Questions/sorular dear cartoonists

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Dear cartoonists,

We think that World Cartoon is not developing well. In particular, on  the cartoon contests ''with a subject'' it is possible to come cross a  lot of cartoons with a idea similar each other. Beside that lately the different cartoon contests have launched awards for similar works. We are facing frequently in anxiety that we consider less ethical values of doing cartoon. We have prepared some questions focussing all these concerns and aiming some important issues addressed to you. If you would be kind to write down some short answers to these questions we may do something to establish  and to solve some problems we have today and even perhaps we could move further. So, What do you think about these questions?

1) World Cartoon
, especially when we are thinking on "subject with humor" have a stoppage. Almost without any researches we are working on a very first idea that comes to our mind. The result of this ends with similar cartoons. Do you think, we need to solve this problem? What can be done?

2) According to us, one of the biggest responsible of frequently appearance of ''similar'' cartoons is jurors of the contests. In particular the jurors who do not use the Internet as a medium votes for similar cartoons. We have a suggestion to prevent similarities on cartoons: Just to exhibit all submissions posted for contest in a digital gallery on the web site of the arrangers. This can maintain a healthy result for the final cartoons. ''Don Quichotte'' has already lunched this method for a while ago. Do you have any different suggestions about this?

3) What is your opinion on ''Censorship in Cartoon?'' Should a cartoon be restrictions on it? If yes, what is the borders of this?

4) Also at recent periods we find more technically perfect cartoons, almost close to ''illustration'' in definition and it seems they concern more plastic art which replace the traditionally cartooning with simple lines. It is a reality that there exists cartoonists/artists who produce on this track and who be very successful too. Our concern is mostly on that the priority of humor -the gag or the idea if you wish- stays in background. As it is known, the cartoon in definition is an expression with ''least and original'' lines. Do you think so you too?

5) What kind of structures the cartoonists need to act in solidarity, organized as a whole against lawsuits? We need your alternative suggestions in order to create more strong cartoon unity, shoulder to shoulder, which will work internationally. Do you have any suggestions?

Dear Cartoonists,
As we mentioned, your responses to these questions can contribute to solve possible problems of World Cartoon. Beforehand we appreciate and thank for sharing your time for this poll.


Değerli Karikatürcüler…

1) Dünya karikatürünün bir tıkanma süreci yaşadığı düşüncesindeyiz. Özellikle “konulu” karikatür yarışmalarında aynı esprilerden çokca görmekteyiz. Bunun yanı sıra değişik yarışmalarda ödül alan karikatürler arasında da son dönemlerde oldukça benzerlikler görmekteyiz. Karikatürün etik değerinden biraz uzaklaştığı endişesini son dönemlerde sıkça yaşıyoruz. Tüm bu kaygıları içeren ve önemli konulara değinen birkaç soru hazırladık sizler için. Bu soruların kısa yanıtlarını vermenizle belki de karikatürün önündeki sorunları çözebilir veya bu yolda adımlar atabiliriz. Ne dersiniz?

1)    Dünya karikatüründe, özellikle “espri-tema” konusunda bir tıkanma söz konusu. Konu üzerinde fazla araştırma yapmadan ilk akla gelen espriyi kağıda döküyoruz. Bunun sonucunda da birbirinin benzeri karikatürler türüyor. Sizce, bu sorunu çözmemiz için ne yapmalıyız?

2)    Bizce “Benzer” karikatürlerin sıkça ortaya çıkmasının en büyük sorumlularından biri de yarışma jurileri. Özellikle internet ortamını kullanmayan karikatürcülerin oluşturduğu jurilerin belirlediği sonuçlarda “benzer” karikatürlere sıkça rastlıyoruz. “Benzer” karikatürlerin önlenmesi için bizim bir önerimiz var. Yarışmayı düzenleyen kurumların internet sitelerinde gelen karikatürler bir sanal galeride yarışma süresince yayınlanmalı. Böylelikle finale kalan karikatürlerin ödüllendirilmesi daha sağlıklı olur.  “Don Quichotte” yarışmalarında da bu yöntemi uyguluyoruz zaten. Sizin farklı bir öneriniz var mı?

3)    “Çizgide Sansür” konusunda ne düşünüyorsunuz. Karikatürde bir kısıtlama olmalı mı? Olmalıysa bunun sınırı ne olmalı?

