1)In editorial cartoons, there have always been similarities, but they were not heeded much. This is not a problem of the “World’s Cartoons”; it is the contests’ and contestants’ problem, which cannot be solved by our current attitude. Our criteria should be updated. For that purpose, the history of similarity and contemporary criteria of other branches of fine arts should be analyzed.
For now, an attempt like below may be helpful:
The small differences between the terms like “Light Similarity”, “Parody”, “Variation”, “Heavy Similarity” and “Plagiarism” can be stated and defined; public decision can be made by discussions. They can be published as a guide and the juries, who want, can use it as reference.
2) In spite of the defects caused by the time limit for denunciation and difficulty of accessing the very old pieces; broadcasting the candidate pieces on the Internet must be used as a possibility. Supposedly, upcoming years will bring us more practical archiving and comparing facilities.
3)Other than the cartoonist himself, I cannot think of a force that is capable of a general censorship. Censorship is the fertilizer of cartoons.
4)Humor created with the help of photographs has become very easy and common. I think this fact will cause the duo of “feeble concept + illustrative technique” to fall out of favor. My opinion: “The real cartoon is plain cartoon”
5)The ones that did not find an opportunity to be a member of an organization until now won’t be able to do so of a new organization either. If we lean on today’s reality: Letting all the world know about the problems is enough. If an extraordinary organization is going to be designed, joining in shouldn’t be by membership fees and reactions shouldn’t be made by proclamations; all should be done by cartoons. DQ, can lead researching and developing, even building up and implementing such a system, it shouldn’t miss this honor.
Love and regards,
Eray Ozbek – Cartoonist
1) Editoryal karikatürlerde, benzerliklere evvel beri rastlanmış, ama fazla önemsenmemiştir. Bu sorun, “Dünya Karikatürü”nün değil, yarışmaların ve yarışmacı karikatürcülerin sorunudur ve bugünkü genel tavrımızla çözülemez. Ölçütlerimiz güncellenmelidir. Bunun için de diğer sanat dallarında, benzerliğin tarihçesinin ve bugünkü ölçütlerinin incelenmesi gerekir.
Gene de şimdilik, şöyle bir girişim yararlı olabilir: “Andırma”,“Nazire”,”Çeşitleme”,“Sakıncalı benzerlik”, “Çalıntılık” gibi nüanslar saptanarak tanımları yapılır, tartışmalarla bunlar üzerinde kamuoyu birliği ya da çoğunluğu sağlanır. Bunlar bir kılavuz olarak yayımlanır. İsteyen jüriler, bunu bir kaynak olarak kullanırlar.
2) Aday yapıtların internette yayınlanması, ihbar için bir süre konmasından ve çok eski yapıtlara erişim zorluğundan doğan eksiklerine karşın, kullanılması gereken bir olanaktır.
Belki önümüzdeki yıllar, bize daha pratik arşivleme ve karşılaştırma teknikleri sunacaktır.
3)Karikatürcünün kendi kendine uygulayacağı sansür dışında, genel bir sansür uygulayabilecek bir güç düşünemiyorum. Sansür, karikatürün gübresidir.
4)Fotoğraflardan yararlanılarak yapılan mizah, son derece kolaylaşmış ve yaygınlaşmıştır.
Kanımca bu olgu, ”zayıf espri + illüstratif teknik” ikilisinin gözden düşmesine yol açacaktır.
Kişisel düşüncem : “Asıl karikatür, yalın karikatürdür”
5)Bugüne dek ciddi bir örgüte üye olmaya imkan bulamayanlar, yeni bir örgüte de üye olamayacaklardır. Günümüzün gerçeğine yaslanırsak: Problemlerin tüm dünyaya duyurulması yeterlidir. Standart dışı bir örgüt tasarlanacaksa, katılım aidatla değil, tepkiler de bildirilerle değil, hepsi karikatürlerle olmalıdır. DQ, böyle bir sistemi araştırıp geliştirmenin, hatta kurup yürütmenin öncüsü olabilir, bu onuru kaçırmasın.
Sevgi ve saygilarimla.
