, 1084, crowned him king, but was never able to exercise a decisive influence upon the condition of the Church.

(A. HAucg.)

BIBLIOGRAPHY: Jaff6, Regesta, 1. 849 655; O. K6hneke, Wibert wen Ravenna, Leipeic, 1888; Schaff, Christian Church, v. i, pp. 41, 81 eqq., 73, 75; Milman, Latin Christianity, vol. iii. passim, iv. 87; Bower, Popes, ii, 397 427.

GUIDO, gi'do, OF AREZZO: Benedictine; b. at Arezzo (55 m. s.e. of Florence) between 990 and 1000; d. about 1050. In the early part of the eleventh oeutury he became a monk in the monastery of Pomposa, but the success of his method of teach­ing singing aroused such jealousy that he was ex­pelled. He found refuge with the bishop of Arezzo, and at the invitation of John XIX. went to Rome. His abbot then urged him to return to Pomposa, but whether he did so or whether he is to be iden­tified with the Prior Guido who died at the Camal­dolite monastery of Avellana in 1050, is uncertain.



He applied the famous syllables "ut re mi fa sol !a " to the notes of the scale, these being the ini­tial syllables of the hemisticbs of a hymn on John the Baptist. He improved the system which al­ready existed by the use of additional lines and by availing himself of the spaces between them. The signs which he placed on and between the lines were not notes, but the old neumes. In addition to the works enumerated in the bibliography, he was probably the author of a letter against simony, addressed to Heribert, archbishop of Milan.

(R. SCHIItm.)

Bramooasrai: Guido's works on music, genuine and doubtful, were edited by Gerhart in Script. eaT. de musim sacra, vol. ii., St. Blas, 1784, in MPL, cxh., and in C. E. H. de Couseemaker, Scriptonsm de muaica . . . novus series, vol. ii., Paris. 1865. Consult: R. G. Siesewetter, Guido von Armzo, Leipsic, 1840; H. Niemann, Studien zur Geschichte der NotenaehriA ib. 1878; idem, Musik­lexaon, ib. 1895.




NARD GUI): Dominican, inquisitor in Toulouse;

b. at Roy&es (department of Haute Vienne, arron­

dissement of Saint Yrieix, 27 m. s. of Limoges) about

1261; d. at Lod4ve (33 m. w.n.w. of Montpellier)

Dec. 30, 1331. He entered the Dominican Order

in 1279. From 1294 to 1305 he served as prior in

convents at Albi, Carcassonne, Castres, and Limoges;

in 1314 he was vicar of the province of Toulouse;

and about 1318 became procurator general of his

Order. In 1307 he was appointed inquisitor of

Toulouse, where for nearly eighteen years he ad­

ministered his office with zeal and took an active part

in the extirpation of the Catbarist heresy (see NEW

MANCcHEANs. II.). A fairly exhaustive narrative of

his activity is supplied in the Liber sententiarum in­

qui8itionis TolosancE, published by P. van Limborch

in his Hiatoria inquiaWo4ia (Amsterdam, 1692). An

official manual for the procedure of the officers of

the Inquisition was prepared by Guidonis under

the title: Practice inpisitionia (first issued by

C. Douais, Paris, 1886), a volume furnishing val­

uable elucidations of the doctrines and peculiarities

of the various heretical factions. That the Curia

appreciated his eminent ability, appears from his

repeated employment in the papal diplomatic serv­

ice. Thus in 1317 he was despatched to Italy in

behalf of pacification between the Guelphs and

Ghibellines, and for the adjustment of partisan

strifes at Genoa; and in 1318 he was commissioned

to mediate a reconciliation between Philip V. of

France and Count Robert of Flanders. In 1233 he

became bishop of Tuy, in Spain; whence, in 1324,

he was translated to the diocese of LodAve.