4)    Yine son dönemlerde karikatürün salt çizgiyle anlatımının yerini, plastik kaygının ağır bastığı “illüstrasyon”a yakın bir tekniğin aldığını görüyoruz. Bu doğrultuda üreten ve oldukça başarılı olan karikatürcülerin olduğu bir gerçek. Ancak kaygımız, öncelikli olması gereken “espri”nin ikinci planda kalması. Bilindiği gibi, karikatürün açılımı “az ve öz çizgiyle” ifade etmektir. Sizce de öyle mi?

5)    Dünya karikatürcülerinin örgütlü ve karikatüre karşı açılan davalarda bir bütün halinde hareket edebilmesi için ne gibi bir yapılanmaya gereksinim vardır? Uluslar arası platformda daha güçlü bir karikatürcü dayanışması için önereceğiniz alternatif düşüncelerinize ihtiyacımız var.

Değerli karikatürcüler,
yukarıdaki beş soruya verdiğiniz yanıtlarla, dünya karikatürünün olası sorunlarının cözülmesine az da olsa katkıda bulunabilirsiniz. Şimdiden değerli zamanınızı ayırdığınız için çok teşekkür ediyoruz.

for answers/yanitlar icin:



1) World Cartoon, especially when we are thinking on "subject with humor,"
have a stoppage. Almost without any researches we are working on a very
first idea that comes to our mind. The result of this ends with similar
cartoons. *Do you think, we need to solve this problem? What can be done?
Unfortunately, little can be done to prevent people from having similar
ideas when dealing with a single , specific subject.

2) According to us, one of the biggest responsible of frequently appearance

of ''similar'' cartoons is jurors of the contests. In particular the jurors
who do not use the Internet as a medium votes for similar cartoons. We have
a suggestion to prevent similarities on cartoons: Just to exhibit all
submissions posted for contest in a digital gallery on the web site of the
arrangers. This can maintain a healthy result for the final cartoons. ''Don
Quichotte'' has already lunched this method for a while ago.* Do you have
any different suggestions about this?*

A digital gallery would be a perfect solution :)

3) What is your opinion on ''Censorship in Cartoon?'' Should a cartoon be
restrictions on it? If yes, what is the borders of this?

NO censorship whatsoever.

4) Also at recent periods we find more technically perfect cartoons, almost
close to ''illustration'' in definition and it seems they concern more
plastic art which replace the traditionally cartooning with simple lines. It
is a reality that there exists cartoonists/artists who produce on this track
and who be very successful too. Our concern is mostly on that the priority
of humor -the gag or the idea if you wish- stays in background. As it is
known, the cartoon in definition is an expression with ''least and
original'' lines. *Do you think so you too?*

I don't think cartoon art should abide any definitions. In essence, if the

art gets the IDEA accross, the cartoon does its job. Art style is irrelevant
as long as it doesn't get in the message's way.

5) What kind of structures the cartoonists need to act in solidarity,

organized as a whole against lawsuits? We need your alternative suggestions
in order to create more strong cartoon unity, shoulder to shoulder, which
will work internationally. Do you have any suggestions?

There are a few such organizations in the USA, NCS among them, but generally

speaking cartoonists are individual artists, so most structures, guilds, or
clubs usually don't last.



1) Today there many cartoonists. Some of them are very very good. But the majority are not. Some of them are professional. But the majority is not (amatour cartoonists is a huge army). To work on the very first idea that comes to our mind is not the mark of a very good or a professional cartoonist. What can we do? Shot all the bad amatour cartoonists? I believe so! (joking)
2) Many times the cartoons are similar and this is quite obvious.  The digital gallery is certainly a good idea especially to fight the unfortunate cases of plagiarsim. But I do not think that two cartoons reproducing the same theme are always necessary similar.

It is not only about "What you draw". but "How you draw" that theme. So the jurors should be able to appreciate and distinguish alongside with originality of the theme among aestetic, creative consideration all the time.


3) Censorship is an old problem. I do not care if this is target against bad art. But I hate when censorship is aimed against ART (including great cartoons)

There is more censorship in visual arts today than in the 15th century. We can not eliminate censorship as we can not eliminate stupidity but this is an indication of our times of our fears and stupidity.


4) Difficult to answer when you think that DQ itself awarded its 3 main prizes to those 3 beautiful illustrative/political/ (though not the most humorous or gagging cartoons!!!


5) I feel that our discussion group at yahoo ( and all the activity of DQ (Erdogan Firuz and everybody involved) is very very helpful. SO thanks for this.