Eray Özbek-Karikatürcü
Dear cartoonists,
We think that World Cartoon is not developing well. In particular, on the cartoon contests ''with a subject'' it is possible to come cross a lot of cartoons with a idea similar each other. Beside that lately the different cartoon contests have launched awards for similar works. We are facing frequently in anxiety that we consider less ethical values of doing cartoon. We have prepared some questions focussing all these concerns and aiming some important issues addressed to you. If you would be kind to write down some short answers to these questions we may do something to establish and to solve some problems we have today and even perhaps we could move further. So, What do you think about these questions?
1) World Cartoon, especially when we are thinking on "subject with humor" have a stoppage. Almost without any researches we are working on a very first idea that comes to our mind. The result of this ends with similar cartoons. Do you think, we need to solve this problem? What can be done?
- Yes, of course similarity is big problem in the field of cartooning. So it should be solved urgently. The ideas that comes to a cartoonist mind he / she draws. We cannot blame anyone for similarity, because one idea can be matched with others.
To overcome this problem One INTERNATIONAL DIGITAL GALLERY is required to avoid similarity.
2) According to us, one of the biggest responsible of frequently appearance of ''similar'' cartoons is jurors of the contests. In particular the jurors who do not use the Internet as a medium votes for similar cartoons. We have a suggestion to prevent similarities on cartoons: Just to exhibit all submissions posted for contest in a digital gallery on the web site of the arrangers. This can maintain a healthy result for the final cartoons. ''Don Quichotte'' has already lunched this method for a while ago. Do you have any different suggestions about this?
- There should be one single INTERNATIONAL COMMITTEE for cartoon selection. They will select the best cartoons for competations avoiding similarity.
3) What is your opinion on ''Censorship in Cartoon?'' Should a cartoon be restrictions on it? If yes, what is the borders of this?
- Censorship is not possible in cartoons because freedom of expression is a fundamental rights of an individual.
4) Also at recent periods we find more technically perfect cartoons, almost close to ''illustration'' in definition and it seems they concern more plastic art which replace the traditionally cartooning with simple lines. It is a reality that there exists cartoonists/artists who produce on this track and who be very successful too. Our concern is mostly on that the priority of humor -the gag or the idea if you wish- stays in background. As it is known, the cartoon in definition is an expression with ''least and original'' lines. Do you think so you too?
- Ya.. Cartoons should be drawn or awarded on specific category specified by the organizer.
5) What kind of structures the cartoonists need to act in solidarity, organized as a whole against lawsuits? We need your alternative suggestions in order to create more strong cartoon unity, shoulder to shoulder, which will work internationally. Do you have any suggestions?
- An INTERNATIONAL CARTOON UNION is required to bring all the cartoonist of the world together to give support in any problems. UNITY IS THE only solution to solve any problems.
Ashif Ahmed (India)
Dear Organisers,
Thanks for organizing this poll. Please find my answers below:
1) World Cartoon, especially when we are thinking on "subject with humor," have a stoppage. Almost without any researches we are working on a very first idea that comes to our mind. The result of this ends with similar cartoons. Do you think, we need to solve this problem? What can be done?
- By concluding the idea with the first most thought, unintentionally it ends up with similarity.
- To prevent this, I believe that every cartoonist shall have a pessimistic thought that the idea might have been produced by others. So, this thought will not kill the first most idea but will allow spend further more time in presenting the idea differently and in turn it gets improved as a novel idea.
2) According to us, one of the biggest responsible of frequently appearance of ''similar'' cartoons is jurors of the contests. In particular the jurors who do not use the Internet as a medium votes for similar cartoons. We have a suggestion to prevent similarities on cartoons: Just to exhibit all submissions posted for contest in a digital gallery on the web site of the arrangers. This can maintain a healthy result for the final cartoons. ''Don Quichotte'' has already lunched this method for a while ago. Do you have any different suggestions about this?
- “Don Quichotte” idea seems to be perfect. The filtered ideas need to be published before declaring prizes. At least the replications can be brought to notice by the viewers.
