A subcommittee of the Round Table on Information Access
for People with Print Disabilities Inc.
Chair : Bruce Maguire, bruce@brucemaguire.com; (02) 96863665
Secretary: Leona Holloway, leona.holloway@visionaustralia.org (03) 9864 9326
Australian Braille Authority
2008 Annual Meeting 11th April 2008
Mantra on Russell, Russell St, Melbourne Vic
Contents: -
1.1 Roll Call
1.2 Apologies
1.3 In memoriam
2.1 Housekeeping arrangements
2.2 Confirmation of agenda
Minutes of 2007 ABA Annual Meeting
3.1 Adoption of minutes
3.2 Business arising from 2007 minutes
Election of Incoming ABA Executive
5.1 ABA Annual Report 2007-2008
5.2 State and territory reports
6. ABA State/Territory funding model
7. ABA Strategic review
8. International Reports
8.1 ICEB report from General Assembly
8.2 Report on braille-related activities in the Pacific Region
8.3 Remarks from ICEB incoming Chair
8.4 Update on activities of the World Braille Council (Aubrey Webson)
8.5 English Braille International Roundup – opportunity for international observers to give an update from their country including plans for celebrating the Louis Braille Bicentennial and UEB
9. Discussion of UEB implementation
9.1 UEB Primer and Rule Book
9.2 Implementation of UEB – opportunity for updates and questions
9.3 UEB and the Duxbury Braille Translator
9.3.1 Update on Duxbury activities (Joe Sullivan)
9.4 General Discussion
10. Trans-Tasman Braille proficiency certificate
11. General Business
11.1 Celebration of Bicentennial of Louis Braille
11.2 Update on Braillespace: The Braille Window Project – Bruce Maguire
11.3 Other activities
11.4 Other business
12. Meeting Close
13. Appendices
13.1 ABA Annual Report 2007-2008 by Bruce Maguire, ABA Chair
13.2 ACT Report
13.3 NSW Report
13.4 Queensland Report
13.5 South Australia Report
13.6 Tasmania Report
13.7 Victoria Report
13.8 Western Australia Report
13.9 Resolutions of the ICEB General Assembly 2008
13.10 Pacific Region Report
1. Personnel
Bruce Maguire, Chair of the Australian Braille Authority, opened the 2008 Annual Meeting and welcomed all delegates, observers, and international visitors.
1.1 Roll Call
ACT Department of Education and Training
Robert Wood - delegate
Association of Blind Citizens NSW
Marie Shang - delegate
Australian Braille Authority QLD
Linda Triasmono - delegate
Australian Braille Authority NSW
Nicola Stowe - delegate
Australian Braille Authority SA
Stefan Slucki - delegate
Australian Braille Authority Victoria
Allen Egerton - delegate
Australian Braille Authority WA
Paul Bell - delegate
Blind Citizens Australia (BCA)
William (Bill) Jolley - delegate
Bruce Maguire - delegate
Canberra Blind Society
Deb Quinnell - delegate
Catholic Education Office, Parramatta
Annette Sutherland - delegate
Ramona Mandy - observer
Sam Taylor - observer
CNIB, Canada
Darleen Bogart - observer
Helen McMillan - observer
Nancy Barker - observer
Phyllis Landon - observer
Betty Nobel - observer
Debbie Gillespie - observer
Department of Education and Training NSW
Josie Howse - delegate
Department of Education Training and the Arts QLD
Chris Gilbert - delegate
Department of Education and Training WA/VIS
Inge Carter - delegate
Duxbury Systems, US
Joe Sullivan - observer
Information Alternatives
Christine Simpson - delegate
Jolley William and Associates
Bill Jolley - delegate
Queensland Braille Writing Association
Wendy Sara - delegate
Royal Institute for Deaf and Blind Children (RIDBC)
Brian Conway - delegate
Tricia d'Apice - observer
Royal National Institute of Blind People (RNIB, UK)
Pete Osborne - observer
Royal New Zealand Foundation of the Blind (RNZFB)
Mary Schnackenberg - observer
Maria Stevens - observer
Moira Clunie - observer
Janet Reynolds - observer
Raeleen Smith - observer
Royal Society for the Blind South Australia (RSB SA)
Stefan Slucki - delegate
South Pacific Educators in Vision Impairment (SPEVI)
Leanne Smith - delegate
Statewide Vision Resource Centre, Department of Education Victoria (SVRC)
Deb Lewis - delegate
Marion Blaze - observer
Torch Trust for the Blind, UK
Mike Townsend - observer
Vision Australia
Peter Le - delegate
Debra Murphy - observer
Maryanne Diamond - observer
Tim Evans - observer
Leona Holloway - observer
Mark Walters - observer
Sarah Fitzgerald - observer
World Braille Council
Aubrey Webson - observer
1.2 Apologies
Frances Gentle
1.3 In Memoriam
Bruce acknowledged the contributions of Peng Lee and Dr Keith Watkins to braille during their lives.
Peng Lee was an itinerant vision support teacher in the Canberra Education Department. Peng was a Support Teacher for Vision who had worked with the ACT Department of Education and Training for 25 years. He worked in both the hearing areas and vision areas. He originally trained in South Australia after moving to Australia from Malaysia. He had exceptional skills in maths, science and braille and as a result was able to provide very high quality support for braille using students in these areas. He really liked UEB and was very quick to understand and apply the new code, especially when proofreading. He was very much loved by his students who all appreciated the support he was able to give him. He was much respected by his colleagues who miss his exceptional skill, professionalism, enthusiasm and company.
Dr Keith Watkins was a former President of the ICEVI Pacific Region and Foundation Chairman of the International Association for the Education of the DeafBlind. Most of his career was spent with the NSW Department of Education. He was Principal of the North Rocks School for Blind Children, Inspector of Schools for Special Education; and Assistant Director, Special Education. He was also a Fellow of the Australian College of Educators, and retired in 1988. In 2005 he authored ‘Education for people with impaired vision: From Antiquity to the Antipodes in 2000’, which was based on his Macquarie University PhD thesis “Towards systematic education of the Blind in Australia”. He was a passionate advocate for braille.
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