Your cartoonfully
Mario (nerosunero)


1) World Cartoon, especially when we are thinking on "subject with humor,"

have a stoppage. Almost without any researches we are working on a very first
idea that comes to our mind. The result of this ends with similar cartoons. Do
you think, we need to solve this problem? What can be done?

Here in the U.S., contests are framed more broadly: best comic strip, best political cartoon. I think it would be better to avoid more specific topics like "best cartoon about the Olympics," etc. You would also open up the field to many cartoonists who might not be interested in a very narrow topic, and get better entries.

2) According to us, one of the biggest responsible of frequently appearance of
''similar'' cartoons is jurors of the contests. In particular the jurors who do
not use the Internet as a medium votes for similar cartoons. We have a suggestion
to prevent similarities on cartoons: Just to exhibit all submissions posted for
contest in a digital gallery on the web site of the arrangers. This can
maintain a healthy result for the final cartoons. ''Don Quichotte'' has already
lunched this method for a while ago. Do you have any different suggestions
about this?

No one should serve as a juror for a cartoon contest unless they have extremely wide knowledge of all forms of cartooning. That usually means choosing cartoonists.

3) What is your opinion on ''Censorship i

n Cartoon?'' Should a cartoon be
restrictions on it? If yes, what is the borders of this?

No restrictions, please.

4) Also at recent periods we find more technically perfect cartoons, almost
close to ''illustration'' in definition and it seems they concern more plastic
art which replace the traditionally cartooning with simple lines. It is a reality
that there exists cartoonists/artists who produce on this track and who be very
successful too. Our concern is mostly on that the priority of humor -the gag or
the idea if you wish- stays in background. As it is known, the cartoon in definition is an
expression with ''least and original'' lines. Do you think so you too?

Yes, that is the tendency. In my view, the idea is always more important than artwork. Artwork should always be a secondary consideration when judging cartoons.

5) What kind of structures the cartoonists need to act in solidarity, organized
as a whole against lawsuits? We need your alternative suggestions in order to
create more strong cartoon unity, shoulder to shoulder, which will work
internationally. Do you have any suggestions?

A strong International Association of Cartoonists would be a start.

Best Regards,

Ted Rall
American Association of Editorial Cartoonists



  1. Konu serbest deðilse, belirli bir konu üzerinde çalýþmak, çizerlerin iþini kýsýtlýyor. Böyle bir zorlama, çizilecek konu yelpazesini bir anda azaltýyor. Haliyle çizilenler ayný konunun etrafýnda dönüp dolaþýyor. Birçok kiþi ayný konuyu didiklerse benzerler çýkacaðý kesindir. Bir film yarýþmasýnda belli bir konu þartý getirilmiyorsa, karikatür yarýþmalarýnda da belli bir konu þartý konmamalý. Konu kýsýtlamasý ister istemez tekrar ve benzer espiri olayýný körüklüyor.

    2- Karikatürün amacý daha büyük kitlelere ulaþmak deðil midir? Kesinlikle iletiþim çaðýnýn gereði olan internet üzerinden sanal galeri ile halk oylamasý yapýlmalýdýr. Sonuçta 5-10 kiþilik karikatür jürisi yerine daha fazla insanýn seçmesi daha demokratik deðil mi.? Artý karikatürcü sayýsý az olan jüriler de ayrý bir konu. Zaten iyi olan hakkýný alýr. Eðer benzeri daha önce yapýldýysa yine ayný yönden tartýþma platformu açýlabilir, örnekler ortaya konabilir.

    3- Çizgi de sansür olmamalýdýr. Ýsteyen digital ortamda çizer isteyen elde. Önemli olan kiþinin kendi fikri olmasý bir yerlerden aþýrýlmamasýdýr.Ýþ ahlaký diye bir þeye sahip olmayan bir gün mutlaka ortaya çýkar ve payýný alýr.

    4- Adama "Dur kardeþim buraya kadar boya, bundan ötesi illustrasyona giriyor" da diyemezsiniz ama...Bu konuda eserler ayrýlmalýdýr. Kimse kusura bakmasýn, onlar mizah unsuru içeren illustrasyonlar. Ayný yarýþmada görsellik alanýnda tabii ki öne geçiyorlar, Kesinlikle ayrý bir kategoride yer almalýdýrlar. Karikatür ve mizahi illustrasyon diye.

    5- Dünyada hangi örgüt çalýþanlarýnýn haklarýný koruyabiliyor? Varsa üye olacaðým da...