3) What is your opinion on ''Censorship in Cartoon?'' Should a cartoon be restrictions on it? If yes, what is the borders of this?
o Cartoon is the one and only effective weapon for criticizing the acts against society. So, censorship may subside the freedom of thinking.
4) Also at recent periods we find more technically perfect cartoons, almost close to ''illustration'' in definition and it seems they concern more plastic art which replace the traditionally cartooning with simple lines. It is a reality that there exists cartoonists/artists who produce on this track and who be very successful too. Our concern is mostly on that the priority of humor -the gag or the idea
if you wish- stays in background. As it is known, the cartoon in definition is an expression with ''least and original'' lines. Do you think so you too?
- Yes, this is an important aspect needs discussion.
- The technically advanced cartoons getting attraction over the simple least lined traditional cartoon.
- However both are important, so the organizers requested to keep two sections – one for technically advanced and other for traditionally least-lined.
5) What kind of structures the cartoonists need to act in solidarity, organized as a whole against lawsuits? We need your alternative suggestions in order to create more strong cartoon unity, shoulder to shoulder, which will work internationally. Do you have any suggestions?
- This can be achieved by a strong lead like “Don Quichotte”
Sairam Akundi
1-Dünya Karikatüründe ; Espiri-tema konusunda tıkanma olduğu fikrine katılmıyorum. Dünyanın her yerinde olan olayları , değişimleri , bilim , teknoloji , sosyal oluşumları yeterince izlememek , algılamamak bir tıkanmaya yol açabilir. Ayrıca karikatüristlerinde diğer alanlarda olduğu gibi uzmanlaştıkları bir ya da birkaç konu üzerinde çalışmaları halinde (tekrarların çoğalması gibi bir risk taşımasına karşın) bu sanata zenginlik kazandıracağı görüşündeyim. Birbirine benzer karikatürlerden çekinmek yerine , bu benzerlerin içinde en iyi yorum getiren eserin zaman içinde kalıcı olacağını düşünmek daha faydalı olacaktır. Buradaki ahlaki sorumluluk sanatçıya düşmektedir. Benzer nitelikte çalışmaları bilerek yapan kişin de karikatür sanatçısı olamayacağı aşikardır.
2-Karikatürün yarıştırılmasına temelden karşı olduğum için hangi çizimin diğer esere oranla daha değerli olduğuna (Yetkin Jüri Üyeleri İstisna) karar verebilecek olanın kim olduğunu da sorgulamak gerekir. Yarıştırmak sanatçının fikir dünyasına da sınırlama getirmektedir. Yarışma yerine sergi açmanın daha çok eserin bir araya getirilmesinin ödül gibi saptırıcı unsurlardan da temizlenerek profesyonel çizimci ile karikatür sanatı arasındaki mesafeyi belirgin hale getirmesi kolaylaşacaktır. Karikatürün diğer sanat dallarından farkı , en büyük ödülün ; tüm dünya kültürlerinde ve zaman içinde değişmeden aynı etkiyi verebilme gücüdür.
3-Buna karikatür denilemez. Ancak karikatürü sosyal sorumsuzluğa kalkan yapmamak koşulu ile.
4-Az ve öz çizgi esas unsur olsa da gelişen teknolojinin de katkısıyla karikatürde oldukça beğendiğim plastik kaygılı eserler ortaya çıkmaktadır. Esas olanın kullanılan teknikten ziyade evrenselliği ve zamana karşı dayanıklılığıdır.
5-En büyük güç karikatürün ve karikatüristin kendisidir. Bu tip cemiyetlenmenin sanatçının fikir alanında da kısıtlama yaratacağı düşüncesindeyim. Özgür düşünce özgür sanatçıda doğar.
Hüseyin Alparslan
1 - World of Cartoons; Gag-theme is the idea of congestion do not agree. The events all over the world, change, science, technology, social formations do not watch enough, not detected can lead to a lockup. Moreover, as in other areas of professional cartoonists into work on one or a few issues (such as multiplication of a risk again, but moving) in the opinion that art will gain wealth. To pull together instead of similar cartoons, the best interpretation of this is similar to the time the work would be more useful to think there will be permanent. The moral responsibility to go to artists. I know people who do similar work in the comic artist that is not obvious.