Along with his official activity, Guidonis ex­hibited a remarkably comprehensive literary indus­try. Of his historical works, the best known are his great history of the popes (Flom cronicomm seu caaalogus PorttifLum Romanorum); his com­pendious account of the popes and emperors (Cata­logus br  pordtfcu' m Romanorum el imperatorum); and his annals of the French kings. Of importance, moreover, is the great work on the history of the Dominican Order, which Guidonis undertook in

1304; only parts have hitherto been published, but C. Dousis has repeatedly made use of Guidonis' materials for the history of that Order. Guidonis' digest of the acts of the original chapter general of the Dominican Order has been edited by B. M. Reichert (Monuments ordinie frnh um prcedicato­rumm, vol. iii., Prague, 1898); the acts of the pro­vincial chapter of the Dominican province of Pro­vence (down to 1302) were made known by Dousis in 1894. As yet unpublished are Guidonis' Spy lure sanctorale (a valuable collection of legends of the saints) and De ternporibus et annie generalium et prmrincialium conctliorum. Great confusion ensued formerly from the designation erroneously attrib­uted to Guidonis: "de Castris S. Vincentii "; since his writings thus came to be partly ascribed to Bernardus de Castris S. Vincentii. He has also been confused with the Dominican Guido de Pileo of Vinoenaa (d. 1331), and is to be distinguished from his elder fellow Dominican, Bernardus Guidonis of Bdaiers (hence Biterrensia), who died in 1273.


BIBLIOGRAPHY: The earlier literature is given in U. Cheva­lier, REperloira lea aourm historiquea du mown doe, bt­blioyraphis, i. 1919, Paris, 1905. The principal modern work is L. Delisle, Notice err lea manusaita de Bernard Oui, in Notices et eitraita lea MSS. de la biblio&bqus na­tionals, uvii. 189 465, Paris, 1879. Consult: C. 'Mo­linier, L'Inquiaitton dare Is midi de la Prance, pp. 5 aqq., 197 aqq., ib. 1880; idena4 in Archivba lea 'minions seir entifiques et litt6raires, 3 ser., aiv. 189 .qq., 238 eqq., ib. 1888; O. Lorenz, DGQ, vol. ii. passim, Berlin, 1887; H. Bachne, in Halts was du hoot, Berlin, 1891; idem, Ber­nardue Guuidonis and die Apostelbreder, Rostock, 1891; Potthast, Wepweiser, pp. 150 152 (indispensable for the sources); F. Arbellot, Elude biographique et bibliopraphique sur Bernard Guidonia, Limes, 1896; C. Dousia, Docu­ments pour servir h Mist. de l'inquwition, Paris, 1900.

GUILLON, gVYW, MARIE NICOLAS SYL­VESTRE: French Roman Catholic, Bishop of Morocco in partibus infaWium; b. in Paris Jan. 1, 1760; d. at Montfermeil (19 m. n.e. of Paris) Oct. 16, 1847. He studied at the College du Plessis and at the College Louis le Grand and acquired great proficiency in medicine, as well as in theology. He became almoner and librarian to the Princess Lam­balle, but fled to Sceaux after her execution in 1792 and practised medicine there, and at Meaux, for several years under the assumed name of Pastel. After the Revolution he was made honorary canon and librarian of the cathedral of Paris. He ac­companied Cardinal Fesch to Rome, and on his return became professor of rhetoric at the Lycde Bonaparte, and shortly afterward professor of sacred eloquence at the Sorbonne. He also be­came almoner of the Coll6ge Louis le Grand, al­moner to the Princess of Orldans, honorary canon of Saint Denis, bishop of Morocco (1833), dean of the theological faculty at the Sorbonne, and an officer of the Legion of Honor, He was a prolific writer, and some of his works are still of value, particularly his Colledion des brefa du Pope Pie VI. (2 vols., Paris, 1798); Btbliothkue choisie lea pyres greea et lading (26 vols., 1822); and his excellent translation of Cyprian's works (2 vols., 1837).

Biamoaserer: Lichtenberger, ESR, v. 792 793.

GUILT: The state resulting from the violation of law. In Christianity the presuppositions of guilt are the Christian view of Sin (q.v.),' personal

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