1) World Cartoon, especially when we are thinking on "subject with humor,"
have a stoppage. Almost without any researches we are working on a very
first idea that comes to our mind. The result of this ends with similar
cartoons. Do you think, we need to solve this problem? What can be done?

There is nothing to do about that. The mind can produce similar ideas. Humour is not special but universal. Sometimes cartoonists in different countries (far away from each other) can produce cartoons with the same ideas. If a cartoon is drawn in the same style and the same perspective, same colours etc, and it is proved that it is copied or stolen we have to inform organizers and cartoonists about that!

2) According to us, one of the biggest responsible of frequently appearance

of ''similar'' cartoons is jurors of the contests. In particular the jurors
who do not use the Internet as a medium votes for similar cartoons. We have
a suggestion to prevent similarities on cartoons: Just to exhibit all
submissions posted for contest in a digital gallery on the web site of the
arrangers. This can maintain a healthy result for the final cartoons. ''Don
Quichotte'' has already lunched this method for a while ago. Do you have any
different suggestions about this? It depend of the quality of the jury, but… it’s impossible to know and see all cartoons produced within a certain period. Be aware of not having a witch hunting….The mind can produce similar ideas. Humour is not special but universal.

3) What is your opinion on ''Censorship in Cartoon?'' Should a cartoon be

restrictions on it? If yes, what is the borders of this?

There is NO border. It is an interesting point to discus lively during a symposium with cartoonists around the world. How far can you go? Do you insult on purpose? It all depends on culture, democracy and religion. A cartoonist can never know in advance if he is insulting somebody or a group. He does not has a list near his drawing table with all kinds of forbidden jokes. It’s not the cartoonist who is a danger for freedom but those who felt hurt are a danger for freedom!

4) Also at recent periods we find more technically perfect cartoons, almost

close to ''illustration'' in definition and it seems they concern more
plastic art which replace the traditionally cartooning with simple lines. It
is a reality that there exists cartoonists/artists who produce on this track
and who be very successful too. Our concern is mostly on that the priority
of humour -the gag or the idea  if you wish- stays in background. As it is known, the cartoon in definitionis an expression with ''least and original'' lines. Do you think so you too?

It is the humour that counts. And the message that counts. Not the kind of drawing or painting or the style. Everybody, every cartoonist is FREE to produce his works in his personal way…

5) What kind of structures the cartoonists need to act in solidarity,

organized as a whole against lawsuits? We need your alternative suggestions
in order to create more strong cartoon unity, shoulder to shoulder, which
will work internationally. Do you have any suggestions?
Join FECO. Do not overreact. It is impossible to make one rule for all cartoonists around the world. We can break a lance, we can help, but it all depends on the structure and the rules and cultures is a certain country. We do have members is Christian countries, islamitic countries, Jewish countries, Hindu countries. The laws and rules are not the same; the freedom is not the same. Respect each others religions, culture or democracy. Draw the world together. There will always be some difference between nations.

Next FECO President General


Dear friends,

Firstly , I want to praise your love action and I will give your suggestion about this problem.So, I agree with you, comments on the site.

Yes, the cartoon is in quite another direction, not to gag, stunt and classic winner cartoons.All works most of the festival are simply more a kind of illustrations and humorous painting.Even less humorous.I m to succumb this direction in the last . I think it is time to go back a classic caricature.

Second, that the jury regards, I think that the problem is primarily in the inexpert members, lack of experience and poor knowledge of events on the world scene cartoons.Members of the jury should be people who have a large number of catalogs that I deal with this work at least more than two decades. Only so will the similarities and avoid plagiarism.

What is still very important, and you have not mention.Many festivals, especially the Polish and Brazilian artists and their force literally, there are hosts and winners! It is not good.The worlds Festivals must be in the right sense worlds.If it is not eligible for it, can not be called international?

In the end, even a lot of important festivals matter.All festivals should be competitive character, and that includes financial rewards. All or at the end of compete to win the trophy but and money.I think to some festivals, which provide financial rewards do not deserve any attention, and who misled for themselves that they are true artists should not be on them to participate. Behold, it would be my suggestion and my idea of things in the world festival caricatures. Nice regards to all, I hope that I contribute to the maker small shift in the status of cartoons and those who deal with this work.

Darko Drljevic


1) World Cartoon, especially when we are thinking on "subject with humor," have a stoppage. Almost without any researches we are working on a very first idea that comes to our mind. The result of this ends with similar cartoons. Do you think, we need to solve this problem? What can be done?