2 - from foundation to compete against the cartoons in the drawing of which is more valuable than in other works (Exception authority of the jury members) may decide that the question should be who you are from. Race is to protect the artist's ideas in the world. Competition for a place to exhibit the work of opening more such as the award of the deflector elements are cleaned by a professional cartoon art designer make the distance between the easy-to-become evident. Cartoon art different from the other, the greatest prize of all world cultures and change over time is the power to give the same effect.
3 - This cartoon also incommunicable. However, the social irresponsibility of the cartoons to avoid making a shield with the condition.
4 - Beginner and equity lines may be essential elements in developing the technology contributed cartoons are quite likely to occur the plastic concerned work. Essentially the technique rather than the use of universality and time is against the resistance.
5 - The biggest strength is their cartoons and cartoonists. This type of community consensus in the field restriction artists will create in the mind. Free thinking in a free artist was born.
you are right. Recent events in the Cartoon Contest World left many cartoon fans unhappy and disappointed. We became witnesses of the growing number of cartoon similarities, prize cancellations, mutual accusations, suspicion etc.
So answering to your questions 1, 2
The topic of similarities preventing is very close to my heart because I'm a victim of one of the bravest cases of this phenomenon in nowadays cartoon (see on your site).
It's enough to exhibit only 20-30 final candidates for prizes.
It was proposed by A. Feldshteyn on behalf of our International Cartoonists’ Club CARTUNION:
"… Prescreening of a certain number of best chosen cartoons. Placing these drawings on any site, announced in the Rules and Regulation, will allow the cartoonists’ community to discuss their originality. This will help the Jury to choose only original and new ideas.
We are also convinced that comparing the dates of the first publication (web site, newspaper, cartoon contest etc) is the best way to establish the priority of the author"...
We just have a positive experience with this method.
Answering to your question 3:
It's impossible to restrict any borders. The solution depends on the concrete case.
Exhibition of the submissions (see the previous section) may solve this problem too.
Answering to your question 4:
The cartoon in definition is an expression but not only. Cartoon is the piece of art so it must be harmonic and it must be matching between form and idea (gag). Another thing, it's not fair to dictate to cartoonist the graphic form of his creation.
I agree that this is a big problem because it gives pretty opportunities to duplicators to stoll old good ideas created in simple form, under the coverage of new "technically perfect" form.
Indeed the gag or the idea must stay in background with ''least and original'' but don't forget: simple but professional lines. It's very important not to mix up simplicity with poor drawing.
Answering to your question 5:
A number of such organizations exist but they can't have teeth.
Boris Erenburg
1) Each artist life and society, trying to understand international reality, and political procedure. Through the exchange of humor and hopes the proposal stops . I find it normal that some cartoons semilaires . the large number of artists interested in the subjects of the competitions. what I propose is to encourage artists to grow and to inform. without encouraging plagiarism cartoon helps the artist's preoccupation with the movements of people and society and the registration of all that is strange and Tarif, to carry through that society's concerns and preoccupations of the interactions of conflicting and diverse in the many contradictions Address social issues in ways contrary to the others and cynical excuse the rudeness of speech and expression and the crafts of the strip and expose the hidden reality
2) The times in which we glorify the image and used in all areas of work, especially advertising, networking and communication. The artist used the image to explain the new subjects, and the development of symbols and signs roots and to preserve the visual heritage and to promote the traditional creators.
3) Official does not accept Cartoons This is understandable, because it exposes the behavior and he is a direct. I believe that the painter need a strong Arab cunning use his ideas in the passage, and thus working on the development of this art and to ensure its survival. Cartoon is d the least risk, to expose the misconduct of officials and persons in the public
I think what the artist is happy in his life is the real progress of democracy in his country, it opens the door for criticism and analysis of the achievements of the various officials and make welcome cartoons it is a lot of humor and joy in the hearts of everyone. There is the art of the standard Termumitr democracy.
Suggested that a special file to respond to harassment and censorship and strong participation by all, especially artist of word
4) I take it that all the visual arts and an important means of expression, especially the plastic ones, because they are interested in photos: The most influential medium in the present era. The art of cartoons offensive means as well as helping the artist to engage people and community movements and the recording of all that is strange and TARIF to carry through that concerns society and in the interactions of conflicting concerns and contradictions in the varying
Painting portrait cartoons, the most powerful tools at all. The Art of Cartoons Abstainer easy. By means of simple tools and limited space to work, means of dissemination through traditional media, writers or tv modern technological tools such as television and computer, the artist to reach the most remote villages in the world. If the attention it deserves cartoons relieved of many of the means of expression and other audio and visual chatter and Bray and use of this phrase.
5) In the society that does not accept the criticism of referees and officials for their actions, it is difficult or impossible, to have recourse to the art of direct political cartoonists. Some painters prefer charges comic expression and set of tapes, where characters are recruited from the creativity, which are critical of some of the crises and shortcomings of the society .
Painting portrait cartoons, the most powerful tools at all. The Art of Cartoons Abstainer easy. By means of simple tools and limited space to work, means of dissemination through traditional media, writers or tv modern technological tools such as television and computer, the artist to reach the most remote villages in the world. If the attention it deserves cartoon relieved of many of the means of expression and other audio and visual chatter and Bray and use of this phrase.
Mohamed Alafia
1) Dünya karikatüründe, özellikle “espri-tema” konusunda bir tıkanma söz konusu. Konu üzerinde fazla araştırma yapmadan ilk akla gelen espriyi kağıda döküyoruz. Bunun sonucunda da birbirinin
benzeri karikatürler türüyor. Sizce, bu sorunu çözmemiz için ne yapmalıyız?
Cevap: Büyük miktarlarda üretip, büyük miktarlarda tüketme çağında, sanatı da bu duruma uydurmaya çalışmak; tüketim odaklı düşünerek daha fazla veya daha farklı sanat eseri üretme mücadelesine girişmek, onu yozlaştırmaktan öteye geçemez. Öyle ki sonuçta, farklı olma kaygısıyla veya daha fazla üretme kaygısıyla içi boş sanat yapıtları ortaya çıkar. Çünkü sanat, asıl gücünü, buna zıt başka bir kaynaktan; özgürlükten alır.
Bir eseri, diğer bir eserle kıyaslamak, benzerlik kaygısına, üretememe kaygısına düşmek veya (eğer yarışma için çiziliyorsa) yeterli olamamaktan, yarışmayı düzenleyenin taleplerine yanıt verememekten korkmak sanatçıyı özgürlükten alıkoyar. Sanatçı bu tür şeyler için kaygılandığında, kendine ilham veren ruhu kaybeder. Sonuçta, düşünülmeyen, akla gelmeyen, çizilebilecek hiçbir şey kalmamış olduğunu zanneder.
Her birimiz benzer hayatları farklı yorumlayışlar şeklinde yaşadığımız gibi, sanat eserinde de önemli olan şey yorumdur. Aynı olay hakkında farklı yorumlar yapılabilir. Bir canlıyı, kendinden öncekine benziyor diye yok etmek nasıl etik değilse, bir sanat eserini de kendinden öncekine benziyor diye karalamak uygun değildir. Önemli olan, eserin gerçekten sanatsal bir öze sahip olup olmaması ve kendinden öncekine yeni bir şeyler katıp katamadığıdır. Sırf bir yarışma kazanmak veya takdir toplamak için, sanatsal değeri düşük yorumlar (çizimler) yapılması, geçmişteki eserleri, bunlara bir şey katmaksızın taklit etmekten öte gidilememesi elbette ki üzücüdür. Ancak bu tip çalışmalar zaten ilk bakışta kendisini belli eden, cılız, kuru çalışmalardır. Takdir yeteneği kuvvetli bir göz, zaten bu tip bir sanat taklidini eler. Dolayısıyla bu tür çizerler de kendiliğinden yok olmaya adaydırlar.
Burada asıl önemli olan şey; hakkıyla sanatını icra etmek isteyen, bunun için yanıp tutuşan yetenekli sanatçıları diğerleri arasından sıyırıp ön plana çıkaracak mekanizmanın teşkil edilebilmesidir. İyi ile kötüyü birbirinden ayırabilecek tarafsız bir sistem yaratılabilirse, ne espri-tema konusunda bir tıkanmadan, ne de benzerliklerden bahsetmeye gerek kalmaz.