Similar cartoons are easy to find, in my case I search very carfully for the concept, and that problem still gets for me in regular cases.

2) According to us, one of the biggest responsible of frequently appearance of ''similar'' cartoons is jurors of the contests. In particular the jurors who do not use the Internet as a medium votes for similar cartoons. We have a suggestion to prevent similarities on cartoons: Just to exhibit all submissions posted for contest in a digital gallery on the web site of the arrangers. This can maintain a healthy result for the final cartoons. ''Don Quichotte'' has already lunched this method for a while ago. Do you have any different suggestions about this?

My 2 last cartoons, don’t appear in the gallerys, I search and I don’t find it, but must be a misunderstanding between the parts involved. 

3) What is your opinion on ''Censorship in Cartoon?'' Should a cartoon be restrictions on it? If yes, what is the borders of this?

The cartoon must be restricted about violence, the cartoon doesn’t have to be converted in harcore, gore, cartoons, that’s mi case.

Anyways a little action doesn´t hurt nobody

4) Also at recent periods we find more technically perfect cartoons, almost close to ''illustration'' in definition and it seems they concern more plastic art which replace the traditionally cartooning with simple lines. It is a reality that there exists cartoonists/artists who produce on this track and who be very successful too. Our concern is mostly on that the priority of humor -the gag or the idea 

if you wish- stays in background. As it is known, the cartoon in definition is an expression with ''least and original'' lines. Do you think so you too?
Its not mi case

5) What kind of structures the cartoonists need to act in solidarity, organized as a whole against lawsuits? We need your alternative suggestions in order to create more strong cartoon unity, shoulder to shoulder, which will work internationally. Do you have any suggestions?

I suggest you meet in groups more often, do sketching in big screens for everyone to see.

Daniel Lotero-Colombia

1) World Cartoon, especially when we are thinking on "subject with humor,"
have a stoppage. Almost without any researches we are working on a very
first idea that comes to our mind. The result of this ends with similar
cartoons. Do you think, we need to solve this problem? What can be done?

In every contest there are similar cartoons, whatever the topic. The very first idea for a cartoonist may be the second one for another cartoonist. Nothing to do about that. But plagiarism is another question. I think that in case of plagiarism, involved cartoons are not cartoons of the same contest, but most of the time the copied cartoon is from a previous contest. And recently I have seen copied works from the past cartoonists like Bosc. It is important that the jurors know a lot of cartoons.

I think that a cartoonist as juror could be better at distinction between plagiarism and just similarity.

2) According to us, one of the biggest responsible of frequently appearance

of ''similar'' cartoons is jurors of the contests. In particular the jurors
who do not use the Internet as a medium votes for similar cartoons. We have
a suggestion to prevent similarities on cartoons: Just to exhibit all
submissions posted for contest in a digital gallery on the web site of the
arrangers. This can maintain a healthy result for the final cartoons. ''Don
Quichotte'' has already lunched this method for a while ago. Do you have any
different suggestions about this?

The digital gallery is a good idea. Sometimes, as cartoonist, I draw a cartoon for a contest, but before I send it, I see the same idea in a cartoon in the gallery online ; of course I don't send my cartoon (I'm often late...)

3) What is your opinion on ''Censorship in Cartoon?'' Should a cartoon be
restrictions on it? If yes, what is the borders of this?

For me, no subject is forbidden. But some cartoons are made with the aim of a provocation (most of the time in newspapers). That thing would be forbidden.

4) Also at recent periods we find more technically perfect cartoons, almost
close to ''illustration'' in definition and it seems they concern more
plastic art which replace the traditionally cartooning with simple lines. It
is a reality that there exists cartoonists/artists who produce on this track
and who be very successful too. Our concern is mostly on that the priority

of humour -the gag or the idea  if you wish- stays in background. As it is known, the cartoon in definitionis an expression with ''least and original'' lines. Do you think so you too?

The technic or the manner is separated from the humour question. You can see funny "illustrations", or not. You can see funny "simple cartoons", or not. The jury must decide, before the reception of the cartoons, if the technic is more important than humour, or the inverse.

5) What kind of structures the cartoonists need to act in solidarity,
organized as a whole against lawsuits? We need your alternative suggestions
in order to create more strong cartoon unity, shoulder to shoulder, which
will work internationally. Do you have any suggestions?

When cartoonists exchange ideas, like today, it is a very good way to act in solidarity.

Do you want that we publish some exchanges about these questions on the FECO website ?
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