2) Bizce “Benzer” karikatürlerin sıkça ortaya çıkmasının en büyük sorumlularından biri de yarışma jurileri. Özellikle internet ortamını kullanmayan karikatürcülerin oluşturduğu jurilerin belirlediği sonuçlarda “benzer” karikatürlere sıkça rastlıyoruz.
“Benzer” karikatürlerin önlenmesi için bizim bir önerimiz var. Yarışmayı düzenleyen kurumların internet sitelerinde gelen karikatürler bir sanal galeride yarışma süresince yayınlanmalı. Böylelikle finale kalan karikatürlerin ödüllendirilmesi daha sağlıklı olur. “Don Quichotte” yarışmalarında da bu yöntemi
uyguluyoruz zaten. Sizin farklı bir öneriniz var mı?
Cevap: Salt maddi kazanç arzusu, sanatın ruhuna aykırıdır. Bunlar aynı yerde barınamaz. Bununla birlikte yarışmalar, karikatür sanatının yayılması, daha çekici hale getirilebilmesi ve sanatçıların maddi sıkıntılar içinde kaybolmasının önlemesi bakımından gerekli olabilmektedir. Sanatçının asıl ödülü kendini gösterebilme imkanı yakalamasıdır. Çünkü sanat, sanatçı açısından, tıpkı konuşmak gibi kendini anlatma işidir. Dolayısıyla, her şeyden önce tüm eserlerin internet sitelerinde yayınlanması, o eserlerin gün yüzüne çıkarılıp, olabildiğince çok insanın beğenisine sunulması şarttır. Bu aynı zamanda jürinin sonradan yapacağı seçimlerde de hakkaniyetli davranmasını kısmen de olsa temin eder. Kısacası iyi ve kötü çizerlerin elenmesi gibi, iyi ve kötü jüri de bu yola elenecektir. Çünkü haksızlığa uğradığını düşünen çizerler o yarışmayı, yarışmayı
düzenleyen kişi veya kurumu, o yarışmada yer alan jüriyi zamanla terk eder. Burada önemli olan şey, jürinin değişkenliği ve çeşitliliğidir. Tıpkı karikatürlerin internet sitelerinde sergilenmesi gibi, hangi jüri üyesinin hangi karikatürü seçtiği, hangi karikatüre kaç puan verdiği isme göre bu sitelerde açıklanmalıdır.
Bu güne kadar yayınlanmış, üretilmiş karikatürlerin bulunduğu, tüm karikatüristlerin ve jürinin erişebileceği bir karikatür bankasının yaratılması da tüm bunlara ilave edilebilir.
3) “Çizgide Sansür” konusunda ne düşünüyorsunuz. Karikatürde bir kısıtlama olmalı mı? Olmalıysa bunun sınırı ne olmalı?
Cevap: Sansür, kaygının ürünüdür. Kaygı ise sanat ile bağdaşmaz. Hiçbir kısıtlama olması gerektiğine inanmıyorum.
4) Yine son dönemlerde karikatürün salt çizgiyle anlatımının yerini, plastik kaygının ağır bastığı “illüstrasyon”a yakın bir tekniğin aldığını görüyoruz. Bu doğrultuda üreten ve oldukça başarılı olan karikatürcülerin olduğu bir gerçek. Ancak kaygımız, öncelikli olması gereken “espri”nin ikinci planda kalması. Bilindiği gibi, karikatürün açılımı “az ve öz çizgiyle” ifade etmektir. Sizce de öyle mi?
Cevap: Karikatür sanatını gerektiği gibi icra edenlerin daima sıyrılıp hak ettiği yere ulaşacağına inanıyorum.
5) Dünya karikatürcülerinin örgütlü ve karikatüre karşı açılan davalarda bir bütün halinde hareket edebilmesi için ne gibi bir yapılanmaya gereksinim vardır? Uluslar arası platformda daha güçlü bir karikatürcü dayanışması için önereceğiniz alternatif düşüncelerinize ihtiyacımız var.
Yanıt: Bilgi çağında, özellikle de sanat insanlarının entelektüel olduğu varsayımı göz önüne alındığında örgüt kurmak için mekana, dersliklere, slogan atılacak meydanlara ihtiyaç yoktur. Bilgiyi yaymak ve herkesi bu bilgi akışının üyesi yapmak yeterlidir. Olabildiğince çok insanı kapsamalıdır.
Dear cartoonists,
We think that World Cartoon is not developing well. In particular, on the cartoon contests ''with a subject'' it is possible to come cross a lot of cartoons with a idea similar each other. Beside that lately the different cartoon contests have launched awards for similar works. We are facing frequently in anxiety that we consider less ethical values of doing cartoon. We have prepared some questions focussing all these concerns and aiming some important issues addressed to you. If you would be kind to write down some short answers to these questions we may do something to establish and to solve some problems we have today and even perhaps we could move further. So, What do you think about these questions?
1) World Cartoon, especially when we are thinking on "subject with humor" have a stoppage. Almost without any researches we are working on a very first idea that comes to our mind. The result of this ends with similar cartoons. Do you think, we need to solve this problem? What can be done?
I believe that competition for cartoons with themes proposed to continue yes, but certainly, when there is a specific theme, chances to be created similar cartoons are very small, avoiding a headache for the jury. All competitions graphic humor should have a free category, parallel to the main theme and the proposed tender with abstracts should be more valued.
2) According to us, one of the biggest responsible of frequently appearance of ''similar'' cartoons is jurors of the contests. In particular the jurors who do not use the Internet as a medium votes for similar cartoons. We have a suggestion to prevent similarities on cartoons: Just to exhibit all submissions posted for contest in a digital gallery on the web site of the arrangers. This can maintain a healthy result for the final cartoons. ''Don Quichotte'' has already lunched this method for a while ago. Do you have any different suggestions about this?
Firstly I believe that any juror should be someone, after all, quite ready for this role. Must have extensive experience with cartoons, humor to chart as a whole, to give their vote to justice. The idea to create a digital gallery with all the work entered is worthwhile because it will detect possibly similar cartoons. As a suggestion, could create within the group of judges of the competition, an area of "foreign participation", where a juror renowned, with extensive experience in the industry, from anywhere in the world, that is not part of the jury, but, with your experience, note that the gallery of digital submissions, there is a cartoon similar to a previous competition, and that has proven true to this similarity, can contact the board responsible for competition and warn about the problem.
3) What is your opinion on ''Censorship in Cartoon?'' Should a cartoon be restrictions on it? If yes, what is the borders of this?
The word "censorship" may seem very radical in certain situations, but I am particularly against cartoons that hits a particular culture, race, people or exploiting the sex appeal, the sex commonplace with ordinary designs, often pornographic, because thousands of children, throughout the world are passionate about cartoons and can grow with a distorted idea about these issues.
4) Also at recent periods we find more technically perfect cartoons, almost close to ''illustration'' in definition and it seems they concern more plastic art which replace the traditionally cartooning with simple lines. It is a reality that there exists cartoonists/artists who produce on this track and who be very successful too. Our concern is mostly on that the priority of humor -the gag or the idea if you wish- stays in background. As it is known, the cartoon in definition is an expression with ''least and original'' lines. Do you think so you too?
I fully agree. I am fan of different cartoonists / artists who use this style, but more interesting and I admire the traditional cartoons, with features comical, funny, with huge noses, with lines bereft, even in black and white, but, above all, make us smile and face the problems with a little joy, but without losing its role, often critical and informative.
5) What kind of structures the cartoonists need to act in solidarity, organized as a whole against lawsuits? We need your alternative suggestions in order to create more strong cartoon unity, shoulder to shoulder, which will work internationally. Do you have any suggestions?
I believe we should provide opportunities and forums for humor, even if virtual, so cartoonists from all over the world can discuss their problems, present their views, make suggestions and, above all, get to know a little more, creating bonds of friendship and cooperation.
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